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SAA Handbook 2015


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Please note: The information contained in this Handbook is indicative of offerings available in 2015 and subsequent years. This information is correct at the time of going to press, but may be subject to change. While all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the listed courses are offered and regulations are up to date, the University reserves the right to change the content or method of presentation, or to withdraw any qualification or part thereof, or impose limitations on enrolments should circumstances require this.

Published bySchool of AviationMassey UniversityNew ZealandOctober 2015

© Copyright School of Aviation 2015

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I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Bachelor of Aviation Management Programme of the Massey School of Aviation, delivered by Massey University with the support of the Singapore Aviation Academy. The Bachelor of Aviation Management degree is one of the earliest academic qualifications to be established independently of traditional degrees in Science, Engineering, Management or the Arts. It is designed to provide suitable academic qualifications for air transport pilots, air traffic controllers, maintenance engineers, aviation professionals and military aviation personnel, as well as offering a means of upgrading the competencies and skills of technically qualified people in the aviation industry, through a relevant academic qualification.

Massey University has a long tradition in providing distance learning, and is effectively applying the technologies of the Web and interactive online teaching. This is supported by well qualified and highly motivated lecturers and administrative staff, who are always willing to “go the extra mile” for dedicated students.

I hope you find the courses challenging and rewarding, and through this education, you can expand your horizons and enhance your personal development to enable you to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness in this great industry.

Ashok Poduval General Manager – Aviation

Where they began

Singapore’s Director General of Civil Aviation Mr Wong Woon Liong and New Zealand’s Massey University’s Vice Chancellor and President, Professor James McWha, signed an agreement in Singapore on November 20, 1997 which opened the way for university aviation distance learning to take place in Singapore. Under the terms of the agreement, Massey University and the Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA) agreed to work together to offer Massey University’s Bachelor of Aviation degree at the Academy’s Changi complex. The first Massey-SAA course started at the same time as the start of Massey University’s academic year, February in 1998.



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TABLE OF CONTENTSWelcome from the CEO of School of Aviation ......................................................................................................................................1

Start of SAA/MU agreement: ...................................................................................................................................................................1

Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................2

General Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................3

About Massey University (MU) ................................................................................................................................................................4

About Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA) ...........................................................................................................................................5

Study at Massey ..........................................................................................................................................................................................6

Key Dates ......................................................................................................................................................................................................7

Distance learning ........................................................................................................................................................................................8

Stream ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Course Material ...........................................................................................................................................................................................8

Enrolment ......................................................................................................................................................................................................9

Changing or withdrawing from a paper or course ............................................................................................................................10

Withdrawal fees ........................................................................................................................................................................................10

Applying to Graduate ...............................................................................................................................................................................10

Bachelor of Aviation Management (BAvMan) ...................................................................................................................................11

Structure .....................................................................................................................................................................................................12

Fees ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................12

New Regulations .......................................................................................................................................................................................13

Paper Offerings .........................................................................................................................................................................................14

Bachelor of Aviation Management (Honors) ......................................................................................................................................25

Postgraduate Diploma in Aviation .........................................................................................................................................................27

Masters in Aviation...................................................................................................................................................................................29

Postgraduate Paper Details....................................................................................................................................................................31

Postgraduate Paper Fees ........................................................................................................................................................................35

Notes ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................36


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INTRODUCTIONAviation is a dynamic and exciting industry. Despite its brief history, the air transportation industry has become critical to world trade. It is an international industry that spans the six continents, works across all cultures and national boundaries like no other industry. It provides links between cities, islands and communities, forming a communication and delivery system unparalleled by any other. Aviation is also a complex industry where regulators and commercial operators work together to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system, now accepted by all and often taken for granted.

There are many career opportunities in aviation ranging from pilots and cabin crew in airlines, air traffic services, maintenance engineering, management and business airports and regulatory services. For some, becoming a pilot is a key aspiration, while for others, becoming an airport-planning expert or a maintenance engineer is the ultimate goal. Whatever the choice, the aviation industry is increasingly demanding academically qualified visionaries with initiative, drive and a wider perspective of the industry and the business of air transportation. Aviation is a truly international business, with the skills acquired in one country easily transported and applied in another.


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Massey University is one of the few academic institutions worldwide which offer a dedicated integrated aviation degree programme by distance learning. It is the only state university in New Zealand to have specialised courses in aviation. The need for academically as well as technically qualified personnel is recognised by the aviation industry. Distance learning provides a very effective solution for adult students needing to balance work and lifestyle commitments with a need to develop their professional career prospects.

Massey University first became actively involved with the aviation industry in the 1970’s , and in 1985 decided to combine its teaching and research expertise and create a new school which would be dedicated to the improvement of professional aviation – for pilots, air traffic controllers, maintenance engineers, managers and human resource developers. This now underlies the academic programmes of what is today Massey University’s School of Aviation. These programmes include the Bachelor of Aviation (BAv), Bachelor of Aviation Management (BAvMan), Bachelor of Aviation Management Honours (BAvMan (Hons)), Postgraduate Diploma in Aviation (PGDipAv), Master of Aviation (MAv) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

The Bachelor of Aviation Management was created in 2002 and is specifically designed for students seeking a career as an aviation manager or for those already in the aviation industry with varying levels of experience and qualifications. Some of these industry experiences, professional qualifications and Licences are eligible for cross-credit into this degree.


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The Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA), established in 1958, is the internationally-recognised training arm of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore.

It offers a wide range of operational and management programmes that benchmark international standards and best practices to meet the training needs of the global aviation community. SAA is an ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Full Member, ICAO-endorsed Government Safety Inspector Training Centre and ICAO Aviation Security Training Centre.

The Academy’s US$50 million training complex was commissioned in 1992. It is equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual aids, customised training and conference facilities, plus sophisticated training simulators designed to meet immediate and long-term national and regional requirements.


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ACADEMIC YEAR The academic year is divided into three semesters.

• Semester One runs from 23 February 2015 until 20 June 2015 • Semester Two runs from 13 July 2015 until 11 November 2015, and • Semester Three (summer semester) runs from mid-November until mid-February, although papers may be compressed into a

shorter timeframe.

