sachs express 150 user manual

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Sachs Express 150 user manual


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Instruction Manual

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



    Thank you for choosing the motorcycle of Feiying Brand. The high quality motorcycle of FY125-3P series or FY15-3 series !hereinafter referred to as

    the "ehicle in the #ser$s %anual&' (hich makes the )ace in the industry' is designed and manufactured *y the +om)any on the *asis of its modern

    )roduction technologies of motorcycle. The "ehicle is characteri,ed *y its high technical )erformances and relia*ility' and its emission can meet the

    latest national emission standard therefore it is a fairly en"ironment-friendly motorcycle that may satisfy the demands of modern society. iding the

    "ehicle may *ring you safety' co,iness' and con"enience in your /o* and li"ing. Before you ride the motorcycle of this model' you must kno( (ell the

    contents in this #ser$s %anual so that you may understand rele"ant o)eration of the "ehicle.

    This 0nstruction %anual tells you ho( to ser"ice the )roduct. Follo( the instructions in the manual' you (ill *e a*le to ensure your motorcycle a long

    ser"ice life and free of trou*les. 0n case of any dou*t a*out o)eration and ser"ice' )lease do not hesitate to contact your distri*utor. 0ts (ell-trained

    technicians' equi)ment and tools (ill )ro"ide you (ith satisfactory ser"ice.

    ll configurations and )arameters are for reference only' not contracted ones. Please refer to the actual configuration of the manufacturer.

    The )roduct is designed and manufactured in accordance (ith 2224 + +om)ulsory certification of motorcycles *y uro)ean #nion ' the

    standard of 6B7258-24 9afety 9)ecifications for :)eration of ;ehicles' and the enter)rise standard %7-25 %5?-


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    The following information appears as signs in this Instruction Manual

    This sign indicates )rocedures that must *e follo(ed to a"oid immediate ha,ard to you.

    This sign indicates )rocedures that must *e follo(ed to a"oid in/ury to you' other )eo)le or the motorcycle.

    This sign indicates )rocedures that must *e follo(ed to a"oid damage to the motorcycle and yourself.

    This sign indicates )rocedures (ith further information.

    This #ser$s %anual should *e considered as )art of the motorcycle and should *e ke)t (ith the motorcycle for use in case of emergency.

    "en if this motorcycle is resold' it should also *e ke)t (ith the motorcycle. The +om)any makes great efforts to im)ro"e the design and

    quality of its )roducts all the time. Though this #ser$s %anual contains the latest information of )roducts (hen )rinting' there still might *e

    in it some(hat discre)ancies from the motorcycle you )urchased. 0n case of any question' )lease contact your local dealer or a))ointed

    maintenance station.

    Read this Instruction Manual carefully prior to driving.

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    CONTNT!!afe Driving """"""""""#

    @ri"ing rules ---3 Protecti"e suits --3

    efitting ---3 Aoading goods and installing accessories ---3

    6oods loading ---3

    $arts names """"""""""%"&

    Motorcycle identification """"""""""'

    Controller functions """"""""""'"(

    %eters and indicators ---? 0gniter s(itch ---7

    =andle s(itch ---7 Fuel tank and tank lid ---8

    Fuel s(itch ---8 #se of fuel and engine oil ---8

    ngine oil ---8 Tyres ---

    Driving instructions """"""""""(")*

    Tyre (ear check --- Pre-dri"ing check ---

    ngine running-in ---1 @ri"ing ---1

    6ear chart ---1 Braking and )ulling u) ---1

    Repair and maintenance """"""""""))")+

    0ns)ection and ad/ustment of o)eration of the throttle rotate handle ---11

    d/ustment of engine idle s)eed ---11

    0ns)ection and ad/ustment of "al"e clearance ---11

    0ns)ection' ad/ustment and lu*rication of dri"ing chain ---12

    d/ustment of front *rake ---12

    d/ustment of rear *rake ---13

    0ns)ection of lighting and signaling system ---13

    9torage *attery ---13 Fuse re)lacement ---14

    e)lacement of *ul* --- 14 %aintenance of motorcycle ---15

    e)lacement of lu*ricating oil ---15

    0ns)ection and re)lacement of s)ark )lug --- 15

    +leaning' maintenance and assem*ling of air filter---1? +leaning ---1?

    6uide to storage of the "ehicle --- 1?

    Precautions (hen reuse of the motorcycle ---17

    %aintenance of aluminum (heels---17

    Technical parameters """""""""")+

    Trou,leshooting """""""""")-")(

    uality engine oil """"""""""/*


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    !ervice record """"""""""/*

    lectrical diagram """"""""""/)


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    !afe driving

    To dri"e a motorcycle' you ha"e to )ay attention to dri"ing

    safety' understand safety instructions and do routine "ehicle


    Driving rules

    1. +heck the "ehicle *efore dri"ing to a"oid accident or damage to the machine.

    2. ttend traffic authority dri"ing eCaminations and o*tain a dri"ing license. >e"er

    lend your motorcycle to anyone (ithout a dri"ing license.

    3. To )re"ent *eing in/ured' you are recommended to *ear in mind the follo(ing


    @ress in *right and "i"id color.

    Eee) a distance from other motor "ehicles.

    *ide *y local traffic rules and ne"er contend (ith other dri"ers.

    ccidents mostly result from s)eeding. @o not dri"e a*o"e the s)eed limit.

    9(itch on the turn light *efore you turn or change lane.

    @ri"e carefully on crossroads' car )ark entranceeCit and s)eed (ay.

    =old handle*ars (ith *oth hands and )lace feet on the )edals. Passengers shall

    also hold tight to safety handle or the dri"er and )lace feet on )assenger



    efitting motorcycle or re)lacing original )arts may com)romise

    dri"ing safety and is against traffic rules. Please a*ide *y rules on

    the use of motorcycles.

    0oading goods and installing accessories

    @ri"e carefully (hen youre carrying goods or accessories are

    installed. 0m)ro)er loading may harm the "ehicles )erformance

    and sta*ility and lead to accident.

