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  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar


    SafdarnamaTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2012

    Supernatural Trees

    The Waq Waq Tree(Vak Vak Aac)


    Dimensions :53x50 cm

  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar


    Below is my drawing of the mythical Waq Waq tree ofmedieval Islamic geographical, zoological andimaginative literature. Ive tried to emphasise itseeriness but there is a lot more to this, and other magicalor supernatural trees, within Islamic theology andtradition.

    For pre-modern Muslim geographers, Waq Waq referredto a far-off, unknown country. One of the strangest place

    names in the geographical literature (ranking inweirdness alongside Yajuj and Majuj, which are
  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar


    transpositions of the Biblical lands of Gog and Magog), ithas been interpreted by various medieval Arab and laterEuropean scholars to refer either to a part of Eastern or

    Southern Africa, an island perhaps in the Indian orPacific oceans, or a place in South East Asia, China orJapan. Looking at a circular copy of Idrisis world map,one sees the land of Waq Waq near the end of the world,at the southern tip of Africa, on the Eastern coast, facingthe Indian Ocean, opposite China. It was clearly a placeabout which traders may have heard odd and fantasticaltales but to which few had ever travelled.'s_world_mapk.jpg's_world_map.jpg's_world_mapk.jpg's_world_map.jpg
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    The country is renowned for its strange inhabitants andby the existence of a supernatural tree. One sourcedescribes a dark-skinned population who speak an

    unfamiliar tongue, leading some scholars to speculatethat the word may be of onomatopoetic origin showingthe reaction of Arab traders to the so-called clicklanguages of southern and eastern Africa. Whatever thecase, this race is associated with a mysterious tree thatgrows fruit that ripens into human forms. Different

    versions of the story record the tree blooming humanheads, animals, children, or a race of small people, whoare capable of speech. Some would praise God, whilstothers would ripen, fall to the ground and cry out Waq!

    Waq!, before dying. The tree sometimes has an oracularfunction, as in the mythology that surrounds Alexanderthe Great in Arab and Persian sources. These commonlydescribe an incident in which the world-conqueror

    visited and spoke with the tree. It predicted his future

    and forewarned him of his impending death. This Il-Khanid miniature painting dates from about 1340.

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    The great Arab polymath and belletrist, al-Jahiz,described the tree as a cross between plant and creatureand there are accounts of its offspring that combine bothhuman and animal forms within a bizarre, inter-speciesmlange. The 12th century physician and zoologist, al-Marwazi, described the people of Waq Waq as: a tribe

    whose nature is like that of men in all their limbs, exceptthe hands, instead of which they have something like

    wings, which are webbed like the wings of a bat. They,

    both males and females, eat and drink while kneeling.
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    They follow the ships asking for food. When a manmakes for them, they open these wings and their flight

    becomes like that of birds, and no one can overtake

    them. Such creatures are an uncanny mix. One canimagine their eyes widening in alarm as they rush to theair, amidst inhuman caws and the flapping of batty

    wings. The human/bird mixture appears in othercontexts, such as the harpy (female-headed birds) of

    Arab and Persian art. This luster-painted ceramic from12-13th century Iran is a good example.
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    It is difficult to ascribe a literal or symbolic meaning tothese examples because there are no recorded theories of

    visual aestheticsor the nature of symbolismin thehistory of pre-modern Islamic art. With the exception ofcalligraphy, no pre-modern scholars to our knowledgeever sat down and wrote a treatise explaining what the

    visual arts actually mean. Thus the types ofrepresentation shown above may have carried a specificsymbolic importance for the intellectual culture of thetime (which seems likely), or it may simply have been

    about following styles, images and forms that were thenfashionable (which seems equally as likely). Or it was,probably, a mixture of the two. This ambiguity orambivalence of meaning is one of the great mysteries ofIslamic art, and the thing that makes it fascinating tothis day.

