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  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load









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  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load



    ISHRAE INSTITUTE OF EXCELLENCE (IIE) was conceived after an intense deliberation andpondering over the pros and cons of different seminars and workshops conducted by ISHRAE andASHRAE for the HVAC&R and allied subjects in order to provide a beneficial learning Institute ofExcellence. The aspirants are those who are eager to enhance their professional competency in pace

    with & up to date with worldwide technological advancement.

    The HVAC & R industry is facing acute shortage of Skilled Manpower at all levels, Further there hasbeen no adequate technical Training and Refresher courses for such Team of Engineers. Keeping thisin mind, IIE, Bangalore has been instrumental in organising Refresher Courses for the WorkingEngineers. The course has been designed in such a way that the programs are conducted in theevenings and during week ends. IIE Bangalore could refresh more than 500 Engineers so far.

    It is the wish of IIE Bangalore that such dissemination of Knowledge should not stop at Bangalore andshould spread to all places. As such IIE has consolidated the lecture notes and has prepared a Powerpoint presentation of such lectures so that all IIE Centers in the country can take the benefit. Thenotes and the power point presentation will come in handy for the IIE Centres and the Faculties so

    that the courses can be conducted with ease.The Refresher course notes by and large are compiled from the Seminars and Workshops conducted byISHRAE Bangalore Chapter over the years.

    Further IIE Bangalore has taken a positive step to work with the Industry and Institutions. IIE inassociation with ISHRAE Bangalore Chapter and ASHRAE South India Chapter is planning to facilitatethe industry to draw Manpower from Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics, ITIs and Cream of ScienceGraduate and train them in such a way that they can be used directly by the industry. This is at atime when the industry is facing shortage of manpower as well as shortage of time in training suchmanpower.

    I take this opportunity to thank the Trustees of ISHRAE Foundation Trust, Core Management Committee

    members, Faculties and the ISHRAE Head Quarters for their support in the great work of Disseminationof Knowledge.

    As Knowledge is Power, please make use of these Refresher course Notes and reap the best of thebenefits.

    Wish you all the Best!



    IIE acknowledges with thanks the following eminent personalities whose lectures are used to compilethis refresher course materials.



    Bibilography :

    ISHRAE Hand BookASHRAE Hand BooksCarrier System Design Manual

  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai

    U ndoubtedly one of the primary reasons for failures in

    air-conditioning plants is due to improper estimation

    of the heat load and failure to take into account various

    factors which affect it. T he load estimation is based on

    the actual instantaneous peak load. It is not possible tomeasure this actual instantaneous peak load but only

    can be estimated. B efore estimati ng this load a

    complete survey of the building, if the building exists,

    or the plans, incase of a new building, has to be done.

    A n accurate survey of the various parameters will result

    in a realistic load estimation.

    T he following data need to be collected:

    1. O rientation of the building and latitude.

    2. Application.

    3. D imensions of the building.

    4. H eight up to ceiling.

    5. H eight up to false ceiling

    6. Is the roof exposed?

    7. D epth of the beam and projections of the


    8. Size and number of windows.

    9. Whether windows are shaded?

    10. M aterial of construction of walls, ceiling/ roof.

    11. O utside dry and wet bulb temperatures (all


    12. Inside design dry bulb temperature and relative


    13. N o. of persons.

    14. A re they smoking? T ype of activity

    15. L ighting load and type of lights.

    16. M achinery loads with diversity

    17. O ther additional loads.

    18. D uration of operation

    19. Space to locate various equipments

    20. Ventilation required

    21. D etails of exhaust, if any.

    22. Level of cleanliness to be maintained

    23. A vailability of soft water and electricity

    24. O ther relevant information


    1. SO LA R G AIN

    a. T hrough Wall

    b. T hrough Roof

    c. T hrough G lass


    a. T hrough Wall

    b. T hrough C eiling

    c. T hrough Floor

    d. T hrough G lass

    3. RO O M IN T ER N A L LO A D

    a. People

    b. Lighting

    c. Equipment

    d. Infiltration

    e. System gain

    f. M iscellaneous Sources

    4. O UT D O O R LO AD

    a. Fresh A ir System G ain


    A good designer has to calculate the cooling load at

    optimum design conditions. T he load so calculated

    should not be too high or too less. T he space heat gain

    is a resultant effect of sensible and latent heat.T he

    sensible heat is the phenomenon of temperature,

    whereas the latent heat is the stored heat in the form

    of moisture or metabolism rate.

