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  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0


  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0



    TheNecromundaame splayedn turns, irstonesidethen the other, hen the first side againand so on.Normally ne player epresentsachside butyou'llhave o takebothsides orpurposesf ourexample. odecidewho akeshe irst urnboth ides olla dice.Rolla dice or the Goliath nd a dice or the Orlock thehighest coregoes irst.Let's magineheOrlockolls 5 againstheGoliath's ,so he Orlockakes he irst urn.

    MOVE!During his side's urn a fightercan move up to 4" andthenshoot his weapon.Let's allowour Orlock o do justthis. Move the model directly towards the Goliath,measuring " using he range ruler.

    FIRE!After the Orlock has moved he can shoot his lasgunatthe Goliath.The first hing o do is check he range.Thelasgunhas a rangeot 24" and he target must ie withinthis distance before a hit can be scored. The rulerreveals he modelsare 8" apaft which s well within helasgun's ange.To see whether he Orlock'sshot hits the Goliath oll adice. The Orlock requiresa score of 3 to hit his target.Rol l the dice. f the score s 1-2 he shot misses, f thescore s 3-6 the shot hits.

    HIT!Let'sassume he Orlockscoresa hit on the Goliath.Thefirst hing o do is knock he Goliathon its back so that itlies ace up where he shot has hurled he model o theflgor.Next we mustdiscover ts effect has the lasblaststruck and wounded the Goliath or has it merelyscratchedhim or bouncedoff a pieceof equipment?Tofindout rollanother ice.The Orlock needs a score of 4 or more to wound theGoliath.f the dice oll s 1-3 he Goliath as hada luckyescape, f the score s 4-6 the blasthas injuredhim.

    INJURIESWe'll assume the Orlock has been lucky and that theGoliath s woundedby the lasblast.Next we find out out how badly njured he Goliath s. Todo this we rollanotherdice. f the score s a 1 the Goliathhas suffereda flesh wound. lf the score s 2-5 he hasgonedown. lf the score s a 6 he is out of action. Thesethreedifferent esultsal l havedifferenteffects.

    As we don't want to kill off our Goliath ust yet let'sassume he has suffereda flesh wound.The Goliath sstill knockedover on the groundbut is basicallyOK.

    GOLIATHURNONEBecause the Goliath starts of f lying face up on thegroundhe mustspend his entire urn getting o his feet.He can'tmoveand he can't shoot.Modelsknockedoverin this way are described as 'pinned' by enemyshooting.Stand the Goliath back up. His turn is nowover.

    IIIJURYTABLEFlesh WoundA fighterwhosuffers fleshwounds basicallyOK. Next urn he can attempt o get up andcontinueo ight.nadditionis ightingbilitiesarepenalised,s explainedn hegame, utwewon'tworryabout hat or now.DownA ighterwhogoesdownhasbeenhurtbutmayrecover.urn he modelacedown o show his.Models hich'go owncannotightand mustroll againat the endof their ownturn o seewhathappenso them.A rollof 1 means heyrecover ut havesuffered fleshwound turnthe model ace uppermosto show he hasrecovered), rollof 2-5 meanshe staysdownas before,and a roll of 6 means he hassuccumbedo his injuryand is removedromplay.Out of ActionA fighterwhogoesout of action s out of thegame!He has suffered serious njuryandmightwellbe dead.Eitherway hecan ightnomoreand hemodel s removeds a casualtv.

  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0


    ORTOCKTURNTWOLet's maginehe Orlock ecideso stayexactlywherehe is and shootat the Goliath gain.We measureherange themodels restill8" apart onoproblemhere.A dice s rolledoseewhetherheOrlock its.A score f4 or betters needed, uton hisoccasion e'llassumethe dice urnsup a 1 and he Orlockmisses.His urn snowover.GOLIATHTURN TWOThe Goliath s within l" of the Orlockand has the optionof charging his enemy.A charge is a special move atdouble speed which takes a fighter into hand{o-handcombat.To make a charge he playermust declareoutloud that his fighter s charging.Then he measures herange,and if the enemy s within he charge distanceof8" the attacker s moved owardshis enemy and placednext o him so that heir basesare touching.As we knowthe Goliath s within8" we 'll make him chargehis enemy.With a fierce cry and an'astounding eap the Goliathpropelshimselfonto his foe. Move he model right nextto the Orlock. HAND.TO.HANDThe two combatants re nowsaid o be fightinghand-to-hand. Once engaged in hand-to-handcombat in thisway neither ightercan shoot or move until one or theother is taken out of action or tries to run away. Everyturn, ncludinghe otherplayer'surn,a roundof hand-to-handcombat s fought.To work out what happens nhand-to-hand ombatproceedas follows.

