rhonalpenergie -environnement regional energy and environment agency www. raee.org

RHONALPENERGIE -ENVIRONNEMENT Regional energy and environment agency www. raee.org

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Regional energy and environment agency

www. raee.org


• 5 650 000 inhabitants

• 44 000 km2

• 2 879 communes

• 8 Départements

• 3 urban areas :





• Promotion of the rational use of energies and renewable energies

• Conservation of resources and protection of the environnement


• Non-profit association created in 1977

• ~ 40 members (Regional Council, counties, local authorities, energy supplier, associations etc.)


• Local authorities and associated bodies :

towns, gathering of communes, of urban areas ,

associations of communes

• Social housing

• Health sector : hospital, old people’s homes, etc…

• Intermediary consultants bodies :

architects, consultants

• Firms, in the framework of a territorial approach (ex. : Regional Nature Park)

LEVELS OF SERVICES1. Exchanges and resources centre– Regional observatory,

– Information, training,

– Actions of collective development monitoring (technological, organisational, European orientations,…)

– Member of national and European networks (RARE et FEDARENE)

– Support to regional networks of actors, creation of tools for these networks and support for professionnalisation.

2. Accompagnying contracting authorities– Accompagnying contracting authorities for the setting up of operations and the follow-up,

– Follow-up of pilot or experimental operations in emerging departments or sectors,

– Evaluation of projects.

3. Accompagnying programmes or collective actions at the territory level– Participation to the implementation of national or European policies at the territory level;

– Participation to the implementation of regional programmes;

– Participation to the setting up and the implementation of local innovative programmes;

– Evaluation of programmes and policies.



Management and energy conservation at the territory level– Local policies (town, territories, regional nature parks) : energy planning, development of energy departments ;

– Assessment of investment policies for works in energy savings ;

– Role of actors (contractual relations, local authorities, licensors and law aspects)

Rational use of energy (energy efficiency)– Energy savings and demand approach (studies, global energy audits) ;

– Electricity Demand Side Management ;

– Efficient technologies : District Heating, CHP ;

– Support to energy management : technical management, maintenance contracts, energy accounting

– High environmental quality buildings (local authorities, hospital, secondary schools, housing,…)

– Cluster and Effinergie Label


Renewable energies

– Wood energy (large wood energy plants, regional promotion plan)

– Methanisation and biogas

– Wind energy

– Solar thermal energy

(bioclimatic architecture, direct solar floor heating, solar water heating)

– Photovoltaic

– Micro hydropower


Global approach at the territory level– Local Agenda 21

–Integration of sustainable development or role of territory integration in sectorial policies (Energy, Environnement) in local policies (structural funds, town policies, territories, regional nature parks, planners)

– High environmental quality for development areas

– Environmental attestation.

Air quality and ex post treatment

– Fight against greenhouse effect,

– Treatment of urban pollution (alternative fuels)

– Collect and waste recycling


– Voluntary Urban Transport Plan,

– Alternative solutions.


Network– FEDARENE (European Federation of Regional Energy and Environment Agencies)

Projects in the framework of European programmes DG TREN (Directorate General for Energy and Transport),

– Energy Intelligent for Europe (EIE)

–SAVE : specific actions for a vigorous energy efficiency

–ALTENER : specific actions for the promotion of renewable energies

– 6th P.C.R.D. : Framework Programme for Research and Development

Other General Directorate

– DG ENVIRO : expert (climatic change, environment programme)

– DG REGIO : regional policies

- INTERREG A (France-Italy) and B (Alpine Space)

Direct setting up of projects or assistance to partners of the

Rhône-Alpes region (social housing companies, associations in Départements, etc…).