rs#41. what was the african- american perspective?

Day RS#41

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Page 1: RS#41. What was the African- American perspective?



Page 2: RS#41. What was the African- American perspective?

Should the colonists have revolted against Great Britain?

What was the African- American


Page 3: RS#41. What was the African- American perspective?

"I am here a prisoner for the liberties of my

country; I never, NEVER, shall prove a

traitor to her interests."

Page 4: RS#41. What was the African- American perspective?

James Forten QuoteAt age 15, James Forten, a free black, served in the American navy during the Revolutionary War on the privateer Royal Louis. The ship was captured by the British in 1781 and Forten was sent to the English prison ship Jersey. There, Forten made friends with the ship captain’s son in a game of marbles. Usually captured African-American sailors would be sent down to the West Indies where they would be forced back into slavery. Instead his fortunate new friendship enabled Forten to be treated as a regular prisoner of war. In fact, Captain Beasley even offered to send Forten back to England with his son to receive an education there. Forten refused, stating:

"I am here a prisoner for the liberties of my country; I never, NEVER, shall prove a traitor to

her interests."

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The war for independence ended while Forten was still aboard the Jersey, so all

American prisoners of war were released. Forten became a leading citizen of

Philadelphia as a successful business man and abolitionist.

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Strategies Historians Use to Analyze Historical Documents

Identify the type of documentIdentify the author and any relevant

information about the authorIdentify the date and historical contextIdentify the audienceIdentify the purpose for writingLook for clues in the text that help to identify the

author’s perspectivesWord choiceToneFacts and opinionsInferences

Connect the text back to the title

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Discuss• Why did James Forten say this? • Evaluate Forten’s decision not to go to Britain

to get an education with the captain’s son. • What does this quote tell you about the African-

American perspective in answering our essential question?

• Do you think that all African Americans felt this way?

"I am here a prisoner for the liberties of my country; I never,

NEVER, shall prove a traitor to her interests."

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African American Documents

Today, we will examine two more sources in order to better understand how all

African Americans felt about the colonists’ decision to revolt

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#1 Petition of 1779 by slaves of Fairfield County for the abolition of Slavery in Connecticut

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#2 Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation

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Here is your Historical Document Log.

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You will think and work as a historian on your own. You will be given one of two different documents to closely read and

analyze. You will need to use your historian strategies to analyze these documents. You will have time to analyze and complete your

Historical Document Log on your own. Remember to include specific information from the text and a concluding statement.

Then you will share with another classmate who has analyzed another primary source document. Then we will all discuss what we’ve learned about the African-American


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Strategies Historians Use to Analyze Historical DocumentsIdentify the type of document

Identify the author and any relevant information about the author

Identify the date and historical contextIdentify the audienceIdentify the purpose for writingLook for clues in the text that help to identify the

author’s perspectivesWord choiceToneFacts and opinionsInferences

Connect the text back to the title

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Now, it’s time to share.You should be in a

group with a #1 and #2 student.

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Remember to:

•Take turns.•Speak clearly.•Listen carefully.•Ask questions.

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Class Discussion

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Petition of 1779 by slaves of Fairfield County for the abolition of Slavery in Connecticut

Prime and Prince think that the colonies should revolt against Great Britain because the cause of liberty is a noble cause. They admire the Patriots for fighting for their liberty. They are fighting for a similar cause in their petition. They wish to gain their freedom from the detestable practice and sin of slavery.

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Do you think Prime and Prince’s petition was effective in abolishing slavery?

In reality both houses rejected the petition. It is chipping away at the institution of slavery though little by little. This petition was written in Connecticut and they abolished slavery in 1848 before the start of the Civil War. Even one petition by a slave can get people thinking about doing the right thing.

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Page 21: RS#41. What was the African- American perspective?

Lord Dunmore’s ProclamationLord Dunmore wrote this proclamation to convince colonists to join the British army. He tells all men that are able to carry a weapon to join. He offers freedom to any slave or indentured servant that joins. Lord Dunmore proclaims that anyone that does not support the British in this revolution is committing treason and is a traitor to their country, Great Britain. Lord Dunmore does not agree with the colonists’ revolt.

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How do you think the Patriots responded to Lord Dunmore’s

Proclamation? Many slaveholders were upset because their slaves were running away to join the Loyalist army. George Washington and the Second Continental Congress were hesitant to offer the same deal to African Americans to fight for his army because of this but eventually needed for more soldiers. Washington and Congress conceded and allowed African Americans to join in exchange for freedom too.

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Here are the answer keys for the documents you didn’t read.

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Thumbs up? Thumbs down?

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Thumbs up? Thumbs down?

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Thumbs up? Thumbs down?

Page 27: RS#41. What was the African- American perspective?

Compare the African-American perspectives from today’s readings.

Lord Dunmore doesn’t want the colonists to revolt, whereas Prince and Prime do want the colonists to revolt. They both have different

motives for their decisions, but are furthering their own causes. Lord Dunmore is willing to free the slaves so they can fight in his army

and prevent the colonists from breaking away. Prince and Prime want the slaves freed to have better lives. They relate this quest for freedom

to the colonies’ quest for liberty from Great Britain.

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Should the colonists have revolted against Great Britain?

What was the African- American perspective?

Wrap Up Discussion

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Pass in the History Lab Document Logs you completed

on your own.

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Now that we’ve analyzed the white male, female, Native-American, and African-American perspectives, you should have a solid understanding of the multiple perspectives that influenced the decision to revolt against Great Britain.

Tomorrow, we will have a debate!