ryoko oikawa

RYÔKO OIKAWA 及川 良子 SHOWING MARCH 2012 AT THE GRANT BRADLEY GALLERY 1 St Peter’s Court Bedminster Parade Bristol, BS3 4AQ T. 0117 9637 673 W. grantbradleygallery.co.uk E. [email protected] GRANTBRADLEYmagazine THE ISSUE #1 March2012

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March Exhibition at the Grant Bradley Gallery




1 St Peter’s CourtBedminster ParadeBristol, BS3 4AQ

T. 0117 9637 673W. grantbradleygallery.co.ukE. [email protected]



ISSUE #1 March2012

Ryoko Oikawa is an established and influential artist from Iwate, Japan. She has held exhibitions of her work in China, Japan, France and Bangkok where the Thai Royal Family described her as a “national treasure”. She has won many awards including the Culture Prize at the Japan/Italy Modern Great Artist’s Exhibition. Having sent her work to the UK for her exhibition here at the gallery last year, her paintings would have certainly been damaged if not destroyed by the March 2011 tragedy in Japan. This exhibition marks the Month one year on from the Japanese earthquake, and it will remind people of the devas-tating impact on Japan and it’s people.

A self taught artist, Ryôko Oikawa invites the viewer to embark on a journey of tranquil discovery. Working with a natural theme of flora and Japanese landscape, Ryôko’s work evokes a calming and poetic response. This exhibition is a unique insight into Japanese creative culture and traditions.

Ryôko’s use of heavily applied oils give the paintings a three dimensional quality, this depth gives the paintings a ‘living’ quality and a delicate nature. Ryôko achieves this aesthetic quality by using just one palette knife throughout all of her oil based paintings.

The gallery is delighted to exhibit this influential artist’s work here in Bedminster, Bristol. Having gained international recognition from countries such as Thailand, France, Italy and Holland, we proudly present her work to the UK to be experienced and enjoyed.

Ryôko first became interested in painting at a very young age after an inspirational arts teacher com-plimented her work at school. This experience has sparked a lifelong passion for Ryoko to encourage young people and inspire them creatively.

When asked what her greatest artistic achievement was Ryôko said:

‘During one of my exhibitions in Japan, an elderly man came to see my work. He spent a long time viewing the work and afterwards came to tell me that he would wish to go to the places depicted in my paintings when he passed. That these places were of such tranquil and harmonious perfection that he would be happy to spend eternity there’

Ryôko finds inspiration from many sources, artists such as Claude Monet (in particular his ‘Bridge over a pond of waterlillies’, 1899 piece) have had an influence on her work. Also French painter Pierre Puvis de Chavannes has had a profound influence, Ryôko particularly found inspiration in ‘The poor fisherman’ by this artist.

When asked what other aspects of life Ryôko found inspiring she replied:

‘I find inspiration in the beauty within nature and the changing seasons. I also love how the landscape can evoke strong feelings of nostalgia and memory.’

Ryôko is very interested in seeing how it will be received. I asked her what she wishes for people to feel as they view her work:

‘Firstly I want people to enjoy it, and for the paintings to make them feel free. I want the paintings to encour-age people and make them feel positive. And I especially wish for the paintings to touch the heart.’

及川 良子

SHEEP (Shall we go back home?)羊(そろそろお家へ帰ろうか)I had been aiming to sketch sheep sometime and one day, I had a chance to visit Koiwai farm. At dusk three sheep were left behind from the flock and they were seeking the way home, peacefully and quietly.

Oil on canvas£7,600

LYSICHITON CAMTSCHATCENSISミズバショウWith the melting of the snow in April, Lysichiton Camtschatcensis started to sprout through the snow. I was compelled to sketch it.

Oil on canvas£7,600

MICHINOKU FOLK VILLAGEみちのく民俗村Traditional Japanese house called Nanbu Magariya and Well, from the late Edo period (19th century). Nanbu magariya are the tradi-tional L-shaped farmhouses once found throughout the Iwate region .Oil on canvas£4,750

PASTURE LAND IN EARLY SPRING 早春の牧野Spring comes late in Iwate. There is still white snow at the top of the mountain in April-May, the plants are verdant and green in the pasture.

Oil on canvas£4,750

FLOWER ANG DOG花と犬In August, we have lots of flowers in our garden (Princess Sunflower, Lithospermum Purpurocaeruleum, Gymnaster Savatieri etc.), and a dog is taking a walk.



