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News of the Jewish VA Peninsula Community Mikvah Moment Page 17 Jewish Community News Sarfan Center Page 7 Virginia Peninsula Jewish Film Festival Page 18 Executive Director’s Message - Steven Wendell Senate passes immigraon bill By SEUNG MIN KIM (Polico) 06/28/13 12:19 AM EDT Reprint from The Senate on Thursday passed the most monumental overhaul of U.S. immigraon laws in a generaon, which would clear the way for millions of undocumented residents to have a chance at cizenship, aract workers from all over the world and devote unprecedented resources for security along the U.S.-Mexico border. The vote was 68-32. Fourteen Republicans crossed the aisle to vote with all Democrats in favor. Thursday’s vote now puts the onus of immigraon reform on the Republican-led House, where leaders have been resistant to the Senate legislaon. “The strong biparsan vote we took is going to send a message across the country, it’s going to send a message to the other end of the Capitol as well,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the leader of the so-called Gang of Eight. “The bill has generated a level of support that we believe will be impossible for the House to ignore. The bill was a product of not only weeks of floor debate and commiee rewrites, but months of private negoaons by the Gang of Eight — the group of four Democrats and four Republicans — to produce legislaon that would give the Senate a shot at passing immigraon reform, something it was unable to do just six years ago. Republicans, shellacked by Mi Romney’s 44-point loss among Lanos in the 2012 presidenal elecon, almost immediately coalesced behind immigraon reform as a top priority. The Gang of Eight got together last fall and recruited veterans of the 2007 immigraon bale such as Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), long-me champions of reform such as Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and high-waage Senate newcomers, like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). If Congress passes immigraon reform, it would make good on a promise from President Barack Obama and likely become his most significant policy achievement in his second term. In a statement, Obama emphasized that the bill was collaborave effort. In doing some research on immigraon, I recently came across the below news arcle below from June of 2013. It reminds me of our Government’s connued inability, on both sides of the asle, to address this crisis. Aſter months of inacon, House Speaker at the me, John Boehner, famously said in November of 2013, regarding the bill’s status, “We have no intenon of ever going to conference on the Senate bill.” And so, six years later, and aſter decades of inacon, here we are, sll, with an ever-growing, humanitarian crisis on our southern border. Join us as the UJCVP, in collaboraon with CNU’s Reiff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resoluon, hosts a screening of the documentary, “Undeterred”, Monday evening, October 7th, 6:30 PM, in the Freeman Center’s, Gaines Theater. The film will be followed by a queson-and-answer session featuring several humanitarian aid volunteers, including the film’s associate producer, Regan Wendell. October 2019/5780

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News of the Jewish VA Peninsula Community

Mikvah Moment Page 17

Jewish Community News

Sarfan Center Page 7

Virginia Peninsula Jewish Film Festival Page 18

Executive Director’s Message - Steven Wendell

Senate passes immigration billBy SEUNG MIN KIM (Politico) 06/28/13 12:19 AM EDTReprint from

The Senate on Thursday passed the most monumental overhaul of U.S. immigration laws in a generation, which would clear the way for millions of undocumented residents to have a chance at citizenship, attract workers from all over the world and devote unprecedented resources for security along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The vote was 68-32. Fourteen Republicans crossed the aisle to vote with all Democrats in favor. Thursday’s vote now puts the onus of immigration reform on the Republican-led House, where leaders have been resistant to the Senate legislation.

“The strong bipartisan vote we took is going to send a message across the country, it’s going to send a message to the other end of the Capitol as well,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the leader of the so-called Gang of Eight. “The bill has generated a level of support that we believe will be impossible for the House to ignore.

The bill was a product of not only weeks of floor debate and committee rewrites, but months of private negotiations by the Gang of Eight — the group of four Democrats and four Republicans — to produce legislation that would give the Senate a shot at passing immigration reform, something it was unable to do just six years ago.

