roadmap to prayer lesson 38

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  • 7/30/2019 Roadmap to Prayer Lesson 38


    Rehov Kahanamin 54, Bnei Brac 03.616.6340

    164 Village Path, Lakewood NJ 08701 732.370.3344 fax 1.877.Pirchei (732.367.8168)


    The Roadmap to Prayer

    Lesson 38

    Pirchei Shoshanim 2006This shiur may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright holder

  • 7/30/2019 Roadmap to Prayer Lesson 38


    56 5

    AA WWoomm aannss GGuuiiddee

    tt oo DDaaii ll yy PPrraayyeerr

    This Lesson is Dedicat ed

    Leilui Nishmas - To the Mem ory of

    R Aryeh Mordechai ben Avraham AH

    Niftar 21 Iyar, 5766

    II nn tt rr oo dd uu cc tt ii oo nn

    TThhee llaawwss ff oorr WWoomm eenn aanndd PPrr aayyeerr pprr eesseenntt eedd iinn tt hhiiss lleessssoonn aarr ee

    mm eeaanntt tt oo sseerr vvee aass aa ccoonncciissee gguuiiddee sshhoowwiinngg wwhhiicchh ssppeecciiff iicc

    pprr aayyeerr ss wwoomm eenn aarr ee oobbll iiggaatt eedd iinn,, aanndd wwhhiicchh pprr aayyeerr ss aarr ee tt hhee

    oonneess tt hhaatt wwoomm eenn ccuusstt oomm aarr ii llyy rr eecciitt ee oorr oomm iitt ..

    AAss ffoorr pprr aayyeerr iitt sseellff ,, nnoowwaaddaayyss,, wwoomm eenn iinn ggeenneerr aall aarr ee

    uunnqquueesstt iioonnaabbllyy eexxcceeeeddiinnggllyy iinnvvoollvveedd iinn pprr aayyeerr ..

    TThhee iinntt eenntt ooff tt hhee gguuiiddeell iinneess iinn tt hhiiss lleessssoonn iiss tt oo oouutt ll iinnee tt hhee mm aannyy

    ooppppoorr tt uunniitt iieess tt hhaatt wwoomm eenn ccaann uutt ii ll iizzee iinn tt hheeiirr ssppaarr ee tt iimm ee tt oo pprr aayyiinn ccoomm bbiinnaatt iioonnss tt hhaatt aarr ee oonnllyy aaff ff oorr ddeedd tt oo wwoomm eenn..

    FFoorr tt hhiiss ppuurr ppoossee,, tt hhee lleessssoonn ff iirr sstt ll iisstt ss tt hhee vvaarr iioouuss HHaallaacchhooss

    ppeerr tt aaiinniinngg tt oo tt hhee ppaarr tt iiccuullaarr pprr aayyeerr ss wwoomm eenn mm aayy oorr mmaayy nnoott

    rr eeccii tt ee aanndd tt oo tt hhee oorr ddeerr iinn wwhhiicchh tt hheeyy ccaann rr eecciitt ee tt hhee TTeeff ii ll llaa ooff

    SShhaacchhaarr iiss..

    TToo ii ll lluusstt rr aatt ee tt hhiiss ff uurr tt hheerr ,, wwee hhaavvee cchhaarr tt eedd aa ll iisstt ooff sscceennaarr iiooss

    tt hhaatt eeff ff eecctt hhooww mm uucchh aanndd iinn wwhhiicchh oorr ddeerr tt hheeyy wwii ll ll bbee ssaaiidd.. EEaacchh

    sscceennaarr iioo iiss ggiivveenn aa ssoolluutt iioonn aanndd tt hheenn ssuumm mm aarr iizzeedd tt oo hheellpp

    vviissuuaall iizzee wwhhaatt eeaacchh rr eessuulltt eenntt aaii llss..

    AAff tt eerr oouutt ll iinniinngg tt hheessee eexxaamm pplleess,, tt hhee lleessssoonn ddiissccuusssseess tt hheeiimmppoorr tt aannccee ooff pprr aayyeerr iinn ggeenneerr aall aanndd hhooww wwoomm eenn iinn ppaarr tt iiccuullaarr

    sshhaarr ee iinn tt hhiiss eesssseenntt iiaall eelleemm eenntt ooff JJeewwiisshh ll ii ff ee..

    AAff tt eerr oouutt ll iinniinngg tt hhee vvaarr iioouuss ppoossssiibbllee ccoomm bbiinnaatt iioonnss tt hhaatt wwoomm eenn

    ccaann rr eecciitt ee tt hheeiirr pprr aayyeerr ss,, iitt iiss iimmppoorr tt aanntt tt oo ppooiinntt oouutt tt hhaatt tt hhee

    rr eegguullaarr oorr ddeerr ooff TTeeff ii ll llaass SShhaacchhaarr iiss ffoorr MMeenn iiss mm uucchh mm oorr ee rr iiggiidd..



  • 7/30/2019 Roadmap to Prayer Lesson 38


  • 7/30/2019 Roadmap to Prayer Lesson 38


  • 7/30/2019 Roadmap to Prayer Lesson 38


    T H E P I R C H E I S H O S H A N I M R O A D M A P T O P R A Y E R P R O J E C T

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    P I R C H E I S H O S H A N I M

    D A V E N I N G C A R D

    M I N I M U M T E F I L L A F O R W O M E N

    I. Tefilla Ketzara (a short prayer)consisting of Praise to Hashem, aRequest and an AppreciationA woman that has no time to daven can at leastlearn to recite the Birchos HaTorah along with theverses of Yevarechecha etc. and thereby fulfill theMitzvah of Tefilla (see other side of this card)

    II. According to many Poskim a woman isrequired t o daven Shemoneh Esrei ofShacharis and Mincha

    III. A woman is required to r ecite at leastthe first verse of Shema along withBaruch Sheim.

    C O M B I N A T I O N S O F T E F I L L O S F O R

    W O M E N A C C O R D I N G T O

    T H E O R D E R O F P R I O R I T I E S -

    H I G H E S T T O L O W E S T

    Each number presented below represents a list of Tefillos awoman would say according t o the amount of t ime she

    knows in advance she will have. Approximate times givenare for example purposes only. Individuals should t ime

    themselves and adjust accordingly

    1. Shemoneh Esrei before end of the fourthHalachic hour of t he day (in case of need up unti lChatzos midday); First verse of Shema no timelimit (approximately 6-8 minutes)

    2. First pasuk of Shema, Emmes VeYatziv,Shemoneh Esrei (approximately 9-11 minutes)

    3. Birchos Hashachar, First pasuk o f Shema, EmmesVeYatziv, Shemoneh Esrei (approximately 12- 14minutes)

    4. Birchos HaTorah and pesukim, Birchos Hashachar,First pasuk of Shema, Emmes VeYatziv,Shemoneh Esrei (approximately 15-18 minut es)

    5. Birchos HaTorah and pesukim, Birchos Hashachar,2 Birchos Krias Shema, 3 part s Shema, EmmesVeYatziv, Shemoneh Esrei (approximately 22-26minutes)

