red jacket - dorothy red jacket february 2015.pdf ·...

#1 with $2,988.25 wholesale: The team of Team Leader Crystal White! Dir. Jill Adair Maria Friday Gail Reichard National Sales Director, Dorothy Boyd BOYD NATIONAL AREA Results as of Jan. 2015 Step up to Leadership ~ Live the Life ~ Love the Rewards Red Jacket Team 2000! Congratulations to the following Red Jacket teams whose team production was at least $2,000 wholesale for the month of January 2015! Look which teams are “almost there”…The following teams had between $1,000 and $1,999 wholesale for the month of January: 1. With $1,775.50 wholesale, the team of Team Leader Cathie Greve. 2. With $1,556.00 wholesale, the team of Future Director Laurie Hix. 3. With $1,529.00 wholesale, the team of Future Director Carolyn Mayfield 4. With $1,395.50 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Jill Thunstrom. 5. With $1,242.50 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Beth Hay. 6. With $1,212.50 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Brenda Miller. 7. With $1,159.50 wholesale, the team of Team Leader Terra Smiley. 8. With $1,112.00 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Natalie Cook. LOOK WHO’S COMMITTED TO DIQ BY MARCH 1ST!!!

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Page 1: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,


with $2,988.25 wholesale:

The team of Team Leader Crystal White!

Dir. Jill Adair

Maria Friday

Gail Reichard

National Sales Director, Dorothy Boyd

BOYD NATIONAL AREA Results as of Jan. 2015

Step up to Leadership ~ Live the Life ~ Love the Rewards

Red Jacket Team 2000! Congratulations to the following Red Jacket teams whose team production

was at least $2,000 wholesale for the month of January 2015!

Look which teams are “almost there”…The following teams had between $1,000 and $1,999 wholesale

for the month of January:

1. With $1,775.50 wholesale, the team of Team Leader Cathie Greve.

2. With $1,556.00 wholesale, the team of Future Director Laurie Hix. 3. With $1,529.00 wholesale, the team of Future Director Carolyn Mayfield 4. With $1,395.50 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Jill Thunstrom. 5. With $1,242.50 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Beth Hay. 6. With $1,212.50 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Brenda Miller. 7. With $1,159.50 wholesale, the team of Team Leader Terra Smiley. 8. With $1,112.00 wholesale, the team of Star Team Builder Natalie Cook.




Page 2: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,

#1 GATHER INFORMATION! “Tell me about yourself.” “What do you like most about your

life/job? What do you like least?” “What do you value most in your life

right now?” “What do you NEED most in your


“If I can show you how to keep what you value and get what you need, is there any reason why you wouldn’t consider Mary Kay as a part-time business for yourself?

#2 EXPLORE!! “TELL me what you know about

Mary Kay, the products, and the people.” Validate what is correct.

Ask permission to add or alter areas she has mentioned that need more clarification.

“What would you need to know about Mary Kay in order to make a YES decision?”

Stick to her issues ONLY!!! We are interested in answering her questions, not our own!!

After each question, “What else?” (would you need to know…or what other questions would you need to have answered?)

CREATE A FOCUS ON HER MOST POSITIVE THOUGHT WITH, “If in your wildest dreams you decided to do this, what would you enjoy the most?”

“What would you need to know in order to get to a 10?”

#3 ESTABLISH INTEREST LEVEL “On a scale from 1-10, 1 being you would never do this, 10 being you are ready to order your starter kit now, 5 is for chickens, so it’s out, where are you right now?”

#4 OVERCOME OBJECTIONS Be prepared to overcome at least 3

and probably 4 objections. If you don’t get this many and you don’t have an agreement, you did not get the real objection yet…. so persist!

Be professional by getting to the bot-tom of what she is saying so you can support her to get the needs in her life met by our Mary Kay opportunity.

The process to overcoming objections is as follows: REPEAT what she says (after

listening carefully). “So what you’re saying is _____.”

RELATE (”I know how you feel…” felt, found…)

RESPOND Overcome by sharing someone else’s brief story or going back to an earlier part of the inter-view. If you know her HOT BUTTON, there is NO objection you can’t over-come short of “I don’t want to do this,” which you almost never get!! So, refer back to her NEED, her HOT BUTTON. ASK QUESTIONS. “Remember earlier when you said _______?

What other plans do you have to (fix, remedy) that (need)?”

INVITE… the next objection! “If it weren’t for _______, what would keep you from getting started?” You’ll eventually get to a response of “nothing” or “I have to think about it.”

#5 CLOSE IT! Memorize this question: “Great, ________! Is there any reason we couldn’t get your starter kit ordered? How would you like to take care of it? M/C, VISA, or check?” WAIT FOR HER TO RESPOND BEFORE YOU SAY A WORD!!


