repubucans to launch - digifind-itwhu e other s contend tha t i mean littl or nothing. '...

\ ' - ' I , . . .' \ -1 7 .. DR. HMB'SfflONS TOSPMTONKffT WO1 Gh.Fsrti Lecture b Forum iSeries; CltMe. • Start Tossday. ' More than 109 im MIS are expected to attend the ftnt In a series of four forum lectures at 8:18 p, m. tonight In Cran- fcrd High Sdio« auditorium. To* lec- tures art bring offend to mnnectton with the Adult Education Program which ft betas; canted on in the com- munity thu fatt and winter..' Dr, Hans Staons, former general sec- retary of the League of Nations Union, ^ • "'. - ^fct A Saai^^iaVwk' dh*V Ata^av ^Ha^aaaaaAa&Hk, AM^M * jOffTu^T QDNIVIMl ©»' wDV/UCniHUt HUB* enoe, and a member of the Reich and the Prussian Mlnlstxy of the. Interior diirlnff the flnt Republic in Germany. win be tonight's speaker. His subject will be ."The Present International situation to. Europe." At present, Dr. Simons -la a/member of the graduate faculty, of the New School for Research JnNfwTorb City. A fonm> dtocuarion wttl follow the lecture/to charge of Jamea Downes of summit, who has had considerable ex- , perjenee to taadtag forums. ' toetanewin be: November 7, Badley Cantrn, The Analysis of /Propaganda"! and December is. Dr. Harry Oventnet, "W» Move ' " WrecUons*. January 4 Is the , date of the oooeWmg lecture. \ Tleketi for the" eeriea, priced at SI, may be obtained from presidents of an organisations la Cranford, at The Ottl- sen and Chronicle office. Board of Edu- cation oOee, efflee tf elementary school principals, or from Mm At. A. Craig, rh.imifn of (be Adult Education Coun- cil. To date, 38Ovenons have enrolled for the Adult Education classes which will open Tuesday eveningtatOranford- High BchooL Additional registrations win be received at the school between 7 and 8 pm. tonight and'also on Tuesday evening, the opening! night of classes. Total regUtntion is expected to reach 800. . EXPECT 1 3 0 0 AT DELUXE PARTY Monster Affair Wfll Be T o lorrow Night in S t Michael's SchooL LOCAL REGISTRATION , UNDER 1937 FIGURES * Then an 8,931 registered voters hi ' Crantord this year, a decrease of 31 un- der the number registered at a corres- ponding date, in 1937, it waa teamed yesterday from the .Onion County Board! of BecUons to. Elisabeth. The. third district, with 1,214 regis- tered voteraThas the largest.registra- tion of the eight district* here, ae- ' the figure* Other districts and their aegJatraUon follow: Pint, Ml; second, (S3; fourth, BOB: fifth, 1400; sixth, UTS; seventh, 915; and eighth, SSI ' •! In KIT, the sixth district had the largest registration with 1,338. Other " registrations by districts last year fol- lows: First; 837; second; 80S; third, 1478; fourth, 493; fifth, lj087; seventh, 930; and eighth, 835. Although district boards of registry and election met Tuesday for the pur- pose of taking additional regUtraU quaUoed voters may register and vote here on General Bectdn Day, Tuesday. NoTemoerS. FURTHER PLANS FOR " REGIONAL MEETING Plans for memben of the Oranford lions CTub to attend .a regional meet- ing on October at at t&e Halfway Bouse, Mountainside, were furthered last Friday night i t a meeting, of the Oranford d u b la the Chimney Comer. Representatifet of the WestfleW Club, sponsors of the regional meeting, wen present and told of. plane for the affair. B. W. Ambnuter of Westneld apoke on pure foods and drugs. Mr. Allen of Sumatra, a brother-in- law of B. R, Yansch, was rguest at the - meeting, which was conducted by Presi- dent T. J. Mclaughlin. McLEAN TO ADDRESS G. O. P. WOMEN MONDAY -, Congressman Donald H. McLean will xUscuea--HNatlonal Issues" at the Oc- tober Meeting of the Oranford Wom- en's Republican Club at 3:30 p. m. Monday .In Republican headquarters, North avenue and Alden street. Other State, County and local candi- dates have been invited to attend. - , Every member' of,lhe club has been requested to bring; two guests to Mon- days meeting. - .*• Mrs. Julia I. Haaard, president of the club and State oommltteewoman, win preside. . • • „ R.E. Jacks of Pate. Texas, Is vlsttjpg hl» eousto, Mrs. B. Bun]e of Ofl Baedi stnet. - , , « . UST MEMBERS OF NEW COMMITTEE Memben of the civic development committee of the Crantord CMe and Business Association wen announced yesterday by Winchester Brttton, 8r, president of. the assnrlaW. They an: J. A. Plummer, temporary chairman; H/R. Beet, W. EL BUL J A. Miner, O. X Warner and L. T. Wetonbach. These additions have beenjmade to committees announced in last week's Issue: Publicity committee, Charles M. Yeakel; and town planning, E. !B. Steele and Edward P. Whelan. -< The committees a n ail arranging or- ganisation meetings for the election of a permanent chairman, secretary and two representative to the executive * na ft?ff1ttoc.' Bach'\commlttee f^TQ has a number of suggested projects which it will discuss. As soon as the committees have been organised, another mass meeting of the association will be held to hear reports and wohmmenrtations on the various projects which they now have under advisement. Tin* meeting probably win be held early In November. Louis R. Allison, chairman of the membership committee, report* a total of 333 memben on* the association's rolls to date. arelwuig made to ac- penons at the deluxe [ht In St. Michael's parochial school under auspice* of the combined societies ot St Michael's Church. The affair will start at 8:15 p. m, and both the auditorium and basement of the school wffl be used to handle the crowd, which: la expected to be the largest ever to assemble in the bunding* < * * Twenty-five valuable prises wUl be awarded, it is announced by James Lynch, general chairman, who is being assisted! with arrangement* by Samuer Canning. Topping the list of awards Is a trip to Bermuda on the Monarch or the queen of Bermuda. The fortunate re- cipient of the award will make the trip in an outside state room on B deck and wttl'stay at the St Oeorge Hotel, while in Bermuda, Second grand prize Is a vacation at a leading hotel hi Atlantic city with an expenseapaid. Qeorge Komer Is m charge of ar- rangements for ihe party, with Mrs. Barry Bonney handling tickets and Mrs. Men Ryan, awards.- Prises have been arranged by F. Wels and Mrs, Frank Ewers. - . ' V. L A . QUARTERLY MEETING NOV. 10 The quarterly fall meeting of the Village improvement Association wfll be held Thursday afternoon, November 10, at the borne of Mrs. Edward Miner, 3 Berkeley Place, tt was announced yes- terday. The speaker will be Mrs. C M . Canright, whose subject wfll be "China." Plans for the meeting were made last Thursday at a meeting of the ex- ecutive board .at the home of Mrs. J. Stanley, B Sylvester'stnet. All mem- ben of the committee, with the excep- tion of Mrs. wniiam Nagle, who was m, were present. SIX LOCAL BOYS DRAW $15 FINES Result of Melee b Rahwty SaturdayV Njght; Wffl Appeal Deckion. Six Cranford youths wen fines of is each in Rahway police court but night by Judge David NeedeD who found them guilty of, tottering and molesting the public. Attorney Walter EL Oooper, who represented the local youths, announced last night that he win; take an appeal from Judge Need- en's verdict to the Court of Common' Pleas In Elisabeth. .... - * The local youths who were fined ere:, Eugene Hurter, 18. of SO B n street; Peter Delgandlo, 18, of 48 Burn- side avAiue; Warren Crane," 30, of 19 south Ninth street; Robert' Low, 30, of 342 south Union avenue; Cleveland Muldrow. 18, of £1 Benjamin- i t r « t ; and Charles Oartlan, Jr, of.48. Beech street.-- The boys were given two weeks' time to paji the fines." - ' The charges were an outgrowth of a melee which took place when a group of about twenty Cranford youths went to Rahway Saturday night to celebrate Cranford'* 7 to 0 football victory over Rahway on the local gridiron Saturday afternoon; The local'contingent en- countered a delegation from Rahway High School in Irving stnet .between Blsabeth and Central avenues,-and overripe fruit, vegetables, and stones new in an directions^ A 1 sinjUSSCjnelee developed In Rahway on the previous Saturday following the UHden-Rahway game. .•'"•-.. Thomas Stark. Jr, 18 years. oW, of 370 west Hastlwood avenue, Rahway, who, with three companions,'was pro- oMdlng north, on Irving, street at the tfyne of the melee, stepped Mf the curb to allow m group of celebnion to pass. fContteiiea oii but pas»; . Pound hangina fMsi a can door of polio* hwdttuartsm shortly after his aosst following a>'parlous effort to tax* his Itt*. Otta\ t«*ii»H 4s lean ^Mtmmw •••as' "•••w't ^s^ws*. eawfSPna^wMa ^w J/vMI old, of 88 Raritan rc*A revived by Dr. Hen Oasteldo, waa etfamlttod. to the county Jail Sunday to/await action of the Orand Jury osua charge of .at- tempted suldde. » had used hl» un- dershirt to make a noose. . ublnskl was foand unoooadoua at S:3S a. m. Sunday by peak Officer Jos- eph McCaffrey. B * had been arrested at 1 a. m, after he had tried "to kill himself by (as m his home, according to police. . " . , Arraigned befon Judge Malcolm R. Waroock on timnrlnlnt of Bergt. a e o n s LNRosendele, he pleaded not guilty. Rosendale was assisted In making 1 the arrest by Lieut WttUam Fischer, Sergt. Lawrence" BonneU and.Pitrolmen Wil- liam Oassman and Bernard Clark." ORIGINAL PEAY BE PRESENTED —f / Drama by Crmnford MMT to Be Offend " tic The program wbien the Cranford Dramatic Club^wltt/pnsent next Tues- day evening hi the Caajno, is a partic- ularly Interesting on*,, In that one of the plays. u m As AH Oil Out", is an original pW, written by two dub'teem- ben, H.JK. Beach and J Wjebster Sker- Renaming Street Has Residents an •inspiration to othet club whose' talents! He hi tins direction. Two other |weU chosen plays, "Ama- teurs" and "Bands Across'the Sea", win complete the evening's entertain- ment. \ Charles, H. Messervt, president of the club, has planned an informal recep- tion K> that old and new memben may meet. ' The hostesses for the/evening will be Mrs.' John P. Past, Mn. T. Kennedy Heston and Mrs. J. Webster Skemtt. What's in a name? We realise this is an open question Inasmuch as then an those who Wttl argue until the end of time that a name means everything, whUe others contend that It means little or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for south Sixth street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhood divided in- to three camps and all a n keyed up almost to a ^g^t^iy pitch.. " . • • ; The whole thing started some weeks ago when a petition was circulated re- questing the Township Committee to change the name ofi that streettoOak Lane—tht name having been, chosen, It was said, because of the abundance of oak trees In that section; and the word "tone" added t w i w ' the street Is only slightly mom than two city block. In length. Twenty-four of the twenty- seven propertu ownen on .the .stnet signed the petition. Then, a second petition wms presented to the Townahlp Oommlttee last week by the remaining three property* ownen, requesting the name be changed to Clay avenue. The petitioners contended that south Sixth rireet, although long designated on the township map. Is but a ftontlnnstiflti 'TIS? Clay avenue, a short connecting street, less thin half a block la length, between Manor ave- nue and south Sixth stnet. •Before the latter petition was. secure- ly settled* in the archives of the town- rCbfttased oa lost Cranford Woman Seeks Material For Her Revised Book on Cats Mrst George N. Hitchcock b Rewriting Mother's Work Entitled 'Concerning Cats'; WOl Wdcome'Stories, Pho- tographs. Have you,' tucked away aomewhen in your memory, an unusual.story,of a cat? Or is then. In your picture al- bum, a cute picture involving cats? If so, yotfre one of the many persons whom Alison Window Hitchcock would llto -to know. ' ]' Mn. Hitchcock, who Is Mn. Oeorge N. Hitchcock of 319 Central avenue, is jw,( aj_a |i\ji i v i r e sa> ^ * * • » • * ^*»»«^™ ^— »^-~ p .— working fast and furiously at the pres- ent time, editing, rewriting and revis- ing a boot»t|fled. l 'Concoiui^Cats," which was wrltten-by her/mother, Helen M. Window. / , Beams of material are" Included In Mrs. HJtchooclrtfolder/an on cats end their pecuUarltka. / ' i n her fllos, sre,letters, articles and u pictures from celeorKies whor to most vjpsnoos, an merelyrfamorom.names about which an woven great "stories. Albert Payson Terhuae is furnishing a story on Tippemry, his oat A pfctun rCoattuNtf oa It* ptft) TWICE iTl HOaYST.IAN OVERCOME BY GAS L. S. Transue Accidentally REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN THIS t Monday* Uvingstpn S. Tnnsue, 41 yean eld. of S west HoUy street, an accountant with the Bon' Ami Company In Hew, York, was fatally overcome by monoxto gas poisoning early 1 afternoon In the garage In the tear of his borne. Death was listedyas acd- by Dr. Pleteher OUpln/who pro- hlra dead at »:1&< p. m., after mon'than an4>our In an un- sucoessrul attempt, to revive Mr. Tran- Mr. Tnnsue was found seated In his car in*ah. unconscious oondltlon'by his wife, Mrs. Koila Angst Trantue, upon her returtyfrom New York, when ahe had spent the morning. She was at- 'io the garage by the sound of the^ear motor running. The garage en only partly open. She dragged her husband onto the lawn and summoned Dr. Gupta. -' The -polios Investigation was con- ducted by Ueut. WUllam Ptacher. A native of Stroudsburg,- P a , Mr. Tnnsue had.resided hi. Cranford for| ten yean befon removing to Elisabeth a jcei ago. With Mn. Tnnsue, he bad returned to Cranford only, a month ago. He was graduated hi 1914 from FhUUpsburg High Sdbool and from New York University, dais of 1933. He was a 1 member of Howard Lodge 33, P. ft A. M., 'of New Y o r f c . , •...-•... In addition to bis wUe, he,lsjnirvlTed. by his mother, Mrs. Louise Transus of ELEO10N IMPORT STRESSED Overwhefaninc C O. P. Ms> jorities Wffl Augur Success in 1940 Campaign. of Brooklyn; and a slster.Mrk John L. VanSyckle of. PhlUlpsburgw \ Funeral services will 'be held In Phinipsburg with Interment In Pair- mount Cemetery, that city,. .'.:-.. Historians Seek UNLAWFUL TO BURN LEAVES IN STREETS Residents of the township wen warn- ed. In a statement Issued this week by PoUee\Commlssloner J. Bdward Wolf, that It Is unlawful to bum leaves in concrete or macadam stnet* within the township limits. Police have! been In. structed to arrest any persons violating this ordinance. According to the, ordinance, no fin may be set within hf tten feet ofi any fin hydrant or withbrtwo feet of any or asphalt pave- ment, curb. pr"*ldewalk. No fire on private premises may bestarted withta feet of a building or left a lire be started on a windy, day. The township road gang, according to Township Engineer T. J. Mclaughlin, I* now at work cleaning up leaves along streets and In gutten. BEBOT. MKTZNI nnurt Deck Sergeant Edward Metsner of the' Cranford Police Department re- turned to duty yesterday after under- going an abdominal opsratlonjBunday In Bound Brook HosphaL A member of the department or tsventeen years, Sergt. Metsner it also record clerk at headquarters. Be is a member of Cranford Local, 83. P. B. A. PLAYFUL PCDOY V O M t M / PROMPTLY POT IN, POT HereiAJip to-Oranford people who may be fretting about the h i g h . "cost of living—when mealtime rolls around, Just step out of your back door and bring in a couple of opossumsl Can't be done without a magic wand? WeU^ let's look at the facts: .Mrs, Emma Crawford, sister of WUttsjn' Jennings of 108 Btoomjng- dale avenue, and who keeps house for her brother, is no magician and never (Killed a rabbit oift of a hat, ' but when she opened the door of a shed near the house a few days ago and saw two beady eyes staring at her from an overhead rafter, she neither fainted nor called for help. With one swing of a stout club, - she put the 'possum'down for the, count and retired to a neutral cot-- . ner to decide Just how she would ."cook him. In no tfane at All Mr. Opossum was simmering on the_ stove, and after being slowly stewed was browned in butter. - The writer had a taste'of it and you can take our word for its being/ •Just sbout the ftnetCmonel you ea* imagine.. —' 'j / o%di|toW Foot-Bridges /. Do you have *>iw photographs of old Oranford foot-brldies lying around |n the old family album.or stored away In the: trunk in the attic? If so, the Cranfonf Historical Society would ap- preciate the loan of thepictures Tor a short time In order to have copies made for preservation In the arehlverof the sodety. The historians-are particularly Interested In obtaining- photo* of. the foot-bridges over the Railway River at the/foot of Alden stnet and the on* that formerly was located near the rear of Hampton Hail; The society, at It* recent meeting at the borne of Harry J. Chapin, also de- cided to seek Information aa to how the streets of the township received their names. A committee, comprlwrt af N. R. Poster, chabman; O. K. Warner and Manuel Munoc, was appointed by Presi- dent Wesley A. Stanger to compile this information. Any residents having any Information, as to the naming of the various stnet* have bam requested to communicate with lueuibeu of the committee. Announcement was made that the Cnnford Library has turned over 93 books to the society. Edward Everett was appointed to look over the books and ascertain If they wen suitable for retention bythe. society to ita museum on north Union avenue. The next meeting will be held Jan- uary 27 at the home of U B OBrlan, f LsMgh north union avenue. - HAIXOWaTKN rSANKS / N O T TO BK TOLKKATCO p Commissioner J. Edward /Wolf announced this week that po-- Ike have been instructed to arrest all persons found destroying or mo- lesting yropeity. It U not the In- tention of the police W ? Interfere with Hallowe'en fun of youngsten to the townahlp. but destruction of .property win not be tolerated.. Po- lice also have been'Instructed to' pick up all youths found tetilng lire to leaves along streets or in va- cant lots. The In ailonaUy of Uui No- Timber S general election. Inthat over- whetatng RepubUoan majorities wttl augur success .in the 1840 presidential campaign and give hope of a return- to better time* under BepubuVsut rule; was the keynote last Thunday night of a -Candidates' Night" meeting, held In township 1 rooms under auspice* of the Cnanford Republican dub and the Cranford Young" Republican Club. Speaken wen: Congressman Donald H McLean, State Senator Charles E. LDtoeaux, Assemblyman Herbert J. Pas- coe. County Register Edward Bauer, Surrogate Charles A. Otto. FYeeholder Alfred O. Brooke and Township Com-, nutteemen PTfderick O. Sykes and" Dudley j . Croft. - ' . - ; ^ffi.spfakfni toltodttofd oy Presi- dent JTW. Donnrwere Under Sheriif Alex Campbell; Freeholder Charles L. Bauer, Jr 4 who urged support for Mr. Brooks,' Jamea O. Brokaw and Charles B. Smith, candidates, for return to the county hoard; Major Oeorge E\Oster- heldt, who asked the voten to return to office Mr. Sykes end Mr.Croft; and Malcolm. Johnson, president .of the Young RepubUoan Club. \. Then also was a letter from Wesley A. .Stanger. former dub president, re- questing* support .for Assemblyman Thomas. Muir, who wae unable to attend the rally- because of a previous engage- Hegdqusarters to Be Opened,. Banner Erected Saturday j Joint Meeting of All G.O.P. Groups Monday. An Intensive-Republican campaign wttl be launched here thla week-end and' continue through to the General Elec- tion on November 8, It was announced last night by John W. Doran, chairman of the. Cranford Republican municipal committee and president of the. Cran- ford Republican Club. - . ' Campaign headquarters will beopen- ed- .Saturday afternoon- In ,th* vacant storeroom at the corner of North ave- nue and Alden street under direction of- Mrs, O J. Japtn, The. headquarten will be opeifffifey afternoon and> eve- <. nmg until -WreUon. Uterafain con- cerning an Republican candidates win be available, and O. O, P. candidate* or their representatives will-be at 'the headquarten from time to time to greet local residents. A campaign banner will be erectnd Saturday .across north Union avenue, near North avenue, Mr. Doran an- nounced. '•' . ' .•"•.-• Campaign plans will be outlln'd at a meeting ofi the municipal committee and allied RepubUoan groups at 8 p. m. Monday In headquaren, Mr. Doran <(taied'. Among Uiose who will be pres-/ «nt at Monday's 'meeting wilt be ' ence, AXyictor, campaign manajer pt (he municipal committee; .Oeorge/D. Rankln, chairman of the campaign oommltto or the OranfordClub; Mrs. Julia, I. HUard, of the Women's Republlcan-Clu colm Johnson, president of the- Cran- ford Young Republican tBubi Herman J. Lusardl, president of ttie Italian- American Republican Club; Joseph Cox, president of the Oranford Colored Re- publican Club; the Rev. .BenJamlrKAl- len and Mayor Oeorge F. Osterheldt\ Meetings of'the municipal oommlttee x as well as several other Republican \ groups WUl* be- held In the campaign headquarten until November 8. CHILD! SCIENTISTS CHOOSE NEW FIRST Paul WttUns has been that reader of the Pvsi It waa announced this Mr. Wastes, who was elected at a spe- cial meeting early this month, wttl ea- WniD Oa HVW QBMJB BmwOmJ BWrnUIC. Mrs. Vtra Smith las been elected the new' second reader, succeeding Mrs. Mary & Miller. / • ATtEND/tOOTBAU. GAML Mr. and Mrs. John F.-Past and son. Jack, of qaremont pla those who witnessed the Fcnn State- _ _ I at Bethlehem. Pa, on Saturday. the Children'! Service Com- the Family and Children's 8o- Unlon County was explained' • afternoon at a meeting of the j£et the home-of Mrs. Charles Hansel trt fiorth: Union avenue. Mn. WlUlam E. Hill, of Oranford, the president, pointed put that the Family and Children's Society is the new name chosen by the Pamlljt Welfare Society and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children of Union County at a annual meeting last spring. The Children's Service Committee was organised three yean ago to raise unds and to give publicity to the i ous services of the society. It now I a membership at fifty; The sodety ceres or fifty children and maintains thirty foster homes. Last year, this commit-*.. tee contributed 8885 to the society thnMgti tliTM peoJ^ctsV RepresenUUyes of the ChUdrenVBer- vice Committee' Were present from Ptalnfleld, Fanwood, Blsabeth.jBummtt, Westneld and Cranford. More Than Halt ot Tax Dollar Goes for Debt Purposes—Poston . . . '*—*•» _ . _ __\. __ Cranford Man Teds I of Town's Say. Municipality I . k Debt limit Safe Mon of the tax dollar, here is used to pay oil municipal, tcUool and county debt than for all other purposes com- bined, Wade H. Poston. of Cranford, a representative o f / t h e Unon .County Taxpayers' -Aakflclatlon., j,an4 Union County told Thursday in I ship »W4J 'and Loan League, of the Rotary Club last their luncheon meeting Church chapeL " current year, the town- pay out for all- purposes. Of\thls amount, 8338400 is other thanithat received from The balance, (838,747, 1* tax to be collected from' the tax- Cmnford must' give to the 8147(4T» ncaidstjg of whether the col- lector receives It. t h e Slate gete H S U for soldlen' boons, the district courts, 88M, leaving Cranford but 8SB3400. Of thls amount. 8387,7*8 goes to pay ui- stanment* of faitenst and principal en Cranford defit, and 88S403 to pay in- stanments of Interest and priodpal-oo school debt. In addition. MMJM9 will to ipmt tat oUicr ichool pnipoics, in* chJdtog mm which wUl go to the State, but most of which win be re- turned to Cranford for school purposes. This leaves a balance of S17JBS3 of tax money to be used fortownahlppur- the S3J8J900 which came hi from sources-other than taxes, Ij/ls found that Cranford has\a total of 83S8.S73 to provide for aunflnis- tntlve, tax* aMrtiinriil and collection, police and On departments, "street and. tewer maintenance, street lighting and other minor activities. Looking at the township* debt pic- ture, Mr. Poston said that at the- ' set of the current year. Cranford owed a net debt of 8I.M3JM for the town and SM28400 for the schools, or a total debt,of 33*T1J9S0L This debt k equal to 13.7'Of the total valuation of the township. Thirteen per cent debris considered safe, but ten per cent hTfar S SERVICE UP MEETS HERE NEEDLEWORK GUILD TO MEET TOMORROW The annual meeting of the Cnnford Branch of the Needlework Guild-of America wttl be held Prlday afternoon at 3i30 o'clock at the home of Mn. Ed- win Cmlkshank. IIS HoUyi street. The Needlework Oulld of America— the charity that helps aU oharltles-U preparing for Ita (3rd year with the same faith and high "courage that ac- tuated the* small group of young women who bid the foundation for this great International organisation so many yean ago. Coupled with the firm belief that ev- eryone Is helped by helping some one else is the serious-fact that a heavy demand Is being made for what the Needlework Oulld gives—new garment*: for the sick and needy. ( . The annual donation of two new garmenta, or articles of household lin- en, or a jutn of money, constitute* membership in an organisation which represents not merely the work- of. one Individual or, group, but demonstrates power of\"united littles." -Men, en and children may Join...-™, an n o w and creeds are represented. A cordial invtuUonXo Join *>* <•>' tended^ t o all resident* P \ J 1 •£.-<.-. ag, M rstamed Toasday mati > \ .1" .' ,!r»i

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Page 1: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo

\ ' -' I

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7 ..


