san francisco jewish film festival 2009 guide

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  • 8/8/2019 San Francisco Jewish Film Festival 2009 Guide


    L a k e 68Iri Sgr Ia, 2008, 59 i.Fw by G d a n S kI Ra ILwa y S t a t Io n 52 mIn.

    Two lms aboutthelittle-known anti-Semitic hysteria that

    gripped Poland in1967 and 68,whenpolitical unrestresult-

    ed intheexpulsion o some20,000 Polish Jews:In Lake 68,

    expelled amilies returneach summerto thelake inPoland

    wheretheyoncetookreuge;inGdanskiRailway Statin,

    jointhe poignantreuniono someo theassimilated Polish

    Jewish citizens who wereorced outo theirhomes, jobs

    and universities and exiled to Israel.

    CIneArts Mon, Aug 3 1:15 PM FREE

    Lady kuL eL-aRabIism Mr Ia, 2008, 56 i.Pc by G Ro wn u p 20 mIn.


    caughtbetweencultures whenshe entersthe MissIsrael

    pageant.TheIsraelis orceher tochoose nationalloyalties,

    andthe villagetraditionaliststurn thecarnival moodrom

    upbeatto ominous.Thesuspenseis heightenedasDuah

    deantlyattemptsto remainin competition.Againstthis

    landscapeo runwaycompetitionand exploitation,Duahwill

    makea decisionthatis guaranteedto provokecontroversy.

    CAstro Thu, Jul 30 3:45 PM LADY30CrodA Sat, Aug 1 2:00 PM LADY01BCIneArts Wed, Aug 5 2:30 PM LADY05T

    J e wt oonSta uig i: 90 iu.

    Rabid jackals,lonelystalkers, bored and disgruntled IDF

    soldiers,demon bridegrooms,schoolyard crushes,alling

    bombs,crazy cats and severed limbs arejust a smallsample

    o whats instore oryou inSFJFFs rst-everanimated

    shorts program.

    rodA Thu, Aug 6 9:00 PM JEWT06BJCCsF Sat, Aug 8 9:40 PM JEWT08J

    J e wS I n S hoR t Sta uig i: 93 iu.

    Greatthings comein smallpackages inthis years excep-

    tionalshorts programincludingfying babies,Soviet agents,

    pickpockets,drumbeats and ragingteenage hormones,and

    with appearances bysuch Hollywood luminaries as Lauren

    Bacall,Derek Jacobiand BenGazzara,as wellas Dani

    Levys latestsatireand NataliePortmans directorialdebut.

    rodA Sat, Aug 8 11:30 AM JEWS08B

    deSeRt bRIdeSa usiz Ia, 2008, 90 i.

    In Desert Brides (BestFilm, Doc AvivFestival2008) a

    weddingphotographers lens oers a portalto womens

    struggles with polygamy.Ada Ushpizs outstandinglm

    explores therealities o becominga rstwie orsecond

    wiein Bedouinculture.With thestate pressureon nomadic

    cultures to integrateinto Israelisociety,a third o Bedouin

    womenlive inpolygamous households ueled bya relentless

    driveback to religionor minoritysurvival.Followedbya

    panel discussionin Berkeley.

    CAstro Wed, July 29 2:15 PM DESE29CrodA Sun, Aug 2 4:00 PM DESE02BCIneArts Tue, Aug 4 2:00 PM DESE04T

    defaMatIony Smir Ia, 2009, 91 i.

    Israelidirector YoavShamir( Checkpint, Five Days)

    explores theways contemporaryJews learnand thinkabout

    anti-Semitism,both realand perceived.Spendingtime

    with theAnti-DeamationLeagues crusadingdirector Abe

    Foxman,and with Israeliteens at Auschwitz who assume

    everybodyhates theJews, Shamirworries aboutthe

    utureo theJewish soulin anatmosphere o persecution.

    Butwhileheis willingto pokea stickata sacred cow,hes

    too nuanced a lmmakerto letideology trump thought.

    Adaring documentary.

    CAstro Sun, Jul 26 7:30 PM DEFA26CrodA Thu, Aug 6 4:15 PM DEFA06BrAFAel Sat, Aug 8 12:00 PM DEFA08R

    CyCLeSCril Gll Fac, 2008, 92 i.Pc by wIt h a LIt t Le pa t Ie n Ce 14 mIn.