So often we tend to complicate the team-building process by using too much material and information, when in fact, all the information we really need is a clear analysis of our prospect’s life and HER needs

so that we can give her customized information about Mary Kay –ONLY what she needs in order to make a YES decision. You can do this in 5 easy steps! But the key is, you must be a good listener, and you must ask logical questions based on her responses!! A good interviewer develops good questions

that invite information, and a good interviewer LISTENS! As easy as 1,2,3,(4,5)

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8+ Active Recruits

8 Active Team Members | 9% or 13% Personal Team Commission | $50 Team Building Bonus


Director Unit

Carolyn Mayfield

Janet Jackson-Street

Laurie Hix

Dorothy Boyd

Page 4: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,

Booking Friends, Family and Acquaintances Let’s take a look at this simple, easy to-use recommendation for booking friends, family and acquaintances. 1. Create positive interaction. “Hi, (customer’s name), I’m so glad I caught you at home!” 2. Work to develop rapport. “How are things going? Great! I won’t take up much of your time, but I did want to let you know I’m now a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.” 3. Express the purpose of your call. Suggest a fun get-together with her girlfriends, a 10-minute appointment or a time to drop off a few samplers and the latest issue of The Look. 4. Confirm your appointment. “See you next Tuesday at 5:45. And remember, (customer’s name), we can always schedule a skin care class so you could earn free products.” 5. Communicate next steps. “I’m looking forward to seeing you. I’m ea-ger to hear your opinion of the samples!”

“Have a gift for them in the name of the person who referred them to you. Of course, they have to get together with you to receive the gift.” – Margi Eno,

Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif.

Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile, eye contact and repeat-ing a potential customer’s name through-out the conversation will let her know you’re focused on her. “What I am booking for right now is a “One Woman Can” portfolio of faces. What an honor to be asked to be in that! I am including businesswomen, community leaders, heads of charitable foundations, women who are active in their churches, stay-at-home moms, etc. I believe women make an impact no matter what they have chosen as their ‘careers,’ so this is a fun way to honor them and to get lots and lots of bookings!” – Amie Gamboian, Future Executive Senior Sales Director, Omaha, Neb. “I work to turn a contact with someone into more contacts. When I meet some-one, I ask if I can send a brochure with them to work. Or when I sell sets to a guy, I tell him if he sends me five buddies who place orders, I’ll give him a thank-you gift. Then I repeat the process with each of the five buddies! Also remember, when you’re fun, people want to be around you!” – Margi Eno, Sales Director, San Diego, Calif.

“Know your script! Instead of constantly changing what you are going to say, choose a script and stick with it. Consistency gives you confidence. Remember, the script is only ‘old’ to you; you are talking to new people all the time. You’ll be amazed how much more confidence you have when you know your scripts.” – Pam Robbins Kelly, Future Executive Senior Sales Director, Bakersfield, Calif.

Booking at Classes Each selling appointment introduces you to new customers and potential hostesses who can invite more new customers to your next class. Throughout your presentation, consider referring to a second appointment. During your individual consultation, you may want to encourage your customers to book future appoint-ments. At the end of a class, you c an always show the TimeWise® Microdermabrasion Set and give out samplers with the sampler cards. You can allow customers to try the samplers at home, then follow up to see how they enjoyed experiencing “instant gratification” in skin care. One more thing: Remember, you can find a printable color consultation outline for the second appointment and helpful Media Source CDs! “When it comes to booking at classes, I do it right at the beginning, during the orientation. Explain that each woman is guaranteed at least two complimen-tary appointments: skin care and color. She may also choose to add other par-ties (spa or manicure/pedicure) if she would like to earn even more product. Then I keep the momentum going throughout the class by passing a free product item around the table. Every time I say the word “party,” the women pass the item to their neighbors, and whoever ends up with the product takes it home!” – Amie Gamboian, Future Executive Senior Sales Director, Omaha, Neb.

Booking From Referrals Booking from referrals can be a major source of appointments. You may want to ask both your hostess and the guests for referrals. Also, consider asking for referrals when you call to follow up with your customers. “Remember to ask potential customers if they are current Mary Kay customers. If you run into someone who already has an Independent Beauty Consult-ant, thank her for being so supportive of the product line and encourage her to contact her Beauty Consultant to see the latest products.” - Amie Gamboian, Future Executive Senior Sales Director, Omaha, Neb.

Mary Kay once said, “Bookings are the lifeline of your business.

Literally, if you’re out of bookings, you’re out of business.” Plus

booking is a big part of your 3+3+3 formula for success (three skin care

classes, $300 in new retail sales and three team-building appointments each week).

So what can you do to keep that lifeline going? Here’s what top Directors across the nation had

to say.

