run plan generator - trenton metro area · run...


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Run Plan Generator - Why have a run plan?

∎ Move away from reactive visual management ofmail volumes to proactive planned management .

Use historical data to predict upcoming mail volumes .

Have a plan in place to allow MDOs and supervisors tomake decisions on how to best utilize their people andequipment.

Improve staffing decisions.

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Run Plan Generator - Managing vs Planning?

A run plan is meant to complement, notreplace, management of the workfloor .

Conditions may require varying from the plan .•

Volumes can differ from projections .

Outside influences can affect the processing of themail (e.g., wet mail affecting thruputs) .

Unscheduled maintenance .

Personnel management issues .

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Run Plan Generator - Managing v Planning .

The run plan can be used to gauge progressthrough the day .

Other tools give information to compare actualprocessing to the plan .

MPEwatch .

Floor Inventories .

Managers can use the information to decide todeviate from the plan .

Even when deviating the plan can be useful inshowing where capacity is available .

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Run Plan Generator - Daily Analysis

∎ At the end of the day, compare how the runplan matched up to actual processing .

A good plan should generate operating windowsthat are similar to actual processing windows .

A plan may need adjusting to better approximatereal conditions.

Mail arrival profile, estimated volumes .

Actual processing may not have attainedproductivity numbers assumed in the plan .

Thruput goals, equipment downtime .

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Run Plan Generator - Improvement Cycle

4) Change run plan model tomore accurately describe

processing in the facility and tostrive towards production goals .

1) Create a daily runplan for processing

the mail .

3) Compare whatactually occurred tothe plan. Analyzediscrepancies.

2) Plan is used duringprocessing as a template

for the day .

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Run Plan Generator - Run plans are not static

∎ There will be various reasons for havingthe run plan go through iterations .

End of day analysis may show that the planneeds to be adjusted to more accurately modelmail processing .

A satisfactory plan can be adjusted in order tolead the facility towards production goals .

Separate plans can be created to handle certainextreme conditions (e .g., Christmas, fall mailingseason) .

Variations of the run plan can be used tosimulate different scenarios .

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Run Plan Generator - You want to change what?rosni saevi

∎ The goal of the PPC Run Plan Generator (RPG)is to minimize the amount of work needed toproduce plans on a daily basis .

The most useful run plan will be one based on volumeestimates specific to the day being planned .

The RPG is designed so that almost all of theparameters are set up in advance .

Most operational variations are contained within aweekly cycle (as opposed to volume variations) .

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Run Plan Generator - Run plan parameters

∎ Mail processing can be modeled if certainparameters can be determined .

Expected volume .

Mail arrival profile .

Operating window .

Production Units (Machines) .

Productivity (Thruputs) .

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Run Plan Generator - Run plan output

∎ With acceptable parameters the RPG can beexpected to give :

The number of machines that will be needed to processthe mail volume .

The timeframe each machine will run each sort planduring . These timeframes will be set up to process allvolume while avoiding two circumstances .

Running equipment outside of desired operationalwindows.

Running out of mail before the total daily volume has beenprocessed .

Run plan output is set up to resemble WebEOR autocharts.

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Run Plan Generator - How the RPG works

The hierarchy numbers for the sort plans areused to created a queue that determines theorder they will be processed in .

It will attempt to schedule all the volumeestimated for a sort plan before moving on tothe next one in the queue.

It will notify you if your operating parameterswere too tight to allow for all of that day'sestimated volume .

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Run Plan Generator - The method, illustrated




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Run Plan Generator - Output magnified

BISFESS IStart 0 23 0014,197 Pes q a@ 28DW pes/h


NV44MIstart * 0325t5,LDO Pra Ran

3D.W0 padhrBlank Una

271 F ELO C

NV44221 U

NV4Rf21 U-2

Slide - 1 4

BQ9FESS1 893F 442 NV44201 UStart is 1S:35

Start 22:3D Start © 00:0574;375 Pea Ran

1,771 R lfl 08,083 Pca R a n25.W0 pasFnr 25, P @ 25.000 pcslhrBlaric Line Bla Line Blank Line

Run Plan Generator - Facility information

∎ Facility information includes the followingitems .

Identifying information .

Site name, zip code, FOR ID number .

Machine information .

Types and numbers (names) .

Sort plan information .

Operation number and machine loadable name .

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Run Plan Generator - Operating Parameters

∎ Any sort plan for which you wish to include inthe run plan needs the following .

The order in which the plan falls in the hierarchy .

Machines on which to run the plan .

Thruputs .

Time information; earliest start time, clearance time,time needed for both prep and clean up, tour.

∎ Additionally, the following information may beneeded .

