research proposal for home made biogas digester

Research Proposal for Domestic Scale Biogas Digester Due to the increasing prices of fossil fuels and taxes on energy sources, finding alternative, clean and economical sources of energy has nowadays become a major concern for households’ and nations’ economies. Biogas Digesters Have Captured Many Imaginations because they can turn organic wastes from our farms, factories and houses into a valuable source of renewable energy. I am interested in working on domestic scale biogas digester to use bio-waste produced in our kitchens. The idea is to use this technique in rural areas of under developed countries to fulfil their energy demand for cooking. This is very safe, simple and easy to use design, so that even non technical person can also use it without having enough knowledge about biogas digesters. Since there is not much gas pressure in the system so danger of explosion can be neglected. I request you to please give me permission to work on this design within university premises. Best Regards, Muhammad Waseem

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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