WO1 G h . F s r t i Lecture bForum iSeries; CltMe.• Start Tossday.

' More than 109 im M I S are expected toattend the ftnt In a series of four forumlectures at 8:18 p, m. tonight In Cran-fcrd High Sdio« auditorium. To* lec-tures art bring offend to mnnecttonwith the Adult Education Programwhich ft betas; canted on in the com-munity thu fatt and winter..'

Dr, Hans Staons, former general sec-retary of the League of Nations Union,^ • "'. - — ^fct A Saai^^iaVwk' dh*V Ata^av ^Ha^aaaaaAa&Hk, AM^ M *

jOffTu^T QDNIVIMl ©»' wDV/UCniHUt HUB*

enoe, and a member of the Reich andthe Prussian Mlnlstxy of the. Interiordiirlnff the flnt Republic in be tonight's speaker. His subjectwill be ."The Present Internationalsituation to. Europe." At present, Dr.Simons -la a/member of the graduatefaculty, of the New School forResearch JnNfwTorb City.

A fonm> dtocuarion wttl follow thelecture/to charge of Jamea Downes ofsummit, who has had considerable ex-

, perjenee to taadtag forums.' toetanewin be: November 7,

Badley Cantrn, T h e Analysis of/Propaganda"! and December i s . Dr.

Harry Oventnet, "W» Move ' "WrecUons*. January 4 Is the ,date of the oooeWmg lecture. \

Tleketi for the" eeriea, priced at SI,may be obtained from presidents of anorganisations l a Cranford, at The Ottl-sen and Chronicle office. Board of Edu-cation oOee, efflee tf elementary schoolprincipals, or from Mm At. A. Craig,rh.imifn of (be Adult Education Coun-cil.

To date, 38Ovenons have enrolled forthe Adult Education classes which willopen Tuesday evening tat Oranford- HighBchooL Additional registrations winbe received at the school between 7 and8 p m . tonight and'also on Tuesdayevening, the opening! night of classes.Total regUtntion is expected to reach800. .


Monster Affair Wfll Be T olorrow Night in S tMichael's SchooL


* Then a n 8,931 registered voters hi' Crantord this year, a decrease of 31 un-

der the number registered at a corres-ponding date, in 1937, it waa teamedyesterday from the .Onion County Board!of BecUons to. Elisabeth.

The. third district, with 1,214 regis-tered voteraThas the largest.registra-tion of the eight district* here, ae-

' the figure* Other districtsand their aegJatraUon follow: Pint,Ml; second, (S3; fourth, BOB: fifth,1400; sixth, UTS; seventh, 915; andeighth, SSI ' •!

In KIT, the sixth district had thelargest registration with 1,338. Other

" registrations by districts last year fol-lows: First; 837; second; 80S; third,1478; fourth, 493; fifth, lj087; seventh,930; and eighth, 835.

Although district boards of registryand election met Tuesday for the pur-pose of taking additional regUtraUquaUoed voters may register and votehere on General Bectdn Day, Tuesday.NoTemoerS.


Plans for memben of the Oranfordlions CTub to attend .a regional meet-ing on October at at t&e HalfwayBouse, Mountainside, were furtheredlast Friday night i t a meeting, of theOranford dub la the Chimney Comer.Representatifet of the WestfleW Club,sponsors of the regional meeting, wenpresent and told of. plane for the affair.

B. W. Ambnuter of Westneld apokeon pure foods and drugs.

Mr. Allen of Sumatra, a brother-in-law of B. R, Yansch, was rguest at the

- meeting, which was conducted by Presi-dent T. J. Mclaughlin.


-, Congressman Donald H. McLean willxUscuea--HNatlonal Issues" at the Oc-tober Meeting of the Oranford Wom-en's Republican Club at 3:30 p. m.Monday .In Republican headquarters,North avenue and Alden street.

Other State, County and local candi-dates have been invited to attend. -

, Every member' of,lhe club has beenrequested to bring; two guests to Mon-days meeting. - .*•

Mrs. Julia I. Haaard, president of theclub and State oommltteewoman, winpreside. . • • „

R.E. Jacks of Pate. Texas, Is vlsttjpghl» eousto, Mrs. B. Bun]e of Ofl Baedistnet. • - , , « .


Memben of the civic developmentcommittee of the Crantord CMe andBusiness Association wen announcedyesterday by Winchester Brttton, 8r,president of. the assnrlaW. They a n :J. A. Plummer, temporary chairman;H/R. Beet, W. EL BUL J A. Miner, O.X Warner and L. T. Wetonbach.

These additions have beenjmade tocommittees announced in last week'sIssue: Publicity committee, Charles M.Yeakel; and town planning, E. !B.Steele and Edward P. Whelan. - <

The committees a n ail arranging or-ganisation meetings for the election ofa permanent chairman, secretary andtwo representative to the executive*naft?ff1ttoc.' Bach'\commlttee f^TQ hasa number of suggested projects whichit will discuss.

As soon as the committees have beenorganised, another mass meeting of theassociation will be held to hear reportsand wohmmenrtations on the variousprojects which they now have underadvisement. Tin* meeting probablywin be held early In November.

Louis R. Allison, chairman of themembership committee, report* a totalof 333 memben on* the association'srolls to date.

arelwuig made to ac-penons at the deluxe

[ht In St. Michael'sparochial school under auspice* of thecombined societies o t S t Michael'sChurch. The affair will start at 8:15p. m, and both the auditorium andbasement of the school wffl be used tohandle the crowd, which: la expected tobe the largest ever to assemble in thebunding* < * *

Twenty-five valuable prises wUl beawarded, it is announced by JamesLynch, general chairman, who is beingassisted! with arrangement* by SamuerCanning.

Topping the list of awards Is a tripto Bermuda on the Monarch or thequeen of Bermuda. The fortunate re-cipient of the award will make the tripin an outside state room on B deck andwttl'stay at the S t Oeorge Hotel, whilein Bermuda, Second grand prize Is a

vacation at a leading hotel hiAtlantic city with an expenseapaid.

Qeorge Komer Is m charge of ar-rangements for ihe party, with Mrs.Barry Bonney handling tickets andMrs. Men Ryan, awards.- Prises havebeen arranged by F. Wels and Mrs,Frank Ewers. - . '


The quarterly fall meeting of theVillage improvement Association wfllbe held Thursday afternoon, November10, at the borne of Mrs. Edward Miner,3 Berkeley Place, tt was announced yes-terday. The speaker will be Mrs. C M .Canright, whose subject wfll be "China."

Plans for the meeting were madelast Thursday at a meeting of the ex-ecutive board .at the home of Mrs. J.Stanley, B Sylvester'stnet. All mem-ben of the committee, with the excep-tion of Mrs. wniiam Nagle, who was m,were present.


Result of Melee b RahwtySaturdayV Njght; Wffl

Appeal Deckion.

Six Cranford youths wenfines of i s each in Rahway police courtbut night by Judge David NeedeD whofound them guilty of, tottering andmolesting the public. Attorney WalterEL Oooper, who represented the localyouths, announced last night that hewin; take an appeal from Judge Need-en's verdict to the Court of Common'Pleas In Elisabeth. •....- *

The local youths who were finedere:, Eugene Hurter, 18. of SO B n

street; Peter Delgandlo, 18, of 48 Burn-side avAiue; Warren Crane," 30, of 19south Ninth street; Robert' Low, 30, of342 south Union avenue; ClevelandMuldrow. 18, of £1 Benjamin- itr«t;and Charles Oartlan, Jr, of.48. Beechstreet.-- The boys were given two weeks'time to paji the fines." - '

The charges were an outgrowth of amelee which took place when a groupof about twenty Cranford youths wentto Rahway Saturday night to celebrateCranford'* 7 to 0 football victory overRahway on the local gridiron Saturdayafternoon; The local'contingent en-countered a delegation from RahwayHigh School in Irving stnet .betweenBlsabeth and Central avenues,-andoverripe fruit, vegetables, and stonesnew in an directions^ A1 sinjUSSCjneleedeveloped In Rahway on the previousSaturday following the UHden-Rahwaygame. . • ' " • - . .

Thomas Stark. Jr, 18 years. oW, of370 west Hastlwood avenue, Rahway,who, with three companions,'was pro-oMdlng north, on Irving, street at thetfyne of the melee, stepped Mf the curbto allow m group of celebnion to pass.

fContteiiea oii but pas»; .

Pound hangina fMsi a can door ofpolio* hwdttuartsm shortly after hisaosst following a>'parlous effort totax* his Itt*. Otta\ t«*ii»H 4s lean^Mtmmw •••as' "•••w't ^s^ws*. eawfSPna^wMa ^ w J / v M I

old, of 88 Raritan rc*A revived by Dr.Hen Oasteldo, waa etfamlttod. to thecounty Jail Sunday to/await action ofthe Orand Jury osua charge of .at-tempted suldde. » had used hl» un-dershirt to make a noose. .

ublnskl was foand unoooadoua atS:3S a. m. Sunday by peak Officer Jos-eph McCaffrey. B * had been arrestedat 1 a. m, after he had tried "to killhimself by (as m his home, accordingto police. . " . ,

Arraigned befon Judge Malcolm R.Waroock on timnrlnlnt of Bergt. a e o n sLNRosendele, he pleaded not guilty.Rosendale was assisted In making1 thearrest by Lieut WttUam Fischer, Sergt.Lawrence" BonneU and.Pitrolmen Wil-liam Oassman and Bernard Clark."


Drama by Crmnford MMT toBe Offend "

ticThe program wbien the Cranford

Dramatic Club^wltt/pnsent next Tues-day evening hi the Caajno, is a partic-ularly Interesting on*,, In that one ofthe plays. um As AH Oil Out", is anoriginal pW, written by two dub'teem-ben, H.JK. Beach and J Wjebster Sker-

Renaming StreetHas Residents

an •inspiration to othet clubwhose' talents! He hi tins direction.

Two other |weU chosen plays, "Ama-teurs" and "Bands Across'the Sea",win complete the evening's entertain-ment. \

Charles, H. Messervt, president of theclub, has planned an informal recep-tion K> that old and new memben maymeet. '

The hostesses for the/evening will beMrs.' John P. Past, Mn. T. KennedyHeston and Mrs. J. Webster Skemtt.

What's in a name? We realise this isan open question Inasmuch as then a nthose who Wttl argue until the end oftime that a name means everything,whUe others contend that It means littleor nothing. '

Nevertheless, the selection of a newname for south Sixth street has rest-,dents of thai neighborhood divided in-to three camps and all a n keyed upalmost to a g^t^iy pitch.. " . • •;

The whole thing started some weeksago when a petition was circulated re-questing the Township Committee tochange the name ofi that street to OakLane—tht name having been, chosen, Itwas said, because of the abundance ofoak trees In that section; and the word"tone" added t w i w ' the street Is onlyslightly mom than two city block. Inlength. Twenty-four of the twenty-seven propertu ownen on .the .stnetsigned the petition.

Then, a second petition wms presentedto the Townahlp Oommlttee last weekby the remaining three property* ownen,requesting the name be changed toClay avenue. The petitioners contendedthat south Sixth rireet, although longdesignated on the township map. Isbut a ftontlnnstiflti 'TIS? Clay avenue, ashort connecting street, less thin halfa block la length, between Manor ave-nue and south Sixth stnet.

•Before the latter petition was. secure-ly settled* in the archives of the town-

rCbfttased oa lost

Cranford Woman Seeks MaterialFor Her Revised Book on Cats

Mrst George N. Hitchcock bRewriting Mother's WorkEntitled 'Concerning Cats';WOl Wdcome'Stories, Pho-tographs.

Have you,' tucked away aomewhenin your memory, an unusual.story,of acat? Or is then. In your picture al-bum, a cute picture involving cats? Ifso, yotfre one of the many personswhom Alison Window Hitchcock wouldllto -to know. ' ]'

Mn. Hitchcock, who Is Mn. OeorgeN. Hitchcock of 319 Central avenue, isjw,( aj_a |i\ji i v i r e sa> ^** • » • * ^*»»«^™ ^— — » -~ p . —

working fast and furiously at the pres-ent time, editing, rewriting and revis-ing a boot»t|fled. l'Concoiui^Cats,"which was wrltten-by her/mother,Helen M. Window. / ,

Beams of material are" Included InMrs. HJtchooclrtfolder/an on cats endtheir pecuUarltka. /' in her fllos, sre,letters, articles and

u pictures from celeorKies whor to mostvjpsnoos, an merely rfamorom .names

about which a n woven great "stories.Albert Payson Terhuae is furnishing astory on Tippemry, his oat A pfctun

rCoattuNtf oa I t* ptft)



L. S. Transue Accidentally


t Monday*

Uvingstpn S. Tnnsue, 41 yean eld.of S west HoUy street, an accountantwith the Bon' Ami Company In Hew,York, was fatally overcome bymonoxto gas poisoning early 1afternoon In the garage In the tear ofhis borne. Death was listedyas acd-

by Dr. Pleteher OUpln/who pro-hlra dead at »:1&< p. m., aftermon'than an4>our In an un-

sucoessrul attempt, to revive Mr. Tran-

Mr. Tnnsue was found seated In hiscar in*ah. unconscious oondltlon'by hiswife, Mrs. Koila Angst Trantue, uponher returtyfrom New York, when ahehad spent the morning. She was at-

'io the garage by the sound ofthe^ear motor running. The garage

en only partly open. Shedragged her husband onto the lawnand summoned Dr. Gupta. -'

The -polios Investigation was con-ducted by Ueut. WUllam Ptacher.

A native of Stroudsburg,- Pa, Mr.Tnnsue had.resided hi. Cranford for|ten yean befon removing to Elisabetha jcei ago. With Mn. Tnnsue, he badreturned to Cranford only, a monthago. He was graduated hi 1914 fromFhUUpsburg High Sdbool and fromNew York University, dais of 1933. Hewas a1 member of Howard Lodge 33, P.ft A. M., 'of New Yorfc., •...-•...

In addition to bis wUe, he, his mother, Mrs. Louise Transus of


Overwhefaninc C O. P. Ms>jorities Wffl Augur Success

in 1940 Campaign.

of Brooklyn; and a slster.Mrk JohnL. VanSyckle of. PhlUlpsburgw \

Funeral services will 'be held InPhinipsburg with Interment In Pair-mount Cemetery, that city,. .'.:-..

Historians Seek


Residents of the township wen warn-ed. In a statement Issued this week byPoUee\Commlssloner J. Bdward Wolf,that It Is unlawful to bum leaves inconcrete or macadam stnet* within thetownship limits. Police have! been In.structed to arrest any personsviolating this ordinance.

According to the, ordinance, no finmay be set within hf tten feet ofi anyfin hydrant or withbrtwo feet of any

or asphalt pave-ment, curb. pr"*ldewalk. No fire onprivate premises may be started withta

feet of a building or left

a lire be started on a windy, day.The township road gang, according

to Township Engineer T. J. Mclaughlin,I* now at work cleaning up leaves alongstreets and In gutten.

BEBOT. MKTZNI nnurtDeck Sergeant Edward Metsner of

the' Cranford Police Department re-turned to duty yesterday after under-going an abdominal opsratlonjBundayIn Bound Brook HosphaL A memberof the department or tsventeen years,Sergt. Metsner it also record clerk atheadquarters. Be is a member ofCranford Local, 83. P. B. A.


HereiAJip to-Oranford peoplewho may be fretting about the h igh.

" cost of living—when mealtime rollsaround, Just step out of your backdoor and bring in a couple ofopossumsl Can't be done withouta magic wand? WeU^ let's look atthe facts:.Mrs, Emma Crawford, sister of

WUttsjn' Jennings of 108 Btoomjng-dale avenue, and who keeps housefor her brother, is no magician andnever (Killed a rabbit oift of a hat,

' but when she opened the door of ashed near the house a few days agoand saw two beady eyes staring ather from an overhead rafter, sheneither fainted nor called for help.

With one swing of a stout club, -she put the 'possum'down for the,count and retired to a neutral cot--

. ner to decide Just how she would

."cook him. In no tfane at All Mr.Opossum was simmering on the_stove, and after being slowly stewedwas browned in butter. -

The writer had a taste'of it andyou can take our word for its being/•Just sbout the ftnetCmonel you ea*imagine.. —' 'j /


/.Do you have *>iw photographs of old

Oranford foot-brldies lying around |nthe old family album.or stored awayIn the: trunk in the attic? If so, theCranfonf Historical Society would ap-preciate the loan of the pictures Tor ashort time In order to have copies madefor preservation In the arehlverof thesodety. The historians-are particularlyInterested In obtaining- photo* of. thefoot-bridges over the Railway River atthe/foot of Alden stnet and the on*that formerly was located near the rearof Hampton Hail;

The society, at It* recent meeting atthe borne of Harry J. Chapin, also de-cided to seek Information aa to how thestreets of the township received theirnames. A committee, comprlwrt af N.R. Poster, chabman; O. K. Warner andManuel Munoc, was appointed by Presi-dent Wesley A. Stanger to compile thisinformation. Any residents having anyInformation, as to the naming of thevarious stnet* have bam requested tocommunicate with lueuibeu of thecommittee.

Announcement was made that theCnnford Library has turned over 93books to the society. Edward Everettwas appointed to look over the booksand ascertain If they wen suitable forretention by the. society to ita museumon north Union avenue.

The next meeting will be held Jan-uary 27 at the home of U B OBrlan, f LsMghnorth union avenue. -


p Commissioner J. Edward/Wolf announced this week that po--

Ike have been instructed to arrestall persons found destroying or mo-lesting yropeity. It U not the In-tention of the police W? Interferewith Hallowe'en fun of youngstento the townahlp. but destruction of

.property win not be tolerated.. Po-lice also have been'Instructed to'pick up all youths found tetilnglire to leaves along streets or in va-cant lots.

The In ailonaUy of Uui No-Timber S general election. In that over-whetatng RepubUoan majorities wttlaugur success .in the 1840 presidentialcampaign and give hope of a return- tobetter time* under BepubuVsut rule; wasthe keynote last Thunday night of a-Candidates' Night" meeting, held Intownship1 rooms under auspice* of theCnanford Republican dub and theCranford Young" Republican Club.

• Speaken wen: Congressman DonaldH McLean, State Senator Charles E.LDtoeaux, Assemblyman Herbert J. Pas-coe. County Register Edward Bauer,Surrogate Charles A. Otto. FYeeholderAlfred O. Brooke and Township Com-,nutteemen PTfderick O. Sykes and"Dudley j . Croft. - ' . - ;

^ ffi. spfakfni toltodttofd oy Presi-dent JTW. Donnrwere Under SheriifAlex Campbell; Freeholder Charles L.Bauer, Jr4 who urged support for Mr.Brooks,' Jamea O. Brokaw and CharlesB. Smith, candidates, for return to thecounty hoard; Major Oeorge E\Oster-heldt, who asked the voten to returnto office Mr. Sykes end Mr.Croft; andMalcolm. Johnson, president .of theYoung RepubUoan Club. \.

Then also was a letter from WesleyA. .Stanger. former dub president, re-questing* support .for AssemblymanThomas. Muir, who wae unable to attendthe rally- because of a previous engage-

Hegdqusarters to Be Opened,.Banner Erected Saturday jJoint Meeting of All G.O.P. •Groups Monday.

An Intensive-Republican campaignwttl be launched here thla week-end and'continue through to the General Elec-tion on November 8, It was announcedlast night by John W. Doran, chairmanof the. Cranford Republican municipalcommittee and president of the. Cran-ford Republican Club. - . '

Campaign headquarters will be open-ed- .Saturday afternoon- In ,th* vacantstoreroom at the corner of North ave-nue and Alden street under direction of-Mrs, O J. Japtn, The. headquartenwill be opeifffifey afternoon and> eve- <.nmg until -WreUon. Uterafain con-cerning an Republican candidates winbe available, and O. O, P. candidate* ortheir representatives will-be at 'theheadquarten from time to time to greetlocal residents.

A campaign banner will be erectndSaturday .across north Union avenue,near North avenue, Mr. Doran an-nounced. '•' . ' . • " • . - •

Campaign plans will be outlln'd at ameeting ofi the municipal committeeand allied RepubUoan groups at 8 p. m.Monday In headquaren, Mr. Doran<(taied'. Among Uiose who will be pres-/«nt at Monday's 'meeting wilt be 'ence, AXyictor, campaign manajer pt(he municipal committee; .Oeorge/D.Rankln, chairman of the campaignoommltto or the Oranford •Club; Mrs. Julia, I. HUard,of the Women's Republlcan-Clucolm Johnson, president of the- Cran-ford Young Republican tBubi HermanJ. Lusardl, president of ttie Italian-American Republican Club; Joseph Cox,president of the Oranford Colored Re-publican Club; the Rev. .BenJamlrKAl-len and Mayor Oeorge F. Osterheldt\

Meetings of'the municipal oommlttee xas well as several other Republican \groups WUl* be- held In the campaignheadquarten until November 8.