    CyrilGelblat uses a lighthand to sketch a sandwich gen-

    erations crisis: Cycles shows thespecialnatureo middle

    ageor thechildren o French Holocaustsurvivors,as a sis-

    ter(Miou-Miou) and brother (Charles Berling) watch their

    mother(Shulamit Adar) slip into anunathomableworld o

    memories atthe sametime as theirchildren areslipping

    eortlesslyinto adulthood.Inmarvelous perormances,the

    absurdityo theirsituationtempers anythreat o pathos.

    CAstro Wed, Jul 29 12:00 PM CYCL29CCIneArts Sun, Aug 2 5:00 PM CYCL02TrodA Sat, Aug 8 5:00 PM CYCL08BrAFAel Mon, Aug 10 4:00 PM CYCL10R

    C hR onI C L e of a k I d na pnri kr Ia, 2008, 55 i.Pc by G ILa d S h a LIt : 2 ye a RS In Ca pt IvIt y

    50 mIn.

    OnJuly 12,2006,IDF soldierEhud Goldwasserwas kid-

    napped byHezbollah, anevent thattriggered thesecond

    Lebanonwar. This is thestoryo theamilies letbehind

    and theirstruggleto bringtheir loved ones home,told with

    thedet hand and keeneye o documentarianNurit Kedar

    (Wasted,SFJFF 2007).In GiladShalit ,Aviva and Noam

    Shalitcampaignto reetheirson Gilad,captured byGazan

    militants inJune2006.

    CAstro Wed, Jul 29 4:45 PM CHRO29CCIneArts Sat, Aug 1 4:00 PM CHRO01TrodA Sun, Aug 2 1:15 PM CHRO02B

    b R ok e n p R oMI S eJiri Clms svakia, 2008, 111 i.

    Arareand superbentryromSlovakia into thegenreo

    Holocaustdrama, Brken Prmise is based onthe true

    storyo teenagerMartin Friedmans unlikelyescapes rom

    deportationduringthe war.From workcamp to Catholic

    inrmaryto anunderground stintwith thePartisans,Martin

    manages to windeliverancethrough both chanceand the

    aid o kind souls.Thelm explores collectiveand individual

    anti-Semitismamonginvaders and liberators alike.

    CIneArts Thu, Aug 6 6:30 PM BRPR06TJCCsF Sat, Aug 8 6:45 PM BRPR08J

    b R ok e n L I ne SSlli armi Ui Kig, 2008, 112 i.Pc by M y a M u Le t 8 mIn.

    Inthis darkand erotic drama setinmulticultural North

    London,Jake and Bs carnalaair provides a welcome

    escaperom theirtroubled relationships,as despairgives

    wayto reedom.Writtenby co-stars DanFredenburgh and

    DoralyRosa, and directed with eloquentprecisionbySallie

    Aprahamian,Brken Lines shows sparks o hopeand pas-

    sionignitingeven insuering souls,as theynavigatel ie

    and thesurprises thatcomewith it.

    CAstro Tue, Jul 28 9:45 PM BROK28CCIneArts Mon, Aug 3 6:15 PM BROK03TrodA Wed, Aug 5 8:45 PM BROK05B

    a d a MM Mr Ui sa, 2009, 99 i.

    Pc by eve 17 mIn.

    Whennice Jewish girlBeth (RoseByrne) moves into a new

    apartment,the rereshinglyliteral, brainyguy nextdoor,

    Adam(Hugh Dancy),is probablynot whather upper-

    middle-class Jewish mom(Amy Irving) and dad (PeterGal-

    lagher) had inmind orher. Butcupids arrow strikes these

    two dierentdenizens o Gothamhard;they havemajor

    chemistryand withinminutes wend ourselves rootingor

    themto overcomedierences inculture and communica-

    tionstyles. Preceded byNatalie Portmans directorialdebut,

    Eve,starring BenGazzara and LaurenBacall.

    CAstro Sat, Jul 25 6:45 PM ADAM25C

    a C nfric virj Uuguay, Agia, 2008, 87 i.

    Pc by ba It 12 mIn.

    Atthirteen, Raa Bregmanis balanced onthe brinko

    youths innocenceand theexpectations o adulthood

    namely,a youngmans rstkiss.Meanwhile, his amily

    structureis shitingand his pimples arefaringout o

    control.Acn is a charminglymelancholic lookback atthe

    tinybattles o youth and thejoys thatcome inbetween as

    a boyawkwardlymakes his waytoward whatitmeans to

    bea man.

