rocket week - student research collated

Room 2 – Rocket Week

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Room 2 – Rocket Week

Page 2: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

How many journeys have there been to the moon.

During 6 lunar landing operations, 12 humans landed on the moon: Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin in 1969Charles Conrad and Alan Bean in 1970Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott and James Irwin in 1971. And last of all John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt in 1972.

12 People have also orbited around the moon:Apollo 8: Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Andres.Apollo 10: Thomas Stafford, John Young, Eugene Cernan.Apollo 11: Michael Collins, Apollo 12: Richard Gordan, Apollo 13: James LovellApollo 14: Stuart Roosa, Apollo 15: Alfred Worden, Apollo 16: Ken MattinglyApollo 17: Ronald Evans. And Apollo Is the Name of the Space-Ship that the astronaughts fly and the number is the number of the ship.

By Caleb, Josh and Liam

Page 3: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

Animals in the cold deadly place of space

The famous hand shake welcome. After his flight on the Mercury Red-stone rocket, chimpanzee Ham is greeted by the commander of the recovery ship

The First ever spider web built in space Space monkey "Baker" rode a Jupiter IRBM into

space in 1959. The first animals sent into space were fruit flies

By Callum and Drew

Page 4: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

• The first thing in a rocket was a dog and its name was laika and died from over heating. The first rocket which could fly enough to get in space was the v2 missile which was first lunched by the Germans in 1945. The first rocket which actually launched something into space was used to launch sputnik, the first satellite, on October 4, 1957. The rocket that launched sputnik was a R-7 ICBM rocket.

• David & Tyler

Page 5: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

Rocket Propellant is a material that is used to produce a chemical reaction. This reaction mass

that is ejected, typically at high speed, from a rocket engine to produce a thrust. For those who don’t know what a thrust is, it is a sudden jolt up

or forwards.

In a chemical rocket, propellants undergo chemical reactions to produce hot gas. For

smaller altitude, control thrusters, the compressed gas escaped the spacecraft.

By Kayla, Cappy and Nikita

Page 6: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

The first man made thing to land on the moon was the soviet union Luna 2 13 September 1959.

The United States of America Apollo 1 was the first manned to land on the moon on the 20th of July 1969. 6 manned Moon landings between 1969 and 1972

Some people say moon landing were fake. But evidence proves Moon landings were real. anyone with the right laser and telescope set up can bounce lasers of retro reflectors which are fancy mirrors

Page 7: Rocket Week - Student Research collated


NASA’S vision: To reach for new heights and to reveal the unknown so that we do and learn will benefit all humankind. To do that thousands of people have been working around the world and off it for 50 years to answer some basic questions. President Dwight D.Eisenhower established the national aeronautics and space administartion

Illandra & Brittney

Page 8: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

Projects• Project Gemini focused on experiments to do with practicing techniques for lunar missions. It

ran from 1962-1966.

Lunar missions- A moon landing is the arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon.

• Project Mercury was the first human space flight program of the U.S.A. It ran from 1959-1963

• Project Apollo was one of the most expensive American scientific programs ever. It is estimated to have cost $202 billion in present-day US dollars. It ran from 1961-1972

• Project Skylab was the United States' first and only independently built space station. It ran from 1973-1979.

• Project Space shuttle became the major focus of NASA in the late 1970s and the 1980s. It ran from 1981 – 2011.

By Khayla and Mya

Page 9: Rocket Week - Student Research collated


Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and the smallest planet in the solar system.

Venus is second closest to the sun and named after the roman goddess of beauty and love.

Earth is the planet we live on and its got a gravitational pull so it keeps us on the ground.

Mars has reddish colour and was named after the god of war of the ancient Romans.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and has more than 63 moons.

Saturn is the second largest planet. It is the next planet after Jupiter. Saturn is named after a Roman God and is famous for its beautiful rings.

Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system, is a Gas Giant and is the seventh planet from the sun. Planet Uranus has rings like Planet Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.

Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. It is also known as the Blue Giant.

By: Callum…B , Jordy…B

Page 10: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

Space StationA space station is a spacecraft capable of supporting a crew

which is designed to remain in space for long periods of time. The two recent space stations were built in the years 1998 and 2011. They are called the International Space Station (ISS) and

the Tiangong 1.

The ISS is an artificial satellite in Low Earth Orbit. The ISS components were launched by American Space Shuttles in the

year 1998.

The Tiangong 1 is China’s first space station. It successfully docked with a module in November 2011.

Up to ten people can stay in a space station for more than two days.

The International Space Station is 108.5 meters by 72.8 meters. It weighs 450 tons, which is the size of 450 small passenger


By Selena Hansen-Purchas and Ryder Goddard!!!

Page 11: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

Because of gravity if you drop something it falls down instead of up. Well everybody knows that. Gravity has played a big part in making the universe the way it is.

Taupiri & Cody

Page 12: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

The planets by Hosea

• The 8 main planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, from closest to the sun outward. Mercury is closest to the sun,

Neptune is the coldest planet

Uranus is the 2nd coldest planet

Venus is The 2nd hottest planet and Earth is the 3rd hottest planet mars is the 4th hottest planet

Saturn is the 2nd biggest planet and Jupiter is the 1st biggest planet

Page 13: Rocket Week - Student Research collated

Neil Armstrong's profile• Born: on August 5th 1930 in Wapakoneta in USA of Ohoi• Died: August 25th 2012 in Columbus in the USA of Ohio • Family: his parents are Stephen Armstrong and Viola

Armstrong he also had children called Eric Armstrong, Mark Armstrong and Karen Armstrong

• Education: university of southern California 1970• Neil Armstrong was also the very first human to walk on

the moon.• What is an astronaut: An astronaut is some one trained

to command, pilot or serve a crew member of a space ship

• By Donnaya and Shechinah