researched and prepared by gaurang chandarana - july...

Researched and Prepared By Gaurang Chandarana - July 2017 1 UNIQUE FEATURES OF INDIAN RELIGIONS & PHILOSOPHIES Background We know that India is very ancient. Ancient India was also very advanced it was in all spheres of life. India has always been a single cultural nation for over 15,000 years as per recent archeological evidences. Some evidence of Vedic culture has emerged which has now been dated at over 35,000 years ago. By nation, we mean culture and not political borders, as political borders keep changing frequently. The last 1000 years or so resulted in the destruction of its education, heritage and culture. In the last 200 years, this process has accelerated. Even so many years after political independence, this process continues. Unfortunately, the maximum damage is being done by our own citizens and the followers of these same religions and philosophies. All cultures go through ups and downs, so the idea is not to denigrate or criticize anything or anyone. It is just to put forth concepts of Indian philosophies and religions in a simple and short way so that the modern person can understand it. Wherever possible, scientific developments are mentioned in brief, to support many of these aspects in a simple way. Concept The key understanding of all Indian religions and philosophies are in the areas of the Origins & Functioning of the Universe, the Mind and Psychology. Epics, Stories and Mythologies of Gods and Goddesses were put forward by Rishis to explain these concepts. These may or may not have been based on real people or history. The idea was to explain concepts about the Universe, creation, mind, health, living happily and inclusiveness. The bedrock was personal empowerment, complete inclusiveness and letting every individual flower and contribute to their best capacity. This is what contributes to a strong nation and society. A lot of these features are now being proven by modern science. Also, this booklet will break a lot of myths we have about Indian religion and philosophy.

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We know that India is very ancient. Ancient India was also very advanced it was in all spheres of life. India has always been a single cultural nation for over 15,000 years as per recent archeological evidences. Some evidence of Vedic culture has emerged which has now been dated at over 35,000 years ago. By nation, we mean culture and not political borders, as political borders keep changing frequently. The last 1000 years or so resulted in the destruction of its education, heritage and culture. In the last 200 years, this process has accelerated. Even so many years after political independence, this process continues. Unfortunately, the maximum damage is being done by our own citizens and the followers of these same religions and philosophies. All cultures go through ups and downs, so the idea is not to denigrate or criticize anything or anyone. It is just to put forth concepts of Indian philosophies and religions in a simple and short way so that the modern person can understand it. Wherever possible, scientific developments are mentioned in brief, to support many of these aspects in a simple way. Concept The key understanding of all Indian religions and philosophies are in the areas of the Origins & Functioning of the Universe, the Mind and Psychology. Epics, Stories and Mythologies of Gods and Goddesses were put forward by Rishis to explain these concepts. These may or may not have been based on real people or history. The idea was to explain concepts about the Universe, creation, mind, health, living happily and inclusiveness. The bedrock was personal empowerment, complete inclusiveness and letting every individual flower and contribute to their best capacity. This is what contributes to a strong nation and society. A lot of these features are now being proven by modern science. Also, this booklet will break a lot of myths we have about Indian religion and philosophy.

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Four Broad Unique Features

A. No Originator

The most unique feature of Indian systems is that there is no single originator or founder of any system. B. Non Controllable Aspects The second unique feature is that we have no control on 5 aspects: 1) Birth - place, time and situation we are born in. 2) Our parents, and relatives. 3) Our own nature, physical aspects and mental aspects. 4) Many of the situations we will face (not all, as some are caused by our decisions) 5) Death - our lifespan as measured in number of breaths C. Individual Happiness & Socially Productive Life The third unique feature is that in spite of everything, we can lead a happy life and change the course of life in a positive manner. So all of these philosophies focus primarily on self development, continuous improvement and change management. When this happens, we contribute to a happy and productive society as well. D. Development of Indian Religion and Philosophy These have evolved over thousands of years through contemplation, experimentation, experiential learning and passing on from one generation to another.

There are a total of broad 9 systems, which are mentioned below. Rules. Laws & Regulations are there just to guide, are situational and time bound. It is clearly mentioned that rules have to change based on the social construct & situation of the day. So we cannot have the same rules or laws. They have to change dynamically.

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The 9 SYSTEMS There are a total of six allied systems linked to the Vedas and two others which are parallel. The six allied systems are:

1) Nyaya and

2) Vaisheshika

3) Samkhya and

4) Yoga

5) Mimansa and

6) Vedanta

These six systems are known as the Shad Darshan. The other two systems which are an integral part of Indian philosophy are:

7) Jainism

8) Buddhism

The Last system which is independent of all of the above is Charvak.

9) Charvak. This is actually been followed today and is focused on materialism and consumerism.

It was not considered to be in harmony with nature and therefore did not take root in terms of

philosophical enquiry.

However, it is closest to material human nature & is 100% in vogue in modern times, across the World.

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Aastik and Naastik

Astik and Nastik does not mean believing or not believing in God as a creator.

Astik means a person who believes in a broad philosophy which finds its roots in the Vedas and


Nastik means a person who believes in a broad philosophy which is not directly derived from the Vedas

or Upanishads.

