report - core projects · ‘methods of testing soils for engineering purposes. ... a.h.m., 1997....

REPORT Level One Inspection and Testing Services Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 Prepared for: National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd March 2017 Our Ref: 380591.004.v1 25 Metcalf Street, Dandenong South, Vic 3175, Melbourne, Australia | p.+61 3 8796 7900|

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Level One Inspection and Testing Services

Hartleigh Estate Stage 4

Prepared for:

National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd

March 2017

Our Ref: 380591.004.v1

25 Metcalf Street, Dandenong South, Vic 3175, Melbourne, Australia | p.+61 3 8796 7900|


National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd pdf copy

Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd (FILE) 1 copy

Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd Level One Inspection and Testing Services - Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd

March 2017Our Ref: 380591.004.v1

Table of contents

1 Introduction 1 2 Project details 1 3 Geology 1 4 Specification 2 5 Inspection and testing 2 6 Conclusion 3 7 Applicability 4

Appendix A : Density Test Location Plan

Appendix B : Table of field density results

Appendix C : NATA endorsed laboratory reports

Appendix D : Controlled Fill Certificates


Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd Level One Inspection and Testing Services - Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd

March 2017Our Ref: 380591.004.v1

1 Introduction Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd (Chadwick Geotechnics) was engaged by National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd, to provide Geotechnical Inspection and Testing Authority services (GITA) at Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 in Clyde North.

2 Project details The project earthworks included the filling of Lots 401 to 403, Lots 408 to 417 and Lots 419 to 424, at the Hartleigh Estate Stage 4. The specification required the GITA works to be completed under Level 1 Supervision and Testing, that is full-time Supervision and Testing of earthworks. Chadwick Geotechnics field technicians were onsite for the duration of the earthworks program completed by the Earthworks contractor. The inspection and testing of earthworks has been carried out in accordance with AS3798-2007, ‘Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments’, with a frequency of field density tests as per Type 1 project (large scale operations). Compaction control laboratory testing was undertaken in our NATA accredited Dandenong South laboratory in accordance with AS1289 ‘Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes. The location of the site is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Approximate site location (Image sourced from

3 Geology Published information1 shows the site to be underlain by the Baxter Sandstone formation (Nxx) comprising Non-Marine Fluvial, sandstone, conglomerate siltstone and ironstone.

1 VANDENBERG, A.H.M., 1997. Queenscliff SJ 55-9 Edition 2 1:250,000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria.


Approximate Site Location


Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd Level One Inspection and Testing Services - Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd

March 2017Our Ref: 380591.004.v1

4 Specification A summary of the specification is shown below:

Maximum compacted layer thickness 150mm

Compaction Requirement 95% Standard Compaction

5 Inspection and testing Prior to any fill being placed, the stripped surface of the areas to be filled were inspected. The stripped surface inspections were performed by experienced Chadwick Geotechnics staff. The inspection was performed in accordance with the Level 1 guidelines presented in AS 3798–2007 Section 5.5. No soft spots were encountered during the inspection, and the area was found to be firm and free of vegetation and other deleterious material.

Full time Level 1 inspection and testing of the filling operations commenced on the 25th of October 2016 and was completed on the 8th of November 2016. During this period, the Chadwick Geotechnics field technician observed the filling works including the supply of material, conditioning of material (moisture conditioning and oversize removal), placement and compaction of the fill.

All fill material was placed in lift sequences and the Chadwick Geotechnics field technician verified that the surface of the stripped surface and additional lifts were thoroughly scarified and moisture conditioned prior to placement of additional layers to prevent delamination at the layer interface.

Field density and moisture content testing was carried out using a calibrated nuclear density gauge in accordance with AS 1289.5.8.1. The HILF rapid compaction test was used for peak converted wet density determinations in accordance with AS 1289.5.7.1. Test locations were recorded using a handheld GPS unit. A site plan showing the field density test locations is provided in Appendix A.

A total of forty (40) tests were performed during the filling process. The results show that five (5) tests failed to achieve the specification requirements. The contractor was advised of the tests that failed to meet the requirements of the specification and the fill relevant to those areas was re- conditioned, re-compacted and subsequently re-tested. The final results show that the specified density and moisture ratio was achieved for the filling works in question.

A summary table of Hilf density tests is provided in Appendix B and the laboratory test reports are provided in Appendix C.


Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd Level One Inspection and Testing Services - Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd

March 2017Our Ref: 380591.004.v1

6 Conclusion On the basis of our direct supervision and after considering all test results relating to the project, it is our opinion, so far as it is able to be determined, that:

The materials used by the earthworks contractor met the geotechnical property requirements of the specification.