    Both models roll a dice and add 3 to the score.Depending n he ighter loweror higher umbermightbe added but 3 happens o be the appropriate alue fora newly recruitedgangfighterso we'll use this for now.However, he Goliath has a weapon in each hand, adistinct advantage n close quarter fighting,so he isallowed o roll 2 dice and choose he best score of thetwo rolls. He rolls a 2 and a 5 so the Goliath willobviouslyuse the 5. The Orlock rollsa 2. Adding 3 weend up with Orlock5 vs Goliath8.Because he Goliath has scored highest he wins thehand-to-hand ombat round. The difference n scoresequalshe number f imeshe hashit he Orlock whichi s 8 - 5 = 3 t i m e s .


    These3 hitsareworkedout in the sameway as hitsfrom shootingexcept hat handto-hand ightersarenever nocked ff heir eetby a hit.Leave othmodelsstanding nd roll3 dice.Anydice hatscore4 or morehavewoundedheOrlock. et's magine e roll3, 5 and6 whichequals wounds.INJURIES

    Because he Orlockhas suffered2 wounds he must rollfor two injuries. This is exactly like wounds inflicted byshootingand is resolved n the same way. Roll a dice oreach injury:a score of 1 is a flesh wound,2-5 is down,and 6 is out of action. However,any lone fighter whogoes down in hand-to-handcombat is automaticallytaken out of action,so in this case any rolls of 2-6 willtake the Orlock out of the game. lf we roll the dice ascore a 1 and a 2 the Orlockgoesdown and his enemyimmediately pounces and takes him out of action.Remove he Orlock model.

    WEAPONS,ROFIIESANDMODIFIERSThe exampleused above s simplistic ecausewe usedone modela side playingover a flat surface. n practicea gang consistsof more igh ters,usuallyabout en, andthey meetover a multi-level urfacewhere hey can hideamongst he ruins, ake cover,and shelter rom enemyfirebehinddebris.Thiscan make ightersharderor evenimpossible o hit, so that antagonistsmust constantly ryto manoeuvre oundeach other o gain the upperhand.However, the basic principles of turns, movement,shootingand hand-to-hand ombatare as described.In the gamepropereach modelhas ts own profilewhichdefineshow fast a fightermoves, how accura tea sholhe is, how good a hand-to-hand ighter he is, howdifficull o wound he is, and so on. In our example weassumed he two models had average capabilitieswithnoneof the specialabilitiesdescribed n the game.Thisis fair enoughas this is how all gangfightersstart out.There are also many more weapons or the fighters ouse. Some have longer ranges, others are morepowerful,whilst a few have wholly differenteffects asdescribed n the Armoury section of the Rulebook. naddition there are special items of equipment whichimprovea fighter'schanceof survival, ncludingarmourwhich gives fighters a chance of avoiding or 'saving'wounds altogether.

  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0



    ASSEMBLITG YOUR BUTLDIIGSThe card buildings included n Necromunda epresent he urban clutter of theUnderhiveand form the basis of the game, providingcover for your gang andobstacles o your enemy.The card buildingsare designed o that they canbe clipped ogetherwith just theplasticbulkheadsprovided.

    PTASTIC UTKHEADS GLUING ARTS OGETHERThe bui ldings ndgantr ies f Necromundare designedto fit around he thirtyplasticbulkheads ncluded n thegame.Thesebulkheadsorm he the mainsupport orthe card floors,buttresses nd the walkways.There are several differentbulkhead styles, and youshouldbear his n mindwhenassemblinghe buildings.Try to avoid placing he same style of bulkheadnext toeach otheror forming oo manysolidareasas this endsto obscure ineof sight oo much.

    Onceyou have experimentedwith the assemblyof yourbui ldingswe recommend hat each bui lding s gluedtogether.Gluingyour buildingsprovidesa more stablesurface or you to battleover.To glue your buildings ouwillneeda PVAglue,suchas CitadelPVAglue,or an al lpurpose dhesiveikeUHUglue.It is best to glue the plastic bulkheads ogether first.Once dry the bulkheads an then be glued ntopositionwith the card floors.The final stage is to glue the cardbuttresses o the sideslots of{he plasticbulkheads.Do notglueany of the card walkways o the buildings sthis will make it difficult or you to experimentwith andbattleover different ayouts.