    CAstro Mon, Jul 27 4:30 PM ACNE27CCIneArts Thu, Aug 6 9:15 PM ACNE06TrAFAel Sun, Aug 9 6:00 PM ACNE09R


    R o C k I N PU PPE T M a yh E M !


    PU PPE T F o L k R E V I V a L b a N d

    aMERICaN dEbUT!

    Friday, July31, 9:30pm

    Doors openat9pm


    2050 BryantSt. (between18th/19th Sts.),SanFrancisco

    $10/$9 Members (All-Festival Pass notvalid orthis


    21and over,Co-presented byReboot

    TicketcodeROCK31AWhenthe playulness o theMuppets comes together

    with thehedonistic machismo o aded rockdemigods

    like Spinal Tap,mixed with thecrudehumoroSuth

    Park and a dash o theinventiveness oFlight the

    Cnchrds...well,you justmight end up with something


    candebut atSFJFF with a livemusicalperormanceand

    clip show atSan Franciscos CELLspace.

    AriPeer, Micha Dumanand AmiWieselthe

    PuppetFolk RevivalBand puppetmaster-musicians

    bringtheir bizarrelyunique and bitinglyunny livemusi-

    calpuppet actto SanFrancisco ora nighto rockin

    music,riotous clips and surerepuppetmayhem.

    fR e ewoodJuly11, UJoinus

    kicko p






    a riend


    Film: Un




    the GIft to StaLInRsm ars Kazakha, Ia, ruia,

    2008, 99i.

    Pc by M a M a , L Ch a IM ! (t o LIfe !) 5 mIn.

    In1949, Sovietdeportees creep eastward into oblivion.For

    Sasha,a Jewish boy,salvationcomes through anastonishing

    rubric o chance,deanceand thelove o a Muslimrailroad

    workerwho becomes his adopted grandather.Joining a

    makeshitamily o politicaloutcasts,Sasha has a chance

    to winhis parents reedomwhenM oscow announces a

    childrens contestcelebratingStalins 70th birthday.

    rodA Sun, Aug 2 7:15 PM GIFT02BCIneArts Wed, Aug 5 6:15 PM GIFT05TrAFAel Sat, Aug 8 4:00 PM GIFT08RJCCsF Sun, Aug 9 5:30 PM GIFT09J

    e Mp t y ne S tdil brm Agia, spai, 2008, 91 i.

    Middle-aged playwrightLeonardo Vindel(the marvelous

    OscarMartnez) descends into a world whereantasyand

    realityinterlace. Facingthecollapse o his marriageto the

    gorgeous Martha (Pedro AlmodvarstarCecilia Roth),Vin-

    delpeoples his world with a stageulo imagined characters

    and a May-Decemberextramarital aair.Noted Argentine

    directorDaniel Burmantakes us ona psychic journeyrom

    thebustle o Buenos Aires to thetimeless Dead Sea.

    rodA Sun, Aug 2 9:30 PM EMPT02BCIneArts Thu, Aug 6 4:15 PM EMPT06TJCCsF Sun, Aug 9 7:45 PM EMPT09J

    RefuGSi Crm

    Overthe p






    Israels re




    R a C he LSim bi Fac, Ia, Bgiu, 2009, 100 i.Pc by pRRRId e 3 mIn.

    In2003, ina controversialincident,22-year-old American

    peaceactivistRachel Corriewas killed whileattempting to

    stop anIsraeli militarybulldozer romdemolishing homes

    inGaza. Rachel is a dispassionatebut devastatingessay

    investigatingthecircumstances o herdeathincludingas-

    toundingeyewitness testimonyrom activists,soldiers,army

    spokespersons and physicians,as well as insights rom

    Corries parents,mentors and diaries. CindyCorrie, Rachels

    mother,inpersonat the Castro.

    CAstro Sat, Jul 25 1:30 PM RACH25CrodA Tue, Aug 4 6:30 PM RACH04B

    Me na C he M & fR e dor t Gay, Ia, 2007, 90 i.

    MeetMenachem and Fred,brothers who themselves have

    onlyjust re-metas adults.Sinceseparatingas children

    duringthe Holocaust,theyvebecome verydierent men,

    with dierentnationalities and religious orientations.Each

    has avoided his memories,and each is nallyorcedbyan

    old letterand a regretted commitmentto thelmmakers

    to conronthistory. Wetravel with themto Germanyand

    Franceon anemotionaltouro theirpast.