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Director Unit 5+ Active Recruits

Cathie Greve

Dorothy Boyd

Terra Smiley

Stacy Arnold

Dec. 1, 2014 – Feb. 28, 2015


and attend Career Conference 2015



new personal team member

• A ravishing red and black bracelet • A name badge ribbon • Standing recognition at Career Conference 2015


new personal team members

• Everything listed above plus … • An invitation to the Career Conference Special Dinner


new personal team members

• Everything listed above plus … • A pair of radiant red and black earrings to match your red and black bracelet

Distribution of Prizes: *All qualifiers must register for and attend Career Conference 2015

to receive their prizes, which will be distributed at Career Conference 2015.

Go to for the latest and greatest

ideas, contests and special recognition!!


Pamela Hawks Paula Leggett

1 Qualified

Courtney Pentz Paula Leggett

1 Qualified

Teresa Goodemote Jill Adair

1 Qualified

Shanlyn Nichols Dorothy Boyd

1 Qualified

This is your chance to build momentum and take your Mary Kay Business to the next level.

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BOOK 5/10/15/20 Parties for the calendar month by the 5th

Hostess Name: Party Date: Guest List in hand or in process?

1.______________________ __ __________ Yes In Process No

2.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

3.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

4.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

5.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

( Silver Standard month is set up: 3 + 3 + 3 )

6.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

7.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

8.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

9.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

10.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

( Gold Standard month is set up! 6+6+6 )

11.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

12.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

13.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

14.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

15.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

16.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

17.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

18.________________________ __________ Yes In Process No

( Solid Gold Month set up! 10+10+10 ) Gold Rush Month, Book 25+ Parties 6 individual facials booked = one party

I am earning $20 with every skilled attempt to

book a party, whether or not she says Yes or

No, and frankly, either way is fine with me.

Thanks for the 20 dollars!!!

Practice “paying yourself”

after every booking attempt,

(especially the “no’s ) by

saying the affirmation at right

aloud. You cannot control who

says yes or who follows through,

but you CAN control how many

you ask. And what you write in

your datebook will soon be in

your checkbook! Stay focused on

what you can control.

Page 7: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,

Andrea Caruolo

Dorothy Boyd

Paula Daughenbaugh Dorothy Boyd

3 Active Recruits

Natalie Cook Jill Adair

Christina Garrett Debra Bokash

Fran Davis Laurie Rowell

Sharalyn Donald Stephanie Glass

Becky Russell Debra Bokash

Shayron Brown Stacy Arnold

Cynthia Stevenson Jill Adair


Director Unit

Pamela Hawks Paula Leggett

Tammy Lovell Debra Bokash

Lynda Moore Dorothy Boyd

Julie Coppinger LeAnne Brown

Jill Thunstrom

Paula Leggett

Beth Hey Dorothy Boyd

Pat Jester Dorothy Boyd

Brenda Miller Dorothy Boyd

Crystal White Dorothy Boyd

Denise Wilbanks Dorothy Boyd

Through the Power Class program,

you can learn about timely topics through

live chats with esteemed faculty as well as

feeds on "Let's Talk," plus exclusive videos

specifically for Power Class participants.

It’s the “Love Month” and it’s time to celebrate family, friend and romantic relationships! How

better to do that than with a gift? Take note as National Sales Director Julia Mundy

teaches how to “Sell the Love!”

It’s a wonderful opportunity to show your cus-tomers and their loved ones just how amaz-ing they are. Plus, you’ll help your customers “get in the spirit” of this holiday of romance

AND sharpen your selling skills!

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Page 9: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,

Paradise Calling Party

For a paradise-inspired party your customers will

never forget, you can share the collection with your

customers using the trend collection place mat and help them try new trendy looks. We suggest using

tropical table-toppers, such as mini palm trees, leaf cutouts and raffia place

mats, to decorate your table and to display the products from this colorful collection.

You can even download one of the printable tools found under the product

central tab on InTouch for

Start Booking

1 To help you book makeovers and capture dramatic before and after photos, we've rounded up three gorgeous country music-inspired looks for you to share, all created by celebrity makeup artist Moani Lee of country star fame. These looks are also on the Mary Kay

® Virtual

Makeover, so you can give your customers a preview of each look! Check out the looks and book, book, book! You can use the country looks as inspiration, but feel free to use any other look or create a customized look for your customer! 2. Try this sample dialogue to start the conversation, and get your customers ready for boots, bling and beauty: "When you get a makeover with me this spring, you can enter for the opportunity to win a trip to Dallas for the 50th Annual Academy of Country Music

® Awards and a $2,500

grant to the charity of your choice!* We love the way true beauty shines from the inside out, and I have three country music-inspired looks to bring your true beauty to life with a country twist. When would be a good time to hold your makeover and get you entered?"

3. Beginning Jan. 30, you can upload your customers' before and after photos as the first step in the entry process. Your customers then will receive a reminder to complete their entry.

