review deconstructions

Film Review Deconstructions

Upload: samcarden1234

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Review deconstructions

Film Review Deconstructions

Page 2: Review deconstructions

Very Large, clear title so that the consumer knows which film is being reviewed.

Screenshot from the film so the consumer can see which actors are in it.

It is a very common convention to have a short verdict rating at the end with a star rating.

Vital Information about the film comes before the actual review.

Less popular films get smaller reviews.

Name of film critic at the end of the review

It is a common convention to have very small text so that more information can be included.

Having the same colour for all of the headings works very well.

Page 3: Review deconstructions

Quote from the review in larger text and with a coloured background to stand out more.

Short tagline to give an introduction to the film.

Large screenshot going across both pages works very well.

Information about the film that not many people may know, which means the consumer will want to read it.

Small caption so you know what is happening in the picture.

Heading in a different colour to the rest of the page, makes it stand out more.

Very common for pictures to overlap each other.

Very common convention to have small text in columns.

Page 4: Review deconstructions

Very large text, this means that the consumers will definitely know the name of the film.

Very large pictures, lets the user see how good the CGI is which is a very large part of the film.

These facts allow fans of the film to find out more about how it was made.

It is very common to have a selection of images with a border around the edge in A3 film reviews.

The white text on black background here works very well as it stands out from the rest of the page.

Space around the edge of the page gives the page a very uncluttered feeling.

It is a very common convention to have the text in columns.

Screenshots cover both pages to use all of the space effectively.

Very good use of black and red colour scheme.