    CAstro Mon, Jul 27 2:15 PM FREECIneArts Thu, Aug 6 2:00 PM MENA06T

    Ma R y a nd Ma xam elli Auaia, 2008, 92 i.

    Oscar-winninganimatorAdam Elliots bittersweetcomic

    ableo anunlikelyyet extraordinaryriendship between

    a middle-aged,obeseNew York Jew with Aspergers

    syndromeand his eight-year-old penpalrom Australia.

    Broughtto lieby thebravura voiceworko Philip Seymour

    Homanand ToniCollette, MaryandMaxis a poignanttale

    o a riendship betweenoddballs attheir wits end with the

    world,but atpeace with each other.

    CAstro Sat, Jul 25 9:45 PM MARY25CrodA Tue, Aug 4 9:15 PM MARY04BrAFAel Sat, Aug 8 8:45 PM MARY08R

    MaaLeh fILM SChooL20 th a nnI v e R S a R y

    ta uig i: 90 i.

    TheMaaleh Schoolo Television,Film and theArts is the

    onlylm schoolo its kind inthe world.SFJFF celebrates

    20 years o the Jerusalem-based academy,which trains

    lmmakers to producework inspired bytheir Jewish

    heritage,osteringa uniqueconnectionbetween theworld

    o media and Jewish culture.Fourtop-notch shortl ms will

    bepresented. Theschools director,Neta Ariel,will beat the

    Castro screening.

    CAstro Sun, Jul 26 11:30 AM MAAL26CCIneArts Mon, Aug 3 3:45 PM MAAL03TrodA Wed, Aug 5 12:00 PM MAAL05B

    L oS t I S L a nd SRs Li Ia, 2008, 103 i.

    Israels 2008 box ocehit ocuses ontheLevis, a large,

    un-lovingamilyat times quirky,butmostly typical.As

    thenaive days o theearly1980s wane,theyencounter

    concurrenttragedies:a caraccidentthat leaves theather

    wheelchairbound and theuneasydistancingo once-

    inseparabletwins.When oneo thesons joins a commando

    unitghting inthe nationallypolarizing warwith Lebanon,

    theLevis personalstruggles becomeindeliblyintertwined

    with Israels own.

    CAstro Tue, Jul 28 1:00 PM LOST28CrodA Mon, Aug 3 9:00 PM LOST03BCIneArts Wed, Aug 5 8:45 PM LOST05T

    the taLe of nICoLaI & the Lawof R e t uR n

    di o Ia, 2008, 54 i.Pc by h o M e 18 mIn.

    Israelilmmaker David Oekuses theactual persons in-

    volved to tellthestory o a Romanianimmigrants transition

    instatus romexploited guestworker to ullcitizenship or

    himand his Christianamilyater herediscovers his Jewish

    roots.The documentarycheekilyunderscores its unsettling

    contradictions byunolding likea traditionalJewish able,

    whilebroaching serious questions aboutthe natureo Israel

    as a Jewish stateand a democracy.

    CAstro Sat, Jul 25 11:45 AM TALE25CrodA Mon, Aug 3 2:00 PM FREECIneArts Wed, Aug 5 4:30 PM TALE05T

    S k I nhr Smism nha, 2008, 85 i.

    Frankie,the sono a Holocaustsurvivor,becomes increas-

    inglyunhinged as his mothers cancerworsens.Finding

    himsel reluctantlytied up with a group o neo-Naziyouth,

    hewages a desperatebattle orrespect and empower-

    ment,leading to anunorgivable crime.Hanro Smitsmans

    grippingrst eatureprovides a scarilyrealistic view into

    Frankies motives and reuses to letanyoneeventhe

    viewero thehook.

    CAstro Wed, Jul 29 10:15 PM SKIN29CrodA Tue, Aug 4 4:30 PM SKIN04BrAFAel Sun, Aug 9 2:00 PM SKIN09R

    S hout I nG fI R e : S t oR I e S fR oMthe edGe of fRee SpeeCh

    Liz Grs Ui sa, 2009, 80 i.Pc by575 CaStRo St . 7 mIn.

