robi assignment

WHAT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IS Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment. This obligation is seen to extend beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation and sees organizations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at large. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines corporate responsibility as the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families and the local community and society at large. More than goodwill, corporate community involvement or strategic corporate philanthropy, corporate responsibility is a genuine attempt by a company to build meaningful relationships between the corporate sector and the rest of society. Corporate responsibility is achieved when a business adapts all of its practices to ensure that it operates in ways that meet, or exceeds, the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business. To be considered effective, corporate responsibility must be an integrated part of day-to-day business, engaging all stakeholders and including strategies to support individual managers to make socially responsible decisions, conform to ethical behavior and obey the law.

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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment. This obligation is seen to extend beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation and sees organizations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at large.

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines corporate responsibility as the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families and the local community and society at large.

More than goodwill, corporate community involvement or strategic corporate philanthropy, corporate responsibility is a genuine attempt by a company to build meaningful relationships between the corporate sector and the rest of society.

Corporate responsibility is achieved when a business adapts all of its practices to ensure that it operates in ways that meet, or exceeds, the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business.

To be considered effective, corporate responsibility must be an integrated part of day-to-day business, engaging all stakeholders and including strategies to support individual managers to make socially responsible decisions, conform to ethical behavior and obey the law.

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Studies have shown that the benefits of engaging in corporate responsibility include:

Improved financial performance

Reduced risk exposure

Identification of new products and new markets

Enhanced brand image

Increased sales and customer loyalty

Improved recruitment and retention performance

Creation of new business networks

Increased staff motivation and enhanced skill set

Improved trust

Enhanced corporate reputations

Improved government relations

Reduced regulatory intervention

Reduced costs through environmental best practice leading to more sustainable profitability

About robi

Robi Axiata Limited is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. It was formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) which commenced operations in Bangladesh in 1997 with the brand name AKTEL. On 28th March 2010, the service name was rebranded as ‘Robi’ and the company came to be known as Robi Axiata Limited.

Robi is truly a people-oriented brand of Bangladesh. Robi, the people's champion, is there for the people of Bangladesh, where they want and the way they want. Having the local tradition at its core, Robi marches ahead with innovation and creativity.

To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi draws from the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC. It supports 2G voice, CAMEL Phase II & III and GPRS/EDGE service with high speed internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge

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technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple global partners for international roaming. It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 600 operators across more than 200 countries. Its customer centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible tariff rates.

Robi with the light of CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility)

Robi dreams of a prosperous and strong nation and thus Robi's commitment to the society is an integral part of its business. Robi intends to build a better Bangladesh by empowering people and by providing support towards the sustainable development of the community.

In line with Government's development plan as well as its own Corporate Responsibility (CR) philosophy, Robi engages itself in various types of Corporate Responsibility (CR) programs. Through its CR initiatives, Robi intends to contribute towards the development of socio economic and ecological condition of the country through enriching people's lives focusing on their primary needs as well as conserving the unique culture & Heritage of Bangladesh.

Robi endorses its enabling and positive impact on the society, primarily, through its 'core operations' or business footprint and secondly, through its ability to reach out to national development goals by 'Empowering People'.

Renewing its CSR philosophy, Robi is widening its core CSR area with the launching of new brand in 2010. Robi has redefined its CSR drive under five thematic aspects –


ICT (information, communication and technology),


Environment and

Culture & Heritage with prime focus on women empowerment.

Among the core areas, education is the major thrust areas of Robi's CSR interventions. In line with Government's 'Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021' , Robi will be working towards ICT development across the country specially in the colleges and libraries. With special focus on women, Robi is emphasizing on women health and women entrepreneurship. Thus Robi aspires to be a powerful agent of change through enriching people's lives for a better living.