    6. Birchos HaTorah and pesukim, Birchos Hashachar,Pesukei DeZimra (at least Baruch Sheamar,Ashrei and Yishtabach), 2 Birchos Krias Shema, 3parts Shema, Emmes VeYatziv, Shemoneh Esrei(approximately 28-30 minutes)

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    P I R C H E I S H O S H A N I M

    D A V E N I N G C A R D

    A M I N I M U M T E F I L L A F O R W O M E N



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    M O S T B A S I C C O M B I N A T I O N O F

    T E F I L L A F O R W O M E N

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    P I R C H E I S H O S H A N I M

    W O M E N S S I D D U R

    B O O K M A R K

    O R D E R O F I M P O R T A N T

    T E F I L L O S F O R W O M E N

    P R I O R I T I E S :

    I. a) Tefilla Ketzara (sho rt prayer) that includes a Praise,a Request and an A ppreciation for H ashem. (E.g.Birchos H aTorah, Birchos Hashachar; a w om an w ho isill and n eeds to eat but canno t daven, can fulfill hermitzvah of Tefi l la w ith Birchas H amazon)b) Shemoneh Esrei - (Necessary accor ding to ma nyPoskim)

    II. First verse of Shema and Baruch Sheim Kevod eM alchusso etc. - (N ecessary )

    III. Em m es V eYatziv un til the end (Go al Yisrael) w ithShemo neh Esrei im mediately afterw ard s - (Necessaryaccording to some Poskim)

    IV. Birchos Hashachar - (Customary)

    V. Birchos HaTorah w i th the se lect ion of verses -(Customary)

    VI . The complete Shema and the two brochos that precedeit (according to most Poskim) - (Customary)

    V II . Ba ru ch Sh eama r an d Yishtabach w ith at least Ashrei in-betw een (accordin g to m ost Poskim ) - (Custo mar y)

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    The order of the Morning Prayer f or Women(The general daily T efi llas Shacharis Morning Prayer order f or women)

    The order of Prayer according to the Ashkenazic version.


    Tefillas Shacharis said byWomen in the following


    Ashkenazi or SephardiWomen according to many


    Sephardi Womenaccording to Chacham

    Rav Ovadiah Yosef Shlita

    1Al Netillas Yadayim, Asher

    Yatzar,Elokaye Neshama

    V 2 Birchos HaTorah

    IV 3 Birchos Hashachar

    VII 4

    Baruch Sheamar,Pesukei DeZimra(at least Ashrei),


    Pesukei DeZimra but notBaruch Sheamar or


    VI 5First 2 BirchosKrias Shema X

    VI 63 Parshiyos of

    Krias Shema

    I I 7Shema Yisrael and Baruch

    SheimIncluded Included

    II I 8The Bracha of

    Emmes VeYatziv X

    I 9Shemoneh Esrei


    10 Tachanun X Customarily not recited by Women

    11 Ashrei Uvah LeTziyone Recited by some Women

    12 Aleinu Customarily recited by Women

    13 Shir Shel Yom Recited by some Women

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    T H E P I R C H E I S H O S H A N I M R O A D M A P T O P R A Y E R P R O J E C T

    A N A T T A C H M E N T O F T H E S O U L L E S S O N 3 8 T H E P I R C H E I

    S H O S H A N I M R O A D M A P T O P R A Y E R P R O J E C T

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    Women must pray (daven) at leastone prayer each day. It should have an

    opening Praise, a closing Appreciation,and a Request.

    Many Women follow the opinionof praying Shacharis and M incha,Shemoneh E sreis.

    Some women take uponthemselves to pray M aariv as well,although it is not necessary1. Thosewho do so, benefit fulfilling the

    M itzvah of Z echiras Y etzi as M itzr ayim.

    Women are obligated to acceptupon themselves the Y oke of H eaven, tofollow H ashems Torah and M itzvos.For this reason, Women are requiredto at least recite the first verse of KriasShema with Baruch Sheim KevodeM alchusso L eolam V aed.

    Women recite the Morning order

    of blessings starting with the bracha ofA l N et ill as Y adayi m, A sher Y atzar etc.Birchos H aTorah and the 15 blessingsbeginning with A sher N assan L asechviV eena until the closing of (H a)G omelChassadim T ovim etc.

    Women should recite Pesuk eiD eZimra. They should say at least aminimum of Baruch Sheamar, A shreiand Y ishtabach.

    Both A shk enazic and Sephardic

    women may recite the blessings forPesuk ei D eZimra (Baruch Sheamar and

    1 According to M ishna Berura 106:4 and other

    Posk im. It i s recommended that women who w ish to

    pray M aariv express that they do not intend this to

    be a vow to do this forever.

    Y ishtabach) even though they are notobliged to recite Pesuk ei D eZimra. Rav

    O vadi ah Y osef shl ita maintains thatwomen of Sephardic descent are notallowed to recite the blessing forPesukei D eZimra, since the opinion ofthe M echaber is not to recite brochos forvoluntary M itzvos.

    Women recite the two blessings

    that precede Krias Shema when reciting

    Krias Shema. According to Rav Ovadiah

    Y osef shli ta, Sephardic women should

    not recite these blessings. Women should particularly recitethe blessing of E mmes V eYatziv,which follows K r ias Shema as itcontains in it the remembrance ofY etzias M itzrayim (the Exodus fromEgypt). According to Rav OvadiahY osef shlita women should not recitethis either2.

    H alachic authorities suggest that

    women also recite certain Torah-segments pertaining to the Korbanos(sacrifice offerings). Others say thatwomen are not required. Commonpractice is like the latter opin ion.

    Some women recite the additionalprayers printed in Siddurim (PrayerBooks) following Shemoneh E srei ofShacharis.

    Women generally do not recite

    Tachanun. Women most commonlyrecite A leinu.

    2 Y abia O mer Volume 2:6 number 10

    A General O utl ine of Prayer for W om en

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    T H E P I R C H E I S H O S H A N I M R O A D M A P T O P R A Y E R P R O J E C T

    A N A T T A C H M E N T O F T H E S O U L L E S S O N 3 8 T H E P I R C H E I

    S H O S H A N I M R O A D M A P T O P R A Y E R P R O J E C T

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    Sample of Various scenarios of a Shacharis prayer

    for Women

    C A S E # 1

    A woman was going to the doctors office with her child at 8:45 a.m. just after her

    older children were to be picked up for school. She managed to daven Shemoneh E srei

    and nothing more. Later that morning after coming home f rom the doctors off ice she

    had some extra tim e to daven. She shouldnt daven Pesuk ei D ezimra any longer; rather

    she should recite all 3 sections of Krias Shema and the blessing of E mmes V eYatziv.

    Then she should say A leinu.

    S U M M A R Y :

    1 . S H E M O N E H E S R E I .

    2 . 3 S E C T I O N S O F K R I A S S H E M A ; T H E B L E S S I N G O F E M M E S V E Y A T Z I V .