    This vitaland unexpectedlypersonalexploration o the

    rightto ree speech eatures prominentvoices includingthe

    lmmakers ather,Martin Garbus,who discusses his di-

    cultdecisionas a youngJewish ACLUattorney to deend

    therights o AmericanNazis inSkokie, Illinois.Coolheaded

    and utterlyengaging, thelm traces theembattled history

    o reeexpressionin theU.S., with instructiveemphasis on


    CAstro Thu, Jul 30 1:00 PM SHOU30CrodA Sat, Aug 1 4:15 PM SHOU01BCIneArts Tue, Aug 4 4:00 PM SHOU04T

    Seven MInuteS In heavenomri Gi Ia, 2008, 94 i.

    Rangingrom thehyperrealistic to theantastical, this

    powerulneo-noir mysteryollows Galia,a youngIsraeli

    who struggles to rememberthe terroristbus bombing

    thattook herboyriends lie,leaving herbodyand her

    psycheseverelyscarred.An unamiliarnecklace, a patient

    and handsomestranger named Boaz (Eldad Fribas) and the

    newound knowledgethatshe was pronounced dead or

    sevenminutes allmighthelp her unlockthekeyto herpast.

    CAstro Mon, Jul 27 9:00 PM SEVE27CCIneArts Sat, Aug 1 9:30 PM SEVE01TrodA Wed, Aug 5 4:00 PM SEVE05BrAFAel Sun, Aug 9 8:15 PM SEVE09R

    ZRubaSml b



    him.But s






    Z I on & hI S b R ot he Rer Mr Ia, 2009, 84 i.

    EranMeravs knockoutrsteature oers a resh,razor-

    sharp perspectiveon theraught relationship between

    brothers.Fourteen-year-old Zionand his olderbrother

    Meirare thickas thievesthatis,when theyrenot ghting.

    Whenrough playleads to a tragic accident,the brothers

    reactdierently and arechallenged bythornyquestions o

    loyaltyand morality.Thestellar casteatures RonitElkabetz

    as theirmotherand TzahiGrad as hernewest loveinterest.

    EranMerav inperson inSan Francisco and Berkeley.

    CAstro Thu, Jul 30 6:00 PM ZION30CrodA Sat, Aug 1 7:00 PM ZION01BCIneArts Mon, Aug 3 8:45 PM ZION03T

    yoo-hoo, MRS. GoLdbeRGai kmr Ui sa, 2009, 92 i.

    Shes themost amous womaninAmerica youvenever

    heard o.The storyo televisionpioneerGertrude Bergis

    told with humorand insightin Aviva Kempners sparkling

    lmbiography.Creatorand staro theearlyTVhit The

    Goldbergs,Berg combined comedyand socialcommentary,

    introduced endearingJewish characters to middleAmerica

    and tookontheMcCarthyblacklist.Y-H combines rare

    clips with celebrityinterviews.

    the yeS Men fIx the woRLda biclm, Mi b Ui sa, Fac,2009, 90 i.

    Exposingcorporate greed and environmentaldegradationis

    serious businessbutthatdoesnt meanyou cantbe hilari-

    ous goingaboutit. Eco-pranksters Bichlbaumand Bonanno

    poseas corporateexecutives,then brazenlyinltrate media

    outlets and shareholdermeetings,skewering theirtargets

    with satiricalstunts. Inthis screwballcomedy orthe apoc-

    alypse, theYes Mentakeon Dow Chemical,Halliburton and

    post-Katrina proteers.

    wI L L I a M k unS t L e R :d I S t uR b I nG t he unI v e R S e

    emil kslr, Sr kslr Ui sa, 2009,90i.

    The1960s mostamous, rabble-rousingand radicaldeense

    attorneyis puton thewitness stand byhis two daughters in

    this rivetingdocumentary.For Sarah and EmilyKunstler, its

    aneort to understand and reconcilewith a mano con-

    tradictions who deended notonly civilrights activists,the

    Chicago 7 and AmericanIndianmilitants, butalso accused

    rapists,terrorists and assassins.An excitingportraito

    everyrevolutionarys ideallawyer. Followedby social justice

    discussionat the Castro.

    CAstro Sun, Jul 26 2:00 PM WILL26CrodA Sun, Aug 2 11:15 AM WILL02B

    vICtoRIa daydi bzmzgis Caaa, 2009, 82 i.Pc by t e n fo R G Ra n d pa 7 mIn.