    T he other heat load components can be classified into:-

    a) Loads originated from heat sources outside or

    external to the conditioned space.

    b) Loads within the conditioned space.

    c) Load occurring from heat gains or losses with

    moving cool fluids to and from the conditioned




  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai


    A ir-conditioning load estimations are based on quantity

    of ai r required to produce the design conditions. A s

    such in high altitudes where air conditioning is required,

    when the density decreases, more quantity of ai r is

    required to satisfy the given sensible load. T he weight

    of the air to meet the latent load decreases owing tothe higher wet bulb temperature and relative humidity,

    the wet bulb temperature decreases as the altitude

    increases corresponding to the sea level.

    Load estimations are based on either normal design

    conditions or maximum design conditions. In normal

    design condi tions, the outdoor design condi tions

    are the simultaneously occurring dry bulb and wet

    bulb temperature and humidity which are permitted

    to exceed a few times a year for shorter periods.

    T his is generally recommended for comfort and

    normal industrial applications and it is occasionallypermissible to exceed the inside design conditions.

    In cases where inside temperature swings on the

    higher side is not tolerable then the design should

    be based on the maximum outside design conditions.

    T he maximum design dry and wet bulb temperatures

    are simultaneous peaks and not individual peaks

    that are considered for the load estimation. A constant

    temperature is required for many industrial applications

    instead of a temperature level.

    T he actual cooling load will generally be below the

    peak total instantaneous heat gain, thus requiring

    a smaller equipment to perform a specific job. If

    the equipment is allowed to run at a few degrees higher

    than design requirement during peak periods, a smaller

    capacity plant will meet the requirement. A smaller

    system running for longer duration at full load will result

    in saving in power and is more efficient than a bigger

    system running at part load conditions for a shorter


    R easons for the difference in the actual heat gain and

    the total instantaneous peak heat gain is due to storage

    effect, diversity and stratification. If the cooling capacity

    supplied to the space matches with the cooling load,

    the temperature in the space remains constant. O n

    the contrary, i f the cooling capacity supplied to the

    space is more than the cooling load then lower

    temperatures are maintained. P recooling a space

    below the design conditions increases the storage of

    heat at the time of peak load. P recooling is useful in

    reducing the cooling load in applications such as

    churches, theaters and auditoriums.

    D iversity of cooling load results from the probable non

    occurrence of part of the cooling load such as lighting,

    people and equipment load. T he size of the diversity

    factor has to be based on the accurate judgment of

    the user or his engineer.

    H eat may be stratified in rooms with high ceiling and

    where the air is exhausted through the ceiling or the

    return air is taken above the false ceiling.


    While calculating the heat load the outside conditions

    play a vital role in estimating the heat load.

    In A merica ASH R A E data are regarded as the industry

    standard. In India ISH R A E has started working on the

    project on establishing and compiling authentic

    weather data for various places in India.

    T he ambient air properties and solar intensities changes

    with different elevation, latitude and longitude. While

    selecting the refrigeration capacity of the plant for yearround air conditioning the cooling load for summer and

    monsoon weather whichever is higher is selected.

    In general for Indian climatic conditions 4P M is the

    average time for solar heat gain and average daily

    range of temperature (M aximum D B M inimum D B

    in a day) vary from 15 to 20 degree F (L ocal conditions

    are to be referred).


    T he human body considers itself comfortable when it

    can maintain an average body temperature between

    97 degree F and 100 degree F. It becomes the task of

    air-conditioning to maintain the environment around

    the body within this comfort zone of conditions.

