san remo shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014 Page 1 Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Whitley Matheson Welcome to the October 2014 edition of the San Remo Shores Association Newsletter. This newsletter is provided to you because you own or rent property in the San Remo Shores Neighborhood. Please enjoy the information presented in this newsletter in the hope that you will benefit from our neighborhood and participate in the activities that make this such a great place to live. Please visit our WEB Site: past & current newsletter links available San R emo S hores October 16th ThursdayGeneral Meeting! 6:30 PM 6 PM for dinner at Beef O’Brady’s 4925 Cortez Rd. W. Private room, main floor, to left (in plaza with Regal Oakmont 8 Movie to far right) Please attend the meeting! Remind your neighbors…& carpool!! * Long Bar Pointe & Lake Flores developments * New entrance lights installed * May Meeting Minutes FLAGS FLYING AT ENTRANCE = CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR IMPORTANT MESSAGE or NEWSLETTER (check spam/junk folder) Call 941 302-3693 if no email San Remo Shores Assoc. 5726 Cortez Road W. #224 Bradenton, FL 34210

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Page 1: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 12 San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 1

Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Whitley Matheson

Welcome to the October 2014 edition of the San Remo Shores Association Newsletter.

This newsletter is provided to you because you own or rent property

in the San Remo Shores Neighborhood.

Please enjoy the information presented in this newsletter in the hope that you will benefit from

our neighborhood and participate in the activities that make this such a great place to live.

Please visit our WEB Site: past & current newsletter links available

San Remo Shores

October 16th Thursday— General Meeting! 6:30 PM

6 PM for dinner at Beef O’Brady’s 4925 Cortez Rd. W.

Private room, main floor, to left (in plaza with Regal Oakmont 8

Movie to far right)

Please attend the meeting! Remind your neighbors…& carpool!!

* Long Bar Pointe & Lake Flores developments

* New entrance lights installed

* May Meeting Minutes



(check spam/junk folder) Call 941 302-3693 if no email

San Remo Shores Assoc.

5726 Cortez Road W.


Bradenton, FL 34210

Page 2: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 2

Roads and Grounds - Gary Forster (3611 Plumosa) 941 795-2701

“It’s been a quiet summer in Lake Woebegone, I mean San Remo Shores...” A cheerful group of volunteers installed our new entry light

posts on a warm Saturday morning. And each light uses only 4 watts of power thanks to the miracle of LEDs. Ideas on what to do for Christmas? Anywhere we have a light post now we have access to electricity.

The flowers up-front are gone for the summer, but more will

return with cooler weather. I’ll again ask for helpers to plant them.

We had a minor “sink hole” on Royal Palm Drive caused by a

faulty old culvert. The county came and fixed it once it looked dangerous enough.

The rainy-season fertilizer ban is over as of October 1

st. Just use slow-release to

protect our waterways. The county highway department came and took down all of our “Neighborhood Watch” signs that were “illegally” bolted to “their” speed limit sign posts. They say we can keep the one remaining sign in the entry median because SRS has responsibility for it. As to our other four that were saved from the dump by quick-thinking Rhonda, the only way we can put them up is to install them on our own poles, outside of the county right-of-way, with the home-owner’s permission, and “call before you dig.” So I’m thinking the one is enough? Your thoughts?

Our neighborhood is looking EXCEPTIONALLY NICE after many home and garden fix-ups over the summer. Thanks to everyone who makes this a pretty place to live. And if you know of a resident who can’t take care of his or her weeds because of health or mobility, give me a call and we’ll find some angels to help out.

Warm regards, Gary

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 11

2014 Association Officers , Committee Chairs and Volunteer Coordinators

Co Presidents Lynda Einspar & Judy Fraser 792-5036, 795-5256

Vice President Sherry Berry 795-5069

Secretary/Treasurer Mary Sultana 224-1356

Corresponding Secretary Lynda Einspar 792-5036

Past President Dale Harrell 792-3755

Director 2015 Bill Follmer 761-1656

Director 2013 Larry Smith 795-2079

Director 2014 Marilyn Smith 795-2079

2014 Directory Bill Follmer 761-1656

Newsletter Editor Cheryl Whitley Matheson 302-3693

Garage Sale 2015 Open Need a volunteer!