    CanadianteenagerBenSpektoris livingthedream:hegoos

    around with a Dazedand Cnused casto pals,counts the

    days untilBobDylan comes to townand sees signs thathis

    longtimecrush mightnoticehis existence.The unoreseen

    consequences o a ve-dollar loanshatter his carereelie-

    styleand orcea choicebetween thesweet naiveteo youth

    and thematurityo adulthood.

    J e R uS a L e M C ut SLir azmr Ia, 2009, 52 i.Pc by h e RS ko vIt S a t t h e h e a Rt

    o f bLa Ckn e S S 56 mIn.

    Threedierent narratives o Israels 1948 waro indepen-

    denceunold sideby sidethrough theimages o a British

    photojournalist,a Zionistmovieproducer and a Palestin-

    ianphotographer.Preceded byHerskvitsAt the Heart

    Blackness ,a ascinating,visually innovativebiography

    revealingthe pioneeringwork and controversiallegacy

    o AmericanJewish anthropologistMelville J.Herskovits,

    a toweringscholaroten credited with inventingthe eld

    o Aricanstudies inthe 1920s through the50s.

    rodA Thu, Aug 6 12:00 PM JERS06BJCCsF Sun, Aug 9 11:30 AM JERS09J

    I a M v on hfL e RvaRIatIon on weRtheRpr frgcs Hugay, 2008, 160 i.

    I AmVn Her,ound-ootage alchemistPter Forgcss

    15th lminthe PrivateHungary series,is a breathtaking

    usiono homemovies byHungarian TiborVon Hferson

    o a Christianindustrialistather and a Jewish motherand

    photos,letters and contemporaryinterviews.Von Hfer,a

    bonvivant, chemist,piano-playingdilettanteand cad,was

    spectatorto a historythat included theGerman invasiono

    Hungary,theHol ocaustand theriseand allo Communism.


    rodA Sat, Aug 8 1:30 PM IAMV08BJCCsF Sun, Aug 9 2:00 PM IAMV09J

    a hI S t oR y of I S R a e L I C I ne MaRl njri Ia, Fac, 2009, 210 i.

    Anengrossing retrospectivedocumentarycoveringthe

    evolutiono Israelicinema romthe earliestdays o pre-

    1948 lmmakingto thepresent-dayrenaissanceo the

    Israelilm industry.Clips romclassic lms,interwoven

    with testimonials romkey players and pioneers o Israeli

    cinema,bring to liethe dierentways thatIsraeli artists

    havecreated and changed theircinematic sel-imageas

    thenationitsel evolved.Amustsee orany ano Israeli

    cinema and a abulous introductionor theuninitiated. With

    abrie intermission.

    CIneArts Sat, Aug 1 11:45 AM HIST01TJCCsF Sat, Aug 8 11:30 AM HIST08J

    he L L o Good b y eGrm Gi Fac, Ia, 2008, 99 i.Pc by S Id n e y t u Rt Le ba u M 18 mIn.

    Anentertaining French comedyabout a middle-aged Jewish

    coupleliving inParis whosesons marriageto a non-Jewish

    girlbrings onnew challenges.They packtheir things and

    moveto Tel Aviv.StarringGrard Depardieu and Fanny

    Ardant,this romantic charmershows theate o onecouple

    impulsivelymovingto a strangeyet amiliarland. Preceded

    bySidneyTurtlebaum ,starringDerekJacobi.

    CAstro Sun, Jul 26 10:00 PM HELL26CrodA Mon, Aug 3 3:35 PM HELL03BrAFAel Mon, Aug 10 6:15 PM HELL10R

    he a R t of S t oneb ti kr Ui sa, 2008, 84 i.

    Beore1960, predominantlyJewish Weequahic High School

    inNewark, NJ,graduated someo thetop students inthe

    country.By2000, theschool had devolved into a breeding

    ground organg violencein oneo thenations mostdan-

    gerous cities. Heart Stne is a movingportraito a bold

    principalwho reaches into theschools successulpast to

    givehis students a hopeuluture.

    rodA Mon, Aug 3 6:30 PM HEAR03BJCCsF Sat, Aug 8 4:35 PM HEAR08J

    the GoLdbeRGSGrr brg Ui sa, 1949-56, 120 i. (4x30)

    The Goldbergs,a brilliant show created byand starringGer-

    trudeBerg, premiered onradio in1929 and onTV in1949.