The sourced fill was considered to be natural and clean and suitable for use at the site. The fill material placed was tested at a suitable frequency in accordance with AS 3798-2007-

Table 8.1 and the results indicate the compacted clay achieved the density requirement of the specification.

Given the consistent construction practices followed by the earthworks contractor and as witnessed by the Chadwick Geotechnics field technician, combined with the satisfactory verification of test results achieved, it is inferred that areas of the site between test locations were performed to the same standard as those areas that have been tested.

It is our opinion that the earthworks undertaken on, have been performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 8.2 Level 1 Inspection and Testing AS3798-2007.


Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd Level One Inspection and Testing Services - Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd

March 2017Our Ref: 380591.004.v1

7 Applicability This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd in good faith and in accordance with the Chadwick Geotechnics quality system for the earthworks filling of Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 in Clyde North.

This report is based on the nature of the project and the conditions present in, or factors affecting the soil as at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to the 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted, and Chadwick Geotechnics is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this report where there has been a change in the nature of the project or the conditions on site that may alter or affect the conclusions of this report.

Should you require any further information regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned on (03) 8796 7900.

Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd

Report prepared by: Authorised for Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd by:

.......................................................... ...........................….......…...............

Robert Barden Timothy Chadwick

Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

Other than for the exclusive use of our client National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd C/o Beveridge Williams Pty Ltd, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

p:\380591\380591.0040 - stage 4\workingmaterial\level one works\380591.004 hartleigh estate - stage 4 level 1 report.docx

Appendix A : Density Test Location Plan



























17 1


39 p


CHADWICK GEOTECHNICS25 Metcalf Street, Dandenong South

Victoria 3175Ph: (03) 8796 7900





17 1


39 p


Appendix B : Table of field density results

Chadwick Geotechnics25 Metcalf Street Tel : ( 03 ) 8796 7900Dandenong South VIC 3175 Fax: ( 03 ) 8796 7944

Report No Sample No Date Test Number Location [N] Location [E] LayerDensity Ratio HILF

test (%)Moisture Variation From OMC (%) Pass / Fail Remarks

1611893 1 5779217 354493 1 98 1 wet Pass

1611894 2 5779225 354514 1 97 omc Pass

1611908 3 5779184 354474 1 97 2 wet Pass

1611909 4 5779180 354463 2 96.5 1.5 wet Pass

1611910 5 5779173 354459 1 94 2.5 wet Fail Retested, see 1612208

1611977 6 5779177 354460 3 94.5 2 wet Fail Retested, see 1612071

1611978 7 5779159 354502 2 96 0.5 dry Pass

1611979 8 5779161 354485 3 95.5 omc Pass

1611980 9 5779232 354472 2 97.5 0.5 wet Pass

1611981 10 5779165 354460 1 96.5 0.5 dry Pass

1611982 11 5779167 354447 2 95.5 2 wet Pass

1611983 12 5779192 354477 4 96.5 0.5 wet Pass

1611984 13 5779167 354450 3 95.5 omc Pass

1611985 14 5779175 354468 5 95.5 0.5 dry Pass

1612021 15 5779175 354439 1 97 0.5 dry Pass

1612022 16 5779189 354432 1 96 2 wet Pass

1612023 17 5779192 354416 2 94 omc Fail Retested, see 1612067

1612066 18 5779154 354463 1 95.5 omc Pass

1612067 19 5779190 354416 2 95 2 dry Pass Retest of 1612023

1612068 20 5779185 354467 2 94 2.5 wet Fail Retested, see 1612103

4 28/10/2016

Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 - 380591.004

1 25/10/2016

2 26/10/2016

3 27/10/2016

Chadwick Geotechnics25 Metcalf Street Tel : ( 03 ) 8796 7900Dandenong South VIC 3175 Fax: ( 03 ) 8796 7944

Report No Sample No Date Test Number Location [N] Location [E] LayerDensity Ratio HILF