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Robi Computer Corner

Other Initiatives


Protibondhita Korbo Joi


Robi Axiata Limited & The Daily Star have jointly initiated English in Schools ( EIS), a language learning program to promote English language learning at secondary schools across the country. Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, Hon’ble Minister for primary & mass education has inaugurated the project at Spectra Convention Center, Gulshan on 4th February, 2009. Under the three-year programme, three complimentary copies of The Daily Star will be distributed to around 1,000 schools each in 64 districts five days a week. Every week, there will be a special page containing materials on English language useful for teachers and students in and outside the school. The teaching materials on this page will follow the books prescribed by the education ministry.

Robi Computer Corner

Access to ICT for the students of rural colleges

In line with Government's 'Digital Bangladesh vision 2021', is working towards increasing IT literacy as well as access to information highway. For mass people. Along with providing internet connectivity

for the mass education, is facilitating the rural and suburban colleges with computers. While running

the program for the rural colleges across the country, has mapped this program into a 2 year plan to reach 64 districts of Bangladesh focusing mainly on the Women's colleges to increase the rate of IT literacy among the female students.

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Protibondhita Korbo Joy

turning disability into ability

With the pledge ‘Protibondhita Korbo Joy, Ai Hok Prottoi', is providing support to the underprivileged people of the society with a view to turning disability into ability. In the first phase, Robi is providing support to the Clubfeet children (Clubfeet is a birth defect with twisted foot (inverted). Without treatment, persons afflicted often appear to walk on their ankles, or on the sides of their feet. It is a common birth defect, occurring in about one in every 1,000 births).To combat disability and to create awareness among the mass, Robi has partnered with Impact Foundation Bangladesh, a charitable trust based in England, who has specialized hospitals for this treatment in Kustia, Meherpur and a floating hospital ‘Jibontori’. Here, the patients are treated by the doctors team from England and Belgium.As this is an avoidable disability, Robi believes,awareness and on time treatment can help these patients to stand on their own feet and thus have a better life

What to do if a club feet baby is born

Though Clubfoot is correctable with prompt treatment, the children with club feet are neglectedin the family and society and thus grow up with deformed & painful feet, leading to physical disability thataffects an individual's mobility and threatens their potential productivity. The neglected clubfoot deformity results in disability for the individual, a reduced standard of living for the entire family, and a burden to the community.In case of neonates with clubfoot, corrective treatment should begin at once. The ideal time to begin treatment is during the first few days and weeks of life, when the foot is most malleable.

If early identification and treatment does not happen, the bones and joints in the foot harden as they grow and children begin to walk on the side or top of the foot. In most cases treatment at early stage do not need surgery even.  

Other initiative

Robi Polli:

Illuminating 500 homes in 50 hard-to-reach villages with solar energy

As the sun shines across every part of Bangladesh, is working closely to ensure that the farthest corner of our motherland is also illuminated with light.

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To contribute towards minimizing the ongoing energy crisis in Bangladesh, , in partnership with Rahimafrooz, is illuminating 500 homes in 50 hard-to-reach villages with solar energy all over the country. Under this initiative, Robi is providing with 20WP solar panels for each of the homes and thus spreading the light of Robi across the country.

Robi Shishu:

Birth sponsor for all the babies at Marie Stopes Clinic born on Mar ch 28, 2010

Robi believes that the newborns of today will be the torchbearers of the future... building a brighter, better and safer tomorrow for our nation. On the 28th of March, , our new brand, was born. On this auspicious occasion, celebrated life with others born on the same day and stood by all mothers who gave birth on this date at Marie Stopes Clinic facilities across Bangladesh, and sponsor all their medical fees.

Robi hosts Iftar for orphans in Chittagong

Date: 2 September 2010

Robi , leading mobile phone operator, organized an Iftar Mehfi for orphans in Chittagong. Over 100 orphans from “Sha Mojidia Islami Complex Orphanage” attended the Iftar held at a local restaurant in Agrabad, Chittagong.

The children were also given Eid celebration gifts to mark the occasion.

Robi believes that ensuring the welfare for orphans is the responsibility of the society and as a responsible corporate citizen, is pleased to contribute in efforts for welfare of underprivileged children.