Most programmes are 17 weeks per semester, including 12 teaching weeks, 3 weeks study break and 2 weeks of examinations.

ASSESSMENT Paper assessments typically involve written assignment(s) and/or a written examination. At the start of the semester an Administration and Study Guide is provided to enrolled students which clearly define the learning objectives and assessment requirements.


Time and Venue

The examinations conducted by Massey University shall be held at the times and dates specified for each paper. Unless requested otherwise, your examinations will be held at Singapore Aviation Academy. Students who need to sit their examinations at a venue other than SAA should fill in a Change of Examination Venue form and return it to SAA. There may be additional charges for people sitting examinations outside of Singapore.

Aegrotat Consideration

Candidates who have been prevented by illness or injury from presenting themselves at any examination, or who consider that their performance in any examination has been seriously impaired by illness or injury may, on application and with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, be granted a grade of pass under aegrotat consideration. Please note that application for an aegrotat may still result in a fail grade, if the candidate’s overall course work was not deemed well above the minimum pass standard.

To apply for Aegrotat consideration please go to the following website and follow the instructions:

Remark of Examination Script

The Remark of Script process can only be requested for final written examinations. Do not delay your enrolment while awaiting the result of a remark. If there is a change to your grade, the remark fee will be refunded and you may need to amend your enrolment. Do not apply if there was no final exam.

Applications must be received within four weeks of the notification of your official results of examinations; applications may only be made for the papers for which the results relate to. Your remark outcome will normally be sent to you in approximately six weeks from receipt of application.

To apply for a remark of examination script please complete the online form on the following webpage:

There is a fee charged by the university for the remark of examination scripts. In 2015 this fee is NZ$61.30 per paper, $7.80 per return of Script. Make your next year’s enrolment application on the basis of your examination results. If reconsideration changes your results, your enrolment application can be amended. Information on how and who to apply to is included with your examination results.


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15 December 2014 Enrolments due for Semester One 2015 SAA Enrolments

23 February 2015 Semester One commences

9 March 2015 Withdrawal with refund and no academic penalty

8 – 20 June 2015 Semester One Exams

5 June 2015 Enrolments due for Semester Two 2015 SAA Enrolments

13 July 2015 Semester Two commences

27 July 2015 Withdrawal with refund and no academic penalty

27 Oct – 11 Nov 2015 Semester Two Exams

7 October 2015 Enrolments due for Semester Three SAA Enrolments

17 November 2015 Semester Three commences Semester Three withdrawal dates vary between papers

15 – 20 February 2016 Semester Three Exams

PLAGIARISMTo copy another person’s thoughts, ideas or writings and present them as your own is plagiarism. It is a form of cheating and one that Massey University will penalise as a very serious offence. Such penalties may include expulsion from the paper or from the University.

In both course work and examinations, students may choose to quote from other works, or to propound theories which are not their own, but the original sources of those other works or theories must be clearly cited. This applies whether the source is published or unpublished. It also applies to web-based sources.

Some Departments encourage team cooperation for certain course work. Naturally, in these cases the results and conclusions may be presented by students, provided they are acknowledged as such. However, students who collude in plagiarism by knowingly permitting their own original work to be copied by other students, without acknowledgement, will incur severe penalties.


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HOW MUCH TIME WILL IT TAKE?The amount of time you’ll need to devote to studying varies according to the paper(s) you choose. As a rule of thumb, you should allow 10 hours per week for a 15-credit paper taken over a single semester. The above time suggestion is a minimum – you may require more time than this. Postgraduate level papers will require more time allocated per week than this.

Special care must be taken when selecting papers. Students would have to decide how many papers to take based on the amount of available time they have. Massey University / SAA would not be able to advise on the matter.

The maximum number of credits in which a student may enrol in Semester One or Semester Two is 60 credits, or four papers per semester. In exceptional circumstances (and upon application and approval) a student may be eligible to enrol in an extra paper if, for example, 5 papers would enable a student to complete a degree. All such applications would be considered on a case-by-case basis only.


COURSE MATERIALSome papers still have printed materials posted out automatically, but the majority now have them available online instead. You can find out if your paper has printed materials posted by going to the following website:

If you would like to get a printed copy of your course material you can access this by logging into Stream, and requesting printed resources from there. The following link has information on how to find this if you need assistance.

THE ONLINE WRITING AND LEARNING LINK (OWLL) OWLL is Massey University’s gateway to a wide range of study and writing resources. All students, whether internal or distance, undergraduate or postgraduate, native English speaking or ESOL, can use this website to develop their academic skills.

OWLL covers topics such as how to study, how to write assignments, how to reference, and how to study for exams.

THE CENTRE FOR TEACHING AND LEARNINGThe Teaching and Learning Centre provide a wide range of support services and learning resources to help enhance students’ academic skills at all levels of study. We strongly encourage you to explore the following range of services and resources we offer:

SUPPORT AVAILABLEOur papers are challenging which is why our graduates feel so proud of their achievements. That doesn’t mean that you’re on your own. Although you may be studying at a distance, help and advice is close at hand should you feel the need for some support along the way.

A key component of Massey’s distance learning programmes is making you a part of our learning community - Stream. Stream allows you to feel part of a real class where you can share and exchange ideas with fellow students and the paper coordinator.

STREAMStream is the online learning environment for Massey University. Stream allows you to share and exchange ideas with fellow students and the paper coordinator. Depending on the paper, you can also have web-based discussion forums, access the latest news in your subject, study notes, recent journal articles, podcasts, online presentations, interactive exercises and activities, and tests and quizzes.

You will need to be able to have regular access the internet for your study. You access Stream using standard internet browsers.

More information about Stream is available at:


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ENROLMENTThe Singapore Aviation Academy is the first point of contact for course information and applications. In advance of each semester all students interested in enrolling should contact Ms Joyce Tay, Senior Executive (Graduate Programmes) [email protected], or Mr Karl Lai, Executive (Graduate Programmes) [email protected] at Singapore Aviation Academy.