Paul WttUns has beenthat reader of the Pvsi

It waa announced thisMr. Wastes, who was elected at a spe-cial meeting early this month, wttl ea-W n i D O a HVW QBMJB BmwOmJ BWrnUIC.Mrs. Vtra Smith l a s been elected thenew' second reader, succeeding Mrs.Mary & Miller. / •

ATtEND/tOOTBAU. GAMLMr. and Mrs. John F.-Past and son.

Jack, of qaremont plathose who witnessed the Fcnn State-

_ _ I at Bethlehem. Pa, onSaturday.

the Children'! Service Com-the Family and Children's 8o-Unlon County was explained'• afternoon at a meeting of thej£et the home-of Mrs. Charles

Hansel trt fiorth: Union avenue.Mn. WlUlam E. Hill, of Oranford, the

president, pointed put that the Familyand Children's Society is the new namechosen by the Pamlljt Welfare Societyand the Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to children of Union County at

a annual meeting last spring.The Children's Service Committee

was organised three yean ago to raiseunds and to give publicity to the i

ous services of the society. It now Ia membership at fifty; The sodety ceresor fifty children and maintains thirty

foster homes. Last year, this commit-*..tee contributed 8885 to the societythnMgti tliTM peoJ ctsV

RepresenUUyes of the ChUdrenVBer-vice Committee' Were present fromPtalnfleld, Fanwood, Blsabeth.jBummtt,Westneld and Cranford.

More Than Halt ot Tax DollarGoes for Debt Purposes—Poston

. . . '*—*•» _._ __\.. __Cranford Man Teds Iof Town'sSay. Municipality I . kDebt l imi t


Mon of the tax dollar, here is used topay oil municipal, tcUool and countydebt than for all other purposes com-bined, Wade H. Poston. of Cranford, arepresentative of/the Unon .CountyTaxpayers' -Aakflclatlon., j,an4 UnionCountytoldThursdayin


'and Loan League,of the Rotary Club lasttheir luncheon meeting

Church chapeL "current year, the town-

pay out for all- purposes.Of\thls amount, 8338400 is

other thanithat received fromThe balance, (838,747, 1* taxto be collected from' the tax-

Cmnford must' give to the8147(4T» ncaidstjg of whether the col-lector receives It. the Slate gete H S Ufor soldlen' boons, the district courts,88M, leaving Cranford but 8SB3400. Of

thls amount. 8387,7*8 goes to pay ui-stanment* of faitenst and principal enCranford defit, and 88S403 to pay in-stanments of Interest and priodpal-ooschool debt. In addition. MM JM9 willto ipmt tat oUicr ichool pnipoics, in*chJdtog mm which wUl go to theState, but most of which win be re-turned to Cranford for school purposes.

This leaves a balance of S17JBS3 oftax money to be used for townahlp pur-

the S3J8J900which came hi from sources-other thantaxes, Ij/ls found that Cranford has\atotal of 83S8.S73 to provide for aunflnis-tntlve, tax* aMrtiinriil and collection,police and On departments, "street and.tewer maintenance, street lighting andother minor activities.

Looking at the township* debt pic-ture, Mr. Poston said that at the- 'set of the current year. Cranford oweda net debt of 8I.M3JM for the townand SM28400 for the schools, or a totaldebt,of 33*T1J9S0L This debt k equalto 13.7'Of the total valuation of thetownship. Thirteen per cent debrisconsidered safe, but ten per cent hTfar



The annual meeting of the CnnfordBranch of the Needlework Guild-ofAmerica wttl be held Prlday afternoonat 3i30 o'clock at the home of Mn. Ed-win Cmlkshank. IIS HoUyi street.

The Needlework Oulld of America—the charity that helps aU oharltles-Upreparing for Ita (3rd year with thesame faith and high "courage that ac-tuated the* small group of young womenwho bid the foundation for this greatInternational organisation so manyyean ago.

Coupled with the firm belief that ev-eryone Is helped by helping some oneelse is the serious-fact that a heavydemand Is being made for what theNeedlework Oulld gives—new garment*:for the sick and needy. ( .

The annual donation of two newgarmenta, or articles of household lin-en, or a jutn of money, constitute*membership in an organisation whichrepresents not merely the work- of. oneIndividual or, group, but demonstrates

power of\"united littles." -Men,en and children may Join...-™, an

n o w and creeds are represented.A cordial invtuUonXo Join *>* <•>'

tended^ to all resident*

P\ J

1 •£.-<.-.

a g , Mrstamed Toasdaymati


\ .1"

.' ,!r»i

Page 2: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo


— - - J

/-• ' V i .

\ • " • * ' • * *

" 1


(Eitfsen attftTBtOuxronrOmanaJ . i lT B I C u m a OIXIUM,


pttpamd fey Dr, Herman

Enured »t the Past Office at Cranford, N. TTM Second d a n Matter.

Published Thursday at Oranford, New .Jener. byThe Crcnford Cltlsen and Chronicle, Ine. QBetal •Mewspaper for Cranford. Qarwood and Kennworth.-

Subscriptloh Rates4W.00 a Year In Advance.OFFICE: J Alden Street, Phone CRanford 6-0008.



I. A Municipal Building tor CranJord. /S. Boost Cranlord and to Mmy^anrlcss. /'3. Municipal Sponsorship oiHoUdar Cildwanona.4; Publicize PubUc-Bcpsmdituws; ;• , ~: .,S. Hedlstrict Cranlord. '

Goinff to School Again/ ,„; ,, It has been wisely said that as long as a

person is able to learn new things and broadenhis mind, he enjoys life. It is., only when aperson reaches that stage in life;where-he nolonger has any desire'tp seek-after View truths/that he is getting old. vL.Jv \ /

Many persons have, in the past, reachedthis stage shortly after graduation frorn highBchot>l or college. They have believe^ thatthey have learned every thing" they need tpknow. The depression showed us the' fallacyof this belief. \ /

What to do with that extra leisure timebrought about by shorter working'hours or noworking hours at all awakened many to thefact, that they had missed a great many things/during the time they went to school. They

^ found that they had not learned to profitablyuse their leisure time, either by taking- up ahobby, continuing their education or someother broadening occupation. ^/ , •

So great has been the demand for some-leadership along .this'line that Adult Educa-tion classes have been started throughout thecountry and they have met with tremendoussuccess. Various and sundry courses are of-fern} to aid the many hundreds of persons

t who are demanding such classes in order thatmay better/enjoy life in the modem

•world. /In line with this widespread movement,

the Cranford Adult Education Classes willopen for its first ten weeks''term next Tues-

, day evening in .Cranford High School. Morethan thirty courses will be offered, and theregistration fee has been kept at a minimnm

/ in order that all residents of the township mayk d f h i i Nl/ / take advantage of the instruction. Nearly

every person in Cranford should find at leasttwo "courses which would Be of particularbenefit to him. Two classes will be held eachTuesday evening during the ten "weeks' term.

If you havn't already done so, .register-tonight or Tuesday nighr^at Cranford HighSchool for the Adult Education classes.. Youwon't be in style in Cranford this fall andwinter unless you're "going to school."

I O U—$43,000,000,000A few years ago there was- a tremendous

amount of public concern over the fact thatthe national debt had passed, the $25,000.-000,000 point. Today it is forecast that thedebt will shortly touch $43,000,000,000—yet

-public lethargy and indifference could hardlybe greater. This gigantic mortgage'againstthe earnings and .property of all individualsand all business no longer makes the head-lines. , , ** -

,' Such indifference ia one of the most daxF' gerous phases of the whole problem, of debt

and taxation. We will never reduce the debt,even as we never will reduce or equalize tax-

" ation, without an awakened, aggressive public' demand to compel a change. ' The politicians

won't do it for us—they will simply inflate\t to even higher levels. And that meansmore taxes1 and .higher taxes, a steadily les-sened national' income that can be spent for

,"; productive purposes— -and, more hard, timesin the future. •, ' , '' „ . "

(,",„,. J^Welce, up to, .Ntne fact that '<•.tbe,;public debt is your debt.'"It'is inescap-

- related1 to yftur job, your sa• —^—••*—ities, - -your **" J ~*—

IB anessfaent last j w r . bsingms thetotal to 62LM8.094. TWs nseans that

i s In futiostson to total popu-btimikaboat sixty per cent. , ,

_ to the statistics, the RomanCathofic Ctsoods is the largest single denomi-nation in this country, with-estimated adultmernbersbip of 15.492.016. Among -theProtestant sects. Use Baptist bodies, collective-ly, ted with 10332.003 and the Methodistsfollowed, with 9 .10 .359 members.

Style hwecasts of 'comingtions.


\ It's about time for'scmciof the ladies tog»to church again. The new tajl hats are out.

is to

_ Money is not onlyevU, but it is abo the

A ghrtton b the one who put the "eat\

source .otNnuchof most

i death.

Moat people worry too much about whatother-people think of them.

Many a sick person gets well the day thefootball game is to be played. -

If TOO keep working at it long enough,the. Hardest job wui be finished.

'' Plans do not always mature exactly asone expects; and perhaps that is a goodthings •.

Any father can tell you that the smallboys are the gays wno ptit the "din", in read-ing; *

Isn't it funny that it is usually after aman dies that people find out really how goodhe was.

Most people can makeup most attractiveexcuses for not doing what they really don'twant to do.

The best way to take care of .tie so-calledRed menace as to be sane we lafc" taking $are,of

. Men would be great Successes if theycooU behalf as successful as the» wives

We wooldl Hce to know who in Cranfordtakes time to read afl the scandal the big news-papers psint

- - KmcLwvcds and a friendly dispositionhelp ease the burdens of the world, but theydon't feed or clothe anybody.

Nothing; in the work! is quite as seriousas an editor -who is sersmii, unless it-is ajieditor who asac siiiims

_ an; the mu-always ready to serve their


than to pay them.

Inde that is worth knowingb is easier to make debts

id doubtttoi n's alauly to1 use his brain to any ,ex-

Ifmostofosknewhalfofwhatwethinkwe know, we woull slfliknow 47 times asmodi as we naily knowr. ~~ •

classes:be wvidod into two

and ones who got

_ ice from all sources, but,wtwawWcapidaLdieysyJcVmtakeitseri^

l l k f t v s o has si rnu of

nmnlcinab t a '

"tney tg\\f<MT< to u.»

So* we- c munntrslanaerrt—huh £

OMSJSTCN vaRD» AMD. .e?M "THsi N O C T pu/*/^'"I



The activities period—a new additiontbe curriculum of Cranford High

iehool this year—has proved to be aro-t .Instructive and beneficial period,; was announced yesterday byi Ray A.31em«jt, high school principal. Duringthis allotted time, which varies fromfourteen \mlnutffl to more than anhour, clubsNand other organizations holdmeetings, home room groups have dis-

sHons, aasebbllcs afe held and other.activities are carried

out. Heretofore!*, these activities havehad to be carried V i after school hoursin the afternoons h,nd evenings.| The purpose of theWtlvitles period,according to FiinclpalNclement, Is topermit development of those organisa-tions which extend classroom Instruc-

into allied fields. Thlf programalso operates to make thechild-centered- than subject

During the activities period on>first and third Monday morningsdevoted to hoire room orientation m xings where better relationships are de-veloped 'among pupils, among- pupilsand teachers and among pupils and the

On alternate Tuesdays, clubs desiringthan the usual forty minutes to

carry on their business hold TH—ttwgnthis group are the Chess Club, span'

sored by Miss AdehuHe Mlftlm; Photog-raphy Club, sponsored by Mian GladysEstabrook, and the French and LibraryClubs hold one meeting a month onTuesdays. Hie"fltGtography> club naa

•e largest memborsQj^of any organl-itton.On alternate Wednesdays, school or-

ganisations, Including Student Council,Spotlight staff, senior annual staff. RedCross- Council and other "similar organi-sations, have their meetings. **

On the, second and fourth Wednes-days, these clubs meet: Science Club,sponsored by Harold Wilson; BiologyClub, sponsored by Johri T. Qatsy;Bquestrian Club, sponsored by J. Stan-ley Dittmer; Latin dub, sponsored byE. K. Lowland; Speech Club, spon-


The first fall issue of The Spotlight,quarterly jnagudne published by Cran-ford High School, will go to press earlynext month, it was announced yester-day. John Bellman, who Is EnglishInstructor in the high school this yearduring' the-ono-year leave of absence ofMlssM. Margaret Anderson, win be fac-ulty adviser. Miss Anderson has beenadviser to the staff for the past severalyears. A subscription —Mr't" Is nowunderway. A goal of 600 subscriptionshas been set,

MDBIC FBATUBBS A8SBHBLTAt the assembly of^Cranford Ri|

School Friday, Ray Knudaof thaJBtudent CouncU, turned the pro-gram over to J. Stanley Dittmer. TheHih1 h l ; dg ve tHigh1 School ;tion played selections

str der his direc-by Moart,

Chanunade and other famous eompoq>era. Hie school took par* In atagrngseveral college songs. Jeanette MeOor-mack led the student tody to old andnew eheertv . . . ' - _

sored by Miss Alice Mathewa; KnittingClub, sponsored by Miss Basel Klngs-bury^Ubrarji Service Club, sponsoredby Bliss Harriet Harden; and. Aviationab ^ M '


Homemade .

ICE CREAMi m Dcuvsjnr

It Vsssa Avtvjsaf AUsa W.- Phon. CR. 6MH16



For Leaks, .Repairs or New Con-struction, call tba BXXAUZRSystem Man. As Advertised inthe Saturday Evening Post-It yon sre planning- to Build, 1stuabettoI*x*irjojourFlumb-ttkj and Heating' System.'

IBrtsnatgs cneerfuuy gtvso,

Club, ^sponsored byHarris. \ '• The junior high schooTamniply pro-

gram Is conducted on Monday mom-Ings and 9iexsenlor school assembly onPrldsy mornings.

OTTO CEOB OfKNS SEASONTrinity Men's Clnb opened Ks lSttr»

season with aa entertainment meetinglast TbuTsdsy night in the pi"***1 boose.A diversified program was offered un-der the <dlrection of 'Roy Chawger,chairman of tbs esicYtaininentmlttee. There 'was singing,story ,telllng and feats 'taf-Preatdent Joseph P. Heuer,sided, welcomeO a large atteodsjlface-ofnvinlms and guests.wer estrved following tbe

-STDDT OBOOF TO"Contemporary Family jfrendV win

be the dlscnsaion topic aVa meeting ofthe junior study group of tbe RooseveltP. .T,A.at8p.m.Tue^ayatthehomeof Mrs. Stanley Fflrjfaanek. 16 soothSixth street


MOMML re* siqCoutroetlrai or '


SOOMTUISI win j ! . ncttnd by U» TmwUpCMualUMof lk»«miiib or Cimafbrtu S3SP. K l l l l l l TMMdp tn nil oa Ortolxr » .1»«, for tha nJliwIlu. of Owcnte BUcwsIkioo Colnmhu timt sod Bwrik auih smot

To* quaiayo-iDMoM of atunldmtdr X*M•Jim CMt «7e«Knte nU.

Tin »ort Sum bo 4OBO la aMct ooUonKrwtth ttw Irtfrak)p-» tucnwiloin. -

BMo MB* bo mboltud «• uw nnUr-suoirai^. lass". toRthirwiai ti

ilawt ««dU Sh o

I njr or «U Hih If on! utloa wffl «M»» toltttou o( uw TMtau*.


rB'te-JtocOsb to linger until the <• s s s wlHs yon cam see a look of a

c a n y J a ( a t eyes of your friends';

ky, former fiw of

• m s dwnocradea have Uv/d too longnvs world of Ulnskos."

B. KaWraey, OattfoUc Bishop'Any move to stknuute buying po» er

eontaar Iran butlrjeas firms alone doesooi csurjr enough r

& Wlsaa. AtSlstant Secretaryof the- Mary%"It mnstbs Jlmembered that »c Ime

two coasts t<fdefesd."

British Air Minister-Wemuit proceed without a rajae of

mOt wtfh oar defense.1



Oct 22nd

ChevroletSEE PAGE 6

. VHr




/ - • / • .A ' i /,

light condition the cleakfi G d l i h ifinances. Good \i$& is needed then; to make—to prevent expensive mistakes. An LE.S.ia this spot

Modem I.E.S. lamps are those approved by thenating Engineering Society. These lamps "conditionlight so it is soft and restfulior eresj'The light is both

indirect, supplied by a Mania lamp set in areflector, and covers a wide radius.

Light condition die "dark epots"Tn yonrend oi the davenport, the essy chair m the den,beside yonr bed. - ^

See the I.ES, lamps displayed at Public Service stores.IWinay be pmchasedon terms with small canyina: charge.JL'is dednded, cssh or terms, if yon trade inAn old lamp.'Many electrical dealers sell I.E.S." ^ ^ ^ *

$T3S mithou$ trmifinW r fTUs U mm-ISJS, PoltcryLtmp, ar/lk d ilh



-. . t : . l


- ' - ' - • . 1 * -*-?^ - A f I f - 1 " ^



omy istthtl



Bta dC<S>iS>«S) § | I I II ^ ^ S J T T ^ • ' • — • ' " • " — —

a 7-0 *»(*sv; «# aseoad win altertucoaaahe.Jessss.'

Next SaturdayleyatWtttJsy. «potential sts** ehampa, have if rof two wins and one tie this]defeated 8Q«B> Shis of HMontcWr, and,Ued with/last yeart champs,

in last Saturday* contest, a pas*Korner to Beadle was/completed3 5 yainatotosptretb/Bmean4Previously, the game/had been niltuck, ttvUettnrornriwrand TiCranford and Rahway backa, jretivdy, sucesssfnW baited any acattempt The naas. put the ball oi23 yard line.' FmdlngUlemselvesped, iCranfordr attempted • fieldwltli Avery kiekln*. The kick waand automstically. <he Dall wasway's on Ot JOyart line. Rabwayedi to Jtoi Avery, who was downcthe 43 wrd Une. Avery threw toBfor eight • yards and an unnece

bbest penalty against Ra_ i it first down for Cranford aJiway IS yard line. Two piling'

joTeTDSde ten ysrds and a flrsbI the • yard Une, The Bed line

, .he Bine ana a d d lined up In. Bel/ matlon. ATCrr again bsok and wlU

KomersrttohoWthebsU. The.terbsek rot the ball and. as thedom} in and the seconcary pulle-he stood up and tossed a short f oipass to Beadle on the right aide ofield, who caught It on the fiveline nad trotted over from there.

" kicking- process- was reversed onconversion, Avery, holding-, and KIdcklnB the extra point. "

i n the first uuarter Rahway threed on the » yard stripe, but the )dumped Simpson, a ' substitutetwice for a totallous of eleven yardsmashed the Rahway hopes.

On the first play after the opUckoff, Fat Johnson, zn-poundway tackle, and expert place kseverely wrenched his left anklewas forced to lea\e the game.

The lineups and summaries f olliCRANFORD, RAHU^Landng .-..LT—Muldrow • - . J°l1X3—Stonger A- Kee0 —DaleasandrisRO—Dozols 'RT—knudsen - BRE--Brown 'QB—Korner ..„-.._ —........- 1LH—Beadle •-•• •>RH—Ward E. KorsPB—Kelsey — • K o 1

Touchdowns: Cranford, Beadle dpoint after, Cranford, Korner <lment),

Substttutee: Cranford—Bonnell,terman, Avery, Even, Anderson, IBartels, Potter, Cooper, Harford. 1Schmacht: RahwsjF-B. Parks.-BlJenkins, Stoca, BUly, Wilson, Sir,

Officials: Referee, Neushafer; uiRushton: head linesman, Stone..


An exhibition of six-man footttwo teams fronv Bt. Peter's PrepsSchool of Jersey City will be_an

• attraction when' the Rutgers 'moves into tUe new Rutgers Stacross the Raritan River from tocampus Saturday to Tlay HanSydney of, Virginia. The game \the first for .the Scarlet in thstadium, which will be dedicatevember 5 with the Princeton, gap

FLAYS vnTBCharles Orlfttht, former Cr

High School grldlron^ar, now amore at Lehlgh University, BethPa, saw action Saturday In the LPenn State -footbaU game. Oplays Quarterback with the 1eleven.


Oct 22nd

Chevrolet, "SEEPAGE-S—



JJ - • -,


Page 3: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo

/ ' ' ' : * ' / • • ^ 1 - - -

, u

• v

ft is not necessvy to be aat tills Bank to obtain a Loan'£r»'::*3$.

UlfclMi; rt th» can.anc|Mii>r

ModeranataOit LoansMBt,

NtotBstardNrky at many

taitehamOK aooam/BUM

Robert later, j r , 0/Cranford..dent at Itorttcmmicnoal.pi

was a mtnuW of la* ruahauuisoccer team which defeated HattkidRlafi tVivnl S to J. last

Tea are tanttea to can aaa tsjkjavsr yew iwssliianaU

UNION COUNTY TRUST COMPANY100 South Ave., E.. Cranford, N. J.

• •rwieisisrgwaai f B ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ » ^ ^ ay • s - — • »

of two-wtos and one tat thisdefeated Soath Bids of IMontcWr, and,Ued withlast yeart "

in last Saturday* contest, a pats fromKorner to Beadle was/completed for35 yards to Inspire t b / Bhae and. a d dPreviously the game/had been nip andtuck, the-ktemtot-TOf.torner^nd Taylor,Cranford and Rahway backs, .respec-tively, auocesifWIg halted any scoringattempt. The nastpnt the ball on the22 sard line.' BindlnB'illemselTes stop-ped, icranfordf attempted » field goalwith Avery kiekln*. The kick was lowand automatically the nail was Rah'

CRANFORD TRUST CO.of Creator*. «.. J . la tk* Caaatr at DalaiState <f New A n n . a aembet af D» Ihaknnrema Srttea.-w Iba doaa at baaheab a

Publlihed to aeeorduca wUk a callthe IMnal leacne bank at U>la aw.auaal to U» atotUloaa aC iba Federal

way's catedi tothe 43 ifor

awatawaafaw-y ^aa*»w iv^avwi w «•«* w • • i •

• JO yard line. Rabway Uck-i Avery, who was downed oniUne. Avery threw to Beadle• yards and an unnecessary

, _ _ penalty against RahwayJL it first down for Cranford on theliway 1» yard line. Two plunge* by

padletnade ten yards and a first down1 the • yard Use, The Red line bel t

/ .he Bine and Odd lined up to, kick for-/ mation. Awry again back and with Tim/ Korner set to hold the bail. The quar-

terback got the ball and. as the Unedosed in ana the seeonOary pulled up,he stood up and tossed a- short forwardpass to BMdle on the right side of thefield, who caught U on the five-yardline nacY trotted over from there. ,The

" kicking: process-, was reversed on theconversion, Averji holding, and KornerUcklntr the extra point. *•

i n the ftotquarter Rahway threaten-ed on the » yard (tripe, but the-localsdumped Simpson, ft' substitute back,twice for a totayoss of eleven yards andsmashed the Rabway hopes.

