saperion ecm mds extractor for sap - kofax · 1.1 technical overview 1 saperion ecm mds extractor...


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Page 1: SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP - Kofax · 1.1 Technical Overview 1 SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP 1 Introduction The SAPERION MDS Extractor has the job of transferring master


Page 2: SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP - Kofax · 1.1 Technical Overview 1 SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP 1 Introduction The SAPERION MDS Extractor has the job of transferring master

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Page 3: SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP - Kofax · 1.1 Technical Overview 1 SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP 1 Introduction The SAPERION MDS Extractor has the job of transferring master

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Technical Overview .............................................................................................. 1

1.1.1 Requirements ................................................................................................... 1

1.1.2 Delivery Package .............................................................................................. 1

1.1.3 SAP System Prerequisites ............................................................................... 1

2 Installation and Customizing .............................................................................. 2

2.1 SAP R/3 Customizing SAPERION MDS Extractor ............................................ 2

2.1.1 Transaction /n/SAAG/MDS_ADMIN ............................................................. 2

2.1.2 Destinations and Variations for Data Transfer .............................................. 2

2.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector (JCO) ............................................. 4

2.2.1 Installation ....................................................................................................... 4

2.2.2 Customizing ..................................................................................................... 4

2.2.3 Creating an SAP Destination .......................................................................... 5

2.2.4 Creating a SAPERION MDS DB-Destination ................................................. 6

2.2.5 Testing the Destination ................................................................................... 8

2.2.6 Creating CSV Files ........................................................................................... 9

2.3 Customizing in SAP R/3 ..................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 SAP R/3 Event Linkage ................................................................................... 10

2.3.2 Event Linkage for Supplier Master Data ........................................................ 10

2.3.3 Event Linkage for Orders ................................................................................ 13

2.3.4 Event Linkage for G/L Accounts .................................................................... 15

2.3.5 Event Linkage for Cost Centers ...................................................................... 17

2.4 Data Transfer ....................................................................................................... 19

2.4.1 SAP R/3 Transaction /SAAG/MDS_ITEM_INIT ............................................ 19

2.4.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector .................................................. 20

2.4.3 Delta Runs ....................................................................................................... 21

3 Administration ..................................................................................................... 21

3.1 Monitoring Work Items for SIC .......................................................................... 21

4 Appendix .............................................................................................................. 22

4.1 Customer-Defined Data Types Data Types ........................................................ 22

4.2 Customer-Defined Tables .................................................................................... 23

4.3 Customer-Defined Transactions ......................................................................... 25

4.4 Business Object Types ........................................................................................ 25

Page 4: SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP - Kofax · 1.1 Technical Overview 1 SAPERION ECM MDS Extractor for SAP 1 Introduction The SAPERION MDS Extractor has the job of transferring master

1.1 Technical Overview



1 Introduction

The SAPERION MDS Extractor has the job of transferring master data and movement data from SAP

systems that are then used by other systems, e.g. Kofax KTM, for validation. By default, the functions

deliver the export of supplier master data, bank account information and order data with their movement


Due to its ease of expansion and module structure, it is possible to extend its functions to other modules

or functions in SAP.

1.1 Technical Overview

1.1.1 Requirements

Following database systems are supported:

+ Oracle 9i and higher

+ MS SQL 2005 and higher

For the execution of the Java Connector interface the executing computer needs an installed Java Runtime

Environment from version 1.4 on. Please verify that Java Runtime is installed.

Because the SAPERION MDS Extractor was developed according to the standard of SAP ABAP/4, we

must stress at this point that any changes or modifications to the SAPERION MDS Extractor or to parts

of the SAPERION MDS Extractor lead to loss of guarantee and maintenance agreements. This means

that all labor and expenses that occur from the modification will be charged to the party that made the


1.1.2 Delivery Package

An SAP transport is included among the components of the SAPERION MDS Extractor. The SAP

transport consists of a "datafile" and a "cofile".

1. Copy these transports to the appropriate directories ("usr/sap/trans/data" and "usr/sap/


2. Attach these to the corresponding system queue using the Transport Management System

(TA-STMS) and transport them into the system. The return code for successful transport

should not be greater than 4.

1.1.3 SAP System Prerequisites

The SAPERION MDS Extractor supports SAP releases Version SAP R/3 4.6c and newer.

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2 Installation and Customizing


SAP Release ERP 6.0

(Earlier versions are available only on request.Earlier versions are available only on request.)

2 Installation and Customizing

2.1 SAP R/3 Customizing SAPERION MDS Extractor

Certain basic settings must be made in the SAPERION MDS Extractor to assure proper operation. All

settings are client-dependent.