ADMISSION CRITERIAStudents need to meet both the academic and English language requirements of their intended programme of study. Please refer to for the specific criteria for pre-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate level applicants.

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNINGMassey University may grant credit or advanced standing for completed qualifications. To apply for the credit, international students should provide a course summary of the equivalent courses completed or qualifications achieved. These course summaries should be submitted with your application form for assessment. Common examples are air traffic control and pilot qualifications.

The number of cross credits awarded depends on the qualification. The maximum amount you may cross credit from all sources is 120 credits. There are standard cross credit formulae for some qualifications, but every application has to be formally approved by the College Board concerned.

Where there is a close match in content, specified credit/cross credit is given for a named Massey paper. Unspecified credit/cross credit is given where the qualification or part qualification you have completed does not exactly match any particular Massey paper(s). Unspecified credit/cross credit can make up the number of elective papers required for your degree, but cannot be substituted for compulsory papers.

Please allow upto four weeks for your request to be processed, and if you have not heard from anyone at Massey please contact SAA to have it followed up.


Card details should be provided in Section B of the Fee Payment Form. We do not accept American Express.

Electronic Transfer

The University’s Bank Account Number is 020 630 0016 592 00. Bank of New Zealand, Palmerston North, Swift Code; BKNZNZXXX. Please include your student ID as a reference for your payment.

The address of the bank is:

Bank of New Zealand

Palmerston North Branch

Cnr Rangitikei Street & The Square

Palmerston North

New Zealand

International Bank Draft

International Bank Drafts should be made payable to “Massey University”. Please send your bank draft to SAA with your application. You will not be enrolled into your papers until the bank draft has been received by Massey University, please allow enough time for postage.

Please note all transaction should be in New Zealand dollars or currency equivalent.

SCHOLARSHIPSIf you are a sponsored student please provide a letter from your employer verifying your sponsorship details. This should include details of:

• Name of company being invoiced

• Name, contact details and title of a person at the company that we can contact if we have any questions

• Postal and email address where we can send the invoice to

• Details of what they will contribute towards your study and any limitations (for example whether paper re-sits would be covered).


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CHANGING OR WITHDRAWING FROM A PAPER OR COURSETo withdraw with a refund and no academic penalty, you must complete a withdrawal form available from SAA, or withdraw online through MyEnrolment before 10% of the study period has elapsed (defined by the paper start and end dates).

Students who notify the University of withdrawal after 10% of the study period has elapsed, but before 50% shall withdraw without academic penalty but remain liable for their full fees. Students who withdraw from their papers after 50% of the study period has elapsed shall be withdrawn with academic penalty and remain liable for their full fees.

You can change or withdraw from your papers online through MyEnrolment, or you can request a form from Singapore Aviation Academy. Further details are available online at

WITHDRAWAL FEES 2015For new students (i.e. first time students to the University) who have been confirmed into papers, but who then choose to withdraw from all of their enrolled papers before 10% of the first paper has elapsed will be charged a withdrawal fee of $572. Returning students who withdraw from all of their papers will be charged $87.50.

You will not be charged a withdrawal fee if you are enrolled in at least one paper for that semester after your withdrawal request has been processed.

UNSATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS REGULATIONSUnsatisfactory Academic Progress Regulations take account not only when you fail examinations but also when you do not complete compulsory work requirements or do not attempt the examination. Students who do not wish to complete a paper must formally withdraw before 50% of the paper has elapsed.

Withdrawal after these dates is withdrawal with academic failure. Your academic record will show DNC (did not complete) or D or E grade in accordance with the marks you have failed. Repeated DNC or fail grades in the same paper may result in exclusion from the paper. Students are informed of exclusion by a personal letter. Unless specifically notified of exclusion, you remain eligible to apply to re-enrol in the future. The exclusion regulations are available online for your further reference at:

APPLYING TO GRADUATE If you intend to graduate you must complete a graduation application. These can be obtained online at

You can either complete the application online, or download the form and email it to [email protected].

If you have any questions about graduation you are welcome to email [email protected] and they can assist you.


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QUALIFICATIONS.This BAvMan evolved from the AviationManagement major in the Bachelor of Aviationand was first introduced in 2002.

* With or without professional licence


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OVERVIEW The Bachelor of Aviation Management degree requires the equivalent of three years of full-time study to complete. A full time student would complete approximately 8 papers, at 15 credits each, totalling 120 credits for the year’s work. A student studying in distance learning or block mode might consider his or her progress as satisfactory if he or she completed 60 credits per year in a two-semester 26-week year.

WHO IS THE PROGRAMME DESIGNED FOR?Current students enrolled in this programme by distance mode include airline pilots in Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Indonesia, as well as air traffic controllers, Defence Force personnel, Fire and Safety personnel, Airport planners, Aviation Training Consultants, and Aviation Managers. Increasing numbers of high school graduates seeking to enter the aviation industry are also enrolling in this major in preference to starting their careers without any qualifications, or undertaking more general arts, science or business degrees.

STRUCTURE• The subjects for the degree are taught in a series of papers at

each level (100-level relates to papers at the first year standard, 200-level relates to papers at the second year standard and 300-level relates to papers at the third year standard). You must complete a total of at least 5 papers at 300-level, and no more than 9 papers at 100-level.

• Each paper is identified by a six-number reference such as 190.216. The first 3 digits (190.) refer to the department within the University that teaches the paper – in this case, 190 is the School of Aviation. The last three numbers (216) indicate the level of the paper and its number within the department. For example, first year (100-level papers) have numbers like 190.109, second year (200-level papers) have numbers like 190.216, and third year (300-level papers) have numbers like 190.313.

• You are required to complete 10 compulsory papers (150 credits), plus a further 14 elective papers (210 credits) to bring the total number of credits to 360. Of these 14 elective papers at least 9 must be aviation elective papers, and the other 6 can be from other departments at Massey. Of these 6 papers no more than 5 papers can be from the College of Business (, and papers), and no more than 3 papers may be from papers. If you have been awarded a cross-credit then this will count towards your degree credit requirements in accordance with the above guidelines.