    1oods loading

    1. The goods shall *e loaded in a middle )osition and as lo( as )ossi*le. Put the

    goods e"enly on *oth sides of the "ehicle and in *alance. 0f the goods are loaded

    too far a(ay from the center' the motorcycle (ill *ecome difficult to handle.

    2. Pro)erly ad/ust the tire )ressure and rear dam)ing s)ring according to the (eight

    of loaded goods and the dri"ing conditions.

    3. To ensure dri"ing sta*ility' the goods shall *e firmly fiCed to the "ehicle and

    checked regularly.

    4. >e"er *ind large or hea"y o*/ects to the steering handle or front fork. The dri"ing

    *alance or steering reaction might *e com)romised.

    5. >e"er o"erload the motorcycle !15kg&.


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    $rotective suits

    1. For the sake of your safety' you should (ear helmet' mask or glasses and glo"es.

    The )assengers shall also (ear helmet.

    2. The eChaust )i)e may *e "ery hot. To a"oid scalding' (ear something to )rotect

    your legs.

    3."oid (earing any loose clothes that may sto) the handle*ars' starter le"er' )edals

    or (heels.


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    $arts Names

    1. ear carrier

    2. 9eat )ad

    3. Fuel tank

    4. ear"ie( mirror

    5. 9)oiler

    ?. Front turn signal light

    7. ear (heel

    8. ear dam)er

    . Chaust muffler

    1. ear )edal

    11. Front )edal

    12. ear *rake )edal

    13. Front dam)er

    14. Front (heel


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    15. ight side co"er


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    1?. %ain stand

    17. ear turn signal light

    18. 0nstrument assem*ly

    1. 9teering handle

    2. +ar*uretor

    21. Fuel s(itch

    22. 6earshift le"er

    23. Eickstand

    24. Aeft side co"er

    25. %ounting )osition of data )late

    2?. 9tenciling )osition of frame num*er

    27. 9tenciling )osition of engine num*er

    28. =eadlight

    2. Taillight

    3. =orn


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



    Motorcycle identification

    2ehicle identification num,er 32IN45 nameplate and engine num,er

    To register your motorcycle' youll ha"e to su))ly the "ehicle

    identification num*er !;0>& and engine num*er. Ghen you order

    ne( )arts' you need also to su))ly the ser"ice center (ith these

    num*ers. Please note do(n these t(o num*ers for future reference.

    ;ehicle identification num*er !;0>&

    ngine num*er

    The frame identification code !;0>& is stenciled on the head-end tu*e of the


    The "ehicles data )late is ri"eted onto the front of the head-end tu*e of the

    frame' or ri"eted onto the central )oint on the right side of the frame.

    The engines serial num*eris stenciled onto the lo(er left side of the engine.


    identification num*er


    Controller functions

    Meters and indicators

    1 Turn indicatorD (hen the s(itch of turn signal lam) functions' this indicator


    2 =igh *eam indicatorD (hen the motorcycle uses high *eam lam)' this indicator

    is on.

    3 >eutral gear indicatorD (hen motorcycle is set to its neutral )osition' this

    indicator flickers.

    4 6earshift )osition dis)layD (hen gearshift of the motorcycle' the indicator is on.

    1. Fuel meter

    2. Tachometer

    3. ed ,one in tachometer

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    ngine num*er "en if the running in of engine is finished' do not allo( the

    )ointer to enter into the red ,one. Pay s)ecial attention in case

    of ra)id acceleration or acceleration at gear 1 or 2 *ecause the

    )oint is a)t to enters into the red ,one then. The red ,one

    indicates that the engine has already reached the maCimum

    limit of its rotational s)eed. To ride at the said rotational s)eed

    may lead to reduction of its ser"ice life.


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    1. 9hort-distance ,ero-clearing !reset& kno*

    2. 9)eedometer

    3. 9hort-distance odometer

    4. :dometer

    Ignition switch

    0gnition s(itch is located in the lo(er medium )art of the instrument' (ith three)ositions namely :FF' :>' and P.

    :FF D 0t indicates that the (hole circuit is turned off' the engine cannot

    *e started u)' *ut the key may *e taken out.

    :> D The (hole circuit is turned on. You can start the engine and the

    6andle,ar switch

    1. Turn signal lam) s(itch

    2. =ighlo( *eam s(itch

    3. =orn ring

    Position C)lanation

    9et the s(itch to this )osition' and the headlight is s(itched to

    high *eam

    9et the s(itch to this )osition' the headlight is s(itched to lo(


    9et the s(itch to this )osition' and the front and rear left turn

    signal lam)s flicker

    Turn signal lam) is turned off

    9et the s(itch to this )osition' and the front and rear right turn

    signal lam)s flicker

    Press this *utton' and the horn sounds


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    key cannot *e remo"ed.

    Park !P&D Cce)t the taillight and )osition light' all other circuits are turned

    off' the com)lete "ehicle is set to its shutting-do(n state' and the

    key can *e taken out.

    1. 9hutting-do(n s(itch

    2. Aighting s(itch

    3. lectric starting *utton

    Position C)lanation

    Ghen the s(itch is set to this )osition' it is allo(ed to start u)

    the engine

    Ghen the s(itch is set to this )osition' the engine can$t *e


    H Turn off the lighting lam)

    The )osition light' instrument light' the taillight are on

    The headlight' instrument lighting lam)' and taillight are on

    Press this *utton to start u) the engine


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    7uel tan85 fuel tan8 cap

    Fuel-tank ca)acity is 12A' of (hich' the ca)acity of s)are !auCiliary& fuel duct is 1.?A.

    0t ado)ts lead free gasoline' (ith octane rating of I or higher.

    :)ening )rocedures of fuel tank ca)D

    0nsert the ignition s(itch key.

    Turn the key right(ard for degrees to o)en the fuel tank ca).

    Just )ress and close it.

    @o not fill t(o much gasoline into the fuel tank !the fuel le"el must not

    eCceed the neck of the fuel tank&. fter fuel filling' the fuel tank ca)

    must *e tightened. 6asoline is eCtremely inflamma*le or e"en

    eC)losi"e. Before you o)en the ca)' check (hether or not the engine

    shutting-do(n is com)letely achie"ed fuel filling shall *e carried out

    in good-"entilated )lace' and strict measures shall *e taken so as to

    )re"ent alight cigarettes or other tinder from a))roaching the )lace.