test (%)Moisture Variation From OMC (%) Pass / Fail Remarks

Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 - 380591.004

1612069 21 5779179 354443 2 96 2 dry Pass

1612070 22 5779155 354516 1 95 0.5 wet Pass

1612071 23 5779160 354452 3 100.5 0.5 dry Pass Retest of 1611977

1612072 24 5779152 354518 2 94 0.5 wet Fail Retested, see 1612102

1612097 25 5779186 354313 1 96.5 1.5 wet Pass

1612098 26 5779195 354313 2 98.5 1.5 wet Pass

1612099 27 5779195 354299 3 100 omc Pass

1612100 28 5779189 354417 2 98 omc Pass

1612101 29 5779188 354312 4 97.5 omc Pass

1612102 30 5779153 354520 2 97.5 2 dry Pass Retest of 1612072

1612103 31 5779153 354467 2 96 1.5 dry Pass Retest of 1612068

1612104 32 5779202 354298 5 98.5 0.5 wet Pass

1612208 33 5779179 354465 1 97 omc Pass Retest of 1611910

1612209 34 5779172 354441 1 97.5 0.5 wet Pass

1612210 35 5779191 354306 1 95.5 0.5 dry Pass

1612211 36 5779195 354229 2 97 0.5 dry Pass

1612212 37 5779186 354291 3 97 omc Pass

1612213 38 5779205 354300 4 98 omc Pass

11 QOM

1612254 39 5779191 354309 5 101 0.5 dry Pass

1612255 40 5779201 354308 6 99 1 dry Pass12 8/11/2016

7 7/11/2016

5 2/11/2016

6 3/11/2016

Appendix C : NATA endorsed laboratory reports

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 1

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 02/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1611893 1611894

ID No.: 1 2

Lot No.: - -

Date Sampled: 25/10/2016 25/10/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 25/10/2016 25/102016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Sand Sand

To Be Used As Fill Fill

Lot 422 Lot 420

E 354493 E 354514

N 5779217 N 5779225

Layer 1 Layer 1

Layer Depth (mm): 100 100

Test Depth (mm): 100 100

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.06 2.03

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.10 2.09

APCWD (t/m3) - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): 1% (wet) omc

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 98.0 97.0

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 2

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 02/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1611908 1611909 1611910

ID No.: 1 2 3

Lot No.: - - -

Date Sampled: 26/10/2016 26/10/2016 26/10/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 26/10/2016 26/102016 26/10/2017

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Silty Sand Silty Sand Silty Sand

To Be Used As Fill Fill Fill

E 354474 E 354463 E 354459

N 5779184 N 5779180 N 5779173

Lot 414 Lot 413 Lot 417

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 1

Layer Depth (mm): 100 100 100

Test Depth (mm): 75 75 75

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.02 2.06 2.03

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.08 2.14 2.17

APCWD (t/m3) - - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): 2% (wet) 1.5% (wet) 2.5% (wet)

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 97.0 96.5 94.0

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 3

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 02/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1611977 1611978 1611979 1611980 1611981 1611982 1611983 1611984 1611985

ID No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Lot No.: - - - - - - - - -

Date Sampled: 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016 27/10/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand

To Be Used As Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill

Lot 413Trench over lot


Trench over lot

415Lot 424

Trench over lot


Trench over lot

414Lot 412

Trench over lot

414Lot 413

E 354460 E 354502 E 354485 E 354472 E 354460 E 354447 E 354477 E 354450 E 354468

N 5779177 N 5779159 N 5779161 N 5779232 N 5779165 N 5779167 N 5779192 N 5779167 N 5779175

Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 5

Layer Depth (mm): 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Test Depth (mm): 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.09 2.07 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.06 2.06 2.05 2.02

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - - - - - - - - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.21 2.15 2.18 2.13 2.16 2.16 2.14 2.15 2.12

APCWD (t/m3) - - - - - - - - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - - - - - - - - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - - - - - - - - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): 2% (wet) 0.5% (dry) omc 0.5% (wet) 0.5% (dry) 2% (wet) 0.5% (wet) omc 0.5% (dry)

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - - - - - - - - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 94.5 96.0 95.5 97.5 96.5 95.5 96.5 95.5 95.5

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 4

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 08/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1612021 1612022 1612023

ID No.: 1 2 3

Lot No.: - - -

Date Sampled: 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 28/10/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 2/11/2016 2/11/2016 2/11/2016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Clay Clay Clay

To Be Used As Fill Fill Fill

Lot 411 Lot 410 Lot 409

E 354439 E 354432 E 354416

N 5779175 N 5779189 N 5779192

Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 2

Layer Depth (mm): 150 150 150

Test Depth (mm): 125 125 125

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.00 1.83 1.99

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.06 1.91 2.13

APCWD (t/m3) - - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): 0.5% (dry) 2% (wet) omc

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 97.0 96.0 94.0

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 5

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 08/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1612066 1612067 1612068 1612069 1612070 1612071 1612072

ID No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Lot No.: - - - - - - -

Date Sampled: 2/11/2016 2/11/2016 2/11/2016 2/11/2016 2/11/2016 2/11/2016 2/11/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Sand Clay Sand Clay Sand Sand Sand

