run, always active


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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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is a sporting goods company that promotes and encourages people to be in your daily life saludabre


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We offer all kinds of sports accessories and products of sport for Basketball, volleyball, football and many people more. These products are exported of France and England; all our products are brands marks of prestige. In our shop it she is very practical and easy, we think about you the clients in order that they amuse themselves at the moment of buying our products, so we made it quite technological, for example in the area of shoes and of accessories it ,she goes to obtain a screen touch where you are going to touch a shoe or accessory to her taste and goes to be able to place , her height of shoe, in the area of clothes in the dressing rooms it she goes to have the option to take any article garment to him them in the place that this and it she is going to place that dressing room wants, and the articles garments will appear in her dressing room. RUN is a company where we know to what place we want to come and it is to a very high place where they recognize the company and we will achieve it for the clients.

Our products 

Clothes: especially what we are going to promote goes to do a blouse with top to run, which it she makes more entertaining is that this top blouse you do not sweat with her(it), keeps you refreshing and full of life. 

A trousers where it could turn in a trunks and you can remove it if to cover it loading, you were not even noticing it

Sports accessories: what makes these shoes special they are very comfortable and make you run very rapidly and if you double the foot nothing happens to you because they have a very resistant boot.

A bracelet to run where you can take water with facility and can load her when you are playing sports.

All the balls as like volleyball, basketball and football, these balls have the

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resistance to return to inflate and without having problems at the moment of playing.

These products were thought and proved(tried) by you, because we know to what we face every day in the sports, when you buy some of these products you have 30 days of guarantee and we accept any card of credit and check.

In our opening we will give vo uchers for 1 week so we wait for you in RUN.

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Persuasive article

Run has the idea of doing everything in big and Michael decided to do advertising with famous sportsmen for example, Roger ferder, Michael felps and many people more. The advertising would spread in Europe’s countries, this way, America, department, condition states and more. , In order that our company has a good profit and on having seen RUN recognize and that should be a completely high-level company. In the inauguration we think of inviting many people from the television, steering wheels, I remove broadcast etc. In order that it she looks how it she goes to do our entry to the merchant's world. Run always us goes to put advertising every month of the new products that entered to new marketing, in all kinds of communication, also we think of establishing a web page in order that they contact us at any time, decide that we are going to have facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, etc. In the world of the marketing it is necessary invest very much in advertising, but any voucher, in order that the people recognize run, where the client should feel entrusted on having bought, because already it is reported in any way of communication. He is paying for having persons entrusted to do advertising of our new products of this month that are, clothes, sports accessories (balls of football, tennis, etc). Some of these products it Roger Feder is going to present a commercial advertisement on the sports accessories. Run is dedicated in doing sales, But always calling the attention of the client, who is to make someone very famous and to put funds or phrases that call the attention of the client and say that incredible. Run always looks for practical, something rapid and simple simultaneously. We think that our advertising must not be so loaded, Because to the client it she would not please the sight and the advertising would meet very heavy. Run seeks for strong colors, something that gives the people, to be extravagant but simple simultaneously. in the commercial one the products must work out

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natural and since like they are, must work out easy to use and to obtain, in order that it she) calls more Attention of the client and it wants to buy and that takes the logo embroidered in every product to know wherefrom it she is and that recognize it more.


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RUN promotes all his, products, one of them they are sports accessories, clothes and many more.

We as company always think for the good of the client, because of it we make a blouse with top that does that the person does not sweat and keeps the torso firm. This this blouse made for the persons who have very big bust and want that at the moment of running they do not move them and that they do not sweat very much, So Then, the desire of the clienta to come, also we have for the men, a pantaloon that turns into a trunks It is not necessary to cover it loading and the better(best) thing is that one does not even notice that it is a pants. Also we make a few shoes that make run very rapidly and it is a style that has boot and notice the foot sweats, Its you keeps the feet fresh, is very useful for the persons who go out every day to run. Another product that can functional being for you can be a bracelet to run where you can take water with facility and can load her when you are Playing sports, this product is very functional because this way you do not lose the pace, when you do exercise, our last product is that all the balls of the sports have the resistance of To return to inflate and without any problem at the moment of playing.

All these products are thought for the client for whom RUN knows what is of good quality.