All these Indian philosophies have certain common and unique features.

Shad Darshana as we have seen are the six core systems which find their confirmation or roots based

on the Vedas and Upanishads. These are called Aastik.

Jainism is based on parallel enquiry and as old as the vedas or beyond. This is Naastik.

Buddhism emerged as a stream after the demise of Gautam Buddha. This is Naastik.

Charvaka, as we mentioned, did not find much favour in ancient times. This is Naastik.

Further, there are many sub-streams and variations of each of these. These could be Aastik or


We can now dwell on the unique and common features (and some terms) of these 9 systems, without

which, Indian philosophy cannot be understood.

The Basic Structure

These philosophies are completely different from other religions of the World, so it is important to

understand these aspects.

Do not try to equate or correlate them with non-Indian religions or philosophies.

We will not get into the details of any of these at this stage.

We will just look at the basic structure of all Indian religious philosophies which is more or less


There is now a lot of scientific evidence to support these concepts. These are mainly from Quantum

Mechanics & Quantum Physics. Wherever relevant, these have been put forward in a simple fashion.

There are 39 aspects which are common. Let us look at these, briefly.

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1. Dharma

Dharma is a concept to be found in all Indian religions.

Therefore, we broadly say that all these 9 systems are 'Dharmic' systems or religions; or based on


Dharma does not mean duties, rites or rituals. It also does not mean a code of conduct.

It does not mean worship of God.

Dharma originates from the root word 'dhri', which has the following contextual meanings:

– Something which maintains the harmony and stability of the Universe

– Something without which nothing can stand or remain stable or survive

– That which upholds creation

– Something which helps maintain balance and equilibrium

Therefore, everything in the Universe has its own unique dharma.

For example, even the electrons, other particles, waves, have a dharma of moving or vibrating in a

certain way. If they give up their Dharma or made to give up their dharma, imagine what will happen.

Similarly, galaxies, planets, clouds, plants, insects, animals, humans; all have their innate dharma.

In the case of humans, the mind prevents it from operating correctly.

A constant effort & endeavor has to be made to understand your own Dharma & operate accordingly.

Dharma is said to be either self revealing OR learning through direct experience in the case of humans.

SCIENCE This is the concept behind Nuclear Weapons. When particles are made to deviate from their

'dharma', massive destruction occurs. When they are made to operate as per their dharma, they provide

energy, generate creation and run galaxies.

2. Adharma

Therefore, Adharma does not mean sin or evil or not following some code of conduct or rituals.

Adharma means not performing your innate duties or doing them incorrectly.

This occurs because we are not aware of our true Dharma (and not because we do not follow laws or

commandments or rituals written or given by some prophet or God).

This Dharma or given divine duty has to be understood through direct experience of true knowledge.

Till such time as we gain direct experience of this true knowledge, Rishis and the Scriptures guide us.

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3. Jati


Understanding Dharma first begins with understanding our Jati. Jati is misinterpreted as caste.

Jati does not mean a race, caste or creed. Jati means a set of characteristics or qualities which belong to

various entities.

It also defines the type of that entity and how and why it functions or operates in a certain fashion.

It also defines the role of a Jati in maintaining balance in the processes of Nature.

Therefore there could be a jati of trees, of herbs, of rocks, of animals, of verbs, of rational numbers, etc.

In terms of humans, a tribe is a jati, nation is a jati, religion is a jati, employees of a company are a jati,

Gay people & LGBT are a jati and so on. They also have a role to play in nature.

SCIENCE : Science has proven the role of the LGBT community as well. In ancient India and other

cultures too, they were part of society and never treated differently or discriminated against. There were

also rulers, ministers, mythological Gods & Goddesses, etc.

Jati is neutral;

it is a description or explanation (or inherent qualities) of a grouping of animate or inanimate objects,

processes, systems, languages, numbers, etc.

SCIENCE There are millions of species on Earth alone, with some common characteristics. These

enable them to stay together and flourish as an organism.

Individual Jati

Even an individual has his or her own unique jati.

At an individual level, no two persons' jati can ever be the same. These are your in born characteristics

and behavior.

Jati in the individual context is important as the whole effort is in understanding our own jati.

Yoga is an effort towards understanding your own jati. Why and who we are and why do we behave or

act in a certain way.

Once we discover this, we need to figure out are we operating as per our dharma (as described above)

or otherwise?

If it is otherwise, what can we do to start operating in the correct fashion. This process is part of Yoga,

Vedanta, Buddhism, Jainism, etc., even though the terminologies used may be different.

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SCIENCE: It is now proven, no single human, animal, plant, leaf, snowflake, etc. ever created or

surviving or to be created is the same. Grouping is done based on some common characteristics.

4. Finding Jati & Dharma

All Indian philosophies state that Jati and Dharma can be discovered / realized only when the mind is

calm and there is no agitation.

Towards this end, different Rishis, systems, sampradays, religions, philosphies have put forward so

many different techniques. The goal is one: Removal of anger, anxiety, stress and all negative emotions.

Once this state is reached, one will automatically operate as per one's Jati and Dharma.

No Jati or Dharma is superior or inferior. All are required to maintain balance in the Universe.

