rigging tutorial by mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u

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  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    [1] Introduction ..pg3

    The Idea of Rigging

    ... pg3

    [2] The Windows you Need pg3-4

    PMDeditor Command Windows . pg3

    PMXeditor Command Windows . Pg4

    [3] Rigging Strength pg5-8

    [4] LetsTry Rigging! . pg9-16

    [5] Mirroring Rigging pg17-19

    [6] Afterword pg19

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Just so you guys all know, Im pretty crappy at rigging, but I can still show you the principles of rigging.

    MMDFakewings18has aRigging chart/guidewith tips uploaded in their gallery, so viewing that deviation may also

    be a good idea as well as using this tutorial. Or you can just use that one instead because I m bad at rigging.

    This tutorial may only focus more on PMDeditor than PMX, but does include the command windows that you need.

    In other words the process is the same as when you rig in PMDeditor. You just have a lot of Japanese looming at you

    instead of English.

    The Idea of Rigging

    The idea of rigging is to make sure that you can move a part properly and/or how it should move if it was in real life.

    For example, Miku being able to bend her elbow, Neru being able to walk when you move her leg bones, Skirt bones

    being able to move out of the way of a models legs and so on.

    However, rigging just doesnt include your .pmd/.pmx model.It can also be stage in the same format (e.g. movable

    doors), hair, clothes, props and so on.

    PMDeditor Command Windows

    You need the Ver/Mat window open (V) and the Weight window (W) on the Me area to be open.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    You also need the B for Bone selected on the Sel area and the little green thing on at the bottom (near the bone


    PMXeditor Command Windows

    Its thesame set up, you need the MA Window and the Weight Window. Talso still stands for Transformation View.

    Sorry, but this is all I can really help you with, with the PMXeditor screen because I only know where the options are

    (Ive never rigged in it), but it should be the same principle. Just dont touch anything other than the same

    commands used in this tutorial.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Okay. The most important thing to remember is that you must be clear on the strength of the rigging when trying to

    rig an item to a models bones.

    For example, this hair is being rigged to the head bone (for now) without any additional bones. Lets see how well it


    Strength Transformation View T Comments0


    [Not Rigged

    at All]

    The back is rigged 100% to the head bone.

    However, the hair at the front isnt rigged at all.


    Bright Blue

    [Not Rigged

    at All]

    The entire section of the bangs is no longer

    rigged to the head bone;


    Darker Blue

    When rigged at 10, the hair moves a little bit

    with the head bone.

    WellActually it does a weird twitch.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u



    Even Darker




    Annnnd. This is what happens if you miss a bit.

    Dont worry, if this happens. All you need to do

    is go back and make sure all those minions

    vertices are the same colour.

    See the two little blue bits I missed in between

    the indigo at the top?

    Dont worry. Once you make them the same

    colour theyll all move together.




    Woooo. Were almost there!

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u











  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u






    It is important to take note of the rigging strength when attempting to rig a part to a modelor even an entire

    model. As usual, I advise to you to look at the rigging of other models to see how they were rigged e.g. animasa

    Miku. As it may help you.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    On second thoughts lets not. Today, Ive decided that Im sick of using hair as examples. So, instead we are going to

    use a lovely outfit top, which Ive deleted the rigging off of. I wonder how that happened.

    ((Note: I really am only doing the top part in this tutorial))

    Original No Bones = No Rigging

    Anyway.Im saving it as an .x file because Ive cleaned off all the bones and unnecessary MA and this out hates me

    for some reason. Now, to rig this top, Im actually (I wrote actualling before) going to use an base model to rig

    this top to.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Now, in order to open my top file (which is saved as .x), all I do is drag the file to the MA section (or the screen where

    the model is, which seems to work just as well). I click addand make it x10. If your file is a .pmd file, you probably

    dont have to worry about the x10 option because its already the correct size for you.

    Excuse me while, I edit the top to fit Rin. Also, please stop staring at her underwear.

    Now, Im just going to adjust her sleeves. Ill cover editing the sleeves so they fit a model properly some other time.

    Okay this will do for now. Ill delete her skin problems later.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Okay. So thats more or less done.

    Youll need the following windows open.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    You have to make sure that the materials of the part that you want to rig are selected. So in my case itsMA0-MA3

    after MA16. If I had the little green icon on ( ), the selected MAs would be highlighted.

    Anyway, select the bone that you want to rig the material onto, in my case its Rins upper body bone first (in

    accordance with MMDFakewings18s rigging guide).

    Press Go on the Weighting Window and this lovely stuff will appear. Now, very quickly, I just want to outline what the first

    commands on the Weight window are.

    If youve used my Bone Tutorial (or if you already know all about bones), youll instantly notice that the weight window

    shows the selected bones Parent and Child bones respectively. By using these arrows, you can actually jump to the next

    bone. So if you want to rig the neck next, click the bottom optionwhich lists the Child bone of the selected bone.


