saper olutio tsrc corporation n

e TSRC Corporation introduced the SAP system as an integrated solution to streamline its worldwide operations. A template based on SAP® ERP was elaborately developed and implemented at their headquarters before being rolled out in the EU, the US, Singapore and mainland China. ABeam and its global network together supported SAP implementation at the headquarters as well as the global roll-out using rich experience in challenging implementation projects, abundant knowledge of the chemical industry and a globe-spanning network. Challenges Introduce an integrated system to enable a single-platform view for their IT structure. Streamline the supply chain process. Enhance global management and meet local requirements. Solutions Introduction of SAP® ERP (ECC 6.0) with a “big-bang” approach. HR modules, BI/BO, Enterprise Portal and Workflow are introduced at the same time. ABeam’s Global network supported roll-out in the EU, the US, Singapore and mainland China. Success Factors Strong support from TSRC executives. Well-organized decision making system between steering committee and project managers. Long experience at ABeam helped develop suitable template for TSRC. International collaboration of project members at both TSRC and ABeam. Case Study SAP®ERP Solution TSRC Corporation

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Page 1: SAPER olutio TSRC Corporation n

The TSRC Corporation introduced the SAP system as an integrated solution to streamline its worldwide operations. A template based on SAP® ERP was elaborately developed and implemented at their headquarters before being rolled out in the EU, the US, Singapore and mainland China. ABeam and its global network together supported SAP implementation at the headquarters as well as the global roll-out using rich experience in challenging implementation projects, abundant knowledge of the chemical industry and a globe-spanning network.

Challenges・Introduce an integrated system to enable a single-platform view for their IT structure.・Streamline the supply chain process.・Enhance global management and meet local requirements.

Solutions・Introduction of SAP® ERP (ECC 6.0) with a “big-bang” approach.・HR modules, BI/BO, Enterprise Portal and Workflow are introduced at the same time.・ABeam’s Global network supported roll-out in the EU, the US, Singapore and mainland China.

Success Factors・Strong support from TSRC executives. ・Well-organized decision making system between steering committee and project managers.・Long experience at ABeam helped develop suitable template for TSRC.・International collaboration of project members at both TSRC and ABeam.

Case Study SAP®ERP Solution TSRC Corporation

Page 2: SAPER olutio TSRC Corporation n

HQ & Manufacturing

TSRC HQ (Taiwan)

Dexco Polymers (USA)

Shen Hua (China)

TSRC-Nantong (China)

TSRC-UBE (China)

TSRC-Shanghai (China)

TSRC-Jinan (China)


Polybus (Singapore)

TSRC Luxemburg



ects.”ABeam Taiwan has 120 certificated SAP consultants.

Among them, 50 % have over 5 years of experience, and 20% have over 10 years. The company boasts a wealth of talented and seasoned staff. ABeam is seen as the No.1 SAP consulting firm in Taiwan.

The top management at TSRC also considered excellent human resources to be the key to success. The project cannot succeed without the right people. They accordingly allocated high-level personnel for this SAP implementation project.

The integrated SAP system had to be integrated at the TSRC headquarters before the global roll-out. A basic, stan-dard system was implemented in the EU, the US, Singapore and mainland China.

The implementation timetable for the HQ was set up for 7 months, with only 16 months for the roll-out timetable for the other districts.

However, the project team members at both TSRC and ABeam were confident they could complete the project within the timetable. In fact, ABeam team members com-pleted a Business Blueprint template to enable response to user operations in two months of full time work.

ABeam recommended TSRC to introduce SAP ERP sys-tem that could standardize their business process.

The first phase of the implementation was to introduce 7 ERP modules. 5 modules of core human resource software were also implemented

TSRC Corporation, formerly known as Taiwan Synthetic Rubber Corporation, produces a variety of chemical materi-als not only in Taiwan but also in China and the US. Its sales offices and agents are located in areas around the globe including the EU, India, Singapore and Thailand.

With the expansion of its business, TSRC sought a single platform view for its entire operation across worldwide offic-es and factories. The absence of a standardized system made it difficult to obtain the necessary data for further opera-tions. Streamlining the supply chain process was another ur-gent issue.

“We needed a global system as we were changing from a local manufacturing company to a global company.” says Mr. Eddy Chao, Assistant Vice President of the IT Depart-ment of TSRC. TSRC also needed to adjust its procedure to meet each local way of business customs and regulations in the process of overseas roll-out.