    3 . A L E I N U

    C A S E # 2 , 3

    A young woman leaves her house for school each morning at 7 a.m. Sunrise is at 7:10

    a.m. Since she could only daven at home and on the bus on her way to school, she

    starts davening at home and continues on the bus. She davens everything up until

    Shemoneh E srei at home. She then davens Shemoneh E srei on the bus sitting down

    because she would rather daven Shemoneh E srei after sunrise. If sunrise would be at

    6:45 a.m. she should rather recite Shemoneh E srei at home so that she could say it whilestanding, rather than say it sitting down while on the bus. She should therefore recite

    everything except for Krias Shema with its brochos until she gets onto the bus. Then she

    should recite Krias Shema with its brochos on the bus.

    S U M M A R Y : C A S E # 2

    1 . A L L O F S H A C H A R I S U N T I L S H E M O N E H E S R E I .

    2 . S H E M O N E H E S R E I O N T H E B U S S I T T I N G D O W N A F T E R S U N R I S E

    S U M M A R Y : C A S E # 3

    1 . A L L O F S H A C H A R I S E X C E P T F O R K R I A S S H E M A W I T H I T S B R O C H O S .

    2 . S H E M O N E H E S R E I A T H O M E ST A N D I N G .

    3 . K R I A S S H E M A W I T H I T S B R O C H O S .

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    C A S E # 4

    A Bas M itzvah schoolgirl usually prays (davens) Shacharis in school but doesnt have time

    to eat breakfast in school. What should she do in order to allow her to eat at home

    before davening Shacharis?

    What she should preferably do is recite the brochos starting with A l N etillas Y adayim and

    A sher Y atzar, E lok aye N eshama with the birchos H aT orah, having in mind to fulfill the

    M itzvah of Tefilla. She should also recite the pasuk Shema Y israel and Baruch Sheim. Then,

    she may eat breakfast and daven the rest of Shacharis in school.

    S U M M A R Y :

    1 . A L N E T I L L A S Y A D A Y I M A N D A S H E R Y A T Z A R , E L O K A Y E N E S H A M A W I T H

    B I R C H O S H A T O R A H B E F O R E B R E A K F A S T .

    2 . T H E R E S T O F S H A C H A R I S A F T E R B R E A K F A S T .

    C A S E # 5

    Children under Bar Mitzvah and Bas M itzvah3 who are hungry before going to shul on

    Shabbos morning or before going to school, m ay eat before davening as needed. They

    are not required to hear Kiddush before eating. They should however be trained not to

    eat before Kiddush when coming home from shul. Girls should recite the first portion

    of Shema before eating in order to accept the Y ok e of H eaven before eating4.

    S U M M A R Y :

    1 . C H I L D R E N U N D E R T H E A G E O F B A R A N D B A S M I T Z V A H M A Y E A T B E F O R E

    D A V E N I N G A S N E E D E D W I T H O U T R E C I T I N G K I D D U S H 5 .

    2 . C H I L D R E N , W H O A R E O F C H I N U C H A G E 6 , M A Y E A T B E F O R E D A V E N I N G . T H E YS H O U L D H O W E V E R F I R S T R E C I T E T H E F I R S T P O R T I O N O F S H E M A .

    C A S E # 6

    A woman is busy each morning taking care of her children. She finds it difficult to

    daven each morning because her children constantly interrupt her. After 11 a.m. she

    3 Rav Ovadiah Y osef shlita adds that once a healthy boy at age 12 should be trained not to eat before Kiddush even in the

    morning before going to shul. H e may just take something to drink like adults. Y alk ut Y osef D inei Chinuch Kattan page


    4 H alichos Shlomo 2:4

    5 See fur ther on about E ating befo re D avening

    6 From about 6 years old until Bar M itzvah

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    has a few minutes of quiet time when a friend comes over and takes her children for a

    walk. What is the best way to deal with this situation? By the time her friend comes

    over it is already past the first third of the day when the time for T efill as Shachari s has

    passed. H owever, at 11 a.m. it is sti ll well before Chatzos (midday).

    S O L U T I O N # 1

    If this woman can get up a few minutes before her children and daven just thefirst pasuk of Shema Y israel with Baruch Sheim and Shemoneh E srei, she should doso. At 11 a.m. she should recite the Bir chos H ashachar (M orning Blessings)omitting A l N etillas Y adayim, and going straight through Birchos H ashachar. Shemay not daven Pesuk ei D ezimra with its Brochos after Shemoneh E srei, but shemay recite them omitting H ashems Name from the closings of BaruchSheamar and Yishtabach. Some Posk im maintain that it is better for awom an not to recite the brochos that come first and the bracha that follows Krias

    Shema, since it is really past the time for Tefillas Shacharis. She should howeverrecite all three sections of Shema along with E mmes V eyatziv, but withoutH ashems N ame at the end of the bracha.

    S O L U T I O N # 2

    If this woman doesnt have any time to recite Shemoneh E srei before 11 a.m.she should at least say the first pasuk of Shema Y israel with Baruch Sheim ifpossible. At 11 a.m. she should daven straight from A l N etillas Y adayimthrough all the morning brochos, Pesuk ei D eZimra as usual, Krias Shema and itsblessings as usual, and then Shemoneh E srei and A leinu.

    S U M M A R Y # 1

    1 . F I R S T P A S U K O F S H E M A Y I SR A E L W I T H B A R U C H S H E I M ;

    2 . S H E M O N E H E S R E I , B E F O R E 1 1 A . M .

    3 . M O R N I N G B R O C H O S O M I T T I N G A L N E T I L L A S Y A D A Y I M , G O I N G S T R A I G H T

    T H R O U G H T H E B I R C H O S H A S H A C H A R A F T E R 1 1 A . M .

    S U M M A R Y # 2

    4 . F I R S T P A S U K O F S H E M A Y I SR A E L W I T H B A R U C H S H E I M .

    5 . A F T E R 1 1 A . M . S H E SH O U L D D A V E N S T R A I G H T F R O M A L N E T I L L A S Y A D A Y I M

    T H R O U G H A L L T H E M O R N I N G B R O C H O S .

    6 . P E S U K E I D E Z I M R A A S U S U A L , K R I A S S H E M A A N D I T S B L E SS I N G S A S U S U A L ;

    S H E M O N E H E S R E I A N D A L E I N U .

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    SA M P L E T I M E C H A R T F O R T H E F I R ST D A Y O FSH A V U O S 5 7 6 6

    Zemanim for Yerushalayim - June 1, 2006/ 6 Sivan, 5766

    Dawn - Alos Hashachar 4:22 A

    Earliest Tallis 4:39 A

    Sunrise 5:34 A

    8:30 A (Magen Avraham)Latest time to read the Shema

    9:06 A (Gra)

    9:52 A (Magen Avraham)

    Latest time for Tefilla (Shemoneh Esrei) 10:16 A (Gra)

    Chatzos (Midday) 12:37 P

    Mincha Gedolah 1:12 P

    Mincha Ketana 4:44 P

    Plag Mincha 6:12 P

    Sunset 7:40 P

    8:21 P (Geonim)3 Stars come out - Tzeis Hakochavim

    8:52 P (Rabbeinu Tam)

    This Shabbat Information - Shabbat Shavuos7 Sivan 5766

    Candle Lighting 7:00 P

    8:22 P (Geonim)Havdalah

    8:52 P (Rabbeinu Tam)

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    S H O S H A N I M R O A D M A P T O P R A Y E R P R O J E C T

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    B A C K G R O U N D - E SSA Y

    Prayer the Essence of Mank indPrayer is not a gender related issue. That is to say, man was created with a uniqueability and need to communicate with his creator. This is perhaps the most

    impor tant aspect, which distinguishes man f rom anim als. When G-d created M an,

    H e blew in to his nostrils a breath of li fe. Onk eles explains that this phenomenon is

    referring specif ically to M ans abili ty to articulate his emo tion s and spirit with words

    and speech.

