school activities achievements photo...

School Activities Achievements Photo Gallery 3 rd Issue Diva Alifta Chandra Nagoya University, Japan M. Daffa Shafy Loggery, Tokyo International University, Japan Muhammad adib Habibi HELP University, Malaysia M. Eri Mushthofa Penn State University, USA Naila Zaafira Wilson University of Washington, USA

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Page 1: School Activities Achievements Photo · The effort of Kharisma Bangsa School has to make more achievements in the future

School Activities Achievements Photo Gallery

3rd Issue

Diva Alifta ChandraNagoya University, Japan

M. Daffa Shafy Loggery, Tokyo InternationalUniversity, Japan

Muhammad adib Habibi HELP University, Malaysia

M. Eri MushthofaPenn State University,


Naila Zaafira Wilson University of

Washington, USA

Page 2: School Activities Achievements Photo · The effort of Kharisma Bangsa School has to make more achievements in the future

Jl. Terbang Layang No. 21 Pondok Cabe, Kota Tangerang Selatan - Banten 15418


021-742 7122/021-742 7139

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.Thank you to the presence of God Almighty who has bestowed us brilliant ideas and is able to present them in the third Newsletter of the Kharisma Bangsa School School of Global Education. This letter is created in order to share information about school activities that have been going well. Hopefully this information is useful both for students, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders.

As a form of dedication to the development and progress of education, especially in Indonesia, we are aware that we must continue to improve ourselves by pre-senting learning programs and activities that can develop the potential of Kharis-ma Bangsa students, both in academic and non-academic fields, such as student council activities, SMABA/Kharisma Bangsa School Basketball Club, The Depart-ment of National Science Olympiad and other Extracurricular Clubs are gathered in this journal. Of course we are all very proud of the programs that have been achieved so far and the programs that have been maximized but have not met the target. The effort of Kharisma Bangsa School has to make more achievements in the future will not stop as long as opportunities and challenges unfold.

As a hope, hopefully with the emergence of innovative programs that bring out creative and superior students can inspire our students and others to advance and work for our nation. We from the board of the Kharisma Bangsa School would like to thank many students, coaches, teachers and staff who have worked hard and parents of students who always support both morally and materially. Lastly, the success that has been achieved to this day does not mean the final tar-get, but it is the beginning of a struggle. May the success achieved by the Kharis-ma Bangsa School benefit many people and blessings for the world of education.

Best Regards,

Sandra Susanto, M.Pd. I.Middle School Principal of Kharisma Bangsa


Sandra Susanto, M.Pd. I.

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GLARISA CUP is an annual external event held by students of Kharisma Bangsa.This year’s GLARISA CUP was held from March 16th to April 6th on weekends.

The event provided 7 competitions from academics and sports to creativity. The students participated in the following competitions: football, basketball 3x3, basketball 5x5,

ratoh jaroe traditional dance, English speech, English debate and last but not least, mural painting. The event successfully hosted over 600 participants around Jabodetabek.

The 13th KBDAY, which is the anniversary of Kharisma Bangsa School was held back on April 6th and was in collaboration with GLARISA CUP 2019 closing ceremony. The event was filled with performances from

Elementary, Junior, Senior High and even alumni.

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RMM (Romanian Master of Mathematic), one of the most prestigious Math Com-petition in International Level. This year it was held from February 20th-26th, 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. Farrel Dwireswara and Alfian Edgar were chosen as repre-sentatives of Indonesia among other 6 representatives from other schools. Alfi-an got Bronze medal, and Farrel got Hon-orable Mention Award in this competition.

Congratulations to our students represented Kha-risma Bangsa Elementary school to join the Inter-national Math Challenge VIII (IMC VIII), March 9th-11th, 2019 at Rangsit University Bangkok.IMC Category 1Team 1: Altamiz, Nadyn and Rafi won the 2nd place. (Silver medalists)

Individual Category 1:Isbilya Nathifa Erindra (Silver Medalist)Altamiz Muhammad Marsudi (Silver Medalist)Muhammad Rafi Qsan B (Bronze Medalist)Nadyn Ufairah (Bronze Medalist)Saisha Sakina Arudya (Honorable Participant)Alif Syauqi Bagaskara (Honorable Participant)

800 participants of 53 schools from 22 coun-tries participated in Math Challenge andRobotic Challenge.

