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INEE MS Standard In South Sudan, what should this look like? Community Participation Standard 1: Participation Community members participate actively, transparently and without discrimination in analysis, planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of education responses. Community members Local authorities including chiefs, County commissioner, Payam and Boma administrators, PTAs, religious leaders, parents, any kind of Women’s groups, Social Advocacy Groups, sports groups, children and persons with disabilities, school administrators, vulnerable groups, returnees, IDPs and host community. Participate actively, transparently and without discrimination (see pg 20) Consultation in planning process, resource mobilization, and decision making by putting into consideration the voices of the women, children, people with disabilities, IDPs, refugees, returnees, the youths and elderly. Stakeholders should be accountable to the community and learners. Participate in analysis Provision and receiving of relevant data and information To involve all the stakeholders in all stages of assessment; tool development, site selection, interview schedule and feedback session Provide capacity building support that respond to their needs so that community members can participate in analysis Participate in planning and design Are consulted in planning meetings Community members are involved in all emergency response plans and designs by way of making consultations with them at all stages of emergency response. Participate in implementation and monitoring (See analysis standard 3 & 4) Participate in provision of local construction materials, participate in construction of TLS, PTAs should monitor the distribution and use of emergency learning and teaching materials, then give a feedback on the progress of the response. The PTAs should also monitor the teaching and learning process to ensure that it is gender responsive and relevant to the context and ensure that teachers carry out their duties regularly and professionally. Participate in evaluation (See analysis standard 3 & 4) Give and receive feedbacks on the progress of the response, give recommendations for future improvements.

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INEE MS Standard In South Sudan, what should this look like?

Community Participation Standard 1: ParticipationCommunity members participate actively, transparently and without discrimination in analysis, planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of education responses.

Community membersLocal authorities including chiefs, County commissioner, Payam and Boma administrators, PTAs, religious leaders, parents, any kind of Women’s groups, Social Advocacy Groups, sports groups, children and persons with disabilities, school administrators, vulnerable groups, returnees, IDPs and host community.

Participate actively, transparently and without discrimination (see pg 20)Consultation in planning process, resource mobilization, and decision making by putting into consideration the voices of the women, children, people with disabilities, IDPs, refugees, returnees, the youths and elderly. Stakeholders should be accountable to the community and learners.

Participate in analysisProvision and receiving of relevant data and informationTo involve all the stakeholders in all stages of assessment; tool development, site selection, interview schedule and feedback sessionProvide capacity building support that respond to their needs so that community members can participate in analysis

Participate in planning and designAre consulted in planning meetingsCommunity members are involved in all emergency response plans and designs by way of making consultations with them at all stages of emergency response.

Participate in implementation and monitoring (See analysis standard 3 & 4)Participate in provision of local construction materials, participate in construction of TLS, PTAs should monitor the distribution and use of emergency learning and teaching materials, then give a feedback on the progress of the response. The PTAs should also monitor the teaching and learning process to ensure that it is gender responsive and relevant to the context and ensure that teachers carry out their duties regularly and professionally.

Participate in evaluation (See analysis standard 3 & 4)Give and receive feedbacks on the progress of the response, give recommendations for future improvements.

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Standard In South Sudan, what should this look like?Community Participation Standard 2: ResourcesCommunity resources are identified, mobilized and used to implement age-appropriate learning opportunities

Community resources (human, skills and materials)Local construction materials (grass, poles), land, the church, livestock, human skills, children to provide peer to peer support, shelter for teachers’ accommodation, PTA fund, PTAs, honey and food produce.

Community resources are identified, mobilizedHave the map of the community, persuade the PTA, community should take a lead in the identification and mobilization process, community identifies, registers and influence the recruitment of teachers, identify and mobilize the human resources, strengthen the existing structures, provide food to child headed families.

