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  • 7/28/2019 REF ENG 1


    STUDENT: Stoilcev StoilTD,AN II,GR.3

    u N tV E RSIAT EA' OV I D I lJ S" F o cu lta te a d e M e d i ci n a D e nta roSpecializarea Te h n ica De nto ra




  • 7/28/2019 REF ENG 1



    Diabetul este o tulburare a metabolismului (metabolismul inseamna procesele prin care organismul nostruutilizeaza mancarea digerata pentru crestere si pentru obtinerea energiei). Majoritatea alimentelor pe care leingeram sunt descompuse pana la elucoza, care este forma sub care exista zaharul in sange. Glucoza esteprincipala sursa de combustibil pentru organism.Dupa digestie, glucoza trece in fluxul sangvin, acolo unde este folosita de catre celule pentru crestere i pentruobtinerea energiei. Pentru ca glucoza sa poata patrunde in interiorul celulelor este nevoie de prezentainsulinei.lnsulina este un hormon produs de pancreas, care este o glanda de dimensiuni mari aflata in spatelestomacului.

    Atunci cand mancam, pancreasul produce in mod automat cantitatea adecvata de insulina pentru a deplasaglucoza aflata in sange, in interiorul celulelor noastre. La persoanele cu diabet, totusi, pancreasul fie produce preaputina insulina sau chiar deloc sau celulele nu raspund in mod adecvat la insulina care este secretata. Astfel,organismul pierde principala sa sursa de combustibil, chiar daca sangele contine cantitati mari de zahar.Care este impactul diabetului?Este bine cunoscut ca diabetul este una dintre cauzele principale de deces si de handicap. In 2006, a fost pe locul 6intre afectiunile ce cartzeaza decesul. Totusi, se presupune ca diabetul este mai mult ca sigur subdiagnosticat ca fiindcarrza ce sta de fapt labaza mortii, pe certificatele de deces.

    Diabetul se asociaza cu complicatii pe termen lung ce afecteaza aproape orice parte din organism. Afectiunea duceadeseori la orbire, afectiuni ale inimii si ale vaselor de sange, accidente vascuiare cerebrale, insuficienta renala,amputatii si afectari ale nervilor. Diabetul necontrolat poate duce la complicatii ale sarcinii, deficitele la nastere fiindmai frecvente la copiii nascuti de femeile cu diabet.Cine se poate imbolnavi de diabet?Diabetul nu este contagios. Oamenii nu o pot contacta unul de la celalalt. Totusi, anumiti factori pot creste riscul deaparitie a acestei afectiuni. Diabetul de tip 1 apare in mod egal la femei si la barbati, dar este mai frecvent la albidecat la celelalte populatii. Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii (OMS) arata ca diabetul de tip I este rar la majoritateapopulatiilor din Africa, indienilor din America si Asia. Cu toate acestea, unele tari din Europa de Nord, inclusivFinlanda si Suedia, au rate crescute de diabet de tip l. Cauza acestor diferente este necunoscuta.Diabetul de tip 2 este mai frecvent la persoanele mai in varsta, mai ales la cele supraponderale. Prevalenta diabetuluieste foarte probabil in crestere din mai multe motive. Un motiv este ca un segment din ce in ce mai mare alpopulatiei imbatraneste (datorita prelungirii sperantei de viata). O alta cauza este ca din ce in ce mai multi oamenisunt supraponderali si chiar obezi.

  • 7/28/2019 REF ENG 1


    What is diabetes? What causes diabetes?

    Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is classed as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers tothe way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Most of what lve eat isbroken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood - it is the principalsource offuel lor our bodies.When our food is digested the glucose makes its way into our bloodstream. Our cells usethe glucose for energy and growth. However, glucose cannot enter our cells withoutinsulin being present - insulin makes it possible fbr our cells to take in the glucose.lnsulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. After eating, the pancreasautomatically releases an adequate quantity of insulin to move the glucose present in ourblood into the cells, and lowers the blood sugar level.A person u,ith diabetes has a corrdition in which the quantity of glucose in the blood istoo elevated (hypergtycernia). This is because the body either does not produce enoughinsulin, produces no insulin, or has cells that do not respond properly to the insulin tlrepancreas produces. This results in too much glucose building up in the blood. This excessblood glucose eventually passes out ofthe body in urine. So. even though the blood hasplenty of glucose, the cells are not getting it for their essential energy and grou'tlrrequ irements.

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    Measuring the glucose Ievel in blood

  • 7/28/2019 REF ENG 1


    Why is it called Diabetes Mellitus?Diabetes comes from Greel

  • 7/28/2019 REF ENG 1


    Symptoms of DiabetesPeople can often have diabetes and be completelv unarvare. The main reason lor this isthat the svmptoms, when seen on their own. seem harmless. Horvever. the earlier diabetesis diagnosed the greater the chances are that serious complications. rvhich can result fromhaving diabetes, can be avoided.

    Here is a list of the most common diabetes symptoms:Frequent urinationHave you been going to the bathroom to urinate more often recently? Do younotice that you spend most of the day going to the toilet? When there is too muchglucose (sugar) in yourblood you will urinate more often. If your insulin isinefflective, or not there at all, your kidneys cannot filter the glucose back into theblood. The kidneys will take water from your blood in order to dilute the glucose -which in turn fills up your bladder.Disproportionate thirstIf you are urirrating more than usual, you will need to replace that lost liquid. Youwill be drinking more than usual. Have you been drinking more than usual lately?Intense hungerAs the insulin in your blood is not working properly, or is not there at all, andyour cells are not getting their energy, your body may react by trying to find moreenergy - food. You will become hungry.Weight gainThis might be the result of the above syrnptom (intense hunger).Unusual weight lossThis is more common among people with Diabetes Type l. As your body is notmal

  • 7/28/2019 REF ENG 1


    More skin andlor yeast infectionsWhen there is more sugar in your body, its ability to recover from infections is affected. Womenwith diabetes find it especially difficult to recover from bladder and vaginal infections.Itchy skinA feeling of itchiness on your skin is sometimes a symptom of diabetes.Gums are red and/or swollen - Gums pull away from teethlf your gums are tender, red and/or swollen this could be a sign of diabetes. Your teeth couldbecome loose as the gums pull away from them.Frequent gum disease/infectionAs well as the previous gum symptoms, you may experience more frequent gum disease and/orgum infections.Sexual dysfunction among menlf you are over 50 and experience frequent or constant sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction),it could be a symptom of diabetes.Numbness or tingling, especially in your feet and handslf there is too much sugar in your: body your nerves could become damaged, as could the tinyblood vessels that feed those nerves. You may experience tingling and/or numbness in yourhands and feet.

    Diagnosis of diabetesDiabetes can often be detected by carrying out a urine test, which finds out whether excessglucose is present. This is normally backed up by a blood test, which measures blood glucoselevels and can confirm if the cause of your symptoms is diabetes.If you are worried that you may have some of the above symptoms, you are recommended to talkto your Doctor or a qualified health professional.

    Bibliografie :www.i nfodiabet. roDiabetul za ha rat,Autor I u lian Mincu,Editura Medica la