These are supported by stories of Gods, Goddesses, mythology, scriptures, epics, discussions,

philosophical debates and enquiries. The idea is to convey these messages.

SCIENCE It has been found that everything in nature has a role. Humans are the only ones not

functioning as per Jati and Dharma. Therefore, it has been found that natural calamities and destruction

are linked to reduction in honey bees and bee hives. This connection was first made by Einstein. There

is no apparent direct link but these are part of an essential chain of preserving balance. There are

regions where now it has been found that when honey bees vanish, ground water disappears, crops fail,

rains fail and natural calamities occur.

The same has been found for Cockroaches. Lesser the cockroaches, closer to destruction is this Earth.

5. Techniques for Finding Jati & Dharma

There are various techniques put forward for finding this. This varies from person to person. However,

the underlying theme is the same. Reducing activities of the mind, remaining occupied, removing

disturbances, anger, anxiety, calmness, etc. Some examples from the systems are given below:

Nyaya Vaishesikha - Constant physical research and correlating with experiences and studies. Study of

yourself, situation and scriptures. We keep doing this till we reach the building blocks of creation.

Samkhya - Yoga - Multiple techniques given in both of these. Yoga is more practical and has over 17

broad techniques and multiple micro techniques. Ashtanga, Tantra, Mantra, Japa, Karma, Bhakti,

Bhagwan, Yama, Niyama, etc.

Mimansa - Focus in purely on anger management. it believes all other emotions are manifestations of

anger. So if you control anger and always remain calm, nothing ever needs to be done. There are many

practical anger management techniques given.

Vedanta - Since it can be difficult to follow many of the above paths, Vedanta focuses on personal faith.

There have been numerous Rishis. You just follow what they say as a process and automatically you

reach the desired calm state. It is essentially saying; follow the experienced experts, do what they say,

do not over think. This is primarily the path of Bhakti.

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Buddhism - Just focus on your breath. Live life to the fullest but in moderation. Thats all. So there is

only one technique recommended by Buddha himself - focus on your breath as meditation. It puts you

in connect with the Universe. All other techniques and tools have come in later by other Rishis.

Jainism - Total calmness of the mind is achieved by training the mind to perceive everything as positive

or neutral. Once everything is accepted with the same neutrality, no negativity remains. This stage is


Thus one of the Jainism techniques is to shut your eyes and sit quietly daily for 46 minutes and above.

Live life in moderation. Thats it. Just these two are required.

SCIENCE : Experiments in the laboratory have shown that all emotions are the same, whether positive

or negative. the hormones and chemicals in the mind and body are released first. After that, the mind

processes the information and decides whether something is positive or negative. Therefore, the

hormones for anger, love, hatred, lust, affection, stress, etc. are all the same. If we train the mind, it

starts perceiving differently.

Medicine - This is the concept behind medicines for mental illnesses.

6. Atman

Once we figure out our Jati and Dharma, effort has to be directed to realize our Atman.

Atman is an entity without beginning and without end.

Atman is of the same constituents and essence as Brahman (universal whole).

Atman is not different from any other consciousness.

Atman is present in all living beings including single celled creatures & inanimate objects.

Therefore, Atman is a concept of degree rather than absolute.

It is the Purusha of Samkhya and Yoga, Brahman of Vedanta, Buddha of Buddhism, Jivatma of Jainism.

When we seen the real consciousness behind us and all living creatures, it is Atman.

When this consciousness expands to become part of creation, it is Brahman.

Therefore, Purusha or Atman is also infinite, never created, never to be destroyed and part of the


So, God as a human looking creator or entity, as such cannot exist. It is a logical inconsistency.

SCIENCE: Quantum Physics and Mechanics has now shown that there is no such thing as a particle or

wave or even Matter. Something has been actually manifested from nothing. So our base building block

of the entire Universe is 'nothing'.

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7. Atman is different from Soul of Christianity & Islam

The 'Soul' in English is a finite entity in time which is described as the subtle body or astral body.

Both of these cease to exist at some point on a judgment day as given in Christianity or Islam.

Also, the soul is a separate entity from a God who is a literal creator.

The souls are supposed to be living in a separate realm which are neither part of God or the material

world. Therefore, soul is finite and is not part of God.

Further, each living individual has a different soul. This is because in non-Indian religions, it is said the

present body is the only body one has ever had or will have.

Once the person dies, his soul floats around somewhere till judgment day.

So there is a separate soul for each individual material body which gets exhausted and waits till an

external God does something to it.

8. Brahman

An expanding consciousness is Atman, as we have seen. Now let us look at the word 'Brahman”.

The root word from which Brahman is derived is the word 'Brih'. Brih means to expand.

Expansion of consciousness till it transcends everything is Brahman.

Therefore, Brahman does not mean God. Brahman is the entire creation which exists (including within

us). The whole purpose of all Indian systems is to realize Brahman.

This means, we must understand we are part and also contributor to an ever- expanding Universe as

well as the processes of creation and destruction.

Therefore, all Indian traditions clearly state that each of us are one with cosmic unity and all effort has

to be made in understanding this reality or reaching this 'realization'.

