research on pride for record


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Post on 31-Aug-2014




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  • I also saw this image and I think it could be great to recreate ourselves so that we do not face any copy write laws and we could use it to promote our live event if we have one.
  • What is pride?
    • Human Transgressions - The 1st Deadly Sin. Pride/Vanity is the deadliest of all the sins. It is an excessive appreciation, opinion, or belief of one's own worth or virtue. This sin is known as the anti-self-esteem." It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Vanity and Narcissism are good examples of these sins, though both imply a more empty feeling of Pride, with little to back it up. The color associated with Pride/Vanity is violet/purple. This depiction has a violet background with varying colors of violet and purple within the composition. Ive added yellow, which is purple's complement, as well as white. This depiction is obvious and bold Pride and Vanity are one and the same with respect to the deadly sins... The Contrary/Heavenly Virtue is "HUMILITY."
  • What is pride?
    • Pride
    • Main article: Pride
    • In almost every list pride (Latin, superbia ), or hubris , is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbour." In Jacob Bidermann's medieval miracle play , Cenodoxus , pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer , pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan . In Dante's Divine Comedy , the penitents were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs to induce feelings of humility.
    • Pride is also linked with vanity
    • Vainglory- Vanity
    • Vainglory (Latin, vanagloria ) is unjustified boasting. Pope Gregory viewed it as a form of pride, so he folded vainglory into pride for his listing of sins.
    • The Latin term gloria roughly means boasting , although its English cognate - glory - has come to have an exclusively positive meaning; historically, vain roughly meant futile , but by the 14th century had come to have the strong narcissistic undertones, of irrelevant accuracy, that it retains today. [17] As a result of these semantic changes, vainglory has become a rarely used word in itself, and is now commonly interpreted as referring to vanity (in its modern narcissistic sense).
  • " Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18, The Bible Something to think about.......
  • What is pride?
    • First i did some research on pride and what it is. I found this really helpful blog were it said
    • Pride -is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self
    • Right, the big bad sin. Pride. Yes, a little pride is good but there are some people that are unhealthily proud. (This sin is also known as vanity but as that concentrates on looks, which I am NOT proud of, we shall ignore this) I admit that I do have low self esteem, however, this does not mean that I feel no pride. In fact, sometimes, it means I fall harder. Think about it, you have zero expectations about something and somehow you manage to create something wonderful. You would be proud of that. Your low self esteem would fall away and reveal pride in this one thing. Now, someone creates something even more wonderful. You refuse to recognise it. You cannot accept that someone has beat you. It hurts when people tell you that the other thing is better but still you claim that yours is better. That's how I feel about some things. I can see that I am not talented in some things but I still believe I know best.
    • this tells us that pride has always been present which means it is natural human behaviour and also that you can have pride without it being a sin if it isn't too much.
  • How has pride been portrayed?- in the church
    • In the church people with two much pride have been depicted and described as penitents carrying heavy rocks on their backs that forces them to walk slowly, their bodies bent low to the ground. They are said to be suffering, hunched souls to the human figures (with knees to their chest and pained expressions).
  • How has pride been portrayed?- in art
    • Pride has been depicted in art through time and in actual fact a lot of early portraiture paintings could be said to show pride. And it is often depicted showing a mirror as it is linked to vanity and there are usually parts of the face that are obscured of the subject is shown turned away
  • How has pride been portrayed?- in drama
    • In various drama and film productions the person pride affects one of the main characters and this leads to their downfall and then they change their ways. Pride sometimes seen as positive however but it depends on the production. A likely scenario is wheen the person is too proud to accept help when they need it and then this leads to the inevitable downfall. For example in television series Pride Before A Fall.
  • What is mime?
    • 1 mime noun mm also mm
    • Definition of MIME
    • 1 : an ancient dramatic entertainment representing scenes from life usually in a ridiculous manner
    • 2 a : an actor in a mime b : one that practices mime
    • 3 : to mimic
    • 4 : pantomime
    • Examples of MIME
    • an actor with a gift for mime
    • a performance done in mime
    • an actor who is a talented mime
    • Origin of MIME
    • Latin mimus, from Greek mimos
    • First Known Use: 1616
    • Related to MIME
    • Synonyms: mimic , mummer , pantomime , pantomimist
    Another definition (simplified) Mime is where you silently express things. You have to be really good to do a show of mime, as there is no talking, you have to show what you mean by body lanuage. Mime is very emotional and you can express your feelings silently. Mime is a stylised form of drama which creates an illusion of reality. Visit for history of mime
  • Famous mime artist
    • One famous mime artist is Marcel Marceau who was an internationally acclaimed French actor and mime most famous for his persona as Bip the Clown.
    • He performed on a global scale and spread the art of silence making mime more popular.
    • www. youtube .com/watch?v=_lF0XMCssG0
    • www. youtube .com/watch?v=i99k7nCnVwM
    • www. youtube .com/watch?v=4Qx8_C1hMko
    • For descriptions, instructions and tips on how to mime visit the following website that I found
  • Where has mime been performed over time
    • Mime is performed on the stage, in theatres, in pantomime in film and in the streets.