    Nonetheless, supernatural trees have a firm place in thereligious imagery of the Quran. In a passage loaded with
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    allegorical figures, the sacred text refers to the tree ofZaqqum, which it describes as issuing from the heart ofhellfire, and from which grows fruit that are as repulsive

    as the heads of devils. The oppressors (zalimun) of thisworld (whose greed is often associated with gluttony)will fill their stomachs of this foul fruit, which theyllwash down with a beverage of scalding despair (37:62-67).

    In another verse, the Quran describes a lote tree whichstands near the boundary between earth and paradise,

    and which the Prophet witnessed on his journey toheaven: By the lote tree of the farthest limit, near untothe garden of promise, with the lote tree veiled in a veilof nameless splendour (53:13-18). According toMuhammad Asad (who draws from the commentary ofthe medieval rationalist Zamakshari) the reference to atree veiled in a veil of nameless splendour is

    deliberately vague (mubham). For how else could oneassociate something as ineffable and majestic asparadise with the symbol of tree? The tree then must bedescribed for what it is: as something that cannot beproperly visualized or named.

    Trees are an elemental symbol of life, fecundity anddivine favour. Indeed there are numerous prophetic

    traditions that refer to the blessings of planting trees,whose fruit represents an act of charity for every personor animal that eats from it. From the standpoint ofIslamic theology, everything in creation submits to Gods

    will and is a reflection of Gods mercy. Thus it is in thetrees nature as of every created thing toacknowledge and praise its creator, which it does with

    every sprout and branch, every leaf and bloom that

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    shoots out from its trunk. Here lies the spiritualfoundation for a theology of environmental protection.

    Human lives are intimately associated with trees. The

    Prophet used to preach to his companions every Fridayby the side of a palm tree. One day a woman fromamongst the people of Medina asked if he would like forthem to build him a pulpit. The Prophet responded: as

    you wish, so they made him a new structure. As heascended the platform, the tree started to weep and crylike a small child. Responding to this, the Prophet came

    down and embraced the tree until its sobbing subsidedand it had calmed down. According to one of thecompanions, the tree had sorely missed hearing theProphets recollection (dhikr) of God (Bukhari).Likewise, there is a report about Aisha, the Prophets

    youngest and favorite wife, who in the later stages of herlife was said to have wished she were a leaf or a tree

    uttering the praises of God (Ibn Sad).

    This is a leaf inscribed with calligraphy from Turkey(20thcentury).

    And heres another one of my sketches.
  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar



    Sal, Kasm 27, 2012

    Supernatural Aalar

    Aada Ortaa slam , corafi zoolojik ve yaratc edebiyatnefsanevi WAQ WAQ aacn benim izim

    olduunu. Ben onun eerinessvurgulamaya altm ama slam teolojisi ve gelenek iinde , bir sr bu

    daha , ve dier sihirli ya da doast aalar var .
  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar


    Pre - modern Mslman corafyaclarn , WAQ WAQ ok -off , bilinmeyen bir lkede anlacaktr.

    Corafi literatrdegarip yer isimlerinden biri ( Yecc ve Meccncil topraklarnn transpozisyonlar

    olan Yajuj ve Majuj , yannda garabeti sralamasnda ) , bir ksmna ya bavurmak iin eitli ortaa

    Arap ve daha sonra Avrupal bilim adamlar tarafndan yorumland Dou ya da Gney Afrika ,Hint yada Pasifik okyanuslar belki bir ada , ya da Gney Dou Asya, in ya da Japonya'da bir yer . drisi

    dnya haritasnn bir kopyas dairesel baktmzda , biri in'de karsnda ,Hint Okyanusu'na

    bakandou kysnda , Afrika'nngney ucunda ,dnyannsonuna yakn WAQ WAQ arazi grr . Bu

    aka tccarlar garip ve fantastik hikayeler duymu olabilirsiniz hangi ama birka hi gezmi olduu

    bir yerdi .

    lkenin garip sakinleri ve doast bir aacnvarl ile nldr . Gney ve dou Afrika 'dillerin tklayn

    ' szde Arap tccarlarntepkisini gsteren - Bir kaynakkelimesinin onomatopoetic kkenli olabilir

    speklasyon baz bilim adamlar , nde gelen bir yabanc dil konuan bir koyu tenli nfusu aklanr .

