report on sound pollution


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Page 1: Report on Sound Pollution

A report on sound pollution

A Report number:B06










April 23, 2011


Page 2: Report on Sound Pollution

A report on sound pollution

A Report number:k123














April 23,2011


Page 3: Report on Sound Pollution

A report on sound pollution


This report has been prepared for modern robot Technology of the World. This report contain detail information about robot technology. This report provides basic to full knowledge of advance robotic technology. This report would help to know the useful application of robot. It also contains brief history of robot technology. It also help to know the progressive developments , Proper benefits gaining by people through robot technology .it would help the

AcknowledgementWe express our deep and heartly thanks to Mr. Shirish Gopal Gautam, the chief of the pollution department and the expert of the rural health and the environmental sanitation ,Mr. Babin Shahi for providing information about record of pollution of different cities of Nepal. We must acknowledge our obligation to Mr. Arpan wagle,chairman of the Wagle institute for providing the resources for studying the report.

We are highly obliged to Mr.R.K.Y Yadav,lecturer of Communication English for reminding our mistakes and providing ideas and sugesstions while preparing this report. We are deeply grateful to Mr. Anuj Shrestha and Mr. Narottam Sunuwar without whom it wouldnt be possible to prepare this report.

We wish to record our appereciation to all the staffs and the people who helped us in preparing this report directly or indirectly.


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A report on sound pollution

Table of contents




2. Existing situation....................................................8-9

3.Effects of sound pollution....................................10-12

4.Sound Mitigation..................................................12-14


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A report on sound pollution

5.Cost Estimation..........................................................15

6. Conclusion.................................................................16



A report on sound pollution is a report which helps to minimize the sound pollution. This is one of the report which is based on the scientific research and findings. The information given in the report are collected through various sources. This report is advanced and prepared scientifically than the previous editions. This report will take the institute to the new horizon. This report covers all the entire information that is needed to minimize the pollution. It will be really fruitful to the government as well as experts who have always keen intrest about the environment. This report can effectively handle the situations and provide an easy way to solve the problems related to the pollutions. The use modern machine like electric vehicles is a newly developed idea by our institute which can bring the termendious change in the environment. For this we need a backup as support to make this campain successful and make our environment free from sound pollution.


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A report on sound pollution

The initial cost of the project is about 20 lakhs as electric vehicles should repalce the fuel consuming ones.


sound pollution is excessive, displeasing human, animal or machine-created

environmental noise that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. The word noise comes from the Latin word nauseas, meaning seasickness.The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly construction and transportation systems, including motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise and rail noise.Poor urban planning may give rise to noise pollution, since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential area.Indoor and outdoor noise pollution sources include car alarms, emergency service sirens, mechanical equipment, fireworks, compressed air horns, groundskeeping equipment, barking dogs, appliances, lighting hum, audio entertainment systems, electric megaphones, and loud people. Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in nature.The unwanted sound is called


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noise. This unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects.Furthermore, stress and hypertension are the leading causes to health problems, whereas tinnitus can lead to forgetfulness, severe depression and at times panic attacks.Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. Older males exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed peers, though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups are indistinguishable by age 79. A comparison of Maaban tribesmen, who were insignificantly exposed to transportation or industrial noise, to a typical U.S. population showed that chronic exposure to moderately high levels of environmental noise contributes to hearing loss.High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects and exposure to moderately high levels during a single eight hour period causes a statistical rise in blood pressure of five to ten points and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction leading to the increased blood pressure noted above as well as to increased incidence of coronary artery disease.

Existing situation

Apart from various kinds of environment pollutions, "sound pollution" too has become a tough challenge for human health in Nepal.WHO have already said that the safe noise level for a city is 45 decibels. The continuous noise levels in excess of 90 decibels can cause loss of hearing and irreversible changes in nervous system. However, in Nepal there is no provision for measuring and controlling the noise level.In the developed countries, the noise level exists in low level even though the number of vehicles is very high. But in Nepal it is the just opposite- number of vehicles is low and the level of noise is high, said Dr. Mathura Prasad Shresth, chairman of Sources Center for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC).Due to the uncontrolled and unnecessary noise pollution produced by several motorbikes and another vehicles, the people living at the city are at a high risk of various health hazards, he added.Due to the effect of noise pollution, people may suffers from the maladies such as hard hearing, hearing loss, fatigue, irritation,


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headache, speech and sleep disturbance, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, digestive problem, nausea, lack of concentration and decreased performance, the RECPHEC informed.Speaking at a press conference organized in Kathmandu Tuesday, Shanta Lal Mulmi, executive director of RECPHEC informed that the organization was bringing programmes against noise pollution within a week at Bir Hospital.We have been planning to launch a noise measuring mechanism in five high-crowded cities of the nation, he added. We can measure the increased and decreased level of noise every day, which will help pressurize the government to mention the level of noise during policy making process, he stated.RECPHEC suggested the government should make policy about noise pollution and Transportation Entrepreneurs should follow it strictly.Dol Nath Khanal, general secretary of National Federation of Nepal Transportation Entrepreneurs said, " we are ready to implement any direction to control the noise level in the country." Kamana Singh Khatri, sub-inspector of traffic police, stated that she had lost her hearing capacity owing to noise pollution in the city.Traffic police persons are the main victims of noise pollution. Similarly, pregnant women also should be careful of the noises created by the unnecessary blaring of horns.According to the report, people have only 26 decibel of hearing capacity. However, a horn in a general vehicle produces more than 100 decibel of sounds. People can only bear around 60 dB of noise. Noise more than 70 dB is harmful for human health, experts said.


