science experiment – 3

Sugared Water vs. Plain Water What will Evaporate Faster? Experiment Conducted by: Alan 5/1

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Science Experiment – 3

Science Experiment – 3Sugared Water vs. Plain WaterWhat will Evaporate Faster?

Experiment Conducted by:

Alan 5/1

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Introduction Aim of the Experiment

To find out which will evaporate faster; Sugared water or plain water

My Hypothesis I believe that plain water will evaporate faster than sugared water

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Apparatus needed

A Beaker

2 Identical cups with the same surface area

A container containing


The only variable that is changed is that 1 glass contains sugar while the other doesn’t

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Steps to do an experiment

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Pour some water into the

beaker. Preferably 200 ml. Pour

the same amount into both

glass. Both amt. of water in

each glass must be the same.

Preferably 200 ml each.

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Mark each glass A and B. Then

decide which glass you want to

pour sugar into. In my case, I

put sugar into glass A.

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Pour all the sugar in the

container into the glass that you

have chosen to put sugar into.

Then stir it well.

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Then, mark the water level. This

part can be very tricky, but you

will have to do it right. If not,

your experiment can fail.

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This will be the most longest

and final step. You will have to

leave the glass jar overnight or

longer for better results. In my

case, I’m leaving it for 24 hrs.

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Conclusion and Explanation Conclusion

Glass A has a slightly higher water level than Glass B.

From this, we can conclude that plain water can evaporate faster than sugared water.

Explanation Water is colourless and odorless, and

sugar water is made by dissolving sugar into water. Sugar can absorb water from the atmosphere, and this can stall evaporation. Less energy is required to evaporate water than sugar water when the conditions are constant and there is a significant amount of sugar in the sugar water.

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