Different religions may use different terms to describe this experience, but essentially, it is the same.

YOGA VASHISTA explains how with the power of our mind and focus we can create Universes or


SCIENCE: There are experiments going on to find dimensions and see if we can travel across them. It

may then also be possible to create Worlds; or destroy them.

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9. True Knowledge is Omnipresent & Infinitely Perennial

True and perfect knowledge or Brahman; is omnipresent and always exists irrespective of whether we

understand or realize it.

This knowledge is not dependent on creation, Universe or the existence of humans. This knowledge

always existed & will always exist. It just needs to be 'realized' , experienced or understood.

The purpose is to transcend the self so that we can experience this knowledge.

What this means is that whether the universe is there or not there and humans exist or do not exist, the

knowledge was always there, is and will always remain to infinity.

This is irrespective of the cycles of creation and existence or non-existence of matter or living beings.

SCIENCE: Whether humans live or die, planets, Worlds, creation, Universe will always exist and

operate as per its Jati and Dharma. There was a time when there were no animals or humans. that does

not mean planets did not exist.

10. True Knowledge is Experiential

All Indian philosophies are based on direct experience.

These philosophies have been put forward by Rishis who have had direct experience of this knowledge

through their own effort.

Therefore there is perennial access to this experience to everyone who wants to experience it.

However, these cannot be communicated and understood. One has to go through one's own effort and

experience to get this knowledge.

Religions, Panthas, Gurus & Scriptures can only guide you to find the path most suited to your JATI to

get this direct experience.

SCIENCE : Researches in the mind areas have shown that everyone processes information differently

and perceptions are also totally different.

Also, these are based on trillions of terabytes of data stored in our brain. Science has proven that

nothing is ever forgotten, however fleeting. It is all stored.

Our mind then allows some conscious memories and thoughts based on what is practical and required

to function.

If we were to consciously remember and process everything possible through the 5 senses we would

immediately go mad.

This is also the concept behind 6th sense and 'knowing things' without consciously coming across

them. The mind decides based on all of these.

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TANTRA - Tantra is based on this. Using the experiences gained through the 5 senses to expand

consciousness. It also makes use of the sexual energies to connect with the Universe. Therefore, it is

the most powerful, misjudged, misused and maligned. There are 4 streams Tantra based on the path


Shaiva Tantra (Shiva with Parvati),

Vishnu Tantra (Vishnu),

Shakta Tantra (Durga or Kali),

Buddhist or Tibetan Tantra.

Each have their own mantras, rites, rituals and powers which are obtained.

11. No Revelations, No Prophets, No Special People - Everyone is Special.

There is no concept of 'revelations' by a 'God' to a singular prophet or person.

There is no special person whom some God favors to the exclusion of others.

Each individual is divine and has perennial access here and now to paths to the same experience.

Each individual can follow any path shown in these philosophies as guidelines to become Rishis.

SCIENCE - It is proven now that all humans are completely unique. Therefore, everyone is

special.Science has also proven that each situation we face is also totally unique. So no person can have

the same situations, ever. Therefore, your solutions and learning have to be yours alone. It is only at a

broad level that we can do some grouping and take guidance.

12. Rishi

This brings us to the meaning of Rishi. There is no alternate word in English which encompasses this

meaning. Saint, prophet and seers are wrong interpretations in English.

Rishi is someone who has experienced true reality. There is a direct experience obtained through

attaining higher states of consciousness.

Rishis are those who have expanded their consciousness through disciplined efforts, study and

meditation, to become part of the divine or supreme reality.

All Indian systems categorically state that every individual has the divine within. Their individual

consciousness can be expanded to become Brahman.

SCIENCE: The concepts of Law of Attraction and getting anything you want are all based on this.

Experiments have shown that users of pure Heroin reach these same states after regular and controlled

use of certain drugs. This does not mean we take drugs. This means, it is possible to create such mind

states through our effort.

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13. Rishis are Not Same as Saints or Prophets

Rishis are not saints. Any good man doing some good work or promoting a particular religion can be

called a saint. But a saint is not a Rishi.

Rishis are also not prophets or do not claim to be prophets.

They do not build cults or start organized religions.

If some people come to them, they try to share their knowledge.

Otherwise, a true Rishi could be a guru to one or two disciples or shishyas; many a times, none.

They are neither 'do gooders' or 'do charity' the way we understand.

They have infinite love and compassion which emerges from understanding the processes of Brahman

and Creation.

Therefore, there have been thousands of revered Rishis in India. Many are revered even today, but there

are no religions (except Buddha) built around them.

Some examples are Agastya, Vishwamitra, Vyasa, Valmiki, Buddha, Mahavira, Shankaracharya, Guru

Nanak, Sant Tulsidas, Sant Gyanenshwara, Kabirdas, Madhavacharya, Vallabhacharya, Swami

Sahajananda, Guru Ramdas, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Madhavdasji, Shri Khrishnamacharya,

Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Devraha Baba and many more.

14. No History Dependency

Since true knowledge is understood through direct experience of thousands of individuals (Rishis) over

millenia, no Indian religion or system is dependent on or based on historical events or historical figures.