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Effects of sound pollution

Undesirable sound is referred as noise. In recent years, noise pollution has been a hot topic of discussion among researchers. Noise that is continuous or lasts for a short period can equally be detrimental to our health. Some music enthusiasts say that intermittent noise is not hazardous, but this isn't true, even intermittent noise can negatively impact human hearing in the long run. Common sources of noise include vehicular traffic, factories involved in the manufacturing process, and home appliances like vacuum cleaners and music systems. Fast becoming a major environmental issue, noise pollution effects on health have increased rapidly in the last few years.

Noise Pollution Effects on Humans: Noise pollution effects on human health is a matter of great concern. The reason being the adverse consequences that high noise levels have on human health. Noise pollution can affect us in several ways, some of which are listed below:

Hearing Problems: Exposure to noise can damage one of the most vital organs of the body, the ear. Hearing impairment due to noise pollution can either be


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temporary or permanent. When the sound level crosses the 70dB mark, it becomes noise for the ear. Noise levels above 80 decibels produce damaging effects to the ear. When ear is exposed to extreme loud noise (above 100 decibels) for a considerable period of time, it can cause irreparable damage and lead to permanent hearing loss.

Cardiovascular Issues: A noisy environment can be a source of heart related problems. Studies have shown that high intensity sound cause a dramatic rise in blood pressure as noise levels constrict the arteries, disrupting the blood flow. The heart rate (the number of heartbeats per minute) also increase. These sudden abnormal changes in the blood increase the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases in the long run. Read more on cardiovascular diseases.

Sleep Disturbances: This is one of the noise pollution effects that can deter your overall well being. Noise can interrupt a good night's sleep, and when this occurs, the person feels extremely annoyed and uncomfortable. People deprived of uninterrupted sleep show a sharp dip in their energy levels which often results into extreme fatigue. This can considerably decrease a person's ability to work efficiently.

Interference in Verbal Communication: A noisy environment that produces more than 50-60 decibels simply does not allow 2 people to communicate properly. Interpreting the speech of a second person becomes quite difficult and may lead to misunderstandings.

Mental Health Problems: Exposure to loud sound can lead to elevated stress levels as well as stimulate violent behavior. A constant noise in the vicinity can also trigger headaches, make people tense and anxious, and disturb emotional balance.

Sound Pollution Effects on Animals:

Man made noise pollution has made the Earth an uncomfortable place to stay for animals as well. Hearing loss and rapid increase in heart rate are some of the ill-effects of noise pollution on animals. High intensity sound induces fear, forcing them to abandon their habitat. Other effects of noise on animals is given below:


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Anxious behavior in animals is commonly observed in the form of trembling when they are exposed to high decibel levels. Intolerable noise levels can decrease a cow's capacity of milk production. These animals require a calm and relaxed environment to provide a better milk yield.Research has proven that aircraft induced noise is responsible for a significant decrease in reproduction activity in a wide range of animals. Noise pollution effects can also be seen on chicken in the form of a sharp drop in egg production. Stunted growth in chickens due to intense noise has also been observed.Underwater animals such as whales and dolphins too experience discomfort due to noise pollution caused by submarines, shipping companies, and sonars.Birds in urban areas, that use their sharp hearing abilities to hunt prey, are at loss due to intervention of man made noise. High noise levels can also negatively affect the breeding and feeding patterns of some animals. This is one of the reasons why certain species have become extinct.Sea animals produce varying sound levels among each other. However, the noise ofcommercial ships does not allow these animals to communicate properly, which can wreak havoc on their reproductive function. Sonar navy tests can hurt the whale's ear and reduce its ability to breed and feed.

Age-related (Presbycusis):

Hearing loss is somewhat inevitable with age. Though older males exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed peers, differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups are indistinguishable by age 79.[2] Women exposed to occupational noise do not differ from their peers in hearing sensitivity, though they do hear better than their non-exposed male counterparts.