Robi extends hand towards the visually impaired people

Date: 21.06.10

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As a part of its social commitment, has always been beside the people of Bangladesh to enhance their living and livelihood. In line with this, has this time extended its support towards the visually impaired people of the society.

To facilitate the blind students with educational support, has joined hands with HEAD international (Human Programme for Education and Achievement of Disable and Orphan), a social welfare organization working for the development of the disabled people.

Under this initiative, has distributed White Cane and Braille papers to two hundred visually impaired people. Officials of handed over the White Cane & Braille papers to them. Mr. M. Zahidul Islam, founder Chairman and Chief Executive Director of HEAD Intl. was also there.

Mr. Humayun Kabir, Head of Company Affairs of handed over the White Cane & Braille papers to Mr. M. Zahidul Islam, founder Chairman and Chief Executive Director of HEAD Intl.

As special guest, Mr. Saiful Bari, the chief Consultant of ATN Bangla along with the officials of were also present in the ceremony.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Humayun Kabir said, “ believes in ‘Empowering People’. We are beside the people who need our support to become self-dependent and if we all come forward to help them, they will be soon turned into valuable assets of the society.”

Robi Axiata Limited donates sewing machines for the underprivileged women

Sunday, 31st January 2010

Robi Axiata Limited has donated sewing machines to a number of underprivileged women in cooperation with Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK), a legal aids and human rights organization that has been working for providing legal and other support services to the deprived citizens of the society. On this occasion, a special program was arranged at the office premises of Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) where the sewing machines were distributed among the individuals as well as the trainees in Dhaka and Mymensingh. Robi Axiata Limited is working on “Empowering People” and as a small effort to empower the underprivileged women of our society, it is trying to make them self-dependent. Since women play the most vital role in building nation, helping them for their own livelihood would increase the possibility of a better future for all.

Robi Axiata Limited stands beside the cold affected people of Northern Region

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Robi Axiata Limited distributed warm clothes to the 5 unions of Gangachara Upazila of Rangpur district. A team of Robi Axiata Limited led by Mr. Dewan Nazmul Hasan, President of Robi Executive Club (REC) distributed 3,000 new clothes including blankets, sweaters, T-shirts and caps among the cold affected people of Northern region. REC organized this program to help them survive in the spate of extreme cold wave that is currently continuing throughout the country. Robi Axiata Limited is very much committed to the society with its four core values of Corporate Social Responsibilities in Education & ICT, Health, Ecological Impact and Poverty Alleviation. Robi Axiata Limited hopes this support would facilitate the vulnerable groups of the country for a better life.

Robi Axiata Limited stands besides cold affected underprivileged people of the city

Robi Axiata Limited, one of the largest cellular phone operators in Bangladesh has joined hands with Anjuman-Mufidul-Islam, a hundred year's old civic organization in distributing blankets to the underprivileged people of the city. As part of CSR initiative, Mr. Jefri Ahamd Tambi, Managing Director & CEO of Robi Axiata Limited distributed blankets among slum dwellers & orphanages at old Dhaka. Mr. Javed Tariq, Head of Corporate Affairs & other functionaries of Robi Axiata Limited were also present. Robi Axiata Limited is very much committed to the society. Robi Axiata Limited's corporate philosophy is to provide best services to our valuable subscribers as well as to stand beside the underprivileged group of the society. Robi Axiata Limited believes this support would facilitate the vulnerable families to carry on in this cold spell.

Not only will Robi Axiata Limited continue its thrust towards identifying & involving itself with more avenues for CSR activities, it encourages the fellow enterprise of Bangladesh to participate in such activities on a regular basis. Only through a concerted effort of the private sector, there will emerge a socially responsible collective consciousness.

 Robi Axiata Limited stands besides SOMA

Robi Axiata Limited commenced for SMS campaign in raising funds for the treatment of Ms. Soma Akter (17), who was suffering from terminal illness of thalasimia (blood cancer). Ms. Nora Junita Hussaini, Chief Financial Officer of Robi Axiata Limited handed over a cheque to Soma Akter. Other senior functionaries of Robi Axiata Limited were also present. Expressing her comments on Robi Axiata Limited's behalf, Ms. Hussaini wished early recovery of Soma and looked forward to hear the progress of Soma's on-going medical treatment.

