rex plays "the apocalypse" - 2

Rex Plays “The Apocalypse” (2) Gloria and Simon

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Post on 16-Aug-2015



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Rex Plays “The Apocalypse”

(2) Gloria and Simon

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Welcome back. If you’re reading this, then I completed this chapter and have uploaded it (title slides don’t really change… just look at the last update with the outdated apocalypse name). Last time, my founder Ben lifted culinary and hopelessness while his wife, Kaylynn Spitizg, lifted medical. They had to kids, Gloria and Simon, who will go on to lift a couple restrictions themselves. My intentions for generation two are broad: law, science, education, athletic, and gamer. Slacker and politics if I can lift law.

Chapters are going to remain big for the time being. I want all my play time on a given day to reflect itself in the size of the chapter (so if a lot is done, a lot is put out).

Ready, set, go!

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“It sucks so hard being the only sane adult in the house!”

Well you signed up for this. Maybe if you had your kids earlier, we would have a teenager already to run the house.

“But I would have had to quit my job!”

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I like you. You’re already skilling autonomously.

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Having a kid in the house means I need some cheap beds. Luckily there’s no restriction on bedding and wood-type so I can at least having some nice looking cheap beds.

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“This is sooo boring.”

You are literally the worst family sim ever. Just enjoy the fact that you can teach Simon some important skills.

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Gloria’s everyday clothing. It isn’t so bad, but I hate that hair on her.

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I’m not sure if there’s a rule against toddler skilling, but I don’t think I’m breaking it.

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“I brought a friend home.”

Oh no…

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“You’re in an apocalypse? I’m in an apocalypse, too. We just haven’t been played in a while.”

“Yeah, didn’t you guys accidentally cheat or something.”


This is Indra West, the generation three heir of the apocalypse I was originally playing in this neighbourhood. Litter box and all that. She’s their only heir because her mom was scared to death by her grandparents. She was being raised by her uncles and father when I realized my mistake.

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Indra knocked over the trash when she realized I had failed her.

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I hate that the wolves can just waltz right in. STOP DESTROYING MY FURNITURE, GODAMNIT!

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“What, it’s a nice doggy.”

I swear to god, if you turn into a werewolf I will set you in a pose and starve you to death out here.

“You would have to be able to control your elders first.”

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“None for you, Rudy.”

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And yes, they were trying for baby. I made sure to check.

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“Jesus friggin christ, just say mommy.”

She’s on her last nerve. She’s at that family sim point where she fears having another kid.

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Look at that adorable little banana! He’s going to grow up cute.

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You’re going to wear down your energy.

“Which means I can sleep more and not be a burden!”

I still like you. Very smart little sim I have.

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And Simon is a child!

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“YAY! Snow day!”

No. Snow days are not good. You only have a limited time at school!

They literally had two in a row. They need those high level wants so they can grow up platinum into teenagers.

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“Gloria, why is daddy naked?”

“Just repress the memory, Simon. Just repress the memory.”

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They might as well be friends if they’re going to live together for life.

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The penguin was side-shuffling out of the lot instead of going forward. This would have made a better video than photo.

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“Mommy, I got an A+!”

“I got one first, Simon. Get over yourself.”

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Bam! Teenage Gloria.

She rolled pleasure and wants to be a professional part guest. Her turn ons are formal and black hair, turn off is glasses. Her hobby is fitness.

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And now we have our first bug infestation. Lovely.

“Can’t I just spray them?”

Not without science.

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I’m not even sure if this is raising her fun, but she’s into fitness so I guess it counts. Whenever someone is done with it, I move the table and radio to the roof to avoid dancing.

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Elder Kaylynn! Another sim I can’t control.

“I’m going to mess so much stuff up.”

Just try it. I can call you over to the ground and freeze you out.

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For a couple days, Gloria was the only sim I could have run the house. I felt bad for her.

“No he didn’t.”

You’re right, I didn’t. I just had to play by the rules.

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Teenage Simon.

He rolled romance and also wants to be a professional party guest. He likes hats and brown hair over logic. His hobby is cuisine.

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I was going to send Simon to bookcase a few skills, but it turns out I can’t because they don’t raise fun. Instead I have to stick to the chess table.

“We need a pet.”

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Simon’s first choice of pet was Rudy, but he destroyed the furniture (like a dick) so I chased him off.

“Oh my god, Rudy. Don’t read my diary!”

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Then there was Rover. It took a while to get Rover as a friend, but it was worth it… unfortunately, this isn’t the slide he moved in on.

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It took a couple days before I could get this dog to move in (I kept waiting with the camera at the sidewalk to see if he would pass by and then would send Simon out).

Rover got a job in Pet Show Business. It was the first to show up. I get that I should have gone for Service Pet, but I really want my teens to be able to skill if they can’t go to school.

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Oh crap, Rover died. I guess we won’t be lifting Pet Show Biz anytime soon.

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Level 2 of 4

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I’ve also been looking for potential spouses for Gloria. While it would make more sense (with slacker locked) for Simon to be the heir, I would prefer Gloria since I can get started on generation three sooner.

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Level 3

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And at 77 days, Ben died. Lucky for me he was playing catch with the random dude Gloria was befriending.

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He left a decent amount in inheritance. I was dwindling to pay the life of crime restriction every Sunday until Rover moved in, so it’s nice to have a buffer for a while.

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Pet Show Business is unlocked! Child sims can learn how to do homework and all young sims now can skill from non-fun objects! Suck it apocalypse…. Which I consented to do… so this is all my fault anyways… I’ll be quiet now.

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Ironically, Rover lifted PSB the same day Gloria was set to become a teenager, so it didn’t really matter that much for her.

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“Hey random lady, take our dog.”

“I’m senile so I do as I’m told.”