Sound mitigation

Sound mitigation is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution. The main areas of noise mitigation or abatement, are: transportation noise control, architectural design, and occupational noise control. Roadway noise and aircraft noise are the most pervasive sources of environmental noise worldwide, and remarkably little


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change has been effected in source control in these areas since the start of the problem, a possible exception being the development of hybrid and electric vehicles.Multiple techniques have been developed to address interior sound levels, many of which are encouraged by local building codes; in the best case of project designs, planners are encouraged to work with design engineers to examine tradeoffs of roadway design and architectural design. These techniques include design of exterior walls, party walls and floor/ceiling assemblies; moreover, there are a host of specialized means for dampening reverberation from special purpose rooms such as auditoria, concert halls, dining areas and meeting rooms. Many of these techniques rely upon materials science applications of constructing sound baffles or using sound absorbing liners for interior spaces. Industrial noise control is really a subset of interior architectural control of noise, with emphasis upon specific methods of sound isolation from industrial machinery and for protection of workers at their task stations.

Roadway noise mitigation: Source control in roadway noise has provided little reduction in vehicle noise, except for the development of the hybrid vehicle; nevertheless, hybrid use will need to attain a market share of roughly fifty percent to have a major impact on noise source reduction on city streets. (Highway noise is little affected by automobile type, since those effects are aerodynamic and tyre noise related.) Other contributions to reduction of noise at the source are: improved tire tread designs for trucks. The most fertile area for roadway noise mitigation is in urban planning decisions, roadway design, noise barrier designs speed control, surface pavement selection and truck restrictions. Speed control is effective since the lowest sound emissions arise from vehicles moving smoothly at 30 to 60 kilometres per hour. Above that range sound emissions double with each five miles per hour of speed. At the lowest speeds, braking and (engine) acceleration noise dominates. Selection of surface pavement can make a difference of a factor of two in sound levels, for the speed regime above 30 kilometres per hour. Quieter pavements are porous with a negative surface texture and use medium to small aggregates; the loudest pavements have a transversely tined/grooved surface, and/or a positive surface texture and use


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larger aggregates. Obviously surface friction and roadway safety are important considerations as well for pavement decisions.

Industrial noise mitigation: This situation classically is thought to involve primarily manufacturing settings where industrial machinery produces intense sound levels, not uncommonly in the 75 to 85 decibel range. While this circumstance is the most dramatic, there are many other office type environments where sound levels may lie in the range of 70 to 75 decibels, entirely composed of office equipment, music, public address systems, and even exterior noise intrusion. The latter environments can also produce noise health effects provided that exposures are long term.In the case of industrial equipment, the most common techniques for noise protection of workers consist of shock mounting source equipment, creation of acrylic glass or other solid barriers, and provision of ear protection equipment. In certain cases the machinery itself can be re-designed to operate in a manner less prone to produce grating, grinding, frictional or other motions that induce sound emissions.In the case of more conventional office environments, the techniques in architectural acoustics discussed above may apply. Other solutions may involve researching the quietest models of office equipment, particularly printers and photocopy machines. One source of annoying, if not loud, sound level emissions are certain types of lighting fixtures (notably older fluorescent globes). These fixtures can be retrofitted or analyzed to see whether over-illumination is present, a common office environment issue. If over-illumination is occurring, de-lamping or reduced light bank usage may apply.

Architectural solutions: Beyond the interior acoustics cited above under aircraft noise, there has been a steady trend to design quieter buildings with regard to sources within and without the structure itself. In the case of construction of new (or remodeled) apartments, condominiums, hospitals and hotels many states and cities have stringent building codes with requirements of acoustical analysis, in order to protect building occupants. With regard to exterior noise, the codes usually require measurement of the exterior acoustic environment in order to determine the performance standard required for exterior building skin design.


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Noise barrier: A noise barrier (also called a soundwall, sound berm, sound barrier, or acoustical barrier) is an exterior structure designed to protect sensitive land uses from noise pollution. Noise barriers are the most effective method of mitigating roadway, railway, and industrial noise sources – other than cessation of the source activity or use of source controls.In the case of surface transportation noise, other methods of reducing the source noise intensity include encouraging the use of hybrid and electric vehicles, improving automobile aerodynamics and tire design, and choosing low-noise paving material.

Cost Estimate To complete the report we have the followong financial supports:

S.N Description Cost(in Rs)

1. Salary and wages 3,50,000

2. computers 3,00,000

3. Electricity and communication 1,00,000

4. Development resources 20,000

5. miscellaneous 1,00,000


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Thus, we must with our own or the government effort should minimize the sound pollution. If this report is completed in time,it would bring the institute into the new era. Nepal has been lagging behind to control the sound pollution in the city areas. So this report would provide some relief to the people if the informations covered by this report is properly implememted. Use of the electric vehicles will not only help to reduce the sound pollution but also the air pollution. This report will be a sign of inspire for the people to minimize the sound pollution.


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1.Gorkhapatra Dainik

2.Students Encarta 2009


4.Noise pollution(earth conditions, library building),Zachary Inseth

5.Advanced noise and air pollution control volume 2, Lawarance k. Wang ,Norman C. Pereira, Yung Tse Hung.