2.1.1 Transaction /n/SAAG/MDS_ADMIN

This transaction allows direct access to all customizing and administrative settings.

Fig. 2–1: Transaction /n/SAAG/MDS_ADMIN

2.1.2 Destinations and Variations for Data Transfer

The destination describes the target for exporting the data: the database that is used.

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2.1 SAP R/3 Customizing SAPERION MDS Extractor


1. To create a new destination, enter the name in the field "Destination." The name must

be identical to the one given in the SAPERION MDS Configuration Tool for the database


2. Then select the object type for the selection variation that you would like to create. The

object types may be:


VEND Vendors (creditors)

PORD Orders

KSTL Cost centers

IACC G/L account

COMP Company code / recipient

There are no variations available for the object type COMP because this object type is not

controlled by work items.

3. Then click on the [Execute] button. If the destination is not registered in SAP, you will be

prompted to create the destination.

4. The next dialog box prompts you to enter the name for the new SIC destination.

5. In the following screen you can maintain the selection parameters for the database

destination. For the transmission of the data, create a variation and the specify selection

criteria appropriate for the business object.

Here you specify company codes, account groups and, as necessary, creditors to be


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2 Installation and Customizing


You can filter the vendors to be selected using their company codes or their account

groups. You can also specify the vendors you would like to select. Activate the checkbox

"block indicator" if you would like the vendors’ data that has been marked with a blocking

indicator to be sent to the database destination.

6. In order to save the selection variation, click on the button [Back]. You will be asked

whether you would like to save the variation, which you must answer with "Yes" to save the

settings. When saving, you will be prompted to enter a brief description of the variation.

The selection parameters are different for the various MDS object types and therefore

must be customized for each object type to be used.

2.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector (JCO)

2.2.1 Installation

To set up the SAPERION JCO, run the setup included in the package (SicSetup.exe). The SAPERION

JCO can be installed on any computer because the Java Connector can be connected to the necessary

computers. You will be guided through the installation in a series of dialog steps.

2.2.2 Customizing

After installing the SAPERION MDS Extractor JCO there are still no sources or destinations in the

configuration. You can configure them by starting the "SAPERION MDS Configuration Tool" using the

file " MDSConfStart.bat".

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2.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector (JCO)


Fig. 2–2: SAPERION MDS Configuration Tool

2.2.3 Creating an SAP Destination

To create an SAP R/3 data source, go to the menu item DESTINATION > NEW SAP DESTINATION.

Fig. 2–3: Creating a SAP Destination

Configure the following settings:

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2 Installation and Customizing


Creating a SAP Destination

Parameter Description

Destination name SAP R/3 source system

Mandant SAP R/3 source client

User SAP R/3 RFC user

Password Password of the RFC user

Language SAP R/3 sign-on language (Example: DE – Deutsch / EN – Englisch)

Server P-address or the logical name (for DNS) of the SAP R/3 source system

Instance SAP R/3 server instance

Packagesizes Number of master data records of the corresponding entity that the interface reads from

the source system in each run.

The number of master data records is defined for the following entities:

+ vendors

+ porders

+ cost center

+ psp-elements

+ impersonal accounts

Read History By setting this check mark, you signal the SAP R/3 Inbound Center interface to include the

historical data of the orders (table EKBE) in the extraction.

2.2.4 Creating a SAPERION MDS DB-Destination

To create a DB-destination, go to the menu item DESTINATION > NEW DB DESTINATION.

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2.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector (JCO)


Fig. 2–4: Creating a DB-Destination

Make the following configuration settings:

Creating a DB-Destination

Parameter Description

Destination name Assign a name that is short and unique for the corresponding DB destination. The SAPERI-

ON MDS Extractor uses this name to retrieve all relevant information about the SIC desti-

nation system.

JDBC Drive JDBC Typ 4 driver

Database URL URL for the database.

The URL has the following structure:


If the database has several instances, you must specify the appropriate instance. If the

MDS Extractor is run on a different computer than the computer running the database, you

must also specify the port.

Database name Name of a database user (Administrator)

Password Password of the database user

Select Path for CSV files Enter the directory name including the fully qualified path (example: C:\Temp) in which

each CSV file (selected fields in the table LFA1) is stored after each update. You can also

use the file selection dialog box by clicking on the button.