Even Buddhism is now as diverse as other Indian religions and no longer dependent on Buddha.

Indians consider Buddha to be a Rishi or an 'avatar' He never propagated or preached a separate

religion. He did not give rituals or commandments. He was the ultimate Yogi.

There are so many Rishis (many well known and many unknown) who have experimented on the inner

self and experienced true reality.

They communicated the same with the paths and processes to realization.

Therefore, it is not a single person dependent or history dependent at all.

SCIENCE: In Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Mathematics only have

discoveries. There are no inventions. You cannot invent something which always exists. There are a

string of equations with more than 100 variables each by Indian Mathematicians (e.g. Ramanujam) and

Physicists which are mathematically accurate. Only problem is that no one knows what they represent

or mean. They are supposed to be equations of different dimensions, etc. Scientists believe, these are

futuristic by at least another 100 years or so.

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15. No Individual Called God

There never was any individual or God or any set of individuals who propagated these philosophies for

the first time.

Even if Krishna or Rama or Mahavira did not exist, it would not change Indian religions systems /

philosophies or make any difference.

There was no beginning and there is no end. This arises from the concept of omnipresent knowledge.

If true and perfect knowledge is always available, a genuine aspirant will uncover it.

God is therefore an inspiration to learn from. Humans who become super achievers in certain fields, are

called BHAGWAN. They are worshipped to derive energies and learn from them. Therefore, every God

was actually a human or Yogi or Rishi or Jivatma

SCIENCE It is proven now that there was no single Big Bang. They have been keeping on happening

forever. It starts from nothing (zero matter) and spirals outwards. Further, there is no origin for Big


Also when destruction happens, it happens rapidly in an inward spiral till nothing remains (zero

matter). So that is the concept of 'from nothing to nothing' This process always was, is and will remain.

So there is no God as such.

16. Time is Just a Dimension & Non Linear

In all Indian systems, time and causation are non-linear.

Time is just a dimension and not linear. Physics has proven this now, many times over.

It is just a psychological concept and not a real concept at all.

Time is without beginning and without end.

SCIENCE Einstein was the first to discover and prove this and made his famous equation

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17. Living In The Present

If Knowledge, Time & Creation is infinite, then so is the universe.

There was always a universe before this one and one before that and so on; for infinity.

Therefore, all Indian religions focus completely on the present moment.

They all ask you to stay away from the past and future.

The past brings you sorrow and future gives you stress.

This is because the understanding is available that time is a psychological concept.

The atman is also infinite. Your present body is not you. It is part of the complete whole or Brahman.

SCIENCE Quantum Mechanics has shown that the shape of the Universe is an arc. An arc has to meet

somewhere to complete an ellipse. However, the angle of curvature of our Universe is such that it can

never meet as per Geometry or Mathematics. It means, this Universe is infinite. Difficult to grasp, but

science has shown this.

18. No Concept of Creation by a Creator.

If time is a psychological concept, so is the thought that the cosmos or creation was 'created'.

There is no origin of creation or creation of the cosmos.

If there is infinity and no origin, then there can be no creator.

A God as a creator exists only if you choose to believe in it. Even this kind of philosophy has scope in

the Indian systems. However, it is stated, it is illogical.

SCIENCE Has shown that particles and waves behave differently when they are observed. They also

behave differently when they are not observed. Further, they behave differently based on the observer's

angle and position in the Universe. Everyone's position is also unique in the Universe as we cannot be

superimposed on each other.

This means, that everything we see, observe, perceive is real for the observer, even if it is the same

object. So for some there is no God, for some there is. For some, it can be an amoeba, for some

Krishna, for some, a light, for some, nothing, etc.

Therefore, Jainism and Buddhism are always silent when asked if there is a God. Yoga also says there

is no God. It all depends on you; but more importantly, all maybe right. (maybe and not definitely, as

truth is always relative)

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19. Transcending Dimensions

There is no such thing as small and big. You could have a million universes as complex as ours

contained in the tiniest possible particle not visible even to the microscope.

In turn, our Universe itself could be the smallest single particle of a much bigger Universe. Each could

be contained in the other as well.

Even space is matter and an outcome of creation. Therefore, to understand reality, we have to transcend

above time, space, size and all other dimensions.

Science has so far, found around 11 dimensions. 5 more are under research. Indian Philosopies state

that there are infinite dimensions.

SCIENCE: Each human consists of more than 1.5 trillion creatures 70% or more are external bacteria

who have colonized the body over the centuries and learnt to live in harmony and balance. Some

protect you, some fight invaders, and so on. In return, the body gives nourishment.

Further, every cell and creature in the body dies every 7 years, only to be colonized by new ones. So, if

you live to be a hundred, you are a walking, talking Universe of over 100 Trillion creatures. Now if

your actions impact 10 others, you are impacting another 1000 Trillion creatures. Each of these in turn

could have colonies of creatures.

Universe is nothing but one such colony, of which we are a small part. That is Krishna's Virat Swaroop.

It is not magic. He was explaining how each one of us are a Universe in ourselves.