Neighborhood Watch Todd Borden & Jim Anderson

792-5009 794-6735

Waterways Nelson Applegate 779-2143

Roads & Grounds Gary Forster 795-2701

Welcome /Membership Open Need a volunteer!

Dec. 2014 Holiday Party!! Open Need a volunteer!

Summer Picnic Open Need a volunteer

Women's Club Pam Willis 917 763 3843

Manatee County Com. Monitor Larry Smith 795-2079

Manatee County Federation Sandy Marshall 792-5039


As far as we are being told Trick or Treating takes place ON Halloween night, Fri, Oct 31st at approximately 7 to 10 PM. As a resident, if you are participating then welcome folks by keeping your porch and/or entry lights on. If you do NOT want folks to come to your door...turn your lights out! Be cau-tious when driving through the neighborhood that night.

Page 3: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 10

The SRS Woman’s Club no longer put on their own fashion show but they support and encourage the attendance to the one listed below. Many of your neighbors are members of this boating group that fo-cuses on boating education, community awareness and the social aspect. Use this ticket form or con-tact Pat Stickle 3711 Bamboo Terrace at 941 795-2964 [email protected] for ticket forms & check col-lection. The squadron is also looking for prize donations for the event (non profit tax form available).

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 3

Presidents’ Letter Co Presidents 2014

Lynda Einspar & Judy Fraser 792-5036, 795-5256


Beef O’Brady’s private room main floor at 4925 Cortez Rd. W. (Arrive for dinner at 6 PM Meeting at 6:30 PM) …

HELLLOOO again! So happy to be in the warmth as it has been in the 50s in Chicago! Hope the arrival of our snowbird friends and neighbors find you all well and happy. I had a wonderful summer! I don't have much news to share as yet just trying to get back in the groove. I know we want to put the Neighborhood Watch signs back up on NON DOT signposts, we will discuss at the meeting. And of course any of your concerns. Please come out to our meeting and reconnect with San Remo Shores again!

Lynda Einspar, Co President

San Remo Shores Woman's Club President Pam Willis 917 763-3843

Friend us & visit us on Facebook — The Sisterhood of San Remo Shores

The SRS Woman’s Club is looking forward to having our seasonal sisters return! Here is the schedule of our events this year: Oct 31, 2014 - Halloween Party find info on Facebook page* & watch emails Dec 7, 2014 - Christmas Party hosted by Pam Willis Jan 31, 2015 - Pot Luck - hosted by Kathryn Williams Falla April 18, 2015 - "After Tax Tea" at Harrington House on Anna Maria (this may require a de-posit - more on that soon) There may be some informal get-togethers before that - look for details on our Face-book page - * "Sisterhood of San Remo Shores". I am starting a book club called "A Novel Idea", not limited to neighborhood women only, but limited to 10 members. We'll be reading books that will be, or have been, turned into movies, and then we'll have a night out (or night in, if it's an older movie) to watch the movie and discuss. We'll probably meet every four to six weeks. Let me know if you're interested. If anyone has any ideas for outings, please let me know. Pam

Page 4: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 4

Manatee County Federation Sandy Marshall 941 792-5039

September began a new year for the Federation of Manatee Community Associations

(FMCCA) activities, to help our community and public officials to protect, preserve and enhance our quality of life in Manatee County.

Hot-button issues on the horizon for the county during the coming year appear to be:

Mid-term election in November of state and local public offices

Adoption of a new two-year county budget

Establishment of a new indigent healthcare plan for the county and a method to fund the


Review and adopt a new county comprehensive development plan and regulations Control “sustainable growth” by making it pay its way, which must include renovating existing infrastructure and services, to meet demands of new growth and make growth pay this cost. This must include reinstating and updating impact fees and developing a formula to legally limit growth to protect our quality of life now and in the future. Two large precedent-setting developments in southwest Manatee County – 1) Long Bar Pointe and 2) Lake Flores, the Manatee Fruit Company land must be carefully scrutinized in accordance with the above considerations. There will be other issues during the year to resolve. FMCCA will stay alert for any such issues and assist and assist our public officials to resolve them.

Ernest “Sandy” Marshall

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

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San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 8

Tuesday, November 4th is General Election Day

The polling place for SRS residents has changed. It is located in Mount Vernon subdivision across Cortez Road. See the green arrow for location left and picture of hall below.

