school/parish fundraiser · school/parish fundraiser as you can see our driveway is looking rather...


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Page 1: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish
Page 2: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish

Grow future focussed , resilient learners—build

confident, resilient, culturally connected learners

and enhance partnerships—whanaungatanga.


As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired

and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use

to our school and parish of course! We are going

to be part of a fundraiser to get some $$$ towards

this. Spread the word and come along for a fun

night with a delicious dinner. Set aside Saturday 6th

October at the Dalmation Hall. We have an

auction so appreciate any new items that you can

donate to this cause.


We are excited to take part in the “Colour Run” in

Kaitaia next term and invite our whanau to enjoy

us. What a fantastic way to take part in something

that is positively healthy, participating with our kids

and great fun! If you would like to take part,

please let us know.


Our theme this year is “Diversity”. The students are

learning that God created us to be unique and to

appreciate our diversity. Like our body needing all

parts, we need each other too. The homily from

Father Carlo last weekend talked a lot about

kindness. If in doubt, be kind. What a wonderful

philosophy for us to take when interacting with



We had lots of fun with TeReo Maori throughout

the school. Mihi’s are now confidently being

shared, and our students had fun with new words

and greetings. Ask you child, or share a new one

with us too! Matua Wiremu is working with our

kapa haka group and they sound amazing! Watch

this space for sharing.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend. Many


Kathryn Carey (Principal)

Greetings, Kia Ora, Talofa, Bula Vinaka, Konnichi wa, Dobrodošli, Sawa dee, Failte

The final newsletter for term 3! What a wonderful

term it has been for our students and their learning,

even though we have been battling illness from all

angles. Thank you for supporting us through such a

challenging term regarding this.


We are currently preparing for our “roll out” to

our three senior classes for the opportunity to

purchase your own chrome book. The paperwork

begins in term 4. Remember, if you have any

queries please speak to your child’s teacher or pop

in and see me. It is such an exciting opportunity

for you our whanau to have affordable device

purchasing options.

Our pilot classrooms now have a new facilitator

Venessa Davan. This week the focus was on

animations. Check out the classroom blogs to see

some wonderful links to our science focus using



As a school we are thinking ahead to 2019 and our

strategic planning. If you have any ideas or

considerations that you would like to put forward,

please do not hesitate to flick me an email, a

telephone call or pop in. We will be continuing

with our key areas:

Enhance leaders of learning—grow student centred

learning where topics are authentic and enthusiasm

is led by the students to enhance engagement and

learning outcomes through the NZ curriculum.

Grow leadership—grow great leaders based on

student outcomes

Special points of interest:

Conservation Week 17-21 Sept

Mercy Week 24-28 Sept

Fundraiser Saturday 6th Oct

21 September 2018 Week 9 Term 3

Page 3: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish

“There but for the grace of God, go I”

You may or may not have heard this saying before. My uncle

was fond of saying it particularly when hearing of other’s

misfortunes. He always meant it as a form of empathy for

those in times of trouble and of thanks to God that he himself

was blessed to not have experienced the same difficulties.

The saying itself is attributed to an English evangelical

preacher and martyr from the 16th century, John Bradford,

who was, at the time of it’s utterance, said to have been

watching criminals being led to the scaffolds to be executed

for various crimes against the state. Interestingly enough, he

himself was martyred in 1555 for the crime of being of a

different sect of Christianity from England’s Queen at that

time, Mary Tudor.

For me, however, that saying suggests we are passive in our

relationship with God. That somehow, we are subjects to

whimsy or fate as the ancient Greeks would’ve described it.

My view of how we should approach God is more along with

St Paul’s ideals as he lays them out in his letter to the


“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”

Romans 8:14,

When I reflect back on the major decisions that I have had to

make in my life, I clearly see the influence that God has had

on those times and the positions that I’ve found myself in.

Each new opportunity or direction in which I have chosen to

move in my life has been in response to an invitation from

the Spirit, whether I recognised or not at the time.

Jesus constantly invites us to respond the call of his Spirit.

To look for and to recognise the choices that God would

have us make. Those choices are not always easy either, in

last Sunday’s Gospel Peter is rebuked by Jesus for the very

human response of not wanting Jesus to die.

John Bradford is said to have chosen to accept his death

sentence willingly, asked for forgiveness from all he

wronged, and forgave all who had wronged him.

I am by no means suggesting we look for martyrdom as a

way to serve God, but instead that we might look to find ways

in which we might see the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.

God Bless, Phil






Te Kahu

Keita Smith and Khloe Hokai

Kadence Kopae and

Louise Richards

Kaycee TeWake and Ricardo Spence-


Alex Mulholland and Will Wright

Poppy Ujdur and Marshall Molina

Andrew Kim and MacKenzie Knight

These are our star students for the two weeks between

assembly celebrations. They have been “stars” of the

classroom and stood out for Resilience, Excellence,

Achievement, Co-operation and Holistic qualities. They

may have shown some of these characteristics or all of

them. Congratulations!!! They take home a Duffy book as

part of this award. If you would like to be our Duffy

Sponsor, please let us know.