Robi Axiata Limited's corporate philosophy is to provide best services to our valuable subscribers as well as to stand beside the underprivileged group of the society. Robi Axiata Limited believes this financial contribution would facilitate the necessary medical assistance to Soma.

Robi Axiata Limited in Bishwa Estema 2008Robi Axiata Limited had taken initiative of executing various activities in Bishwa Estema, the 2nd largest Muslim gathering in the world after Holy Hajj in which millions of people came from different parts of the world to participate in this pilgrimage. Among the initiatives, are to provide instant

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primary aids to the pilgrims through free medical check-up by a team of certified doctors' at the Robi Axiata Limited voluntary medical service point from morning to night. Robi Axiata Limited also served free pure drinking water for the pilgrims of Bishwa Estema.

Apart from that in Robi Axiata Limited Sheba Kendra Customer Care Staffs conducted re-registration activity. Local ATPs (Muskan Corporation and SIM Telecom) ensured the availability of products and RV at both stalls. PCO service was also provided by the ATP from the stalls. Also to provide unparallel network coverage to the huge pilgrims of Bishwa Estema, Robi Axiata Limited has taken initiatives.

As Robi Axiata Limited is committed to stand by and touch the heart of millions of people of the country, these activities were taken under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes. Robi Axiata Limited hopes to do the same kind of activities more in the near future.

  Robi Axiata Limited-Debate Championship ‘08 The Robi Axiata Limited Debate Championship ‘08' was organized by Drishty Chittagong. In the week long program, 7th inter school English debate competition and 1st Inter university English debate competition were held.

Nine best English medium schools of the port city Chittagong took part in this competition including William Carey Academy, Summerfield School, Bay View School, Cider International School, Radiant School, Green Vale School, Chittagong Sunshine School, Oxbridge School and Gems English Medium School, Mr. Javed Tariq, Head of Corporate Affairs, TM international (Bangladesh) Ltd., Mr. Masud Bakul, President Dist, Chittagong and Mr. Saif Chy. General Secretary, Drishty, Chittagong were present the prize giving ceremony. Professor Sikander Khan, President, Bangladesh Economics Society Chittagong chapter, was present as Chief Guest at the award giving ceremony. Mr. Farid Ahmed Chy. Chief Advisor of Drishty Chittagong presided over the program. Mr. Abul Momen, Resident Editor of Prothom Alo were also present.

Robi Axiata Limited joined hands with SEID trust

To rehabilitate children with disabilities especially intellectual and multiple disabilities into mainstream society and to facilitate activities directed towards ensuring the rights of such children, Robi Axiata Limited, country’s largest telecom service provider joined its hands with SEID (Special Education for Intellectually Disabled) Trust, a non- governmental voluntary organization.

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Mr. Javed Tariq, Head of Corporate Affairs of Robi Axiata Limited handed over a cheque to Ms. Dilara Satter Mitu, Director of SEID Trust at a simple occasion.

Robi Axiata Limited has always been providing support to the distress group of the society in improving their living conditions. In this regard, Mr. Tariq said “We value the development of the underprivileged children of Bangladesh particularly in their basic education and development of the young minds of the country. Thus, Robi Axiata Limited believes these disable children could able to contribute to the society in near future.”

SEID Trust has been carrying out their activities since 2003 and their activities for the distressed & uncared disable children is praise worthy. In conjunction with some internationally acclaimed NGOs like Action Aid Bangladesh & Lodge Scotia Penang, Malaysia etc. also got involved in sustaining their activities for disable children of Bangladesh. Under Corporate Social Responsibility, Robi Axiata Limited is always committed to the society and devoted to the development of many social interests throughout greater Bangladesh.