Romanian Master of Mathematics(RMM)

International Math Challenge(IMC) 2019

Indonesian ScienceProject Olympiad(ISPO) 2019

Anastasya Azzahra & Tiara SalsabilaBronze Medals

(Social Science Project)

Shanika Chandani J. & Titi UlayaHonourable Mentions

(Physics Project)

February 24th, 2019



1st place in environmental speech competition for High School

2nd place in environmental speech competition for High School

Appraisal for Trash Bank from South Tangerang

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Olimpiade Seni &Bahasa Indonesia

OSEBI 2019

Hanoi Open MathematicsCompetition (HOMC) 2019


Farrel Dwireswara S. (Gold Medal)Luthfi Bima Putra (Silver Medal)

Hanoi Open Mathematics Competition (HOMC) was held from April 2nd–6th, 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Farrel got Gold

Medal and Luthfi got Silver Medal.

TZORFAS is a Science and Math com-petition held by Insan Cendekia Madani School from April 6th-14th, 2019. For Sci-ence Branch, our students got 1st place and 2nd place : Annabelle Qetsyah, Kalila Putri and Jasmine Lianna (1st Place) and Andias Alfitra, Danish Muhammad, M. Az-raf Repol (2nd place). For Math Branch, we got 2nd place: Nabila Paramitha, Nabila

Aurelia and Fawzia Kamila.

Sonic Linguistics (SONLIC) held by MAN Insan Cendekia from February 19th-23rd, 2019.

Math - Individual1. M. Ali Zainal Abidin (1st place)2. Luthfi Bima Putra (3rd place)

Science - Team1. Azraf, Andias & Danish (1st place)

2. Annabele, Kalila & Sulaiman (2nd place)

Jasmine Lianna AthirahBronze MedalShort Story Writing

Muhamad Nabil AlhanifSilver Medal

Short Story Writing

SMABA Junior / 1st Place

SMABA Senior / 1st Place

SMABA Senior / 1st Place

February 24th, 2019


3rd place in environmental speech competition for Junior School

The Best High School forThe Trash Bank

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Youth National Science Fair(RMM)

Science Quiz and Competition(SQUC)

Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO)

The students from grade 10, Anastasya Azzah-ra and Tiara Salsabila, successfully achieved the third place in YNSF 2019 (Youth National Sci-ence Fair) that was held in Bandung, May10th-12th, 2019. They were automatically chosen as one of the national teams that will compete in the International event “World Invention Cre-ativity Olympic (WICO) 2019” in Korea.The Youth National Science Fair (YNSF) is a competition for young researchers of 13-20 year-olds to present the results of their re-search. Through the Youth National Science Fair, young researchers have the opportuni-ty to present their work, enrich their insights, improve communication skills, establish new friendships and have the opportunity to com-pete at the world level because the YNSF cham-

pions will automatically represent Indonesia in the international competition.

Science Quiz and Competition (SQUC) in SMANU MH. Thamrin was held on February 10th, 2019 :- Sulaiman Syarif and Andias (1st place)- M. Nabil and Jasmine Athirah (2nd place)

SEAMO refers to Southeast Asian Mathe-matical Olympiad. Three of our students got medals in this competition. Ahmad Fikri Azhari got Gold Medal, Farhan Fauzi Hasbi got Silver Medal and Teuku Arkansyah Ali got Bronze Medal.

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Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad (HKIMO) provides a fair platform to ALL mathematics lovers. The award criteria for HKIMO is based on the individu-

al performance of each student, unlike general Mathematical Olympiads which fixes the percentage cutoff of the top candidates’ scores. The covered area

includes Logical Thinking, Arithmetic or Algebra, Number Theory, Ge-ometry and Combinatorics. This competition is open to all students from kindergarten to senior high school. Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad (HKIMO) heat round was held in Kharisma Bangsa School on Saturday, May 4th, 2019. There were 139 Par-ticipants in this competition. The participants came from Kharisma Bangsa School, National High Jakarta School, Nanyang International School, Harapan Bangsa School, Binus School and other private and pub-

lic schools around Tangerang, Jakarta and Bandung. Students who received Gold, Silver and Bronze

medals in the Heat Round will be moving to the Final Round in Hong Kong which will be held from Au-gust 30th-September 2nd, 2019.

Olimpiade Olahraga Siswa Nasional(O2SN) 2019

Biological OPUS FAIR 2019

Math & English Competition (CREMC)

Biological OPUS FAIR 2019, held by ITS, Surabaya on February 11th, 2019. Our Student, Abdulloh Yahya, got

3rd place in this competition

Emine Najma Ramadhani won 3rd place in Olimpiade Olahraga Siswa Nasional (O2SN) held in Tangerang

Selatan, March 20th-21st, 2019.

CREMC is a Science, Math and English Competition held by Cahaya Rancamaya school in Bogor. This year it was held on February 13th, 2019. M. Nabil, Luthfi, and Azraf won 1st place and Annabele, Kalila and Nabila

Paramitha won 3rd place.