LFA1-CSV Filename Name for the CSV file for vendor information

COMP-CSV Filename Name for the CSV file for company code information

Separator for CSV files Separation character for the CSV files

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2 Installation and Customizing


Saving Destination Settings

After you have filled in all the fields for a new destination, it is necessary to save the settings using the

menu item DESTINATION > SAVE DESTINATION. If you click on another destination in the navigation

tree without saving the new destination, the settings are lost.

Deleting a Destination

In order to delete a destination, you must first highlight it. Then you can delete it using the menu item


Copying a Destination

To copy a destination, select the desired destination and then go to the menu item DESTINATION >


Then enter a new name for the destination and save the settings.

Fig. 2–5: Copying a Destination

2.2.5 Testing the Destination

After configuring at least one SAP destination and one SIC destination, you can test your settings using

the menu item TOOLS > TEST CONNECTION.

1. Select the source and target destinations that you would like to test.

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2.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector (JCO)


2. To create a new database in the target destination check the box "Create New database

in DB Destination?"

But it is advisable to test the connection first. Only after successfully completing the test

between the source and target destinations should you create a database in the target



After the test you can view the log messages in the status window of the SAPERION MDS Connector. You

can also view them later in the log file in the directory "..\ mds\logs". All the log files that are generated

are saved in the directory "..\ mds\logs".

You should delete the contents of this directory from time to time.

Fig. 2–6: Log Messages from the Destination Test

The file "" is located in the directory "…\mds\properties".All the destination with

all their parameters are saved in this file. All MDS destinations have additional parameter tags

"<TableName><DESTINATION NAME></TableName>".



If you would like to use table names that are different from the default names, you must edit these

properties manually in this file with an editor.

2.2.6 Creating CSV Files

If there is data in the SAPERION Inbound Center database, you can read them out into a CSV file.


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2 Installation and Customizing


2. Select the database destination and the tables from which you would like to create the

CSV files by activating the appropriate checkboxes.

3. Click [OK].

The files will be saved in the path stored in the field "Select path for CSV files…". The file

name of the CSV file is identical to the corresponding database table name in the MDS


2.3 Customizing in SAP R/3

1. Navigate to the menu item CUSTOMIZING SIC > DESTINATIONS.

2. Click on the button [Customizing Destinations / Variants for data transfer] in the area

"Necessary Customizing SAPERION Inbound Link."

There you can create an new DB destination or modify an existing DB destination.

2.3.1 SAP R/3 Event Linkage

Event linkage assures that for each change or new entry of a supplier a corresponding work item is created

for the MDS Extractor. The work item is a commercially modified master data record that is extracted

for validation outside of SAP. The SAPERION MDS Connector (JCO) controls the data processing using

the work item designation. This links the JCO and SAP and the JCO always has the current master data

available for validation.

2.3.2 Event Linkage for Supplier Master Data

Create the following business object and make the settings for the master data of suppliers for the events


The business object for supplier master data /SAAG/LFA1 is created in the transaction "SWO1." The

object type inherits its attributes and properties from the SAO standard object "LFA1" for suppliers.

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2.3 Customizing in SAP R/3


Fig. 2–7: The Business Object for Transaction SWO1

In addition to the events inherited from "LFA1," the events "CREATED" and "CHANGED" must be

defined for the object type "/SAAG/LFA1."

Change Document Object: Overview of Transaction SCDO

In the transaction "SCDO" you can assure that the entry "KRED" is present.

Fig. 2–8: The Entry "Kred" Must be Present

Linking the "Events for Change Document" in Transaction SWEC

These entries link the event to the change document object KRED for creation and modification. The

new business object must already exist and be activated.

Maintain the following entries in the transaction "SWEC" Events for Change Document:

Fig. 2–9: Entries in the Transaction "SWEC"

For example, this entry for "CREATED" should look like this:

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2 Installation and Customizing


Fig. 2–10: Entry for "CREATED"

Event Linkage for the Object Type /SAAG/LFA1

Transaction SWETYPV

This tells the system with which function module the system should react to the event. The linkage must

also be activated. Maintain the following entries in the transaction "SWETYPV":

Fig. 2–11: Entries in the Transaction "SWETYPV"

In the detailed view the entry, for example, for the event "CREATED" appears as follows:

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2.3 Customizing in SAP R/3


Fig. 2–12: Detailed View for the Event "CREATED"

Use the function module "/SAAG/MDS_EVENT_VEND" for the reaction to the events "CREATED" and


2.3.3 Event Linkage for Orders

Business Object Builder: Transaction SWO1

For orders you can use the standard business object "BUS2012" from SAP.This is possible because the

events "RELEASED" and "CHANGED" are already available in this business object.