It is in Mount Vernon Recreation Hall. The address is 4701 Independence Drive Bradenton FL 34210 The polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM Go to For sample ballots

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

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Page 6: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 6

Secretary– Treasurer Report Mary Sultana 941 224-1356 SAN REMO SHORES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING – THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014

Meeting called to order by co-president Lynda Einspar at 6:30p.m. There were 22 residents in attendance at Beef O’Brady’s Restaurant. Lynda thanked everyone for coming. She noted that the minutes of our March meeting were printed in the May 2014 newsletter. There were no questions raised and the minutes were approved. She reported that the Executive Committee met and suggested changing our meetings starting in 2015 to four (on the third Thursday from Jan, March, May and September to January, March, May and October. ) She noted that many of San Remo Shores’ “snowbirds” would not have returned in September. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Sultana reported that there was $9,000 in the checking account and all bills up to today have been paid. The SRS Bamboo Bash was quite a success and raised over $500. After expenses, $163 was deposited into the SRS general fund. 120 resi-dents have sent in their membership dues as of today and quite a few have also donated addi-tional monies. Thank you to all. Mary asked everyone to gently remind their neighbors to remit their 2014 dues. Newsletter Report – Cheryl reported that Gary sent out the May newsletter via e-mail and ad-ditional copies were printed and mailed to residents without e-mails. She noted that any changes to the SRS Directory will appear in the newsletter. She hopes to continue to encour-age residents with e-mails to make sure Gary has them on the list. The less newsletters we print, the more cost effective it is. (continued on next page)

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 7

Roads and Grounds – Gary Forster noted that this coming Satur-day he plans to continue working installing the new light posts. He would appreciate as many volunteers as possible. More hands make lighter work. He plans to start at 8a.m. Neighborhood Watch – no report. Manatee County Federation – Sandy Marshall noted that the Federation is keeping a keen eye of the Long Bar Pointe develop-ment. It seems the developers are looking for “back door” ways to get approval for their plans. Manatee County Com Monitor - no report Women’s Club – Pam Willis, president, said that the group now number 29 members and growing. Five meetings are planned for the coming season. On June 12, the group will be going to the Riverside Café for dinner. All SRS women are welcome. Dates for future functions will be announced at a later date. New Business – With reference to the SRS Garage Sale, Dee Pastorius suggested that mon-ies should be collected early in the day so that all participants can be asked to donate $10 to SRS. It will be necessary to try to get one person (2 for Royal Palm) to volunteer to canvas their particular street. Gary Forster made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Dee Pastorius. Respectfully submitted, MARY SULTANA, Secretary and Treasurer As for the Treasurer's Report - as of 9/2014 there is $7,500 in the checking account and all bills

have been paid.

Page 7: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 6

Secretary– Treasurer Report Mary Sultana 941 224-1356 SAN REMO SHORES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING – THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014

Meeting called to order by co-president Lynda Einspar at 6:30p.m. There were 22 residents in attendance at Beef O’Brady’s Restaurant. Lynda thanked everyone for coming. She noted that the minutes of our March meeting were printed in the May 2014 newsletter. There were no questions raised and the minutes were approved. She reported that the Executive Committee met and suggested changing our meetings starting in 2015 to four (on the third Thursday from Jan, March, May and September to January, March, May and October. ) She noted that many of San Remo Shores’ “snowbirds” would not have returned in September. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Sultana reported that there was $9,000 in the checking account and all bills up to today have been paid. The SRS Bamboo Bash was quite a success and raised over $500. After expenses, $163 was deposited into the SRS general fund. 120 resi-dents have sent in their membership dues as of today and quite a few have also donated addi-tional monies. Thank you to all. Mary asked everyone to gently remind their neighbors to remit their 2014 dues. Newsletter Report – Cheryl reported that Gary sent out the May newsletter via e-mail and ad-ditional copies were printed and mailed to residents without e-mails. She noted that any changes to the SRS Directory will appear in the newsletter. She hopes to continue to encour-age residents with e-mails to make sure Gary has them on the list. The less newsletters we print, the more cost effective it is. (continued on next page)