    The verse in Bereishis7 reads; All the wild shrubs did not yet exist on the earth, and

    all the wild plants had not yet sprouted. This was because H ashem had not brought

    rain on the earth, and there was no man to work the ground.

    Rashi explains that what this really means is that since there was no man to

    appreciate the rain and pray for it to happen; therefore H ashem did not yet cause it

    to rain and make plant life grow. This in essence means H ashem waited for man to

    take note of the needs of the world and to commun icate to H im to interact w ith

    the world and sustain it with i ts needs.

    When the world was created, the vegetation of the ground that was created on D ay

    3 of Creation lay dormant at the earths surface without further development or

    progress. Rain was lacking, and H ashem did not grant it to the world until the

    creation of Man at which point, he prayed for it and H ashem granted his wish.

    A lthough rain appears to be a natural phenom enon, H ashem apport ions it to theworld in varying amounts, at dif ferent places and dif ferent times. Rain can come as

    a blessing or it can come as a curse. It can be withheld altogether causing great

    famine and drought. O ur Sages taught that the key that cont rols rain is solely in the

    hand of G-d and not in the hands of any M alachim (angels); thus, when we need

    rain, we must realize that were beseeching H ashem directly to give us rain. This

    communication is unique to all Mankind alike. Men, women and even children cry

    out to H ashem for their needs as depicted throughout Tanach over and over again.

    The Torah relates the prayers recited by famous individuals throughout history

    including those that were said by illustrious women. Chazal (our Sages) teach that

    the matriarchs were childless for many years so that they would pour their heartsout in prayer to H ashem. H ashem indulges in the prayers of H is loved ones.

    7 2:5

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    Undoubtedly, prayer defines the essence of M an. I n the G emara Bava Kama8, M an is

    referred to as M aveh (one who prays) as the verse states, O mar Shomer, assa bok er

    vegam layla, im tibayoun bayou (Says the watchman: M orning comes, and also n ight; i f

    you seek, seek). Rashi explains: this verse refers to H ashem as the watchman Who

    says when morning, the period in history when H ashem will redeem the righteous

    from their exile, arr ives; and darkness is cast upon the wicked; if one wishes to beg

    fo rgiveness and repent, they should do so. T hus the term bayou defines M an as one

    who seeks and prays (davens) to H ashem for f orgiveness.

    Throughout the generations, the Book of Tehillim was perhaps the most worn

    volume of the entire T anach, as men, women, and children pored over its pages,

    reciting fervent prayer in times of need. The power of prayer is most often

    augmented with the recital of Tehillim as D ovid H amelech captures the heart and soul

    of Jews in all situations in lif e throughout t ime, in the timeless words of Tehillim.

    According to this, one may find it difficult to understand why women were in fact

    excused and exempted f rom certain obligations of daily prayer?

    The A budraham explains that the reason that women were exempted from certain

    obligations of prayer was because of the womans central role in the Jewish home.

    As a mother and housewife a woman finds herself investing most of her time and

    energy in ensuring the best possible environm ent to nurture and raise her precious

    Jewish family. The crown achievement of a woman is her family. She is the

    irreplaceable foundation and cornerstone of Jewish continuity. Because of this, a

    woman has certain H alachically defined allowances that make prayer less intrusive and

    interfering with her ro le at home. I t w ould be an enormous error to say wom en are

    exempt from prayer. Women in fact are always praying for the health and welfare

    of their loved ones, whether when lighting the candles to greet the Shabbos; by the

    ritual of separating dough from the Challah; or when rocking their little ones to

    sleep. A true Jewish mother is depicted as one who drenches her Tehillim quietly in


    With this in mind, let us proceed to outline the H alachic parameters of womens

    obligations in prayer.

    The Daily PrayersD uring the course of the year, the general format of daily prayer consists of three

    main prayers; Shacharis, Mincha and Maariv. These three prayers are recited

    throughout the course of the year w ithout exception . The Mussaf Prayer is added

    8 D af 3b

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    on certain days of the year such as the three festivals, Pesach, Shavuos and Succos, and

    also on Rosh Chodesh. There is an obligation for m en to pray these prayers daily and

    to get together in groups of at least ten adults to form a M inyan. Women are not

    only exempt from praying these prayers together with a M inyan, but what is more

    significant is that they do not combine together with others to complete a M inyan.

    N evertheless, they do share the benefits of praying with a M inyan if they choose to

    attend. H owever, historically, women in general did not commonly attend a daily

    M inyan to pray. They did commonly attend prayer in shul on Shabbos and on


    Tefilla ObligationThere are various opinions and customs as to the extent o f a wom ans obligation in

    daily prayer. One opinion is that a woman is required to pray at least one time a

    day, but it doesnt have to be Shemoneh E srei. It could be any Tefilla Ketzara (shortprayer) which conforms to the basic components9 of a Tefilla (prayer).

    Sephardi women should pray at least one Shemoneh E srei; preferably Shacharis. I f a

    woman was unable to pray (daven) Shacharis until Chatzos (midday), she should pray

    M incha, or at least the Shemoneh E srei of M aariv10 . The prayers of Shemoneh E srei of

    women must follow the times for prayer for each prayer they wish to pray ( daven).

    Rav Ovadiah Y osef shli ta considers it praiseworthy for a woman to recite all three of

    the daily prayers in their correct times11.

    A woman of A shk enazi descent should pray Shacharis and M incha. Some Posk im

    require her to recite M aariv as well. The prevalent custom is to just pray Shacharisand M incha.

    A woman who is busy caring for her children or some other similar situation where

    she cannot always find time to pray (daven) is exempt from the above obligation.

    She should recite at least a T efilla K etzara (shor t prayer).

    9 See next H eading

    10 Y alkut Y osef Otzar D inim L eIsha U leBas 3:2

    11 Please refer to page 576 for a sample chart for times for Tefilla (prayer)

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    The Basic Components of Tefilla

    The Pri Megadim12 explains:

    According to the Rambam13, the M itzvah of Tefilla consists of 3 parts:

    a) Shevach (Praise): An introduction of praise

    to H ashem

    b) Bakasha (Request): A prayer asking H ashem

    to prov ide us with our needs

    c) Hodaah (Appreciation) A closing of

    additional praise and appreciation to H ashem.