To Be Used As Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill

Lot 414Lot 409 (Re-test of

#3 from 28/10/16)Lot 414 Lot 411 Lot 415 Lot 414 Lot 415

E 354463 E 354416 E 354467 E 354443 E 354516 E 354452 E 354518

N 5779154 N 5779190 N 5779155 N 5779179 N 5779155 N 5779160 N 5779152

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 3 Layer 2

Layer Depth (mm): 100 150 100 150 100 100 100

Test Depth (mm): 100 125 100 125 100 100 100

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.06 1.97 2.04 1.99 2.05 2.13 2.08

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - - - - - - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.15 2.07 2.17 2.07 2.15 2.12 2.21

APCWD (t/m3) - - - - - - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - - - - - - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - - - - - - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): omc 2% (dry) 2.5% (wet) 2% (dry) 0.5% (wet) 0.5% (dry) 0.5% (wet)

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - - - - - - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95.5 95.0 94.0 96.0 95.0 100.5 94.0

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95 95 95 95 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 6

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 08/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: 0

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1612097 1612098 1612099 1612100 1612101 1612102 1612103 1612104

ID No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lot No.: - - - - - - - -

Date Sampled: 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 4/11/2016 4/11/2016 4/11/2016 4/11/2016 4/11/2016 4/11/2016 4/11/2016 4/11/2016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Sand Sand Clay

To Be Used As Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill

Lot 402 Lot 402 Lot 401 Lot 409 Lot 402Lot 415 (Re-test of

# 7 from 2/11/16)

Lot 414 (Re-test of

# 3 from 2/11/16)Lot 401

E 354313 E 354313 E 354299 E 354417 E 354312 E 354520 E 354467 E 354298

N 5779186 N 5779195 N 5779195 N 5779189 N 5779188 N 5779153 N 5779153 N 5779202

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 4 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 5

Layer Depth (mm): 150 150 150 150 150 125 125 150

Test Depth (mm): 125 125 125 125 125 100 100 125

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.02 2.01 2.04 2.06 2.09 2.08 2.08 2.03

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - - - - - - - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.10 2.04 2.03 2.10 2.14 2.13 2.17 2.05

APCWD (t/m3) - - - - - - - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - - - - - - - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - - - - - - - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): 1.5% (wet) 1.5% (wet) omc omc omc 2% (dry) 1.5% (dry) 0.5% (wet)

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - - - - - - - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 96.5 98.5 100.0 98.0 97.5 97.5 96.0 98.5

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95 95 95 95 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 7

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 08/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1612208 1612209 1612210 1612211 1612212 1612213

ID No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Lot No.: - - - - - -

Date Sampled: 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 7/11/2016

Time Sampled: am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm

Date Tested: 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 8/11/2016 8/11/2016 8/11/2016 8/11/2016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Sand Sand Clay Clay Clay Clay

To Be Used As Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill

Lot 413 (Re-test of

#2 from 26/10/16)E 354441 Lot 401 Lot 401 Lot 401 Lot 401

E 354465 N 5779172 E 354306 E 354299 E 354291 E 354300

N 5779179 Layer 1 N 5779191 N 5779195 N 5779186 N 5779205

Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4

Layer Depth (mm): 125 125 150 150 150 150

Test Depth (mm): 100 100 125 125 125 125

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.08 2.09 1.92 1.98 2.06 2.06

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - - - - - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.15 2.14 2.01 2.04 2.12 2.10

APCWD (t/m3) - - - - - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - - - - - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - - - - - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): omc 0.5% (wet) 0.5% (dry) 0.5% (dry) omc omc

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - - - - - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 97.0 97.5 95.5 97.0 97.0 98.0

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95 95 95 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

QUALITY OF MATERIALS REPORTCustomer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 11

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 14/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 Request No: -

Location: Clyde North Sieve Analysis Test Method: AS 1289.3.6.1

Customer Order No.: Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1611986

ID No.: 1

Lot No.: -

Date Sampled: 27/10/2016

Time Sampled: am

Date Tested: 8/11/216

Material Source: Site Derived

Material Type: Clayey Sand

To Be Used As Material Analysis


Stage 4



Layer Depth (mm) -

Test Depth (mm) -

Sampling Method 0

Moisture Content (%) AS 1289 2.1.1 12.9

Liquid Limit (%) AS 1289.3.1.2 18

Plastic Limit (%) AS 1289.3.2.1 16

Plasticity Index AS 1289.3.3.1 2

Linear Shrinkage (%) AS 1289.3.4.1 1.0

Cracking, Curling, Crumbling (1,2,3) 1 300mm 150mm 75.00mm 53.00mm 37.50mm 26.50mm 19.00mm 13.2mm 9.50mm 6.70mm 4.75mm 2.36mm 1.18mm 0.600mm 0.425mm 0.300mm 0.150mm 0.075mm