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 7

Roads and Grounds – Gary Forster noted that this coming Satur-day he plans to continue working installing the new light posts. He would appreciate as many volunteers as possible. More hands make lighter work. He plans to start at 8a.m. Neighborhood Watch – no report. Manatee County Federation – Sandy Marshall noted that the Federation is keeping a keen eye of the Long Bar Pointe develop-ment. It seems the developers are looking for “back door” ways to get approval for their plans. Manatee County Com Monitor - no report Women’s Club – Pam Willis, president, said that the group now number 29 members and growing. Five meetings are planned for the coming season. On June 12, the group will be going to the Riverside Café for dinner. All SRS women are welcome. Dates for future functions will be announced at a later date. New Business – With reference to the SRS Garage Sale, Dee Pastorius suggested that mon-ies should be collected early in the day so that all participants can be asked to donate $10 to SRS. It will be necessary to try to get one person (2 for Royal Palm) to volunteer to canvas their particular street. Gary Forster made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Dee Pastorius. Respectfully submitted, MARY SULTANA, Secretary and Treasurer As for the Treasurer's Report - as of 9/2014 there is $7,500 in the checking account and all bills

have been paid.

Page 8: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 8

Tuesday, November 4th is General Election Day

The polling place for SRS residents has changed. It is located in Mount Vernon subdivision across Cortez Road. See the green arrow for location left and picture of hall below.

It is in Mount Vernon Recreation Hall. The address is 4701 Independence Drive Bradenton FL 34210 The polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM Go to For sample ballots

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 5



Page 9: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 4

Manatee County Federation Sandy Marshall 941 792-5039

September began a new year for the Federation of Manatee Community Associations

(FMCCA) activities, to help our community and public officials to protect, preserve and enhance our quality of life in Manatee County.

Hot-button issues on the horizon for the county during the coming year appear to be:

Mid-term election in November of state and local public offices

Adoption of a new two-year county budget

Establishment of a new indigent healthcare plan for the county and a method to fund the


Review and adopt a new county comprehensive development plan and regulations Control “sustainable growth” by making it pay its way, which must include renovating existing infrastructure and services, to meet demands of new growth and make growth pay this cost. This must include reinstating and updating impact fees and developing a formula to legally limit growth to protect our quality of life now and in the future. Two large precedent-setting developments in southwest Manatee County – 1) Long Bar Pointe and 2) Lake Flores, the Manatee Fruit Company land must be carefully scrutinized in accordance with the above considerations. There will be other issues during the year to resolve. FMCCA will stay alert for any such issues and assist and assist our public officials to resolve them.

Ernest “Sandy” Marshall

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

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San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 10

The SRS Woman’s Club no longer put on their own fashion show but they support and encourage the attendance to the one listed below. Many of your neighbors are members of this boating group that fo-cuses on boating education, community awareness and the social aspect. Use this ticket form or con-tact Pat Stickle 3711 Bamboo Terrace at 941 795-2964 [email protected] for ticket forms & check col-lection. The squadron is also looking for prize donations for the event (non profit tax form available).

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 3

Presidents’ Letter Co Presidents 2014

Lynda Einspar & Judy Fraser 792-5036, 795-5256


Beef O’Brady’s private room main floor at 4925 Cortez Rd. W. (Arrive for dinner at 6 PM Meeting at 6:30 PM) …

HELLLOOO again! So happy to be in the warmth as it has been in the 50s in Chicago! Hope the arrival of our snowbird friends and neighbors find you all well and happy. I had a wonderful summer! I don't have much news to share as yet just trying to get back in the groove. I know we want to put the Neighborhood Watch signs back up on NON DOT signposts, we will discuss at the meeting. And of course any of your concerns. Please come out to our meeting and reconnect with San Remo Shores again!

Lynda Einspar, Co President

San Remo Shores Woman's Club President Pam Willis 917 763-3843

Friend us & visit us on Facebook — The Sisterhood of San Remo Shores

The SRS Woman’s Club is looking forward to having our seasonal sisters return! Here is the schedule of our events this year: Oct 31, 2014 - Halloween Party find info on Facebook page* & watch emails Dec 7, 2014 - Christmas Party hosted by Pam Willis Jan 31, 2015 - Pot Luck - hosted by Kathryn Williams Falla April 18, 2015 - "After Tax Tea" at Harrington House on Anna Maria (this may require a de-posit - more on that soon) There may be some informal get-togethers before that - look for details on our Face-book page - * "Sisterhood of San Remo Shores". I am starting a book club called "A Novel Idea", not limited to neighborhood women only, but limited to 10 members. We'll be reading books that will be, or have been, turned into movies, and then we'll have a night out (or night in, if it's an older movie) to watch the movie and discuss. We'll probably meet every four to six weeks. Let me know if you're interested. If anyone has any ideas for outings, please let me know. Pam