    Birchas Hashachar, Birchos HaTorah

    Rav Shlomo Z alman A uerbach ztl rules that wom en who do not pray the full Shemoneh

    E srei prayers, should at least recite Bir chas H ashachar with the last section containing

    the Y ehi Ratzone (M ay it be the will). O therwise, they can recite Bi rchos H aT orah,

    which consists of a praise of Baruch A tta H ashem A sher K idshanu BeM itzvosav

    V etzivanu L aasok (or A l) D ivrei T orah; a request V eha'arev N ah (Please sweeten)

    and a praise and appreciation A sher Bachar Banu M ik ol H aamim (That You chose

    us from all the nations).

    Modeh Ani

    M odeh14 A ni (I thank) contains Praise to H ashem and an Appreciation. A woman can

    add a personal Request and with this addit ion, she has fulf illed her Torah obligation

    to pray. This works according to R av Shlomo Z alman A uerbach ztl even though the

    Request comes after the Praise and Appreciation. On the other hand, Rav Chaim

    K anievsk y shli ta is quoted as saying that the Request must be in-between the Praise

    and Appreciation. R av M oshe Shternbuch shli ta points out that one who wishes to

    consider this her prayer for the purpose of fulfilling her Torah obligation must

    have explicit intent to fulfill her M itzvah.

    12 Introduction H ilchos T efill a Simon 89

    13 H ilchos T efilla Perek 1: 2

    14 According to Rav A uerbach the correct pronunciation for w omen is M odoh A ni

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    Birchas Hamazon

    Bir chas H amazon is another way a woman can fulfill her obligation to pray. In Birchas

    H amazon all three components of tefilla are included. One would be required to

    have intent that this should count towards her obligation to pray.

    H owever, since wom en are not supposed to eat before praying (davening), how

    would it be possible for a woman to fulfill her requirement of Tefilla with Birchas

    H amazon? Perhaps this is only a practical solution for a woman who is not well and

    she is required to eat breakfast for health reasons. Such a woman can fulfill her

    obligation of Tefilla with Bi rchasH amazon if shes not well enough to daven as usual.

    Al Net illas Yadayim, Asher Yatzar and Elokaye


    Women customarily recite all these three blessings including A l N etillas Y adayim,when reciting it before praying (davening) Shemoneh E srei.

    A Womans Obligat ion in Birchos HaTorahThe M echaber15 rules that women should recite Bi rchos H aT orah. There is an issue

    whether women can say this blessing and have men fulfill their requirement by

    listening to their blessing16. The reason for this difference is because women are not

    obligated in the M itzvah of Torah study. Rav Ovadiah Y osef shlita maintains that

    women should recite Bi rchos H aT orah; but if they have a doubtful situation where

    theyre not sure whether they said Bi rchos H aT orah, they shouldnt recite it17 since

    their obligation in this bracha is at most a D eRabbanan (a Rabbinic ruling)18.

    A Womans Obligat ion in Birchos Hashachar19

    The M ishna Berura brings a proof that the Mechabers opinion is that women

    should recite Bir chos H ashachar. The proof to this is that the M echaber says in Simon

    4620 that instead of reciting the blessing She'l o A ssani I sha (Who has not made me a

    15 Shulchan A ruch O rach C haim Simon 47:14

    16 SeeShulchan A ruch O rach Ch aim end of Simon 47 and also M ishna Berura and Biur H alacha.

    17 Y alkut Y osef Otzar D inim L eIsha U leBas 2:7

    18 See also M ishna Berura in Biur H alacha who concurs with this.

    19 The arrangement of blessings recited each morning beginning with the blessing of A sher nassan L asechvi veena,

    le'havchin bein yomeuvein layla (Who the gives the heart/ rooster understanding to di scern between day and night)

    20 Seif 4

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    woman), women should recite Sheassani Kiretzono (Who made me in accordance to

    H is will). T his implies that w om en recite the rest o f the blessings as well21.

    A d iscussion w hether th e Bircho s H ashachar may be said past the tim e allott ed fo r Tefillas Shacharis (M or ning

    Prayer) is discussed by the M ishna Berura (Sim on 70 :1, M ishna Berura s

    k 2, and Simo n 52 , M ishna Berura s

    k10) A s for the op inion of the M echaber and th e opp osing view of the Rama regarding saying the blessings for

    time-bound M itzvos for w om en, see Simo n 17:2, and Simo n 589 :6.

    Birchos Hashachar: A Womans Version

    Although women should really say Shelo A ssani

    Goyah (Gentile) and Shelo A ssani Shifchah in the

    feminine instead of Shelo A ssani Goy and Shelo A ssani

    Ahved; nevertheless they recite these blessings the

    same way men recite them, since both men and

    women recite them for the same reason 22. Other Posk im maintain that they shouldsay it in the feminine; Shelo A ssani G oyah and Shelo A ssani Shi fchah. However, the

    Kaf H achaim23 quotes the sefer Olas Shabbos as saying that they should omit

    H ashems name from this blessing, since the Talmud does not mention such a

    blessing. N evertheless, one may say it using H ashems N ame, according to Ben Ish

    Chai24 and also according to the opinion of the Yalkut Yosef25. A shk enazic Posk im

    maintain that women should recite these blessing exactly as men. Rav Ovadiah Y osef

    shlita maintains that with regard to the womans special bracha of Sheassani Kiretzono,

    a woman should not mention the H ashem E lok einu M elech H aolam when saying th is

    bracha since this bracha is not mentioned by the Talmud.

    21 This seems to include the blessings of O zer Y israel B igvura and Oteir Y israel Besifara. The relevance this has to

    wom en was discussed at the end of shiur 4

    22 These blessings are to give t hanks to H ashem for creating us as Jews who are obligated to perform H is M itzvos

    and we are also sanctif ied as Jews who are one nation and marry into each other.

    23 46:42

    24 Parshas V ayeishev # 9

    25 H ilchos Bi rchos H ashachar # 6 (page 52)

    Shelo Assani Goyah,Shelo Assani Shifchah

    Shelo Assani Goy

    Shelo Assani Ah ved

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    Pesukei DeZimraRegarding Pesuk ei D eZimra, the M ishna Berura cites the opin ion of R ebbe A k iva E iger

    ztl that women are obligated to

    recite it since its entire purpose is apreparation for Shemoneh E srei, by first

    praising H ashem and asking our

    personal requests in Shemoneh E srei.

    Since women are obligated to pray

    (daven) Shemoneh E srei, they should also

    pray (daven) Pesuk ei D eZimra. H owever, the Shulchan A ruch H arav disagrees26. H e

    says that women do not have to recite Pesuk ei D eZimra; if they wish to recite it,

    they may. He maintains that they may also recite its blessings (i.e. Baruch Sheamar

    and Y ishtabach). On the other hand, Rav O vadiah Y osef shlita maintains that Sephardic

    women who follow the opinion of the M echaber27

    are not allowed to recite any ofthese brochos (blessings), since the position of the M echaber is that women are not

    allowed to recite blessings for M itzvos from which they are exempt. Only women

    from A shk enazic descent who follow the opinion of the Rama regarding blessings

    for M itzvos they voluntarily perform, may recite these blessings as well.