Republicans, shellacked by Mitt Romney’s 44-point loss among Latinos in the 2012 presidential election, almost immediately coalesced behind immigration reform as a top priority. The Gang of Eight got together last fall and recruited veterans of the 2007 immigration battle such as Sen. John

McCain (R-Ariz.), long-time champions of reform such as Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and high-wattage Senate newcomers, like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

If Congress passes immigration reform, it would make good on a promise from President Barack Obama and likely become his most significant policy achievement in his second term. In a statement, Obama emphasized that the bill was collaborative effort.

In doing some research on immigration, I recently came across the below news article below from June of 2013. It reminds me of our Government’s continued inability, on both sides of the asle, to address this crisis. After months of inaction, House Speaker at the time, John Boehner, famously said in November of 2013, regarding the bill’s status, “We have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill.” And so, six years later, and after decades of inaction, here we are, still, with an ever-growing, humanitarian crisis on our southern border.

Join us as the UJCVP, in collaboration with CNU’s Reiff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, hosts a screening of the documentary, “Undeterred”, Monday evening, October 7th, 6:30 PM, in the Freeman Center’s, Gaines Theater. The film will be followed by a question-and-answer session featuring several humanitarian aid volunteers, including the film’s associate producer, Regan Wendell.

October 2019/5780

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2 Jewish Community News | October 2019

Contents Departments:

• Executive Director Message ..........1• President’s Message .........................3• Director of Dev. Message ................5• UJC Grand Club ..................................4• Fund Donations .................................4• Area Congregations ................ 12-15• Mikveh Moment .............................17

Features• Sarfan Center ......................................7• Jewish Youth ................................6 & 9• Flicks & Food .......................................8• For the Love of Chocolate ...............9• Coffee House Crafts ........................11• JCC Bookclub .....................................11• Shake & Shots ....................................11

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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 3

President’s Message - Jenny DavidThe High Holy Days are often a time of reflection, but this year has been particularly so for me. I have been preparing for my younger son’s bar mitzvah, which is in early November, and that, coupled with the holidays, has caused me to think back on my time in this community.

When I came to Newport News over twenty two years ago (wow how did that happen?), I was twenty five years old, fresh out of law school, wasn’t Jewish, didn’t really know anyone, and didn’t know anything about the Jewish community here except that at Rodef Sholom “every year [they] had a Cabaret,” which I attended with Josh couple of times while we were in law school. Believe me when I tell you that if I can end up as the President of the UJCVP, anyone can.

While I didn’t start out in a leadership position, I was included and asked to participate. Early on, I danced in Cabaret, sat on some committees, and then served on the UJCVP and Rodef Sholom Boards. I also helped with Women’s Division for the Campaign. I distinctly remember a phone call about the importance of women’s philanthropy with Sarah Barnett way before Sarah starting working at the UJCVP, and our mutual passion for women’s philanthropy sparked our friendship and our ongoing Federation lay-professional partnership. Sarah and I have had some wonderful collaborations over the years, and in the early years, Sarah jokes that we were the blind leading the blind. I believe that I (and Sarah) have come a long way since then.

When I tell my story of Jewish involvement to people outside of this community, they are always amazed. I think the first time I really talked about it was during a caucus at JFNA’s National Young Leadership Cabinet Retreat the first year that I was a member of Cabinet. I looked around the room and was shocked at how shocked the other five women in the room, who were all from different communities, seemed to be when they heard me talk about my acceptance by this community. A couple of them even had tears in their eyes. I remember telling them that this community absolutely had a choice—to welcome me or not, and the fact that you had embraced me changed my life in many, many ways. For that, I am very grateful. While I have certainly felt that our community is special, it probably wasn’t until that moment that I truly realized how special it really is. Apparently, other Jewish communities are not like ours.

As we begin this new year, it is my hope that every member of our community feels included and welcome. Please come to one of our many programs or join one of our synagogues for religious services. If you want to be involved, we want you to be involved, and there are always volunteer opportunities available.

On behalf of the UJCVP Board of Directors and staff, I wish you and your families a sweet and healthy new year.