Therefore, our first Dharma or Duty is to look after our mental and physical health. Else we disturb the


20. Infinity Concept

All Indian systems put forward the concept of infinity and infinite cycles of creation.

Creation is not a single unique event. There is a never ending cycle of creation.

So, unlike other religions there is no such thing as judgment day, final day, salvation, heaven, hell, etc.

Every single moment, there is creation and destruction happening.

It is just that we have not realized or understood it.

Our Atman is part of creation and always was and will remain.

It can never be created or destroyed. This is so, because it is infinite.

SCIENCE - We have seen that the curvature of the Universe is infinite and so is the process of creation

and destruction of galaxies, Big Bang, etc.

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21. Self Sustaining Creation is God

Creation is self sustaining without beginning or end. There is no God the way we understand it.

If there was a God who created something and then destroys something, it implies that that God has

desires or motivations.

Anything with desires with or motivation is a sign of imperfection;

God or a supreme entity is perfect. Thus it could not be part of creation or running the Universe.

Creation itself is the inherent 'nature' of supreme reality.

Some Indian religions also indicate that this infinity of creation and dimensions

Therefore, this itself is the supreme reality and is perfect in its operation.

Therefore, we can say, God is 'The infinite perfect process in Operation'.

22. Gunas Create Infinite Variety

If creation is self sustaining and infinite, then how does matter get created?

All Indian religions are unequivocal in the fact that everything is made up of the 3 gunas or


Each of the gunas is a set of qualities and attributes. These are not tangible matter at all the way we

understand it.

However, these give rise to tangible and intangible matter including living beings, air, mind, thoughts,

space, time, stones, etc.

An infinite degree of each of these gunas in an infinite combination and permutation give rise to

infinitely diverse creation.

That is why we have everything in nature which is always totally, completely and infinitely unique.

The 3 gunas or triguna, as they are called; are Satva, Rajas and Tamas:

SCIENCE - There are researches showing 3 primary qualities which every object has, living or


Now if we do a permutation and combination on infinite variables for each of these 3, we get infinite


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a) Satva – Purity, calmness, balance, positive, stable, action without desire or emotions, white, are some

of the attributes or terms which make us understand satva.

b) Rajas – Desire, emotions, action, passion, constant movement, constant or uncontrolled action,

anger, violence, restlessness, red are some of the terms which define rajas.

c) Tamas – 'Form giving',solid, Firm, 'resisting change', rest, lethargy, dullness, negative, fixed, dark,

brooding, black are some of the terms for tamas.

All the three are required for life to function. However, transcending means to rise above all the 3


Once we transcend, we will always function through Satva. This is another aspect of true knowledge.

The whole purpose of all Indian philosophies is to balance the triguna and try and bring them in

harmony as much as possible. This is the concept of workiong on Ida, Pingla, Sushumna and Kundalini

in Yoga and Tantra as also the role of Naadis (astral channels in the body connected to the Cosmos).

23. Unity - Nothing & Everything

If everything is part of the divine and infinite, then man is also inherently divine and part of the divine.

There is unity of cosmos, divine and human.

Humans are not sinful who have to be saved from something. They are part of the divine; of God.

What it means is that ultimately only one whole exists.

Everything is completely interwoven and part of one unity. The parts only have a relative existence.

To give an example, we see different kinds of waves which keep changing. They crash on the shore. We

see the waves separately. However, these waves are part of the ocean. There is no separate existence of

a wave.

Further, this relationship is unidirectional. The wave is part of the ocean. Ocean is water. Water is part

of the Earth. Earth is part of the Universe. In this way it keeps going upwards in one direction, till we

reach one single ultimate reality. Some of the concepts of the divine, cosmos and all creations including

humans are given below:

a) All entities are matter, whether they are physical, mental, spiritual and even space and time and all


b) All these entities do not have a separate existence independent of this unity.

c) The whole of this unity is indivisible and independent. It can be described in two ways; nothing (as

in Buddhism) or everything (as in Vedanta). Both mean the same because when we transcend this

creation, there is nothing (or everything). Its all the same.

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d) Also, when we say everything we are setting a boundary. So it is better to say nothing as the term is

boundless, which is the nature of the divine.

e) The different parts, elements and all the diversity that we see are not from outside. These are all

potentials which exist within this entity (and are part of this entity) and manifest all the time.

Therefore, all Indian religions say, look inward and not outward.

24. No Rest - Permanent Flux

We spoke about these potentials and Gunas. All these potentials or inter-related entities are never static.

They are always in state of flux or change, every single moment.

There is not even an infinite fraction of a second when something is static.

Therefore constant, moment-to-moment change is the only reality. Therefore, there is a strong focus on

living in the present.

SCIENCE Proven now that everything is ever changing every single fraction of a moment.

25. Interconnectivity, Dharma, Duty

Since everything is part of one whole fabric, everything that happens, impacts everything else in all


Therefore, it has been said, to react with desires and emotions to situations, is incorrect.

If we are part of this fabric, we get impacted by our own actions. If we kill someone out of emotion,

desires, ego or greed it is not just that person, but the whole fabric of the Cosmos is impacted for

infinity, in all dimensions.

Therefore, it is said, that do not operate from anger, anxiety, desires or emotions, greed or ego.