P.I. x % Passing 0.425mm 158 100 99 98 98 97 96 95 93 84 79 72 44 32

L.S. x % Passing 0.425mm 79

Ratio of % Passing (0.075/0.425) 0.41 USC Grading Specification:



Issue Date: 19/02/2013

M Robinson


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 12712

Sample Location :


Soil Classification in accordance with Unified Soil Classification Laboratory Identification Procedure AS1726 Table A1 (1993) - Appendix A, Section A












0.01 0.1 1 10 100




e P



Sieve Size (mm)


Head Office25 Metcalf DriveDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Customer: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd Report Number: 380591.004 - 12

Customer Address: PO Box 2205, CAULFIELD JUNCTION, VIC 3161 Report Date: 14/11/16

Project: Harteigh Estate - Stage 4 HILF DENSITY RATIO REPORT C.G Order No: -

Location: Clyde North Test Method: AS1289.5.7.1

Customer Order No.: - Page: 1 of 1

Sample No.: 1612254 1612255

ID No.: 1 2

Lot No.: - -

Date Sampled: 8/11/2016 8/11/2016

Time Sampled: am\pm am\pm

Date Tested: 8/11/2016 8/11/2016

Material Source: Site Derived Site Derived

Material Description: Clay Clay

To Be Used As Fill Fill

Lot 401 Lot 401

E 354309 E 354308

N 5779191 N 5779201

Layer 5 Layer 6

Layer Depth (mm): 150 150

Test Depth (mm): 125 125

Sampling Procedure: AS1289. AS1289.

Max Size (mm): 19.0 19.0

Oversize Wet (%): 0 0

Fld. Wet Density (t/m3) AS 1289.5.8.1: 2.04 2.05

Fld. Moisture Content (%) AS1289.2.1.1: - -

PCWD (t/m3): 2.03 2.07

APCWD (t/m3) - -

O.M.C (%) AS1289.5.7.1: - -

Moisture Ratio (%) AS1289.5.4.1: - -

Moisture Variation (of omc): 0.5% (dry) 1% (dry)

Adjusted Moisture Variation (of omc): - -

Compactive Effort: Standard Standard

Hilf Density Ratio (%): 101.0 99.0

Min Hilf Density Ratio (%): 95 95



Issue Date: 19/02/2013


Testing performed and reported at our Dandenong South Laboratory 21712

Sample Location :

Head Office25 Metcalf StreetDANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175

Ph: +61 3 8796 7900Fax: +61 3 8796 7944

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The results of tests, calibrations and/or measurements included in this document are traceable to Australian/national standards.

Appendix D : Controlled Fill Certificates



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 401 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 402 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 403 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 408 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 409 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 410 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 411 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 412 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 413 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 414 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.


PROJECT :Lot 415 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017


Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.


PROJECT :Lot 416 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017


Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 417 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 419 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 420 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 421 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 422 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 423 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017



Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd conducted Level 1 inspection and testing, in accordance with Section 8.2 Level 1 inspection and Testing AS3798-2007, Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments, during the filling of a section of Stage 4 of Hartleigh Estate in Clyde North.

So far as it is able to be determined, the fill was placed in accordance with the Specification that required a minimum density ratio of 95% of HILF Density (AS1289.5.7.1) to be achieved within moisture content limits of 3.0% wet and 3.0% dry of the soils optimum moisture content (OMC).


This Certificate has been commissioned for the filling of the area mentioned above. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for the use of this report for any purpose other than that for which Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd was engaged, specifically for Level 1 Inspection and Testing of the structural fill (excluding top soil).

This report is based on the conditions present and factors affecting the soil at the time of inspection, namely the 25th of October 2016 to 8th of November 2016. No responsibility or liability will be accepted and Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd is indemnified to the full extent permitted by law in respect of the use of this Certificate where there has been a change in the nature of the project, or in the site conditions since the site testing.


Robert Barden Tim Chadwick Geotechnical Engineer Project Director

© Chadwick Geotechnics Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise other than in accordance with the limitations and for the purpose provided for above.

PROJECT :Lot 424 Hartleigh Estate Stage 4 100 Pattersons Road, Clyde North, VIC

Chadwick Geotechnics REF : 380591.004.v1

CLIENT :National Pacific Properties Wynnstay Pty Ltd Burbank House Level 1, 100 Franklin Street Melbourne VIC 3000

DATE : March 2017