santa rosa sunrise rotary -...

Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23 December 8. 2003 SANTA ROSA SUNRISE 2003-2004 Board PRESIDENT Steve Herron SECRETARY Shauna Lorenzen TREASURER Rolf Wessman SERGEANT AT ARMS Peter Hoberg/Ken Petro PAST PRESIDENT Steve Amend PRESIDENT ELECT Stove Worthen INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Ezbon Jen CLUB SERVICE Linda Hauck Jim Moir COMMUNITY SERVICE Ed Carrette VOCATIONAL SERVICES Brian Rondon MAJOR EVENTS Susan Glowacki Lend a Hand P.O. Box 14953 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Bird Adoption &Placement Center Wondertainment educational Center George Pcreira has been in the entertainment industry since childhood. As an accomplished Designer and member of the Costume Design ers Guild, he has to his credit many film and television projects, such as Dance Fever and HBO's Arliss. As an entertainer, George has been an illusionist since the age of eight with involvement from the presidency of the Jr. Chapter of the Society of American Magicians to performing at the Magic Castle in Holly wood. Mis work as a performer has always been involved in exotic birds, which eventu ally led to his dedication to bird rescue efforts. In 2000, George collaborated with Michael Ro- setti, an event producer and animal care facil- 2004-2005 Board Elections There was no program today since it is time for the midyear club assembly. The last 5 presidents, Steve Amend, Steve Ol- sen, Shauna Lorenzen, Russ Lockncr and Randy Scelye made up the nominating team. They nominated for: Director: Keith Taylor, Steve Zwick, Sue Sacks Secretary: Peter Hoberg President Elect: Jerry Johnson President: Steve Worthen The club unanimously elected the complete slate. ity planner, to create "Wondertainment", a collaborative of entertainment groups which contains illusion shows, a character enter tainment group, an educational group, a trained animal performer's group and an ex otic bird rescue center. As the new Director of Wondertainment. George has set out to expand the educational aspect of the organization. Presenting a new curriculum to Bay Area Schools teaches chil dren about the birds, as well as about conser vation efforts to ensure their survival. George's overall efforts are to ensure the well being of exotic birds if they are to exist in captivity. December 14, 2003, 2-5 pm Holiday Open House Hosted by Laura & Steve Herron 904 Hudis Street, Rohnert Park Take llwy 101 to Golf Course Drive Exit. Mead East onto Golf Course Drive and follow past Doubletree Hotel. Turn Left onto Country Club Drive (heading North). Then Right onto Hudis Street heading East. Pass elementary school & park on your right. 904 Iludis St, located on die left in die "elbow" of I ludis as it curves.

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Page 1: Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary - Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23

Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary

Editor Jim Moir

Publisher Linda Hauck

Volume 18, Issue 23

December 8. 2003


2003-2004 Board


Steve Herron


Shauna Lorenzen


Rolf Wessman


Peter Hoberg/Ken Petro


Steve Amend


Stove Worthen


Ezbon Jen


Linda Hauck

Jim Moir


Ed Carrette


Brian Rondon


Susan Glowacki

Lend a HandP.O. Box 14953

Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Bird Adoption &Placement Center


educational Center

George Pcreira has been in the entertainmentindustry since childhood. As an accomplishedDesigner and member of the Costume Designers Guild, he has to his credit many film andtelevision projects, such as Dance Fever andHBO's Arliss. As an entertainer, George hasbeen an illusionist since the age of eight withinvolvement from the presidency of the Jr.Chapter of the Society of American Magiciansto performing at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. Mis work as a performer has alwaysbeen involved in exotic birds, which eventu

ally led to his dedication to bird rescue efforts.

In 2000, George collaborated with Michael Ro-setti, an event producer and animal care facil-

2004-2005 Board Elections

There was no program today since it istime for the midyear club assembly. Thelast 5 presidents, Steve Amend, Steve Ol-sen, Shauna Lorenzen, Russ Lockncr and

Randy Scelye made up the nominatingteam. They nominated for:

Director: Keith Taylor,Steve Zwick,

Sue Sacks

Secretary: Peter HobergPresident Elect: Jerry JohnsonPresident: Steve Worthen

The club unanimously elected the completeslate.

ity planner, to create "Wondertainment", acollaborative of entertainment groups whichcontains illusion shows, a character enter

tainment group, an educational group, atrained animal performer's group and an exotic bird rescue center.

As the new Director of Wondertainment.

George has set out to expand the educationalaspect of the organization. Presenting a newcurriculum to Bay Area Schools teaches children about the birds, as well as about conser

vation efforts to ensure their survival.