Community resources are used to implementPTA fund, food, older children and women as classroom assistants, trained mentors, mobilizing resources for salaries, have matrons or caretakers in the school, mobilize local building materials, identify and invite resource persons/role models to talk to the children,

Learning opportunities that are age-appropriateHave separate classes for the different age groups while putting into consideration the children with special needs, clubs, peer to peer learning, different trainers, resources and materials for the different age groups, have mentors for the different age and groups and sexes, separate latrines for the different age groups

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Coordination StandardCoordination mechanisms for education are in place and support stakeholders working to ensure access to continuity of quality education.

Coordination mechanisms for education (See Community Participation Standard 1)Education clusters functional in the 10 states and the national levelEducation clusters monthly coordination meetings at national, state and county levelPTAsCoordinate with camp leaders, county committeesCommunity leadersGender Thematic Working GroupsReligious leadersSub-clusterUN OCHA

Coordination mechanisms are in placeMechanisms are established i.e. setting up structure, membershipMechanism is functional i.e. roles and responsibilities are assignedOn-going meetingsAnnual work plan

Coordination supportProvides technical resources on education in emergency or trainingsSharing of resources and information at all levels i.e. from national to bomaFacilitating resource mobilization

Stakeholders who work to ensure access to continuity of quality educationMinistry of Education at national, state, county and payam levelInternational NGOsNational NGOsCBOsPTAEducation clusterTeachersSchool administratorsRelevant government thematic working groupsUN agenciesCamp leadershipVillage chiefs and traditional leadersDonorsFaith based organizations

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Analysis Standard 1: AssessmentTimely education assessments of the emergency situation are conducted in a holistic transparent and participatory manner.

Education assessments

Rapid needs assessment tool for Education ClusterMulti-sectoral assessment tool of OCHA

Assessments are timely

As soon as it is safe to do the assessmentsThe first assessment will depend on the context of the emergency but it should take place within the first three month after crisis.Periodic regular assessments should take place. Depending on the context the second needs assessment should take place within the next six months after emergency.Even thought assessments time could vary, the overall objective is to collect information frequently enough so that the response is relevant to affected population.(the assessments will be linked to ongoing monitoring)

Assessments are holistic

Other sectors of assessment: child protection, health, wash, nutrition and food securityCoordinated assessments that do not repeat themselves and do not overlapBefore conducting the education rapid needs assessment, we look for secondary data that already exist (for example GoSS EMIS).

Assessments are transparent

Explain to respondents the purpose of the assessmentInvolvement of other stakeholders, such as local leaders and other sectorsAfter data collection, findings are shared and presented to stakeholders (see list), including the government and stakeholders provide feedback.

Assessments are participatory

Assessments are inclusive: women, youth, youth groups, PTAs, parents, GEM, churches ,chiefs, teachers Ministry of education at Boma, Payam, County, State and local government at all level.Stakeholders are involved at all stages of the assessment (design of the tool, site selection, implementation and feedback).

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Analysis Standard 2: Response StrategyInclusive education response strategies include a clear description of the context barriers to the right to education and strategies to overcome those barriers.

Education response strategiesContingency plans at State level.According to assessment findings provision of learning materials, TLSs and psychosocial support and trainings.(a teacher policy needed)

Context barriers to the right to educationLanguage, gender, people with physical and mental disabilities (facilities and assistance), culture (the role of girls, the role of the first born, the value of education), financial barriers, socio/economic situation of the family, discrimination of some ethnic groups, climate, insecurity.

Strategies to overcome those barriersLanguage: GoSS draft separated language policyCulture, gender, discrimination of some ethnic groups: advocacy and teacher’s code of conduct (teachers accountability)People with physical and mental disabilities: Alternative learning spaces and traveling teachersFinancial barriers and socio/economic situation of the family: socio-economic incentives and teacher compensationClimate: Education focal point in each village, moving schoolsInsecurity (occupation of schools, etc.): Government, professionalization of the army, creation of government-community conflict mitigation teams.

Education response strategies that are inclusiveIdentified barriers are taken into consideration in the response strategy.Letting communities coming up with solutions that respond to the assessed needs. Development of strong monitoring response by stakeholders as well asCapacity building programme for community members. Training on education in emergency responseEducation actors in the relief committee

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Analysis Standard 3: MonitoringRegular monitoring of education response activities and the evolving learning needs of the affected population is carried out.

