rosatom state atomic energy corporation “rosatom”

ROSATOM INPRO Dialog-Forum 13-15.04.2016, IAEА, VIENNA, AUSTRIA State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

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Page 1: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”


INPRO Dialog-Forum

13-15.04.2016, IAEА, VIENNA, AUSTRIA

State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

Page 2: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information. 2

Material engineering:

material testing

& fuel studies

Space explorationMedicineApplied science and education

Nuclear energy:

Generation IV technologies,

closed fuel cycle, minor

actinides management

Page 3: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information. 3

Most operative material testing high flux research reactors

will exceed 50 years lifetime by 2020

Some Operating

Research Reactors in


Power, MW

Max. Fast Neutron Flux,

1015 n/(cm2�s)


by 2020,


LVR-15 (CZ) 10 0.3 63

HBWR (NOR) 20 0.08 61

BR-2 (B) 100 0.7 59

HFR (NL) 45 0.5 59

MARIA (PO) 30 0.1 46

Page 4: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.

Rotary Plug

Plug Drive












ROSATOM starts construction of a new unique research

fast neutron reactor facility

State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” and

Scientific and Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR)

present MBIR - a Multipurpose Sodium Fast Research Reactor

150 MW thermal, 55 MW electric power

Maximum neutron flux 5.3·1015 n/(cm2·s)

Aggregate annual irradiation capacity – over 1300 dpa*dm3

MOX fuel

Closed fuel cycle

Upgradeable experimental capabilities: loops, irradiation devices,

instrumented channels, neutron beams

Designed life time 50 years

Target commissioning by the end of 2019

Unique experience and staff resources of RIAR

Supporting on-site laboratory complex and infrastructure

4Ultimate mission — enhancement of international R&D infrastructure

Page 5: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.

Hot Cells &

PIE Complex

Cooling pools & SNF

handling facilities Outside Loop Channels

auxiliary equipment boxes

Labs & Offices


MBIR is a technically advanced successor to BOR-60

BOR-60 (60 MW) - the only

fully operative fast research reactor

The cutting-edge self-sufficient R&D Complex

based on MBIR reactor


Max. neutron flux, 1015 sec-1 cm-2 2.8 5.3

MTA’s in the core 12 14

Number of instrumented cells 1 3

Outside loop channels 0 3

Vertical and horizontal channels 12 18

Max. dpa rate in a channel 22 34

Aggregate annual irradiation capability (dpa*dm3) 300 1300

Page 6: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.

Alternatives to BOR60 and MBIR are limited

ROSATOM decision to develop the MBIR based research center as an international

project opens up a unique opportunity to preserve, update and extend the research

infrastructure for the nuclear applied science in its quest for reliable, safe and

sustainable energy solutions



� BN-600 - commercial FR

� BN-800 - commercial FR


� CEFR - prototype reactor, not

equipped for research

� FBTR - low powered

� Monju & Joyo - shut down

� FFTF - shut down

� MYRRHA - under consideration

Page 7: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.7


DesignedMW Max neutron flux


construction MW Max neutron flux

Vietnam 15 5,0 x 1014 Jordan (JRTR) 5 1,5 x 1014

Belarus 20 5,0 x 1014 Brazil (RMB) 30 2,0 x 1014

India (HFRR) 30 6,7 x 1014Republic of Korea

(KJRR)15 3,0 x 1014

The Netherlands

(PALLAS) 55 n/a Argentina (RA10) 30 3,0 x 1014

Belgium (MYRRHA

fast)85 *1,0х1015 France (JHR) 100

*1.0 х 1015

5.5 x 1014

Russian Federation

(MBIR fast)150 5,3 x 1015

MBIR has the highest flux amongst all new research reactors

designed or under construction

* fast neutron flux

per IAEA database and public sources

Page 8: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information. 8


ROSATOM / RIARInternational Research Center


Single (Collective User)

R&D program management

Joint activities

Reactor services marketing and PR

Funding management

IP service

Technical services

Financial supportB

Owner & Operator

Operating the reactor

Liabilities, operation & maintenance

R&D program execution

Laboratory assist

ROSATOM encourages international cooperation

within IRC MBIR

Page 9: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.9

International MBIR concept history started in 2010

February, 2010 - Federal program for the development

of innovative nuclear technologies for the period

up to 2020 is set up

September, 2010 – MBIR project international format

is announced at the 54th IAEA General Conference

by Rosatom CEO Sergei Kirienko

September, 2014 – MBIR IRC concept

confirmed at the 58th IAEA General Conference

by Rosatom Deputy General

Vyacheslav Pershukov

November, 2014 – international seminar in St.Petersburg

June, 2015 - Atomexpo-2015 in Moscow


Page 10: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information. 10

IRC MBIR: Participation and Flux Share

Forms of participation at different stages with different


• Participants

• Contractual users

• Multilateral programs

Flux share:

• Used for the own participant’s program(s)

• Merged with other participants

• Swapped in time for successive periods

• Leased to other participants or one-time users

Page 11: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.

IRC MBIR Management

Steering Committee

Strategic management

Research program approval

Audit & control

Advisory Board

Research program drafting

Review & short listing

Reactor Operator

IRC Management • Operator (RIAR) liaison

• Investors coordination & reporting

• Financial management

• Investment management


Advisory Board:

• Participants representatives

• Operator representatives

• Representatives of contractual users

and multilateral research collaborations

• Independent advisers and experts


Page 12: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information. 12

Interested parties Key research areas, trends

Nuclear power plants


NPP life extension. Addressing issues of embrittlement, swelling

and residual stress

Designers seeking novel


INPRO, Generation IV, European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial


Fusion reactor community Appropriate materials and referential testing

Materials scientists,

metallurgists, chemists

New materials testing with high dosage irradiation

Isotopes producers Development for new effective isotopes

Semiconductor industry Large irradiation channels diameter

NPP life extension

Fuel efficiency improvement

New materials

Small Modular Reactors

Isotopes research and irradiation

Silicon doping

Page 13: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.13

MBIR first concrete in September 2015

October, 2013 – Basic design of MBIR facility

March, 2014 – State project expertise

July, 2014 – Site license

September, 2014 – Environmental assessment

November, 2014 – Contract for civil works with Uralenergostroy

May, 2015 – Construction license

September, 2015 – First concrete

Page 14: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.

Project is within time schedule


MBIR constructionMBIR





RPV & vessel internals

installationFirst criticality

Site license

20192013 2014 2016 20172015 20182012

MBIR R&D MBIR equipping



Construction license


First concrete

BOP & auxiliary buildings

Experimental loops & channels

Hot cells equipment

Main reactor building with auxiliaries

RPV & reactor internals

Fuel manufacturing

Physical security system


Page 15: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.15

Unique instrument for Generation IV technologies:

• Access to the highest fast neutron flux

• Operator with outstanding reactor management skills

• Knowledge sharing

• Saving on the national RR infrastructure required

IRC MBIR for Generation IV

In channel/In loop In core

MBIR: Material /Fuel Investigation






Page 16: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information. 16

Contact Persons:

Alexander Zagornov

IRC MBIR Project Manager

+7 (499) 949-40-75

[email protected]

Olga Korchagina

IRC MBIR Project coordinator

+7 (499) 949-40-26

[email protected]

To Join IRC MBIR today

Page 17: ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”

The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to ROSATOM

and its affiliated companies. ROSATOM disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.

Thank you for your attention!