    CARDBUTTRESSESNecromunda contains a number of card buttresseswhichyou may wish to add to your buildings o provideextra support and cover. The large buttresses aredesigned o fit the threestoreybuilding nly.The smallerbuttressesare more ve.rsatile nd.can positionedontoany of the buildingsor walkways.

    Topositiona buftresssimplypush t into thesidegrooveof a plasticbulkhead.

    Join the plastic bulkheadstogether by locating thebottom absof onebulkheadnto he opslotof another.Push the bulkheads ogetheruntil they are flush witheachotheras shown n the'correct'illustrationelow.

    WRONG! CORRECT The small buttressesmay be used on any building.

  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0


    BUITDING NEFor his wostoreybuilding ouwillneed he wo cardfloors hownbelow, ixplastic ulkheadsnd up to sixsmall ardbuttresses.

    STAGE 1: Join twoplastic bulkheads ogether.Slide thetwo card floors onto the assembled two storev bulkhead.

    STAGE : Aftach ourmoreplasticbulkheads sshownabove o completehis building.

    STAGE 3: This stage is optional. Six of the small cardbuftresses may be attached to the plastic bulkheads.


    This hreestorey uildingequireshreecard loorsasillustrated,welveplastic ulkheadsnd heeight argecardbuttresses.

    STAGE 1= Join three plastic butkheads together thenslide in the three card floors. Repeat this procedureusing the other slots on the card floor.

    STAGE 2=Assemble threeplastic bulkheadsand attachas shown. Repeat thisprocedure for the oppositeside.

    STAGE 3: The eight large card buttresses can now beattached to the plastic bulkheads, as illustrated.

  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0



    This is the mostintr icate of thebui ldings nd consistsof two storeysincorporatinga tower.For this buildingyouwill need the two cardfloors, six plasticbulkheadsand up toeight small cardbuttresses.A strip ofadhesive tape or anelastic band wil l berequired o secure hecard tower.

    STAGE 1: First slot the tower roof in place. The towercan now be folded round the roof, ensuring each of theroof tabs slots in firmly. We recommend you use a stripof adhesive tape on the inside of the building to securethe assembled tower.Alternativelyan elastic band canbe placed around the base of the tower.

    STAGE : Theassembledowercannowbeslotted ntothecard loor. t is mportantoensure hat ower ide A'faces owardshe striped ectionof thecard loor.

    STAGE 3: Slide the second card floor into the slotsprovided as shown above.

    STAGE 4: Join twoplastic bulkheads together.Slide thetwo bulkheads nto the two card floors. Repeat this stepfor the other side.

    STAGE 5: Attach two more plastic bulkheadsby slidingthem into the first floor as shown above.

    STAGE : Thisstage s optional.Up o eightof thesmallcard buttresses may be attached to the plasticbulkheads sshow.

  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0


    TUNNEL NTRANCEThe tunnelentrancecomprisesone plasticbulkhead,two small buttressesand the card tunnel.This pieceofcan be used as a stand alone item of terrarn. orcombinedwith card walkwavs.

    STAGE 1=Slot the card tunnel entrance and two smallbuttresses nto the plastic bulkheadshown above.


    STAGE 2: The completed tunnel entrance, walkwavscan be positioned nto the slot markeid"X".WALKWAYS

    Necromunda contains several different types ofwalkwayswhich can be used o connectyour buildings.Thereare two different ypesof walkway;doubleendedwalkways which slide onto floors,and single endedwhich erminaten a plastic ulkhead.

    SQUARE PLATFORM: To assemble the squareplatform, slide two plastic bulkheads onto the buitdingflooras shown in the diaoram.


    DOUBLE NDEDWALI(WAYhesewatkways tideontothe floorsof the buildingsas shownabove. This ongwalkway equires woplasticbulkheadso suppotl it.

    DOUBLEENDEDWALKWAY: hisL shapedwatkwaywhich equireshesuppottof oneplasticbulkhead, ndconnectso buildings sshownabove.

    SINGLE ENDED WALKWAYS: These slide onto abuilding floor at one end and terminate in a ptasticbulkheadat the other.Slide the open end of the walkwayonto the building floor and thenpush a plastic bulkheadfirmly into position at the other end. The card walkwaywill fit neatly into the top gap of the plastic bulkhead.Position the walkway so that the ladders on thebulkhead end are not blocked.

    WATER TILTThe water still is a freestanding game objectivewhichcanalsobe usedasextra cover.To assemble,fold the large card in halfand secure in place withthe two smaller cardsupports.

  • 8/7/2019 Rulebook V0


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