rod r. blagojevich, governor illinois emergency management … · 2012. 11. 20. · a rod r....

A Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management Agency - William C. Burke, Director Division of Nuclear Safety August 10, 2005 ' Paul Lohaus, Director r CD) State and Tribal Programs U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Washington, DC 20555 Dear Mr. Lohaus: The Agency has received the final report dated July 21, 2005 regarding the April 4-8, 2005 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program review of the Illinois Program. -The - -- Agency appreciates the positive comments made regarding the performance of our Licensing, Inspection, Incident/Allegation, Sealed Source and Device and Training programs. The Agency takes great pride in these programs and strivesto' exceed in these'disciplines. Illinois, however, remains'extremely disappointed with the "incompatibility" finding for regulations. Illinois worked extremely hard before'the IMPEP review on regulations and continues to aggressively move these thiough'the legislative process. "All were adopted or drafted and awaiting legal concurrence at the time of the review.' All were submitted to State and Tribal Programs on May 2, 2005. We ar'e-still awaiting comments on most of these. NRC is already 30 days over the' deadline established'u'nder LMPEP for providing comments to states. All but two parts (which are being prepared for legislative review now) are also undergoing the Illinois legislative process and are on their way'to be published for first notice in the Illinois register. As you can see, the Agency is already wvell on its way to resolving this issue. In retrospect-,we believe the rep'orted findings reg'arding compatibility to be directly related to Illinois' participation in Joint venituires and working g&r6ups associated with NRC, IAEA and the Agreement States including issues regarding safegiards and national security. The persons previously responsible for promulgating regulations contributed a total of over 0.75 FTE of their time to these programs. These efforts were enter'ed into at the exclusion of writing certain regulations because theAgency considered these issues-to be of a-greater-health and safety concern. The implication now is that rulenmaking'and 6 lther administrative issues are more important than actual health and safety issues'inthhe re-guiated community. Human resources are limited in all states, including Illinois. The Agency has now started and will continue to re- evaluate the allocation of resources in these areas and will restrict participation in extracurricular activities unless absolutely necessary. We have prepared the attached "IMIPEP Milestones" table as part of our corrective action plan for tracking regulations including our benchmark of reviewing and drafting new regulations (if required) within 365 days of NRC final promulgation. My staff spoke with you on this initially, and we believe this contains all the required elements under STP Procedure SA-122. This should allow us to promulgate all regulations within the required deadlines. STP - b A4 1035 Outer Park Drive . Springfield, Illinois * 62704 * Telephone (217) 785-9900 * •(f •P_ ?g- Printed by the authority of the State ofIllinois on Recycled Paper f_4 DP'

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Page 1: Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management … · 2012. 11. 20. · A Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management Agency - William C. Burke, Director

A Rod R. Blagojevich, GovernorIllinois Emergency Management Agency

- William C. Burke, DirectorDivision of Nuclear Safety

August 10, 2005 '

Paul Lohaus, Director r CD)State and Tribal ProgramsU.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Lohaus:

The Agency has received the final report dated July 21, 2005 regarding the April 4-8,2005 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program review of the Illinois Program. -The - --Agency appreciates the positive comments made regarding the performance of our Licensing,Inspection, Incident/Allegation, Sealed Source and Device and Training programs. The Agencytakes great pride in these programs and strivesto' exceed in these'disciplines.

Illinois, however, remains'extremely disappointed with the "incompatibility" finding forregulations. Illinois worked extremely hard before'the IMPEP review on regulations andcontinues to aggressively move these thiough'the legislative process. "All were adopted ordrafted and awaiting legal concurrence at the time of the review.' All were submitted to State andTribal Programs on May 2, 2005. We ar'e-still awaiting comments on most of these. NRC isalready 30 days over the' deadline established'u'nder LMPEP for providing comments to states.All but two parts (which are being prepared for legislative review now) are also undergoing theIllinois legislative process and are on their way'to be published for first notice in the Illinoisregister. As you can see, the Agency is already wvell on its way to resolving this issue.

In retrospect-,we believe the rep'orted findings reg'arding compatibility to be directlyrelated to Illinois' participation in Joint venituires and working g&r6ups associated with NRC,IAEA and the Agreement States including issues regarding safegiards and national security.The persons previously responsible for promulgating regulations contributed a total of over 0.75FTE of their time to these programs. These efforts were enter'ed into at the exclusion of writingcertain regulations because theAgency considered these issues-to be of a-greater-health andsafety concern. The implication now is that rulenmaking'and 6 lther administrative issues are moreimportant than actual health and safety issues'inthhe re-guiated community. Human resources arelimited in all states, including Illinois. The Agency has now started and will continue to re-evaluate the allocation of resources in these areas and will restrict participation in extracurricularactivities unless absolutely necessary.