Regular monitoringDevelop monitoring toolsCapacity building the education stake holdersMinistry of education decentralize monitoring at the grassroots level in community (flexible depending on the situation)Quality of teaching, supplies distributed, curriculum implementation. Aligned the monitoring system and strengthen the inspector at GOSS and State

Education response activitiesInclusive protected temporary learning spacesPsychosocial supportAdequate and relevant emergency school suppliesTrained teachers use emergency training materials and principles in their teaching in emergency affected learning spaces.Rehabilitation of schools damaged or destroyed due to emergency.Advocacy to protect schools from occupation or attack

Learning needsLife skill, life saving messages, Psychosocial support,What children need to learn in an emergency to stay safe and continue to develop and interact with peer groups. This should consider needs of individual learners including girls, boys children with disability and other special needs.

Affected populationAll children and youth affected by emergency in South Sudan,this include IDPS, returnees, host community and refugees

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Analysis Standard 4: EvaluationSystematic and impartial evaluations improve education response activities and enhance accountability

Evaluations that are systematic:Measure the indicators that are agreed in the coordination mechanism based on minimum standard for South SudanTimely and regular depending on the context and nature of the projects.

Evaluations that are impartialNot biased, including all groups in methodology. (e.g. IDPS , host communities, gender and special needs groups

Evaluations improve education response:Taking action on the results of the evaluation toward meeting the minimum standard South Sudan such as improving procurement, and distribution of supplies, inclusiveness of the response and timely of the response and community participation the response

Evaluations enhance accountability

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Access and Learning Environment standard 1: Equal Access

All individuals have access to quality and relevant education opportunities

All individuals have access.

All children and adults (girls and boys, refugee, orphans, unaccompanied minors, ex-combatants, young mothers, child soldier, children with disabilities and over aged children) should have physical access to learning spaces not too far from home (between 1-5kms.

Access to learning materials (ratio is 1child for 1 text book), material should be stored in a library (or metal boxes).

The environment of the school should be child friendly. Access to clean drinking water, separate latrines and hand washing points. Each child should have his references or must be tested for enrolment. English lessons should be provided Arabic pattern returnee children.

Quality education

Education in S. Sudan should be affordable, accessible, gender sensitive and responds to diversity.

Curriculum should be culturally, socially and linguistically sensitive. Appropriate class sizes and teacher – learner-teacher ratio, 1:50. All schools should have a balance of sport and recreational facilities and activities. Emergency education should include some life skills activities. No corporal punishment should be acceptable by school administration. Emergency in-service and pre-service training for teachers (life skills, psychosocial

support, peace education, gender, vocational and technical training).

Relevant education

Must be within the South Sudan’s Education Curriculum. Provision of sanitary materials for girls to ensure their retention in school. Life skill programme.

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Access and Learning Environment standard 2: Protection and Well-Being

Learning environments are secure and safe, and promote the protection and the psycho-social well-being of learners, teachers and other education personnel

Learning environments that are safe and secure

Cleared of physical harm: land mines, broken glasses, stagnant water; armed forces should not occupy or leave materials to school.

The area should be selected on a basis of physical safety with adequate distance between armed forces/cross fire locations.

Children should be provided with psychosocial support, and free from any corporal punishment and shamed action.

Learning environments that protect

Teachers are responsible for behaving in a professional manner, protecting children from sexual abuse and harassment.

Learning environments are free from potential physical harm.

Learning environments that promote psychosocial well-being

Teachers and other education personnel have to provide psychosocial services support to different ages of learners (games, sports, recreational and counseling activities) and life skills practical activities.

Advocacy against gender based violence by teachers and education personnel as well as families to ensure that learners know their rights.

Provision of judicial support to survivors of gender based violence specially girls.

Learners (See also Teachers and other Education Personnel standard 2 & 3)

Learners should be secure to participate effectively and to interact between them and with the teachers.