    Women: Birchos Krias Shema and Krias ShemaThe Mechaber states that women are exempt from Krias Shema because it is a

    M itzvas A ssei Shehazeman

    Gramma (a positive, time-

    bound M itzvah).

    The M agen A vraham adds that

    they are also exempt from the

    Birchos Krias Shema because

    they are only recited when its

    time for T efillas Shacharis. Thus, they too are considered Zeman Gramma (time-


    How Late can Women Recite Krias Shema and

    Birchos Krias Shema?As mentioned above, women do not have an obligation beyond the first pasuk of

    Shema. H owever, if they choose to recite all three parshiyos (sections) like men they

    26 Simon 70: 1. H e says the same regarding the Birchos Krias Shema

    27 See box on page 576

    W om en sho uld recite PesukeiDeZim ra wit h the opening Baruch

    Sheamar and clo sing Yishtabachbrochos, according t o mo st Poskim.

    According to Rav Ovadiah Yosefshlita, Sephardic wo men are notallowed to recite these blessings.

    W om en are exemp t fro m recitin g Krias Shem a. They are alsono t o bligated t o recite Birchos Krias Shem a (i.e. The b lessings

    of Yotzeir Ohr, Ahavah Rabba).

    They are requir ed to at least recite the first pasuk o f Shem aYisrael and Baruch Sheim Kevo de etc.

    Accord ing to m ost Poskim, w om en are allow ed to recite allthese brochos. According to Rav Ovadiah Yosef shlit a,

    Sephardic wo men are not allowed to recite these blessings.

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    are commended for doing so. In such a case, they should also recite the three

    words K eil M elech N eeman at the beginning of Krias Shema to complete the number

    of w ords in Krias Shema to 248 equal to the number of limbs in the human body28.

    Even those women who are scrupulous to recite the three parshiyos of K rias Shema

    do not have to recite it particularly in the first quarter of the day, since women are

    not obligated in this M itz vah, which is a time-bound M itzvah. If they wish to recite

    K rias Shema with its brochos, then they are required to recite it before the end of the

    fir st third o f the day, which is the ending tim e for reciting T efill as Shacharis

    Zechiras Yetzias Mitzrayim:

    Remembering the Exodus from EgyptAccording to H alacha, it is a M itzvah to remember the Exodus from Egypt (Z echir as

    Y etzias M itzrayim) twice each day; once in the morning and a second time in the

    evening. The Pri M egadim mentions that according to the view that Z echiras Y etz iasM itzrayim at night is only a M itzvah deRabbanan (a Rabbinic directive), then Z echir as

    Y etzias M itzrayim is definitely a M itzvas

    A ssei Shehazeman G ramma, since

    according to Torah-law the M itzvah is only

    in the morning; hence, women are

    exempt . H owever, the M agen A vraham29

    rules that women are required to fulf ill

    this M itzvah. Accordingly, they should recite

    the bracha of E mmes V eYatziv in the

    daytime especially if they are not reading theentire Krias Shema, in order for them to

    fulfill the M itzvah by reciting this


    O nce they are doing this already, they

    should not interrupt between the

    closing of this bracha which is G oal

    Y israel and the start of Shemoneh E srei in

    order to fulfill the M itzvah of being Somech G eulah L eTefilla (putting together the

    bracha of G oal Y israel with Shemoneh E srei). Otherwise, a woman who recites all three

    sections (parshiyos) of Krias Shema fulfills the M itzvah of Remembering our departure

    from Egypt (Z echiras Y etzias M itzr ayim) with the final verse in the third paragraph of

    28 Please refer to Roadmap to Prayer Lesson 14, page 216

    29 Simon 70:1

    W om en who recite al l 3 portionsof Krias Shema do not have to

    recite them before the ending tim efor t he M orning Shema (after 3

    H alachic hours of the day).

    If they w ish to recite Shema alongw ith Bircho s Krias Shem a, theymust recite it befo re the ending

    time for praying Shacharis (after 4H alachic hour s of th e day). Som e

    allow them to recite it until

    Chatzos (noo n). W om en are alsonot obligated to recite Birchos KriasShem a (i.e. The blessings of Yo tzeirOhr, Ahavah Rabba). According tomo st Poskim w om en are al low ed

    to recite all these brochos.

    According to Rav Ovadiah Yosefshlita, Sephardic wo men are notallow ed to recite th ese b lessings.

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    Shema. They may then recite Shemoneh E srei any time later if they dont have time to

    recite both the bracha of E mmes V eYatziv and the enti re Shemoneh E srei right now.

    The S h a agas A r y eh 30 di sagrees w i t h the M a gen A v r ah a m s interpretation of

    this H alacha citing the widespread custom amongst women not to pray (daven)formal prayers, and at the

    same time they are also not

    cautious to fulfill the M itzvah

    of Z echiras Y etzi as M itzrayim.

    H e wr ites about this laxity;

    H anach lahem leY israel, im

    einom N eviim bnei N eviim heim

    (take no notice of the

    children of Israel, for if they

    are not prophets, they arechildren of prophets)31. He

    concludes that in fact,

    women are exempt from

    the Mitzvah of Zechiras

    Yetzias Mitzrayim even if

    the M itzvah applies to both

    daytime and nighttime. The

    logic of this is that the two

    are separate M itzvos and they

    do not complement each other. If the daytime M itzvah is missed, one cannot makeup for it at night. Similarly, if the nighttime one was missed, one cannot make up

    for it in the daytime. Thus, even Z echiras Y etzi as M itz rayim is a M itzvas A ssei

    Shehazeman G ramma from which women are exempt 32.

    TachanunThe prevalent custom is that women dont recite this blessing33. Rav Ovadiah Y osef

    shlita mentions34 that it would be befitting for a woman to recite the V iduy (sin-

    confession) portion of Tachanun. The M achzeh E liyahu refers us to the original

    30 Simon 13

    31 Shabbos 148b

    32 Shaarei T eshuvah 70: 1

    33 T efill a K ehil chasa 15:5

    34 Y alkut Y osef Otzar D inim L eIsha U leBas 3:14

    W om en wh o perhaps om it the first tw o blessings beforeKrias Shem a shou ld at least recite th e blessing th at fo llow sKri as Shem a (i.e. Emm es VeYatziv) in order to fulfill the

    M itzvah of Zechiras Yetzias M itzrayim (Remem bering theExod us from Egypt) w ith it.

    After finishing the blessing of Emmes VeYatziv w ith theclosing bracha of Go al Yisrael, a w om an should pro ceed topray (daven) Shemoneh Esrei wit hout delay or int erruptionto be Somech Geulah leTefilla ( recite Shem on eh Esrei right

    after Go al Yisrael).It is better fo r a w om an to recite the first v erse of Shema

    alone; then the blessing of Emmes VeYatziv and pro ceed to

    Shemoneh Esrei; rather than recite the full 3 sections ofShema and Shem on eh Esrei w itho ut th e bracha of Em m es

    VeYatziv.According to Rav Ovadiah Yosef shlita, Sephardic

    w omen are not allowed to recite this blessing either.