An example of the layout for the BAvMan degree is below. The arrows indicate where one compulsory paper is required before progressing to the next:

190.116 190.220 190.340

190.117 190.216 190.327190.115 190.224 190.xxx190.109 190.225

190 or 190, 114, 152 or

190, 114, 152 or

190, 114, 152,178 or

190, 114, 152,178 or

190, 114, 152 or

ACADEMIC ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The academic requirements for undergraduate study are: Achieved the equivalent to Year 13 in New Zealand (NCEA level 3 University Entrance). As a guide only, Singapore entry requirements for an undergraduate degree are a minimum of 2 H2 passes and a third pass at H1 or H2 level, plus at least an E grade in N-level/O-level Mathematics or Additional Mathematics; or Pre 2006: GCE A-Levels with three passes and a minimum of one at C grade. These requirements are subject to change and all applications are assessed on a case by case basis. Refer to for the current requirements.

For students from a country where English is not the first language, you must obtain a minimum English Language competency level. The minimum requirement is IELTS 6.0 (no band less than 5.5), and TOEFL (Paper) 550 (TWE 4.0), TOEFL iBT 80 overall (minimum 19 across each section/skill).

FEES• The 2015 Enrolment fee is $53.40, payable once per academic


• 2015 Bachelor of Aviation Management papers - NZD$1450 per paper (includes tuition and examination fees)


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NEW REGULATIONSThe regulations listed below are for 2015 and there are some important changes to note from previous years, including the removal of paper 190.122 and the new compulsory paper 190.115. If you have already previously completed papers in 2014 or earlier, including paper 190.122, then you may be eligible to complete your degree under the old regulations. To confirm your eligibility for this please contact [email protected].

PART A: COMPULSORY PAPERS You must pass all of these papers to receive your degree

190.109 - Aviation Studies

190.115 - Introduction to Aeronautics

190.116 - Introduction to Management in Aviation

190.117 - Introduction to Human Factors

190.216 - Aviation Human Factors

190.220 - Managing Aviation Systems

190.224 - Environmental Impacts of Aviation

190.225 - Introduction to Research Methods in Aviation

190.327 - Managing Cultures in Aviation

190.340 - Contemporary Issues in Aviation Security

PART B: AVIATION ELECTIVE PAPERSYou must complete electives to bring the total credits for the degree to at least 360.

General Aviation Studies

190.217 Instruction and Learning in Aviation

190.240 Airpower

190.313 Advanced Aviation Human Factors

190.314 Legal Issues in Aviation

190.317 Evaluation Methods in Aviation

190.321 Advanced Air Safety Investigation

Airport and Airline Management

190.211 Aviation Strategic Management

190.249 Aircraft Maintenance Management

190.306 Airline Strategic Management

190.307 Airport Planning

190.308 Airport Operational Management

190.309 Design of Airways and Air Traffic Systems

Airline and Aircraft Performance

190.215 Heavy Airplane Performance

190.302 Check and Training for Airlines

190.320 Heavy Aeroplanes Performance II

Practicums and Special Topics

Contact the School for further information on these papers prior to enrolling

190.299 Aviation Special Topic

190.398 Special Topic

NON-AVIATION ELECTIVES AVAILABLEYou can choose up to 45 credits from the following papers:

Human Resource Management

114.240 Organisational Behaviour

114.241 Managing Human Resources

114.242 Human Resource Development

114.254 Managing Employment Relations

114.271 Occupational Safety and Health I

114.272 Occupational Safety and Health II

114.326 Human Resource Practices

114.350 Current Issues in Human Resource Management


152.200 Contemporary Management

152.203 Business and Society

152.230 Entrepreneurship

152.232 Small Business Management

152.252 Project Management

152.261 International Business

152.304 Managing Services

Applied and International Economics

178.100 Principles of Macroeconomics

Airline and Airline Management – Security Studies Papers

149.170 Introduction to Border Security

149.180 Introduction to Security Studies

149.280 Emerging Security Issues


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PAPER OFFERINGSAviation Management

Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.109 Aviation Studies

An introduction to the interaction of components in the aviation system, including human resources, aircraft, airports and airways systems.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Savern RewetiPre-requisites: noneExamination date: Monday 2 November, 2015 – AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.115 Introduction to Aeronautics

An introduction to the non-practical components of airline and commercial pilots’ aeronautical knowledge. Emphasis is placed on general aircraft technical knowledge, principles of flight, aeronautical meteorology, flight procedures and aviation law.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisites: noneExamination date: TBAOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.116 Introduction to Management in Aviation

This paper provides an overview of management concepts in the aviation industry. It introduces various functional areas such as Human Resource Management, Marketing, Strategic and Operational Management, International Business and Aviation Economics.

Paper Coordinator: Mr John MurriePre-requisites: noneExamination date: Friday 19 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


190.117 Introduction to Human Factors

The application of information processing strategies for improving performance in learning, problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal interrelations, coping in situational anxiety and mental rehearsal.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisites: noneExamination date: Saturday 13 June, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.211 Aviation Strategic Management

An examination of the primary issues shaping strategic management in the aviation industry. The approach is multi-disciplinary, with emphasis on the economic analysis of the effects of market deregulation and their impact on managerial practice.

Paper Coordinator: John BellPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Tuesday 9 June, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


190.215 Heavy Aeroplane Performance

An analysis of fundamental performance considerations and compliance requirements for CAR Part 121 “A” performance aeroplanes, focussing on the relationship between aircraft performance and flight planning in an airline context.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Mark WoodhousePre-requisites: CPL licenceExamination date: Wednesday 17 June, 2015 - MorningOnline component: None

Online link for more information:


190.216 Aviation Human Factors

The paper provides an overview of the basic concepts of human factors in aviation, human performance, and issues relating to judgement and decision-making in this high risk environment. Communication and other aspects of social psychology in various aviation environment are also explored.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisites: 190.117Examination date: Thursday 5 November, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


190.220 Managing Aviation Systems

An examination of the management of aviation organisations such as: airports, airlines and civil aviation authorities. Topics may include the management practices of planning, regulation and operation of aviation systems, aviation economics, and aviation human resource management.