Teachers (See also Teachers and other Education Personnel standard 2 & 3)

Promote and encourage recruitment of female teachers/volunteers; Improve working conditions of the teachers through incentive, motivation and in

service pre service trainings; Support and supervision mechanism should be provided. A code of conduct Teachers should sign

Education personnel (See also Teachers and other Education Personnel standard 2 & 3)

Capacity building should be provided for education personnel Education personnel should disseminate and train trainers all education and other

relevant acts, teacher’s code of conduct and Child acts. Strengthen the PTA’s and encourage involvement of community and setting up of

school safety committee.

Access and Learning Environment: Standard 3:

Education facilities Location of school should be safe and secure. Provision of physical infrastructures to accommodate all the learners including those

with special needs. Involvement of all stakeholders in the designing (fence to protect the school from

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Education facilities promote the safety and well-being of learners, teachers and other education personnel and are linked to health, nutrition, psychosocial and protection services.

intrusion of strangers), erection and maintenance of school facilities (Local authorities and communities and NGO’s).

School facilities must have water facilities, separate latrine for girls, boys and teachers including person with disabilities.

Promote the safety and well-being of learners, teachers and other education personnel Provide training for teachers and other education personnel to recognize sign of

physical and psychosocial stress among the other teachers and the children for referral. Two teachers (one female and one male) per TLS should be trained on basic guidance

for health, food/nutrition, protection, drinking water, hand wash, and latrines.

Links to health services Education facilities should be close to health services, medical center or should have

their own facilities. First aid kit should be in the school. Schools should link with the ministry of health to provide health services (provision of

sanitary towels to girls of reproductive age and de-worming tablets including immunization).

Links to nutrition services Every school should have school feeding programme (meals) and link with WFP to

prevent dropping out because of hunger. Introduction of school garden.

Links to psychosocial services Assigning of social worker in each school to provide guidance and counseling for

children (recreation of children). Put in place referral mechanism to address abuses against learners Provide training for teachers to recognize sign of physical and psychosocial stress.

Links to protection services Family tracing and reunification activities should be provided. Temporally learning space should be a place where the protection cluster can facilitate

services. School communities connect with external formal and informal social network. Educate children on their rights (key rights in emergency).

(For definitions of teachers, learners and education personnel see access and learning environment standard 3)

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Standard Definition of terms for South Sudan

Teaching and Learning Standard 1: CurriculaCulturally, socially and linguistically relevant curricula are used to provide formal and non-formal education, appropriate to the particular context and needs of learners.


Is referred to South Sudanese curriculum a design frame work for teachers in South Sudan to transfer the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to the learners

Curricula that is culturally and socially relevant

The frame work has to take in consideration cultural diversity (beliefs, ideas customs, taboos, practices) of tribes, communities and society in South Sudan and prevent discrimination and promotes respect among learners

Curricula that is linguistically relevant

The frame work that promotes one official language (English) and must consider the importance of other languages such as mother tongues

Curricula is used

A well known guideline applied in schools by teachers

Curricula is appropriate to the context and needs of learners

For its appropriateness in emergency situation, it should consider the following;

1) Survival skills: children have to learn skills for a new environment such as Safety measures (land mine and explosive devices) HIV/AIDs Education Health and hygiene promotion and understanding health threats in

emergency (water borne diseases and Diarrhea Environmental Education

Formal education

Is nursery, primary, secondary education

Non-formal education

Is alternative education system e.g. Accelerated Learning Program (ALP), Basic Adult literacy Program (BALP) and Community Girls School Program (CGSP) pastoralist Education

(For definition of learners see Access and Learning Environment Standard 2)

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Standard Definition of terms for South Sudan

Teaching andLearning standard 2: training,ProfessionalDevelopment andSupport

Teachers and other education personnelReceive periodic,relevant and structuredtraining according toneeds andcircumstances

(For definition of teachers and education personnel see Access to Learning Environment standard 2)

Periodic and structured training Pre-service, in-service and distance teacher training in South Sudan includes emergency

content. Training on emergencies should also happen through specific workshops and cascade

approaches. Training has to be organized and conducted based on identified training needs of the

teachers. First training has to be one week after recruitment. First training should be based on the

prioritized topics and should include orientation, child protection etc. First training should be followed by a periodic training based on the length of emergencies.