    W om en should f ulfill this M itzvah at night in the samemanner as by day. In practice, W om en w ho d on t davenM aariv usually do not fulfill this M itzvah unless they aremeticulous to recite the 3 parshiyos (section s) o f Shem abefore going to bed. According to the Shaagas Ar yeh,

    women do not customary fulfill this Mitzvah, even in

    the morning.

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    reason for reciting T achanun with N efi llas A payim35 ; which is to follow the different

    manners which M oshe R abbeinu beseeched H ashem; sitting down, standing up, and

    falling to his face. Since women are exempt from the main order of prayer, they

    wouldnt fall to their faces either.

    Ashrei and Uva LeTziyoneThis prayer does not have to be recited by women. N evertheless, wom en

    comm only recite this prayer anyway; tim e permitt ing.

    Aleinu, Shir shel YomWomen m ost comm only say A leinu as a closing to whichever Tefilla they recite. The

    Song of the day (Shir shel Y om) is like A shrei and U va L eT ziyone.

    Ein KElokeinu and Pittum HaketoresWomen do not commonly recite the recital of E in K Elokeinu and PittumH aketores as it is mainly fo r men to recite for the M itzvah of Torah study. Sincewomen are not obligated to study Torah per se, they dont usually recite this portionas part of their personal prayer.

    Tefillas MussafThe Posk im (authorities on H alachic matters) discuss whether women are obligated

    in the M ussaf prayers of Rosh Chodesh and the festivals. Since the K orban M ussaf was

    brought f rom the Shek alim coin donations which men are obligated and women are

    exempt, the question arises whether women were included in the M itzvah to pray(daven) T efillas M ussaf. R ebbe A k iva E iger ztl in his notes to Shulchan A ruch36 writes

    that it is customary for wom en to recite the Shemoneh E srei of M ussaf in addition to

    Shemoneh E srei of Shacharis and M incha. Rav Ben T ziyone A bba Shaul ztl, concurs with

    this opinion even for Sephardic women. R av Ovadiah Y osef shli ta maintains that it is

    better for women not recite T efill as M ussaf on their own. They should rather listen

    to the Shaliach Tzibbur and fulfill the M itzvah through listening. H e adds that i f a

    Sephardi women wishes to recite T efil las M ussaf on her own she is permitted. On

    Rosh H ashanah and Yom Kippur where M ussaf is also a contains special prayers for

    personal matters, a woman is required to recite them. Likewise, women should

    recite the N e

    ilah Prayer on Yom Kippur37


    35 Falling on ones face which we do by leaning on our forearm

    36 Simon 106

    37 Y alkut Y osef Otzar D inim L eIsha U leBas 5:5

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    HallelWomen are exempt from reciting H allel on R osh C hodesh and other festivals,

    because it is a M itzvas A ssei Shehazeman G ramma (a time-bound M itzvah). Women

    are obligated to recite H allel at the Seder on Pesach night. Some Poskim requirewomen to recite H allel on Chanukah as well38. Rav Ovadiah Y osef shli ta holds that

    women are not ob ligated to recite Hallel except on the night of Pesach (Passover).

    O n R osh Chodesh, Chanukah or other Y omim T ovim (Festivals) Sephardi women who

    recite H allel should not recite the blessing at its beginning or its end39.

    Tefilla Priorit ies for WomenWomen who are busy with their children at home are exempt from the M itzvah of

    prayer at that time. Therefore, if need be, they can skip the prayer at that time of

    day. If they will have some time to pray some parts of tefilla but not all, she should

    plan to recite as much as she can, according to the following order of importanceand priorities.

    P R I O R I T I E S :

    I . Shem oneh Esrei

    II. First v erse of Shema and Baruch Sheim Kev ode M alchusso etc.

    III. Em m e s V eYatziv until t he end (Go al Yisrael) w ith Shem on eh Esrei im m ediatelyafterw ards.

    IV. Bircho s H ashachar and Birchos H aTorah w ith the selection of v erses.

    V. The com plete Shem a and the tw o bro chos that precede i t (according to m ost

    Poskim).V I. Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabach w ith at least A shrei in-betw een (accord ing to

    m o st Po skim , see details abov e).

    Davening Shemoneh Esrei w hile Standing or

    SittingIt is always preferable to pray (daven) Shemoneh E srei while one is standing in one

    place. H owever, at times it becomes necessary to allow Shemoneh E srei to be recited

    while seated. If one doesnt have enough time in the day to pray before traveling

    one can use the time during travel to pray (daven) Shemoneh E srei even while seated.

    If however a woman knows that she could pray (daven) most of davening up until

    Shemoneh E srei and then pray (daven) Shemoneh E srei while traveling and seated, she

    38 T oras Raphael Orach Chaim 75, M oadim U Z emanim 2:146. See also Iggros M oshe Volume 1:190 who mentions

    such an obligation.

    39 Y alkut Y osef Otzar D inim L eIsha U leBas 5:4

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    should rather pray (daven) Shemoneh E srei at home even though she will have to skip

    most of the regular davening, parts of which she cannot recite after Shemoneh E srei.

    This is true even if this will prevent her from being able to be Somech G eulah


    Act ivities one must Refrain from before

    DaveningA woman who prays (davens) at home should not involve herself in any activities

    before praying (davening) first. This includes activities that take time to perform such

    as many household chores. She may however perform activities that do not take

    time such as turning the washing machine on, when everything was already placed

    inside the washer the night before. If a wom an needs to care for her young children

    to help feed them breakfast or get them off to school, she may do so even if this

    will delay her davening. If taking care of her childrens needs takes up all her timefo r davening, thats a priori ty, which exempts her from that prayer altogether.

    A woman who serves her husband breakfast is also considered a priority in prayer

    and she should not delay him because of her prayer.

    Eating before Praying (Davening)There is a H alacha (Jewish Law) that anyone who is already Bar/ Bat M itzvah that

    they not eat or drink in the morning before praying (davening) first. Children under

    that age may eat before praying (davening) even if they are physically strong enough

    to wait to eat breakfast until after praying (davening). The general M itzvah of Chinuch

    (training children in M itzvos at age-appropriate times) doesnt apply to eating before

    praying (davening), just like with regard to eating before Kiddush on Shabbos40.

    Therefore, children may eat breakfast before satisfying their requirement in the

    M itzvah of Tefilla (prayer).

    Girls Who Pray (Daven) in SchoolGirls who are already Bas M itzvah who pray (daven) in school and do not have time

    to eat breakfast there, may recite a short Tefilla (prayer) at home before leaving for

    school allowing them to eat breakfast before davening the rest of T efil las Shachari s.

    The short Tefilla (prayer) should consist of 3 parts as explained earlier in this lesson.

    40 Simon 106 M ishna Berura k 5

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    Kiddush on Shabbos: Eating before KiddushOn Shabbos the law is that one may not eat or drink anything before Kiddush41 .

