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Retention Roundtable. LEARNING COLLEGE CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 26, 2009. Retention Roundtable Presenters. Indications of Student Persistence, Retention. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Retention Roundtable

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Retention Roundtable Presenters

Region Presenters

North Central - South Bend (Region 2)

Dr. Keith Branham – Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs

Northeast - Ft. Wayne (Region 3)

Amanda Mills – Director of Student Support and Advising Services (Student Affairs)

Lafayette (Region 4) David Berry – Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Associate Professor of History

Richmond (Region 9)

Delores Hazzard – Director of Student Success and Retention (Student Affairs)

Columbus (Region 10)

John Roberts – Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Asst. Professor of EnglishNicole Shankle – Director, Student Support & Development, Student Success Center

Sellersburg (Region 13)

Ben Harris – Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment

Institutional Research

Karen Stanley – Exec. Dir. Institutional Research

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Indications of Student Persistence, Retention

The most frequently used measures of retention are based upon cohorts of first-time, degree-seeking students who first attend college in the fall term (or the preceding summer term). First fall to second fall persistence is officially reported by IPEDS,

CSRDE First fall to first spring term persistence provides a more timely

indicator. Some entities cite persistence among all credit students,

regardless of when they first began to attend classes (NCCBP)

Other relevant measures or indicators include: Within term persistence Course pass rates Credit completion ratios (year 1 through year 2)

Note: Those students completing a degree or certificate during the specified timeframe are counted as having persisted.

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How is Retention Calculated?

“First fall to second fall” persistence is officially reported by IPEDS, and is one of the most frequently used measures of retention. It is also one of the Strategic Plan 2010 metrics

It is based upon cohorts of first-time, degree-seeking students: Denominator: All first time, degree-seeking students who first attend

college in the fall term (or the preceding summer term beginning with the 2005 cohort). Excludes high school students, transfers, and those starting in the spring term. Includes apprentices, students taking only developmental courses, and UND

students, as long as they meet the basic criteria.) Numerator: The number of students from the denominator who are

present at the census date (ten day count) of the following fall term, or who have completed a degree or certificate in that timeframe.

Caution: It should be noted that students who transfer to another institution prior to earning a degree/certificate, are reflected as non-persisters in these data. So regions with high transfer rates within the first year, may reflect lower fall to fall retention rates.

(Note: The IPEDS retention rate excludes part-time students who are taking remedial courses only.)

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Ivy Tech – First Fall to Second Fall Persistence Rates

Ivy Tech Statewide 2004 Cohort

2005 Cohort

2006 Cohort

2007 Cohort

All first-time, degree-seeking students

49% 50% 47% 50%











CaucasianAfrican American


50% 40%52%

50% 43%42%

49% 35%48%


Age <20Age 20-21Age 22-24Age 25+





No remedial courses taken1+ remedial courses





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First Fall to Second Fall Persistence



2006 Cohort




2006 Cohort

2007 Cohort

Region 11- Southeast

52% 53% 41% 56% Ivy Tech Statewide

49% 50% 47% 50%

Region 13 -Sellersburg

55% 55% 60% 56% Region 12 - Southwest

57% 52% 60% 50%

Region 9 – Richmond

48% 49% 46% 54% Region 8 – Central Ind.

47% 47% 45% 49%

Region 3 – Northeast

50% 46% 50% 53% Region 14 – Bloomington

44% 51% 42% 48%

Region 10 - Columbus

49% 50% 40% 51% Region 6 – E. Central

54% 47% 47% 49%

Region 4 - Lafayette

44% 48% 47% 51% Region 1 – Northwest

40% 46% 41% 49%

Region 5 – Kokomo

46% 47% 45% 51% Region 2 – N. Central

50% 48% 47% 47%

Region 7- Terre Haute

52% 50% 50% 51%

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North Central Region Retention Strategies




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North Central Retention Practices

Standardize orientation presentations with emphasis on student responsibilities

Centralize student services as much as is physically possible

University of Central Florida Student Academic Resource Center (SARC): First year

advising office, Academic Exploration for undecided, tutoring in all subjects, College Achievement Program (CAP) for at risk students, Transfer Services, et. al.

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North Central Retention Practices

Valencia Community College Student Answer Center: Admissions, services

locations, financial aid generalists, academic programs, registration information.