Weekly trainings are organized for short-term crisis and a monthly training for long-term emergencies. On-going training on other prioritized topics

Timing of the training should take into consideration breaks in the school calendar such as holidays.

Training relevant to needs and circumstances Basing on the assessment of the learning needs of teachers, the needs are prioritized and

subject specialist/trainers are hired to develop training materials relevant to the teachers/context and training and deliver contextualized training content to the teachers.

Training can be based on needs assessment and context analysis training contents might include;

Psychosocial support, Emergency life skills such as WASH, landmine, health threats messages Child protection Inclusive education with focus on gender and children with disabilities or other special

needs children Use of education kits (school in box, recreation kits) Conflict mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction For voluntary teacher during emergency should be taught on numeracy and literacy if


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Standard Definition of terms for South SudanTeaching and learning standard 3: Instruction and Learning Processes

Instruction and learning processes are learner centered, participatory and inclusive

Instruction and Learning processesIs referred in South Sudan teachers transfer knowledge and skills according to the South Sudan curriculum including relevant emergency contents.

Instruction that is learner centeredLearning process focuses on the physical, psychosocial, developmental and cognitive needs of learners. Interaction between teachers and learners should be respectful and protective (unharmful).

Instruction and learning processes that are participatoryChildren or learners, PTAs and county education authorities e.g. inspectors are involve in determining the content needs and are active in learning processes

Instruction and learning processes that are InclusiveIn emergencies as well as content needs; the individual learner needs have to be considered. Vulnerable groups such as children with disabilities have to be given special attention and supported in the learning processes

Standard Definition of terms for South Sudan

Teaching and LearningStandard 4: assessment of learning outcomesAppropriate methods are used to evaluate and validate learning outcomes.

Appropriate methods of assessment

In south Sudan the evaluation of the acquisition of knowledge and skills of learners done by teachers has to be proper in the circumstances, fair, transparent and non-threatening to the learners. The measures include; continuous assessment tests, examinations, quiz, progress records. Evaluation has to comprehend the acquisition of emergency knowledge and skills

Are used (when, by whom and how) (See analysis standards 1, 2, & 3)


Made legally valid evaluation of the acquisition of emergency knowledge and skills through official recognition or certification ----?????

Learning outcomes

Results of the acquisition of knowledge and skills through study and learning processes

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Standard Definitions of Terms for South SudanTeachers and Other Education PersonnelStandard 1: recruitment and selection

A sufficient number of appropriately qualified teachers and other education personnel are recruited through aParticipatory andtransparent process, based on selection criteria reflecting diversity and equity

Sufficient number In emergency situations, a 1:50 ratio is considered

as sufficient. Meaning, one teacher to fifty learners.Other Education personnel.

At school the school, there is the school Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher. The Head teacher is also the secretary to the PTA

At the Payam level, the current number of education officials considered as sufficient is four. These include the Payam Education Supervisor, the Deputy Payam Education Supervisor, The AES Supervisor and the Girl Child Education Supervisor

Six Education personnel at County level is considered as sufficient. These include the County Education Director, Deputy County Education Director, AES Inspector, Girl Child Education Coordinator, Basic Primary Education Supervisor and Examination Secretary

Appropriately qualified teachers (See access to learning environment standard 2)There are two categories of appropriately qualified teachers in the context of South Sudan.

Category one is Successful Secondary education graduates/leavers who have undergone Continuous professional Development in the five core areas of lesson preparation (schemes of work and lesson plan), application of learner centered methods (LCM) of teaching, preparation and use of teaching/learning Aids, Assessment of learners and classroom management.