    7uel switch

    Fuel s(itch is located under the left side of the fuel tank' and the fuel su))ly is s(itched off once

    you turn the s(itch kno* to its )osition !:FF&. Ghen you do not ride the "ehicle' /ust turn

    the s(itch kno* to its )osition . Before you ride the "ehicle' turn the s(itch kno* to its

    )osition !:>& for normal fuel su))ly !fuel *egins to flo( into the car*uretor&.

    Ghen the s(itch kno* is turned to its )osition K L !s)are fuel duct&' s)are fuel duct *egins to

    su))ly fuel !the s)are fuel duct may *e utili,ed only if the normal fuel su))ly is o"er&. But the

    ca)acity of s)are fuel duct is 1.?A only' therefore you shall ha"e fuel filled as soon as )ossi*le.

    9(itch kno* Position Position

    Use of fuel and engine oil

    1. Fuel

    #se lead-free gasoline (ith octane "alue a*o"e I.

    #se of lo(-leadgasoline can lengthen the ser"ice life of the s)ark


    2. ngine oil

    #se of high-quality four stroke engine oil can lengthen the ser"ice life of the engine. #se

    P0 classification method to choose 9F or 96 grade engine oil. ngine oil "iscosity should

    *e of 91G-34. 0f this kind of oil is not a"aila*le' )urchase on selection of the

    su*stitute according to the "alues listed in the ta*le *elo(.

    ngine lu,ricating oil

    Ghen using your motorcycle' it is required to check frequently the engine lu*ricating oil.

    The filler ca) for lu*ricating oil is located on the right crankcase' the ca) is connected (ith a

    di)stick' the oil le"el should *e *et(een the u))er and )o(er car"ed lines on the di)stick.

    %ake sure not to start the engine (hen oil ca)acity is insufficient' or other(ise it (ill cause

    *ad aftereffect to the engine.

    #))er limit


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



    0ndicated direction


    u**er ca)

    fter fuel filling' do not ha"e the s(itch kno* left on its )osition K L

    other(ise the main fuel duct and s)are fuel duct su))ly fuel

    simultaneously' and you cannot continue riding *ecause all fuel !including

    the s)are fuel& is used u) *efore you reali,e it.

    Ao(er limit


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



    ))ro)riate tire )ressure can make "ehicle kee) a most sta*le running' (ith not only

    a comforta*le riding' *ut also a dura*le tire ser"ice life.

    Tire )ressureD !kPa& FrontD 175kPaD earD 225kPa

    +ontinual use of eCcessi"ely (orn-out tire is eCtremely dangerous' as

    the (orn-out tire (ill affect the traction force' the sta*ility' the steering

    and )erformance of handling.

    Before dri"ing' check the tire )ressure (hen the tires are cold' check

    the tires for any cracks' nails' or other shar) o*/ects that may insert

    into the tire' check the (heel felloe for any sunken or distortion

    defects. ny tires' if damages are found' should *e re)aired or re)laced

    at the maintenance station.

    0m)ro)er tire )ressure (ill lead to unusual attrition of the tire tread' or

    e"en cause safety incidents. 0nsufficient tire )ressure' not only causes

    tire damages *ut also leads to sli))age (ith (heel felloe or e"en

    se)aration (ith the (heel felloe. Ghen the de)th of tire tread in the

    middle )art of the tire is less than 1.?mm for front tire' and less than for rear tire' )lease re)lace them at once.

    Operation guidelines for driving your motorcycleInspection of tire attrition

    @ri"ing a motorcycle (ith seriously (orn-out tires (ill lo(er dri"ing sta*ility and

    )ossi*ly cause loss of control. Ge recommend re)lacing (ith a ne( front tire (hen

    the de)th of its tire engra"ings is reduced to 1.?mm and so do the same for the rear

    Inspection ,efore driving

    +heck your motorcycle *efore dri"ing' Taking a fe( minutes to check the

    follo(ing items (ill sa"e your time for re)airing the failure in your (ay and ensure

    a safe dri"ing in the meantime.

    +heck of engine lu*ricating oil le"el M dd oil if necessary and check for any

    )ossi*le oil leakage.

    +heck of fuel oil le"el dd fuel to oil tank and check for any )ossi*le oil


    +heck of *oth front and rear *raking M +onduct an o)eration check' and ad/ust

    the free ga) (hen necessary.

    +heck of tireN+heck the state and )ressure for *oth the front and rear tires.

    +heck of dri"ing chainN+heck the dri"ing chain for state and tightness and

    make ad/ustment and a))ly lu*rication (hen necessary.

    +heck of accelerator - +heck the accelerator if the accelerator handle turns


    +heck of lighting and horn+heck if the headlam)' taillam)' *rake light ' turn

    signal lam)' indicator and horn are in normal o)eration. To facilitate startu)'

    the "ehicle is equi))ed (ith car*urettor startu) and thickening system. 0n a

    cold engine state' raise the choke control handle to )osition and start the

    engine. :nce the engine is started u)' )ress the handle to )osition B to allo(the engine )re-(arm !for 3 minutes& till adequate tem)erature' and then )ress

    the handle to its original )osition +. This system (orks only (hen the

    accelerator is in full close state. Fuel (ill *e su))lied directly "ia the throttle


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    tire if the de)th of its tire engra"ings is reduced to 2mm.