Western Illinois University Mandatory Academic Advising

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Fort Wayne Retention Practices



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Fort Wayne Region Retention Practices

SSAS Retention Strategies and Academic Advising

SSAS Advisors are given a student load assignment based on alphabet

SSAS Advisors are to follow their students through the first semester

Individual follow-up sessions are sometimes scheduled during the initial meeting

SSAS Advisors contact each student via email and follow-up with mailings

SSAS Advisors track advising contacts

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Fort Wayne Region Retention Practices

Academic Advising Sessions -1st session topics

Academic load—full time vs. part time in relation to work/life

Providing curriculum for program if one is chosen (print online COR)

Course selection/help with registration Advising handbook—provide, instruct to

look overScheduling of follow-up appt for after

semester begins—provide student with contact info, reiterate availability if they have questions/problems

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Fort Wayne Region Retention Practices

Academic Advising - 2nd session topicsDiscuss academic progress: “How are your

classes going?”, etc.Referrals to CAE, Disability, retest, etc.Discussion of curriculum and possible 2nd

semester courses—review degree audit and educational plan

Referral to appropriate faculty advisor

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Fort Wayne Region Retention Practices

Academic Alerts Follow-up with students “flagged” by faculty

for absences, need for academic assistance, poor attitude, other problems

Two phone calls, an email, and a written letter are made in attempt to contact student

TRiO and ASA students are referred to respective areas

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Lafayette Region Retention Strategies



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Lafayette Region Retention Strategies



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Lafayette Region Retention Practices

Call Center

Peer Mentoring

Previous Related Experience ITCC Evansville Rich Mountain Community College, Arkansas

Irregular Attendance Warning

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• Horry-Georgetown Technical College––

orm_-_Fall_2008.pdf• “Best Practices,” NACADA• Northeast State Community College, Blountville, TN 


• Clinton Community College, Plattsburgh, NY• Tidewater Community College, Chesapeake


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Richmond Retention Strategies




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Richmond Region Retention Practices

Building a culture of improvement through outcomes assessment

High impact strategies already implemented:Retention PlanMandatory New Student OrientationMandatory placement assessmentRemedial/developmental course referralsEarly-alert and total withdrawal reporting and

intervention system

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Richmond Region Retention Practices

Mandatory New Student Orientation• All first-time, degree-seeking students since Spring

2006 have attended a New Student Orientation.• Evaluations by students remain overwhelmingly

positive.• The IPAS research stated that students attending

orientation are as likely to persist as continuing students

• Retention rates are on a positive trend line for the 2008/2009 academic year

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Richmond Region Retention Practices

Early Alert Referrals ASA referrals have increased from a low of 36 students in

Spring 2007 (063) to 359 students in Fall 2007 (072) Retention rates for these students increased from 22% in

Spring 2007 (063) to 42% in fall 2007 (072)

Learning Resource Center Usage The number of visits to the center have increased

dramatically in the last few years. (2893 in 2005; 15,403 in 2007)

Total Withdrawal Intervention During the 2007/2008 academic year, students who left the

college before 60% of the semester incurred a total of $175,528 in Return of Title VI funds.

With intervention for only 31% of these students, the Spring 2008 debt was down 11% from Spring of 2007.

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Richmond Region Retention Practices

Although we have useful quantitative data from the Office of Institutional Research and Planning and CCSSE, we must collect more pertinent local and qualitative data if we are to create the most effective retention strategies

In addition to our current high impact retention strategies we must consider implementing others recommended by our own data and by national longitudinal studies: Provide an Advising Center Provide intensive math and writing labs Provide programs that impact college preparedness

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Columbus Region Retention Strategies





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Columbus Region Retention Practices

Developmental/Remedial – General Education Retention Best Practices Administrative/Academic/Faculty Support -- Academic Deans,

Program Chairs and Faculty support the holistic approach to remediation. Consistency in faculty, textbooks, and scheduling are key to success transitioning from Developmental/Remediated to General Education

Collaboration and Cooperation between Ivy Tech (Regional campus) and local ABE (Adult Basic Education) is key transitioning students who do not meet minimum acceptance scores. This ‘Transition/Bridge’ concept eases these ‘at-risk’ students into the academic requirements of college.

Diversity in Delivery Options is key to the multigenerational learners enrolling at Ivy Tech (non-traditional, traditional, visual, tactile, employed/unemployed, job recertification, etc.)

Variety of Tutoring options (face-to-face – Tutoring centers, when and where available, faculty-student, student-student, and online tutoring software.)