Robi Axiata Limited’s contribution for BRAC’s education programme

Robi Axiata Limited, country’s one of the largest cell phone operators assisted in publishing the book titled ‘Nana Desher Nana Manush’ under the nonformal and continuing education program conducted by Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). The cheque was handed over to The Book Group, the authorized publisher, Mr. Syed Nazmul Abdal, Executive Director of The Book Group. With this financial aid, about 10000 copies of informative children books will be published for non-formal schools run by BRAC.

Robi Axiata Limited intends to be associated with the contributions toward sustainable development of the community through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. This contribution ensures Robi Axiata Limited’s active participation in education program, which is one of the core values of Robi Axiata Limited’s CSR.

Shustho Nari Shustho Paribar:

Free health camp for the underprivileged women of the society

With the pledge - 'Healthy Women, Healthy Family', is providing support to the underprivileged women of the society to improve their health and living and thus contribute towards building a healthy nation.

is running Free Health Camp under the banner 'Shustho Nari, Shustho Paribar' throughout the year to help the underprivileged women of the society who are deprived of the basic health

facilities, Along with free health service,  is also providing the women with the information in basic health and hygiene to help them stay healthy as well as take care of their family in a healthy way.

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's Health Camp at Khulna National Junior Girls' SchoolDate: 24.07.2010

, a leading mobile phone operator in the country stood beside the underprivileged women in Khulna with it's year long health camp “Shustho Nari, Shustho Poribar”. In collaboration with

Marie Stopes, provided free healthcare services at national Junior Girls' School, Goborchaka, Khulna. The camp provided free medical treatment; consultancy and free medicine among the women. About 600 women and children attended this day-long camp.

‘Shustho Nari, Shustho Poribar' is a part of 's year long CSR activity. The program has already been taken place in Dhaka, Rangpur, Barisal and Chittagong. It was stated by high

officials of that the company has a definite plan to carry out this initiative throughout the country. All patients who came for treatment got enlisted and were given health cards to enjoy discount at Marie Stopes clinics for their treatment.

Mr. Mohiuddin Babar, Head of Communication & media Relations, Corporate Affairs, and

Mr. Rezoan Billah Nayan, Khulna Area manager of were present in the occasion.

's Health Camp at Chittagong Phartoli College


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, a leading mobile operator in the country stood beside the underprivileged women in Chittagong with its year long health camp “Shushtho Nari, Shushtho Poribar”. In collaboration with Marie Stopes, Robi provided free healthcare services at Pahartoli College Chittagong on 29 june, 2010. The camp provided free medical treatment; consultancy and free medicine among the women. About 1000 women and children attended this day-long camp.

‘Shushtho Nari, Shushtho Poribar' is a part of 's year long CSR activity. The program has

already been taken place in Dhaka, Rangpur and Barisal. It was stated by high officials of that the company has a definite plan to carry out this initiative throughout the country. All patients who came for treatment got enlisted and were given health cards to enjoy discount at Marie Stopes clinics for their treatment.

Mr.Mohiuddin Babar, Head of Communications & Media Relations, and Mr. M.M. Ershad, Deputy Director-Family Planning, Chittagong; Dr. Mohammad Sahrif, Additional Director-Clinical Contraception, Chittagong and Regional Supervisor, FPCST/QAT, Chittagong Region, Mr. Md. Mahfuzul Alam, Ward Commissioner, 13 No. Pahartoli, Chittagong; Ms. Arju Shahabuddin, Female Ward Commissioner (Reserved), Pahartoli were present in the programme along with other local elites & high officials of both the organizations.

initiates health camp at Rangpur for underprivileged women (Wednesday, 7th March 2010)

a leading mobile phone operator in the country, spearheaded a befitting programme on the occasion of the World Health Day.

Under the banner “Shusto Nari, Shusto Paribar”,organized a health camp for the under privileged women

in Rangpur Sadar on Wednesday (7th April). arranged

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free medical treatment, consultancy and free medicine in association with Marie Stopes among them. Those attending the camp were also registered with the Marie Stopes which will extend discount facilities to them for treatment at their clinics.