    Front (heelD s)ec 2.75-18

    ear (heelD s)ec 11

    Aimit of (ear !frontrear (heel& .8mm

    Tire (ear mark

    system instead of this system once you turn the throttle for acceleration during


    @o not start the engine (ith this system (hen the engine tem)erature is "ery


    +hoke handle


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    ngine running"in

    The ser"ice life of your motorcycle de)ends on the o)eration condition in the initial 1'km

    riding of your "ehicle. 0n running-in )eriod' engine is unsuita*le to *ear eCcessi"e load' and

    for any gear s)eed' dri"e at the s)eed not eCceeding 8O of its maCimum s)eed limit' try to

    a"oid full throttling and dri"ing (ith only one s)eed for a long time' as in the initial dri"ing

    )eriod' the machined surfaces of com)onents (ill kee) mutual contacts and gradually run in to

    normal clearance. 9o allo(ing the engine to o*tain a lo( load running-in in initial dri"ing

    )eriod (ill )rominently lengthen the ser"ice life of the engine.

    fter running in )eriod' dri"ing at the s)eed (ith full throttling is )ossi*le' *ut attention

    should *e )aid to the engine o)eration condition and its noise so as to *e sure that the engine

    has entered into normal o)erating state.

    0n the running in )eriod' engine oil should *e re)laced in e"ery 5 km .

    Driving your motorcycle

    Prior to dri"ing' check your motorcycle for the items as s)ecified .

    Gait and get engine )re-(armed *efore dri"ing.

    Ghen engine is set to idle s)eed' hold the clutch le"er tightly' and ste) (ith left ti)toe on

    the )edal le"er' shift the transmission to the lo(-s)eed )osition !first gear& .

    Turn the throttle rotate handle gradually to raise the engine rotation s)eed' and at the same

    time' release the clutch handgri) slo(ly and these t(o actions should *e (ell coordinated

    to so as to get a steady start.

    Ghile the "ehicle enters a steady running state ' lo(er the engine s)eed ' shut do(n the

    Diagram of gearshift positions

    The gearshift )ositions of this "ehicle is sho(n in the right )ictureD

    9ra8ing and par8ing

    1. Braking

    The *raking method (e normally use is to a))ly a simultaneous *raking for *oth front and rear

    *rakes so as to ensure an effecti"e *raking. But in fact' this method is )refera*ly a))lica*le to

    emergency sto) only. The most suita*le (ay for *raking is to shut do(n the throttle "al"e and the

    clutch. 9te) on !in a little ad"ance&' and hold *raking handle*ar so as to ensure smooth and steady

    *raking o)eration.

    9e)arate a))lication of front or rear *rake may lead to inadequate *raking

    effect *ut if you increase the *rake force' the (heel may *e sei,ed'

    resulting (heel skid. This may lead to unsta*le dri"ing or e"en a turn-o"er.

    Ghile making a turn' lo(er the s)eed and a))ly a slo( *raking' shutting

    do(n the accelerator or urgent *raking (ill cause a side sli) and a difficult

    control of the "ehicle.

    0t is not suita*le to dri"e at high s)eed *ut (ith a s)ecial care in (et rainy

    seasons and on muddy road surface due to reduction of *rake )erformance.

    #se lo(er gear (ith interru)ted *raking (hile running on a slo)e' and

    continuous *raking (ill )roduce heat to the *rake' and reduce *raking


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    clutch ' ste) on the )edal le"er for shifting to the 2nd gear ' and do the same until gearshift

    ha"e *een made in turns to 3rd ' 4th and 5thgear .

    Pro)er handling the throttle "al"e in com*ination (ith *rake can lo(er the engine s)eed.

    Ghile *raking' o)erate the front and rear *rake simultaneously' do not use too much force

    and make a too tight *raking to the (heel' or' it (ill cause a *rake system failure and a

    difficult control o"er the "ehicle.

    0t is required to disengage the clutch *efore gearshift and reduce the

    throttle so as to a"oid the damages of engine )arts or other )arts.


    2. Parking

    . Ghen the "ehicle is sto))ed' set the gearshift )edal le"er to its neutral )osition' and turn the fuel

    s(itch to KL.

    B. Park your motorcycle on a flat and le"el )arking area and su))ort it (ith the main stand or

    kickstand. 0n case of a slo)e' the "ehicle head should *e )laced at higher )oint so as to a"oid


    1. For safety reasons' do not )ush your motorcycle (hen its steering lock is

    locked' other(ise it (ill lose its *alance. 2. The eChaust muffler is fairly hot

    (hen the "ehicle is /ust sto))ed therefore the "ehicle shall *e )arked in a safe

    )lace in (hich there is no )edestrian or' or in a )lace that the child cannot



  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



    Chec8 and ad:ustment of throttle rotate handle,ar operation

    1. d/ustment of the close ni))le 2. FiCing nut

    . +heck the throttle rotate handle if it turns freely from full o)en to full close

    )ositions +heck if the throttle ca*le *et(een throttle rotate handle and car*uretor

    is in good condition' and change in case of damage.

    B. +heck the free ga) of rotate handle. The free ga) at corner the rotate handle shall

    *e 2?mm. To ad/ust the free ga)' firstly loosen the fiCing nut 2' and then turn the

    ad/usting scre(.

    ;d:ustment of engine idle speed9ta*le car*uretion is a *asic requirement of the engine for the car*uretor. The

    car*uretion function of car*uretor (as )recisely ad/usted *efore factory lea"ing' and

    its setting must not *e changed. Just )ay your attention to t(o )ointsD the idle s)eed

    and the ga) of the throttle ca*le.

    Chec8 and ad:ustment of valve clearance

    n eCcessi"e "al"e clearance (ill )roduce noise' (hile a too small or no "al"e

    clearance (ill gi"e hindrance to throttle closing' cause "al"e *urning and lack of

    engine )o(er' therefore' the "al"e clearance must *e checked in regular inter"als.

    +heck or ad/ustment of "al"e clearance should

    *e made in cold engine state (ith the method

    gi"en *elo(D

    1. emo"e the cylinder head and the large and

    small timing co"ers on the left co"er of the


    2. Turn counterclock(ise the fly(heel such that

    the car"ed line T is aligned to the mark

    shake the rocker arm gently' and it indicates the )iston is in the dead center

    )osition of its com)ression stroke if the rocker arm is relati"ely loose !(ith a ga)&

    if it is eCcessi"ely tight' /ust turn counterclock(ise the fly(heel for 3? degrees.

    lign the car"ed line to the mark again.

    3. 0nsert a feeler gauge into the clearance *et(een "al"e clearance regulating scre(

    and ti) of the "al"e guide rod to check the clearance.