Paper Coordinator: Mr John MurriePre-requisites: 190.116Examination date: Monday 9 November, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.222 Basic Air Safety Investigation

The aim of this paper is to give students an insight to aircraft accident investigation. The paper will also benefit those who need to understand the investigation process, such as managers of airlines and regulatory authorities. The paper covers the basic requirements and procedures involved in air safety investigation.

Paper Coordinator: TBA Pre-requisites: 190.115 or CPL (A or H)Examination date: TBAOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:


190.224 Environmental Impacts of Aviation

Advanced study of the environment of aviation, the impacts of aviation on the environment and the methods for reducing the impacts. The impacts principally considered are noise, atmospheric effects and the effects on the water and soil. Research methods in environmental impacts of aviation.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Sarah FifieldPre-requisites: any 100 level paperExamination date: Tuesday 3 November, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.225 Introduction to Research Methods in Aviation

An introduction to the theories and methods of research in the aviation industry. A range of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies is explored, and various techniques for aviation research are examined.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisites: any 190.1xx paper Examination date: Monday 15 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.240 Air Power

Air Power Studies provides an overarching examination of the characteristics of air power and a grounding in the history, development and literature of air power issues and the opportunity to examine the application of air power within a student’s personal aviation experience and, where applicable, professional aviation experience.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Frank SharpPre-requisites: any 100 level paper Examination date: None Online component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.249 Aircraft Maintenance Management

This paper is designed to provide the student with knowledge appropriate to the management of an aircraft maintenance organisation. Topics specifically covered include maintenance programme design, maintenance of ageing aircraft, maintenance requirements for aircraft operating under EROPS and ETOPS, maintenance concessions, development of modifications and major repairs, approved data, design organisations, technical services, examination and testing of engineers for company approvals, reliability control programmes, defect analysis and reporting, aircraft importation and export, bogus parts control, MSG2 and MSG3 structural maintenance programmes, maintenance watch, the aircraft maintenance requirements under NZCAA Rule Part 145, 135, 125, 121, 43 and customer services. Students will undertake field trips to reinforce the theory with practical demonstrations and work exercises.

This paper is only offered every second year, the next offering will be in Semester 2, 2016.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Frank SharpPre-requisites: 190.220 or AMELOnline component: Fully Taught Online

next offered in 2016

190.299 Aviation Special Topic

The School’s Special Topic papers are designed to provide students with the opportunity to pursue a particular aviation based project that is of interest. Although there are no formal lectures in a special topic paper, you should expect to find that the workload will be similar or greater than for the School’s taught papers.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisites: Students must have a minimum of 120 credits completed, and a GPA of B+ or higher, before requesting Permission from the Head of School to enrol in this paper. Examination date: NoneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:

1, 2, 3

190.302 Check and Training for Airlines

This paper is designed for experienced pilots wishing to develop their knowledge in airline check and training concepts.

Paper Coordinator: Ron RaymondPre-requisites: ATPL licence Examination date: No examinationOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.306 Airline Strategic Management

A review of the current state of strategic management in the airline industry. The approach is both multidisciplinary in focus and international in scope. Attention will be focused on the Asia-Pacific region, as the potential location of the world’s largest aviation market.

Paper Coordinator: John BellPre-requisites: 190.211Examination date: Wednesday 28 October, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.307 Airport Planning

A study of demographic, environmental and economic considerations which apply to the design and evaluation of airport facilities.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Steve HockadayPre-requisites: any 190.2xx paperExamination date: NoneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


190.308 Airport Operational Management

An examination of the management of airport systems, such as air-side and land-side facilities, technical and support services which contribute to the operational effectiveness of modern airports. The paper will further examine the relationship between airport authorities and the local community.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Kan TsuiPre-requisites: any 190.2xx paperExamination date: NoneOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.309 Design of Airways and Air Traffic Systems

An examination of air traffic and air navigational systems and the principles which apply to their operational infrastructure, including the development of visual and instrument flight procedures.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Bill GravesPre-requisites: any 190.2xx paperExamination date: Wednesday 10 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.313 Advanced Aviation Human Factors

This paper explores the role and potential of multi-crew systems in the aviation environment. Emphasis is placed on the effect of stress in the context of individual and group performance in the aviation environment. Issues related to communications, performance measurement in aviation, training and simulation and cross-cultural issues will be included.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisites: 190.216Examination date: Monday 2 November, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


190.314 Legal Issues in Aviation

General principles of law as applied in the context of the airline transport industry. The paper will focus on the application of law to flight crew, airline operations and civil aviation authorities in terms of both international conventions and treaties and of national legislation and law. Issues such as contractual and tortuous liability will be considered.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Christopher GriggsPre-requisites: any 190.2xx paperExamination date: Wednesday 4 November, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.317 Evaluation Methods in Aviation

The identification, development and analysis of tests and measures in aviation aptitude, achievement and licensing evaluation.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Sarah Fifield Pre-requisites: 190.217 or 190.225Examination date: Monday 9 November, 2015 – MorningOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.320 Heavy Aeroplane Performance II

An analysis of operational performance considerations in normal, abnormal and emergency situations including the management of aircraft performance in extreme environmental conditions. The paper will focus on operations in an airline environment.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Ron RaymondPre-requisites: 190.237, 190.215 or Permission from the Head of School Examination date: Thursday 29 October, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: None

Online link for more information:


190.321 Air Accident and Incident Investigation

The processes and procedures for the conduct of air accident and incident investigations are examined. Investigative techniques as they may apply to aircraft structures, power-plants, maintenance and factors in the operational environment are covered with attention also given to the human performance aspect of investigations. Issues of determining probable cause and methods of effecting safety recommendations are explored.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisites: 190.112 or 190.222 Examination date: NoneOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.327 Managing Cultures in Aviation