I’ve read a few apocalypses where people do this so don’t fault me if it’s against the rules.

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BAM! Adulthood. Gloria didn’t grow up well, but she didn’t have her aspiration decimated by the never go to college fear.

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And the first job in the newspaper is education. It’s not my top priority out of my broad list, but it’s on there. I will keep looking everyday.

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Following this, I originally had a series of slides where she tried to woo Komei Tellerman, but that failed. There was a second sim she went after, but that also failed. They’re going to remain friends of the family until I find a yes-man.

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Finding said yes-man took a couple days. This is Thomas Taylor.

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Thomas is a fortune sim who wants to own 5 businesses. He’s a scoprio (6/5/8/3/3) who likes good cooks who are creative and not red hair. He’s coming in already in the athletic career as a starter (I think level 4 or so). I don’t know his hobby because he has yet to discover it.

They won’t consummate their marriage until further along in her career when she gets a couple days off again.

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Then there was adulthood for Simon. He grew up happy because he maxed a skill.

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And the stereo is back from the roof so Taylor can skill.

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Ugh is right. The first job in the paper was journalism. That I can’t go without for a while. It’s still a job, though.

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LEVEL 5 and LEVEL 3 respectively.

Ironically, Taylor ends up with a couple days off at some point while Gloria works everyday.

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To boost his creativity, I caved and got the computer. I have someone on here constantly writing a novel so they don’t play games.

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It’s enough to get the career object up on the roof.

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Oh goddamnit! Kaylynn died at 73 days in the middle of the freaking house!

“Told you I would ruin everything.”

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Yes! It took a couple days, but I found him a job in law! I also chose to recycle this newspaper instead of saving it in the inventory because why not. What’s the worst that could happen?

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LEVEL 2 (this is also his everyday wear)

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I think Gloria is at level 7 now. Either way, it was a Thursday after her work hours so I let them try for baby so I could have a kid born by Sunday.

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Maybe this was LEVEL 7 or 8, but either way, it was Friday and she was for sure pregnant by now.

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Yup, for sure pregnant.

“Boy, that was good timing.”

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Finally, a ghost! Now go away… I don’t want my sims scared to death before something is unlocked. Especially Gloria since she is (a) so close to lifted education and (b) pregnant. Also, it would make Taylor unable to lift athletic unless he married Simon and they had kids.

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What are you doing?

“Looking for a new job.”

But you have law.

“But come Monday, someone will have to care for that baby while Gloria works. And Taylor doesn’t have days off until Tuesday.”


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LEVEL 6 here. Chance card gone wrong. Damnit.

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Also I finally cleared out Taylor’s career inventory to get the punching bag.

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Bump 2

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If you die, I swear to god!

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Back to LEVEL 7

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Thank god. I thought Kaylynn had screwed me over where she died.

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Baby time!

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This is Melody Whitehall. Virgo (10/1/8/3/10). Maybe she will lift music. Probably not because I need a sim in law.

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“Hey, I can see my ghost v-”

Please go away now.

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“Hi, yeah, I have to quit my job…. Yeah, my sister and brother-in-law are much higher in their careers and those lifts can’t be just thrown away.”

I’m so sorry.

“For me or you.”

For me.

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Another demotion. Or maybe this was the demotion. I don’t even remember how it. I’m still confused on what level he even started at.

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“Guess what.”


“Nope. Life of crime today.”

Just take it. I don’t even care anymore. That can get a mild annoyance out of the way.

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LEVEL 8 maybe?

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LEVEL 9, I think

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Toddler Melody!

She has her dad’s nose… oh boy.

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I can at least make her dad useful while he has time off.

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No wait, this was level 10… I’m so confused by myself. Whatever, education lifted. College unlocked once military is lifted, but for now teens can go to school. Will probably end up sending them to college and bringing them home once military is up.

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LEVEL 4! This for sure is level four because I know I can count this one.

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Child Melody

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Now to work on more generation 3 before it’s too late.

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“You are so lucky. You get to skill whatever you need AND go to high school.”

“Uncle Simon, why are you bitter?”

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Up to LEVEL 9. I know because the next picture is him prepping for his final skills in charisma.

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“Ew, don’t touch me.”

“But mother! I am your child!”

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I don’t care if it goes against the artist rules, I need that useless junk on the desk to prevent sims from putting homework there.

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Pregnancy two. Now she has to quit her job.

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So Simon is far up enough in criminal that I might as well stop looking for a new job. He’s going to lift it no matter what.

Melody will probably be my law sim unless otherwise specified.

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I love that she can actually learn some useful skills besides logic.

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Might as well pull out the stereo. I hope townies dancing to it isn’t against the rules, because then it has been broken like three times.

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And this was the next slide I was talking about. Thomas needs those charisma skills to unlock athletic.

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Bump 2

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WOO! LEVEL 10 of athletic! I can now do a lot of things like move around objects (that aren’t tombstones).

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Also do this!

“Daddy, this feels unsafe!”

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Baby time!

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And here is Natalia Whitehall. I have no idea what her personality is because I have yet to age her up.

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“I’m no longer the only child!”

Yes, and you may end up being the heir, but just in case…

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Let’s have one final lullaby to knock out 3 restrictions in the upcoming generation.

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So here are the stats so far:

Lifted:Ben – Hopelessness, CulinaryKaylynn – MedicalRover – Pet Show BusinessGloria – EducationThomas – Athletic

In Progress:Simon – Criminal

Desired Next Lifts:Melody – LawNatalia – Military?? – PoliticsSpouse - Science

No Sim in Place:BusinessArchitectureGamerJournalismLaw EnforcementSlackerPet ServicePet SecurityOceanographyMusicEntertainmentDanceIntelligenceNatural ScienceArtistShow BusinessParanormal

AdventureAlien Technology