    9tandard "al"e clearanceD ir intake .2-.3mm' eChaust .2-.4mm.

    4. Ghen making ad/ustment' unscre( the locknut' turn the regulating scre( and

    ad/ust till the feeler gauge has a slight resistance (hile inserting' fter ad/ustment'

    scre( do(n the locknut and check the clearance again.

    5. eassem*ling can *e made in re"erse sequence of disassem*ling.


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    d/usting scre(

    9tart the engine' and let it run idly until

    getting fully )re-(armed.

    fter engine )re-(arming' shut off the

    throttle' ad/ust the regulating scre( *y

    turning it left(ard and right(ard' and kee)

    the rotation s)eed at 14-15 r)m.

    ;d:ustment of clutch

    1. The free ga) of clutch le"er shall *e 23mm /ust loosen the lock nut of u))er

    lo(er ad/uster on the crankcase and then ad/ust it. Turning clock(ise can reduce

    the free ga) of the clutch le"er.

    2. #))er ad/uster is on the left-hand clutch le"er.

    3. The ad/ustment can *e made as )er the method

    stated a*o"e. +lutch le"er


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Chec85 ad:ustment and lu,rication of the driving chain

    The ser"ice life of the dri"ing chain de)ends on its suita*le lu*rication and )ro)er

    ad/ustment. Pro)er maintenance (ill lead to an early attrition and damage.

    Inspection of the chain

    +heck the chain for its attrition and tension.

    9u))ort your motorcycle (ith the main stand' and shift the gearshift )edal to neutral


    Put your finger *et(een the t(o s)rockets and s(ing the chain 1 u) and do(n' and

    ad/ust the s(ing to 12mm.

    ;ertical am)litude of

    oscillation of the chain

    1. +hain 2.+onnecting rod locknut 3.egulation *olt 4. ear (heel shaft nut

    +heck the dri"ing chain for attrition and tension' and a))ly a coat of lu*ricating oil

    if it looks dry.

    Cleaning and lu,rication of the chain

    #se )liers to remo"e the chain cli)s and elastic locking )ieces carefully'

    disassem*le the chain cli)s and take out the chain.

    +lean the chain in the sol"ent' then dry it in air.

    +heck the chain for any attrition !chain *uckle attrition&' rigidity' locking

    )iece' roller *reakage and chain )ulling off. %ake )rom)t re)lacement in case

    of chain damage and (orn out.

    ))ly oil or chain lu*ricating oil to lu*ricate the chain.

    eassem*le the chain in original sequence and make necessary ad/ustment.

    +hain head cli)



    Ghen reassem*ling the elastic locking )ieces' make sure the

    orientation of locking )iece ga) clearance is contrary to the

    dri"ing direction.

    ;d:ustment of front wheel ,ra8e

    0ns)ection of the *rake fluid amount


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    First unscre( connecting rod locknut 2 and rear (heel shaft nut 4' and then turn

    the regulation *olt 3 .

    9et the right and left chain ad/uster to identical scale' and then tighten the

    socket nut and rear (heel shaft nut after check Torque "alue of the rear (heel

    shaft nut shall *e ?8>.m.

    Ghen you check the tightness of the chain' the ad/usting nut of *rake-)ull rod

    of rear (heel shall *e read/usted and realigned after the tightness of the chain is

    changed :ther(ise' the free )ath of rear *rake (ill *e affected.

    Ghen *rake fluid is insufficient' air (ill enter

    into the *rake system' (hich (ill cause failure

    of the *rake. First check the *rake fluid amount

    )rior to riding' add *rake fluid if the amount is

    insufficient and check the follo(ing )oints

    (hile filling the fluidD

    Ghen checking the amount of *rake fluid' turn the handle*ar to kee) the

    u))er end of the *rake master cylinder at hori,ontal )osition.

    e)lenish the a))ointed *rake fluid only other(ise ru**er oil seal may *e

    damaged' resulting in leakage of *rake fluid. Poor *rake )erformance.

    ecommended *rake fluidD @:T I3 !or @:T I4&


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    7ree travel of front ,ra8e

    Free travel of front brake is 10-20mm.

    9ra8e oil

    Brake oil is harmful' if it is s)attered into the eyes or on the skin'

    (ash instantly (ith clean (ater' or see a doctor for treatment.

    +heck the fluid le"el of the a*o"e *rake oil cylinder and fill (ith

    s)ecified *rake oil if the le"el is do(n' the *rake oil in the cylinder

    may flo( into the oil )i)e automatically and the le"el (ill go do(n

    accordingly due to attrition of *rake shoes.

    0imit nic8

    The main )oints to check the front (heel *rake

    shoes is to see if shoes is (orn to the limit nick. The

    *rake shoes' if attrition eCceeds the limit nick'

    should *e re)laced (ith ne( ones.

    ;d:ustment of rear wheel ,ra8e

    1. 9u))ort your motorcycle (ith the main stand. Gear limit line

    2. @etermine the mo"ing distance !namely free tra"el of 2-3mm& from the rear

    Chec8 of rear wheel ,ra8e friction disc

    0t is required to check the (ear indicator

    condition of the *rake *lock for *raking. 0f

    the (ear indicator B )oints to the )osition

    +' go to the dealer from (hom the

    motorcycle (as originally )urchased or to

    the s)ecial maintenance station for

    re)lacement of the *rake *lock.

    Chec8 of the lighting and signaling system

    9(itch on the main s(itch key to start the engine' check each illuminating lam)' signal

    lam) and horn if they are in good (orking condition' and make )rom)t maintenance in

    case of any a*normality.

    !torage ,attery #))er limit

    Prior to dri"ing' check the le"el of the Ao(er limit


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    *rake to the )oint (here the *rake is a*out to close.

    3. Ghen ad/usting' turn the ad/usting nut of the rear *rake. Turn the ad/uster as )er the

    indicated direction to reduce the free )ath.

    4. Tread the rear *rake )edal se"eral times' release the *rake' and then turn the rear

    (heel to see if it rotates freely.