A critical evaluation of theory and practice of management of cultures in aviation, incorporating: (a) an exploration of theoretical and practical aspects of cultural diversity and its effect on aviation industry in the global business environment: (b) an assessment and management of international, national, and organisational cultural dimensions and their shaping influence in various aspects of aviation operation, such as CRM training, the human-technology interface, communication, and safety investigation.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Sarah Fifield Pre-requisites: 190.216Examination date: Thursday 18 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.340 Contemporary Issues in Aviation Security

This paper explores aviation security with a particular emphasis on terrorism. Students explore key incidents, areas at risk, and the legislation and practical means by which risks are managed. The trade off between an erosion of civil liberties and increased security will be explored, as will the reasons why risks will always remain.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisites: any 200-level paperExamination date: Wednesday 17 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for more information:


190.398 Special Topic

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisites: Students must have a minimum of 120 credits completed, and a GPA of B+ or higher, before requesting Permission from the Head of School to enrol in this paper. Students may be required to complete paper 190.299 before enrolling in this paper.Examination date: NoneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:

1, 2, 3

Human Resource Management

Paper No Paper Details Semester

114.240 Organisational Behaviour

This paper examines the behaviour of people in the work environment. Students develop a basic understanding of individual behaviour and explore issues of motivation, communication, leadership, decision-making, careers, power and organisational change. The paper is based on a foundation of theory but incorporates a strong practical emphasis.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Shirley BarnettPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Saturday 31 October, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


114.241 Managing Human Resources

An introduction to personnel management processes in organisations.

Paper Coordinator: Ms Jacqui Campbell – Semester One, Mrs Beth Tootell – Semester ThreePre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Semester One – Wednesday 10 June, 2015 - Morning,

Semester Three – Thursday 24 December, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:

Special notesThis paper is offered in an intensive six week summer school format. As compared with the normal semester, this offering involves twice the number of course contact and expected study hours each week. It is recommended that students study just one such paper and certainly no more than two papers in this mode.

1, 3


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Paper No Paper Details Semester

114.242 Human Resource Development

An introduction to the process of training and human resource development within organisations. The paper is modelled on a learner-centered, systematic approach to training. Emphasis is placed on principles of effective human resource development in the areas of learning, and the design, implementation and evaluation of HRD programmes.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Phil RamseyPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: NoneOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:


114.254 Managing Employment Relations

An examination of theories and practices of employment relations and New Zealand legislation and policy.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Barry FosterPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Saturday 13 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


114.326 Human Resource Practices

A critical examination of selected human resource management practices. During the paper, students will develop familiarity with human resource management policies and practices in a practical context, through relevant theory and an appreciation of the ethical issues involved.

Paper Coordinator: Mr Barry FosterPre-requisites: 114.241Examination date: Wednesday 28 October, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


114.350 Current Issues in Human Resource Management

Critical examination of current issues in human resource management. The areas chosen for study will vary to reflect the changing emphasis within the multidisciplinary framework of human resource management.

Paper Coordinator: Mrs Beth TootellPre-requisites: 114.240, 114.241 or 114.254Examination date: No examOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

152.200 Contemporary Management

A critical study of selected trends and recent developments in management theory, research and practice.

Paper Coordinator: Semester One - Dr Andrew Dickson, Semester Three - Dr Ozan Nadir AlakavuklarPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Semester One - Friday 12 June, 2015 - Morning,

Semester Three - Friday 18 December, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:

Special notesThis paper is offered in an intensive six week summer school format. As compared with the normal semester, this offering involves twice the number of course contact and expected study hours each week. It is recommended that students study just one such paper and certainly no more than two papers in this mode.

1, 3

152.203 Business and Society

This paper studies the interplay of business and society in the context of business development in New Zealand and contemporary business practice.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Louise LeePre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Saturday 7 November, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


152.230 Entrepreneurship

An introduction to entrepreneurship and its application to new ventures as well as to existing small businesses.

Paper Coordinator: A/Pro Craig PrichardPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Saturday 13 June, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:


152.232 Small Business Management

This paper develops competencies relevant to operating small and medium sized enterprises. The focus is on critical skills, ethical awareness and the concepts needed by today’s small business owners, and introduces specialist topics in enterprise development.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Jo BensemannPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Wednesday 28 October, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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Paper No Paper Details Semester

152.252 Project Management

An introduction to the theory and methods employed in project management.

Paper Coordinator: Dr David BroughamPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: noneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


152.261 International Business

A study of business and management from an international perspective. An introduction to the conduct of business in the global environment utilising different forms of enterprise including e-business, direct trade relations, and foreign direct investment in the context of rapid economic change. These are examined in the context of regionalism and globalism.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisites: any 100-level paperExamination date: Monday 9 November, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:


152.304 Managing Services

This paper examines theories and issues relating to the place of services in the economy. Topics include customer service, quality improvement, technological innovation and managing capacity and demand. An integrative management perspective and practical management techniques are features of the paper.

Paper Coordinator: Dr John WalkerPre-requisites: any two 200-level papersExamination date: Friday 30 October, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:


Applied and International Economics

Paper No Paper Details Semester

178.100 Principles of Macroeconomics

Introduces the principles of macroeconomics. The paper provides students with an understanding of economic activities at the level of industry, country, and internationally.

Paper Coordinator: Semester One - Dr Stuart Birks, Semester Three - Dr James AlveyPre-requisites: noneExamination date: Semester One - Friday 12 June, 2015 - Afternoon, Semester Three - Monday 15 February, 2016 – AfternoonOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for more information:

Special notesThis paper is offered in an intensive six week summer school format. As compared with the normal semester, this offering involves twice the number of course contact and expected study hours each week. It is recommended that students study just one such paper and certainly no more than two papers in this mode.

1, 3


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Airline and Airline Management – Security Studies Papers

Paper No Paper Details Semester

149.170 Introduction to Border Security

An introduction to the concept of border security. It will explore security challenges and the implications of these to border security both internationally and for New Zealand. It will also look at the various border security agencies and their responses to managing border security risks with a focus on interagency collaboration, risk management and the impact of policy.