Fig. 2–13: The Business Object "BUS2012"

Change Document Object Overview: Transaction SCDO

The corresponding change document object for orders is "EINKBELEG".

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2 Installation and Customizing


Linking "Events for Change Document": Transaction SWEC

Maintain the following entries for orders:

Linking change documents with object type BUS2012

Fig. 2–14: Entries in the Transaction SWEC

The entry for the event "RELEASED" appears in detail as follows:

Event Linkage: Transaction SWETYPV

The event type linkage for the object type BUS 2012 informs the system with which function module the

system should react to the event. The linkage must also be activated.

Maintain the following entries:

Fig. 2–15: Entries in the Transaction SWETYPV

The entry for the event "RELEASED" appears in detail as follows:

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2.3 Customizing in SAP R/3


Fig. 2–16: Detailed View for the Event "RELEASED": Transaction SWETYPV

Use the function module "/SAAG/MDS_EVENT_PORD" for the reaction to the events "RELEASED" and


2.3.4 Event Linkage for G/L Accounts

Business Object Builder: Transaction SWO1

Create the following business object for the events "CREATED" and "CHANGED" for master data for

G/L accounts and make the necessary settings:

Create the business object "/SAAG/IACC" for G/L accounts in the transaction "SW01." The object type

inherits attributes and properties from the SAP standard object "BUS3006" for the G/L account.

Fig. 2–17: Basic Data of the Business Object /SAAG/IACC: Transaction SWO1

In addition to the inherited events from "BUS3006", define the events "CREATED" and "CHANGED" for

the object type "/SAAG/IACC".

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2 Installation and Customizing


Fig. 2–18: Events "CHANGED" and "CREATED"

Change Document Object: Transaction SCDO

In the transaction "SCDO" check that the entry "SACH" is present. The entry is present by default.

Fig. 2–19: The Change Object "SACH" must be Present

Linking "Events for Change Documents": Transaction SWEC

These entries link the event to the change document object "SACH" for creation and modification. The

new business object must be present and activated.

Maintain the following entries in the transaction "SWEC" Events for Change Documents:

Fig. 2–20: Entries in the Transaction "SWEC"

Event Linkage: Transaction SWETYPV

This informs the system with which function module the system should react to the event. In addition

the linkage must be activated.

Maintain the following entries in the transaction "SWETYPV" for both events "CHANGED" and


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2.3 Customizing in SAP R/3


Fig. 2–21: Customizing the Event "CHANGED" for the Business Object "/SSAG/IACC"

Use the function module "/SAAG/MDS_EVENT_IACC" for the reaction to the events "CREATED" and


2.3.5 Event Linkage for Cost Centers

Create the following business object for the events "CREATED" and "CHANGED" for master data of cost

centers, and make the necessary settings.

Business Object Builder: Transaction SWO1

Create the business object for cost centers "/SAAG/KSTL" in the transaction "SWO1" if it is not

automatically created during the importation of the transport request for the MDS Extractor. The object

type inherits the attributes and properties from the SAP standard object "BUS0012" for cost centers.

Fig. 2–22: Display the Properties of Business Object /SAAG/KSTL: Transaction SWO1

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2 Installation and Customizing


In addition to the inherited events from "BUS3006", define the events "CREATED" and "CHANGED" for

the object type "/SAAG/KSTL".

Fig. 2–23: Definition of the Events "CREATED" and "CHANGED"

Change Document Object: Transaction SCDO

In the transaction "SCDO" Change Document Object check that the entry "KOSTL" is present. The entry

is present by default.

Linking "Events for Change Documents": Transaction SWEC

These entries link the event to the change document object "KOSTL" for creation and modification. The

new business object must be present and activated.

Maintain the following entries in the transaction "SWEC" Events for Change Documents:

Fig. 2–24: Entries in the Transaction "SWEC"

Event Type Linkage for the Object Type /SAAG/KSTL: Transaction SWETYPV

This informs the system with which function module the system should react to the event. In addition

the linkage must be activated.

Maintain the following entries in the transaction "SWETYPV":

Fig. 2–25: Detailed View for the Event "CREATED"

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2.4 Data Transfer


Fig. 2–26: Detailed View for the Event "CHANGED"

Use the function module "/SAAG/MDS_EVENT_KSTL" for the system’s reaction to the events


2.4 Data Transfer

2.4.1 SAP R/3 Transaction /SAAG/MDS_ITEM_INIT

Initial Runs

In order to initially copy data from SAP into the database destinations, first create Insert Work Items for

the suppliers, orders or G/L accounts. Use the SAP transaction "/SAAG/MDS_ITEM_INIT."

