respect quiz.ppt

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Post on 18-Nov-2015




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  • Treat other people the way you want to be ____________ANSWERtreated.HOME


  • Be courteous and p_ _ _ _ eANSWERPolite HOME


  • Don't insult people, or make fun of them, or call them n_ _ m_sANSWERnamesHOME


  • Respect has to be ________ANSWERearnedHOME


  • Don't j _ _ _ e people before you get to know them.ANSWERjudgeHOME


  • When we see a teacher in school, we should g_ _ _ t them.ANSWERgreetHOME


  • Before we respect others, we must first respect ______________.ANSWERourselvesHOME


  • ANSWERHOMEHanding in our homework on time is a way of showing _ _ _ _ _ _ _respect.


  • The respect you give others is the reflection of the respect you give y _ _ _ _ _ _ fANSWERyourselfHOME


  • Sing a National day song.ANSWERType your answer here.HOME


  • We must _____ the school rules as a form of respect.ANSWERobeyHOME


  • We must always respect our _ a _ _ _ s as they have taken care of us.ANSWERparents.HOME


  • Congratulations! Do a chicken dance!! ANSWERHOME


  • When we see a pregnant woman in the MRT, we should give up our _ _ _ _ as a form of respect and thoughtfulness. ANSWERseatHOME


  • We should not be d_ f_ a_t towards teachers as it means that we do not respect them if we do so.ANSWERdefiant.HOME


  • Congratulations! Now say this tongue twister quickly! Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?ANSWERHOME


  • O_ _d_ _ n_e to teachers and parents is a form of respect.ANSWERobedienceHOME


  • ANSWERSing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with actionType the answerHOME


  • If we respect our friends, we should not hurl _ _ _ g_ r_ t i_s at them.ANSWERvulgaritiesHOME


  • We must d_ _s_ properly to school as it a form of respect to the teachers and school.ANSWERdress.HOME


  • Give a speech on any topic you like for at least 30 seconds.ANSWERType your answer hereHOME


  • Congratulations!Go up to a classmate of yours and praise them for being handsome/pretty ANSWERHOME


  • We need to be _____ in a library to show that we care about (respect) others' need to read without interruptionANSWERQuiet .HOME


  • Respect is thinking and acting in a p_ _ _t_ _ e way about yourself or others.ANSWERpositiveHOME


  • We must also respect our e_ d_r_s.ANSWEReldersHOME


  • We need to respect peoples p r_ _a c yANSWERprivacy.HOME


  • We will ___________ our friends feelings when we do not respect or treat them the way we should.ANSWERhurtHOME


  • Sing a verse and chorus of your favourite song.ANSWERType your answer here.HOME


  • Respect is an i_p_r_a n t quality that we must have.ANSWERimportantHOME


  • Congratulations! Tell the class 3 reasons why you should be voted as Mr/ Miss Popular 2014.ANSWERHOME