Paper Coordinator: Rachel ButlerPre-requisites: noneExamination date: Thursday 11 June, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:


149.180 Introduction to Security Studies

An introduction to the key theories of security to show how these theories have evolved historically and how the evolving concept of security creates, sustains and disrupts traditional theories on nation states, our understanding of politics, and other social systems. It will also overview the various challenges to security in the contemporary environment along with possible solutions to those challenges.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Leah FarrallPre-requisites: noneExamination date: Tuesday 9 June, 2015 - MorningOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:


149.280 Emerging Security Issues

This paper will provide an understanding of the global nature of security issues and the policies and procedures developed to address them, with particular reference to New Zealand. This paper also examines emergent security issues and how they can be addressed.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Leah FarrallPre-requisites: 149.180Examination date: Thursday 29 October, 2015 - AfternoonOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for more information:



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OVERVIEW The BAvMan (Hons) is a higher degree for students with a BAvMan who wish to acquire specialist advanced training. The Honours degree involves a further year of study with a combination of taught papers and a submission of supervised research. Graduates who achieve a First Class Honours or Second Class, Division One may be eligible to enrol in the Master of Aviation programme with a thesis before proceeding to a PhD in Aviation. The BAvMan(Hons) degree is normally a one year full-time course. It is also possible to complete the degree by part-time study over a period not exceeding three years.

WHO IS THIS PROGRAMME DESIGNED FOR?This degree is for students who have completed their BAvMan degree, and want to acquire further specialist knowledge. The Honours degree is a separate degree to the BAvMan, consisting of taught papers and a piece of supervised research. Honours graduates who achieve a good class of Honours (First Class or Second Class, Division One) may be eligible to complete the MAv by thesis or may be eligible to proceed directly to the PhD.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSCandidates require a B average over their second and third year BAvMan papers and permission from the Head of School and Postgraduate Admission. Students must gain admission as being eligible to proceed into this programme.

IELTSPostgraduate: Academic IELTS overall band 6.5 – no band lower than 6.0

Accept academic IELTS only, NOT General Training. See top right hand corner of test result.

• IELTS copies accepted as TRF’s are verified online

• IELTS results should be no more than two years old from the date of test

TOEFLFor students from a country where English is not the first language, you must obtain a minimum English Language competency level. The minimum requirement is TOEFL (Paper) 575 (TWE 4.5), TOEFL iBT 90 overall (minimum 20 across each section/skill).

COURSE STRUCTURESchedule to the Degree of Bachelor of Aviation Management with Honours


190.704 Research Methods in Aviation

190.795 Research Report

Electives, choose 60 credits from:

190.701 Human Factors for Professional Aviation

190.703 Management in Aviation Systems

190.720 Aviation Strategic Management

190.721 Design and Management of Airports

190.790 Special Topic

190.791 Special Topic

NB: For more details of each paper please refer to the table at the end of this section


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OVERVIEW The PGDipAV is an advanced programme of professional education in a range of specialist aviation topics. The course is normally completed in one year of full-time or three years of part-time study. In cases of sufficient merit the diploma may be awarded with Distinction. This diploma consists of 120 credits

WHO IS THIS PROGRAMME DESIGNED FOR?This degree is for students who have completed a first degree, have sufficient background to benefit from the programme at this level, and are looking to acquire further specialised knowledge in aviation.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSCandidates will have a first degree, approval from the Head of School and Postgraduate Admission and have sufficient background to benefit from the programme at this level.

IELTSPostgraduate: Academic IELTS overall band 6.5 – no band lower than 6.0

Accept academic IELTS only, NOT General Training. See top right hand corner of test result.

• IELTS copies accepted as TRF’s are verified online

• IELTS results should be no more than two years old from the date of test

TOEFLFor students from a country where English is not the first language, you must obtain a minimum English Language competency level. The minimum requirement is TOEFL (Paper) 575 (TWE 4.5), TOEFL iBT 90 overall (minimum 20 across each section/skill).

COURSE STRUCTUREThe degree consists of at least 120 credits from the following papers:

190.701 Human Factors for Professional Aviation

190.703 Management in Aviation Systems

190.704 Research Methods in Aviation

190.720 Aviation Strategic Management

190.721 Design and Management of Airports

190.790 Special Topic

190.791 Special Topic

NB: For more details of each paper, including paper fees, please refer to the table at the end of this section.


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OVERVIEW Increasingly the aviation industry needs senior people who have not only the technical knowledge and expertise, but also advanced aviation qualifications and skills. The Master of Aviation degree offers graduates the opportunity to gain such skills and a qualification that will significantly enhance career prospects in the internationally competitive aviation sector. The Master of Aviation is a 180 credit qualification. Students may expect to complete the qualification in 18 months,(3 semesters) but in some cases it may be possible to complete the qualification in 12 months subject to availability of paper offerings in all three semesters.

WHO IS THIS PROGRAMME DESIGNED FOR?The MAv is a programme for BAv graduates or graduates with a degree relevant to the aviation sector.

GRADUATE PROFILEA graduate of the Master of Aviation will demonstrate the following attributes and skills:

1. The graduate will have developed an international perspective on aviation.

2. The graduate will have further developed in-depth knowledge and skills, either through professional experience or professional education programmes related to aviation.

3. The graduate will understand and be able to apply research philosophy to the aviation business environment;

4. The graduate will have completed and presented a comprehensive written report on an independent research topic;

5. The graduate will be practised in clearly and concisely communicating research findings in oral and written form.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSApplicants will have been awarded or qualified for a Bachelor of Aviation, Bachelor of Aviation Management or equivalent degree or qualification, having achieved a grade average of at least a B- in the highest level papers.

IELTSPostgraduate: Academic IELTS overall band 6.5 – no band lower than 6.0

Accept academic IELTS only, NOT General Training. See top right hand corner of test result.

