revolution eller evolution i læring og undervisning

Præsentation på Inspirationsmøde på Teknisk-Merkantil Højskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] Revolution eller evolution i læring og undervisning Implementering af Learning Analytics og åbne læringsressourcer i undervisning - eller ny opgavetyper, ny målemetoder og nyt læringsudbytte - - eller small data og big data i klasseværelset - An avalance is cominghttp :// -is-coming-higher-education-and-the-revolution-ah ead The revolution aheadPeople expect to be able to work, learn and study whenever and wherever they want to” (NMC Horizon Report 2012 Higher Education, 2012) Online education is creating a ”revolution” driven by “the pen and the mouse, and will completely change the world. The new possibilities afforded by today`s technology have created “the biggest change in education since the invention of the printing press.” Anant Agarwal, president of edX ”The Data Tsunami hits higher education” Simon Buckingham Shum “The true potential of the internet has not yet produced a Kuhnian shift in higher education. But it`s getting closer. With developments of the last decade, higher education is now at the point where perspectives have enlarged and blurring shapes of education to come can be seen: distributed, unbundled/fragmented, alternative assessment schemes, global, and greater commercial involvementGeorge Siemens

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Oplæg på inspirationsdag, Teknisk-Merkantil Højskole, VIA, Horsens


  • 1. Revolution eller evolution i lring og undervisning Implementering af Learning Analytics og bne lringsressourcer i undervisning - eller ny opgavetyper, ny mlemetoder og nyt lringsudbytte - eller small data og big data i klassevrelset People expect to be able to work, learn and study The revolution ahead whenever and wherever they want to (NMC Horizon Report 2012 Higher Education, 2012)Online education is creating a revolution driven by the pen and the mouse, and will completely change the world. The new possibilities afforded by today`s technology have created the biggest change in education since the invention of the printing press. Anant Agarwal, president of edXThe Data Tsunami hits higher education Simon Buckingham ShumThe true potential of the internet has not yet produced a Kuhnian shift in higher education. But it`s getting closer. With developments of the last decade, higher education is now at the point where perspectives have enlarged and blurring shapes of education to come can be seen: distributed, unbundled/fragmented, alternative assessment schemes, global, and greater commercial involvement George SiemensAn avalance is coming p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected]

2. Creative Commons Twitter: @UllaRingtved p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 3. Agenda Trends og historik Learning Analytics Open Learning Ressources Ny opgavetyper, ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte Ny mlemetoderPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 4. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 5. ESA building a lunar base with 3D printingESA = The European Space Agency gPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] Base Design 6. The paper material for ESA`s 3D-printed lunar baseThe UKs Monolite supplied the D-Shape printer for ESA's 3D-printed lunar base study, with a mobile printing array of nozzles on a 6 m frame to spray a binding solution onto a sand-like building material. 3D printouts are built up layer by layer the company more typically uses its printer to create sculptures and is working on artificial coral reefs to help preserve beaches from energetic sea waves. First the simulated lunar material with magnesium oxide turning it into paper to print with. Then for structural ink a binding salt is applied which converts material to a stone-like solid. p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 7. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 8. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 9. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 10. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 11. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 12. Trends & HistorikPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 13. Learning AnalyticsPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 14. Teknologiberiget lring TELHardware/Software/DevicesCommunicationData/ AnalysisPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 15. Forskningsfeltet Learning Analytics http://www.solaresearch.orgSource: Intro to Learning Analytics on LAK13 course Analytics is about collecting traces that learners leave behind And using those traces to improve learningLearning Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs.Professor Eric Duval p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 16. Learning Analytics eksempler p forskning og vrktjerAndre der har valgt dette fag har ogs lst disse bger og x % af dem har bestetPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 17. Learning Analytics eksempler p forskning og vrktjer 1. del af igangvrende forskningsprojekt: Considering Formal Assessment in learning Analytics within Personal Learning Environment(Tracking students behavior via Social Network Analysis according to their formal grades) by Eleni Koulocheri1. del af igangvrende forskningsprojekt: Multimodal Learning Analytics(defining students ability to solve practical tasks via videos for determining their knowledge levels) by Paulo Blikstein o.a.En del projekter vedrrende: Predictive modeling to forecast studentoutcomes and drive effective interventions in online college coursesPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 18. Learning Analytics eksempler p forskning og vrktjerPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 19. Learning Analytics eksempler p forskning og vrktjerPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 20. Open Educational Ressources Der er flere definitioner, her citeres William and Flora Hewlett Foundation som definerer OER som: "teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge".Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 21. Eksterne bne Lringsressourser p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 22. Eksterne lringsressourcer, MOOCs Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 23. MOOC`s and other Learning RessourcesEksterne, globale samarbejdsrelationer, bestelseskriterier, lbende automatiset feedback, deltagerbeviser, peer-to-peer-reviews, badges, formelle eksaminerBasis-lring, meget korte klip, points og badges bare for at se/gense videoklips, har vist sig at optimere lringsudbyttet for langsomme lrende, coach-faciliteterPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 24. MOOCs = Massive Open Online Courses p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 25. Google HelpoutsPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 26. Ny opgavetyper Ny kompetencer Nyt Lringsudbytte Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 27. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbyttePrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 28. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte Duval p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 29. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte - Eye TrackingPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 30. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte - Tekst Visualiseringsvrktjer p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 31. The Quantified Self p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 32. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte The Quantified Self - EEG - mling control your game with your thoughts, Learning outcome: Concentration techniques?Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 33. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte FingerfrdighedBadges Karakterer Udtalelser Tests Eksaminer Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 34. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte SelvmlingGoogle Glasses WatchPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 35. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte 3d scan & printPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 36. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte Robots in educationDauPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 37. Ny opgavetyper, Ny kompetencer, nyt lringsudbytte Data Visualisations & Digital Artifacts the edcmooc teams descriptor: a digital artefact which expresses, for you, something important about one or more of the themes we have covered during the course What is a digital artefact you ask? something that is designed to be experienced digitally, on the web. It will have the following characteristics: it will contain a mixture of two or more of: text, image, sound, video, links. it will be easy to access and view online. it will be stable enough to be assessed for at least two weeks. The best bit was the encouragement to: Try to have fun with this and use it as a chance to think broadly and creatively: anything goes in terms of the form of this essay. a digital artefact you ask? Text is the dominant mode of expressing academic knowledge, but digital environments are multimodal by nature they contain a mixture of text, images, sound, hyperlinks and so on. To express ourselves well on the web, we need to be able to communicate in ways that are born digital that work with, not against, the possibilities of the medium. What is your response to that, you ask? .Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 38. Ny MlemetoderPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 39. Ny mlemetoder Open Badges has famously begun deprioritizing the role of a college degree in the hiring process, if a student took a Stanford college course in an OEA-recognized subject, Google might give it more weight in an interview p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 40. Ny Mlemetoder - Open Badges Measurement Badges Grades Diplomas Statements Tests Exams Reviews Non-measurement p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 41. Ny Mlemetoder - Peer review Peer review fra et Coursera - kursus(Interactive Programming in Python) For at kunne f point for sit eget projekt, skal man frst vurdere 5 andre projekter og derefter sit eget. Gr man ikke det, for man ingen point for opgaven. Det antal point man fr, er gennemsnittet af de fem vurderinger samt ens egen.Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 42. Peer review Peer review fra et Coursera - kursus(Interactive Programming in Python)Prsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected] 43. SprgsmlPrsentation p Inspirationsmde p Teknisk-Merkantil Hjskole, VIA, Horsens 12. November 2013 - Ulla lunde Ringtved - [email protected] . [email protected]