school goals– aspen park elementary

SCHOOL GOALS– ASPEN PARK ELEMENTARY EDTE 400 13 November 2009 Teresa Renaud-Rainville

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EDTE 400. School Goals– Aspen Park Elementary. 13 November 2009 Teresa Renaud-Rainville. The leader in me. We only get one chance to prepare our students for the future. What are we going to do with that one chance? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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13 November 2009Teresa Renaud-Rainville

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THE LEADER IN MEWe only get one chance to prepare our students for the future.What are we going to do with that one chance?

“As you teach these principles to young students, you will be creating a generation of leaders, one child at a time “

- Dr. Stephen R. Covey

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ABOUT THE LEADER IN METhe Leader in Me process helps develop the essential life skills and characteristics students need in order to thrive in the 21st century.

The Leader in Me is integrated into a school's core curriculum and everyday language so that it isn't "one more thing" teachers and administrators have to do. It becomes part of the culture, gaining momentum and producing improved results year after year, benefiting schools and students in the following ways:

•Develops students who have the skills and self-confidence to succeed as leaders in the 21st century. •Teaches and develops character and leadership through existing core curriculum.

•Raises levels of accountability and engagement among both parents and staff.

•Decreases discipline referrals.

•Improves academic achievement.

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The Leader In Me process also helps to create a common language within a school, built on proven principle-based leadership skills found in Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Aspen Park Elementary is promoting and practicing the Leader In Me process.

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Habit 4: Think Win-Win.


Can Win.

Habit 5:

Seek First to Understand, Then to be UnderstoodListen Before You Talk

Habit 2:Begin with the end in

mind.Have a Plan.

Habit 7:Sharpen the Saw

Balance Feels Best

Habit 3:

Put First Things First.Work First, Then Play.

Habit 1:Be


You’re in Charge

Habit 6:Synergiz


Together is


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Aspen Park Elementary aims to help every student develop their leadership potential; knowing that each student has a primary greatness that is ready to be spilling out. 

The entire school staff is also dedicating their professional development time to learning about the 7 habits and how to help kids develop their greatness.

The school plan is to implement the "7 Habits" developed by Stephen Covey with the students.  

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Each month at Aspen Park, the staff includes activities focusing on a specific habit throughout the entire school. 

The 7 habits are woven into classroom activities and routines, and there is a regular 7 Habits Time within the weekly schedule for working on the habits.  There are dynamic monthly assemblies and events to celebrate the learning and development.

Resources are available to help learn about the 7 habits at home.   

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Body Mind Hear



The foundation of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People .To have a well-balance life there must be a goal in each of these four areas.

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In addition to the Leader In Me program, Aspen Park also celebrates:

R-A-O-K - Random Acts of Kindness.

If other students or staff recognize something special that a student has done they can submit their name at anytime into a monthly draw for a small prize.

These students also receive a sticker that they place on a sign that hangs off their classroom door. The goal of each class is to have the most stickers.

This program is just another small way of acknowledging the hard work, dedication , and leadership qualities of the students at Aspen Park Elementary.

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With the reconfiguration of School District 71 in 2008, Village Park Elementary and Comox Elementary were closed. Both schools had rich cultures and long histories.

The student population and staff of these two schools were moved into Aspen Middle School. Renamed Aspen Park Elementary, the administration and staff set out to recreate a strong new school culture. The plan of Aspen Park is to become a Leader In Me school; with all of the staff becoming trained in the principles of the process, and students and families using the language and practicing The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It is the belief of Aspen Park that every child is a leader and the implementation of this program will help to facilitate that same belief within the students themselves.

There are dynamic assemblies each month that celebrate the learning. Recognition is given for the students that have done good for the school and each other.

Leadership is highly valued at Aspen Park Elementary.

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In the spring of 2010 myself and theOther student teachers have beeninvited to participate in the teachertraining for the 7 habits.

It is with this training that I hope to beable to carry the principles of theprogram into my own classroom andinto the culture of the schools I willeventually work for.

I will teach the students one habit permonth as they do at Aspen Elementary, encourage its use in the class and athome, and use the principles in my ownpractice as a teacher.

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Habit 1: Be Proactive

To be proactive, in the classroom I will: • Anticipate challenges students are likely to face and plan for their solution. • Initiate a dialogue with as many parents as possible, early in the year. • Gather sufficient information about the students in order to meet their needs. • Organise an initial parent class meeting that achieves multiple objectives. • Follow up promptly on parent inquiries for information.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind To begin with the end in mind, I will use these approaches to my teaching:

• Identify the prescribed learning outcomes for each subject • Develop richer assignments that lead to the achievement of these outcomes, that are relevant to students' lives. • Provide detailed, eye-appealing material for parents that clearly explain prescribed outcomes.• Develop assessment tools before course material is addressed.

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Habit 3: Put First Things First

Here is how I will put first things first:

• Develop a detailed agenda for each class meeting that includes time parameters. • Address critical learning objectives early in the class meeting while parents are most receptive. • Develop assignments that foster students' understanding content of the material. • Dedicate class time to content on which students will be evaluated. • Communicate regularly with parents to provide reinforcement and clarification of upcoming classroom events.Habit 4: Think Win/Win By thinking win/win with my students I will regularly do the following:

• Provide positive feedback to students in front of their peers. • Be flexible with assignments to enhance students' mastery of learning outcomes. • Prepare students thoroughly for assessments. • Foster performance by reviewing a scoring rubric for each assignment. • Provide prompt, individualized feedback on assignments. • Talk regularly with students about their progress.

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Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

I will seek first to understand and then to be understood by facilitating these concepts:

• Use a student profile form, to gather useful information on each student. • Employ the form throughout the year, noting key points for sharing with parents. • View students' various characteristics, experiences, and attitudes as potential enriching elements of the classroom environment. • Use vocabulary and examples to which my students can relate. Habit 6: Synergize

Achieving synergy requires embracing the first five habits to draw students in and to make the year an individualized learning event. To synergize, I can:

• Draw out students' experiences that relate to classroom topics. • Link assignments and discussions to students' real-world lives. • Employ small groups of students to focus on learning goals. • Encourage out-of-class study groups. • Create a community that celebrates the unique nature of learning.

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Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

As a continuously developing educator I can "sharpen the saw“ by: • Establish mentoring relationships with effective veteran teachers. • Mentor a student; regularly discussing effective teaching strategies. • Annually read a well-received book on teaching and learning practices. • Make use of professional development days, discussion groups, and related resources.


I can celebrate the Random Act of Kindness thinking by:

• Recording such acts and rewarding with a certificate at report time or a weekly take-home note to parents.

• Have a Random Acts of kindness week where as a class we do something kind every day like: o make cards for soldiers in Afghanistan o make a lemon aid stand and give it out for free to the neighbours of

the school o or a free car wash for passersby.