Volume/Mail arrival profile; Lunch and Break ratio .

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Run Plan Generator - Volume information

∎ Volumes need to be estimated at the sort planlevel in order to produce a run plan .

Need volumes for NV42203 or 271 FUMIX, not just foroperations 918 or 271 .

So far this has been the item that has been theleast readily available for a plant .

If you have been manually producing run plansyou may already have this information .

The RPG looks for this information in a simpletable format.

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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

Each sort program has a defined operatingwindow

An operating window is also defined by themachines that can run a sort program

Rank sort programs and machines in the orderthey will be scheduled

Five different methods for scheduling : adefault and 4 alternatives

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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

Default method : start at clearance time andwork backward to the startup time .


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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

Alternate method : begin processing at startuptime, such as for Standard mail .


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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

Alternate method: overlap operating windowsby using the same startup and clearance times .The figure below shows two non-overlappedwindows.


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Run Plan Generator Operating Windowvu,TID SaTISIOSU L stw~ri

By giving both sort programs the same startupand clearance times, the gap is eliminated . Inthis example, the green sort program is rankedbefore the black one .


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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

When the priority is reversed to black overgreen, the following schedule is generated .


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Run Plan Generator - Operating Window

Alternate method : partially overlappingwindows can also provide better packing .Below, the green sort program has precedenceover the black one .


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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

If the black sort program has precedence overthe green, the following, less-efficient scheduleis generated .


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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

Alternate method : wholly overlapping operatingwindows can also provide better scheduling .Below, the green operating window is whollycontained within the black operating window .


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Run Plan Generator Operating Window

However, this changes considerably if the blacksort program takes precedence over the green .Note the gap .


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Run Plan Generator Operating WindowUNITIDsnrnIosi*& snrin

The concept can be extended to as many sortprograms as necessary. Below are threeoverlapping windows on a single machine .

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Run Plan Generator - Volume Arrival Profile

The percentage of a run's volume available at agiven time can be specified to avoid runningdry.


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20% 35%

65% 80% 100%

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Run Plan Generator Lunches and Breaks

Not explicitly scheduled, but RPG will expandthe processing period to cover them .

Default factor is 0 which allows for onehour of lunches and breaks over 8 .5 '%ours

The factor can be adjusted using t'following formula :

Lunch and break factor = I -Time setTotal

Update faduty We

Manage US=

Sort AMData

Run Plans

Main Menu

Current Run Plan

Create an Auto~ interface

Create an Excel Based Run Plan

Start Date

Enter a Date(mNVOYyyy)



- --rlast Date


Welcome to Eastern AreaPPC Run Plan Generator

Control Menu


AMA Run Plan In We

Verswn 1 .1 .6

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Run Plan Generator Using RPG

An RPG Help Desk is available Mondaythrough Friday from 8 am to 7 pm Eastern time

Telephone number is 703-891-2684

Email address is rpghelp@nortelgov .com,

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Run Plan Generator Master Machine List

Machines are grouped by user-definedcategories, such as Automation or Flats

Machine types and numbers must match FOR

Manual operations can also be scheduled bysetting up a machine type called "Cases"

For each machine category, enter the numberof people needed to staff the machine

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Run Plan Generator Master Sort Program List

Enter by operation number

Can use nonstandard sort program names to :

1) add a maintenance window

2) roll up sort programs that process the sametype of mail (draw from the same volumeestimate), but differ by machine type, numberof bins, or other factors .

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Run Plan Generator Creating a Run Plan Model

Use selected machines and sort programs frommaster lists

Create different models by machine category,time period, etc .

Can add or delete machines and sort programswithout affecting master lists

Assign specific machines to a sort program

Set machine startup order by day of week,groups of days, or for all days

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Run Plan Generator Creating a Run Plan Model

Rank sort programs by day of week, groups ofdays, or for all days

Modify sort program operating parameters,including throughput, expected startup time,setup time, sweep time, lunches and breaks,VAP, and scheduling method

Enter machine-specific operating parametersthat adjust sort program parameters

Assign sort plan aliases (optional) to groupmachines on the master sort program list

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Run Plan Generator Projecting Volume

Volume forecasting involves the following steps :

1 . Grouping similar sort programs

2 . Establishing a weekly base volume

s. Adjusting the base volume for recent changes

4 . Spreading the volume over days of week

5. Modifying forecast volumes as necessary

6. Entering volumes on Excel spreadsheet

Note: The Eastern Area model does not includeholiday weeks

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Run Plan Generator - Creating Run Plan Reports

There are two types of run plans :

Excel-based run charts

Run plans and Plan vs . Actual reports based onan RPG-generated AutoPlan Interface (AI) fileimported into an Access database

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