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Saturn: Matter and Form Gnostic Muse

Saturn in Greek and Roman Mythology

Saturn is an ancient god in the Greek/Roman pantheon, called Kronos in Greek, which means time.Saturn was a descendant of the sky god Uranus, ruler of the gods, and the earth goddess Gaia.Jealous of his father’s rulership over the entire heavens, Saturn fought and overthrew him, butdestined himself to be overthrown by another.

To prevent this Saturn consumed all the other children that Gaia bore, his own siblings. The lastchild to be born was the god Zeus/Jupiter but Gaia tricked Saturn and gave him a rock disguised inswaddling clothes to eat instead. This saved Zeus and he was able to rescue his siblings, defeatSaturn, and take over rulership of the gods.

Saturn is the God of Time

Saturn relates to time, old age, and death. Saturn is associated with wealth and resources thatare accumulated over time, with material substance that endures. Saturn also relates with thewisdom and refinement that can only come with age. In the ancient Roman forum the temple ofSaturn housed the state treasury. The figure of Death with a hood and a scythe is a depiction ofSaturn in his role as the “grim reaper”.

The Planet Saturn

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and is famous for its rings, which are possibly remnantsfrom an old moon.

In the ancient systems of astrology Saturn was considered the last planet of the solar system and sohas all the connotations of finality, the last boundary before the great end. The three outer planets-Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto– represent energies and phenomenon that relate to generationalpatterns, metaphysics, and subtle states of consciousness. It is thought that the “discovery” of thesethree outer planets starting in the late 1700s is related with humanities need for archetypical

Saturn: Matter and Form Gnostic Muse

representation of phenomenon beyond the boundary of matter (Saturn).

In Astrology

Saturn rules the signs Capricorn and Aquarius, although earthy Capricorn expresses the qualities ofSaturn in a much more direct way with its pragmatism, strength, and attachment to the past.

Aquarius, co-ruled by Uranus, expresses the Saturn rulership with preoccupations with structures,although it is more interested in subverting and even demolishing those structures (Uranus).

Saturn is associated with the law, material reality, taxes, death, and karma. Saturn’s influenceastrologically brings difficulties, challenges, feelings of constriction, burdens, weights. Saturn cyclesare approximately every 30 years and so bring about the confrontations of growing older andentering different phases of life.

The Symbol for Saturn

This symbol is the cross of matter above the crescent of the soul. This shows thenecessity of material reality, time, and the death of all things to temper our mind and emotions tobring wisdom. Time strips away superficiality and reveals the “bare bones” beneath all illusions andfantasies.

If we can learn to embrace and accept Saturn as a wise teacher rather than try to run away from therealities of old age, sickness and death, we discover the secret beauty of this cosmic ray: refinement,perfection, and mastery.

Masters are not born, they are the result of years and years of hard work, submitting to discipline, oflearning from hardship and letting their rough edges, the egos, selfish nature, be broken down inorder to be perfected.