On the first play after the openingUckoff, Fat Johnson, ZU-pound Rah-way tackle, and expert place kicker,severely wrenched his left ankle andwas forced to lea\e the game.

The lineups and summaries follow:CRANFORD, RAHWAYTiTS' f<nnniny .-.» —* ClendennyLT—Muldrow • — Johnson10—Stanger A. Kodarskl0 —Dalessandrls R u *RO—Dozols J?w*RT-Snudsen - B ParksRE-Brown ColnaQB-Komer "**&"LH—Beadle MaherRH—Ward E. KorsiarsklPB—Kelsey .— • KoberskiTouchdowns: Cranford, Beadle (pass);

point after, Cranford, Korner (place-ment).

Substitutes: Cranford—Bonnell, Clos-terman, Avery, Even, Anderson, Bfexen;Bartels, Potter, Cooper, Bhrford. Heutf,Schmacht: Rahway—B. Parks, "Bukarn,

' Jenkins,' Btoca, Billy. Wilson, Simpson.Ofp, Referee, Neushafer; umpire,

Rusbton; head linesman. Stone..


An «uubttlon of six-man football bytwo teams from. Bt. Peter's PreparatorySchool of Jersey Olty will be_an added

• attraction when1 the Rutgers varsitymoves Into tli» new Rutgers Stadiumacross the Rarltan River from the maincampus Saturday to -play Hampden-Sydney of, Virginia. The game wUlbethe flnt for .the Scarlet to the newstadium, which win be dedicated No-vember 5 with the Princeton, game,

FLAYS WITH'UtHiaHCharles Griffiths, former Cranford

High School gridironftar, now a,sopho-more at Lehlgh University, Bethlehem,Pa, saw action Saturday In the Lehlgh-Penn State -football game. Griffithsplays Quarterback with the EehlghCI6Y6H4 _ ^ _ _ _

ultnlItbar bond it9Cltt. abd itcwitjea

Duklaf houi* — WJU.Mrurnlturt u d Cltum _ 1MU.T>

usjesuslbrcn cosopletsdbaoklns booat ____-______• j ja^ ia j l l

Reawre with laderal (eaana laak trttmm\swt AHT CDCub, btlaaeaa erttb albar kaaka. IrKATUk, Skf

an) cub tuaa la imiai at v . , — .coUeetlml TT.«tSJS Y A L E

Othar aatata , U4TS.S5

Bute, roualr,

OalUO Slatea

— . - •* »T, plaJsa at laaubd/ar lateat-

DepMlU not securedbr ttia pladn atlous and/or t»-


Oct. 22nd


Quality Foods

Freew Detieiteweo

ind discondralulUed Blatea _ aad/ar faUjanlted



VrMJMcers'fooCbalUeaU*?nev' stadium acrossRraer from the main cam

the Rarltanpus Saturday

mtxn It plays Bampden-8ydney' ofT b j i ' I t i i t i lIn anticipat

yypolice from

t andniunicipaU*Iks have met several times to draw upplans for rrnrdWog the rtmdllng of

Msowlnc a meeting of police officialslast Saturday at the stadium, Oeorge E.Uttte, dtnetor of athletics at Rutgers,SIIIIIHIIIIWI that traffic plans have beenh—• cosBjiieted far'adeqdate handluig

ULUBUirroId departs -Opoeiaroualj, an*


tat 1 W daaMhar bti

ZZ: _«stjHJi

decUrede. u d w m U an aaida

. . . dltUndi aol decland aa<for aecmad lotemt as capitalnot™ and debeatuna

ler lUbUIUei — i .ipllal Account:t int p r a f a r r a d•lock. 1151-II/1T

•hard, par I*'.par ahara, raUr-able at I n per ,I1MJNN

unnon itoek._!M»•harea, par SSSnr ehara — — .

orpin. 103 MOMTjndlfldfd prollu

net — ~ — - ~ - I5.47t.taBetlrenent fund for

preferred iUKk orcapital notea anddebenture! 5.*H a*

Inltad BUtea CorenuBeU atttca-UOM. direct and/or fuDi |teed

Total . Pledged, elcludlos'

tKme4» Mat TraiT-the clam,More than 1,300 'Mas Indicating the'J V g,

direction to the'stadlum have* been dls-UlbutM, and Mlf be posted on roadsand interseiitlons'' within a 'fifteen-mileradius of New Brunswick, state policewill, cooperate, patrolling the stateblghwa]*, and local police and firemenwill be on duty In all surroundlnitowns and munidpaUtles to aid motor-ists on their way. The three main en-trances to the .stadium Itself will bepoliced In order that there, win be notraffic Jams at these points.

The warning Issued by polloe to all

stadium Is "Stay, out of New Brunswick.Follow the directions given by policeand signs en route."

.Blnular step* will betaken on No-,vember 5 when a capacity crowd of overao.000 Is expected to turn • ou6 whenRutgers and Princeton play for ]heUilrty-JUth tune in a game which wlUdedicate the new plant.

The specific directions for people go-ing from this vicinity, as drawn up; bypolloe, follow: Use Washington ave-nue, New Market, and approach thestadium through Hoe's Lane,


Frank Sprole. son of F. N. Sprole ofWest-End place, has won a berth asregular center on the Tale freshman

*.»i fc»im 8prote was fryytfr andIonper captain of the HotchUss eleven,wtthwUch hr played for the past throe

rs. Be is one of. Sveifreshmen se-lected to work as saUdtori far the Stu-dent Salt Pressing Club «t Yale, andIs a. member of the Naval R. O. T. O.Sprole attended Cranford High SchoolIn U s freshman year and was grad-uated with highest honors from Botch-kb» School hi Jane. Be Is attending,Yale on a scholarship.

COIXEGIANS WIN, IS TO •The CranforrJ CoUegtans defeated the

natarAdd Otjniafcs. 13 to 0, Sunday aft-ernoon at Onasl Park. Pfelfcr. Cnmford halfback, with the aid of perfect

ding, ran back a punt early in theflnt quarter for the initial touchdown.In tho second quarter, Cranford recor-end an Oipnpie fumble on t ie visitor's10-yard Une. and two plays later Nolanwent over for the second touchdown.Pfelfer kicked the extra point. NextSunday afternoon, the local eleven willmeet the'DuneDen Blue Streaks atUoamt Park. The game will start at


The Rev. R. L. Luerich, pastor of theEpworth laethodlst Episcopal Church.Bbabeth, will address« parent-teacherSunday School rally In the OranfordMethodist Church at'8 o'clock.thls eve-ning-. A discussion-will follow the ad-

, andi entertainment will be fur-ilshed by the •home departlnent. TheRev. Mr. Luerich formerly was pastor

the Cranford Church.The Dorcas Society will have a, sewing

meeting tomorrow* afternoon at 'thehome of Mrs. Paul Rackmyer, 16 Adamsivenue.

On Saturday, the Young Women's31ub of Bible •Jtudents, taught b y Mrs.Paul W. Durr, will sponsor a cake sale

the office of the Reel-Strong Coal!o, 2 north Union avenue. Proceeds

will be used for Thanksgiving cheerbaskets,

Sunday, October 30, baa been desig-nated as "Pay-up Day," World Tem-perance Sunday alto win be observed

the morning service on that <!ny.

Ju»lnit 1With Btala aulborlUea la qualify

for the aarctsa of fldodarr

LUDB 8GOKB8 GOAbRobert Later. Jr, nosed the ball across

the Une m the second overtime, periodlast Saturday to give Perklomen Schoola * to 1 soccer victory over the UrsinusCollege Jsyvees at CoOegevlIle, Pa.

TAKE8 ADVANCE COURSE „Of. Gordon L. Peter* of UUn street Is

taking a two-year post-graduate coursesurgery and materla medica at the

Philadelphia College of Osteopathy,Philadelphia. Dr. Peters Is attending

es Wednesday and Saturday ofcacti week. He was graduated from theKtrksvfDe College, Klrksyllle, Mo.

ToUl FUdnd . _s asjsMSBaiaadbukTdoTioTeni; 'aajar tbal•taument la trna to 4ba-btat *C mj

*"* *"*" n n r w. wnrrM,

HATE w m O a t r CEIXBSATIONSeveral Cranford High School-boys

held a "victory bonfire" Saturday nightat the Cranford Oval, Walnut avenue,to eetfhrstlnn of Crantord's 7 to 0 v i elory over Rahway in football.

wiLtiAM n. oaa,Btrern to and ratacrlbed bribe mm 4Ma UOi

da, of O._U*.r..»».OJU]| m M s w l k j knttr

flare your


mforhemllk .• for beauty

*• for economy


Fits Your PresentBass Coffee Maker


<fe Ob* Techy'

SUEX COFFEEMAKERS,6 or 8with Serving Tray



Arthur Johnson of Cranford was In-ducted as master councilor of BremnerChapter, Order of DeMoUy, last Thurs-day nlerrt in Masonio Temple. The In-stalling team from Halites' Chapter,Jersey City, officiated, others Inductedwere: Senior councilor, Harry Meeker;Junior councilor, Edwin Smith; seniordeacon, Harold Hansen; Junior deacon,Arthur Lahr; senior steward, WilliamCook; Junior steward, Harry Simschaplain, NornuCh Olsen; marshal, Ed-ward Bnider; standard bearer, HomerWilson; orator, Arthur Schols; almoner,Arthur' Smith: sentinel, EllsworthSundberg; preceptors. W, Sundberg,Ray Flay, W. Todd, I. Anspach. A.Brandt A. Schmidt and F. Blasberg.

The Citizen and Chronicle ssn bepurchased on all newsstands.



SEAGER'S DRUGSTORE1*4 N. V a M Aveaaa .- Cranferd

Jar 50c

A. G. SpauldlSaddle

- In amnitana- white and black and white,

Sports Center,A. O. BtMldng Dealers

2ZS E. Brsad St, Westfleld~WE.~ t-UU



"Thrift Through Building and LoanAssociates—A Human Interest Story",

the title of U» essay to be written bythe high school students of Union Coun-

ln the contest being 'sponsored bythe Union County Building and LoanLeague, It was announced this week byWarren D. Sculthdrp of the CranfordMutual Building and-Loan Association,chairman of this year's local commit-tee. ThaOltle was misquoted In lastweek's isjue.

The focal associations are not takingan active-part in-.Uie contest this yearowing to the lack of Interest shown last

Students of other communitiesbf Union' County, entered the contestlast year with real enthusiasm but forsome reason Oranford students" shower!little Interest, Mr. ScultlWrdp said. '

MisS Kathryn Walter, 1ft Vars old; aJunior in the Rahway High School, wonthe taoo grand prise last year, Barbara K, Sinclair, Alberta Borchert, Mar.garet Boetwlck, Shirley' Reinhardt and

/Ulre Berardlne]ll won local prises.%rhere,wlll be no local prises this year,but-lf any of the local student* wish tp>try for tho grand prise the CranfordMutual or areeley Building hni. LoanAssociations will be, glad to supply them -with entry blanks and^other material.

: CRANFOBD MAN TO 8PB&C-v, *Charles L. Searlea of S Tuxedo Place, ~"

who directs training methods at theWestern Electric Kearny Works, hasbeen appointed to teach effective speak'-*Ing as a part of'tha adult educationalprogram at the Montdalr High 8chool9k>)Voice recordings and motion p ic ture^flashes will be the basis of the course,each pupil studying Himself and hisvoice through these mediums. Mr.Searles plans the personal development .of each student through' actual per-formance and discussion.' ' " n


~ ON DHPLAVOct. 22nd

ChevroletSEE PAGE 6








* lb> » »• ean









2 - l i e

19c2 ~19c

. 25c

Teleph^eCRanford 64)508

Standard Lumber & Supply Co.LUMBER—



rmx xnos pw

Stonn Sash «nd Doon, Asphalt Roofing, Ii«ul»«ioD

Material, Cedv CloMt lining, Cedar and CheatoutPoatT

yOO*. l o i r AND CtWHIJl WMTO



MILK 5'/2c





- J~ - ; ? ^ -

\ V .'-•••-

Page 4: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo

'"V J< . , \ • 71



O.1 -»•A.-- -_A

" " - A '-' ,

S. ' - 1 - '

Mr. and Mrs. H. I» OounJy of Hamp-ton street have moved to Snort Hills.

Mr. and Mr* Earl V. Ouy and familyet Orange avenue spent last week-endat Lavelletle.

Mrs. John B*. Oarrtson of North ave-nue east, has returned from her sum-mer home at Beeehwood.

Sir. and Mrs. John B. Hill and sonsof south Fifteenth street have movedto their new home on Central avenue.

Miss Mary Lou OUley of 4 FxaserPlsce hid ss her week-end guest, Miss

1 Florence Steffy of New York.-Mr., and Mrs, Harry Miller or Toledo,

Ohio, -sre guests of their aunt, Mrs.Jennie Duffy, of north Union avenue,

Mrs J. P. Wooding of •fN8tstreet leaves today to visit "frith* InWsllln«rord and New Haven, Conn.



Mr. and/Mrs. John of Spring Garden "sti

and', have

'returned from a vacation In South Car-olina.

Mrs Wade H. Hayes of Pittsfieldstreet -will return Friday from a visitto her daughter, Mrs. a . Edward Nich-ols of Rcddina Ridge, Conn.

Mrs. William H. Yawger of Mapleplace spent last week-end In Baltimoreas the guest of D£, and Mrs. Harry

More-than Iwere registered yesterday at a mesHntof the Union County P.-T. A. Councilto Cranford High School

H. R. Best, supervising principal «fthe local schools, greeted! the membersat the morning session, which was pre-sided over by Mrs. John M. Batman ofRoseDe, county chairman, quest speak'er was.Mrar Barry .Kartman. Statevice-president, whose subject- was"Child Welfare." -Three,mmute talkswere, given by chairmen of »>-«"«"ycommittees of the council, and theMothers' Chorus offered two vocal se-lections.

Ray A. Clement, high school princi-pal, welcomed the members st the aft-ernoon session, at which Dr. A. J. Oun-llffe of'the Department of Education OfRutgers University was guest speaker.An excellent musical program was of-fered by the High School Orchestra un-der direction, of J. Stanley Ditto**.Final arrangements were made for the

daughter cf Mr, mad Mm. Arthurrter. of MT Hawthorne street,the brio Saturday of Martin J. Green,son of Mrs. Qraos Ones and the latoMartta Green, of ItHeld. The wedding took phwe at tt


.. of Linden place.Miss Katherlne Hermann and brother,

Philip Herirann or Jersey City, werethe recent guests of Mn. James A,Scott of Manor avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Christy orHampton street left Saturday to visither daughter, Mrs. John K. Smart orRedding Ridge, Conn. ,

Mn. Ray A. Clement or 8 Hamiltonavenue is reported to be improved thisweek after a month's Illness wltU pr*utncnla.

Miss Sally MacCoy or BrookUn, Mass.,Is visiting her brother-in-law and sis-tor, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hughes, of381 south Union avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hughes andfamily, formerly of Beunont,

- i'*have taken up residence at 381 iouthUnion avenue.

'A German conversation class will- meet at the home' of. Mrs. Grace B.' A.

Cook on' Cranford avenue on Mondayand Thursday evenings.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Miner andson, Peter, had as week-end guests attheir farm at Oreat Harrington. Mas*.Mr. and Mrs. George Donnelly anddaughter. Maa Kathleen Donnelly,

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ray andson, Charles, Jr.. of 30 south Sixth.street, returned Sunday tram a week's

- visit with Mr. Ray's mother and sisterin MontoeUer. lad.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crump of Luvfen_. place were the guests of Mr. and Mrs." Charles Francis Hansel on a week-end

trip to visit their daughter. Miss ElsieHansel, who Is attending Fairfax Hall,Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ctaapln of Or-chard street had as week-end gueststhe Misses Alice and May Lounsburyof Stamford. Coon., and Mrs. X. Rod-ney Fiske and Mrs. Harvey M. Fiske of

- Htmtlngton, L. L ' The latter is a for-mer resident of CranfonL - . ,

Mrs. Richard H. Lackey.Jr, of Craig-place entertained at a-family, dinner


•Cornelia Otis Skinner will appearatthe Paper Mill Playhouse in the open*Ing program of the new season. Shewill present her Character Sketches onTuesday and Wednesday evenings;

In the strict sense, Mlsir Skinner is asolo artist, jet, her, audiences havefound, she doss not walk alone In her

niquepertoi When aba speaksthe stage about her becomes alive witha legion of characters of her rare lmag-

Miat Skinners leasts" are. fonrer all-star. Her sketches are peopled withsilent unsew, personal They exist lathe pauses, In tasfway aba looks atthem or In themairimwmeh they seemto touch htr.Tbtr bteome as vltsl tothe a^udlesceaFthapgb they stood uponthestkge.' | T

Mrs. Charles S. Miller of HamptonHan is netting Mrs. T. A.'Dlngman ofPatehon this week.-'

Mr. ^ M t. F. • H. Jf>hnwti ^* tr«mp-too street have mond to north Union

venue.Mrs. Oeorge Bates of Hampton streett r t i d h i fr^l* dob

tar, Susan's sixth birthday. OuesUln-, eluded Mr. nad Mrs.'Richard B. Lackey,8r , the Misses Lackey, Mr. and Mrs.A. Howard Lackey and daughter, BettyJane, all of Philadelphia., Miss Ann Bkerratt of Manor avenue

J celebrated her eleventh birthday on'Saturday! with a luncheon and theatreparty for nine of her friends.- Decara-'ttons were in pink and blue. -Invited

"Iguests Included-the Misses OoralynDahuttxODX Audrey Donnington, Hilda

'Cortes, Helen. Chaney, Betty Lou FarrreB, Emily Hill. Patsy Knowjson, Marietick* and Joanne Weber."

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Godson and chil-'dren of Snyder. N. Y., formerly of HU1-erest avenue, spent then- recent vaea-

1 Udn touring through Montreal* Quebec'and the Gaspe Peninsula. 'They re-

- i turned by way of the New Englandstates and spent some time hi New Jer-

'eey before returning to Snyder. Theybad as a recent guest Miss LauraSchoenborn of 301 south Union avenue.

P.-T. A. OBOUF TO MEET• The lnltlsj fall meeting of the parent-education group of the. Sherman P.-T.

^A. wffl be held at 1:18 p. m. Wednesdayat the home of Mrs. Roy Tlemey, ids

" Benjamin sb«et. A radio talk will be' given by Dr. Anna S. Starr. '' ,

J - IN RUTGERS GLEE CLUB' iAUrjpkell, class of HI, has been se-\ Urited as a member of the Rutgers Glee

^ ,j Club at Rutgers University, it was an-li,' : , Bounced this week by Prof. Howard D.)•- • • McKenney, head of the muslo depart-l. ^.merft. OkeU will sing second bastf.

• . ATTENDS DINNERGeorge V. Fortune of* U Sylvester

V street,*** present last week at a gen--.'.'enl'meeting and dinner or the'New

£'. York chapter of the National Aasoda-}.Htea of Cost Accountants, held at the"* BuDders'CTub, New York City.' i . . .J

_ Mrs. T. V. Albert, president of, theHigh School P.-T. A, was honorarychairman of the local committee incharge of arrangements for yesterday'smeeting. Members of the committeewere: Mrs. H. D. Lohman, chairman;Mrs. Heck, registration; . Mrs. H.Ketske, dinner; and Mrs. W. K. Fas-hacht, ushers/ Luncheon wss servedto 213 members in the school cafeteria.Only one session of school was heldhere yesterday.

entertained herlast Friday.

Mrs. John U Christy of'.Hamptonstreet entertained a few of her Mont-dair friends at tea, last Friday.

Basil L. Emery of Central avenue hatreturned from a business trip to Chi-cago. '• •

Miss Winifred Rlchartsof Jackson-ville, Fla, is the guest of Mrs. S t JohnRichards of Norman place.

Mrs. 3. 3, Brown of Orchard streetentertained the Progress Club at lunch-eon en Tuesday, whan Mrs. Bedford H.Lydoa spoke on "Tristan and Isolde.1*

Mr. and Mrs, Robert-Trumbauer ofHsnUagsJkvenoe spent last week-end hiNew Haven where they witnessed theYale-Navy game. -' Mrs. Katherlne Kobbe of HoUls/L.t.spent last week, with her son-in-lawand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ca-ruso and family, o f JS Hollywood ave-nue. f

Bugs beauUIidly cleaned. Phone Mod-era Rug Cleaners, CHan. 64MB. adv.


Oct 22nd

ChevroletSEE PAGE 6



Expert Radio jWvice

tRev, Joseph Dannelhj paMormlnf theceremony before a n goesta. A i*eep-Uon. attended by seventy-live guests,followed at the home of the brldfaparents.

Oiven in" marrttae by her father, thebride was attended by her sister. MissMary Sherrter, as mall of honor, andanother stater. Miss Catherine Cherand Miss Both Ray, as brldemalds.Jean Sherrier, a younger stater of tt»bride, and Once Sullivan, were Sowergtrls,

wmiam MauTefert was Mr. Green'sbest man, and the ushers were Ray-

srler, m^Aher of, the bride,and Robert Sherrier. undeof the bride.

The wedding march by" LohengrinPuycjd and. durtng JtJ ty ceremony,

Margaret Curran sang "AveMaria" and "Oh t w d I am HotWorthy."

The bride was dressed In Ivory Wto-per satin, with court train, and1, anivory Illusion veil with halo head piece.She carried a -white satin covered pray-er book decorated with gardenias. Themaid'of honor wore royal blue saUn,with dubonnet velvet doll hat and veiland dubonnet accessories, and carriedtall flowers of pom poms and buttonchyaanthemums, and the I»M»»IMU^

wl to dubonnet satin withroyal blue velvet tiaras and royal bluesceesortes, their bouquets were mixedpom poms and fan flowers.' The flower

tern Electric Co.. Kearney.No date has. been,set for the wed-


boos, and carried old f ashton bouquetsof pompoms.

The bride's mother wore rust crepedress with brown accessories and worea corsage of orchids. 'The bridegroom'stnothsr wore blsek crepe dress trimmedwith white and black accessories, anda corsage of metallic roses.

Decorations In the church consistedof palms and fall towers and in thebridefe homo were white decorationsand wedding; bells, chrysanthwiiuiisiand mixed fan flowers.

Upon return from s n automobile tripthrough the South, the couple win lireIn Westfleld.

Miss Bberrief tea graduate of theCranford PohUo Tf'MK'li and has beenemployed with a J. Murphy1* of West-field.

Mr. Green Is * graduate of the HolyTrinity School of Westfleld, and Is nowassociated with O. J. Define at Com-pany; New York City.

Miss Josephine Shaffer, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer of Bloom-lngdale avenue, was married Saturdayflvenlugi to Edward Hayes Quttlau, sonof Mrs. Edward T. QuUlan and the lateMr. QuUlan, of Glen nidge. The cere-mony took placa at'the bride's home,with the Ber. Frank HagDl Sherlockofficiating. Howavd Savage of Plain*field played the wedding march: A re-ception followed. ' \ >•. .