    If you cannot select the bone for

    some reason then use

    PMDeditors Main Window, and

    select the bone through the

    BON tab.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Lets move onto rigging the actual top now. Im going to rig the ENTIRE top at a 100 on the Upper Body bone.

    Now to test our rigging; lets go to Tat the top of the screen. Tstands for Transformation View.

    You can test posing the model here, test their expressions and their rigging. In PMXeditor you can also test a models

    physics as well. Well.VMD view on PMDeditor can do that, but its not very good. Anyway, Im going to bend Rins

    spine back now.

    Make sure that you select all the vertices

    because if they are not red then it means that

    they arent rigged!

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Okay. I was kinda hoping that this would happen. THIS is what happens when you miss just one vertex. However, donot worry when this happens. All you need to do is return to the model window (where you are rigging the top) and

    rig the rogue vertex.

    All better for now. However, remember that we have

    only rigged the topto her upper body bone. She

    currently doesnt have any arm rigging for her top.

    As shown in the picture across.

    Dont even ask what she is doing. I do weird things to

    models when Im testing them.

    Anyway, moving on, the next thing that we should rig is her neck area. So select her neck bone and start rigging that

    areadont worry if you make a mistake e.g. rig too low so it goes into the Upper Body bone area, just re-rig it once

    you are done rigging the neck area.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Also, just so you know, I tend to add in percentage of rigging later on (e.g. 50, 60, 80)you can rig it in percentages

    if you like, this is just how I do it.

    Next, lets rig a shoulder area (or whatever that bone is).

    Now her Arm Bone. Oh and a tiny tip. Its always good to try and rig below the position of the bone.

    Then her Elbow bone is next. Try to make sure that there is PLENTY of vertices there, else itll bend ugly. Trust me,when you see it, youll never want to ever again.

    And finally, Im going to rig part of her sleeve to her wrist bone because that looks creepy otherwise. (FYI, I forgot to

    take a picture of her sleeves having black vertices, so I stole it from one of the pictures above).

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Congratulations. You just rigged a sleeve, collar and main part of the top.

    Now thats sexy isnt it?However, itd be even better if

    her right sleeve could also have the same rigging as her Left,

    now wouldnt it.

    I could be cruel and say that you have to rig the other side

    exactly, but Ill be kind and tell you a little secret.

    You can Mirror rigging, just like how you can Mirror Bones

    and Mirror entire models/parts.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Go back to your model like this, without selecting a bone and without

    having the weight option on (just click Go again to turn it off). Now select

    the bones that you WANT to rig the top to.

    In this case, Ive ALREADY rigged her sleeves to her Left Arm, but I want

    to rig them TO her Right Arm. So I select all of her Arm bones on her

    Right side like so.

    Next go to Edit > Weight and go to Select Half -> Models Right (in my


    Ooohhh. Look at the lovely orange stuff. Anyway, go back to where you were before and select Weight from Half.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    Click go on the little box that pops up and once it is done (youll know because

    itll disappear), your sleeve (or whatever) should now also be rigged to the

    models Right Arm as well as the Left, as you rigged it previously!

    And the rigging process is now complete for her upper body bones. Obviously,

    it is advised that you make percentages, but Im not very good at them

    sometimes. Rigging in percentages will basically make the way the part bends

    smoother and realistic.

    However, I am not quite done yet. Because of where her top is, I m going to have to also rig the lower part of her top

    to her Lower Body bone.

    Okay. Now Im done rigging. Im going to test the rigging in MMD now, but for the purpose of showing the rigging, I ll

    make Rin herself invisible because Im too lazy to fix her skin issues at the moment.

  • 5/24/2018 Rigging Tutorial by Mmdyesbutterfly-d5fcv5u


    As you can see it is rigged, however some parts of it arent exactly very smooth. You can solve this by rigging in

    percentages. Also, some motion datas will bend the models limbs strangely so make sure to also use various ones

    to see if its your rigging or the motion data twisting your models arm strangely.

    If I was you, Id refer more to MMDFakewings18sguide on riggingif you want to understand percentages because

    although I can rig this far, Im not actually very good at smoothing them yet.

    However, another piece of advice I can give you is to look at the bases/models rigging on its body and try to imitate

    it on the part you wish to rig as it is easier. This works for all parts which you want to rig, and will prove useful for

    when you want to (re)rig something like trousers and shorts.

    If in doubt, I normally try 100% first and then lower it, if the rigging looks off and see what looks best as I go along.

    So yes, this concludes this tutorial. I know that itsshort and probably isnt as in-depth as the others, but hopefully it

    should get you started somewhere.

    Hope that this helps you at least understand rigging a little bit better if nothing else.

    Dont worry. At some point (whenever that will be), when Im a little bit more better at rigging I will update this

    tutorial, but until then I hope that this is still useful to you.

    Ah yes, just one little thing I want to add on here. If you want to stop something being rigged then use 0% - its the

    same as when its got black vertices.

    Thank you for reading!

    - Butterfly19-09-12