    GertrudeBerg was exceptionalas theJewish motherMolly

    Goldberg,who dispensed adviceand a wholelot o common

    sense;shereceived therstBestActress Emmyorherpor-

    trayalo thelovable,buxom baleboste romtheBronx.We

    willbe screeningour archivalepisodes inone program.

    CAstro Tue, Jul 28 3:30 PM GOLD28CCIneArts Sun, Aug 2 12:30 PM GOLD02TrodA Tue, Aug 4 2:00 PM GOLD04B

    CAstro Mon, Jul 27 7:00 PM VICT27CCIneArts Tue, Aug 4 8:30 PM VICT04TrodA Sat, Aug 8 9:45 PM VICT08BrAFAel Mon, Aug 10 8:50 PM VICT10R

    CAstro Sun, Jul 26 5:05 PM YESM26CCIneArts Sun, Aug 2 9:00 PM YESM02TrodA Wed, Aug 5 6:30 PM YESM05BrAFAel Sun, Aug 9 12:00 PM YESM09R

    CAstro Tue, Jul 28 6:30 PM YOOH28CrodA Sat, Aug 1 12:00 PM YOOH01BCIneArts Sun, Aug 2 3:00 PM YOOH02TrAFAel Sat, Aug 8 2:00 PM YOOH08R


    op e nI nG nI Ght

    CLoS InG nIGht C enteR pIeC e fI LM

    kri al Fac, tuiia, 2008, 100 i.,Aabic, Fch, Gaw/ eg. ubi

    pricil Cs: Kai Abu, lizzi Bch,najib oughii, oyp Bva

    KarinAlbou (LaPetite Jerusalem,SFJFF 2006) explores Jewish and Arabculture and emalesexualityin herbold and

    exquisitesecond eature.In Nazi-occupied Tunis,two teenagegirlriends,Muslim Nourand Jewish Myriam,clingto their

    lielongbond. Outsidethe intimateemale quarters o homeand hammam,the world shared byJews and Arabs is splitapart

    byGerman promises o Arabl iberation.When thepropaganda seeps through thegender wall,Myriam and hermother areno

    longersae, and a hastyweddingmust bearranged. Butmarriage, likeriendship,becomes a testo ethics and courage.

    Closing Night at the Castro: Join us for pre-film goodies, unique festivities, live music on the Mighty

    Wurlitzer and an on-stage conversation with director Karin Albou on July 30.

    CAstro Thu, Jul 30 8:30 PM WEDD30C rodA Sat, Aug 1 9:30 PM WEDD01B

    C Rll Auaia, 2008, 103 i.c, egih

    pricil Cs: dai Caazaii,Kiha Ca-Hugh, ti C

    EstherBlueburger has thickglasses,parents who dontunderstand her,a petduck and no riends atherhoity-toity school

    whereher classmates alllook identical.Sheand hertwin brotherare approachingtheirbar/b atmitzvah, a riteo passage

    thatcoincides with Esthers innerturmoil.On theroad to greatersel-awareness,Esther encounters kissing,sex, class di-

    erences,questions o loyaltyand anindestructible urgeto behersel. CathyRandalls wacky/serious coming-o-agecomedy

    mines thephenomenono good girls goingbadorrather, ndingthemselvesand sports sunlit,color-drenched produc-

    tiondesign and peerless actingby DanielleCatanzariti, Keisha Castle-Hughes (Whale Rider ) and ToniCollette (Little Miss

    Sunshine, MaryandMax). (Note:This lm contains some sexual content.)

    Join us July 23 from 6:00-7:30pm for a fabulous pre-film Opening Night Bash. See reverse for details.

    BAsH Thu, Jul 23 6:00 PM OPEN23CCAstro ( ilm only) Thu, Jul 23 8:00 PM HEYH23CCIneArts Tue, Aug 4 6:15 PM HEYH04T

    rodA Thu, Aug 6 6:45 PM HEYH06BrAFAel Sat, Aug 8 6:30 PM HEYH08R

    erz tmrSr Mm

    Ia, Fac, Gay, 2009,92 i., c, Hbw, Japaw/ eg. ubi

    pricil Cs: dvi Bk, Izik Ch, shau AzaPc by JoShua 12 mIn.

    Herzlis a 340-pound che who lives with his motherand is immersed ina culture o rigid dietregimes and tness classes.