Fig. 2–27: Initial Load with the Transaction "/SAAG/MDS_ITEM_INIT"

Enter the database destination and the object type. Start the program. The program creates the selected

business objects according to the selection variation work items you have maintained.

After the program run, you can view the log of the created work item objects. At the end of the log, you

see the number of successfully created work items or error messages.

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2 Installation and Customizing


Fig. 2–28: Log of Successfully Created Work Items or Error Messages

2.4.2 SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector

We recommend for the initial run of the SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector that you start the

program manually.

You will find the batch files "MDSStart_VEND.bat" and "MDSStart_PORD.bat" in the ..\SIC\ directory to

manually start processing of suppliers and orders. Customize these batch files to fit your configuration

and running environment. Use them as templates. You can also make copies if you have several SAP

connections. Open the appropriate file with a text editor.

Here you can change the parameters [Enter SAP-Destination here] and [Enter DB-Destination here]

according to the names of your source destination and target destination. Here is a sample of valid


java -Xmx 256 m -Djava.util.logging.config.file=properties\ -jar sic.jar -u VEND SAP01 SIC01

Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Description

java This executes the Java program.

Do not change this parameter.

-Xmx nnn m This parameter reserves nnn megabytes of RAM on the computer run-

ning the interface for the SAP-SIC interface. This is necessary when pro-

cessing larger amounts of data.

! Do not reserve more than 50% of your

computer’s RAM. For initial runs it is also

advisable to configure a maximum package

size of 5,000 records for suppliers and or-

ders. For delta runs the value can be reduced

(e.g. 128 MB).

-D… This parameter specifies where the logging properties are located.

Do not change this parameter.

-jar sic.jar This parameter specifies the name of the executable Java program.

Do not change this parameter.

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3.1 Monitoring Work Items for SIC


Parameter Description

-u This parameter tells the interface to process supplier or order work


Do not change this parameter.

VEND oder PORD This parameter tells the interface which object type to process (sup-

pliers or orders).

SAP01 Name of the SAP Destination

SIC01 Name of the SIC Destination

! Only the parameters in bold face type may be changed.

2.4.3 Delta Runs

Each creation or modification of a supplier or order creates a corresponding insert or update work item,

depending on the specified event linkage. The SAPERION MDS Extractor Java Connector retrieves the

data based on the work item thus created and creates or modifies the suppliers or orders in the SIC


The same batch files are used for delta runs as were used for the initial run. You need only change the

setting for reserving RAM. You can now use a Windows task scheduler to start processing automatically

instead of a manual start. Insert a new task for each delta run.

3 Administration

3.1 Monitoring Work Items for SIC


Fig. 3–1: Selecting the Work Items to Monitor in SAP

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4 Appendix


Fig. 3–2: Results List for the Selected Criteria of Work Items

The status type "I" indicates INSERT and "U" indicates UPDATE.

4 Appendix

4.1 Customer-Defined Data Types Data Types

Fig. 4–1: /SAAG/MDS_OBJTYPE_DE (MDS Object Types)

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4.2 Customer-Defined Tables


Fig. 4–2: /SAAG/MDS_SQLTYPE_DE (MDS SQL Statement (I - Insert, U - Update))

Fig. 4–3: /SAAG/MDS_DEST_DE (MDS Destinations)

Fig. 4–4: /SAAG/MDS_OBJKEYID_DE (MSD Object Key of the Item for Extraction)

4.2 Customer-Defined Tables

Fig. 4–5: /SAAG/MDS_DEST

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4 Appendix


Fig. 4–6: /SAAG/MDS_IACC

Fig. 4–7: /SAAG/MDS_IAUF

Fig. 4–8: /SAAG/MDS_ITEM

Fig. 4–9: /SAAG/MDS_KSTL

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4.3 Customer-Defined Transactions


Fig. 4–10: /SAAG/MDS_PORD

Fig. 4–11: /SAAG/MDS_VEND

4.3 Customer-Defined Transactions

The following transactions for administration and customizing of the MDS are in the delivery package:

Transactions for administration and customizing

Transaction Description


/SAAG/MDS_CUST_DEST Customizes MDS Destinations

/SAAG/MDS_ITEM_CTRL Monitors Items for MDS

/SAAG/MDS_ITEM_INIT Initializes the Items

4.4 Business Object Types

The following business objects are supplied in the delivery package. They must be activated before using.

Business Objects

Business Object Description

/SAAG/IACC MDS G/L accounts

/SAAG/IAUF Internal order advance

/SAAG/KSTL Cost center

/SAAG/LFA1 Supplier