L’Shanah Tovah,Jenny

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4 Jewish Community News | October 2019


Sherri L. Becker, O.D.,F.A.A.O. American Board of Optometry Diplomat

Office: 757-827-0009 | Fax:

UJC Preschool Fund In memory of Barbara Seligman

Martha & Tsvi Katz-Hyman

Mikveh Fund

In memory of Ruth Ann SchoenbaumMeryl & Bob Kessler

Unrestricted Endowment Fund

In memory of Ruth Ann SchoenbaumEttalea Kanter

In honor of Beverly Diamonstein receiving the Coastal Virginia Renaissance Award

Ettalea Kanter

Belle S. Frank Endowment Fund of UJC In memory of Sam Helfand

Jan & Jonathan Frank

In memory of Edith SpritzerJan & Jonathan Frank

In memory of Ruth Ann SchoenbaumJan & Jonathan Frank

Fund Donations

UJC Senior Grand Club

Grand Club will meet Tuesdays, October 8th & 29th

** Please Note ** Grand Club will NOT meet October 1st, 15th or 22nd.

Come to the UJC for Lunch and Bingo.For more info [email protected]

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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 5

Director of Development Message - Sarah Barnett

The power of…..a smell, a touch, a taste, a friend, and a community! Our annual challah baking program was a huge hit as usual with a multigenerational group of people enjoying learning, baking, and each other! As we transition out of summer and pool activities our UJCVP calendar fills up with expanded opportunities to gather, connect, and learn. These moments are at the heart of what we do and are Jewish Moments Powered by You! The hustle and bustle of our UJCVP campus is only possible with your support. As we gear up for our Annual Campaign 2020, please join us for one of our UJCVP programs and experience firsthand how we thrive as a central gathering place for Jews and non Jews alike, all seeking meaningful connections. Together our Power makes so much possible from Early Childhood, to Hebrew School, Youth programs, Grand Club, Summer Camp, Jewish Family Service, connections to Jews all over the globe and so much more

Our Power depends on your Generosity!

Join us for the following Annual Campaign Events:

• Sunday, November 3rd: Campaign Leadership Kickoff at the home of Wendy and Jonathan Eisner

• Tuesday, December 3rd: Donor Luncheon and special Campus Tour

• Saturday, Evening January 25th: An Evening event with Jewlicious founder David Abitbol

• Sunday Morning, January 26th: Our Annual Super Sunday Phon-a-Thon and J Day of Giving

If you are interested in more information on attending any of these events please contact Sarah Barnett [email protected] or 930-1422

Thank you for our most recent gifts to our Annual Campaign

Ryann and Kevin MacLuskie Sandra MarkoffJanice Rockwell Larry SpigelElliott Wolin

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6 Jewish Community News | October 2019

It is a mitzvah to eat in the Sukkah!

PJ Library pizza in the Sukkah

enjoy a slice and a story!

Sunday, October 20, 12:30- 2 pm

In the UJCVP SukkahProgram Passport Members are FREE!

Non-Members $10 per person ($20 Max for Families)RSVP to reserve your pie by 10/17 [email protected]

Untitled Event

November 18, 2017 7–10pm

The Location 1234 Main Street, Anytown, State ZIP

Come enjoy some Pizza in the Hut


Come enjoy some Pizza in the Hut


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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 7

Sarfan Early Childhood Center is now taking applications for the Fall of 2019.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a tour.757-930-1422 | [email protected] | [email protected]

401 City Center Blvd.Newport News, VA 23606

757-930-1422 | [email protected] | [email protected] City Center Blvd.Newport News, VA 23606

Contact us for more information or to schedule a tour.

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8 Jewish Community News | October 2019

From one season to another!

Above: “Lost and Find” table is from the last day of summer camp! Fifth grader Sasha cried real tears at the thought of saying goodbye to our Shaliach, Lior, who has made lasting Israeli memories for Sasha.