    • Charlie Chaplin is a guy who performed mime in film and hes had a really big influence on modern mime and expression.
    • www. youtube .com/watch?v=w0HDhg8e7_s
  • How had mime been recorded
    • Mime has been recorded and in film and images in modern society although it could only be seen in theatres and in the streets before cameras. You can also find mime in drawings and sketches.
    • We can even see videos of mime on Youtube and find images on Google.
    • also visit
  • How can I portray pride through mime?
    • I think I can portray pride through mime by using big gestures to represent the haughtiness of the character, for example turning away dramatically using the whole body instead of just the head.
  • How will I record my scene?
    • As suggested by the group we will be using the schools main digital SLR camera and digital cameras for the shoot.
    • The director of each sin will be using the SLR camera.
    • The camera shots I want to use are
    • ECU - Extreme Close-up- The extreme close up is used to reveal very small details in the scene. It might be used to reveal horror in a subject (extreme close up of the subject's mouth as she/he screams). It might also be used in a mystery to show some detail that the detective picks up on or to show some small clue.
    • CU-Close-up- The close up shot is used to reveal detail. If you are shooting just the head and shoulders of a subject this is a close up.
    • MLS - Medium Long Shot- The head and shoulders shot is used in news broadcasts. If you think about the television news you will realize that this shot reveals enough detail to see the subject's lips move and the expression on her/his face.
    • MS - Medium Shot- The medium shot is from just below the waist to above the head. There is more headroom than in the bust shot. This show is used if the person is animated with their hand movements, etc.
    • Bust Shot- This shot shows your subject from above the knees to above the head. It is often used when the subject of the shot is doing something that requires the audience to see some detail.
    • Head and Shoulders- The head and shoulders shot is used in news broadcasts. If you think about the television news you will realize that this shot reveals enough detail to see the subject's lips move and the expression on her/his face.
  • Influences for idea based on pride- fashion storytelling photography
    • I also found out quite a lot about fashion storytelling photography. This type of photography is where they tell the story of a character through the clothes and different cameras shots. For example a shot from behind still shows the clothes but also tells the story as it seems as if the subject is running away. This techniques has also been used recently in advertising. This highlighted the importance of the clothes in the pride performance.
    • For examples of fashion storytelling photography visit this website
    • /
  • What will the story line of my mime sequence be
    • This storyline of my pride performance will be:
    • a haughty character walks on to the stage looks around and elevates her self on the platform (shows elevated status)
    • She mimes looking into a mirror and fixing herself
    • A humble person walks onto the stage and mimes helping people in need
    • The person with pride watches as though it is distasteful and unappealing for her to watch but we get a sense of sadness
    • The humble person looks up at her.
    • End of scene
  • What will I need
    • For my performance I will need:
    • Two characters on for pride, one for humility
    • Some purple costume or fabric as this is the traditional colour associated with pride. Possibly long if possible to add to the feel of her being upper class
    • Some light blue costume or fabric as this associated with humility. If I use a dress it should be plain to contrast the embellishment of the pride dress
    • A camera
  • Contingency plan
    • If there are members of the group missing who are supposed to be in my scene I will try to solve this by:
    • Firstly contacting everyone the day before the shoot
    • If they do not come I will try to contact them and see if they will be in later as we could just change the running order to accommodate this
    • If they are not coming for whatever reason I will have to choose someone else in the group instead.
    • General contingency plan for group
    • If a group member does not complete there work will work out why and set another later deadline of 2 days for them to complete it. If they do not this task will be give to someone else and they will not be able to claim it as their work and will therefore loose marks.
    • If they do not gather there research they will have until the week before to do it and present it to the group
    • If a group member leaves someone else will take over there responsibilities. This includes all research and photography and directing.
  • Any other elements (copy write and health and safety)
    • We also have to make sure we do not encounter any copy write infringements but this should be ok as all photographs will be our own. We will also clearly state that all images used in research were from the internet and will not pose them as our own.
    • We also have to make sure we follow safe working practices.
    • Typical safe working practices are:
    • No running
    • Be aware of electrical equipment
    • Know who is with you in the space at all time incase of fire
    • Know where fire exits are in the case of fire
    • Have a fire extinguisher in rooms with possible hazards
    • Keep records (if necessary)
    • Do a risk assessment (if necessary)
  • What do the people in my performance need to do and know
    • So if you are in my performance you will need to know:
    • The storyline
    • What colour you represent
    • Think of different facial expression based on your character persona
    • Also please try to bring in any items of clothing that you have that are the right colour for your character.
  • Stage design
    • Another section of my job role was stage design. Stage design can be really important to a production as it helps the audience to understand the piece and it also helps the performers to get into character and do the best they can.
    • Because we are going to be doing the entire performance for each scene in the same space I think it is best for us to have a simple stage and uses the lights as planned to show the changes, there will be platforms available for those who need it for their scene.