sapc-baio-065-key topics in positioning the solution

ASAP Focus Methodology Key Topics Solution and Approach Positioning CSE Portfolio and Operations

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SAPC-BAIO-065-Key Topics in Positioning the Solution


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ASAP Focus MethodologyKey Topics Solution and Approach Positioning

CSE Portfolio and Operations

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© SAP AG 2008 / Page 2


At the end of this presentation you will: Understand what the key topics of the ASAP Focus

Methodology are

Know which activities are addressing the positioning of the solution and the approach

What risks are associated with those activities

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1. Introduction

2. Solution and approach positioning


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What is a key topic

A key topic is a group of activities that is:

Related to high risk

An implementation major effort driver

A look at activities, across the phases of the ASAP Focus Methodology, for the purpose of better understanding the specific approach

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Key topics in the ASAP Focus Methodology

Positioning with the customer the Solution and the Approach (Evaluation Roadmap)

Getting the System ready Delta requirements Solution preparation Forms adaptations, Reports adaptation, Interface development,

Conversions, Enhancements (FRICE)

Getting the Data ready Data migration

Getting the People ready Organizational Change Management User Acceptance Key/ End-User Training Data People


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1. Introduction

2. Solution and approach positioning


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General approach to Solution and approach positioning

Why is this a key topic? Proper expectation management with the customer is crucial to the overall

success of the project. The essentials of running these projects have to be understood and bought into by the customer.

Winning Conditions Consulting is involved into the Sales Cycle at a very early stage The customer is properly qualified to the approach Key figures about the customers business as well as the size of his operation

are assessed in the evaluation phase The customer understands and buys into the general project approach, as well

as the specific approach to data migration, user training, and organizational change management.

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ASAP Focus Methodology Overview


PreparationGo Live & Support

EvaluationPre-Project Activities

Delta Requirements

Evaluation Roadmap Implementation Roadmap


Project Preparation

Customer Qualification

Position Solution & Services

Delta Requirements


Create Preliminary


Finalize Proposal

Customer Signs offBlueprint

Assemble Statement of


General Project Management

Data MigrationWorkshopActivities

Project Team Training

Position OCM

Set Up System Environment

Project Standards & Procedures

General Project Management

ConductKick off Meeting

DEV Infrastructure


General Project Management

Review ProjectPreparation




Validate Org.Structure &General Settings

Delta Realization

Validate Solution

Organizational Change


Integration &Acceptance


Prepare Cutover & Production


Review Realization


General Project Management

End User Training

Check Org.Change


Create & StaffHelp Desk

Check SystemReadiness

Cutover toProduction


General Project Management

Project Closing





Go Live Readiness


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ASAP Focus Methodology Overview – Solution Positioning


PreparationGo Live & Support

EvaluationPre-Project Activities

Delta Requirements

Evaluation Roadmap Implementation Roadmap


Project Preparation

Customer Qualification

Position Solution & Services

Delta Requirements


Create Preliminary


Finalize Proposal

Customer Signs offBlueprint

Assemble Statement of


General Project Management

Data MigrationWorkshopActivities

Project Team Training

Position OCM

Set Up System Environment

Project Standards & Procedures

General Project Management

ConductKick off Meeting

DEV Infrastructure


General Project Management

Review ProjectPreparation




Validate Org.Structure &General Settings

Delta Realization

Validate Solution

Organizational Change


Integration &Acceptance


Prepare Cutover & Production


Review Realization


General Project Management

End User Training

Check Org.Change


Create & StaffHelp Desk

Check SystemReadiness

Cutover toProduction


General Project Management

Project Closing

Go Live Readiness


Present Solution & Services

Present Implementation Approach

Present Data Migration Approach

Present Organizational Change Readiness

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Propose standard SAP courses to be attended by the customers project team members. Show how key users train end-users. Potentially position services a la carte.





h Present scope, technique of the data migration as well as roles and responsibilities

Data Migration Approach Presentation

Customer team training plan & End user training plan

Discuss the various advantages and disadvantages associated with fixed-price projects

Fix price project checklist

● Present the Value Proposition of Organization Change Management as well as the consequences of not using it

Getting People Ready

Solution and approach positioning – ASAP Focus Roadmap Accelerators

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In this Session you learned

How to deal with positioning the solution and the approach to the customer The main activities and accelerators that are related with that topic

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Sophia Ersi FilaktouCSE Portfolio and Operations

ASAP Focus Mailbox


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