    In general 75 degree F DB and 50% R H is considered

    the design conditions for human comfort. H owever,

    these conditions may vary depending upon the

    environmental requirement and applications.


    T he primary weather related variable influencing thesensible cooling load for a building is solar radiation.

    T he effect of solar radiation is more pronounced on

    exposed surfaces.

    R oom sensible heat is calculated as under.

    T he heat transfer rate q is given by equation.

    q= U A (T 1-T 2)

    Where q= H eat transfer rate in B tu per hour.

    U = C oefficient of overall heat transfer between the

    adjacent and the conditioned space in B tu/ h sqft-



  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai

    A = A rea of the separating section in sqft.

    T 1= A verage air temperature in adjacent space deg. F

    T 2= A ir temperature in conditioned space deg. F

    U = 1/ R where R= A ddition of thermal resistance of all

    the surfaces coming in between the conditioned space

    and adjacent space. (R efer tables for T hermalR esistance R of various building and insulating



    T he heat from the sun is partly scattered, partly

    reflected and partly absorbed by the atmosphere.

    T he scattered radia ti on i s called as di ffused

    radiation. T he solar heat which directly comes through

    the atmosphere is termed as direct radiation. It enters

    the air-conditioned space through glass windows and

    is absorbed by the objects and air in the conditionedarea. O rdinary glass absorbs a smaller percentage of

    the solar heat say round 6% and reflects or transmits

    the remaining. T he amount of reflection is dependent

    on the angle of incidence which is the angle between

    the perpendicular to the glass surface and the sun rays.

    M ore heat is reflected and less heat is transmi tted inside

    the conditioned area if the angle of incidence is more.

    T he total solar heat gain in the conditioned area is the

    heat transmitted together with around 40% of the heat

    absorbed by the glass windows.

    D epending on the latitudes, for each month in a year

    and for different exposures and on different timingsthere are tables for the solar heat gain. T his solar heat

    gain in B tu / hr/ sqft. area is multiplied with the area of

    the glass and the factor depending on the shade. For

    ordinary glass the factor is 1. 0 whereas for inside

    Venetian blinds of light color the factor is 0.56.


  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai



    H eat flows from higher level to the lower whenever

    there exists a temperature difference. T he rate at

    which the heat flows inside varies with the resistance

    im posed by that material. T he solar heat gain on

    the exposed wall does not become an instantaneous

    room load. T he heat is absorbed by the external

    wall and is conducted slowly into the inner layers

    of the wall and only the convected and radiated

    heat from the inner surface of the wall is the room

    load. D ue to this unsteady state of heat flow it is a

    general practice to consider an equivalent

    temp erature dif ference. T he equivalent

    temperature difference is the temperature

    difference that results in total heat flow through

    the structure as caused by the variable solar radiation

    and outdoor temperature.

    T he reciprocal of the total resistance offered by the

    wall is called the transmi ssion coefficient U . It is

    the rate at which the heat is transferred through

    the wall and is expressed in B T U / hr/ Sq.ft/ deg.F

    temp. diff. T he equivalent temperature difference

    for different thickness of walls with different

    exposures and timings are available in the tables

    enclosed. T hese equivalent temperature differences

    are worked out with an outside temperature of 95

    deg. F and an inside temperature of 80 deg.F. A s

    such corrections to equivalent temperatures are to

    be made for different conditi ons. U nlik e the heat

    gain tables for glass which constitutes only the solar

    gain and not the transmission gain, this equivalent

    temperature considers the solar heat as well as the

    transmission heat gain due to the difference in

    temperature between outside and inside conditions.

    In addition to the resistance offered by the various

    components in the wall, we have to take into account

    the film coefficient, when working out the transmission

    co-efficient. It is the resistance offered by the film of

    air which clings to the surface of the wall. T he

    resistance is more when the air is still and is less when

    there is wind velocity.