    Justas heand his seriouslyoverweightbuddies intheworking-class towno Ramle,Israel, seembeaten downby weight-

    loss ailure,Herzl discovers theone placewhere atguys canberock stars:the world o sumo wrestling.An endearingand

    poignantcomic tale,with echoes oThe Full Mnty,AMatterSize traces thesemens tenderand unnypath rombody

    shameto bodycelebration, and romloneliness to love.A touchingmoviewith a plus-sizeheart.

    Following the 7:30pm San Francisco Centerpiece screening of a Mr Siz , join us for Happy Hoursake and 15% off entire food bill, in partnership with Sumi Sushi, 4243 18th Street,San Francisco.

    CAstro Wed, Jul 29 7: 30 PM MATT29CCIneArts Sat, Aug 1 6:45 PM MATT01T

    rodA Sat, Aug 8 7:30 PM MATT08B




    FJFF.ORG866.558.4253 Inembracing theprecept that

    held Jewish value,SFJFF brin

    lmmakers,activists and orga

    immigrationto inner-cityedu

    to environmentalism,thesix

    Egyptian-Israeliborder to New

    Orleans to ourown BayArea n

    See below ormore onth

    Shuting Fire: Striesrmth

    Disturbing the Universe; The

    Also,please joinus onS

    cialjusticel ms,programs an

    SocialJusticeas a Jewish Va

    Kunstler: Disturbing the Univ

    Wrld.Admissionr eeto tick

    oran ever-growinglist o res

    opportunities connected to th

    ReeL ChanSoCIaL Ju

    S PE C I a L PR o G R a

    Anumber o lms aboutwom

    invery particularways romb

    Brides byAda Ushpiz,a captv

    theNegev strugglingwith a po

    byIbtisam Maraana,a portra

    thevillageo SagurintheGalo theArabs beautypageant; a

    which ollows KarnitGoldwas

    Goldwasser,as shenavigates

    owntremendous grie.Please

    documentarylmmakers mak

    the RdaTheatre (Berkeley),

    directors Ada Ushpiz,Ibtisam

    woMen Sh

    Aviva Kempnerchronicles tales o Jewish heroismwith tenacity,skill and

    endless passion.Her documentaries areartully and painstakinglyresearched;

    theresults celebrate and illuminatelittle-knownstories o Jews who had

    heartand chutzpah.Kempnerwas thescriptwriter,director and producero

    thePeabody Awardwinningand Emmy-nominated The Lie andTimes

    HankGreenberg (SFJFF 1999),a highlyentertainingdocumentaryabout the

    Jewish baseballslugger.She produced and co-wrote PartisansVilna (di-

    rected byJoshua Waletzky,SFJFF 1986),a documentaryon Jewish resistance

    againstthe Nazis inVilna, Lithuania.Hernewest documentary,Y-H,

    Mrs. Gldberg,is theeye-opening storyo televisionpioneerGertr udeBerg,

    thecreatorand staroThe Goldbergs,a popular radio show (which started

    in1929) thatbecame televisions rstcharacter-drivensitcom in1949.Aviva

    Kempnerwill accepther award ollowingthe SanFrancisco screeningoY-

    H, Mrs. Gldberg on Tuesday, July28at the CastrTheatre.

    avIva keMpneR



    Jewish-themed animationhas landed centerstage with therecentsuccess o

    AriFolmans multi-award-winningWaltz with Bashir ,Israels rstanimated

    eature,and Sundanceopener MaryandMaxromAustralia. Parto this

    years ocus onanimation, MaryandMax,the creationo Oscar-winninglm-

    makerAdam Elliot,is a bittersweetcomic taleo anunlikely yetextraordinary

    riendship betweena middle-aged,obeseNew York Jew with Aspergers

    syndromeand his eight-year-old Australianpen pal,brought to liebybravura

    voiceperormances byPhilip SeymourHoman and ToniCollette.

    Prestigious Israelischools such as theBezalel Academyo Artand

    DesigninJerusalemand MinsharSchoolo theArts inTelAvivareproducing

    manyo theworlds mosttalented up-and-cominganimators,some o whomareeatured inthe SanFrancisco Jewish FilmFestivals rst-everanimated

    shorts program, Jewtns,a collectiono 15 lms romIsrael and theUnited


    anIMatIonS Po T L I G h T o N

    S Po T L I G h T o N

  • 8/8/2019 San Francisco Jewish Film Festival 2009 Guide