Above: Look at these shining polished floors getting ready to welcome another year at the Sarfan Center. We successfully transitioned from camp to school and have record starting number of 96 children enrolled in the Sarfan Early Childhood Center.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? ( Mr. Rogers Documentary)Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 12:30-2:30pmBuffet Lunch

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, from filmmaker Morgan Neville (the Oscar-winning 20 Feet from Stardom) takes an intimate look at America’s favorite neighbor: Fred Rogers. The documentary tells the story of a soft-spoken minister, puppeteer, writer and producer whose show was beamed daily into homes across America for more than 30 years. In his beloved television program, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Rogers and his cast of puppets and friends spoke directly to young children about some of life’s weightiest issues in a simple, direct fashion. There hadn’t been anything like Mr. Rogers on television before, and there hasn’t been since.

Flicks and Food: Jewish Films at the “J” This movie series features Jewish-themed

films from around the world. Enjoy the movie with lunch or dinner and popcorn.

Free for passport membersFor non-passport participants: $10.00

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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 9

Part 1: Lunch & Learn: Dinner Edition

Thursday, Oct. 3rd, 7pm

Colonial Williamsburg Chocolate Presentation

Find out how chocolate was used in 18th-century recipes and learn about the work involved in making it—roasting, shelling, and

crushing the cocoa beans, then flavoring with spices.Passport Members – Free

Non-Members - $12/person

Part 2:Chocolate Cooking Class with Evelyn

Thursday. Oct. 24th, 6:30-7:30pm.

Learn how to make chocolate truffles and real hot chocolate.Passport Members – Free

Non-Members - $10/person

RSVP to [email protected]

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10 Jewish Community News | October 2019

Pushke in Yiddish means a container used for collecting money.

When you attend any of our JCC programs, you will have the opportunity to help fill our Pushke! 100% of all donations will benefit our programming.AND! Mark your calendars for our #GivingTuesday Pushke Pour-Out on Dec. 3rd

(more details to follow later)

Introducing our NEW “Program Pushke”

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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 11

Coffeehouse Crafts:


Thursday Oct. 10th


Enjoy a warm drink while making modern decorations for the Sukkah or the home.

Passport Members: Free Non-Members: $5/person

RSVP to [email protected]

JCC Book ClubMonday, November 11th at 7pm

The Flicker of Old Dreams by Susan Henderson

The Flicker of Old Dreams is a story about the tension between those who fear and those who desire change; the beauty and grit of a town in its last gasp for life; the universal cry for dignity; and the revived hearts of a pair of outsiders who decide to break from tradition and dream bigger lives.

Contact Sara Traster for more information: [email protected]

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12 Jewish Community News | October 2019

It takes a family to comfort a

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We Continue To Celebrate


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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 13

Temple Sinai11620 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23601(757) 596-8352

October 2019All are welcome to our services, programs and activities!

For further information to any of the above events please call 596-8352. Rabbi Séverine Sokol (1-314-628-9196) [email protected] Administrator - Mary Beth Colgan - [email protected]

(757) 596-8352 - office (757) 596-8492 – fax | Web address:

Saturday Morning Shabbat Services (10:00 a.m.)

followed by lunch-

October 12th- October 19th (Sukkot)

Friday Night Shabbat Services (7:30 p.m.)

- October 4th (Shabbat Shuvah)- October 25th (Simchat Torah)

- Yom Kippur Services

- Tuesday, October 8th @ 7:30 p.m.- Wednesday, October 9th

@ 10:00 a.m. (Morning Service); 2:00 p.m. (Afternoon Service); 3:45

p.m. Yizkor Service; 4:45 p.m. (Ne’ilah) followed by


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14 Jewish Community News | October 2019

All are welcome to visit! CEVO meets at Bionetics: 101 Production Drive Suite 101 Yorktown, VA 23693

[email protected]


Special Events & Other NewsShabbat ServicesErev Shabbat services are held Friday evenings at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted.

October 4Erev Shabbat service

October 11Erev Shabbat service

October 18Rabbi and Religious School led Erev Shabbat service

October 25Erev Shabbat service

Kol Nidre, October 8, 7:00pmMorning Service, October 9, 9:30am

Yizkor, October 9, following the morning serviceAfternoon Service, October 9, 3:15pm

Ne’ilah, October 9, 5:00pm

N.B. CEVO High Holiday services will take place at Trinity Lutheran Church in Newport News. Guests of members and non-members alike are invited and welcome! Contact us to purchase tickets or with questions.

