research methodology, unit 1 for mbs

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Unit 1 Introduction to Research Monday, June 6, 2022 shiva shrestha, HSM, Hetauda 1

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April 9, 2023 shiva shrestha, HSM, Hetauda 1


Unit 1Introduction to Research

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Main Contents:- Definition and nature of research Concept, Features and Process of Scientific

Research Features of social science Research Quantitative and Qualitative paradigms of

Research Features of social science Research Difficulties of applying scientific methods to

social science Research Management Research: Concept, Types,

Methodology and value of Decision making Ethical issues in Management Research

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Definition and nature of research To study or to search about a phenomenon Research = Re + search

Re = Repeatedly or again and again search = to investigate or find To search again and again is a research Generally , research is an effort to search new fact, knowledge, principle in scientific ways. It is essentially a systematic inquiry seeking facts through objectives verifiable methods in order to discover the relationship among them and to deduce from them broad principles or laws.

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Really it is a method of critical thinking by defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solution, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and making conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis. It refers to a critical, careful and exhaustive investigation or inquiry or examination or experimentation having as its aim the revision of accepted conclusions, in the light of newly discovered facts.

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Some definitions: Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English Defines “ Research is a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.” According to John W. Best(1992) “Research is a systematic and objective analysis and recording of observations that may lead to the development of a theory.” Uma Sekaran(2007) “ Research is an organized, systematic, data-based, critical, scientific enquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the objective of finding answers or solutions to it.”

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Thus the Research … is the directed towards the solution of the problem. is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence. demands accurate observation and descriptions. involves gathering new data from primary or first hand sources or using existing data for a new purpose. requires expertise and courage necessary to carry out investigation, search the related literature and to understand and analyze the data gathered. involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems.

To sum up, Research is the process of a systematic and in-depth study or search of any particular topic, subject or area of investigation backed by the collection, compilation, presentation and interpretation of relevant datails or data.

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Characteristics of a Good Research Systematic Logical Empirical Replicable

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Type of Research Applied vs. Fundamental Descriptive vs. Analytical Quantitative vs. Qualitative Conceptual vs. Empirical Other types of Research

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Nature and Scope/ Purpose of Research

Exploration Description Explanation Generalization and Prediction

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Distinction Between Theoretical and Applied ResearchTheoretical Research[Pure or Basic]

Applied Research[ Decisional]

1. It aims to contribute the theory and techniques of the discipline.

1. It aims to solve or improve the problem.

2. It studies any problem usually from the focus of one discipline.

2. It studies problems with important social consequences in several disciplines.

3. It requires mainly technical judgement.

3. It requires also a sense of what the situation and personalities can bear.

4. It restricts to research. 4. It is often useful in action or administration, not only in research.

5. It seeks generalizations. 5. It studies individual cases without the objectives to generalize.

6. It accepts the hypothesis that variables not measured remain constant.

6. It recognizes that other variables are constantly changing.

7. It attempts to get all the facts. 7. It attempts only to correct facts.

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Distinction Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Methods include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and reviews of documents for types of themes

Surveys, structured interviews & observations, and reviews of records or documents for numeric information

Primarily inductive process used to formulate theory or hypotheses

Primarily deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that make up a theory

More subjective: describes a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing it

More objective: provides observed effects (interpreted by researchers) of a program on a problem or condition

Text-based Number-based

More in-depth information on a few cases Less in-depth but more breadth of information across a large number of cases

Unstructured or semi-structured response options Fixed response options

No statistical tests Statistical tests are used for analysis

Can be valid and reliable: largely depends on skill and rigor of the researcher

Can be valid and reliable: largely depends on the measurement device or instrument used

Time expenditure lighter on the planning end and heavier during the analysis phase

Time expenditure heavier on the planning phase and lighter on the analysis phase

Less generalizable More generalizable

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Scientific Research systematic and objective attempt to provide answers to certain questions To discover and develop an organized body of knowledge According to Kerlinger “ Scientific research is systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among nature phenomena.” It is used to develop theories, concepts, generalizations and principles according to cause-effect relationship. Scientific research is a procedure, a general strategy that indicates an ordered sequence of moves(steps) which the researcher has to make in order to reach the goal of his or her research.