    Durum ne olursa olsun , bu yar insan formlarna olgunlar meyve yetiir gizemli bir aa ile ilikilidir

    . Hikayenin farkl srmleri insan balar , hayvanlar , ocuklar , ya da konuma yeteneine sahip olan

    kk insanlarn , bir yar ieklenmeaa kaydedin. Bazlar olgunlatrmak olur iken ,yere dmek

    ve ' WAQ haykrmak , Allah'a hamd ederim ! WAQ ! ' , lmeden nce . Aa bazen Arap ve Fars

    kaynaklarnda skenderByk evreleyenmitolojisinde olduu gibi , bir kehanet ilevi vardr . Bunlar

    yaygndnya fatihi ziyaret etti veaacn konutuolduu bir olay aklamak . Onun gelecei tahmin ve

    onun yaklaan lm onu uyarm . Yaklak 1340 den bu Il - Khanid minyatr boyama tarihleri .

    Byk Arap bilge ve belletrist , el- Chiz , bitki ve yaratk arasnda apraz olarakaa tanmlanan ve bir

    tuhaf , trler aras melanj iinde insan hem de hayvan formlar birletiren yavrularna hesaplar vardr

    . Onlar perdelidir kanatlar gibi bir ey , var yerine hangielleri hari , doas tm uzuvlaryla erkeklerin

    bu gibi " bir kabile , :12. yzyl doktor ve zoolog , el- Marwazi gibi WAQ WAQ halkn tarif bir

    yarasakanatlar gibi . Bunlar hem erkek ve kadn , yemek ve diz km iken iilir. Onlar yiyecek

    isteyengemileri izleyin. Bir adam onlar yapar , onlar bu kanatlar ak ve uu kular gibi olur ve kimse

    onlar sollamak olabilir . " Byle yaratklar esrarengiz bir karmdr . Bir de insanlk d Caws ve kak

    kanatrparak ortasnda ,havaya acele olarak onlarn gzleri korkuyla genileyen hayal edebiliyorum .

    / Insan ku karm gibi Arap ve Fars sanatgaddarn ( kadn bal kular ) gibi dier balamlarda ,

    grnr . 12 ve 13. yzyl ran bu parlt - boyal seramik iyi bir rnektir .

    WAQ WAQ sadece uzak arazi , ama sadecehayal bulunabilir bir yer deil, temsil ettii bir his vardr .

    Onun eksik kars ,Bin eyh Abdul Kudds ve Bir Gece , bunu u ekilde aklyor arama orada seyahat

    Hasan el - Basri kararna tepki : ' Olum , bu en zc olay vazgemek , siz WAQ Adalar'na

    ulaamamalarndan WAQ sizin ve bu adalar arasnda yedi vadiler , yedi denizler ve geni byklkte

    yedi dalar vardr beriUan Cinler vegebe yldz , size yardmc bile . " Biz ya da ben ziyaret

  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar


    edebilirsiniz karasal yer hakknda , daha sonra , sz deil . Belki de ne gibi bn Arabi gibi mistik

    filozoflar ve teologlar ,' hayali dnyay ' (' alam al- mithal ) denilen var .

    Bitki ve hayvan biimlerininfantastik kartrma slam sanatnn kayda deer bir zelliidir. te kular

    neredeyse soyut ekiller tasarlanm gsteren erken bir ahap panel .

    slam sanatnn Tarihilerdokuzuncu yzylda Irak'ta balayan' eimli tarz ' olarak bakn . Bu temsil ile

    daha az ilgili ve belirsiz , biomorphic ekiller doru daha fazla eilir . te11. yzylda Msr'dan

    Tarihleri baka paneli. Onun tasviri net ve karmak bir bitkisel / bitki tasarm iinde dizginlenmesi

    atlar gsterir .

