rule of thumb infograafi

Source: Najjar, LJ (1998) Principles of educational multimedia user interface design (via Brain Rules by John Medina, 2008) We are able to remember about 10 % of what we have heard. We are able to remember about 35 % of what we have seen. These two combined and we are able to remember a whopping 65 % of what we have seen and heard! Designed by: Video propably the mt effective way of getting your msage through.

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Kolmen päivän jälkeen pystymme muistamaan 10% kuulemastamme viestistä, 35% näkemästämme viestistä ja 65% kuulemastamme ja näkemästämme viestistä. Video altistaa kaksi aistia samalla kertaa, se on tehokas! Hyvä nyrkkisääntö. Produced by DigiPeople Studio, Lähde: Source: Najjar, LJ (1998) Principles of educational multimedia user interface design (via Brain Rules by John Medina, 2008)


Page 1: Rule of Thumb Infograafi

Source: Najjar, LJ (1998) Principles of educational multimedia user interface design (via Brain Rules by John Medina, 2008)

We are able to remember about 10 % of what we have heard.

We are able to remember about 35 % of what we have seen.

These two combined and we are ableto remember a whopping 65 % of what

we have seen and heard!

Designed by:

Video � propably the m�t e�ective way of getting your

m�sage through.