The bride was given in marriage byer father. She bad as her maid of

honor her sister. Betty Shaffer, andPatrick .Bosendsle, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. R. W. Rqsendsle. of Westfleld,was flower cM. -

The bride .wore a gown of whtte satinand finger-tip -veil *** carried a boo-queKot jrttfto gardenias and- UUas ofthe Tansy.? The maid' of honor wasdwssedMn magenta velvet and carriedyellow chrysanthemums. The flower

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT'Mr, and Mrs. J. Harold Bdrtdge of

2W Seneca Place, Westfleld, formerly ofCranford. have announced the engage-ment of ttieir, daughter, Marjorie, toDavid TownJe* Brewster of EUsabeth.

girl wore pink taffeta. Francis QuUlanwas his brother* best man and Brajvton White of Block island: R. I . was

iher. | 'The Wide, a graduate of Cranford

High School, attended Virginia Inter-ment OoUsae at Bristol, Va, and Mr.QuUlan Is a graduate of Brawn Untver-

After a motor trip to Florida thecouple « m resldjt m the MacEvoy CourtApartments, Newark.







OPENCOURSES 'i gMks(S-lf Yra.> •

2Ttsars is mat, ntt aas artts rMNCM

Ecole FrancwM. de Westfield•WWowChestmrtBt


C h r i s t m a s S a l e"*" - " ' . ' mdaraaspkesof' < - - "



TURKEY SUPPER—Tue*day, Nov. 8, 6 4 P. M.- S -ADULTS I l e ^ ,.-••-- ''•'••-' . CHILDBEN Me


MISS DORJB ANN FETEESON.Mr.afld Mn, John c.>tter«on,«f K>

UneUh avenue announce, the engage-ment of their daughter, Doris. Ann, toPranklyn L. Johnson, son-of M*. and IMrs. B. Forbes of lMRlchelle« Terrace. I '

as lot

HoOrayne, Fedsrsi Theatre by Mia,Osrron Bundr? Federal MnsloibrMra.It^ttetT^ralAnbMM

noonthewwinbea'MuTanttnjBptaTeaat Trinity-parish ttouse. JTlla siwaiwrwttl be Waldo Stephen •*ro«sssor ofmternatloaal Law at Oojumbta.hi* travelled sxtenstvelji la' 1studying conditions, as an associate ofSherwood Eddy. Mr. Stephens is aaeortnent writer and lecturer on Boon*omlc +«•<» n~^fi conditions.

The hostesses wflilbs Mrs. O. D. Mattsac. Mrs. L. O. Adam. Mrs. a E. At-water, Mrs. Harry Bents. Jr.- Mrs. O.O. Collins, Mrs. H, L. Dhnmiek. Mrs, A.D. Faxon, Mrs. O. B. Orant, Mrs. 0 . L.Grlswold, Mn*. J. R. C. Htnta, Mrs. W.E.HUl,Mn.R.A.RockweU,MssiMarr

Birth*Newark.- \

Miss Peterson, a graduate of OranVford High School, Is employed by theA. T. and T, Co., in New York.

Mr. Johnson) a graduate of IrvlngtonHigh School, is employed by the Wes-

w n t i » s y l ( « i i N b 8 > O BMr. andacts.'Oiutev B3insspor of 1 »

Oraaford avenue1 announce the mar-riage of their daughter, Marie Ktlnr-spor, on October • to Thomas Winiams,son of Mrs. Gertrude .WlUlams ofWhitestone. L. U and the late BdwardJoseph WUllams.

FLEDGED ,TO SOBOR1TYMisses Heanojr Mete of Btratfard

Terrace and Doris Bogen of North ave-nue, west, students at Union CountyJunior College, '"Resells, "hare beenpledged to the Psi xta Qmlcron soror-ity at the college: „„ . ,

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund ' F . Heyn: ofcarsdale, N. YH announoe the birth ofdaughter, Sarah WarfleW. on Octo-

* Mrs. Heyn U the fonnerMail-mrd Britton, daughter of, Mr.Winchester Britton, Sr, of 141

; ^^^Nf^^^w^v a

* Stocks, bor«b and bthaf« Uptiaaiafaplaca.


ghouM cwtajnly be

" ;^ inconvtnwnca, or peaaiDtailtoss) if t)ta wif* or familyknaw that all of thaaa thlagtv^w* in OMsifa,acctMi.

r M * * ' ) ' * ^ - 1 - - * ' l N \ \ /

".-l^^lj A,J.:.±- ^F>r«iivsWana«iJaW| 1lc$ttrljctW..


HughR. Jenktoson o i lannounce the birth I

on Monday

J-—And tba safrtt form m which to cany fuods is inTravallarg' Chtcki—good In «ny part of the world,


r JfWJgslss<aJv s r V V s W 1/vpvvlV wUwWHICsst WttwySVsMMa)s\-»—^J aa—A,. g»-J—• i i «>_

i s^ssi^www^^ s*^sviB^sa^^aa* srwis^Bwsaw rwasva^sgaw.

MISSION GBOCF,The jnlssion study group

garet Greene Guild oB thebyteriaa Church wUfmetiat aMonday a* the home of Mrs. 1Bloat; 23 south Sixth street MissThompson wttl be the speaker. Her subiJect wfll be -Dtaabandhu" (a Bookabout India).. I,

Last Saturday the boys of thetroops distributed more than I,culats for the cotnmmee on Adi

One Friday night of each mscout from each troop will be pmeet at the home of Robert PSprmgOeld avenues, to repair axtoys for the Cranford Toy Lentbrary.

Last Friday evening the 1Club held a very successful brldi

. a t the Casino the proceeds of w»be used to.send deserving menthe troop to camp and to purcha

The 'troop meettog on Tueadnlnsj was conducted by NelsonTwenty boys (sgnlfled their Intowho put OQ.sAjipsIde down- igoing to the Rutgers HsJhpdotv

• football game Saturday whenwffl play its -first, game In ti»

U U L nonce' sfr •*, Mia Wrtto, Is w ioamr csust•HkT s» iwstoias M T | wul MTCSW k*tSSSSu m»6t bf'Mmtm wer u t B« Is Mtecir-MUMristd If.sWst wUnUws ,«T saystrstMis dotoa •»"(

Granford Beauty StudioK U16 K. UNION AVXHOT PHONE OR. «-W>4

i - i • , >(

You may etill get a Ten Dollar. Nestle'a Madunelew*Permanent Wave for $3.50, adults; $2.50 for children,

, M-thereja|e a, few openings in our offer. , ;•/""' Again;'Oranford Beauty Studio introduceTMr. Charles • - '

*'- '•• (.:,<^'A^urf Part Expert on Permanent Waving. ' • ' "

; •« a


heist; Feetkas, Herace; FeeUess, jniesssnt Eye;' Sefllas; Grape Hya-»eJalh Ban*.JkduV: btes; Maaetaa.unies, Jssako Balbs^Paper WkMe

ats»ss««cee>lscalSBCis>w.'A]|'eelsta: ''"' . )

JOHN R. BAUMANN; F L O K I 8 T ,'.'•"

'I ! viewers f«r An Oecaslea ,, *, ' ' „' QiiHiiihsasis, 81 Oeorge and Hasehned Avemses

' • Telephanes Bahway T-nu, 7-t7U ' , ' 'Moabers of the Ftarlste' Telegraph Delivery.

Flewere delivered to any part of Ibe United Slates on short, settee.

FLAN MABQUBBADE TARTYThi Women's Guild of Calvary Luth-

eran .Church wttt bold a Hallowe'enmasquerade party on October M at tp. m* tat ttio basgmt^t of ttts^ohnreb^^

ATTEND FINGRY BCHOOli^Bhi CfauHnl .boys are attwirtlna* the

Plngry School, Emmbeth,*'tDs^year.They sre: WDUam Gee, 301 Prospectstreet; Walter Gee, 30T Prospect street;

', 410 Casino avenue;

Hugh SpUlsbury. COS Linden atenue;Henry'Scbenek, 341 Wslnut avenue-and Fowler Maxson,a33 Orchard street.




At the committee and oOcen\As}tt waa cedded to Invite the i

olyjhe troop to'attend a regulsmeeting on November 1 so thaiers niajr see lust what their Ieach Tueeday evening. TheFather anO'8on dinner was setvembrr 19. >v

At the i'"""g^""~<*T' TecScouts John Curran and Thoubott weraWaDed Into the tnx



withea to announce the opening,of a brifoch office» in his sTemdence &t15 ALDEN ST.. CRANFORD. N. J. ~

for the treatment of all.Chiropodial Foot Ailmentsand disorders

"_ OfJee BjearsiSrcry Bventog exeept Than*,,

. t : » t o l P . Bay Wedaasaay v

Phasecpaatersl (-14W

It a* answer, call EU t-tn*


, MEAT DEPARTMENTUader stsnigiaiial el •EDDY" WELCH




25cAnaearX«AUSAGE 9 7 c

UMKCL Ik. • • • VUNKSflb.


I Large Gambt 'BHBIMP





IN Untea Ave, N.' Cnafsfd ,


Funeral Directors" * ' *s i i u t a* HATIAIIAL sgv


GREEN ,BEANS__4_ANDY BOY ', , > d . s s ' ;

BROCCOLI, bmeh _ * « C

Jersey Sweet Potatoes



4 for IOC




GkAFEFRUIT, 5 tor « » * » v

f ANCY YELLOW f Q f iBANANAS, doaen __^* * " *

»*r • t aasss^Sk>saaak&^a&K_B > ( • Sl - a —si - • j \ . 2 X l —M . w

Thomas Abbott was tatrodooerBam Patrol, and John Curnla,Peewit PatroL • , •

Games were enjoyed with the1

Eagle patrol first to the contest;patrol'second; and Cobra patrol

CUB SCOUTSThe Pack registration has no*

ed a total of oa, which Is thefigure ever attained so early, t n t

. son. For the flrst time In theof thetoesl Pack, every Cub Istaadlnrat the end on last yeathe exception of three boys whofrom town, have registered tortttog year. /

Saturday* trip to New York ttoyed by a party of M, which liS3 Cubs. A spedsl car/was rfor the party In both <

-v. In Jersey. City, the boys were tthrough the new Reading stret

" the. Crusader, and the B. * O.'iBlue.

' At the New York'City fire coUboys were thawa/M and moderof equipment asywen as moving]of firemen bebis; trained and !

A plea for IIventlon was also contained in tlshown.

After a brief look at tbe. Wortgrounds a i d , * hasty lunch, tlreturned/to Cranford early In'th

The party was conducted by Ip S^K. Thomson JUM* the

.ing members of the Pack CODMr./AkerhWm, Mr. Lackey,>Mi

, ; Mr. Belchelt; atijl Mr. 8mlDt/thenelrtyappotattdDenChl/

(older scouts,also assisted 1(the party together.

A Pack Committee meeting isuled for Tuesday at the borne cSmith, 40 Manor avenue.

" JOKES—EVANS'Miss Lillian Evans, daughter i

uel Evans of X6 North .avenuand the late Mrs. Irene Evans, wirled Satarday, toRoderlc A. J<Uenmnls, Tentu'snd Newark. Tmany was performed In the paof the First Baptist Church by tBenjamin Allen, pastor, A nfor the famiBes and closer frleilowed s i the home of Mrs.Grlggs, hi Princeton, sister of Hi' Mrs. Charles F. Jones of Oi

slater of the brirt: was her otendantj' Harvey Burwell ofwas betf man;

The bride is a graduate of.thiford Public Schools and of Prattute, Brooklyn. ShpisamembeNew Jersey Chapter of "Girl F

The couple will; reside in Cafter,a trip through the South.


Oct 22nd

ChevroletSEE PAGE &



r. f.V,- <.y'-!'-''\.V '•''''$- ^'"'f'^ID^fe^

Page 5: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo


n'OIBCULARaUst Saturday the boys of the various

troops distributed more than 1.700 dr-culaa for the cotnmittee on Adult Edu-

i ^ ; P U Alpha PI; and the Hew Jer»eState Society of OUnpodlsta, aswen1L(even! civic organlaaUotu In HbateU.* Dr. and Mrs. Wlngjut P?sJr to-mak itbelr future home tit QranfordL

One Friday night of each month ascout froth each troop will be picked tomeet at the home of Robert Pope, «SJSpringfield a*enuo\_to repair and painttoys for tte Cranford Toy Lending l i -bbrary.

» „ . TBOOP.WJd VLast Friday eVenlng the Motheri".

Club held a very successful bridge party,at the Casino the proceeds of which wUllie used to.aend deserving members ofthe troop to camp and to purchase troop

- The "troop meeting on Tuesday eve-ning: was conducted by Nelson Tweed.Twenty boys tfgnlned their Intention ofwho put down- meeting,going to the Rutgers Baftpdoo-Sydney

- f ootbaB game Saturday when Butgenwin play Its -flrst. game In their new

M«SP•Bbdwat. o(

daasof 1W.».[r*daata« trpjn the mtaoiaLFoe* Surgery and Chiropody,«»ft ,JB| has practiced in ]

A aattv* « Broottyahad waMtd w t t h W _ ^ _P * r to tajdnc op natdenoa to Butter*ford nine yean ago.

t a addition fa har daoghter. Vb*•mrtwd by. two m t Edward oflyn and Alton otJanUnttown,


Ordtain««Art M

That Artldo t ofonUtltd. "Coii. of

•-—— HaUCb Mtla I I H , Ilh« MBM hereby ti further'olMnn:

B of a .

ARtlCLl n *

I \ At the oommtttee and oOcen1 meet-I Nptfttwaa'decided to Invite ttvemothertI dvjha troop to attend a regular^ troop

meittpg on Norember 1 ao that tnpth-\ e n uty( aw ]ttrt what their boyi do

TMnublp. and ahdi dladoor _ - ,•nd occupation of tbo applicant, tho' ) ownor or mman-of tho proportj "

In front of which too oponlnr 01-.propootd lo bo mado, tbo purpoatho opening or otcantfaro la to bo na4•haU-pnoant t •ketch or drawing •howllocation and dlmouloos of In* -

tbo loatlon of troaithat mlsbt bo affoMad or ihoMan. Appllatlou ahallTownahlp'i tojW for - „tha Towmhlp hark who m iaurb pormlla «fUr anpronl •

Bodlon S Boron anror Two DoUan (IKS) iUleant for anr opoafniand tbo pnMrtwli** niof Wro Doll

Ktnon Iho curb Un.»y atroit and a fSbanr oprolni

each, Ttteeday\ Father ani^Bo\Tembtrl».

evening. The annualdinner was Mt for No-

• AC the mtuaiSoouts John ourran and Thomsa Ab-

" bott wem'msUDed Into the troop. Finswen presented by. Mr.

Thomaa Abbott was Introduced to theBam Patrol, and JohnPeewit Patrol.

Games were enjoyed with the MytogEagle patrol first In ttw contest; Peewitpatrol'second; and Cobra patrol, thlrtfr

OTJB SCOUTSThe Pack registration haa now reach-

ed a total of n , which ta the highestfigure eve* attained so early, tn (be

. aon. For the flrst time In theof the:local Pack, erery Oub I , .standing at the end oB last year; withthe exception of three bora who movedfrom town, have registered for the com-ing year.

Saturday* trip to NewJoyed by a party of H. which IncludedSI Cubs. A special carfor the party In both directions. While

- s In Jersey. City, the boys were escorted

— - — — - — — *—• * o w * w ™ # » " • ^ F ^ ^ wn-v i i ai w*«»»Inr brrand th« curb lino. In addition loabon f*M t n m ihan bo paid to Iho TowuhjpClark with one* appUeaSon, a chart, DOT . T ^ 'Tlrd to bo oonpiUdoo tbo BnstaMr'a oMJof Ibo aawnal of paTwaanl and/or road amto bo optnad. and ( i Uia followlu bulat

(at. VnUaprwrojl roadwar. On* DoUar (f!

rrtnra of th. f iof Iho work, a t

'oi In DM •.,— r——r wo. roQavi •mJills or tMnraMon.

through the newtha Cruaader. andBlue.

At the Mewboys were shown-,of equipment asof firemen "

venttonwas jshown.

After a 1grounds

\ R A O.'s Royal

'city Are college theland modern typeslas moving pictures

trained and fightingA plea for Ore pre-

> contained In the flhns

[ look at the World's Fair, hasty lunch, the boysg t a^ y , y

RtamM/toCranford early In'tha after'

The party was conducted by the Cubr SiK. Thomson and the follaw-

.lng members of the Pack Committee:Mr./Akerhlelm, l lr . Uctoy,-Mr. Uer-

, Mr. Reichelt; attl Mr. Smith. Bghtt/the newly appotnWd pen Chiefs, who

> older tsouu, also assisted In keep-(the party together.

A. Pack Oommtttee meeting la sched-uled for Tuesday at the home ofi R. W.Smith, 40 Manor avenue.

JOKES-EVANS'Miss Lillian Evans, daughter of'tern

uel Evans ot XK North .avenue,, fast,and the Imte Mrs. Irene Evans, was mar-ried Saturday, toRoderte A. Jones, ofMemphis, Tenn,' and Newark. The cere-mony was performed In the parsonageof the First Baptist Church by the Rev.Benjamin Allen, pastor. A receptionfor the families and closer friends fol-lowed at the. home of Mrs. BurnettGriggs, hi Princeton, sister ot thfrbrlde.' Mrs. Charles F. Jones ot Oranford,

sister of the brfcte,: was her only at-tendant Harvey BurweU of Newarkwas best man.

The bride Is a graduate of.the Cran-ford Public Schools and of Pratt Insti-tute, Brooklyn. She is a member of theNear Jersey Chapter of "Girl Friends".

The couple will, reside in Cranfordafter ,a trip through the Bouth.'


Oct 22nd

ChevroletSEE PAGE &



j -I- - ,


t tbo oponlnc or anaranoo.: JIf), la cam whoro diaaid, lomairr or th«

• - •, Cntta»ir and bj Him ordond: abVu?bipiaeadla Ibo opontea or antnttna

_ , 1 thiVail. u d Iboadiuait roaawanWhoa duVrtod by tho tiunwil. aweb ihmthlnlahall ranatai la Iho ODtolal pmaanonUjr, anddull bo eul o» as mrSaa bUow tbo lorol of Uu

a m of op*nlm or onaTotlou Inploo. U tobolibl. If In Iho .oploloaahbyi BMtaOB tho M M of th.

tl U mt raBMnitlr lUblo

•hall bo cut oJ »« mebMnrtan of Iho atntt. .

(I).. ID cam of op*nlm» pl U toblibot tbo Townahbyi BMtaOB tho M M oeponlni or oKantlon U mt raBMnitlrtTroprrir aupport plpo bo aur dlroct aeponlni or oKantlon U mt raBMnitlr lUbltTproprrir aupport plpo. bo aur dlroct. aod Inaueb am. atoao or Bmcrrto buo ihaU bo laid,i^A buo U bo In eoaforattr wllh,tho Iowa-

Maadard i n — ••(b). I B - U

tto^ppma^tndpommod «0r withrorIbo Tiwoihlp'.

Dirt tad. BMlaWa «utTaUd.fnaa01 bo roorod .and dbpoood.of.ud

SSda3S^B^S!«G2cirSor to alto*thoraiiib laaplat w Ibat Iho ncaratlaoSSTtoTwttl bVSlldlr a.d eoapltlolr llUd.TtlK Tno Mnoa, Urn or corporation ta wh• permit U b m d ih»U jMlnUto Iho bukOllIbooponttf orowmfloarIn a »f• andpuu

r«»wu tO WhOOl* porttll u u m a winii .iwimam Iho faaekflll ofIhaoponlu orawmBoarIn a »f• and wunabliotBdUMnbr a.partod of •IzaoiUia aKTabaoat* of lbs aomlt, and braMoptlns amU P«-_ K A>n m » ran naponnaity for tbt

serrloat wera baldton* fUrebJbUi rtmsral BnaaC Brook*tjn. In chargB ot tt» S tr . (rank I tSherlock, rector otk Trinity StaasopalChurth Interment was i n Evergreen

old, a former rest-died Saturday bt

New York «ty . fol-Ittness. Bs had beenhospital for th* past

. . prior to that he hadmade his honi. In Cranford for eightyeara-. / \ - ' - • •/"•• :

A aon/of Mrs. Anna Oeta of at U n -•'- — west; and the late Frader-

dentBeUeruelowing aemployedthree years.

Ick Oeta, ha Is avvtred, m addltloa tohUmothar,b»»*rother.WUllamOwti,of Teaneok, aar) two ststcra, Mra. Wal-ter Iclter of Craalerd, and Mrs. UonleSanders of New York City.

Funeral serrtcaa were held Tuesdayafternoon from miner's Funeral Rome,Elisabeth, with Intiment to^Xvergrmcemetery.


I* and for Uw lyaiublp of•It In tho it&Xia,TPUCM bet01 Sara (Y) A. H. .nd n g u (I)

. TUI8DAV. N0VUOBB STH.for too purpooo of conductlns n 0tlon for tho followlM onVwrtlx.':

A Ilnltad Statoi' ftmattr fro

7 MtSxr, of IboBoMo of

Colintj or Union, • . ' 7 ^

•borlff, aT tMoa..

r. hi. holn, otonrtara,

•—™— MW. application will bo auldtlo-hla nonor IMTDlnoiiPSON. hids* ofthaCourt ofCoanoa Ptoi, or ouch othiTMaso U•ball bold Uld court, at Iho Conrl B o w , Inniutwh. Hn in*. aTrtUtr uw <ih <urof Norombar IBM at I* :«• o-cJock In tho f m -noon ot aald <Ja», or u Moalhornnor aa th»"•"••• «•• S°~J"••.•»•«" bMrd. for an ordor

aononlo tar iho Onmu or Uoloo.mttlaur or Dxdf aod Uortaiw for UM_A mttlau or

Thno Mombora at Iho Board o» Ckwra Vroo.boldora fnoi UM Cmmtr or DataL

A Oonaar far lha OooaU of rj

?s'!Ssssb* s

, KoraOa.nru'Swrlot,s Uaoola aVwaH ttataaalal

irotttf e»Jf¥«Ef U N H A n I H ' • ,

tuS DUMd. Stiram aabtal, Ikmta Aro-

t n Mia DMrit*. Row Bltb tekoat Wat Bod

DWrld. Towaohlp IfoaM, Morlk *ro-

DatodOctobot II, UM.

( M for mch panut ihaB b» U n Dottan (M.M)for,oaca ocoahMt or onarattoe. «ad a* add-Uaial chano wffl bo wado far l I h d

t fch M t t * t t blU of livwMlba altar Iba data of

*iteelfca S. Tab OrOnmeo Iball not'bo coo-Mnod I* tavUra a aorna for.otnot ounlnoor amnUona by an; nonon, t m or eorpora-.._•¥? Z-S'jr. eontra«t,wlU| or for

DiteaNMobir It, IMS .

fbr ».«*»• 4; anaHamilton arenna.

Anton Kovaca

balano* and



In Book 11 of Morfc.

•yfiguz****-PKOPtelO omiNANCIiNCBJ doSalu Trallara or Cup O r .

TownablpprablbU '


loo of Ihoof Unloal.