Senior officials of informed that the “Shustho nari, Shustho Poribar” is a part of the CSR programme of the company. The programme will be spread throughout the country in phases, he added.

Among the others, officials of Dhaka & Rangpur Region, Rangpur distribution office of , reporters of local print & e-media and important personnel of Rangpur region were also present in the program.

Robi Axiata Limited's pledge for ‘Healthy Women, Healthy Family' Sunday, 8th March 2010

Robi Axiata Limited celebrates 100th International Women's Day with the underprivileged women of the society who are deprived of the basic health facilities. With the pledge ‘Healthy Women, Healthy Family', Robi Axiata Limited kicks off its Free Health Camp initiative under its corporate social responsibility program. Starting with “Hazari Bagh Beri Badh” area in Dhaka, Robi Axiata Limited will be roaming around with such program across the country throughout the year. Ms. Segufta Y. Samad, Head of Corporate Affairs, Robi Axiata Limited inaugurated the daylong program where above 600 women were given the basic health facilities along with their children. Free medicine along with basic health and hygiene tips were also provided as per doctor's prescription.

Ms. Segufta Y. Samad, Head of corporate Affairs observing the Free Health Camp initiated by Robi Axiata Limited.

Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh:

'Know Bangladesh better' program for the students

'Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh 'is a district level monthly drawing and singing competition among

the students. Here, also awards a memento containing brief info on the rules and regulations to use our National Flag and the correct lyrics, notation and the guidelines to be followed while playing the National Anthem.

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organizes “Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh” in Manikganj9 January 2011, Manikganj

Robi Axiata Limited, the leading mobile operator of the country arranged yet another contest for children titled “Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh”. Recently, the contest was held in Manikganj at the Manikganj Primary School.

Students from different schools in Manikganj took part in this unique contest where they were judged on correct tune and lyrics usage of our national anthem and proper national map drawing.

The selection of the winners of both of the sections, singing and art competition, was reviewed and judged by a panel of judges.  

The chief guest Mr. Md, Nizam Uddin, Additional District Commissioner – General, and special guests Mr. Abu Bakar Siqqiue, Advocate, Judge Court, Manikganj, Mr. Md. Asadduzaman, Advocate, Judge Court, Manikganj, and Mrs. Romeza Akter Khan, Editor, Women Sports Federation, Manikganj handed over the prizes to the top three contestants in each section.

From Robi, Area Manager of Manikganj, Mr. Hossain Ahmed Al- Mahbub, and Mr. Md. Towfiquzzaman Chowdhury, Manager, CSR, Corporate Affairs were also present.

organizes “Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh” in KhulnaDate: 29.07.2010

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Khulna City Corporation Mayor, Mr. Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Additional District Commissioner – Education & Development, Mr. Md. Kabirul Hassan, Head of Communications & Media Relations of Robi, Mohiuddin Babar , Regional Manager, ASM Enayetur Rahim are seen in the picture while handing over the prizes and special memento with right notation and lyric of the national anthem and precise proportions of our national flag to the participants.


1 October 2010, Khulna: Axiata Limited, the leading mobile operator in the country arranged yet another contest for children titled “Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh”. This time contest was held in Khulna at the divisional museum yesterday (30 September).

Near about 100 students from more than 25 schools took part in this unique contest where they were judged on correct tune and lyrics of our national anthem and proper national map drawing.

The selection of the winners of both of the sections, singing and art competition, was reviewed and judged by a panel of judges.  

The chief guest Khulna City Corporation Mayor, Mr. Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Additional District Commissioner – Education & Development, Mr. Md. Kabirul Hassan handed over the prizes to the top three contestants in each section.

Among others, Head of Communications & Media Relations of , Mohiuddin Babar, Regional Manager, ASM Enayetur Rahim, Sr. Executive – Media & PR, Mubasser Anwer Ajmee and other local dignitaries were present in the occasion.