George's overall efforts are to ensure thewell being of exotic birds if they are to existin captivity.

December 14, 2003, 2-5 pm




Hosted by Laura & Steve Herron904 Hudis Street, Rohnert Park

Take llwy 101 to Golf Course Drive Exit. MeadEast onto Golf Course Drive and follow past

Doubletree Hotel. Turn Left onto Country ClubDrive (heading North). Then Right onto HudisStreet heading East. Pass elementary school &

park on your right. 904 Iludis St, located on dieleft in die "elbow" of I ludis as it curves.

Page 2: Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary - Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23

I Page2


Holiday Party

December 14

Steve and Laura Herron's

Centennial ProjectJanuary 2003

Dental Outreach


Rusty and Susan LocknersJanuary 22nd


Valentine's PartyFebruary 7

Tayman Park, Healdsburg

RI President to Visit

Northern California

February 13San Jose Fairmont

District Assembly

April 17College of Rdwds. Eureka

District Conference

June 17-20

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Our president. Steve III, wastemporarily replaced by SteveII due to illness. We're think

ing of you, Steve. Hope youfeel better soon.

The Pledge: Warren Smith

Inspirational thought provided

by Winston Churchill (althoughhe couldn't make it so Austin

O'Malley filled in for him):"We make a living by what weget, but we make a life by whatwe give" and "A pessimistsees the difficulty in every' opportunity, an optimist sees theopportunity in every difficulty"

Our greeter, Stan Walker quitecapably introduced Gary Leopold as a visiting Rotarian from

the Santa Rosa West club. He,

unfortunately, neglected to introduce our visiting District

Governor Norm Owens who

was also at the meeting.

There were two guests, LynnBest from Best PropertyEvaluation introduced by KenCoker and Mike Maples from

Maples Plumbing introducedby Bob Tidd.


Christmas Party: Remember

the upcoming Christmas partyat Steve Herron's house on

December 14"' from 2-5pm.Directions to Steve's house

will be available for those who

haven't already been there.

Centennial project: EzbonJen discussed the Centennial

project. This effort, lead byEzbon and Steve Zwiek will

involve offering dental care tothose who cannot afford it.

The first session will occur in

Guerneville during the thirdweek of January. Ezbon willbring 4 portable dental units

Glen Oaks Ranch

Receives Grant

and Helping HandsDistrict Governor Norm Owens lead

off the meeting announcing the granting of a S1500 Simplified Grant provided by the District to our club to beused by the Sonoma Land Trust to purchase tools for the Glen Oaks Ranch.

This money will be used to purchaseseveral saws, a hauling cart, irrigation supplies, first aid knumber ofother items much needed at the ranch.

u *




oii&E&. "t --

it, and a

Glen Oaks Ranch cleanup: Jim Moir thanked Don Floriani, JanetHamilton, Larry Martin, Steve Amend, Nancy Aita, Keith Taylorand of course the man on the chainsaw, John Dolinsek. On Novem

ber 22, the group cleaned up and hauled off scrap lumber to SteveAmend's recycle bin, covered an outbuilding to protect it from the

weather and cut up and cleared the bnish of a very large oak tree.Nathan Boone, caretaker of the properly and Scott Willmore (friendof John's) also helped. Nathan was very appreciative of the helpfrom the club, both at that work party and in several other pastevents where folks from our club pitched in to help.

and students from his programat the Santa Rosa Junior Col

lege to do teeth cleaning anddental education. Those who

need more extensive help willbe referred to dentists who have

volunteered to help out withmore major dental needs. Ro

tary volunteers will be needed

to help run the event. If you arcinterested, contact Steve Zwick.

Elcnnore Webster talked about

her upcoming trip to Mexico atthe end of January. It will be aworking retreat involving offering help to folks in a very impoverished area. Elcanore andher group will be bringingschool supplies, vitamins,toothpaste, medicines and otherthings to help out the local

population. Elcanore has putour a request for donations fromclub members and said the re

sponse has been overwhelming.If you have anything to donate,either bring it to one of the clubmeetings or drop it off at Elea-nore's work.

Culinary Classic results:Steve Amend announced the

club had made over S50.000 at

the very successful recentevent. I le wanted to wait for

Steve Herron to return so that

Steve III could announce the fi

nal figures. Debra Allard wasrecognized for her exceptionaleffort in making the event agreat success.

KI President to speak: TheRotary International presidentwill be speaking at the Fairmontin San Jose on February I3'h.This is Valentine's day weekend so if you want to book

rooms, do it now!

Page 3: Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary - Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23

It was Dave's turn to talk about

what he does and has done dur

ing his working career. He hadhelp from his son. Cole, whowas surprised to discover hisdad has had 8 different jobs.