BNtloa 1. Fora Irallar ar tap*aar rank*. w 7 «

No potHa ahatl Par* any trattoror rasp ear on aar atroot or nUdi) ptato la taoTawbabip of Cruford for a p.rtod\oflln. n-MliHng ihlrljr IM) •swtot.jor parkWb traUoror camp ear on any nroalaaa wlUda\UM Ibaltsof t*7t«rn>kln nnsanwrtt* turaoaaxofor Moraso. Any aucb ttaUor nadoorbrtnrilandnbaUbtwaalwitbln•naU not duriasaiieb parM af nnalra»«•»• jmt by any t>

' I w nTlHI QBUHVl.Soctioa s. Anr panoa wbo snail rloblo

onananco or any ot It* smtUlons •ball, ioootlcUoa Unroof, bo oabriot ta a laa notraaiint Itw.H or taprtoiiaanl for a 'r™trri nlnoty (HI dan, ot bothz ^ - : 4. Thll ordUaae*. •hall tako olfaet

a alRpbil\

. _ _ . ordltnaoi'wu lauwduMd unranlarauoont of UwTowaaklaCooualuao ofiMVwwaablp of Cranford. Now Jomr. bold onletobor II. 1»SI, and 'wW bo conaldarod for

ar, tut,

Mcurln. tbo.pOTinJ

notlco mutt b>dua baton Iho

u u , whkb_ at letat UirMI of Uw work and


oSanituo, So1f«WMhIp q«k U T I Maakn pmnlt In eaHo whoro prrall for

nonUun 6i« (5) oprnlKs or ouaratlonl InS o nmo unlnipro/od otrotf ra tppllod for. Tb.

CaiMtfor KO.PERS

attdtvewiff seittf


CBcWOatD, H. J.

'•Why not enjoy complete {retJoas'&ODi,wsshd» too; slnn the Jfcdtab to pjscdcal to owa? Ut the oooeyBeadizssva spplt.aa»lasc its ocar.let as prove me safer/, Off ssatarrfetnuet, sad depeodtbUitr of th*Btndlx. You old wither may motethuequl the down pormeor. \

*- E. F. JACOB \• > Aathoriaed Dealer











Oct 22nd



i cmnruDtDfr* N-lJNlOfi AVENUE



•fust e n * eff Hi* mjBity Vttluat you will find at A**l> marfc«t^

FRESH SMALL IOINSCut tram gtlMtsMl, y«4jfr| «am*fw«rpo«t>.rs. Iwyth* whwlw Iwtn t •hhwr half. A ttorkiewa trwtrl


" • ^ 1

Quaker Qatsss: '2te 15c


•rMP canNO.21/,

MMMtto tquar*can

is 10=

ANN PAGE lib..writ* l*ork or Vagtriati

i, • * - *^ _* J'J. I at ana's I i fcaait n i i t t AdwaV i awl «t«tt**tniB»ni sHaaV at*%a* • * • ! gW ••rill*»a«is an* rnaat

iwooy to M > W • • • nwfuy iwov ono can M amaour aiwfisTorijWwwf IQ IIWIMIV PI %nm*


Green SpGtSilver DustIvory Soap

3 ib,. 13*

SOAP olUcakes

\ hew mt totU-r-

TOMATOES 4rHtrt'i an oppbrtunHy to restock yew pantry at a saving. Quy a dozm'carls todayl

3 Pkg». J 3 C


I 1* ' . - " . . ^ ' U - '

i "a

Page 6: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo

* - ' - ' , - ' , - - - • / ' - v .

•' >

i/ *'•


Strail Actw Bttwwn MkU-•aja A n and R. R.

to fie Sold

Borough pound] met' to special ses-sion on Tuesday night, In conjunctionw)St« Uw toning adjusting baud, forthe' purpaM of dlicuwlngand takingMlloa on the tale of Borough-owned

Agreement, was reached and author-iMUon was* made to advertise for skle•enrol acres of land situated betweenMichigan avenue and the Rahway Val-ley R. R*nd north of Monroe avenue.The expected purchaser* are nanceCampbell and DarUnt, Ifib., of Brook-lyn/who would erect a building for themanufacture and storage of syntheticWains, gunu, etc.

Agreement wyi aUo reached toi»tid «ltn;idl*rtra«nt i»atid «eltno;idle*rtprBa«n^ V

Attorney William Bruder, two acres ofland »ltiml«l ictwwn Flfloenttv uid.Sixteenth'iftwels' and/adjoining V theBoulevard. TH« land u expected to bedeveloped nnd mark the start of an ex-teMivtf-building program.

* Borough Council and Zoning adjust-- ment board will nw*t In caucus on Mon-

day night to «etUc\deUIU of the pro-poied attics*. - \

' PUBLIC NOTICR •Tin llnriniah ill KenllwoNk, N..J., ilealiea In

Mil lurlilita and Inlrraat In, an u1»nlcte amiaur|>Iue.auliimgMle, anil Kill W e l l e eealwl bldali>r on*TMI CheiriiM aa lli .al Ihelr reiularineellnl, Mrliilwr It, l»3«, at\ll»» r. M.

The Irrma uriele will lie rtfli lOiia Ibe mattil ailireirtlnlnc and Kill lie Mil. In Hie hllheatUdder \

BOBO|!(III l i r KHSIMVORTII,Auiuel I. frabl. _,

coin Unset, «wt Mondar M MM

«ftbt>1 ia|aiAnother eh* poop UK Haka tte tripon n m d a y BUM, ' "-

Dtmoeratie C»ib «m hold * rally onMondar «njht In Barottf MMOL to-tarUlnment and apeakcrt win be fea-turee, -* , -

0 . . » Taubert and wHe eeMmtcdtheir twelfth weddlat awnrenary wSunday. It beta* the rilk and linenannlremry. iMend Peto BWnk- pre-

and eold la Uw Borwa* af ICaallwnrIk U feefor rademntloa at 1% oar annual aad tkaMunicipality aoail ka*a tka aaow laaaadlia aoalrlfkU aa otkar purchaaara, Unlading Ika rightla bar « (bnelosa Uw rlrtl at lelleaaallim,

Ol?ea aadar «qr haaj ihw Itta day afOctober, 1IJI

(•Mi Ut ,

• NOIICI OF ItlSIITRV AND I L I O T I O Nrurauant la Ika proelalono of aa\ act aa.

UUed "An An la RccuMta Rlectlona (Bnlalmof IMII." pawed Mae Ilk, UW, and amend.awala Iherela, nollra la hereby alien thai Ike


In end for the Boroath of Kccilt*orth. N X,Mill all In the felloWr* placea t»tween,thehoura of Heten II) A. M. anil t l |M (II I' My on

TUKrWAT, NDVRMIIRR ITU, IIII, \fnr the purpoae of coodurllns a Heneral I le tlion for the following omra, i l l I \

A United, Slalea Smalt* from Uie Btali atNew Itttff.

A Mealier of Uie Home or Hmreeantatlreefrom lhe_tlh IXnareaalnnal IMilrlrt. , ,_ A MujWr. of the Slate Senate froa Uw

of Ika deaeral Ataembly (ma

...j County (if llnlnuA BeKiler of Daeda and Motl<a|ea for Uie

- Count* of tralon.Torn llenhera of Uie Board of Choaea Free.

kolden rmn Ihe County of link*.A Coroner'for Uu County of Union.

One CouncUman! .1 year term.Two Justice* of tha PeaceThe Hare of unrllne of-Ihe uld noarda of

Rfcwlrt and Rtertlon:nral ]>tatrlrt—lire IIOUM. WaihUiBUm Are.

cue. - . : - . . ..Second Muriel — I>«n'i grrilca Station,

•oulnard and 'lath Utreet.ACOI18T 1 KTAIIL,

horouth ClerkKMed October II. U.MI.


AND ASSESSMENTS.1»W and Prior Tears Taxea and

r t n u r X0T1CBt k t l


flue. •„Chaa, X BUIUII , , ,^Rmlll R. llalmer ,Knock J AnderaonChaa r Bullard .jnlm H IMaiT. ,

Samuel Vllale ~ .

I'aul Vllale » - . , .II B R liarkCIH«;T. Buiutd......Any lloaa V..R.».H....KHChta. V. Bullard .......W. i. Cnnklln .Chu, r, Bull.rd ...,-..Throdor>.i)lar< ..„•ChW. r. llullird ........

4«IdIIIIIII/. 11

InclIII lo 41

InclM• 4 •> *•„sa * *IT>JII41»a», 4«

49.14 lo if

Incl.-Jlldi. A. Uifaro ••••


Andrew jhiaunakr' ™Frank ODall ..,»«.«»(r t i i > Bullard , _ .Chaa T Bullard _ -DeouaNNolan ITraak

Dettor T-T) ......TT B, TounrtJood „ -


_ . 1SI

„ IM

J. I. Weaterrell . . _„_rhaa. r. llullard ........Chaa. F. Bullard ........

A. iMtaro U w-Allc. WlllUnu :...

" A U M B. Dwlllil .

I l l>9T4.41>.»74.411.1»».TS

• n.ie1.41



Ortot* Ok* IB iwdiemg for tha*MkMtaOl atajoB on Wedneeday nkjata»ttw school mm-ToomM ADM and son, Ttemas, Jr .

both MOM* paMwtt la St. BttaabeUihospital, are horn* and on the road to

fireman held their monthlydrill on Tuesday night with ta appar-atus In operation at tha school.

Bab Lohman, son of O. B. Lohman of.Jjt.stned Is recovering from an at-tack-of pneumonia.

LeBoy Olendennmg has improved hl«houssbyttiebiuldlngofanrtplaoe.HlsMends ait standing b* for the tparted msrihmaltow roast

itsB!\in >inIMIMIM11131

t». W

, " *11 Inrf*II, It19,1411,1031. a91 Mil

InclII41II4111 lo Ha


* e , l

Uur Uarkana ,Marr Karkaiw - _ _ ™Mare llarkana - _ _ .Marx Markaaa — ^ _Han Markaaa ._,_ -

M.rr WtrUVio . . _„>Chaa. r Bullard -.,™rhaa. r Bullard .Chaa. r Bullard .»—Chaa. r, Dullard >. .„



nelw H. Arthur „;...John Helmer .- ._. . . ._

IM.r Uaarara>, (Iraham ~ „«.K llraham , _ .„R. llralun » _ . . . .B. llralun . . . . . . .K. llraham*w «„« H

>».- llraham . . - _ .R Clrahtn . „ „ .a Graham . „ „ .

-Aluander llernl



\ «VtSA-r=zChaa T nulUrd „ .Cha r D l l dChaa,l

aoaal ta Ike tmrtaMaa at Chapter* t>?. Lam otMil, ealllled "Aa art rMKerntiw: unpaid taua,• o a a a n u aad eUm Mualdpal rharrra an•aal peorene and pratldnu for Uw rallectloaUMrear br tke nWtkn and nteraeaaer.1 ofDaaa tkerroa, Uw' imdaraumed. Tai Collector Iat ttw Borrort ef Keallwank. County of Voloa. IWIO tall al INMIe Auction at the Bonvsh HaU. Jta ika aVmoik of.Ka&Uwank, N 1 , on {

WCONBBDAT, MOVRUBC* 14TH, IIII, .. a t i r . H ,

the prmetlea dearrlhed and llatrd Mkwr. natwrpoiitntai will t» ooM I » Uie aawuat

tUrtMhle aialntt aald landa oh tha Drat dayof JulT 1IM, aa nwiuted and ahown oa Uwin, rim inlrmt on aald annual from JuW

(at. 1111 lo dau of aa» and coata laddaal

ltaM°bnda will be aold In faa lo luck peraonaa *UI purrhaaa Ihe aaaw auhlert to tadaav).Urn at the loweet rate of Intenat but la ne(ate la t r n i of 1% pet annum.



F lluMard\ janea Bchlclila __ .„\ Chaa. r BiUl.nt _ . i\jolin II llelmar ,

Chaa V Bullard ..».«.Hflbcrt J Mrlaiac — .Knock 4 Anderaon —Janea B. Dwlaftt , —

A. aLXKackol | "*

ChaaTr.'Bullard *Chaa, r. Bullard ..Chaa. r. Bullard .


T. T) »

TODAT, TOM0BB0W a r t SAT.|Aa taaa^iiaii Oavaleadei -


TJfBONat M W D . ' '

f t N M H r a DQUBUt , ' A VTKODBUr f , f-YJ*

with the MAbCB TWIN. "M'r


' FA* O-BatlKN laV /-. - *BOY Mucitfami.' f

•i_ «B0Ul>oa DMIMMOND*


10* Lsawm-S*rin6n wbj«o» tor Bunrtw:October 33. In aU Chrlctlan ScienceChurches and Societies' throughout theworld.

The Oolden Text is: "Ood shall bringevery work into Judgment, with everysecret thine whether it be good, orwhether it be evil." (Bcckalatw U:14).

Among the Lenon-Senrion citationsU the following from the Bible: "Jesussalth unto nun. Thomas, because-thouhast often me, thou test believed:blessed are they that have not seen, andyet have believed." (John MM). c

The Leeeon-Sermon also includes thisusage from the Christian Science

textbook. "Science and Health with Keyto the Bcriptuns" by Mary Baker Kd-dyi.VJesus" unchanged physical conOl-Uon after what seemed to be death wasfollowed by Ms exaltation abovematerial condttlonaj f nf? thisWon explained his ascension, and

iled unmistakably a probationary-progressive state beyond the grave"r

WIN MOVIE PiWinners of trusts to

Theatre-for correctlyUons In last week's Issue

re: Leonard R. Dolan,sion Terrace; PhyllisNorth avenue, east*;B m street; Agnesavenue; andsouth FitCeVnth



thai paperJr, «3 Man*

Sala. 1MHurter, BOB338 Walnut

Dougherty, MCorrect answer*l fBMngle Boot, Para-

mount Roofing/Co.; 9, Armel's FineMaple Furnltitre; 3, Cranford •HighOrade Marked 4, M. Schneider; and 5.Bluer

BubicrnN) TODAY tor rour hometown new«paper-»I a year, deUvered,



IIIIIM'I11M I O..WJ.aMa^aav tmHa£«M>iinuVtati JUax. a eeer

aoralwa at tba BUM af New Jcraay, (oanlala-aal. aad MarkS. Oarardo. OWeadUI. tVfa.for aaw at oiarlsigas wSalaaa.

By toe aUnra*iaud writ at aartfadaa is aw airattaa VakaU aiaaaa IW aala kyaubUa taadoa, la IkafDutrkt Caart laaaa. laUw Court Baaaw.lji Uia Ctty at Blaaaatk.


al two e'daek ta/ Uw anaraaoa af aald day.All Uw fatlawSt tract or parcel at Ua«.aaa

aea beiataalHr sartlcularly daMalliat, alt-lytoa awl beta* la tke Tawnakl* otOraa-In Ihe ^iaotyof Union aad Bute at Maw

.,_ ettrtlbvinu .wnleh ara own par-ticularly laid aawa. oWnatnl and diallnsulaktd

wap aolHlrd "Uhlfh Park. Cna-. 4whkk avw la now on flw la UwOAra of tke Couoti of Uolon) aa

T net faor kaadred and arty-nlaa 1411)aad f.W kuodrai aoal alily |4M) aa UM dowa

Ta*dua apaniiaiately l l .UI.N wuk: Croaa Beflaadatr 11. UU, aad coatu


Hits,,j8rr,Bo,'r. /nm

I BALB-ta Cbannry at Mrw JanayTba Crooford Mutual BaUdkijr, tad

Caattr (unaarrledi, atiola, 4a-,fa, tar aale of annxaced praa»-

- oaoi^atatad wrB.ak Barl

T. Has the Ainerioan. Labor PartsamMttMMptndldaUalnllrarTorkT

• . . Have ( t o taxabat profit* ot'ear-poritlnftB decUnedf ^ -»

». How doea the price of wheat eom-pan with the price in the cprtng ofI**!* • " "

10. What a » the waoorow of UXChaw National Bank, of New YoUft

(See T h e Answer*" on Pace 7)

i nadna. at tka DtaMat'oaari lam.eon Haawt, ta tba Cttjr at RUaabeth,

at twa o'clock la Uw aflaraaaa at aald day. „AIX that tntfl a* parcel «t load and

preeilMa kcfeoiartor HrUenUriy deatnbad. Ml,uale, lying aad ketof la Iba Townabla at Craa-ford la Uw Coanty at Untoa aad BUia of New

^ " ^ • r T w ea BgB3wa> RMf UPRJ ^Vwvp4waj4Jw g a W

of Centenalal Aeeaua dlauuil Four hundred aadanoaty-elsBt feat and forty-lira kuadr

CentennUl-ATeoai frtaiUw Wot^oaat caald law of

Imd « m of 'crawly of^TiereaTDoTlo M a uline of aald Arenua; thaoea Boulbwaatarty atrtahl aaslea to aald Aeeaua One hundred aadflfty I1HI feet; tkenea. Nortkweat parallel Winuld Afonua IIRy (Ml feel! tkaoaa Nooheaa)-crly al rliht aoslaa wttb aaM Aienoe On. hun- /dred aad any (Mil fart la aald llae ot aald ' /Aranua; thaoca BouUnaatarly alarat eaU tine of — JaaldAtreaua etty (SI) feat ta tba pointer plaija| , '

Tkera ladut l

feaa I1S.M


« . , annotate a* tha CoIka Mb/day of ReaaaUw aptUoaUaa at IkVaat tkaaataU at aald 'Ufaa to Ib* ~


ef am*


TMttADttamcatftinm fit*;.. v-<

<ad WMnwh of dkt openg&timtteil foA ;

iogS;, ' Aad tbe \xnuy of iiotnacpM,, c;., . ,

Flntigthattiievtie^ : "'."y,S:i,.i,^ \ .obtairUble t«e; !-"jfComplete witn sudk /

HotBteMdyoui fireplace., , . ,


>•*'<«•»• jr>»n» I r I




Come In Saturday


•» *>,

BMordsr Carron K. Sellers V. night foundJamttri Caruso and lWhitman, both ot.Wood mm*den.'guQty ot nf*stoppfag schoolbelore eroosmg the Cental Ritracks at Center street Beptemtand fined them « each: A ichatge against' Anthony' BevtsiWood attttm wau'dlsmlssi "

Ing. •'' -' '/"S. .seuen aUd ha art Jow fine* b

- Cameo, who boa been removeddriving achool but t for the B

.Charter Bervtoe. owner of theand Whitman, who hut left tlcompany, dtdMM*. wOtully violalaw.

. Tte-neoiiaW-eontendBd the ct-otru no . amply prtWiMl and tu

gates should have been lowered•because a train-wai coming. He p

- .'.out the mate apparently were ntoo d o n together. ' They wereIng pupils of Jonathan Dayton HeHigh School. Bprlngfield.

Malcolm MacCallum, 843 Boutlnue, Weatfleltf, iummoned byAshfleld for speeding, was fined (

' $2 costs., Theodore J. Lawy, 431 Spoone

nue, Flalnfield, arrested by Sergtnls Comlskey for passing »•"»!"

"MlgliC wa> fined, t l and H costs.


St. tauTS tutheran church wilbnite UB twenty-ceventh annlvFriday evenings The men ochurch will present » sketch ei•The bridegroom Has His Day."ben'oil the cast are: The Rev.Tannler, 'Arthur Stranacher, WSchroU, Arthur Olen, John WiCarl Schamer, Henry Pfelffer, SrMarohn, OeoTge Brjlmburg, I*st«ifen, Henry, Pfelffer, Jrn Oustavcand William Oloeckner. i

• A quartet win present severalselections. Betty Crook

• monologue, "Old Fashioned M<Lullaby and a Modem Mother'saby." Refreshments will be senthe Ladles' Aid Society.


The Square dub of Qarwwxmeet: at St. Mark's Parish hall am. Tuesday.

A surprise party was held receiihonor of Miss Virginia MelkaWflow avenue In observance of htteenth birthday. Guests were pfrom Qarwood and Scotch Plains,i The Bible Class of the Presby

Church met Wednesdar evening.Hev. J. Wbitfleld Sloan discussed "Preaching at the Church of Coi

Ladles' Auxiliary of the Oarwoopublican dub will sponsor' a H.«>n party- Monday, October be refreshments and novelUiMonday the ladies will have a gclean-up. They will clean, thebouse aa its active seasoa,ls ab>

(Besene District No. tlBDOBT OF CONDITION



In Uw Omntr ef Onion. Suie ft Vfat Uw cloae or bualnaaa.sii September


•w»lh45Jiasv*j-a-;ialancaa trtU. ouwrhanka,etak turn to Proceaa of

C^tMtaiaa oat to proceaa ot collectionOther aaaeta _ . —

Total AM

d depoaUi

~ * 1

aad damIdepoehe


8Ule."eo«ntj. aid nunlSJtl da-

DepoaUa '3~otbor bank., tie.Dapoalu oat aocured



11403 IT

Total Capital Account ,

Total LUimttoaSlate of New Jenay. County ot Union

L John T. Rldiardaoo. Caaklar of tk-, aaowd bank. OVeolamOy awear tflal U

ataiaoitt la true to tka beat of our B"** * " * * JOHN F. UCHABDt

Bworn to aad aubatrlbad before taa t

47W* .s. ,; : , • ,, -JJ j v - --• jHfS?

i * ( * . i - ' r • i>:J * i ' «

Page 7: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo


±.» _ J1

Twoeaother offer for a parcel of tha

Mar which tt Is offering- - -*» Baayatt, s r , oBmtt

tor lott 2tt. m and 240 in HockT i e offer was referred to tbe n-

""P*, oanmtttee and attorney with

unorder Carroll K. BeOen Monday. night fonndjamttiil Caruso and DonaldWhitman, both ot .Wood avenue. U s .

ihpolbuWhitman, b e t . dden/guttty o t notntcppiot scbefore crossing the Cental Railroadtracks at Center street September 30and fined theln $7 each; A stmUarchatge against' Anthony' Bertano of

- was dismisi

c t g gWood aveno*- was dismissed on testt-mony be stopped Hi torn at the eraseIng. •»'• .-*' •/-'?. .

Sdlera saM Be set tow flues because' Caruso, who bat been removed from

driving school'onset tor,the Beviano.Charter Service, owner of the buses,and Whitman, who baa left the buscompany, dkT.nflt wfltuDy violate tbelaw.

.. xhe-neonaar-eontended the- creasing-was noi amply prtWUa and UUTtbe

gates should have been lowered sooner•became a train was coming. He pointed

-.' but the buses apparently were runningtoo dose together. • they were cany-Ing pupils of Jonathan Dayton RegionalHigh School. Springfield,

Malcolm MaoOalltim, 843 South ave-nue, WesUkhf, lummoned by ChiefAshfleld for speeding, was fined $8 and

' $2 costs., Theodore J. Lorcy, 431 Spooner ave-

nue, Plalnfleld, arrested by Sergt. Djn-nls ComUkey for passing: »-"red" traffic

riC wa» flnefl t l and H costs.