• IELTS copies accepted as TRF’s are verified online

• IELTS results should be no more than two years old from the date of test

TOEFLFor students from a country where English is not the first language, you must obtain a minimum English Language competency level. The minimum requirement is TOEFL (Paper) 575 (TWE 4.5), TOEFL iBT 90 overall (minimum 20 across each section/skill).


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COURSE STRUCTURE AND REGULATIONSCandidates for the Master of Aviation shall follow a parts based

couse of study, which shall consist of papers totalling at least 180 credits comprising:

a) Part One and Part Two as defined by the Schedule to the Degree:

And including:

b) At least 60 credits at 800-level in accordance with either the Research pathway or the Professional pathway;

• For progression from Part One to Part Two in the Master of Aviation, candidates must have achieved a Grade Average of at least B- over the Part One papers, including the compulsory papers.

• In cases of sufficient merit, a Master of Aviation completed via the Research pathway may be awarded with a class of honours.

• In cases of sufficient merit, a Master of Aviation completed via the Professional Pathway may be awarded either merit or distinction.

• The Master of Aviation course of study for a candidate who has been awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Aviation Management with Honours, or the equivalent degree of another recognised university, shall consist of papers totalling at least 120 credits from either the Research pathway or the Professional pathway as defined by the Schedule to the Degree, including the completion of at least 60 credits from Part Two.

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the Admission Criteria noted on page 9.

MASTER OF AVIATION (RESEARCH PATHWAY)Part One (at least 60 credits)

Compulsory Paper (30 credits)

190.704 Research Methods in Aviation

Subject Papers

190.701 Human Factors for Professional Aviation

190.703 Management in Aviation Systems

190.720 Aviation Strategic Management

190.790 Special Topic

Part Two (at least 60 credits)

190.895 Research Report

115.894 Research Report Part 1

115.895 Research Report Part 2

190.898 Thesis

190.899 Thesis


Part One (120 credits)

Compulsory Papers (60 Credits)

190.703 Management in Aviation Systems

190.720 Aviation Strategic Management

Subject Papers (60 credits)

190.721 Design and Management of Airports

190.701 Human Factors for Professional Aviation

190.790 Special Topic

190.791 Special Topic

Part Two (60 credits)

190.894 Professional Practice in Aviation

NB: For more details of each paper, including paper fees, please refer to the table at the end of this section.


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Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.701 Human Factors for Professional Aviation (30 credits)

An in-depth study of the latest development and research applications associated with the human factor aspects of aviation. Particular emphasis is placed on the subjective versus objective parameters used in flight crew, air traffic and other aviation systems assessment, including the application of technology to such outcomes.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Jose PerezgonzalezPre-requisite: Graduate statusExamination: NoneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.703 Management in Aviation Systems (30 credits)

A study of the roles, relationships and functions of senior management systems within the aviation industry. The paper will examine the obligations and responsibilities of aviation corporations and their executives (moral, ethical and legal) to staff, clients, shareholders, the aviation community and the wider community.

Paper Coordinator: TBAPre-requisite: Graduate statusExamination: NoneOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.704 Research Methods in Aviation (30 credits)

To introduce students to the research design principles of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, data collection procedures, analysis of data and interpretation of results, and writing the research report.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisite: Graduate statusExamination: NoneOnline component: Paper Guide and Administration

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.720 Aviation Strategic Management (30 credits)

The application of economic, political regulatory and management knowledge to the planning and development of airline and aviation organization product outcomes.

Paper Coordinator: Mr David LyonPre-requisite: Graduate statusExamination: NoneOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:



Page 35: SAA Handbook 2015

Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.721 Design and Management of Airports (30 credits)

The paper will examine the strategic, economic and administrative contexts within which modern airports operate. It will also seek to define the primary issues of economic growth and development that are shaping the development of airports in the current, medium and long terms.

Paper Coordinator: Mr David LyonPre-requisite: Graduate statusExamination: NoneOnline component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.790 Special Topic (30 credits)

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisite: Graduate status and permission from Head of School Examination: NoneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:

1, 2, 3

190.791 Special Topic (30 credits)

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisite: Graduate status and permission from Head of School Examination: NoneOnline component: Fully Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:

1, 2, 3

190.894 Professional Practice in Aviation (60 credits)

Candidates will undertake professional practice within the Aviation subject area. Professional Practice may be conducted either individually or in groups and assessment of the outcome of the investigation may be in a variety of ways including written and oral presentations and case studies.

Paper Coordinator: TBA Pre-requisite: Admission to Part Two of the Master of Aviation Examination: None Online component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:

1, 2, double


Page 36: SAA Handbook 2015

Paper No Paper Details Semester

190.895 Research Report (60 credits)

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

Paper Coordinator: TBA Pre-requisite: An approved postgraduate research methods paper as specified in the schedule to the MAv Examination: None Online component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:

1, 2, double

190.898 Thesis (90 credits)

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew Gilbey Pre-requisite: Graduate status and Permission HOS Examination: None Online component: None

Online link for textbooks and more information:


190.899 Thesis (120 credits)

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Paper Coordinator: Dr Andrew GilbeyPre-requisite: Graduate status and permission from Head of School Examination: None Online component: None

Online link for textbooks and more information:


115.894 Research Report Part 1 (30 credits)

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

Paper Coordinator: TBA Pre-requisite: An approved postgraduate research methods paper as specified in the schedule to the MBS Examination: None Online component: Partially Taught Online

Online link for textbooks and more information:


115.895 Research Report Part 2 (30 credits)

This paper is not offered in 2015.



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190.701 – Human Factors for Professional Aviation 2 $4420

190.703 – Management in Aviation Systems 1 $3695

190.704 – Research Methods in Aviation 1 $4995

190.720 – Aviation Strategic Managemen t 2 $3525

190.721 – Design and Management of Airports 2 $3525

190.790 – Special Topic 1, 2, 3 $4420

190.791 – Special Topic 1, 2, 3 $4420

190.894 – Professional Practice in Aviation 1, 2, double TBA

190.895 – Research Report 1, 2, double TBA

190.898 – Thesis Double TBA

190.899 – Thesis Double TBA

115.894 – Research Report Part 1 2 TBA


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