DAVE LORENZEN-Vocational Talk

Dave started out a box boy atLad's market, and then moved

on to working for Traverso'sdeli, and then 7 years as ownerof a deli in Coddingtown. Atthat point, he moved to work forAlternate Postal Direct (his club

classification was Alternate

Postal which left several club

members puzzled as to whetherfirearms were involved). 7years ago, he moved to MossAdams as a Network Adminis

trator. His current job is Senior

Network Administrator at Moss

Adams where he supports thetechnical needs of 80 account

ing professionals at both theSanta Rosa and San Francisco

offices. He is responsible for

keeping a of software all running as well as dealing with any

issues or challenges that arise.Dave finds the work very rewarding—always finding plenty

of new challenges when he is awork.

Member RecognitionSunshine report:

Peter Hoberg's son had an

emergency appendectomy. Ourbest wishes go to the Hobergfamily.


DebraAllard was fined S20 for

being one year older. Itsounded like she had quite a

celebration involving 3 days,several of her girl friends, herdaughters and their boyfriends,her parents, hotels and golf. Itsounds like she certainly knowshow to celebrate.

Special Recognitions:

Mike Downey was mentionedin a fiatterinc article in the

Press Democrat relating to the

waste water project that willpump 12 million gallons a dayto the Geysers. Mike has beenon board of public utilities for18 years and was intimately involved in the waste water project. He said the irony is that onWednesday, he was at the pipeline ribbon cutting ceremony,and Thursday he was going to ameeting to figure out whatneeds to be done next to deal

with additional waste water be

ing generated in SonomaCounty.

High 5s:

Leroy went to Scottsdale, Arizona to bond with his son by eo-


A3554 Round Barn BrVrJ

Suite 312Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Linda HauckVice President

Account Development

707-527-1776Fax: 707* 542-4109

Ihauclfglibertyslaffing com

ing dove hunting.

Randy Seelye: Reported on his

trip to Florida where he madeup at the Sarasota Rotary club(with all of 14 members). Healso went to Washington DC.

Ezbon Jen: Went to China for 2

weeks with a medical/dental

team. He was able to locate his

mothers surviving sibling whilethere. He donated SI00 to his

mothers Paul 1larris.

Warren Smith offered a high $5for now taking possession ofJohn Dolinsek's aged pick uptruck. It apparently came with amouse (the 4 legged variety).

Raffle: Penny Millar tarnished

her reputation by not pulling theblack marble. Austin O'Malleytook home the $10.

Prcsidents message:Keep the holiday spirit in your

hearts, there is always somebody who needs a smile or

helping hand.

Page3 12004-2005

Board of Directors

*V Presidenti] Steve Worthen




Keith Taylor


Sue Sacks

SecretaryI PeterHoberg


Steve Zwick




Susan Glowicki


Linda Hauck


Brian Rondon

Page 4: Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary - Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23

Editor Jim Moir

Publisher Linda Hauck

Volume 18, Issue 24

December 15. 2003


2003-2004 Board


Sieve Hereon


Shauna Lorenzon


Rolf Wessman


Peter Hoberg/Ken Petro


Steve Amend


Steve Worthen


Ezbon Jen


Linda Hauck

Jim Moir


Ed Carrette


Brian Rondon


Susan Glowacki

Lend a HandP.O. Box 14953

Santa Rosa, CA 95402

ise Rotary #

Sunns*December 18th Program

join us tor

Santo Ro/o High School

Choir*/ Special

Holiday Program

Culinary Classic Results?? Short answer...we made a LOT ofmoney!!!The gross revenues came to S93.000 (as president from 551,000 up to S74.000 leaving us still withSteve said "awesome!!!). Net revenues came to a 59,000 surplus. It is important to remember that$62,000. Out of this, the club will pay $2,900 to the this money is going to good uses in our commu-SRJC culinary program and do revenue sharing bysending $11,000 to a number of Rotary clubs inCentral and South America (Ed later gave a briefgeography lesson to President Steve explaining that5 of the clubs were in Mexico—which hopefully is

still in North America). Ed Carrette was instrumental in putting these packages together which allows us to not only make a lot of money, but it alsoallows our club to send SI 1,000 to other Rotaryclubs who will put it to good use in other parts ofthe world, and establishes relationships with theseother Rotary clubs so we can hopefullydo it againnext year. Great job Ed!!

Quick overview of the finances showed fundraisingwas expected at the beginning of the year to clear$30,000 from Culinary Classic and $20,000 fromthe golf tournament. We have far surpassed that.From the Culinary Classic, we gained a net excessof $32,000, meaning we made more than double ofwhat we had expected from CC2.

