research in to the relevant gangster genre

Research in to the relevant gangster genre

Upload: kausargulaid

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Research in to the relevant gangster genre

Research in to the relevant gangster genre

Page 2: Research in to the relevant gangster genre

Most successful films • The departed – (2006) – Martin Scorsese - Profit - $289 million

• The godfather – (1972) – Francis ford Coppola – profit $134 million

• The godfather II (1944) – Francis ford Coppola – profit - $57 million

• Goodfellas (1990) – Martin Scorsese – profit - $46 million

• City of God – (2002) – Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund. – profit - $24 million

Page 3: Research in to the relevant gangster genre

Most profitable ?

The departed grossed $289 million making it the most profitable film especially because their budget was $90 million, the second most profitable film was the godfather which grossed $134 million. The least most profitable film on my list was the city of god which grossed only $24 million.

Page 4: Research in to the relevant gangster genre

Main conventions of the openings in reference to mise en scene.