We have prepared the attached "IMIPEP Milestones" table as part of our corrective actionplan for tracking regulations including our benchmark of reviewing and drafting new regulations(if required) within 365 days of NRC final promulgation. My staff spoke with you on thisinitially, and we believe this contains all the required elements under STP Procedure SA-122.This should allow us to promulgate all regulations within the required deadlines.

STP - b A41035 Outer Park Drive . Springfield, Illinois * 62704 * Telephone (217) 785-9900 *

•(f •P_ ?g- Printed by the authority of the State ofIllinois on Recycled Paper f_4 DP'

Page 2: Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management … · 2012. 11. 20. · A Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management Agency - William C. Burke, Director


Mr. Paul LohausPage 2August 4, 2005

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Gibb Vinson, Acting Headof the Radioactive Materials Section, at (217) 785-9928.


sistat Dright,osssant Directo

Page 3: Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management … · 2012. 11. 20. · A Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management Agency - William C. Burke, Director

IMPEP MilestonesRegulations and Rule making

IEMAReg RAT's Resp.

PART ID NRC Part Individ.310 19- Part 20.1003 _ TLH

{Part 70.4

__19-1 I~rts 30.10, 40.1-0{61.9b, 70.10, and


Paqrt 20(1100

NRCCompat Draft todue date IEMA staff20-Aug-00 21 -Sep-04

12-Felb-0O1 2-- nSep-04

2-c-121 -Sep-04

Draft toLegal for

JCAR Prep7-Jan-05


Draft toNRC for Date sentprelim i to

review & Gov/.ICARcomment for review2-May-05 f 14-Jun-05

2-May-05{ 14-Jn0

Publishprop rulein IL Reg& Publiccomment







(Proposed)Final Rule (Final) Rulepublished commentsin IL Reg from NRC



7-Jan-057-. hIn-AF

2-May-05 14-Jun-OS1A-. hinnz


1 995-6 Part 30.36 __

1997-6 Part 30.35

___Part 40.36

1998-2 Prt 30, 40, a- 70200 P4artW3, 40, 70



£-IVIdIyUU~ !'-,JI-i h'Ju -UU)2-May-O51 14-Jun-O~ 1-Jul-05

7 4- 14Jn-052-May-051 14-Jun-OS


I__ -.Jul I Q/evivuki rII Idl Julit: 1,

8/21/00(F) Not required

-m i i --U-- --- - -330 1995-1 Part 35.2 TLH 1-Jan-98 21-Oct-04 7-Mar-05 2-May-05 ________ ____

____ Part 35.7 S

_____ _____ Part 35.1 1(a) & (c) _ __ _ _

___ 1997-2 Part 150 --- 2_7-Feb-G00 __ 1-Jun-00 8/21/00(F) 6/1/00 Final1976Part 20 subpart E2-u 00 21 -Oct-04 7-Mar-OS 2-May-OS

2011 Part 30, 31, 32 16-Feb-04 211-Oct-04 7-Mar-OS 2-May-05 -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

335 19-Prt3. __CGV 20-Oct-98 8-Sep-04 7-Jan-05 2-May-05_ _ _ ~~Part 35.33(a)(2 ) _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _- - _ _ _ _ _ _

Pat35.75 29-May-00 8-Sep-04 7-Jan-05 2-May-OS__-0/005P5 No c m et RPart 35.641 & 64 26-Oct-01 8-Sep-04 7-Jan-05 2-May-05 6/30/05(P) No comments NRC

2022Parts_20, 32, 35 ___ 24-Oct-05 8-Slep-04 7-a-5 2MyO 6/30/05(P) No comments NRC2 0 5 2 P a r t 3 5 - - 2 9 A r 0 [_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C~ODate printed 8/12/20051 of 3

Page 4: Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management … · 2012. 11. 20. · A Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management Agency - William C. Burke, Director

IMPEP MilestonesRegulations and Rule making


Draft to prop rule CommentNRC for Date sent In IL Reg Resolved/ (Proposed)

IEMA NRC Draft to prelim to & Public JCAR Final Rule (Final) RuleReg RAT's Resp. Compat Draft to Legal for review & GovIJCAR comment accepts published comments

PART ID NRC Part Individ., due dat IEMA staff IJCAR Prep commen foeiwperiod rule in IL Reg 1from NRC .I,,;I.....StatuslComments

340 1991-4 Parts 20 & 40 TL-H 15-Oct-94 5-Jun-03 25-Feb-05 2-May-05 14-Jun-05 1 -Jul-05 1/20/04(P) NRC comments1995-2Prt 20.1703 -13-Mar6-98 5--Jun-03W 25-Feb-O5 2-May-051 14-Jun-OS 11-Jul-O05___ t__________

1953Pr 0&6-a-98 5--Jun-03 25-Feb-OS 2-May-OS' 14-Jun-OS 1-Jul-OS19-Pat1&2014--Aug--98 5-Jun-03 25-Feb-05 2-May-OS 14-Jun-05 1-JIul-05-~ 6/30/05(P) NocmetNR