Tashlich, October 5, Lay-led, 4:00pm

Simchat Torah, October 20, 1:00pmJoin Rabbi Gurdin and celebrate with CEVO

At The Hamilton at York Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center, life is all about you. Whether you spend your days socializing with friends, reading a book or enjoying some entertainment, we are dedicated to assisting you in living life to its fullest.

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A member of the Virginia Health Services family



A member of the Virginia Health Services family


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Reservations Now Being Accepted

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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 15

ROSH HASHANAHTuesday, October 1 at 9:00 a.m.

GRAVESIDE PRAYERSSunday, October 6 at 11:00 a.m.Jewish Cemetery of the Virginia Peninsula (Rosenbaum)

KOL NIDRETuesday, October 8 at 6:30 p.m.

YOM KIPPUR Wednesday, October 9 at 9:30 a.m. Study Session at 4:30 p.m.Mincha/Neilah Service at 5:30 p.m.Shofar Blowing 7:16 p.m. Maariv / End of Fast (followed by Break the Fast) 7:22 p.m.

SUKKOTMonday-Tuesday, October 14-15 at 9:30 a.m.

401 City Center Blvd. Newport News, VA 23606 • 757-826-5894 [email protected] •

High Holiday Schedule:

Yom Kippur- Kol Nidre, Tuesday, October 8th.

Kol Nidre begins at 6:15 pm.

Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 9th.

Shacharis, 9:00 am

Yizkor (approximately 11:00)

Minchah 4:00 pm

Ne’ilah 6:00 pm

The Sukkah Dinner will be on October 17th. at 6:30 pm. Rodef Sholom Temple is letting Adath Jeshurun use their Sukkah for the second year. Last year was a great success. Please make this year just as special. Further infor-mation will be forthcoming.

As we celebrate the New Year remember:Open the door and the Almighty will show us the way through. All He asks us to do is wake up every day and try. May the year ahead be sweet, productive and healthy, and may we all have a year of peace.

Congregation Adath Jeshurun 401 City Center Blvd. , Newport News, VA 23606Telephone # 757-930-0820 | Website: www.ajshul.comRabbi Gershon Litt, 757-559-1836

Candle Lighting Times October 4 6:26pm 8 6:14pm (Yom Kippur) 11 6:16pm 13 6:14pm (Sukkot) 14 7:09pm (Sukkot) 18 6:07pm 20 6:04pm (Shimini Atzeret) 21 7:00pm (Simchas Torah) 26 5:58pm Rabbi Litt Shabbos Schedule

October 4th. November 8th. December 13th

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16 Jewish Community News | October 2019

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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 17

If you would like to find out more about a modern Mikveh please visit:

• Rising Tide Open Waters Mikveh Network -

• Introduction to Mikveh -


Please support a mikveh for ALL at the UJCVPNaming opportunities available for dedication

to honor the memory of a loved one.

Thank you for your support! Please email Meryl and Kayren at [email protected] to find out more about how you can get involved or donate.

Steering Committee: Gary Kavit * Meryl Kessler * Scott Wolf * Kayren Segall

We hope to build a universal mikveh space for all (orthodox, conservative, reform, reconstructionist, or unaffiliated) where you can bring your whole selves – your joys, your losses, your sorrows – into the living waters of the mikveh.

to this day. In general, immersion in a mikveh represents purity, rebirth and returning to a more pristine state, all of whose themes are included in Yom Kippur. Immersing in the mikveh connects us to the deeper meaning of the Hebrew word for repentance (teshuvah), which also means to return, in this case to a deeper relationship with God.

The root of the word mikveh means, among other things, “hope.” Although Yom Kippur is certainly a serious and awesome day, the Mishnah says it is also one of the most joyous days of the year. After ten days of intense prayer, meditation and introspection, each person is full of hope in anticipating the joy of God’s forgiveness and atonement. Yom Kippur, similar to a mikveh, should feel like pure, healing waters flowing over us, washing us completely clean. In fact, the prayers of Yom Kippur mention repeatedly the image of pure waters.