    5. 0t is required to conduct a check after ad/ustment' and make sure that the arc notch

    of the ad/usting nut lies on the cam*ered surface of the cylindrical )in of the rear

    *rake rocker arm.

    *attery electrolyte' (hich should lie

    *et(een u))er and lo(er limit. 0n case

    the liquid le"el lies at lo(er limit' add

    a amount of distilled (ater.

    lectrolyte is a kind strong corrosi"e liquid' (hich contains

    sulfuric acid that can *urn your *ody and should *e a"oided

    from contacting your skin' eyes or clothes etc. 0n case of

    careless contact' (ash timely (ith clean (ater or see a s)ecial

    doctor for treatment.

    1. Ghile checking *attery liquid le"el or filling distilled (ater' make sure that

    the *reather )i)e has *een connected to the *lo( "ent of the *attery.

    2. :nly add distilled (ater to your *atteries' and adding of ta) (ater (ill shorten

    the ser"ice life of the *atteries.

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    3. Before remo"al' disconnect the negati"e (ire from the storage *attery' and then disconnect

    the )ositi"e (ire.

    4. emo"e the *reather )i)e of storage *attery' remo"e the )rotecting *and' and unload the


    5. eassem*le it in re"erse sequence. Before reassem*ling' )lace the *attery into the *attery

    *oC sta*ly' and then connect the negati"e and )ositi"e )oles res)ecti"ely.

    fuse is connected to the )ositi"e connection (ire of the *attery. 0n case the fuse is

    frequently *lo(n out' it indicates a short circuit or a circuit o"erload. 6o to your

    a))ointed maintenance station for o"erhauling.

    Before checking or re)lacing a fuse' first turn the ignition

    s(itch to )osition off for fear of short circuit. @o not use

    any fuse other than the ones s)ecified in the s)ecification' or

    other(ise' it (ill cause serious )oor effects to the circuit

    system' or e"en a fire and *urning of the headlam)' loss of

    engine )o(er and that is "ery dangerous.

    Replacement of ,ul,

    The lam) *ul* (ill get "ery hot at its o)erating state and holdthis heat (ithin a certain )eriod e"en after it is turned off. 9o

    *efore o)erating' make sure to allo( it to cool do(n com)letely.

    1. Ghen re)lacing the *ul*' *e sure to turn to main s(itch to

    off )osit ion K L'

    2. >e"er use the *ul* other than the ones s)ecified in the

    s)ecification for re)lacement.

    3. Perform a test after *ul* re)lacement so as to ensure the

    normal o)eration of the ne( *ul*.


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Motorcycle maintenance

    +onstant maintenance is an im)ortant guarantee for im)ro"ing "ehicle running

    security' relia*ility' and o)erating )erformance' )lease maintain your motorcycle

    regularly in accordance (ith the sti)ulations s)ecified in the maintenance ta*le.

    +odeD 0 MPerform a check' cleaning' ad/ustment' lu*rication or re)lacement (hen


    + M +leaning -e)lacement M d/ustment A M Au*rication



    num*er of month or distance of tra"el (hiche"er comes first-

    distance of tra"el !Q1 km& and follo( this inter"al later on

    >um*er of


    1 4 8 12

    Fuel )i)eline 0 0 0

    Fuel filter screen + + +

    Throttle mani)ulation 0 0 0

    ir filter + + +

    9)ark )lug 0 0

    ;al"e clearance 0 0 0

    ngine lu*ricating oil "ery year "ery riding

    mileage of





    Fuel filter screen +

    0dle s)eed of engine 0 0 0 0

    @ri"ing chain "ery riding Performance of

    Replacement of lu,ricating oil

    The lu*ricating oil must *e re)laced as )er the s)ecified time *ecause lu*ricating oil

    quality acts as a ma/or factor that may affect the ser"ice life of engine. e)lace

    lu*ricating oil (hile engine is still (arm' and the motorcycle should *e su))orted

    (ith the main stand or )laced in a "ertical )osition' so as to ensure that the crankcase

    oil to *e re)laced (ill *e fully drained.

    1. Ghen oil re)lacement is necessary' unscre( and remo"e the scre( )lug (ith

    di)stick at oil filler and the drain )ug !at engine *ottom&

    2. fter draining the lu*ricating oil' scre( do(n the drain )lug first.

    3. Fill in recommended lu*ricating oil of a))roCimately .?A' scre( do(n the scre(

    )lug at oil filler start u) the engine and allo( it to run for se"eral minutes *efore

    sto)' check the oil le"el once again if the oil le"el is not adequate still' fill in oil

    again. Finally check (hether or not oil leakage occurs.

    Inspection and replacement of spar8 plug

    1. emo"e the dirt around the s)ark )lug seat.

    2. emo"e the s)ark )lug ca) and remo"e the s)ark )lug.

    3. +heck the s)ark )lug for any electrode damage' a*lation' and any insulator crackles

    or coming off' and re)lace it in case of yes.

    4. +heck the electrode at s)ark )lug side if its clearance is .?-.8mm' and make any

    ad/ustment (hen necessary.

    5. Ghen assem*ling the s)ark )lug' )ut the (asher first' and scre( the s)ark )lug to


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    mileage of


    0 A

    9torage *attery "ery month 0 0 0 0

    Brake shoe - 0 0 0

    Brake assem*ly 0 0 0

    9to) lam) s(itch 0 0 0 0

    +lutch system 0 0 0

    Eickstand 0 0 0

    9us)ension system 0 0 0

    Gheel' tire 0 0 0

    9teering *earing 0 0 0

    >uts' *olts' fastening


    0 0

    9)eciali,ed maintainer of the maintenance )ersonnel may )erform maintenance. 0f

    the user is )ro"ided (ith a (hole set of maintenance tools' maintenance data' and

    maintenance ca)a*ility' maintenance may also *e )erform *y himself.

    9er"iced only *y )ersonnel of a))ointed maintenance station for the sake of


    its )osition (ith hand !for fear of mis)lacing&' and then scre( it do(n (ith *oC


    9)ark )lug


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Cleaning5 maintenance and assem,ling of the air filter

    ir filter must *e maintained at regular inter"als and more frequent cleaning should

    *e )erformed es)ecially (hen dri"ing in hea"y dusty area.