To meet these requirements, TSRC invited 4 consulting firms to propose the most effective system to assist their worldwide operations. ABeam was among the invitees.

Mr. Chao recalls, “We needed a professional consulting firm to support us. Among the 4 competitors, ABeam had the most appropriate proposal for our purposes. They have a deep knowledge of the chemical industry and rich experi-ence accumulated from many SAP implementation proj-

A global system for global company

ABeam’s professionalism

“It seemed nearly impossible.”

TSRC Corporation

Case Study SAP®ERP Solution

From Asia to the world

A roll-out to multiple areas completed at record speed

through rich experience in the chemical industry

ERP Implementation Plan

Wave 1

Wave 3

Wave 3

Wave 3

Wave 4

Wave 4

Wave 2

Wave 2

Wave 2

Wave 1

SAP ERP + HR + BI/BO + EP + Work�ow

BPC Budgeting & Consolidation

BI/BO KPI & Dashboard


Page 3: SAPER olutio TSRC Corporation n

In addition, they introduced Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Object (BO) for reporting and simulation, the Enterprise Portal (EP) workflow application as a solution for purchase requisition and purchase order expenses (PR/PO/Expenses), and 5 other units of workflow applications. Ap-proval objects for leave, overtime, shift changes, training and business trips were also introduced to the HR system.

Mr. Chao recalls, “These were what are called ‘best prac-tices’. The most difficult challenge for us was how to define our business process and get it on track with the global stan-dards. We accepted and adopted ABeam’s proposals as our future business template.”

Andrew Huang, Principal of ABeam says, “When some-thing happened, responses were quick thanks to support from not just the top management but also the project man-agers. “

The first phase (Wave 1) of the implementation thus went off without a hitch.

The next stage was the roll-out for the US locations, fol-lowed by TSRC Luxemburg (Wave 2). Just a few months af-ter launching Wave 2, they launched implementation in three locations in China. It seemed nearly impossible. How-ever, Jay Shu, Director of ABeam, elaborated on the remark-able road to success.

“In the roll-out phase, timetables were overlapped. First, we started the roll-out in the US. Right after the blue print stage in the US was complete and moving into action, the ABeam US team rushed to fly to China and transplant that blueprint. In the same time, the ABeam China team are on-

site to pick up the template design and then carry out the China roll-out tasks afterward.

For the roll-out, the most difficult tasks were adjusting lo-cal requirements into the project. In the US, for example, taxation and operation requirements are different than those in Taiwan.

Mr. Chao recalls, “We heavily relied on ABeam US team members for help. They explained the US tax system and operation requirements to us and also helped us to change some of the SAP implementation processes.”

For the roll-out, however, the steering committee estab-lished a “no change” rule on the template, except under the following conditions.

1. When there are legal requirements.2. When there are specific local requirements from the

customers.3. The change request proved to have add-value the firm,

with approval by the steering committee.These rules worked very well, and kept the standard of the

template to those required for a world-wide integration sys-tem.

However, they faced difficulties at the same time. Looking back over the project, Ms. Lois Chang, Senior Specialist of IT department of TSRC, says, “In mainland China, one of our agenda items was to adjust the system to local service re-quirements for our customers. In addition, we had to adjust for legal requirements and regulations. We solved these diffi-culties one by one.” As she recalls, the legal system in main-land China is very different from Taiwan, especially, the tax

Case Study SAP®ERP Solution

Ms. Lois ChangSenior Specialist,IT Department,TSRC Corporation

Mr. Eddy ChaoAssistant Vice President,IT Department,TSRC Corporation

Eugene HuangPrincipal,ABeam Taiwan

Hunglin TangManaging Director,ABeam China & Taiwan

Andrew HuangPrincipal,ABeam Taiwan

Jay ShuDirector,ABeam Taiwan

Core Members of TSRC Core Members of ABeam Taiwan

ERP Application Architecture


Enterprise Portal (EP): Work�ow


Reports / Simulations




・OM: Org. Mgmt.・PA: Personnel Mgmt.・TE: Training Mgmt.・ PT: Personnel Time

Mgmt. ・PY: Pay Roll

Application and Approval ・PR Approval (PR)・PO Approval (PO)・Expense Approval (Expenses)

Application and Approval・Leave・OT・Change Shift・Training・Biz Trip


Interfaces Interfaces

Page 4: SAPER olutio TSRC Corporation n

system for imports and exports. Moreover, their working styles are very different. Regarding personnel as well, pro-cesses also naturally differ when hiring styles vary. “Having implemented projects in various countries around the world, I can say that the mainland China was particularly distinc-tive,” said ABeam Taiwan Principal, Eugene Huang as he looked back on his struggles. “From a personnel standpoint as well, we had to adapt to a process that differed in the ex-treme from that of Taiwan. We also had to anticipate future growth as well.”