So where are wc on our budgeting?

We expected to have $51,000 to spend this yearfrom our major fundraisers. We now have S83.O00to spend. Our budgeted expenditures have gone

nity such as the recently funded projects listedbelow:

♦ School bus costs used to take kids home

when finished with after school tutoring at CookMiddle School S2000

♦ Vietnamese relief fund $2000

♦ Children's Village $500

♦ Supplied to be brought by Eleanore Webster to impoverished areas in Mexico S500

♦ Volunteer Center tutoring at Steele LaneElementary School $2300

♦ Tuition for needy students for Children'sCamp at Point Reyes Seashore $500

♦ Roseland Children's Health Center $ 1000

♦ Roteract sponsorship S250

♦ Every 15 minutes—a great program thateducated high school students on the dangers ofdrinking and driving.

♦ SOS. Instead of our normal $2,000, thisyear we arc donating $6,000 to help them out asthey are really tight on money this year.

Page 5: Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary - Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23

I Page2


Centennial ProjectJanuary 2003

Dental Outreach


Rusty and Susan Lockners

January 22ndc

Valentine's Party

February 7Tayman Park. Healdsburg

RI President to Visit

Northern California

February 13San Jose Fairmont

District AssemblyApril 17

College of Rdwds. Eureka

District Conference

June 17-20

Vineyard Creek

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Our president, Sieve III, wasback and not looking too muchworse for the wear from his re

cent illness.

Pledge of Allegiance: Jim Moir

Inspirational thought providedby Susan Glowacki relating toChristmas spirit and cheer.

Our grecter. Jennifer Hembdintroduced Larry Wassam ofWindsor Club fame (real estatedevelopment), our only visitingRotarian.

Two guests today—Terry Williams from Paychex introducedby Linda Hauck and CarolKing, a massage therapist, in

troduced by Penny Millar.


Steve III thanked Steve II for

his capable handling of lastweeks meeting.

Christmas Party: Remember

the upcoming Christmas partyat Steve I lerron's house on De

cember 14"' from2-5pm. Youshould have all received direc

tions to Steve's house if youhaven't been there before.

There will be light snacks andlots of wine and good conversa


Del Rabv announced that his

first great granddaughter was

Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Association ofNorthern California Announces 2004 University ScholarshipProgram SI,000 Scholarship Available to High School StudentsWith Interest in Japanese Culture.

The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Associationof Northern California (JETAANC) today announced its 2004scholarship program for high school seniors going onto an accredited two or four year higher education program. TheJETAANC scholarship is open to students of U.S.citizenship orlawful permanent residency, residing in the JETAANC catchment area. This area consists of the California counties north of

San Louis Obispo. Kern, and San Bernardino counties, as well asall of Nevada. Applicants are judged based on a number of criteria including a demonstrated interest in Japan. Japanese language, or Japanese culture, as well as academic accomplishments, a personal essay and recommendations. "Our membershave all lived and worked in Japan and we arc committed tostrengthening cross-cultural ties and to promoting local understanding and education on Japan. The aim of (his scholarship isto encourage and nurture another generation of students with aninterest and connection to Japan, and this scholarship allows usto accomplish these goals while giving back to our community,"said Gregory Howell, founding member of JETAANC.

2004applications will be available from December 1,2003andapplications are due March 1. 2004.The winner will be announced by May 1. 2004. Students interested in applying for the2004 scholarship program can download application forms, aswell as get general information about the JET Program andalumni association, by visiting the JETAANC Website at: or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

born recently. To honor her arrival, Del started out a Paul Harris

for her with a $100 contribution.

The Centennial project is upand running. This effort, lead byE/.boii and Steve Zwick will in

volve offering dental care tothose who cannot afford it. The

first session will occur at the

Guerncville Elementary Schoolon Friday, January 16lh. Patients who need more extensive

help will be referred lo dentistswho have volunteered to help out

by doing more major dentalwork. Steve asked members to

talk to their dentists and see if

they are willing to volunteertheir time to help out those whoneed more help than can be pro

vided by the SRJC dental hy-gicnists. Rotary volunteers willbe needed to help run the event

and possibly shuttle patients toand from their dental care. If

you are interested in helping,contact Steve Zwick.

Next Fireside at Rusty and

Susan Lockner Jan 22. More

details to come in the future.

Valentines Dance: The date

has changed to Feb 7,h. SteveDavis announced it will be held

at the Tayman Park. It should befun. Steve also donated $100 to

Lizbet's Paul Hams.

