ruby training day1

Introduction To Ruby Programming Bindesh Vijayan

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Page 1: Ruby training day1

Introduction To Ruby Programming

Bindesh Vijayan

Page 2: Ruby training day1

Ruby as OOPs

● Ruby is a genuine Object oriented programming

● Everything you manipulate is an object

● And the results of the manipulation is an object

● e.g. The number 4,if used, is an object

Irb> 4.classFixnum

Python : len()Ruby: obj.length

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Setting up and installing ruby

● There are various ways of installing ruby● RailsInstaller for windows and osx (

● Compiling from source

● Using a package manager like rvm..most popular

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Ruby version manager(rvm)

● In the ruby world, rvm is the most popular method to install ruby and rails

● Rvm is only available for mac os x,linux and unix

● Rvm allows you to work with multiple versions of ruby

● To install rvm you need to have the curl program installed

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Installing rvm(linux)$ sudo apt-get install curl $ curl -L | bash -s stable –ruby

$ rvm requirements

$ rvm install 1.9.3

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Standard types - numbers

● Numbers

● Ruby supports integers and floating point numbers

● Integers within a certain range (normally -230 to 230-1 or -262 to 262-1) are held internally in binary form, and are objects of class Fixnum

● Integers outside the above range are stored in objects of class Bignum

● Ruby automatically manages the conversion of Fixnum to Bignum and vice versa

● Integers in ruby support several types of iterators

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Standard types- numbers

● e.g. Of iterators● 3.times { print "X " }● 1.upto(5) { |i| print i, " " }

● 99.downto(95) { |i| print i, " " }

● 50.step(80, 5) { |i| print i, " " }

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Standard types - strings

● Strings in ruby are simply a sequence of 8-bit bytes

● In ruby strings can be assigned using either a double quotes or a single quote● a_string1 = 'hello world'

● a_string2 = “hello world”

● The difference comes

● when you want to use a special character e.g. An apostrophe● a_string1 = “Binn's world”

● a_string2 = 'Binn\'s world' # you need to use an escape sequence here

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Standard types - string

● Single quoted strings only supports 2 escape sequences, viz.● \' - single quote● \\ - single backslash

● Double quotes allows for many more escape sequences

● They also allow you to embed variables or ruby code commonly called as interpolation

puts "Enter name"name = gets.chompputs "Your name is #{name}"

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Standard types - string

Common escape sequences available are :

● \" – double quote● \\ – single backslash● \a – bell/alert● \b – backspace● \r – carriage return● \n – newline● \s – space● \t – tab

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Working with stringsgsub Returns a copy of str with

all occurrences of pattern replaced with either replacement or the value of the block.

str.gsub( pattern, replacement )

chomp Returns a new String with the given record separator removed from the end of str (if present).


count Return the count of characters inside string


strip Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string


to_i Converts the string to a number(Fixnum)


upcase Upcases the content of the strings


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Standard types - ranges

● A Range represents an interval—a set of values with a start and an end

● In ruby, Ranges may be constructed using the s..e and s...e literals, or with Range::new

● ('a'..'e').to_a #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

● ('a'...'e').to_a #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

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Using ranges

● Comparison● (0..2) == (0..2) #=> true

● (0..2) ==,2) #=> true

● (0..2) == (0...2) #=> false

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Using ranges

● Using in iteration

(10..15).each do |n|

print n, ' '


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Using ranges

● Checking for members● ("a".."z").include?("g") # -> true● ("a".."z").include?("A") # -> false

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Methods● Methods are defined using the def keyword

● By convention methods that act as a query are often named in ruby with a trailing '?'● e.g. str.instance_of?

● Methods that might be dangerous(causing an exception e.g.) or modify the reciever are named with a trailing '!'● e.g.!

● '?' and '!' are the only 2 special characters allowed in method name

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Defining methods

● Simple method:

def mymethod


● Methods with arguments:

def mymethod2(arg1, arg2)


● Methods with variable length arguments

def varargs(arg1, *rest)

"Got #{arg1} and #{rest.join(', ')}"


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Methods● In ruby, the last line of the method statement is returned back and there is no need to explicitly use a return statement

def get_message(name)

“hello, #{name}”


.Calling a method :


● Calling a method without arguments :

mymethod #calls the method

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Methods with blocks

● When a method is called, it can be given a random set of code to be executed called as blocks

def takeBlock(p1)

if block_given?






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Calling methods with blocks

takeBlock("no block") #no block provided

takeBlock("no block") { |s| s.sub(/no /, '') }

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● Classes in ruby are defined by using the keyword 'class'

● By convention, ruby demands that the class name should be capital

● An initialize method inside a class acts as a constructor

● An instance variable can be created using @

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class Book

def intitialize(title,author) @title = title @author = author end


//creating an object of the class

b1 ="programming ruby","David")

class SimpleClass


//instantiate an object

s1 =

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Making an attribute accessible

● Like in any other object oriented programming language, you will need to manipulate the attributes

● Ruby makes this easy with the keyword 'attr_reader' and 'attr_writer'

● This defines the getter and the setter methods for the attributes

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class Book

attr_reader :title, :author

def initialize(title,author)@title = title@author = author



#using gettersCompBook =“A book”, “me”)Puts CompBook.title

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Symbols● In ruby symbols can be declared using ':'● e.g :name● Symbols are a kind of strings ● The important difference is that they are immutable

unlike strings● Mutable objects can be changed after assignment while

immutable objects can only be overwritten. ● puts "hello" << " world"● puts :hello << :" world"

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Making an attribute writeable

class Book

attr_writer :title, :author def initialize(title,author)

@title = title@author = author


end myBook ="A book", "author")

myBook.title = "Some book"

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Class variables

● Sometimes you might need to declare a class variable in your class definition

● Class variables have a single copy for all the class objects

● In ruby, you can define a class variable using @@ symbol

● Class variables are private to the class so in order to access them outside the class you need to defined a getter or a class method

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Class Methods

● Class methods are defined using the keyword self

● e.g. – def self.myclass_methodend

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Exampleclass SomeClass

@@instance = 0 #privateattr_reader :instance

def initialize@@instance += 1


def self.instances @@instanceend


s1 = s2 =

puts "total instances #{SomeClass.instances}"

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Access Control

● You can specify 3 types of access control in ruby● Private

● Protected● Public

● By default, unless specified, all methods are public

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class Program

def get_sumcalculate_internal


private def calculate_internalend


Access Control-Example