    Whenever a false ceiling is provided in a room having

    an exposed roof, the space enclosed between thefalse ceiling and the roof is called as attic space. If

    this attic space is not properly ventilated the space

    temperature may exceed the outside temperature.

    T he space temp erature can be work ed out

    considering that the rate of heat flow from outside

    into the attic space is equal to the rate of flow of

    heat from the attic space into the room.



    T here will be heat transmission through the glass apart

    from the solar gain due to the difference in

    temperature between the conditioned and non-

    conditioned space. Simi larly partitions/ ceiling/ floor

    will also have heat transmission. T hey are worked

    out by considering the area, temperature difference

    and the factor.


    PEOPLEH eat is generated withi n a human body by

    metabolism. T he metabolic rate depends on the

    nature of activity. T he enclosed table will give the

    sensible and latent load due to personnel depending

    on the type of activity and the inside temperature.

    Before the heat load estimation, the exact number

    of persons inside the conditioned area has to be

    ascertained properly for an accurate estimation.


  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai


    L ights produce sensible heat and are dissipated by

    radiation and convection. A bout 80% of the input

    is radiated and around 10% is convected for an

    incandescent lamp. For a fluorescent lamp 25% of

    the input is radiated 50% is convected. For a

    fluorescent lamp, approximately 25% more heat isgenerated than the input and this is due to the

    ballast. It is preferred to get the exact number of

    lights and its wattage and type. It is also a common

    practice to give this load in watts/ sq.ft depending

    on the application. T he wattage is multiplied by

    3.413 to arrive at the heat dissipated in B T U / hr.


    Electric motors generate sensible heat which is

    dissipated inside the conditioned area depending

    on the location of the prime mover and the driven

    equipment. T he heat dissipated by the motor is

    input multiplied by the motor i nefficiency. T he rest

    of the heat is dissipated by the driven machinery.

    When a motor is overloaded or partially loaded the

    heat generated will not obey the above law. A s such

    in case of heavy machinery load it is advisable to

    measure the input and not to depend on the rated

    horse power of the motors. When the motor rating

    is in K W i t is multiplied by 3413 and when the

    rating is in H P it is multiplied by 2545 to obtain

    the heat dissipation in B T U / hr. Suitable diversity

    has to be applied to the connected electrical load

    depending on the actual running of the motor at a

    particular period of time.

    O ther internal loads that may constitute the room

    load may be gas burners, electric/ steam heaters and

    water fountains, hot water/ steam pipes and tanks.


    System heat gain constitutes heat added or lost by

    the system components such as ducting, pi pi ng,

    water pumps and the blower. O ver and above some

    safety factor is considered to account for the errors

    in the survey or in the estimate. L eakage in the

    supply duct will add to the room sensible and latent

    heat. Supply ducts running in non conditioned area

    will gain heat and as such becomes the room sensible

    load. R eturn ducts for the above reasons will add to

    the outdoor load.


    Infiltration is not a feature for air-conditioning jobs

    which is so for refrigeration. T his is for the simple

    reason that for air-conditioning, outdoor air is introduced

    which develops a positive pressure inside the

    conditioned area and only exfiltration does occur.

    H owever infiltration may occur if wind velocity outside

    is higher. Infiltration is also a predominant feature for

    high rise buildings due to stack effect. Infiltration of air

    and by pass of air through the cooling coil becomes aroom load.

    O utdoor ai r is introduced into the conditioned area so

    as to dilute the odours given off by the people, smoking

    and other fumes and contaminations generated inside

    the room. T he quantity of fresh air depends upon the

    volume of the room or the number of people and the

    activity. Ventilation standards for different applications

    are shown in the enclosed tabulations. For comfort

    applications during the peak load when it is permitted

    the outdoor air quantity may be reduced resulting in

    smaller equipment. H owever during periods other thanthe peak load the required maximum fresh air has to

    be introduced into the room which will do the flushing.