Operate after understanding your innate 'Dharma'. Then you will never go wrong and can function in

harmony with the Universe. If it is to kill, do it dispassionately. If it is not, then do not do it.

Once you have understood and accepted a Dharma or Duty, then you cannot ignore or neglect it. Else

you will bring imbalance in the Universe.

However, this acceptance has to come out of knowledge and understanding, NOT BELIEFS OR


This is what Krishna was trying to explain to Arjuna on the Kurukshetra Battlefield. Most people

do not understand this. Krishna was not trying to influence Arjuna to kill mercilessly. He was only

trying to draw attention to Arjuna's innate or accepted Dharma.

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26. Nature is Self Balancing Destruction Essential.

Because of this seamless and infinite inter-connectivity, nature is self balancing.

There are infinite variables at play which keep balancing out. When the balance swings in one

direction, balance is brought in by some opposing variable.

When we abuse the Earth and exploit nature and the environment beyond limits, the balancing

mechanism swings into action through calamities or destruction.

Destruction is therefore, a balancing force. If we live in total peace, then we will stagnate and wither

away. This is also destruction.

So there are different Gunas at play which keep us balanced.

f) Creation, Destruction, God, Nature, Universe, etc, are therefore the same things.

SCIENCE Over utilization of resources and exploitation of nature has led to Global warming. This

will lead to destruction on a massive scale. We already see rising temperatures, growing violence,

intolerance, natural calamities, etc.

27. Nature Centric

Given the inter-connectedness of everything, all Indian philosophies believe in complete oneness with

nature. We are part of nature and vice-versa.

Nature was not created for humans.

Nature is also not meant to be used by humans.

We have to take care of nature and live in harmony.

If we misuse nature, then we create imbalances.

Nature and existence was always there and will be there, irrespective of whether humans exist.

Therefore, in all Indian religions we see so much of focus on not damaging the environment, and

minimizing consumption (even though we may have forgotten it today).

In fact, the Rig Veda is dedicated to nature. Praying to nature and being part of nature is the key to


That is why all Rishis have been partial to nature and used to stay in natural surroundings.

Nature aids the self – discovery process and increases the proportion of Satva Guna.

When we destroy the environment we destroy our chances of reaching realization of the true

knowledge which exists and is available to us.

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SCIENCE Proven that those who are closer to nature are calmer, can think better, focus and be more

productive. That is why Gandhiji preferred to stay in his ashram most of the time.

28. Maya is not Illusion

Maya does not mean illusion

We have seen that the entire Universe or creation is interdependent and constantly changing every

moment. Even matter itself is eventually made of 'non-matter'; the Gunas.

Thus, the perception that we are matter or individuals is incorrect understanding.

The Concept that we are independent of the cosmos (including physical entities, humans and even

ideas, feelings and emotions) is incorrect or illusory.

We believe everything is fixed. But actually everything is changing. Everything is infinity and moving

all the time.

Maya, therefore, does not mean illusion. It means that everything is transitory, ever changing, 'non-

matter' and part of the whole. The world is fleeting and never constant. Quantum Physics has again

proven this.

Something which is ever changing cannot be the true nature of reality. But we misunderstand this to be

true reality. This misunderstanding or lack of understanding is called Maya.

29. Heterogeneity & Diversity

Comfort with heterogeneity and diversity is the essential component of all Indian religions. Unity does

not mean homogeneity or conformity.

Homogeneity and 'sameness' are against nature.

One can have infinite diversity without any chaos. This is described by Aurobindo as 'nature can afford

the luxury of infinite differentiation' because the ultimate unity always remains unaffected.

We actually see this in nature. Every creation including, humans, plants, animals, every leaf, snowflake,

rain drop, stone, etc. are all completely unique.

Nothing is ever repeated. So there was no one completely identical to you ever before or ever again in

any dimension.

Therefore the purpose of all Indian religions and philosophies is to create a balance or harmony

between homogeneity (forced order and control) and excessive difference (which could lead to chaos).

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30. Causes of Kaliyug and Destruction

We are supposed to be living in Kaliyug which is a constantly deteriorating phase leading to


This is however, not being caused by diversity but by an increasing swing to conformity, control and


We are ceasing to be appreciative of diversity across the world. This will lead to destruction, combined

with over-utilization of nature.

31. Happiness Not in The Material World

All Indian religions clearly state (except Charvaka), that happiness is not to be found in the material


It is only when we understand true reality as explained above and transcend this, can we experience

total bliss.

We can live more fruitfully and positively on this world and in this life if we understand this.

All the Rishis and mystics of India have contributed much more to society than any emperor or

scientist till now.

In fact, the best of scientists in ancient India were all Rishis.

32. Karma & Rebirth

This entire world is an endless cycle of cause and effect.

These cause and effects go on till this cycle of creation ends (destruction).

Our present current being or self is a creation of the Gunas.

Our true self is eternal and keeps taking form in different guises and births based on our actions or


To transcend this cycle of rebirth, cause and effect and creation and destruction is the purpose of all

Indian religions including Yoga.