野菊Wild Chrysanthemum blooming in Autumn

Oil on canvas£2,850

FLOWERS (Forsythia, Korean Azalea and Kirishima Azalea)

花 (レンギョウ、ヨドガワツツジキリシマツツジ)

These flowers bloomed beautifully in our garden.

Oil on canvas£2,850


森の仲間A Great Spotted Woodpecker and Owls perch together, as friends, in the forest. Underneath a Fox and Squirrel bask in the sunshine.

Oil on canvas£2,850

WILD AND SMALL CHRYSANTHEMUM野菊と小菊In October, Wild Chrysanthemum and Small Chrysanthemum bloomed at the same time and I put them into a bottle to paint.

Oil on canvas£2,200

PRINCESS SUNFLOWER姫向日葵In July, I was fascinated by the small yellow flower, which bloomed prolifically.

Oil on canvas£1,850

AN AVENUE TO THE CHUSON-JI BUDDHIST TEMPLE中尊寺へ続く表参道 月見坂The hill is called Tsukimizaka and it shows the path way to the Chuson-ji in Hiraizumi, Iwate. Hiraizumi Iwate has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2011.Oil on canvas£1,500

SILVER BIRCH FOREST IN LATE AUTUMN晩秋の白樺林I was keen to paint the Silver Birch trees across the plateau. When I visited the plateau to paint the Silver Birch trees at the end of Au-tumn, the light snow started to fall.Oil on canvas£1,500

FLOWER花These flowers bloomed in my garden in late April.

Oil on canvas£1,300

BOTTLES AND FRUIT ビンと果物Fruit and bottles combined in a still life composition.

Oil on canvas£1,300

SCENTS OF AUTUMN秋の香Autumn flowers from our garden, painted by finger. Arrangement Cosmos, Iris Domestica and ornamental plant.

Oil on canvas£1,700

PRINCESS SUNFLOWER, LITHOSPERMUM PURPUROCAER-LEUM, INULA SALICIANA VAR. ASIATICA AND SMALL 姫向日葵と江戸紫とかせん草と小菊In August i have lots of flowers in bloom in my garden, sketched with joy!Oil on canvas£1,150

SMALL CHRYSANTHEMUM小菊In October, Small Chrysthanthemum arranged into a pale vase.

Oil on canvas£1,250

HYDRANGEAあじさいAfter the rain the bright sun captures the radiance of the Hydran-geas.

Oil on canvas£625

ROSEバラRoses bloom beautifully, captured in the blink of an eye.

Oil on canvas£625

SUNFLOWER, COFFEE CUP AND BISCUIT向日葵 (コーヒーカップとビスケット)Cup and biscuit beside sunflower, at tea time.

Oil on canvas£625

SUNFLOWER AND FRUIT向日葵 果物How about this combination? Sunflower and fruit.

Oil on canvas£625

PROMENADE (KOTARO TAKAMURA)散歩道 (高村光太郎)A poet, Kotaro Takamura, walked past the Silver Birch in his local area.

Oil on canvas£425

HOW ABOUT COFFEE?コーヒーはいかがI visited this coffee shop with a friend.

Oil on canvas£425

FLOWERS AND CHERRIES花とサクランボ3 varieties of flower bloom at the side of the field were picked and painted with cherries.

Oil on canvas£425


都忘れと仙台はぎとスノーフレー クとおだまきFlowers, picked from field and garden and arranged in a mug.Oil on canvas£425

LILAC AND VIBURNUM PLICATUM VAR. PLICATUM F. PLICATUMライラックとオオデマリI like the balance of complementary flowers.Oil on canvas£285


ラナンキュラスThe green centres of the flowers clearly stand out from the yellow petals: it is excellent.Oil on canvas£285


都忘れとビンGymnaster Savatieri flowers change their shine from blue to purple to pink: arrangement in a green vase.Oil on canvas£285


花とくだものVibrant small flowers collected into a pale white vase.

Oil on canvas£285

LITHOSPERMUM PURPUROCAERULEUM, GYMNASTER SA-VATIERI AND FRUIT江戸紫と都忘れとくだものAn explosion of colour, with contrasting size flowers, arranged in a pale vase.Oil on canvas£285



T. 0117 9637 673W. grantbradleygallery.co.uk

E. [email protected]