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Columbus Region Retention Practices

Class Scheduling FormatSeveral Scheduling formats are available – Standard 16 week format – Classes are scheduled

one day per week/3 hour time block(various days and times)

Standard 16 week format – Classes are scheduled two days per week during the lunch hour/1 hour, 30 minutes (M-W; T-R; W-F; W-T; T-F)

Accelerated 8 week face-to-face format – Classes are scheduled Mondays & Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays

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Columbus Region Retention Practices

Class Scheduling Format – 2Accelerated 8 week hybrid/format – Classes are

scheduled either Monday and Tuesday afternoon/evening with 3 hour face-to-face component & a 3 hour online component either with written assignments/discussion board posts and/or online tutoring software.

16 week totally Distance Education/Online format – This option, though not taught in the Columbus Region, is available at several regions. This option will become available Fall 2009 in the Columbus Region only with advisor approval and student enrollment in IVYT 109 – Online Learning Technologies to facilitate student ease in navigating Blackboard – Ivy Tech’s learning portal.

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Columbus Region Retention Practices

Instructor & Texts Consistency

The success in retention depends on several factors: Consistent faculty – Faculty teach the students in the highest ASA

component, i.e., ENGL 025 and the lowest GenED component, i.e., ENGL 111. This allows the faculty member to continually reinforce some deficiencies while the student has a confidence level with the faculty member and their new found ability.

Consistent textbook – In Developmental/Remediated learning, the same text for dual course work is key to student success. Students become familiar with terminology, index styles, etc. Columbus Region ASA Mathematics and Mathematics 111 use the same author…consistency from remediation into GenED.

This consistency leads to higher retention, leading to higher certificate and degree completion.

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Sellersburg Region Retention Strategies





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Sellersburg Retention Practices

At Risk Students Upon completion of 25% of a course, instructors are asked to

submit names of students who are carrying a grade below a “C” and/or those for whom attendance has become a problem. These students are contacted by Region 13’s Office of Student Success via letter. Two weeks after the letter, the students are contacted via phone. Instructors are contacted after the phone calls to determine a student’s improvement

All letters are accompanied by a copy of the region’s tutoring schedule.

The Registrar’s Office will, prior to completion of a complete drop/withdrawal, refer a student to the Office of Student Success for possible intervention.

Students scoring below Ability To Benefit on the COMPASS exam are “strongly encouraged” to complete a minimum of 8 hours of tutoring concurrent with enrollment in ENGL 024, ENGL 032, or MATH 040

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Sellersburg Retention Practices

“Purely” Undecided Students Region 13 intra-term tracking of students shows that 33% of

those students completely withdrawing during the semester are undecided.

One individual charged with formal retention efforts serves as academic advisor to these students and has developed an advising format based upon “safe” courses that are likely to apply to any major and/or are likely to transfer.

Each semester, the Office of Student Success and the Office of Student Life collaboratively host a career workshop in which undecided students participate in online career testing and have a chance to meet representatives from various academic programs.

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Sellersburg Retention Practices

Recapturing Non-Returning Students Students who do not return for a subsequent semester are

identified and contacted. Their reasons for non-return (i.e. transfer) are noted, and their plans to return allow us to include them in certain correspondence, such as upcoming advising and registration dates, financial aid deadlines, etc

Students who have been out for a year are identified. They are sent a general letter inviting them back. A subset is further identified, and progress toward credentials are evaluated by appropriate faculty. Those closest to completion (in good academic standing, financial aid standing, etc.) are eligible to have one course paid for, should they decide to return.

A database of non-completers spanning five years is maintained. Any new academic program being launched is marketed to this group via mail.

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What Are Your Questions?

Student Preparation and Orientation

Student Characteristics and Retention

Remediation and ASA Courses

Academic Advising, Career Services, Tutoring, other Support Services

On-line Learning

Intervention Strategies

Assessment, tracking outcomes, using data

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CCSSE’s Validation Research – Overall Results

“There is strong support for the validity of the use of the CCSR (CCSSE report) as a measure of institutional processes and student behaviors that impact student outcomes.” (Strong consistency was found across the three studies.)

“The studies confirm a long tradition of research findings linking engagement to positive academic outcome” in community colleges.

Some outcomes have stronger relationships to engagement than others:

“The Support for Learners benchmark was consistently correlated with measures of persistence.”

“Four CCSSE benchmarks had statistically significant … positive net effects when predicting cumulative credit completion ratios after years: Active & Collaborative Learning, Student Effort, Academic Challenge and Student-Faculty Interaction

“Active and Collaborative learning had a … positive ‘net effect’ when predicting year to year persistence.” Item clusters for Collaborative Learning, Information Technology and Student Services were similarly linked.