    1. emo"e the air filter assem*ly.

    2. emo"e the air filter co"er scre(' lift off the co"er *oard and take out the filter


    3. emo"e the dust on the filter element *y ta))ing the filter element gently' check

    for any damage' and if any damage is found' re)lace it (ith a ne( one. Put it

    into cleaning solution for cleaning and dry it in air' dri) dro)s of lu*ricating oil

    to make it (et .

    4. Ghile reinstalling' mount the filter in the re"ersed sequence as disassem*ling.

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    2. fter motorcycle drying' start the engine' and kee) the engine o)erating for

    se"eral minutes.

    3. trial o)eration of the *rake should *e )erformed )rior to dri"ing. This trial

    *rake o)eration should *e made re)eatedly till the *raking function has *een

    fully restored.

    4. fter (ashing and drying' a))ly lu*ricating oil instantly to the dri"ing chain.

    Motorcycle storage guide

    eassem*le the s)ark )lug and s)ark )lug lid.

    4. emo"e the storage *attery and )ut it in a )lace free of free,ing and far from

    direct sunlight. +arry on a slo( charge for the storage *attery once a month.

    5. +lean and dry the motorcycle' a))ly (aC to )ainted surface and antirust oil to

    the chrome-)lated surface.

    ?. ))ly a coat of lu*ricating oil for the dri"ing chain.

    7. +harge the tire to the standard )ressure s)ecified for the tire and )ut a (ooden

    *lock under the (heel tire for *locking u) and isolation of the (heel from the

    ground after the motorcycle is )laced.

    8. 9tore your motorcycle in a shaded *ut not dam) )lace (ith less day and night

    tem)erature difference' ne"er store the motorcycle in a )lace (ith direct

    sunshine and (here inflamma*le s)ontaneous com*ustion articles !such as

    grain' coal' cotton& are stored.


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    e"er use steel (ire "elour or saniti,er containing (ith

    a*rasi"e or )olishing com)ound to clean the (heels' or

    other(ise it (ill damage the (heels.

    2. @o not allo( the (heels to ru* (ith other articles' or it (ill

    cause damages to the (heels.

    Main technical parameter

    The main )arameters for the motorcycle set FY125-3P FY15-3

    AengthQ(idthQheight !mm& 245Q715Q111 245Q715Q111

    Gheel*ase 128mm 128mm

    Total (eight of motorcycle set 131kg 131kg

    %aCimum load quality 15kg 15kg

    %inimum s)ace from the ground 15mm 15mm

    %aC. "ehicle s)eed 85kmh kmh

    +lim*ing angle 2R 25R

    Braking distance 7m3kmh 7m3kmh

    Brake ty)e !front rear&@isc ty)e@rum ty)e

    @isc ty)e@rum ty)e

    Gheel felloe ty)e !front rear & luminum alloy

    aluminum alloy

    luminum alloy

    aluminum alloy

    Brake o)eration mode !front rear & =and *raking foot


    =and *raking foot


    Front (heel s)ecification 2.75-18 2.75-18

    Front tire )ressure 1752kPa 1752kPa

    ear tire s)ecification 11 11

    ear tire )ressure 2225kPa 2225kPa

    =eadlight 12; 35G35G 12; 35G35G

    Taillight sto) lam) 12; 5G21G 12; 5G21G

    Turn signal lam) 12; 1G 12; 1G


    %odel FY15?F%0 FY1?2F%0

    +ylinder diameter Q strokemm 5?.5 Q 4.5 ?2. Q 4.5


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual











    @is)lacementmA 124 14

    +om)ression ratio !S& .D1 .2D1

    >ominal )o(er rele"ant rotation s)eed


    7.28 8.58

    Torquerele"ant rotation s)eed >.m


    .357 .875

    %inimum no-load sta*le s)eed !rmin& 141 151

    0nitial gear ratio 4.55 4.55

    Final gear ratio 2.733 2.733

    Fuel ty)e and *rand

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Cause of common trou,les and solutions

    Cause of common trou,les and solutions for transmission case

    7ailure phenomenon Cause !olutions

    1. Thro(-out of gear (hile changing s)eed 1. 9hift gear and fork (orn-out 2. 9)ring *roken 1. e)lacement 2. e)lacement

    2. Transmission case oil leakage 1. Poor sealing of /oint surfaces for transmission case' scre( loose

    2. :il seal (orn-out and damaged

    1. ))ly fluid sealant and tighten the scre(s

    2. e)lace the oil seal

    3. Poor gear engagement 9hift gear (orn-out' s)ring *roken' shifter fork sei,ed :"erhaul and re)lace damaged )arts

    4. *normal sounds 6ear' gear shaft' selector fork (orn-out e)lace it

    Common driving and operation trou,les and eliminating method

    Driving 7ailure phenomenon Cause !olutions

    1. The "ehicle shakes "iolently Front and rear dam)er s)ring *roken' oil leakage' dam)er *ended e)lace it

    2. #nsta*le dri"ing direction 1. Too tight or loose for the correlated )arts of the steering handle

    2. 0nsufficient tire )ressure 3. Aoose front' middle' rear shaft

    1. d/ust 2. +harge to standard "alue

    3. d/ust

    3. Braking malfunctioned 1. Front and rear *rake shoe eCcessi"ely (orn-out

    2. Front and rear *raking ca*le damaged' *rake clearance too large

    3. ttrition of *rake cam

    1. e)lace 2. e)lace and regulate

    3. e)lace

    4. Poor dri"ing inertia 1. 0nsufficient tire )ressure and too tight chain

    2. Gheel *earing attrition' all rele"ant )arts sei,ed

    1. Pressuri,e and ad/ust

    2. e)lace and o"erhaul

    Operating :)eration disa*led 1. Broken strands of throt tle "al"e ca*le 1. e)lace 2. einstall


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    2. Throttle "al"e re"ersely mounted


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Cause of common engine trou,les and solutions



    7ailure phenomenon Cause !olutions



    Fuel su))ly short' difficult engine startor e"en una*le to start'