President to speak: The Rotary'International president will bespeaking at the Fairmont in SanJoseon February I3lh.

Sunshine report: Peter

Hobcrg's son is still in the hospital due to his emergency appendectomy. It apparently burstbefore they could remove it. He

is expected to be home very soonalthough he is still on medications to bring him back to fullhealth.

Page 6: Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary - Rosa Sunrise Rotary Editor Jim Moir Publisher Linda Hauck Volume 18, Issue 23

Member RecognitionBlue Badge. Janet Hamiltonwas awarded her blue badge.She has been an excellent new

member who has gotten very involved in a number of parts ofthe club. Del (her sponsor) wasthere with a unique head piece tohonor the occasion. Some

thought he had joined a religioussect. As her sponsor. Del Rabyis donating $100 toward Janet'sPaul Harris. Thanks Del!

Birthday's: Russ Lockncrhas abirthday this Sunday. He

thanked Steve for throwing aparty to help him celebrate the

event. The party is to be heldfrom 2-5 at Steve Hcrron's house

and is cleverly disguised as the

Rotary Christmas Party.

Each birthday acknowledgementis accompanied by a $20 fine.Steve reminded us that $10 of

each line goes to the GivingTree. This month, the club is do

nating this years contribution of$1200 to this worthy project. AsJohn Dolinsek explained, themoney is used to purchase toysand clothing for underprivileged

kids. The effort is run by theVolunteer Center.

Stan and Valerie Walkerare

celebrating 22 years of marriage.They will be returning to thescene of the crime (where theywent on their first date) La Gare.

Stan reminded us to "never saynever" as on their first date he

told Valerie he had no plans toget married (he did) or to haveany more children (he had 3more).

Linda and Tom Hauck are cele

brating their 15 year anniversaryby also having French food. Thismeal, however, requires a passport as they are going to Paris for2 weeks.

Jerry Johnson reported that lastweek 700 people attended the

"Spirit of Sonoma County" eventwhere 20 Sonoma County folkswere honored. Two of these people are members of our club.

Program—Wondertainment Bird RescuePeter Treleaven introduced our

guest speakers George Pereiraand Michael Rosetti from the

Wondertainment Educational

Center. These two men have

combined their interest in enter

tainment and interest in exotic

birds to produce entertainment

groups which offers illusionshows, education groups thatperform for grades K-5, and anexotic bird rescue center. Theyhave both had interests in exotic

birds for many years and haveteamed up to create this busi

ness. They have 50 or more

birds, many are adopted from

people who discover they are notcut out to be bird owners or have

been rescued from bird importerswho havenot adequately takencare of the birds. They typicallynurse them back to health and

then the center strives to find

them new homes. They emphasized that these birds, while

beautiful and interesting, take alot of effort to work to maintain

and can be quite loud and rowdy

at times. They gel 3 to 5 calls aweek from people who needhomes for birds.

They also mentioned that petshops and breeders can sometime


LibertyStaffing3554 Round Barn Bi;u

Suite 312Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Linda HauckVice President

Account Development

707 •527* 1776Fax: 707-542« 4109

abuse these birds.

They spoke recently

of where they rescued6 birds from one of

these situations.

They explained it isalso important to be

sure the birds eat the

appropriate diet. Theydispelled the myth that

just feeding thesebirds seeds is good forthem. It isn't. They describedthe birds diet as a mix of seed,

fruits and vegetables.

For their performances, they teachthe birds to do tricks. They don't,however, give treats to the birdsfor performing. They give themaffection as a more appropriatereward.

They currently have two illusion

shows. One has a circus theme

and the other a Las Vegas theme.There can be up to 30 birds in aperformance. While a few of thebirds fly during the shows, many-

Page 30

Mike Kelly and Steve Herronwere recognized for being chosen among the 20 recipients. Itwas pointed out that Mike hasrecently "volunteered" to work

under Nancy Aita's leadershipon the LBC board. Each were

fined $25 for this significant accomplishment.

Steve Herron was also fined

for a LARGE picture of himselfrecently in the Press Democrat.

He contributed another $50 to

the club for this.

Raffle: One of our guestsCarol King drew the whitemarble. Bruce O'Krcpkie gotthe guaranteed $10.

have clipped wings.

They brought with them twocockatoo's (Daisy and Murphy)These birds arc from Australia

and live in Hocks of 200 or

more. They also brought awhite headed Amazon parrot

names Mimi. They performed(or tried lo perform) a number oftricks during the talk. Clearly

this is a passion for George andMike.

They were asked to sign the"Secret Life of Bees" book for

the Elsie Allen High School li