Category two is successful secondary education graduates/leavers with some professional qualification in teaching such as a Grade III teacher, diploma or a Bachelors Degree

Appropriately qualified other education personnel (See access to learning environment standard 2)

An appropriately qualified Head teacher and a Deputy Head teacher in the context of South Sudan is someone with a grade III Teaching certificate.At the Payam and County level, an appropriately qualified personnel is:

A secondary education graduate with a grade III teaching certificate, diploma or Degree in Education or

Secondary education certificate who has received continuous professional development in the five core areas as stated above and formative supervision training to enable him conduct a before the Supervision dialogue (BSD), classroom observation (CO) and after the supervision dialogue (ASD) and mentoring

Participatory and transparent process In the case of displacement where children have moved to functioning

schools, Head teacher, deputy, PTA chairperson and a representative from the Payam education office should be involved in the teacher recruitment process.

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Where a displaced population is located at where there are no schools, the recruitment committee should consist of the displaced community camp leaders, local leaders, responding Agency and the payam education officials.

How should the above stakeholders participate in the participatory teacher recruitment process?

The committee should agree on the selection criteria, share with community the selection criteria and the number of teachers needed to be recruited. Inviting interested persons to write application letters to the selection committee. The selection committee screens the applicants and appoints the most suitable ones as teachers.

Selection criteria that reflect diversity and equity

An assessment of the types of ethnicities in the displaced population by the intervening Agency.

An assessment of the male to female ratio in the displaced populationNB: The above data can be obtained from the camp leaders

The selection committee should ensure that at least 10 % of the selected and appointed teachers should be females.

The selection criteria should take in to consideration the different conflict dynamics in the displaced population and do the appointment appropriately.

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Standards Definition of Terms for South SudanTeachers andOther EducationPersonnelStandard 2:conditionsof workTeachers and otherEducationpersonnelhave clearlydefined conditionsof work and areappropriatelycompensated.

(For definitions of teachers and education personnel see Access and LearningEnvironment standard 2)

Conditions of work

Making staff safety and security a priority Staff working hours should be limited to not more than eight per day Clearly stated job description spelling out clearly the tasks expected to be performed At least Temporary shelters such as tents should be provided to the teachers located near the school Provision for an office space and furniture for lesson preparation There should be a provision for meals for the education personnel Provision of teaching/learning materials to help them in their job Providing the education personnel with continuous professional development

Appropriately compensated

Payment of incentives to the education personnel on monthly basis by the implementing Agency Providing the education personnel with additional food and non food items Ensuring that there is uniform salary scale across all professions Incentives should be commensurate with the teachers’ qualification Payment of hardship allowance to the educational personnel

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Standard Definitions of terms for South SudanTeachers and Other Education Personnel standard 3: support and supervision.

Support and supervisionmechanisms for teachers and othereducation personnel function effectively.

(For definitions of teacher and education personnel see Access and Learning Environment standard 2)

Support mechanisms for teachers Provision of mentoring support Guidance and counseling Continuous professional development Training on psychosocial support and life saving messages Provision of teaching/learning materials Health and nutrition support, including clean water

Supervisions mechanisms for teachers Teacher supervision consist of both formal and informal formal

supervision Formal supervision consists of formative supervision which comprises

of before supervision dialogue (BSD), classroom observation (CO) and after supervision dialogue (ASD).

Informal supervision consist of informal visits to the school by a payam education official, PTA executive or the school head teacher

Support mechanisms for other education personnel

Provision of capacity building through training and mentoring by the implementing Agency staff. Training topics could cover administration and management, psychosocial support, teacher supervision.

Transport and other material support through provision of bicycles, writing materials, telephones.

Clean water, adequate food and medical facilities Providing them with lesson observation tools Regular fair payment for their work

Supervision mechanisms for other education personnel

Involvement of the education personnel in the development of the supervision tools Providing them with supervision tools Training on practical supervision skills Regular review of supervision tools on regularly basis. At least once every quarter

Support mechanisms that function effectively Characteristics of support mechanisms that function effectively include usability, updated regularly, user friendly, cost effective. It should help teachers to provide relevant lessons Locally available

Supervision mechanisms that function effectively