Art, photography and Essay Competition

-- Painting --Grade C

(13 to 16 yo).

-- Drawing --Grade C

(13 to 16 yo).

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Wishing you with a shower of joys andblessings in the holy month of Ramadan.

Kharisma Bangsa Family

Alhamdulillah we have done our 1st programs in this holy month which is distributing around 2000 iftar packages to the local people from May 8th-10th & 13th-17th. Our students distributed iftar packages in different location such as the front of Kharisma Bangsa School, Gaplek (near McDonald), Local Mosque and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. We would like to thank all of the donators (parents, teachers, students and others) for contributing in this program. May Allah bless you and your family by plenitude of blessings, ameen!

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Grade 2Grade 1

Grade 3 Grade 4

Grade 5


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In commemoration of Mawlid Nabi Muhammad (PBH), OSIS held market day program which from January 21st to January 28th, aiming to collect big amount of earnings, so to send the orphans to Kidzania. By taking them to Kidzania, we hope that they had an unforgettable experience, learnt many things, and got motivated to study

harder to reach their dreams.

A Level Exam2018/2019

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The Best Players of Kharisma Bangsa School Basketball (SMABA) 2018/2019Raza Kurniawan, Timothy Samad, Saddam Asyruna, Abdurrahman Rasjid, Fajar Satria

A Level Exam2018/2019

IGCSE Exam (International General Certificate of Secondary


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PRACTICAL EXAM (DRAMA)High & Middle School


ISPO - OSEBIFebruary 22th-24th, 2019

at Kharisma Bangsa School

The Winners of Photo Competition

The Winners of Video Competition

Aqsa Aufa Syauqi SadanaMAN 2 Kota Kediri

Rhesa Rizky RamadhanKBS (Grade 8)

Raihan Hadi K.KBS (Grade 12)

Annisa Rizma SafitriKharisma Bangsa

Annisa Rizma SafitriKharisma Bangsa

Daffa Almer FauzanSMA Pribadi Depok

Emerald & VanyaKBS (Grade 11 & 9)

Sello N. A.& Alrydo R. S.KBS (Grade 10 & 8)

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ISPO & OSEBIFestival Sains dan Budaya 2019

Olimpiade Seni & Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesian Sains Project Olympiad

February 22th-23th, 2019at Kharisma Bangsa School

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March 22th-23th, 2019Multi Purpose Hall (MPH)

Graduation Party and

Family Gathering

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On Saturday, 27th of April 2019, Kharisma Bangsa School of Global Education held its Graduation Ceremony in Balai Kartini. This program was attended by more than 700 people, including graduated students and their parents, teachers and staff of Kharisma Bangsa, some students of Kharisma Bangsa, and other guests. There were 167 students from Junior and Senior High of Kharisma Bangsa who graduated this year. Mal-venphore, the name of Senior High Batch and Enzovoruz, for Junior High Batch. With theme “The Spectacle of Eternal Star”, this year gradua-tion ceremony went well. The program started with Choir from Kharisma Bangsa students, speeches from Representative of Kharisma Bangsa and parents, performance from Saman and Folklore club of Kharisma Bangsa, and the main program Conferment of Graduates, student speech and prayers. The program closed with photo session with graduated students and their teachers. This solemn ceremony is a bench-mark for our students. They had worked hard for the past 3 years to reach to this point. Along the journeys they have met various challenges and obstacles. In the future, they will be facing more difficult challenges and we hope they will strive for excellence in anything they pursue.

Malvenphore & Enzovoruz

Malvenphore & Enzovoruz Kindergarten Assembly and Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Party and

Family Gathering



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Kharisma Bangsa provides the perfect environment for developing a broad range of skills. This is why I chose Kha-risma Bangsa.

Kharisma Bangsa catersstudents’ academics and helps them grow as a person.

Kharisma Bangsa has the integrity of the students in pursuing aca-demic and non-academic fields. And the teachers that I met there were very well qualified, this is why I chose Kharisma Bangsa.

I chose Kharisma Bangsa be-cause Kharisma Bangsa not only unlocks and develops its students’ potentials, but also prepares them to become contributing members of the society.

This school gives us very enjoyable circumstances to learn anything we want.

Rizky Amalia WulandariAustralian National University 2018

(Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)

Azzimar FirdausKharisma Bangsa Student

invited to join ITB 2019(Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Alfian Edgar TjandraKharisma Bangsa StudentAccepted to Harvard University (2019)

Fadhila Mahardika Putri SetiawanKharisma Bangsa Studentinvited to join ITB 2019(Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Diva Alifta Chandra Accepted toNagoya University, Japan 2019.