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33. Free Will

Personal effort and exercise of your free will leads to liberation or transcending this cycle of cause and


We will cease to be dependent on anyone or anything and become pure existence or what we are meant

to be (tat tvam asi).

It is an internal process and completely possible by every individual.

There is no external intervention required.

In fact external intervention will prevent this process from taking place.

All the Indian religions and philosophies are processes, guidance and paths to trigger this internal effort

and enable exercise of free will to reach true realization.

34. No Good or Evil, God or Devil

There is no concept of devil who fights god and good and evil people.

All are equal and all aspects are present in every individual. It is the play of gunas.

If one has an excess of Rajas and also a lot of tamas, you will act in a certain fashion. This is labeled


If we act out of satva (even unknowingly), we will act in a beneficial fashion. This is called good.

It is completely contextual and situational. We act like the devil at times and very good at other times.

We are different with different people. A very greedy and selfish person could be very loving to his

own children but cruel to others.

We are different in office and different at home. Different with different sets of people.

Further good and evil are not polarities. They are the same, only the degree differs.

'Good' can be there only when there is 'evil' present; and vice-versa.

Given a situation, a quiet or 'bad' person may turn out to be the bravest, whereas the so called leaders

may run away.

An apparently good person may commit the most heinous of crimes presented with a certain set of


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If you like something, without realizing you are disliking something.

When you love someone, you are hating someone. Your desires and emotions lead to problems for you

and others.

When the problems become greater for others, it is called evil. When they increase for you, it is called

fate or mistakes.

The fact is that all of this is our creation alone.

All Indian religions give a path to get out of this dichotomy and polarities; but with self effort.

This self effort to get out of dichotomies and becoming more balanced, is actually free will.

35. Multiple Paths

Since there is so much of diversity and all individuals are different, there are multiple paths to reaching


There is complete recognition and acceptance that there can be multiple approaches based on the

individual, situation and context and maybe, time.

Therefore, there are many paths in Indian religions. Yoga, Vedanta, Buddhism and Jainism are all

processes and philosophies to reach the stage of bliss, nirvana, kaivalya, etc.

Within these there are multiple processes, approaches and sampradayas.

People can adopt what suits their Jati, mind states, situation in life and time.

Where we are not so aware, we take guidance from a Rishi or a guru.

36. Sampradaya Concept

Rishis who have experienced true reality put forward a certain approach.

Each of these approaches could be different.

People who follow a particular approach is called a sampradaya.

Sampradaya is not a cult at all.

People could follow more than one sampradaya and also have belief in other systems, sampradayas and


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37. No Conflict with Multiple systems

Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists are known to pray in each other's temples, (even churches, mosques

and dargahs) and also participate in each other's festivals.

At the same time, they could also be part of a certain sampradaya. There is no conflict because we

understand that all are valid and none are considered to be inferior or superior.

This is because each system has evolved based on the direct experiences of Rishis.

There has never been any religious war in India or by India to establish a religion or establish the

superiority of any religion in any part of the World.

Vedic culture spread across South and South-East Asia and Middle East through trade and contact and

not any wars for enforcement of religion.

The Sikh lineage, Shivaji's rise and rulers like Rana Pratap were all reactions to the destructive forces

to preserve the culture and thinking of the day. They were defensive in nature and not meant to

establish superiority of the Hindu religions.

Ashoka as a ruler is responsible for the spread of Buddhism across the World.

There was no conflict nor were there any wars to promote Buddhism or suppress Jainism or Vedic


Similarly, with the advent of Shankaracharya, Vedanta automatically spread and Buddhism reduced.

There was also once a time, when the prevalent religion in India was Jainism.

38. No Destruction

The other aspect is there has been no destruction of past records or systems.

Some systems simply drop out because they may have become less popular. Some resurface and new

others are born.

There is no need to erase or destroy anything. In fact, each learns from the other and build upon it

through experience.

Therefore, in India and with Indian rulers, there has been no destruction of temples, monuments or

culture or burning of records and libraries.

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39. No Single Authority

There is no single authority, scripture or organization or any official theology for any Indian religion.

There is no Bible, no Koran, no single prophet or a central Church.

It is not required because true experience cannot be taught or dictated or controlled.

Therefore, you find numerous scriptures, paths, approaches and sampradayas.

The Gita is an excellent summary of Vedic wisdom. But if there was no Gita, Mahabharata or

Ramayana, there are thousands of other Vedas, Upanishads and Scriptures and Rishis .

In fact, no one had heard of the Gita before Adi Shankaracharya made it popular through his

commentaries in 1300 a.d. Similarly, there were many Upanishadas which were not know before or

heard of before.

Similar is the case with Jainism. There have been 24 Tirthankaras across a few thousand years,

numerous jivatmas, gurus and as many valid scriptures. Buddhism has moved along in a similar


There is complete freedom of choice to follow your path.

Guidance and processes are given to help in the form of scriptures, stories, Sampradayas, Gurus, etc.

In fact, all these religions go one step further. Once we are on the right path, we should not be attached

to any of these and find your own way.

We are all divine so we need no authority to lead us or force us anywhere.

That is the meaning of Tat Tvam Asi.