“We believe that each child has some special talents and wants to foster those talents so that the future generation can enlighten the county with their special talents” said

Mohiuddin Babar, Head of Communications & Media Relations of .

organized "Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh" at BarisalDate: 01.10.2010

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To imbibe the new generation with the true spirit of nationalism, Robi, a leading mobile phone operator in the country has taken a worthy initiative. It organized a CSR programme at Barishal under the title "Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh" on 29th July.

The theme of the programme is to enlighten students with the correct tune and lyrics of national anthem and at the same time to teach them how to draw country's map correctly. 100 students from 25 different schools with their parents observed this unique competition with lots of joy and enthusiasm.

The selection of the winners of both of the sections, singing and art competition, was done by a panel of judges who were the renowned singers and artistic persons of Barisal.

Organized ‘Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh’ contest at RangpurDate:30.06.2010

Demonstration of correct tune and lyrics of our national anthem and to draw our Country Map in correct shape, Robi-one of the leading mobile operator in the country arranged a contest titled “Konthe o Tulite Bangladesh” on 30 June at Rangpur. Shishu Academy. Underlying theme of the contest is to imbibe the children with the fortitude of patriotism.

100 students from 25 different schools with their parents observed this unique competition with lot of joy & enthusiasm.

Mr. Md. Abu Zuel, Area Manager, Robi Rangpur, inaugurated the program amidst the children,

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guardians, heads of the participating schools and teachers. Mr. Md. Abu Zuel, Area Manager, Robi Rangpur gave a special souvenir with right notation and lyric of the national anthem and precise dimensions of our national flag.

A panel of judges drawn in from renowned singers and teachers of Rangpur made the selection of the winners. The chief guest Mr. Enamul Haque, DC Rangpur, awarded six contestants for their top staging in different categories. Apart from DC Local dignitaries along with Robi’s Dhaka and Rangpur representative were presented in the occasion.

“Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh” contest was a part of Robi’s year long CSR activity. This event shaped a delighted environment in Shishu Academy complex Rangpur. All participants were given certificates by Robi.

organizes ‘Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh’ contest (Wednesday March 31, 2010)

As part of its CSR Program leading mobile phone operator organized a unique contest for children to sing the national anthem and to draw the Bangladesh Map in all correctness.

Held at the Jatiyo Shishu Academy in the capital recently the contest was titled “Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh”. The underlying theme of the contest was to imbibe the children with the spirit of patriotism. About 100 students from 50 different schools of Dhaka City took part in the competition. Demonstration of correct tune and lyrics of our national anthem and to draw the country Map in correct shape, size and color were the subjects of the competition.

In his message on this occasion, Mr. Michael Kuehner, Managing Director and CEO of said “children should be imbued with the sense of belongingness to culture, heritage, language and patriotism” “They should be groomed up with proper guidance and facilitated with all necessary

inputs to grow up as able leaders in future”, he added and informed that has a plan to spread this competition across the country.

A panel of judges drawn in from renowned singers and teachers of Dhaka University made the selection of the winners. Six contestants were awarded for their best performance in different categories.

The program was organized in cooperation with the Shishu Academy. Among others, senior officials from the Academy were present on the occasion. Mr. Mohiuddin Babar, Head of

Communications & Media Relations and other senior officials from were also present

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Awards and RecognitionsStandard Chartered - Financial Express Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2006- for contribution in basic education, primary health, poverty alleviation and ecological impact. Robi Axiata Limited has won a prestigious “Standard Chartered - Financial Express Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award 2006”.The CSR award is introduced to recognize the organizations in the corporate world that excel in CSR apart from their main line of business. Bangladesh Bank Governor Mr. Salehuddin Ahmed handed over the award jointly to Mr. Salahuddin Kasem Khan, former Chairman and Mr. Ahmad Bin Ismail, former Managing Director of Robi Axiata Limited in the presence of former Finance and Planning Adviser Dr. AB Mirza Azizul Islam and Economist & Chairman of Award trustee board, Professor Dr. Wahiduddin Mahmud.