1997-1 Part 20-.1003-- 9-Jan-00 5-Jun-03 25-Feb-05 2-May-OS 14-Jun-OS 1-Jul-OS5 6/30/05(P) No comments NRC__Part 20.1 101(d 5S- 5

Part 20.2203555 .1555_

_____ Part 2203(b)(2) 5 .SIE

Part 20.1 003 - 29-May-00 5-Jun-03 25-Feb-OS 2-May-05 14-Jun-OS 11-Jul-05 6/30/05(P) Nocmet NRC____ ____Part 20.1301 (a) S

_____ Part 20.1903 S

Pa rt 2-0.10 26-Oct-01 5-Jun-03 25-Feb-OS 2-May-OS514-Jun-OS1Jl05___ ___ 6/30/05(P)_ No comments NRC____ ____Part 20.1208 E

Part 32.545 SS

Part 20.21 01555555555 55

Part 20 .2106 Ss5 55 55

Part 20.22025555555Part 20.1206 s55

____ ~Part 20.1501 .s

Part 20.1502 .5

Part 20.1906 55

1998-6 Prt 20.100 20NO-Nov-0 1 5-Jun-03 25-Feb0 2-Ma-y-OS 14-Jun-OS 1 -Jul-05 6/30/05(P) No comments NRC-~Part 20.2006 .S55 5

___1999-3 Part 20.1003 2-Feb-03 5-Jun-03 25-Feb-OS 2-May-OS10 u-51Ju-S5______Part 20.1702 5 .j -___~-

Part 20.1703 Is55 5

___ ~~Part 2-0.1704 5 55 * 55

Part 20.1705 55555555

____ Prt 20App A55 - 5555555

__2at2.21()SArO -Jn0 5FbO -MyS i-unO 1-l05-6/30/05(P) No comments NRC205- Prt301-Jul-08 -

34 961Part 71 ____ SCC 1-Apr-99[ 7-Nov-02 22-Oct-041 2-May-OS 18-Nov-041 1-Dec-041 30-Jan-OS 13-May-05 5/2/05(F) #Final May 13, 20051__ 2004-1 Part 71 1 I-O ct-07 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



2 of 3Date printed 8/12/20052 of 3

Page 5: Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management … · 2012. 11. 20. · A Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Emergency Management Agency - William C. Burke, Director

IMPEP MilestonesRegulations and Rule making

PublishDraft to prop rule CommentNRC for Date sent in IL Reg Resolved/ (Proposed)

IEMA NRC Draft to prelim to & Public JCAR Final Rule (Final) RuleReg RArs Resp. Compat Draft to Legal for review & Gov/JCAR comment accepts published comments

PART ID NRC Part., Individ. due date IEMA staff JCAR Prep comment for review period rule in IL Reg from NRC Status/Comments

346 1993-2 IPart 36 JGK 1-Jul-96 15-Apr-04 12-Nov-04 2-May-05 14-Jun-05 1-Jul-05 ,N/A SECY 95-112Part 36.23 26-Oct-98 15-Apr-04 12-Nov-04 2-May-05 14-Jun-05 1-Jul-05 ____ 6/30/05(P) _No comments NRCPart 36.55 8-Jan-04 15-Apr-04 12-Nov-04 2-May-05 14-Jun-05 1-Jul-O#-Part 36.81 -- _....__ ___ __--

350 1991-1 Part 34 JGK 10-Jan-94 30-Jan-03 23-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 14-Jun-05 1/20/04(P) I Second draft to NRC1991-2 Part 34 none 30-Jan-03 23-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 14-Jun-05 1/20/04(P) # 29-Apr-051995-4 Part 34 _ 30-Jun-98 w30-Jan-03 23-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 14-Jun-05 1/20/04(P) # _

1997-5 Part 34 27-Jun-00 30-Jan-03 23-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 14-Jun-05 1/20/04(P) # | __

1998-4 Part 34 t 9-Jul-01 30-Jan-03 23-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 14-Jun-05 1/20/04(P) #Part 34 1 8-Jan-04 30-Jan-03 23-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 14-Jun-05 1/20/04(P) #

351 2000-1 Part 39 JGK 17-May-03 5-Feb-03 27-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 N/A 26-Sep-03 10-Aug-04 10-Sep-04 2-May-05 Final 9/10/04 NRC commentPartt39.65 _ 68-Jan-04 5-Fe-b-03 27-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 N/A 26-Sep-03 10-Aug-04 10-Sep-04 2-May-05 #

- _ Part 39.33 r 26-Oct-01 _5-Feb-03 27-Feb-03 20-Jan-04 N/A 26-Sep-03 10-Aug-04 10-Sep-04 2-May-05 No comments NRC 6/30/05

a I New NRC Regulations to be reviewed & drafted within 365 days of final promulgation, if app rppate# INRC comments overdue


3of 3 Date printed 8/12/2005