To solve those issues, the ABeam China team assisted with financial consultation and legal support. In a short time, the TSRC project team overcame all these hurdles.

For the realization stage of the implementation at the HQ and roll-out at local bases, ABeam employed a method wide-ly applied in the Taiwanese Chemical industry.

The top management at TSRC had requested that all com-pany members get used to operating the new system. Senior members, however, were reluctant to accept the change of procedures. ABeam provided conscientious training courses for both key users and end-users . Participants also had to pass an examination upon completion. Those who failed the exam, had another chance to try for certification.

This process was not meant to apply pressure, but merely to provide proof that everyone could master the new system. TSRC members were quite supportive of the new system.

Jay Shu points out the ABeam’s five standards of critical key success factors as follows;

1. Participation of top management to make the project a certainty.

2. Clear objectives for the project.3. Thorough provision before joining the project.4. Making the project a top priority and foster responsibil-

ity among project members.5. Support from knowledgeable consultants.Friendship between TSRC and ABeam quickly developed

as they worked together. During the US roll-out stage, project members at TSRC,

TSRC US subsidiary and ABeam went sight-seeing together and held barbecue parties.

ABeam members had to frequently contact not only their client, but subsidiary companies or contractors of US sub-sidiary across the US. If any of them faced difficulties, ABeam members supported them willingly. These non-call services created a positive relationship with TSRC US sub-sidiary alliances. The ABeam members think non-call activi-ties were also very important for becoming a ‘Real Partner’ of TSRC.

This relationship between TSRC and ABeam brought ABeam US to maintain AMO (Application Management Outsourcing) works in TSRC US subsidiary.

Hunglin Tang, Managing Director of ABeam China & Taiwan, elaborates: “Now, our US team has been supporting the TSRC US project through AMO practice. After we fin-ish all ERP implementation, we are going to assist business planning and process design. We are working now on TSRC’s next stage.”

Today, TSRC views ABeam as a Real Partner that shares common goals.

“ During the implementation phase, the development team employed the ASAP (accelerated SAP) method to make things go faster. Even a good method doesn’t work without a professional consulting firm to guide it. ABeam defined each phase clearly to lead us to this high level of achievement.” Mr. Chao again pointed out that the “key to success” is ex-cellent human resources, not the methodology itself.

In the very near future, we may see the world-wide inte-grated SAP ERP go on to boost the entire business of TSRC.

● Client DataCompany overviewCompany name: TSRC CorporationLocation: Head O�ce; 18F., 95, Sec.2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan R.O.C. Estd.: July 1973 Business: synthetic rubber and applied polymers production and salesTotal sales: 1.82 Billion USD (Group Consolidated, as of FY2011)Employees: 1,300 (Group)

Project overviewSummary: TSRC SCM and HRIS ProjectTimeframe: from June 2010 to July 2012Member count: 100Software: SAP® ERP, HRIS, BI/BO, Enterprise Portal (EP) and Work�ow

Case Study SAP®ERP Solution

2012.9 Copyright©2012 by ABeam Consulting Ltd., All rights reserved.

ABeam Consulting (Taiwan) Ltd.Tel: +886.2.2545.9977 Fax: +886.2.8545.1113ABeam Consulting Ltd. (HQ Japan) Marketing


As a Real Partner

● Voice – Customer Evaluation

“We needed ABeam’s rich experience and abundant knowledge in chemical industry and also in the projects of SAP implementation. Thanks to them we were able to achieve the project in such a short time. ”

Mr. Eddy ChaoAssistant Vice President, IT Department of TSRC Corporation

“Any consultant of ABeam has a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism. The relationship between TSRC and ABeam was so good, we can have help from ABeam to implement the SAP system with a high level of expertise.”

Ms. Lois ChangSenior Specialist, IT Department of TSRC Corporation

Corporate data and titles are those in use at the time of writing.