    1. >o oil in fuel tank 2.Fuel s(itch not o)ened3.+ar*uretor *locked 4. >o oil at u))er oil le"el

    1.efill the fuel tank 2. :)en fuel s(itch3. +lean car*uretor 4.9u))ly (ith stand*y oil


    Poor idling' difficult to start' *lo( out

    (hen accelerating after start' flame-

    out automatically

    1. +ar*uretor *locked 2. ir door not o)ened

    3. Throttle "al"e attrition 4. 0ncorrect miCture ratio

    5. Gater in the fuel tank

    1.+lean the car*uretor 2.:)en the air door

    3.e)lace the throttle "al"e

    4.d/ust the miCture ratio scre(

    5.+lear u) the fuel tank

    9lack dri"ing' (ith slo( s)eed

    increase (hen increasing accelerator

    1. ir door not o)ened

    2. 0ncorrect miCture ratio

    1.:)en the air door

    2.d/ust the miCture ratio scre(Ignition


    ngine una*le to start or sto)s at


    1. Gith normal com)ression )ressure'

    car*uretor and high "oltage coil

    discharge' *ut a*normal s)ark

    1. 9)ark )lug charcoal and dirt

    2. 0m)ro)er s)ark )lug electrode ga)

    3. 9)ark )lug insulator damaged' short circuit

    *et(een electrodes

    1. +lean s)ark )lug charcoal and dirt

    2.d/ust the ga) to standard "alue

    3.e)lace the s)ark )lug

    2. Gith normal com)ression )ressure'

    car*uretor' *ut a*normal high "oltage

    coil discharge and s)ark discharge

    1. +oming off or *urning of high "oltage coil /oint

    2. @amaged [email protected] ignition electronic induction


    1.e(eld the /oint or re)lace the coil



  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual







    1. ngine una*le to start or sto)s at

    mid(ay !(ith normal car*uretor'

    ignition )lug' *ut slack of

    com)ression )ressure&

    1. Gorn-out or *roken )iston ring.

    2. Piston rings stuck

    3. 0nlet and eChaust "al"e air leak

    4. +ylinder ca) air leak 5. Broken start s)ring

    ?. 9tarting gear (heel attrition

    1. e)lace )iston rings

    2. +lean the )iston and rings

    3. d/ust or re)lace

    4. e)lace air cylinder cushion

    5. e)lace ?. e)lace

    2. *normal engine o)eration (ith*eating sound

    1. ttrition of cylinder' )iston or )iston ring2. ttrition of )iston )in hole and )iston )in

    3. ttrition of crankshaft *earing

    4. ttrition of connecting rod needle *earing

    5.Ccessi"e eChaust "al"e clearance

    ?. ttrition of camshaft' rocker arm' rocker arm shaft


    7. :il loss at engine running locations

    1.e)lace )iston' )iston ring and cylinder *lock2.e)lace the )iston and )iston )in

    3.e)lace the *earing

    3.e)lace the *earing

    5.d/ust the clearance to the standard


    7.dd the engine oil

    3. Gith normal s)ark' *ut a*normal

    engine o)eration

    Gater in the fuel tank +lear u) the fuel su))ly system and rele"ant


    4. Tem)orary slack of horse)o(er 1. Poor s)ark )lug

    2.ngine o"erheated

    1. e)lace

    2. +ool the engine' ad/ust and a"oid dri"ing for a

    long time


  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    Use of engine oil from original factory is the essential

    for lengthening engine life

    0s your motorcycle healthyU 0t is closely related to the quality of the oil used.ngine oil from original factory

    ngine oil from original factory is a )roduct de"elo)ed according to the design

    characteristics of engine. 0t )lays a "ital role in such )erformances as lu*rication'

    )o(er etc. for the engine.

    ecommended engine oilD ngine oil from original factory

    6ear oilD 6ear oil from original factory

    @ealers for engine oil from original factory ha"e them a"aila*le for selling

    :ils re)lacement records' oils re)lacement date' tra"eled distance recording sheet.



    Cchange date Tra"eled


    ngine oil

    1 % @ Y

    2 % @ Y

    3 % @ Y

    4 % @ Y

    5 % @ Y

    ? % @ Y

    7 % @ Y

    8 % @ Y

    Maintenance records

    fter com)letion of the normati"e maintenancerecord the date' odometer readings'

    name of maintenance man in the )ro"ided columns. The additional informationK:(ner check and maintenanceL and K+onstant maintenanceL can *e added to the

    *elo( recording sheet.

    %aintenance records

    @ate :dometer


    >ame of maintenance


    0tems maintained



  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    % @ Y

    1 % @ Y



  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    !chematic circuit diagram

    7=)/&"#$5 7=)&*"# circuit principle diagram

    B ra ke s (it ch + lut ch s( it ch ig ht ha nd gr i) s (it ch %a st er lo ck s (it ch @io de 9t ar tin g r ela y

    9torage *attery


    Front left turn signal lam)12;1G

    9tarting motor

    Fuel le"el sensor15


    Flameout s(itch

    ear right turn signal lam) !12;' 1G&

    Taillight sto) lam) !12;' 215G&

    ear left turn signal lam) !12;' 1G&

    =eadlight !12;' 35G35G&

    Position light !12;' 3G&

    Position lam) !12;' 5G&

    Front left turn signal lam) !12; 1G&0gnition coil






  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual



    Flasherlectric horn




    ignition de"ice 9)ark )lug

    ight handgri) s(itch

    ight handgri) s(itch

    Aeft handgri) s(itch%aster lock s(itch

  • 5/19/2018 Sachs Express 150 User Manual


    6uang,hou =uanan %otors 6rou)6uang,hou Panyu Feiying %otors 9ale +o.' Atd.

    ddD 7F' =uanan Building' 35 Fuhua Vi d.' 9hiqiao' Panyu' 6uang,hou

    TelD 2-34818 FaCD 2-34818111 34818388

    9er"ice num*erD 2-8427222

    6reen num*erD 8-8321?8


    -mailD feiying842W"i).1?