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Features/Characteristics of Scientific Research

Purposiveness Testability Replicability Objectivity Rigour Generalizability

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Mainly Scientific Research…… is always directed towards the solution of a problem. is always based on empirical or observable evidences. is characterized by systematic objectives and logical

procedures. involves precise observation and accurate description. gives emphasis to the development of theories, principles

and generalizations. is marked by patience, courage an unhurried activities. requires that the researcher has full expertise of the

problem being studied. should be replicable, valid and reliableRequires skill of writing and reproducing the report as

define complex terminology, use of simple terms, formulation of clear-cut design and procedure in objective manner.

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The scientific research process has four stages: Exploration, Description, Explanation and Prediction. Similarly, there are Eight steps in a scientific research: Sensing a problem, Problem identification, Theoretical framework, Hypothesis formulation, Research Design, Data collection, Data analysis and Refinement of Theory.

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Difficulties of Applying Scientific Method to social science Research

Complexity of the subject matter Human problems Influence of measurement process on result Difficulty of obtaining accurate measurement Difficulty of using experiments to Test Hypotheses Difficulty of making accurate predictions problematic objectives of the investigator

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Social Science Research Aims at adding to knowledge of human beings about the problems which face the society. related to human or social behavior scientific analysis of the nature and trends of social phenomena of groups According to Mrs. P. V. Young “ Social research is the systematic method of discovering the new facts or verifying the old facts, their sequences, inter-relationship, casual explanations and the natural laws which govern them.” According to Claus Moser “ systematized investigation to gain new knowledge about social phenomena and social problems we call social research.”

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Basic Assumptions of Social Research are…

Possibility of an objective study Existence of social norm or laws Existence of similar and ideal group Representative sample Casual relationship

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Business/ Management Research Types:

Financial Management Research Production Management Research Personnel Management Research Marketing Management Research

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Concept of Management Research Uma Sekaran(2007): “ Business research is a systematic and organized investigation conducted to resolve problematic issues in, or interrelated among, the different areas of management.” William Zikmund(2007): “ Management research is the systematic and objective process of gathering, recording and analyzing data for aid in making business decisions.” Donald Cooper and Pamela Schindler(2008): “ Business research is a systematic inquiry whose objective is to provide information to solve managerial problems.”

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In view of the informational needs of managers, types of management research are…

Policy Research Managerial Research Action Research Evaluation Research

Policy Research: It is defined as the development of a foundation of information to be used as a basis for making plans and decisions that will impact policy. Specially, it is related to the strategic analysis and planning activities of an organization.

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Policy Research is composed of three basic elements:

It studies how policy formulation occurs with a view to understanding and improving the process.

It is designed to analyzed situations at the strategic level and to formulate overall policy proposals.

It is systematically evaluates the priorities to be accorded to conflicting and complementary policy alternatives.

Managerial Research: It is related to the specific problem of limited scope for which management has the need of additional information on which to base a decision. It is focused on one particular activity, scheme or project launched by a management for the on-going projects.

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Action Research: A task oriented form of the study designed to provide continuous feedback regarding the performance of management activity and to improve that performance. It is a methodology which combines “action” and “research” together.

Basic Features of Action Research: Addresses practical problems Generates new knowledge Enacts change Is participatory Relies on a cyclical process Evaluation Research: It is the process of

determining the value or worth of something. It has two types:

a. Formative Evaluation b. Summative Evaluation

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Role of Research in Management Analysis Planning Execution Control

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Ethical issues in Management Research

Ethical treatment of participants Ethics and sponsor Researchers and Team members

Decision Making Certainity Uncertainity Risk/Ambiguity