    H owever in any case the air quantity during peak load

    should not be lesser than 50% of the required air

    quantity. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is now talked loudly

    by all. M ini mum requirem ent of fresh air for

    applications having lesser occupancy is one air change

    per hour.

    Solar gain through walls, glass, roof and transmission

    gain through partition walls, ceiling, floors, internal

    loads such as people, light, equi pm ent and

    infiltration of fresh air(due to by pass in the cooling

    coil) constitute R oom Sensible H eat (RSH ). When the

    system gain is added to this, this becomes Effective

    R oom Sensible H eat (ERSH ).

    H eat gain through infiltration, people and other sources

    which adds moisture in the room constitute Room

    Latent H eat (RLH ). When system gain is added it

    becomes Effective R oom L atent H eat (ERLH ). T he

    summation of room sensible / effective room sensible

    and room latent / effective room latent heat is calledas R oom Total H eat (RT H )/ Effective R oom Total H eat

    (ER T H ). When outdoor sensible and latent heat is added

    it becomes G rand Total H eat (G T H ) based on which

    the air-conditioning system is designed.

    T he effective room sensible heat over the effective

    room total heat is called as effective room sensible

    heat factor. With this factor and the inside design

    conditions, A pparatus D ew Point (A D P ) is calculated.

    D ew point is the temperature at which condensation

    occurs when the air is cooled and the effective

    surface temperature of the coil should match with the

    dew point to meet the design parameters. Temperature

    rise is the difference in temperature between the room


  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai

    and the apparatus dew point multiplied by the factor

    (1-bypass factor). Effective room sensible heat over

    1.08 and the temperature rise gives the dehumidified

    air quantity which has to be pumped into the room to

    offset the room load and to meet the design conditions.

    In high latent load applications the dehumidified air

    quantity will work out to be low. In such cases some airhas to be bypassed across the cooling coil to reduce

    the temperature of air entering the room which

    otherwise will cause a cold blast on the occupants. T he

    dehumidified air quantity and the bypassed air is the

    total air quantity on which the equipment is selected.

    Similarly for applications such as clean rooms minimum

    required air changes are required to be met. D uring

    such occasions also more air will be bypassed across

    the cooling coil.

    A I R Q U A N T IT Y E Q U A T I O N S

    cf mda= (1 )1.08 x (1-BF)(t

    rm- t

    ad p)


    cf mda= (2 ). 68 x (1-BF)(Wrm- W



    cf mda= (3 )4.45 x (1-BF)(h




    cf mda = (4 )1.08 (t

    edb-tl db)


    cf mda = (5 ).68 x (W

    ea- W

    l a)


    cf mda = (6 )4.45 (h

    ea- h



    cf msa= (7 )1.08 x (t



    cf msa= (8 ).68 x (W

    rm- W


    RL H

    cf msa= (9 )4.45 x (h

    rm- h


    RT H

    cf mba= cf m sa- cfmda (10)

    Not e: cfmdawil l be less th an cfmsaonly when ai r is

    physical ly bypassed around t he condit io nin g apparatus.

    cf msa= cfm oa+ c fmr a (11)

    1.08 = 0.244 x60


    where . 24 4 = specific heat of moist air at 70 F db

    and 50% rh, B tu/ (deg F) (lb dry air)

    6 0 = min/ hr

    13 . 5 = specific volume of moist air at

    70 F db and 50% rh

    0.68 = x

    where 60 = min/ hr

    13. 5 = specific volume of moist air at

    70 F db and 50% rh

    10 76 = average heat removal required to

    condense one pound of water vapor

    from the room air70 00 = grains per pound

    4.45 =

    where 6 0 = min/ hr

    13 . 5 = specific volume of moist air at

    70 F db and 50% rh

    60 1076

    13.5 7000

    * RSH S, R LH S and G T H S are supplementary loadsdue to duct heat gain, duct leakage loss, fan and pump

    horsepower gains, etc. T o sim pli fy the various

    examples, these supplementary loads have not been

    used in the calculations. H owever, in actual practice,

    these supplementary loads should be used where


    When no air is to be physically bypassed around the

    conditioning apparatus, cfmda= cfmsa.