Yom Kippur

Mentioned in the Shulchan Orech, the basic code of law for all Jews, immersion in a mikveh at Yom Kippur is an ancient custom that is continued

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18 Jewish Community News | October 2019








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October 2019 | Jewish Community News 19

On Saturday, November 23, Rodef Sholom Temple is pleased to host

Starry Night – A Celebration of Community.

Rodef Sholom’s new synagogue on our shared campus of the United Jewish Community Center presents a unique opportunity to join together in celebration of Jewish heritage – past, present and future. We hope you will join us and support this special event.For more information, please email [email protected] or [email protected] or go to:

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and look forward to seeing you in November.

“The Good Nazi” A New Television Documentary at CNU

Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 7 pm in Gaines Theater

The event commemorates “Kristallnacht,“ (German for: “the night of broken glass” ) when across Germany on November 9-10, 1938, Jews and Jewish institutions were attacked and many destroyed by Nazi sympathizers. It is seen by some as the beginning of the systematic violence of the Holocaust that followed.

The film chronicles the search for evidence of a little-known rescue attempt of thousands of Jews by a Nazi officer in the midst of the Holocaust in Lithuania by CNU Aaron professor of Jewish Studies, Dr. Richard Freund, and a team of geoscientists. It’s a story of heroism and moral choices in the most immoral of circumstances, and the program will be followed by a panel discussion by Professor Anthony Santoro, Distinguished Professor of History, CNU, Dean Lori Underwood, College of Arts and Humanities, CNU and Professor Freund.

Program is free and open to the public but space is limited. To register for the event:

Sponsored by the Aaron Jewish Studies Program Fund and the Reiff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution at Christopher Newport University

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401 City Center Blvd.Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-1422

Electronic Address Service Requested

Tuesday, October 1 UJC Closed Rosh Hashana (day 2)

Thursday, October 39:00am - Preschool pictures4:30pm - Hebrew school7:00pm - Lunch & Learn: Dinner Edition

Friday, October 49:00am - Preschool pictures

Monday, October 76:30pm - Undeterred Documentary & Panel at CNU

Tuesday, October 8Yom Kippur Eve10:30am - Grand Club5:00pm - UJC Preschool and offices closed at 5 PM

Wednesday, October 9 UJC Closed Yom Kippur

Thursday, October 104:30pm - Hebrew school6:00pm - Coffeehouse Crafts - Sukkot

Saturday, October 127:00pm - Ethan Clinkenbeard Bar Mitzveh

Sunday, October 13Sukkot Eve

Monday, October 14 UJC ClosedSukkot (day 1) Tuesday, October 15UJC Closed Sukkot (day 2)

Wednesday, October 16Sukkot (day 3)9:30am - Preschool breakfast in the Sukkah5:00pm – Shakes & Shots in the Sukkah5:30pm - Executive meeting7:00pm - UJC General Board meeting

Thursday, October 17Sukkot (day 4)4:30pm - Hebrew school

Friday, October 18Sukkot (day 5)

Saturday, October 19 Sukkot (day 6)7:15pm - JCCY7:15pm - PJ our Way

Sunday, October 20Sukkot (day 7) / Hoshanah Rabah12:30pm - PJ in the Sukkah

Monday, October 21 UJC Closed Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah

Tuesday, October 22 UJC Closed Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah

Thursday, October 244:30pm - Hebrew school6:30pm - Chocolate Cooking Class

Saturday, October 267:00pm - Virginia Peninsula Jewish Film Festival

Sunday, October 272:00pm - Virginia Peninsula Jewish Film Festival

Tuesday, October 2910:30am - Grand Club12:30pm - Flicks & Food: Won’t You Be My Neighbor4:30pm - Hebrew school

Wednesday, October 3010:00am - Preschool Fire Truck day6:00pm - The Band’s Visit - Chrysler Hall Field Trip

Thursday, October 314:30pm - Hebrew school

UJCVP Community October 2019 Calendar