Page 11: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 2

Roads and Grounds - Gary Forster (3611 Plumosa) 941 795-2701

“It’s been a quiet summer in Lake Woebegone, I mean San Remo Shores...” A cheerful group of volunteers installed our new entry light

posts on a warm Saturday morning. And each light uses only 4 watts of power thanks to the miracle of LEDs. Ideas on what to do for Christmas? Anywhere we have a light post now we have access to electricity.

The flowers up-front are gone for the summer, but more will

return with cooler weather. I’ll again ask for helpers to plant them.

We had a minor “sink hole” on Royal Palm Drive caused by a

faulty old culvert. The county came and fixed it once it looked dangerous enough.

The rainy-season fertilizer ban is over as of October 1

st. Just use slow-release to

protect our waterways. The county highway department came and took down all of our “Neighborhood Watch” signs that were “illegally” bolted to “their” speed limit sign posts. They say we can keep the one remaining sign in the entry median because SRS has responsibility for it. As to our other four that were saved from the dump by quick-thinking Rhonda, the only way we can put them up is to install them on our own poles, outside of the county right-of-way, with the home-owner’s permission, and “call before you dig.” So I’m thinking the one is enough? Your thoughts?

Our neighborhood is looking EXCEPTIONALLY NICE after many home and garden fix-ups over the summer. Thanks to everyone who makes this a pretty place to live. And if you know of a resident who can’t take care of his or her weeds because of health or mobility, give me a call and we’ll find some angels to help out.

Warm regards, Gary

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 11

2014 Association Officers , Committee Chairs and Volunteer Coordinators

Co Presidents Lynda Einspar & Judy Fraser 792-5036, 795-5256

Vice President Sherry Berry 795-5069

Secretary/Treasurer Mary Sultana 224-1356

Corresponding Secretary Lynda Einspar 792-5036

Past President Dale Harrell 792-3755

Director 2015 Bill Follmer 761-1656

Director 2013 Larry Smith 795-2079

Director 2014 Marilyn Smith 795-2079

2014 Directory Bill Follmer 761-1656

Newsletter Editor Cheryl Whitley Matheson 302-3693

Garage Sale 2015 Open Need a volunteer!

Neighborhood Watch Todd Borden & Jim Anderson

792-5009 794-6735

Waterways Nelson Applegate 779-2143

Roads & Grounds Gary Forster 795-2701

Welcome /Membership Open Need a volunteer!

Dec. 2014 Holiday Party!! Open Need a volunteer!

Summer Picnic Open Need a volunteer

Women's Club Pam Willis 917 763 3843

Manatee County Com. Monitor Larry Smith 795-2079

Manatee County Federation Sandy Marshall 792-5039


As far as we are being told Trick or Treating takes place ON Halloween night, Fri, Oct 31st at approximately 7 to 10 PM. As a resident, if you are participating then welcome folks by keeping your porch and/or entry lights on. If you do NOT want folks to come to your door...turn your lights out! Be cau-tious when driving through the neighborhood that night.

Page 12: San Remo Shores

San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 12 San Remo Shores Association Newsletter OCT 2014

Page 1

Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Whitley Matheson

Welcome to the October 2014 edition of the San Remo Shores Association Newsletter.

This newsletter is provided to you because you own or rent property

in the San Remo Shores Neighborhood.

Please enjoy the information presented in this newsletter in the hope that you will benefit from

our neighborhood and participate in the activities that make this such a great place to live.

Please visit our WEB Site: past & current newsletter links available

San Remo Shores

October 16th Thursday— General Meeting! 6:30 PM

6 PM for dinner at Beef O’Brady’s 4925 Cortez Rd. W.

Private room, main floor, to left (in plaza with Regal Oakmont 8

Movie to far right)

Please attend the meeting! Remind your neighbors…& carpool!!

* Long Bar Pointe & Lake Flores developments

* New entrance lights installed

* May Meeting Minutes



(check spam/junk folder) Call 941 302-3693 if no email

San Remo Shores Assoc.

5726 Cortez Road W.


Bradenton, FL 34210