rs-1735 e · jobs were performed in accordance with brazilian standards, in special nbr 6484...

Geoforma Engenharia Ltda. CNPJ: 85.370.948/0001-91 Rua General Câmara, 153 - Bom Retiro - CEP 89222-450 - Joinville - SC - Brasil Fone/Fax (47) 3435-4776 - [email protected] - SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT RS 1735-08/14 Ref. – Sondagens de Simples Reconhecimento (NBR 6484) ARAQUARI EXPERIMENTAL SITE Mineração Veiga – Araquari/ SC (i) Sounding Method - This sounding consist on bore holes opened by hand auger (HA) and/or wash boring (WB) and perform Standard Penetration Test (SPT) with a standard sampler (Raymond sampler – 50.8 mm external diameter) each meter. Sampler is driving in soil by blows of a hammer that weigh 65 kg, lifted 75 cm. The number of blows necessary for the penetration of 30 cm, after being penetrating the initial 15 cm, is defined as N(SPT). (ii) Sounding report – 3 (three) bores were performed, totalizing 90.00 m (ninety meters) of subsurface exploration. The boreholes are located on annexed drawing. (iii) Remarks - Jobs were performed in accordance with Brazilian standards, in special NBR 6484 “Solo – Sondagens de Simples Reconhecimento com SPT – Método de Ensaio” – 2001, NBR 7250 -1982 and NBR 8036 -1983. (iv) Annexes - The following documents are parts of this report: Bore holes profiles SP-01 to SP-03 and boreholes location drawing. Joinville, August 28 th , 2014 _____________________________ Eng. Edgar Odebrecht CREA – 030.913 -4 – SC

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Geoforma Engenharia Ltda. CNPJ: 85.370.948/0001-91 Rua General Câmara, 153 - Bom Retiro - CEP 89222-450 - Joinville - SC - Brasil

Fone/Fax (47) 3435-4776 - [email protected] -


RS 1735-08/14

Ref. – Sondagens de Simples Reconhecimento (NBR 6484)


Mineração Veiga – Araquari/ SC

(i) Sounding Method -

This sounding consist on bore holes opened by hand auger (HA) and/or wash boring (WB)

and perform Standard Penetration Test (SPT) with a standard sampler (Raymond sampler – 50.8

mm external diameter) each meter. Sampler is driving in soil by blows of a hammer that weigh 65

kg, lifted 75 cm. The number of blows necessary for the penetration of 30 cm, after being

penetrating the initial 15 cm, is defined as N(SPT).

(ii) Sounding report –

3 (three) bores were performed, totalizing 90.00 m (ninety meters) of subsurface exploration.

The boreholes are located on annexed drawing.

(iii) Remarks -

Jobs were performed in accordance with Brazilian standards, in special NBR 6484 “Solo –

Sondagens de Simples Reconhecimento com SPT – Método de Ensaio” – 2001, NBR 7250 -1982

and NBR 8036 -1983.

(iv) Annexes -

The following documents are parts of this report: Bore holes profiles SP-01 to SP-03 and

boreholes location drawing.

Joinville, August 28th, 2014


Eng. Edgar Odebrecht

CREA – 030.913 -4 – SC