    There is also a prohibition that one should not eat or drink before praying

    (davening)42. Beverages that are drunk mainly for their health benefit and not for thesake of enjoyment are not prohibited before praying (davening) Shacharis in the

    morning. For example, coffee is a drink that people usually drink to help them

    function better in the morn ing and is commonly drunk before praying (davening).

    When one wishes to drink or eat something on Shabbos morning, one is only

    allowed to drink something before Kiddush if one is presently not allowed to eat a

    meal yet. Since the M itzvah of Kiddush requires that it be accompanied by a meal

    (K iddush B emak om Seudah) one only becomes obligated in the M itzvah of Kiddush at

    such a time. Since one may not eat a meal before praying ( davening) in the morning,

    at that time the obligation of Kiddush has not yet begun because of the prohibition

    to eat a meal before praying (davening), thus creating a leniency allow ing one to dr ink

    something before Kiddush. Accordingly, a woman that intends to pray (daven)

    Shacharis later in the morning may drink something before Kiddush on Shabbos

    since she anyhow may not partake in a meal until after Shacharis. On the other hand

    women who generally fulfill their obligation to pray by reciting just a short prayer as

    mentioned earlier in this lesson, R av Shlomo Z alman A uerbach ztl rules that such

    women become obligated in Kiddush since they already satisfied their obligation of

    prayer. If such a woman wants to drink something on Shabbos morning before

    Kiddush should be careful not to recite any blessing before drinking on Shabbos

    morning. Otherwise, they would become obligated in Kiddush since they already

    fulfilled their obligation to pray and as a result they would become obligated torecite Kiddush first. 43

    41 Simon 289: 1

    42 Simon 89: 3

    43 See Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchaso quoting Rav A uerbch extensively in Volume 2 Chapter 52:13 and in the footnotes.

    H e also mentions that unless one intends to eat a considerable amount of fo od as in a case of one who is ill, one

    should not make Kiddush for food considered to be just a snack. Rav M oshe Feinstein zt l has a different view

    regarding a married woman.

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    Questions:1) H ow can women fulfill their obligation to pray (daven)?

    2) D o men share the same H alachos regarding these various combinations for themorning prayers (T efil las Shachar is)?

    3) Which of the following may a woman recite after praying (davening) Shemoneh

    E srei? 1) Pesuk ei D eZimra including its brochos. 2) 3 sections of Shema including

    its brochos.

    4) I s it better for a woman to recite Shemoneh E srei on the bus while sitting down

    and praying (davening) all of Shacharis according to it s regular order, or is it better

    for a woman to skip Krias Shema and its brochos in order to recite Shemoneh E srei

    at hom e while standing?

    5) What should a woman pray (daven) in order to be permitted to eat breakfast at

    home before praying (davening) the regular order of Shacharis in school?

    6) W hat did H ashem do by Creation which specif ically taught us the signif icance of

    Tefilla (prayer)?

    7) A re women obligated to recite Bi rchos H aT orah? If they do, can they say it to be

    motzee (fulfill) a mans obligation?

    8) Should women recite Bir chos H ashachar? What is an obvious proo f to th is?

    9) Should women recite Pesuk ei D eZimra with the opening and closing brochos?

    10) H ow late can a wom an recite the brochos for Krias Shema?

    11) H ow late can a woman recite Shemoneh E srei of Shacharis?

    12) What does the Shaagas A ryeh comment with regard to a wom ans obligation in

    the M itzvah of Z echiras Y etzias M itz rayim?

    13) A re women obligated in the M itzvah of reciting H allel at any time that H allel is

    recited during the course of the year?

    14) Why is E mmes V eYatziv considered a high priority for an A shk enazi woman to

    recite according to all Rabbinical A uthorit ies (Posk im)?

    15) M ay a child that is of Chinuch-age allowed to eat before praying (davening)?

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    16) M ay a child that is of Chinuch-age allowed to eat before Kiddush on Shabbos


    17) When is a wom an not even allowed to drink water befo re reciting K iddush on

    Sahbbos morning even before praying (davening) T efil las Shachari s?

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    Answers:1) They can f ulfill it either by reciting a Tefilla Ketzara (short prayer) consisting of a

    Praise to H ashem, a Request, and an Appreciation, according to some

    Rabbinical Authorities (Posk im). According to other Posk im, women should

    make an eff ort to recite at least the Shemoneh E srei of Shacharis and M incha.

    2) N o. M en are generally required to follow the basic order of reciting Pesuk ei

    D eZimra, three sections of Shema along with all its brochos, followed

    immediately by Shemoneh E srei.

    3) After reci ting Shemoneh E srei, even women may not recite the brochos fo r Pesuk ei

    D eZimra. They may however, recite the three sections of Shema along with its


    4) If a woman can pray (daven) Shemoneh E srei at hom e while standing after sunrise

    (H aN eitz H achamah), she should do so even if this causes her to pray (daven) the

    rest of Shacharis out of order.

    5) She should first pray (daven) a T efilla K etzara as outlined in A nswer # 1.

    6) H ashem created the vegetation on the 3rd day of Creation, yet H e didnt bring

    the rain to make it grow until Adam saw the need and prayed ( davened) to

    H ashem for rain. Th is teaches us the impor tance of prayer.

    7) Women reci te Bi rchos H aT orah. It is questionable though whether theirparticipation in this bracha is sufficient to help be motzee (fulfill) a mans

    obligation through her recital of the bracha.

    8) Women do reci te Bir chos H ashachar as it is evident from the special bracha that

    only wom en recite; the bracha Sheassani Kiretzono.

    9) There is a dispute amongst the recent Rabbinical A uthor ities (Posk im) whether

    Sephardi women are permitted to recite the brochos for Pesuk ei D eZimra.

    10) A wom an should preferably not recite the brochos fo r Krias Shema past the

    regular time for morning Prayers (T efillas Shacharis) which is at the end of thefourth H alachic H our of the day. If necessary, she may recite them as late as

    Chatzos (midday).

    11) The same as in the previous answer (Answer # 10).

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    12) H e comm ents that women in general are not meticulous in perfo rming the

    M itzvah of Z echiras Y etzias M itz rayim. H e explains that the reason for this is

    because it is a M itzvas A ssei Shehazeman Gramma (a commandment which

    requires that it be performed within a certain time) from which women are


    13) Women are generally exempt f rom reciting H allel (although they commonly do)

    except for the night of Pesach. Some Rabbinical Authorities (Posk im) maintain

    that women are obl igated to recite H allel on Chanukah as well.

    14) E mmes V eYatziv contains in it the commemoration of remembering our

    Exodus from Egypt (Z echiras Y etzias M itz rayim) which is obligatory for women

    according to some Rabbinical Authorities (Posk im).

    15) Yes, except that he should recite Shema first.

    16) Yes.

    17) A wom an who does not intend to pray (daven) Shemoneh E srei of Shacharis, and

    she already satisfied her obligation to pray (daven) by saying a short prayer

    (Tefilla Ketzara), she may not even drink water before reciting Kiddush since she

    became obligated to recite Kiddush with her short Tefilla.