    ** When tm, Wm and hm are equal to the entering

    conditions at the cooli ng apparatus, they may be

    substituted for tedb, Wea and hea respectively.

    D E R IV AT I O N O F A I R C O N S TA N T S




  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load


    Heat Load EstimationsIshrae Institute of Excellence, Chennai

    Cooling & Dehumidifying Heat Load Estimate

    Job N ame

    A ddress

    Space U sed for

    Size X = Sq. Ft. X = C u. Ft.

    I tem A rea or Sun G ain or Factor Btu/ H our

    Q uanti ty T emp. D iff.

    E sti mated for L ocal T i me P eak L oad L O C A L T I M E

    SU N T I M E

    C O N D I T I O N S D B WB % R H D P G r/ Lb

    O utside

    R o o m

    D i fference X X X X X X X X


    G lass Sq Ft X X

    G lass Sq Ft X X

    G lass Sq Ft X X

    Sky light Sq Ft X X


    Wall Sq Ft X X

    Wall Sq Ft X X

    Wall Sq Ft X X

    Wall Sq Ft X X

    R oof Sun Sq Ft X X

    R oof Shaded S q Ft X X


    P arti ti on Sq Ft X X

    C ei lli ng Sq Ft X X

    Floor Sq Ft X X

    INFILTRATION AND OUTSIDE AIRI nf i ltrati on C fm X X 1.08

    O utside A ir C fm X F X BF X 1.08

    INTERNAL HEATP eople P eople X

    P ower H .P./ K W X

    L I ghts W atts X 3.4

    A ppliances, Etc X 3.4



    Infi ltration C fm X gr/ lb X 0 . 68

    O utside-A i r C fm X gr/ lb X B F X 0.68P eople P eople X

    Steam lb/ hr X 1080


    H eat G ai n% L eak L oss%

    D uct D uct H .P.% Factor

    Supply Supply F an S afety

    Vapor Tran.

    A ppliances, Etc

    R oom L atent H eat SubT otal

    SU P P LY D U C T % + SA FET Y FA C T O R %

    L EA K A G E L O SS


    O U T S ID E A I R H E A TSensible: C fm X F X (1-BF) X 1.08

    L atent: C fm X gr/ lb X (1-B F) X 0.68

    Grand Total Heat Sub-Total (D) = (C+Outside Air Heat)

    GRAND TO TAL HEAT (GTH) (E) = (D +Lo ss es )

    To n s = E / 1 2 , 0 0 0

    Selected R oom C ondi tions D B WB % R H

    VENTILATIONP eople X C fm/ P erson=


    Sq. Ft.X C fm/ sq. ft=

    C fm Ventilat ion *


    R EV O LV IN G D O O R S - P EO P L E X C FM / P ER SO N =O pen doors X C FM / D O O R =

    Exhaust Fan

    C rack Feet X C fm/ Ft =

    C F M O U T S ID E A I R T H R U A P P A R A T U S *


    (A ) Eff. room Sens. H eat

    (C ) Eff. room total Heat

    Indicated A D P F Selected A D P F

    (1-B F ) X (R oo m Tem p-A D P ) = D ehum idi fi ed ri seF

    D ehumidified C FMR oom Sensible heat =

    1.08 X D ehumidified rise

    R eturn R eturn P ump

    D uct D uct H .P.% %H eat G ai n% L eak L oss


    (ESH F)

    Sens H eat Factor

    Estimated by : D ate :

    C hecked by : P age N o. : ______ of ______



  • 7/27/2019 REFR003 - Heat Load



    Ishare Foundation Trust, Bangalore and IIE Bangalore confirm that the materials are compiled fromvarious lectures, seminars, workshops conducted by various ISHRAE members, faculties of reputefrom ISRHAE Bangalore Chapter. This is not a book but a collection of course materials to refresh and

    train the freshers and others belonging to the HVAC & R and allied fraternity.