Council awarded tbe contract (ortransporting approximately twenty localresidents to a WPA project In Gallop*Ing HOI Park, Union, to the PuhUe Ser-vice Gontlnated Transport Co., on then-bid of $535. a Cay, BeVlano CharteredService, the only other bidder, submit-ted a price of $7 a day. The servicewas started Monday..; L '

Police committee was authorised topurchase three overoosts for the mem-bers ot the police department at a costof $40each: ,

September report of Recorder 0. K.Sellers showed ten motor vehicle- vio-lations with fines of »15, costa of $19and one ordinance violation with a fineo t $ l . • . • • ; • ! . . • • • _ - ; ; • • - - . • , ^ j •

Referred, to tlie laws and license cornmtttt&fgjllgjta»!lMft*..oitjrJI».lf|*tional DiC Casters Union for permit tohold a dance Octboer 29 In Beckertfa u d i t o r i u m . • • • • ' • • •• ; - . » •

Oarwood Republican Club was grant-ed permission to erect a banner onCenter street between North avenue andthe O. R. R. tracks.

Meeting; was adjourned to the callof the chair,.



St. Paul's Lutheran Church will celc-brSte to twenty-seventh anniversaryFriday evenings The men of thechurch will present t> sketch entitled"The bridegroom Has His Day." Mem-bers'oil the cast are: The Rev. B. W.Tannler, 'Arthur Stranacher, WilliamSchroU, Arthur Olen, John Walther,Carl Schaftttf, Henry Pfelffer, Sr., OttoMarohn,. George Hblmburg, Lester Btef-fen, Henry, Pfelffer, Jr., Oustave Bleyand William Oloeckner. i

• A quartet will present several vocalselections. Belty Crook wiU.prcsent a

• monologue, "Old Fashioned Mother'sLullaby and a Modem Mother's Lull-aby." Refreshments will be served bythe Ladies' Aid Society.


Proposal! will be received by Post-office. Inspector O. P. Baurhenn in New-ark-up to and Including November 7for the furnishing of qnnrte™ ^ttnM.lor postofnce purposes in Oarwood, ItwaSTtnnounqed yesterday by PostmasterJohn P. Dugart.. T h e term Is for oneS«ar from May 1, 1939, with option bythe government to extend the lease foran additional year. '•• j

Floor spacff-of }4S00 square feet Isdesired. 'The bid price should Includeheat^ light, power, water, toilet facul-ties, plumbing, heating, • lighting fix-tures, safe or vault and all necessaryfurniture and equipment However, pro-posals without heat, light or equipmentwU'be considered, It was said. '

The quarters must be centrally lo-cated with good daylight facilities, andmust be accessible from the rear andside entrances for mails.


The Square d u b of Oarwood willmeet at St. Mark's Parish nail at 8 p.m. Tuesday.

A surprise party was held recently Inhonor of Miss Virginia Melka of 64WBow avenue in observance of ner'six-teenth birthday. Guests were presentfrom Qarwood and Scotch Plains.< The Bible Class of tbe Presbyterian

Church met Wednesday evening. TheHev. J. Whftfleld Sloan discussed "Paul'sPreaching at the Church of Corinth".

Ladles' Auxiliary of the Oarwood Re-publican d u b will sponsor' a Hallow-e'en, party Monday, October 31. Therewin be refreshments and novelties. OnMonday the ladies will have a generalclean-up. They will dean, the clubhouse as its active seasoo.,ls about to

(Besene District No. ft.REPORT OF CONDITION



In tha Count* ot Union. But. of W l c n j ; .it tba eSSrSr HuiUlM on S.plm.tat U, 1M8.

Olh«7bon2S.itodD UA,MC<>HU<«~

b m wtth TtifOl Bewrro tart . 50.MT.14ChV »*luiea Mm other Unto.

i S S D^tapr<>e««o'collKUon •.«!»»

ToUl HUL U B m n n

nSSii. and municipal da-

.Sltl.MO.littsto of ttaTJanajr. Count; of Union, sa.

I, John ». mlehardson. Caahlar of tha abora-


Bworn to u d mbacrltad M o n BW thu Ulh

I I . »


N«- urO* oft t

ottntttroop for the ,showed bi npatOBat the*Barlow and Fred Cne.UM troop, spent (he

Plans are napfattytacaat;for the annual aeoatto held In the near rotor*. Tbe tnepIs planning to attendney Hamprtrn football jat New


\ ••*"


Plans for the annual rally andof Ute Oarwood Democratic Oak. to beheld on the evening of Nmisslnn 4 tnLincoln ScfaobL^were outlined butThursday night By MunicipalJerry FontenelU at » meetinsj ot theclub in Democratic headquarters. Therewill be'addresses by prominent apeaken,followed by enBKresruuents/twin be. served.

.Of coal wffi be awarded.At las^week'sVieetlng. Majvr Louis

J. FontenelU, noVnee tor reetrctkn.reviewed accomplishments of. the gto^.enj! administration,were Councilman PredW Doahanck. al-so a candidate for reelection, and CUn-dunon Kenneth

These new mi

theoe-tbe F.-T. A.H

..^__a%Lste teaejstrf. Thei « • alt* lachide matfcal *•»

i by A.'Mian and Arthur Os-

S. About "V ft yean.*. A tarn aHimtnist aapioyed by

tYattatn* to grv» tut* views anony-- • - » — c _ «

TUs. Henry ifsMtr

«Dtakettwparjof•a the mtostrel with

John Ouerrtero,I*»t«ta.*nTWyre«, John Pat-

rt&ayttsr Sacfaatt. Bobby Batoey andtsi Mt end nsen.EMs will indud* Doris

June Fonten

a. no.»V T»«..BrtUahV«»»l»l tolMi the

rnocb, a t t a n .7. Ji 1IM. nominated the Democratic

candWtWt <or.Qownor, D. S. Venator,and Qpngressman at large. "'

a. litest, figures, lor IMJ, art theUwgttt since 1HS. f - •• '

9. Now about ML centa; then, about•1.35.

r. Gloria Campbell,Sanyi. SMyn Walsh. MaeBarbara Sachsel. Claire Wls-

tct. Marian Schneider. Mildred Feuge,and Ruth Carlson.

will include a songtry Betty Packer and

one by Joaa msnsi i The feature oftbe ttliiiliillii ttae act of-Baby Snooks

DsaHy*. vritten by VictorNucifoTa-arutFtitnl

aa the players. Another high-Bgot **> s»tt «Btitle« T i n y List".Ream Racocxae and Horace DeFreltaswto present this ac t

Tbe chonas boys Will be Tony DelContc Raytoead Bums, Edward Bbv

Frank Q t e and -FerdmahaT

by Mbs

Joseph Bednoti.



The Oarwood Republican CtabMonday evening at the club boose aNnrth avrmir—Pmltfent Charta 1&

ContntBekn Rarowakl and Doris Collins

b a n been awar£ed the nrst pVUe In theSong Contest which was snore

by Miss .Sylvia EprlBht, 'nfiiilc*

man of the Oarwood RepobQcan Clubappointed these committees; at a meet-ing Monday night": Bouse commute* forOctober and November; Mike AOesoki.Daniel Snyder, William Brown. Jr.. andJohn Havacprn: contact commtute.William .Darroch. 8r , George Fisher.Archie Darroch, and Daniel 6njdor.President Lehman Informed tbe dabthat the Ladies' Auxiliary donated aton of coal The club indorsed the Re-publican candidates that were thiertc-fbrs in the primary election.

The flat l n a series of campaign sal-lies will be this evening at the t t *house. North avenue. The total candi-dates will discuss the general taxt ion . -

aspeiTlsor. Tne •winner oi the secondaward" not Bsine Pfcffler. Elaine notonly 'wrotei.-ther words M her 'composidon taajt also oomposed1the-muslc. Thirdiwtat went to Miss Rogers' clan for-itse s s t i T - • \ "• • ~/f •' "•

l a t e * s « l Sport.Tbe boys and girls of the. sixth! sev-

enth andetghttYgrades are participat-o r hi toDch-tootball and kick-ball

under the direction of Victor

ONOct22nd , ;

ChevroletSEE PAGE 6

Leonard. Ttte football league is led. bytbe California team which' is captainedby Ferdinand Perotta. The kiekballleague Is led by the N. Y. U. team, cap-tained by Sorls Nath.

Xteehen* FljoleSupper cooked over an out-door fire-

place was' enjoyed last week by theOarwood Teachers' Association. Theteaching staff went to the Essex CountyReservation to. their favorite picnicnodTc. There, after strenuous games ofbaseball and horseshoe*, they tried theirhands at nre-bulldlng and steak-grlll-l y . / • - • . • • " j - ; . • ; . . • • • , • " : ."/ Colambas Day Obaerred

/"Discovery of America" was the titleof a play enacted by Miss Reynolds'fifth "grade' during the assembly periodlost week. Fred Dushonek--took- theleading role, that of Columbus. Otherfriayers were: Margaret Schalcstock,Walter Wojtklewlcz, Edward McOinnls,Mildred Colllra, Anna Kallnowskl, Vin-cent Vcnlnato, Frances Hansel, StephenDramrncr, Edward Benko, Frank Mor-oll. John Lombard!, K'vmrd Posukonls,SalvadoreuLammt and Arthur Welnzlerl,

Hobble*. :Patch-work quilts: Tnrilnn rrllrs, \m

FOB RENTMASQUERADE! miiu. wits' to hire.

Phono PUIrJWd 0-BMfl-J. Knight,378 HnroldSt., No. PlulnOeld, betweenWatchung Ave. and Bomerset St., oilHighway 2». ' 11-10

soldiers, stamps, coins, sea-Shells, books,knitting and sewing were Just a few ofthe hobbles brought to school ondi .ex-plained by the pupils' of Mis* Rogers'class. They are planning to havo aHobby Fair lat^r in (ho month.

Red Cress FilmIn connection wfth the annual Red

Cross, and Safety .Drives, a fine filmshowing different types orIn the home, at school and In the street,and distributed by the National RedCross, was shown to all the pupils.lastweek.

TWO large, cheerful rooms, comfortablyfurnished." Private homo. Near bus:line. Priee reasonable > phono CRan-fordi 6-0038-J. .• ' ••

: FUBNI8HED ROOMSFURNISHED room'for rent. Nice loca-

tion; near rtver. 33 Elm Street, Cran-(ord B-074T-J.

carelesuncss- FURNISHED


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that I. Daniel F. Snyder, Collector of TUBES of the Borough of Oarwood, Inthe County of Union, State of New Jersey, will aril at public sale for onpald taxes and aisraammts of IMS; 1838,1037, and any prior years, all the lands, tenements, hereditament* and n a l estate beretnatter mentioned to theperson who will purchase the same subject to the, lowest rate ot interest, not TinwBiig tight per cent per annum.Said lands will be sold to make the amotmte severally chargeable against the sasae en July 1st, 19M with Interestand costs computed to July 1st, 1938, together with interest on said aaaoonts from *ily 1st, 1*18 to the date of sale,and costs of sale. The eald sale will take place on

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER- lStb, 1938at the hour of 10:304. M.,'at the Borough Hall, South Avenue and Centre Stneet, Oarwood, N. J.

The sale is under the provisions-of the act of the Bute or Sew Jeney. entitled,' T a x Sale Revision," ap-proved March 4th, 1918, and amendments'thereto. —

The said lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate » to be said, sxd tbe tame cf the person or personsagainst whom'said taxes and assessments have been laloVand the saawmts cnt tames and aieeuauiuits. doe the years1936 to 1837 inclusive, with interest and costs computed to July 1st. WML are i

SHADES, VENETIAN BUNDSAWNDK3S, shade*, Venetian blinds,

slip covers, drapes. O. p. Down*.Tel. WB»t. 3-0181. Horn* Phone OR.8-0181; '••••• •"•'*• t !

LIOHT, airy, furnished room for renton quiet street, 110 Hjllcrest Avenue,Cranford. Phone CRan'ford 0-11M-W.

MOVING, TBUCKINa and BTOBAtllLOCAL and long distance moving and

hauling, Fireproof storage. DallyMew York Express. Sltser Bros,, Inc.,Somervllle, New Brunswick, Plaln-fleld. • .';. . • ;•'/. , •

MOVINO-«TORAOB-rFACKINOLET us estfanate on any of your moving

or storage •problems. Modern equip?tntnt and experienced, oourteous men.Agents for Allied Van t lnes/HC.long distance movers. Bobbins k

"Allison, too, ail Bouth Avenue, EastPhone ORanlord 84898.'

• • / • ; O w a . t r

JSrtt, Dorenuis H.,,A.IRichard HundJacob Sande ....-....<Frank LusterX.

E. f T l t e a l t y Co.a SusldkaFred Weh ....if. BuovannlJos. 811kB. MangoldF Link ___..O. Maruffl-A. PietersB. FtrmanL. CaparloM. RichardsonO. ThomasA. Focskoch

O. Rost-R. N. R. Realty Co.R. N.'R- Realty Co.S. Eowalskl .- ~ .T.'J. CavanaghA. A. DielmanH. Rtoedorf


Black Lat.. 38 ;.. 39- 103.. 46 37• 10 4-5-6A

.. 42 3453 233-2341 2S1-252

85 260 .4 2744-264-2656 221-3228 280-281• 256-2576 248-2478 285-2888 28452 300-30113 228-22918 278-37917 421

, Tajua /->— .Yasr It37 IMS- IS3S$13167 $136.08 8155L3O116.00' 119.88 131.8113104 135.43- 1U5C14337 148.18 89J4

1IJ9 11.1820062008ltftO .1254

, 20.0619.88. • v,

ua r -20J08 .


UM' 20.08



30 364-a«579 '272-27382 287-38885 ttOtojm 30J0,89 224to226 22^789 232-23389 271 to 274

West End a & L. .H. Spltier1 _,...<—John Elliot -....J. H. Mayer .Paramount Oleanefs •O. Rasera .

•Win. Oross -...a Palmleri ..j . Jacob, Jr.J. E BUls ...D. D u n n —

92 40191 329-23020 'ZB82 358-25778 228-22784 22440 ME40 221-322

'15.06' 30.10



U S '

43 7 27.50', 41 231 to 234 40.13

48 600 75248 583 1J748 582 , 167

sT"- VSSn-mss-«« 428J483.75 443.78SS45 438J4

4JS ISO 57X191J86 31.n1J8S 21.71

-JB— 10J8< M 1344<-• 1.65 31.71

1J6O 31.48^ • 1J00 UJN

IM 31.71MB 21.71

M 7.79.15 ° 1.97.75 15 JO/

1 1JB5 K.Wi 130 ttX

IM 3i?n. ULSaW /

118.44$ SJJO 1 « .33223 •9.75 7 129 00-»O) 125.80

- 1.48 3255L80 2437'1 3 0 ' 16.25

'• . 3.48 3355— 1J0 16.25

.75 411IX 1672 .2M 37.08

> - 340 37.081.40 18MJB 1130

MCI ' 446" 3534~4Ud) '3»se(•(US) «M0 2.15 214.75

, , . 380J00 34J0O 3X 287.43.70 833


FURNIBKKD room In apartment house.Neat station.- Reasonable. AyV.WUllman, Apt. 3-left. 343 North Ave-nue, West. • •; '• /


House Wiring =r FixturesRepairing

Motors Washing MachinesRefrigerators Vacuum Cleaners

Cellar Drainers AppliancesDANHfL J, HEYBURN

Res. 8 Bumslde Ave, CRan. 8-1988-RShop 314 Bouth Ave, CRan. 8-2084

NOTICE OP •. injBTRY AMD ILCdTIONFunuaot to tba provftlbnN of an act an-

Utlad "An All-la lUtuliU naeUonl (Balblonof m » | . " paatcd Mljr SUi, 1110, and amnHl-menta tharato, notlca la harabjr rlvan that UM


In and for tha Bomjih of Oarmod, N, J , willalt In tha following pTa/ta beliraen Iha bburaM a n (T) A V and I lrhl 'd) r U , on

TUESDAY, NOVnUIIH BTn, UM,for tha purpoae of ronductlni atJenarat El«e-UonJor Iha followins oDoai, TII,; •

AOInllad SUUa tmslor fton''tha StataNaw Jaraar./ A Hambtr of Ika noilM of BapiaaanUUfas

froa tha 6th Consrauloinl Dlslrlat.A Manbar of tha Blala BanaU from tha

County of Vnlm. ~-our Manban of Iha Oannal

Cotnitv of-~ThrM HaBbara'of Ilia Boafd of Chasm f n s -fcoldan Tim tha Countr of DntanV

A Csnraar for Iha Cranlr of Union.Two' tfeuacUJnan, 1 jraar tarauTourvluaUna of tha Paaoa.,Tha plan of maallat of tha aald Boar* of

S a ^ D M r f c t i School, UeMA*Tblrti Dlatriet — Franklin School, Walnut

louilh Dliulcl — Ml North Aronua.DEDCI IPTIO.N Or BOUNDAUKS OF

' n JtLSCTION DIHTUCTBDliUlet 1« All that portion of Iha B o « . _

ot aanraod Ijlns toulh of Iha lino of tha Cta-ral nallroad and north of Bpruea Afanua.

D l t K t 1. All that jwrtlon of Iha Boroofbd I l lh f th li of tha C o

DlitKct 1. All that jwrtlon of Iha Boroofof Oarwood Irlns aoulh of tha lint of tha C oual.BaJIroad and aotilb of Bpraea *»anna.

latriet.S. All that'portion of IhaofSlanraod Ijlnf north or Iha llna of tba Cm-rtl Railroad and wttt of Cadar Mnot

JSSJ vis n'ss, vx: i g

I 359 10.03 1OJ7IOJBJJ




««-—t. « .

Sntaeo my hand ttls 17th day of October, 1938.



»m b . H-nedUWy

naiad Odobar 11, MM. ""*•h Oark,


. Oct22nd __.

ChevroletSEE PAGE 6

Classified vertisements

auMiriu i M M f H mmm& w n *>* "••" wwsiiatwiv; s&na it* Mi UHC OMMT nvt »vuuat ««*•* it uat

TNi sniimuM oMAMt H M n m i i iNusmsitMPWT »M ( CMTi MM UM. amilSUal tt CtHTt

' f l l l r iORI OBAMFOBD •,.*•••'

•ocan FOK KXNT153 B3LLCRBST Avenue, CranfordLinden, Rahway and Blsaboth work-ers note; Beautifully reconditionedsix room home, tiled bath, attachedgarage,'steam /beat. Fine neighbor-hood, adjacent. to park..'Close.toschool, especially nice for children.« 7 3 0 . ; • • ' • • • • • - • • . •

J . O. MDLFORD. Realtor214 Park Ave. Plalnfleld, N. J.

Tel, PUd. 6-5800:: Or Your Own Broker

U A L ESTATE FOB 8ALE1AVE you seen the. new. Model Home'

built by Oranford'Oardens, located ata Tulip St.. Just off Orchard St., onlytwo blocks from the new High School?Carrying charges, Including taxes, areonly WOJ7 a month. >

EMI bungalow, five bedrooms, twobaths, garage. Like new m and out;good section, north side, Suitable forlarge family or two families,..This Isjour opportunity to own a good de-pendable home at only tVKO. Terms.Call Wade H. Poston, CRanford8-O870. ' . ' 10-20


large sunny room In pri-vate family. Telephone CRanford6-1888. . - 10-30

OONVXNIXNT-to trains, room, next tobath, heated garage optional. PhoneCRanford 6-OMO-R

ROOMS for )lght housekeeping. 338Walnut Avenue, Telephone CRanford6-2237-R.

LAROK and beautiful room In privatefamily; near station, bus and stores.No other roomers. Mrs. Series, 3Springfield Avenue. Phqne CRantqrd6-O8M. ' J" ' '

... ...,••tbsT

BBAOLE hound: If found please re-turn to 116. So. Union Avenue, Cran-ford, • , >

BANK Book No. 10213 pt the CranfordTrust Company, Cranford, N. J. Thefinder Is requested to return It to Uui

"Tionk. If not restored beforf the 12thday of November. 1038, applicationwill be made to the bonk for a newbook. ., . • U-10

DANK Book No. 4270 ot tlto CranfordTrust Company, Crantord, N.. J. Thefinder Is requested to return It to thebank. If not restored befory the 5thday of November, 1038, application

—will bo muUd~to~Tfie7BannrfoT a new: book. . , 11-3

1 rOBIALIODD pieces of furniture for sale; double'

bed, chirferobc, vanity, child's be4.' etc. Call Cltanfofd B-1074. /

room for rent; hi goodneighborhood. Very convenient loca-tion. Phone CRanford C-0508-M. ..

•••.•.,'•• -PIANO .y/BEAUTIFUL Spinet, Ukcyiiew, nduccd

$100. Might store with parly Buyingsoon or will sell/On smalt monthly,payments.

Cll TodayW. Front St.

Tel. Plfd. 6.J3O0Evenings until 9 P. M. > 10-27

dUCKS for sale. Albert Jfobeiw,,(painter*,.New;Ifork Avenue, Clark-Township.

ROOMWANTWWANTED to rent irpom, seml-prlvate,

bath,- quiet. ceKtral. housekeepingjienhltted. PyO. Box 116, Oranford.

STEAM heatlnu boiler in A-l condition;galvanised hot water tank and s"S»heater, AU for $25. Call Poston.ORanford 6-0679. ' 10-30

/ W A N T TO BUTBANKS^wanted~(old toy banks),'for

collection. B. Focht," 500 Drier Ave-^nue, Ditabeth. 10-37

, HELP WANTBIt FamsisHOME woman with wide local ac-

quaintance to sell high grade, well-known brand of $3.95 misses andwomen's dresses right in her ownhome. Oood opportunity forHghtwoman to start a permanent, profit-able business./ Liberal commissionbasis. State qualifications. Box 470,Citizen and Chronicle.

TURKEYS, Chickens and Broilers.Fresh-killed to your order. Reason-able. Stoat's''-Poultry F a n * Spring-field "Avenuo, WEstfleld. Deliveryservice. Phone WEstfleld 3-4323.


BEDS, complete; dressers; odd. tablesand chairs; gas ranges, Can be seenat Townsend's Second Hand Shop, 341North Avenue, Westfleld. • tf

GENERAL houseworkers, with refer-ences. Mrs. MUTett's EmploymentAgency, 331 Elmer Street, Westfleld.Phone WKstfleld 3-0708. tf


slip covers, shades, cabinet work andalso all furniture repair. FredKant-ner tt Bon, formerly with W. Baum-garten, 45 South Union Avenue. Tele-phont ORanford 6-0B93' U

PREMIER Lighting and Electric Iply Co., announces the new models ofEasy Washers, In white: also a f*w1937 models at very reduced prloat.Distributors of the famous" WhtttCross appllanoes. Dealers of Frlgt-dalre and artlstlo lighting fixtures byJohn VIMen company of Cleveland,Ohio; 238 North Avenue, Oarwood.Phone WEstfleld 3-3501, 10-37

VIOLIN INSTRUCTIONVIOLIN Private Instruction at your

home. Taacher for 5 years of LeoPanaaewitav Cranford's genius whorecently returned from studying inFrance, and-many other successful

'pupils. Reduced rates, $130 per let-V o . Joseph Kulmayer, teL WEttfleM2-4287-J, or studio, 408 Westfleld Ave-nue, Weetfleld. 10-37




108 N. Unlofl Ave. Oranford 6-3188. (10-27)


Telephone CRanford 6-14M-M ,orORanford 9-ooil.. ' tf

A, E. BENTSEN, telephone CRanford8-1797; painting, Ulterior decorating.IA11 home modernizing.! 354 Bloomlng-9ale Avenue, Oranford, N, J. 10-30

PAXNTINO and peperhanging. Estl-matat c h e e r f u l l y given. JamesBchlndler and Harvey Merwede, 202North Avenue, East Phone OBan-ford 8-0372-R. , 10-37


QBAI008KD 8-U7W :

> ' r, *

FULLER Brushes. Attentlonl Fall andChristmas specials are now on salt.Call L. AyMcKee, CRan. 6-060I-M fordemonstration. . tt

SCREENED top-sell; well rotted cowknanure; lawn' tod; • delivered any-where. Can and see -quality andquantity. Phone WEstneld 348S9;WZftfleld.3-3322-J. ' U

INSTRVCnONDAY and evening classes In Rhythmic

Exercise and evening classes In Swim-ming and Diving are now forming'.For further Information call Mrs; P~B. Keith, CRanford*6-1690.