    Grsel estetik veya sembolizm - in pre-modern slam sanatnntarihinindoas hibir kaydedildi

    teoriler vardr nk bu rneklere bir sabit veya sembolik anlam atfetmek zordur . Hathari ,

    bildiimiz kadaryla hibir n - modern bilim imdiye kadar oturdu vegrsel sanatlar gerekte ne

    anlama geldiini aklayan bir risale yazd. Bylece yukarda gsterilen temsiltrleri ( olas

    grnyor)zamannentelektel kltr iin zel bir sembolik nem tayan olabilir , ya da sadece eit

    olarak olas grnyor ( daha sonra moda olan aadaki stilleri , grntler ve formlarla ilgili olabilir

    .) Ya da , muhtemelen , bu ikisinin karmdr. Bu anlam belirsizlik veya kararszlk slam

    sanatnnbyk gizemlerinden biri , ve bu gne kadar ilgin klaneydir .

    Bununla birlikte , doast aalarKuran'ndini grntleri salam bir yere sahip . Alegorik figrleri ileykl bir pasajda,kutsal metni ' Cehenneminkalp veren ' olarak tanmlad ' zakkum ' aacnn , ifade

    eder , ve " eytanlarnbalar ' olarak irentir meyve yetiir hangi . ( Kimin agzllk genellikle

    oburluk ile ilikili ) bu dnyazalimlerin ( zalimun ) onlar fokur umutsuzlua ( 37:62-67 ) bir iecek ile

    aa ykamak olacak bu kt meyve, mideleri doldurmak olacaktr .

    'Uzak limitininlote aac olarak, yakn vaatbahesinde dediler ,ile : Bir baka ayette ise ,Kur'an-

    KerimPeygamber cennete yapt yolculuk ahit dnya ve cennet arasndakisnra yakn duruyor ve bir

    lote aac aklanmtr isimsiz ihtiam bir pee peeli lote aac ' ( 53:13-18 ) . ' Isimsiz ihtiam bir

    pee rtl ' bir aacareferans ( mubham ) kasten mulak (Ortaa rasyonalist Zamakshari veAnlatm

    berabere ) Muhammed Esed gre . Iin baka nasl aacnnsembol ile cennet gibi tarifsiz vegrkemli bir doent bir ey olabilir ? Aa sonra ne olduunu tarif edilmelidir : dzgn grsel veya

    adlandrlm edilemez bir ey olarak .

    Aalar yaam , dourganlkve ilahi lehine bir element sembol vardr . Nitekim meyve ondan yiyor

    her kii ya da hayvan iin sadaka eylemi temsil eden aa dikme , nimetleri bakn sayda peygamberlik

    gelenekler vardr . slam teolojisiasndan , yaratl her eyin Allah'n iradesine teslim ve Allah'n

    merhametinin bir yansmasdr . Byleceaacn doada - her yaratlan ey gibi - kendi gvdesinden

    dar vuruyor , her filiz ve dal , her yaprak ve iek ile yapar onun yaratcs , kabul ve vg . Burada

    evre koruma bir teoloji iinmanevi temeli yatyor.

  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar


    nsan hayatn yakndan aalar ile ilikilidir . Peygamber , bir palmiye aacnnyannda her Cuma

    ashabna vaaz iin kullanlr . Onlar ona bir minber ina etmek iin o istiyorsanz Bir gn

    Medineinsanlar arasnda bir kadn istedi. ' Istediiniz gibi ' , bu yzden onu yeni bir yap yapt

    :Peygamber cevap verdi . Oplatformu ykselmi olarak ,aa alamak ve kk bir ocuk gibi

    alamaya balad . Bu yant ,Peygamber indi ve hkra hkra yatm ve sakinletikten kadaraa

    kucaklad . Arkadalarndan birine gre ,aa fena halde Allah'n ( Buhari) vePeygamber'in hatrlama (

    zikr ) iitme karmt . Ayn ekilde , Aie , hayatnndaha sonraki dnemlerinde o bir yaprak ya da

    Tanr ( bn Sa'd'n ) vg syledii bir aa vard diledi sylenenPeygamber'in en gen ve en sevdii

    ei hakknda bir rapor var .

    Bu Trkiye'den kaligrafi ( 20. yzyl ) ile yazlm bir yaprak.

    Ve burada benim skeler baka biri.

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  • 8/13/2019 Safdarnama aalar