Page 4: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish

PLEASE NOTE!! Can all drivers enter and leave our carpark from Dominion Road, so that our walkers are safe down the hill on to Eden Terrace and in the carpark. We are aiming to keep our pedestrians safe.

Whanau, let us always remember to show whanaungatanga at Pompallier. Help us to promote our values of

atawhai (mercy), aroha (love), pono (truth), and tika (integrity). Encourage our children to use these in all of their

actions with others. Share a smile, a helping hand. Be kind. Together we can create a school community which

is positive, helpful, caring, joyous and strong.

This calendar gives you an idea of what is coming up during the term. Put the dates somewhere important to remember them. Dates can change at times, so please check this calendar each newsletter. If there are last minute changes we will notify you by text, and add comments onto our school Facebook page. Make

sure you contact Helen in the office to ensure you are part of our “phone tree” and get the “Skool Loop” App for your phone with updates too!

A reminder, for safety of our children,

please drive slowly in the carpark. No child

is to leave the gate area unsupervised.

Please do not park in the yellow lines.

Sep/Oct 2018

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


10 24




Yr 5-8 Mini Hock-

ey Taipa




Last day of term



Wk1 15

First day of term 4

16 17

Kiwi Sport


NZ Shake Out Drill



20 21

Wk2 22



23 24 25

Duffy Show


Assembly 2pm

Colour Run

27 28

Wk3 29 30 31

Kiwi Sport

1 2


Zone Athletics

3 4

Wk4 5 6

7 8

Maths Lead



Assembly 2pm

10 11

Wk5 12 13 14

Kiwi Sport

15 16


Far North Athlet-


17 18

Wk6 19 20

Yr 3-6 Rippa

21 22 23

Assembly 2pm

Yr 7/8 Touch

24 25

Page 5: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish


We had great fun on Friday as we welcomed Riqi Harawira and his partner Flossie Drake as our Duffy Role

Model. Riqi shared his musical career and Maori instruments with us. He spoke about reading linking with

achievement to our students. Some wonderful questions were asked by our students and then we shared a

waiata with them both. Lots of fabulous fun as always. Each student took home their chosen Duffy book.

It was also a chance for us to thank Mrs Scutt for managing our Duffy books so well. We sponsor this

programme as a school as we think books are so important. If you would like to pick up this sponsorship, we

would absolutely love the support.

Cross Country Champions!

Congratulations to the Far North Cross Country

top 10 champions! These students were hugely

successful gaining a positon in this competition

held at Peria. We are really proud of you!

Placings as follows:

Lily Wells: 5th place (8 yr girls)

Arli Hokai—6th place (8 yr boys)

Calista Shanks: 3rd ( 9 yr girls absent from photo)

Therese Birch—7th (9 yr girls)

Ashton Hodgson Kimber—10th (12yr old girls)

Nathan Murray—9th (12 yr old boys)

A huge thank you for the parent/whanau support

this day, and of course to Emma Best who was

Whaea Emma for the day!

Page 6: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish

Mahi Tahi i Te Karaiti. To nurture and inspire

leaders of learning and excellence. Check out

our up and coming student leaders. Jaymee

created her own t-shirt bag for Mrs Carey and

these boys Corban, Caleb and Max, are part of

the Enviro Team who are planting and cultivat-

ing with Mrs Nicholls. We love the leaders in

our school who are aspiring to be kaitiaki for

creation. Ka pai to mahi!!!

Page 7: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish

We would love to take this

opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our new

students and their whanau! This term we welcome to PCS

Kiwi: Tyler Jecentho

Te Kahu: Liam Mulholland

It is always wonderful to see our school grow with such enthusiastic and

confident students! We know they will love being at PCS!

We have preference spaces available so

spread the word.

We are doing a stock take of our junior readers and books in the

school. Can you please check your bedrooms, bookshelves and spaces

for our school books. We need the sets of books for our groups and it

is very expensive to replace reading books. Please hand them back to

the classroom teacher as soon as possible to enable our stock take for

term 3 to take place. Thank you!

End of Day Safety

Please do not leave the carpark via the Eden

Terrace Hill. We are finding that it is

becoming very dangerous for our children if

the bus enters the driveway and the children need to walk across

the carpark (different bus drivers do different pick up points). Enter

and exit from Dominion Road ONLY! If the

teachers are supervising the children at exit

points, please stay parked until 3pm for safety

of all. Thank you.

Page 8: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish
Page 9: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish
Page 10: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish
Page 11: SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER · SCHOOL/PARISH FUNDRAISER As you can see our driveway is looking rather tired and worn out! Great that it is getting such high use to our school and parish