, IXOORS SCRAPED.FLOORS Scraped and Reftnlsbed; ear-*

pentry and- alteration work. Esti-mates cheerfuUy given.-B. Point, 301North Ave., E., phone CRan. 8MB73-R.

••-•-;•!" W A N T E D

WANTED by a wtbower.agoodboardinghome for himself • and two .young,daughters, ages 9 and 12. Only thosewith excellent references. Willing totake Interest In children and able toprovide a Homelike atmosphere willbe considered. Must be In Cranford.Box 471, Citizen and Chronicle:


Wm. O. Por<», Men, CR. 6-3133,24 hour service on aU makes -'

of burners. < * *Rotary burners a specialty. ''

Service by the call, month oryearly .contract. _,

Vacuitmt Furnace Cleanmg '" tt

A.ITANTNER, 11$ Walnut Avenot,"Oranford 6.167$. estaboshed 1108,-HtirA•ccatetndtearttftrttJ^xVnin'--'-"*and repairing Ugh gradt fttnvf



- w .

Page 8: REPUBUCANS TO LAUNCH - DigiFind-ItwhU e other s contend tha t I mean littl or nothing. ' Nevertheless, the selection of a new name for sout h Sixt street has rest-, dents of thai neighborhoo

ifcr- --. --•r ~

< * ' .

•.n.-r--1 l-

• i'v& ,



Y*C« Sunday.

One hundred **y flfty "y"*r« indfriends of Calvary Evangelical Luth-eran Church win gather for a tenthanniversary dinner tonight at 7:M p.B U In the church. The speaker win bethe Rev. John H. Wagner of HudsonHeights, Tloe-presldent of the New Jer-sey Cbhference of the United Synod ofHew Tors,' The, pastors-of neighboringLutheran congregation will bring thegreetings of their, parishes. Music and'entertainment will be' arranged and di-rected by B. J. Marson, organist andchoir director of the local church.

The festivities in connection with theanniversary will be brought to a climaxon Sunday morning at 11 o'clock with afestlvsl service under the direction ofthe Rev. WUUam P. Behrens. Jr., fornine years pastor of Calvary Church.The sermon will be delivered by theRev. Edwin H. Knudten. chairman ofthe Rome Mission Committee of theNew Jersey; Conference. Mr. Marson willbe at the organ smdwill direct the choirIn the singing of the anthme, "Ores* isthe Lord" by Boex. Miss, MarianneThermann will sing a solo entitled, "IWalked Toiny Where Jesus Walked-" byOBara. ' . - . . • ' ' X ,

Some of the townsfolk m»y rememberthe humble beglnnlng-of thetlost In the old' Masonic building;Union avenue In July. 1S28. .Only tw _ty-flve people were present thenySlncethat time 305 people have been/bn theroQ of the congregation.' Th/presentmembership Is 157. Prom th* old Ma-sonic building the congregation movedto a store on soutbUiservices and* meetings/Wre. held for

> years. In l»31JBie congregationmoved to the 1.«H«lfii-aS—r /-nniY-iiwhere It baa worshipped ever since,

The Church School started with twomembers the same day the first servicewaa held. OtJoC. Weber, the supertn-

i that there are now 113on the roll of the school. Other or-

•'include the Women's Oulld,the Brotherhood, the Lutheran young

.the Choir. . 'a members of the anniversary com-i are P. B. Johnston^ chairman;

. P. Doss. O. A. Oefarke. and the pas-/tor, the Rev. Mr. Behrens.

tpon and discharge paaasngCrar Anotherfeature offered by the B. ft O. Is th*l d ^ t h ' B b i t Hslewaid muss the'

amount as long aa the town debt re-mains above ten per cent of debt, tovaluations, he said.

An Interesting open forum followedthe address. - - ... ' -~

The dub auihorlaal; e. donation of110 to the American Red Cross-for hur-ricane and flood relief work. .

Oueitt were Pred Mlntell of Rahwayand Wallace HIgglns of Roselle.

President Charles E. Dooley, whoconducted the meeting, announced thatthe biouf. director* will meet-tonightat tbe'bonV of J. Walter Coffee Insouth Sixth street.

SIX LOCAL BOYS/COnHnved from pace 'on*;

As be again stepped onto the walk amlgs|le.,belleved to be a stone or pota-to, .struck his glasses, crumpled theframes and forced the glass Into hiseye, lacerating the eyeball up to theedge of the pupil and causing cutsaround.the e)t>. Two. stitches weretaken In the eyeball In a delicate opera-lion performed Monday morning thRahway Memorial Hospital It WlU betwo U> three weeks before It will beknown whether the sight of the eye can

CRANFORD WOMAN(Contbuud Trent paoe one;

of the feline beauty la already In theauthor* nonunion, • • .

There U a letter from Olerida FtarreU,and a picture of the motion picture•tar with ber two. Siamese eats.-PrankBuck, the "Bring-<Em-Back-Allve."man, baa been contacted. _ 80 goes the

'list of names that will enter into the

' There was no proof presented at butnight's court session, it was said, tosJyjwtl»t the mlsslle-wnlch struck theRahway youth in the eye had beenthrown, by Cranford youths, Mr. Coop-er pointed out In court that there wasno proof presented that the Iocs! youthshad bought or thrown anything, judgeNeedell said that the local youths wereIn the crowd causing the disturbanceand found them guilty.

Local school authorities are studyingt) situation, Supervising Principal H.

Best announced this week. Theyive been In contact with Rahway

school officials, Mr. Best stated, andboth groups are working In harmony In

effort to dear up the matter.

It's fun, this gathering of new ma-'terial for "The' New Concerning Cats,'which Is the title now chosen for then e w v o l u m e . • ; • • • • • - . • .. • ; •

"This will be a story of my mother,'. Hitchcock commented when asked


about the book. And, to make thestory complete), it la necessary to writeof Helen M. WInslow, the author of theoriginal volume. Mrs. WInslow diedlast March s i the age of. St. The re-

„-, . vision of her book Is a legacy, bandedg? / d o w n from mother to daughter.

Mrs. Hitchcock waa bom and edu-cated m notion, where she; did1 BUflsl. ^^S^LSJ^^^^^^^^S> ^^^^^^B^ ^ ^ ^ f c ^ ^ ^ ^ » • SWfc * ' ^ ^ M U ^ ^ * f^^H

sBBjsrB^B* B»eejBBBWBa ve^Ds^SB* ' SBlXlOVesBk " esCssO ' B # W ^ T "' s»Oej

two ycus sbtfon-tektiigj opBatten Island. She reskUd there fornineteen years, removing tor Cranforden September 7. Her husband la in the

__ department of the Tida-p OH Company. They have ft son.

Bflwstd, who la a stnoenVln Cranford- Bsjn School. They also have two other

ctssdren. .Oeorse, * , a. atodent atWagner, and Louise, who tt attending

Por five year*, agra. HHfhBOCk wsieditor of-The Annual Register of Worn-en* Crabs." She Is the author of "LadySweetheart Stories, a book of fatry talesand collaborator, with Mrs. WInslow.on "A History* Vermont Towns." SheisBtaV notrfbotcd si puiribCT of tvttclcs

Bat retttng back to the-book. thepublisher* want the manuscript'byJanuary 1. hence Mrs. Hitchcock* rushtn gathering material: So if you haveany interetUnf_jarnt about cats, com-

. munloate Immediately with Mr*, Hlteh-coek so that the may include them) Inher tusthcomlnt book. '

Use Moore PaintSkfflman's Hardware

'tin, w. eauiroBLW


........... , . .




ta ta ldtbtk iCtsnfcrtft d s * V k * n s ; p i M eeT/sa

a» a healthy rate. WhUetfaitntbar burdensoBW'for Bie ta*W**'

mented th* muaielpal adminWntloBaof tb* last f«w ywrs for raftmding oar.Um uoubtosoas bonds and for gen-eral economical operation of ssunlclpalaflafa*.

•These officiala haw

very satisfactory manner," he declared.The county amoriaflons which Mr.

Pdatoo represents are opposed to theI f b d dbt

cJboJot of p ptb» eonvamenos of bpardtof Asm M

b dt» m pBtisbaltirOT PsaJofUldf vjlthe SPUMI or Wast1 All B. * O. train*,mcludlnf th* "Shenandoah- to Pitta-burgh and Chicago and the (Dissel-powered between WaahtogtonTD. C. andWaahington, Tad.) "National Limited*to Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis,

.1* the only service of 1U kind InliTTMt fsprirtailT helpful to wa•veiling alone .or accompanied by

children. No charge is made to pas-sengers for tbla extra convenience.

The "Royal Blue" and "Columbian"are the first and only Diesel-poweredstreamlined trains between New York,Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing-ton. Diesel-power, it is explained, as-sures a smoother and more'comfortableride, without Jar or Jolt, In1 starting andstopping. The a, feelingthat the tram is being pulled, but, with-out any apparent mechanical effort. -

B. tt O. now has in service five Diesel-powered feature trains, the three othersbeing the Capitol Limited, Baltimore toChicago, the National Limited-to Cin-cinnati. Louisville and St. Louis, andthe Abraham Lincoln between Chicagoand St. Louis. _ '

RENAMING STREETYConrtaued from pag* one)

ship files, a third petition made Its ap-pearance on the street. Backers of thenew petition are requesting' residentsof the street to denote after their signa-ture their preference as to a new name."TneTUlrd petition now carries an ad-ditional name,-Albert place, to the nowmounting, list of suggestions. The lat-ter name was brought forth, it wassaid. Inasmuch as Thomas V. Albert wasthe developer and builder of homes inthat street

It Is not unusual this week for a fam-ily, along that-street to be visited In •angle evening by two or more delega-Joos propounding the beneflU or other


A. aN. I. College of AgricaUan

It la time to atart harvesting gladiolus,ilgrldlas, tuberoses and most of the

summer flowering bulbs that are nothardy In thts "climate and must bestored during the winter. 'Dahlias are

e exception,, and should not be dugitn they have had a longer period; in

which to ripen off. 'In digging gladiolus and most .other

bulbous plants, remove the tope as soonthe roots are out of the ground. If

9 tops' are not taken off they wflTrobs conns of valuable moisture. Con-

trary to the belief of. many gardeners,tfiere Is no gnat amount of sap tians-ferred through a matured bulb.

Spread out the.roots and allow themdry thoroughly to a sunny place.'. Aa

soon aa gladiolus are dry, their oM

added advantages of Oak Lane, dayavenue or Albert place. It is the maintopU of discussion across back hedgesduring the rndrnlng hours, and thewomen of the neighborhood are nowtaking up the Issue and Waging theirrespective campaigns during the after-noon hours.

The Township Committee, It Is un-derstood, does not. desire, to touch thematter a4 present—It Is far too burning

I B t 16 l th o of

the To>

roots may be removed,drying period takes ft

•Generally the. . . rlOtoMdayt,

after which a slight tug will release theold roots from, the corms. HarrtahrttaacormeU should also be removed andstored separately: tt properly eared for,they wm develop Into conns of flower-ing sb)e wtttfn two years, thereby per-mltUng the gardener to maintain andincrease his stock of special varietiesat no additional cost. Oar* mutt betaken to aee that these cornels do notbecome too dry In their winter, storagequarters, however, for if this occursgermination will be retarded, '

After gladiolus corms have been driedand cleaned, the next step Is to packthem In naphthalene for s> nvwtfn orsix weeks. Use (taper bags for thispurpose, and apply naphthalene flake*at the rate of an ounce to 100 corms.


HI B A R ]

Sunday School en Sunday as wen at to• group, of Dr. sad Mr* Csnright*frkndsst their home.

Dr. Peterson wilt sail for China fromthe West-coast tn November. Be wintake hi* earwith turn, and because ofthe Japanese invasion of the Cantonares plant to' start his overland drivefrom Hanoi, French) Indo-Chlne. end-Ing hit Journey again at Chengtu.

Western Chins on the borderland ofTibet where-Cbenftu it-located,—baabecome prominent in the news'becauseIt is the area where the Olant Panda itfound. Dr. Peterson recently sent aspecimen of this en1"1** to hit sJms>mater,' the University of Iowa.

Dr. Peterson Is Director of the Eye,Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital of WestChina Univerafty. Before becominghead of this Institution, Dr. Peterson

associated wtt&vDr. Mother of theHarvard Medical School.

HKAR0 M|NI8TtatRev. W. R. Sloan; toe minister, spoke

to the Young People's Society of thePint Pitebyterlsn-Onurch Sundaysnine on "Eternal Ufa". Oeorge Lesvlttled the auglng. while Harriet Nickplayed the piano. , It was annmmwdthat there win be e> roller skating party- November a at'plalnfleld.

4 pan Issue. But 16 la the consensus ofopinion that a compromise name wlUarrived at before any Urea are lost inhe *BatUe of South Sixth Street."The changing of the name of that

li i h b fThe changing of the name of that

street is In line with a number of streetname changes to be effected shortly by

uhlpOo nltto ResldenUofsouth Htaln street some weeks ago pre-sented a petition requesting the nameof that street be changed to LocustDrive, and apetttton hat been receivedto have south fifteenth street chat 'to Windsor Place.

Name* of other streets in the vicinityalso wia be changed tn tb6 same ordi-nance, tt was aald.

n tt>ey aw given ttaa treatment'andthen aired and stored in a cool place,

a w should be free of thrtpa foranother year. Ouard against storingthem unto they, are thoroughly d mand J o not crowd them. Trays approxi-mately four Inches deep «re n o d fto oided pace latorage purp

pided space la

lowed between the Individual trayswhen they are stacked. Proper spacingMulres that there be at least an Inchbetween tt* trajw.


, , Oct22nd


FOR UMTTED TIME ONLY!White Gdc'/aSotesx; 45cRubber <x Leather Lifto_20cRubber l r k e U _ _ _ _ 2 S cOOUMTaWTja

• . l lOal )





^ ^ - ^ ^ THE TRUST BLDG. -,- .

)ranford Trust Co., Real Estate Dept. - . , XMtTB.AND ONION ATENUi


HIGH Pom COAL CO..mnow

STOVE _$ft25 PEA* xoRDns PEA ^_' 9J2S' • ' y -. a of«. •* • BUCK v 730

""'-"""' ! &ii sou> wm

betook ofBhangnal before

•pw.. w».- pnMnt jj•vSwfjssvviB^ssiBwseBje 'sisasaK* ajaasBaaav m . —*—, — r -

ton and of Obengitt and tbji Tjnher-sltn Bis view* of the Tangete Rapidssod Oorges a n sttpng the best of theupper stretchea of ,>hat river now ex-tant Bonn of the** were shown at the

t r i Cfaurahto member* of then to

•opoUs. •—'Rebeataal»of bis act showed the

American songwriter (Us necessity ofan additional piece of new music to getIt under way and so he sat a t the pianountil very late each night Other ten-ants raised such a fun that the man-age meat requested Berlin t o stay awayfrom hit'instrument so other peoplecould sleep.

Berlin stuffed his piano with towelaand r a p to soften the notes and makethem in»iuMM» outside hli apartmentXt waa In thla TiWftnitr that hecomposatt-international Rat," wMch became an

rf 1tt£_Twenty-ant of Irving Berltnismatch-

melodkt, as wen a* two eddittonaTt tones, prarld* th» teore of the 10th

Century-pox spectacular drameMe-m-

• It-

ON .marts*Od.;22nd

ChevroletSEEPAGES .

now at the Blalto Theatre, Westneld.Tyrone Power, Alice Paye and Don

Ameehe portray^he principal role*the stirring romance that takeaaaalnsti the background of

it turbulent years-ot

Cross* «c,BlackweD „'' Aartrte&Patea " ••'

x51ack.Pitted' Cherries":,'X Seedless Black

Raspberry JamSweet Pickled _

WatermclonxRindGolden Bear Cookies

English Muffins \

J. E McMAHONHigh C««fa Croc**


#^ -. "~^~' BT Bs~ "^^^ ^^ * " "W" w ^ a ^

^ - -i

• UflOO ia cashtTbtfa die first Iin tbe'big coatctl'spoasored byKippers Coke, the modem fad. Ia

iMm-rlon, there an S72 other BigCash Prises! ~'ft'stbeesx

• • • • MwvsN jvw vvw easiivd

There's nothing to boyj AU you banto do is finish this sntance la »words or Istsi i < i •*! Uktt stoppersCokebecaatesii" Iltansibewrittsada the OficU EHOT BjaoVwUdi^wellbtglsdtogrnyaaujasttlopby .as-shoos ue/:- *, _,

Aaihortwd Dealer f*VCraai«rd | \

Red-Strong Coal Co.J. A. sraoajs,; - j . jt'


Ostatr Nerlh * TMMi, • - Ctwstartl.lC.J.

Owi Boout trooo under the so-on of Mid.. Johnston bald Ms

ntttmetttog of tbeseasen sAtts* ScoutHonawlast Thursday. • Buttt Smith wasappsmtefl treasurer, asstisytt aufnesIs the patrol leader., important plan*are belnc made for.tht eommrjrear. -

' —VMan .Verity, Scribe.


RAGTIME BANDOne International success" of the first

syncopated dance bit, "Alexander'sRagUm* Band;" won Irving-. BerHn, ttacomposer, a contract to appear In per-son at the London Hippodrome. Beput up at the Savoy Manor apartmenthouse In the-Brttlthr

w ma mi takes pjaoeof America'st lmW '

For Your He*Uh*«S»ike

sad«stsrtfs •attest

AvaBatt*•WANK aaeets afl the

' ef tl

5 £« 49c

. •- .••I<&LM.



the vatae ef tbh new and faosewvedsaaltsry. napkin. Always ask y>ardealer for'TEXDOWN by name.

67c 2<-$1.30


\ J. WALTMmu r l

sto.Is tU Host booruat

rsn sf On SastMst.•W 4JSISH- Avgsiug esMroiD, it j .


LUtalp .su .OJ

esnrasswmNovembers,bthe SenasScout Week. • .

Mn. Joseph A. PbssBjBer ts chttaniat the drive sosd theJWBWslilsj coanimembers at* serving as district catisms: MB. P. O, Bykes. Mis. B. 1

, Wakott. Mr*. Howard Park. MiCharles EL Oxeen. and Mis. W. 1Battler. Theywffl be assisted by tl

iTC^aas*ULAalQff flMftawseveSlsl OK ejDfr ^ f l m M T l l MX

mother* and friend* of OM SeoulirF^ ir a total of ebont aeventy-flit a n m sjtvhsf; their service for ttTO*. _

The ssadeet this year has been iicreased, to t U H ta order to meet Uexpenses-oC an exxsukded program, dito increase tn the tnanber of OlBcouis end then- activities, m a n si

. and ft

man.A Trry asMiraaj

eat carded amOpondl henes tothe work next * •

B Is the hopeevery " ' • ' ofterested aa eentri

lal ssssmatht* year.he able te


1 ptogisj~and~tli cootini

of the Council On

bntinv sonthtieosssjsnltjrwcsk.

nthlng 1


r ,


of CmriMemorial. W. a T. U , wece appotnfekst week oy Mrs. wnnast A. Txebmipresklen*. at a an i Ilia, at the hamof Mrs. A. a Joerceaa. as Poreat ai

.Mn«x Tissues •

MARCO Dog Fooej 3 25cOctcvon Health and Beauty Sale


TsjBsAftW ^ 5c lOcleit*. d i rp . «"«• »«* 18c

New Sensation* in Quality ME AT Value*

-—MWoodtef; pa\ BeJbertson? chrii

J.' Angi. . s education. ME

Paul Anger sad U s . Oeorge SWgaWitt.

• attuned far. a ksal hir-U at the home <

avenue. ~Outst speaker will be MrAda 8. " I | of "" ~

Speak*atrs-WBgaiw rettbeBWiJtctXB

It wassera atelast weetroop ttcounty hThe mmin the Ithe horn

r a t hut weOssa A. Bendmss on t ;^"taeanaectiHWHrntSL*•anesBBteellended <he 1k at ML Ham the sxdtBrtttoteDeeeitk Pffitiiilff'

ekfe meeting w*y of BeseDe, wblodsy Mothen cIon wtth her SOB

bat several memState AjuuveuUoioBjr aad that iwm attend th

BherSmBaseDimeeting win b

arm'or a Chrhtmas party ae of Mrs. B3nowles m Caste

Another Imtaltmmt of Cranfort"portion of the SUMJOOS national educcUonal fund was sent to Washmgtot

ound SteakFrethProdace Special, for Yoar Table

U. S. No; I SwsMt PoUtots . : » 2e, f". GraptrfVult ,; 2 «fj9ev;JMIJ^ Umc>n« 12 '«J5?c

1 V *»s«amap.mmmmmmi J ^ j l * •- * * * " 7 ^ . ^ ^


A* the Held workers of the America,Bed Cress conUnoe then- lnvestteaticnithey find, the dsvnage to the praperton Long-iitanA and the New Englanicosst Is very mnch more than origlnallanUctpated. TSris nsfaiia that contddwably mom funds are required to taktare ef 4heb>lo*teS and to rebabllitatthe thoosands of tamuleswholostthelhomes and unjasatl.

n u n iann|anwT report* or a iffof dues and towns m onr section, colJeetlons am lagxmg. Thb holds true faCrinford, and the local Cnnford chapttr wishes to state that the responsbu not been sjood as nsuat Heretofore, when the can has been made Irtt* Cranford Chapter to reneve suffering from floods, hurricanes, earth•Makes, etc, the response has ,beaquick and geuetiius.

May we urge the etttaent of Cranfort« o escaped the effects of the hurrieani»fh very little material damage to ginroeiuusly to add then- feuow dUxento other states who suOered so mnchKose send your subseripUdns to eitbe!buikmg ¥«l"iT"ffn tn Cranford, or ti^Treaanrer. Henry W. Whtopte. Wi

d H E P WARNS B O T E TPolice' Chief Carl A. Massa announced

Joterday that an membea of the no-"« Apartment have been instructed itbe on the alert tins week-end for amTooths fpnnd desUmlm property ovaHaBtnreta. Any boys eangbt wffl h""Wired to pay for the <


I .

* - — ( J

-. r