Encourage your customers to enter their New

Looks in the Beautys Country Makeover Contest

Did you ever wonder… Is it difficult to be a Star Consultant?

Not at all! Just set your goal to sell $300 retail each week—that’s all it takes! $300 retail x 4 weeks = $1200 retail sold per month. Keep $600 profit and order $600 wholesale, and in three months you’re a Sapphire Star Consultant with $1800 wholesale ordered! Yep, that’s it!

And that’s just the beginning! Sell $400 weekly and you’re a Ruby Star ($2400), $500 weekly is a Diamond Star ($3000), and $600 weekly equals Emerald Star ($3600)! If you hold just three selling appointments every week, you’ll soon be selling $400 to $600 weekly, EVERY week, counting your reorders and other miscellaneous sales!

Use Mary Kay’s always-effective formula of 3+3+3. You’ll find that

EVERYTHING you could desire from your Mary Kay business — Star Consultant status every quarter, great extra income, a solid customer base, Red Jacket status, your own Mary Kay Career Car, and even your own Director Suit — will come with consistently

working 3+3+3 weekly!

Remember — It’s not Magical; it’s Mathematical!

What is 3+3+3?

It’s a formula that many independent sales force members know is the key to their success.

It’s $300 in new retail sales, (3) three skin care classes and (3) three team-building appointments each week.

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Page 13: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,

Dallas By Chocolate! A Taste Tour of Decadent Proportions

For the Boyd National Area Seminar 2014-2015 Contest

At Pearl Seminar in July 2015 Join us for a Dutch Treat Chocolate Tour of Dallas at Seminar!

$35-$40 per person Tour bus will pick us up at our hotel and delight us

with a chocolate tour of Dallas!! Your Director will treat you to this tour when you...

Achieve National Court of Sales or Sharing! ($40,000 Retail Value of product ordered) In addition, area court of achievers will have reserved seating at all AREA functions for the

following year and will be honored at our 2015 AREA Awards Night .

For every consultant and director on the Boyd Area Court of Sales for Seminar 2015 ($20,000 Retail Value based on section 1 wholesale orders of $10,000.00)

or Boyd Area Court of Sharing ( 10 qualified minimum )

Dorothy’s Fast Facts Hotline - 19 mins - Teambuilding tool 641.715.3900 code: 6485# *****

Area website: OR Guests can visit the Mary Kay Opportunity Page - click on hot air balloon

Guest Login ( to Opp Page only) : incredible Password: journey Consultant Only Login: yellowbrick Password: road

Monthly Unit and Red Jacket Newsletters posted under Special Recognition tab *******

All MK Product Information found under Product Central on *******

Questions about a product order you already placed? 1.800.272.9333 Customer Service at the Branch Distribution Centers - business hrs M-F:


Boyd Unit Conference Call Dial-in: 712.432.0175, access code: 521060# Conference Call Recorded Playback: 712.432.S0179, access code: 521060#


Dorothy’s FaceBook Name: Dorothy Dawkins Boyd Voxer User Name: dboyd2727










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Lets get excited! CONFERENCE|15

Check Mary Kay Intouch events for a city near you! Week1 : March 20-21, 2015

Week 2: March 27-28, 2015 & March 29-30, 2015

Career Conference 2015 will be here before you know it and now

is the time to start focusing on moving up the career ladder. Plus, when you do, there is recognition in store for you at Career Conference 2015!

What’s in store for you? Great education Terrific recognition Fun, bonding time Valuable idea sharing Sneak peeks at upcoming products Dazzling celebrations Plus, a surprise or two!

Celebrating the First Year in My Mary Kay Business: Independent Beauty Consultants

who submit their Independent Beauty Consultant Agreements from March 1, 2014, to Feb. 28, 2015, will receive a name badge ribbon and standing recognition.

The Big Picture “Career Conference was my first ‘big’ Mary Kay event. It definitely helps paint the

picture of what a Mary Kay business can be. I watched in awe as women were recognized onstage and realized I wanted that too! It was great to be surrounded by wonderful and inspiring mentors from whom I could watch and learn. I set my first goal in my Mary Kay business at Career Conference, and I’ve been happy and successful setting and meeting goals ever since. Some goals aren’t met right away, but I never give up!” Mary Fernandez, Independent Sales Director in Dallas, Texas


WEEK 1 : MARCH 20 – 21, 2015

Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga Convention Center Denver, CO ** Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Des Moines, IA Iowa Events Center Hartford, CT ** Hartford Convention Center Lancaster, PA Lancaster Convention Center Long Beach, CA Long Beach Convention Center Macon, GA ** Macon Convention Center Madison, WI Monona Terrace Mobile, AL Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center Novi, MI Suburban Collection Showplace Ontario, CA * Ontario Convention Center Pasadena, CA Pasadena Convention Center Provo, UT ** Utah Valley Convention Center San Antonio, TX San Antonio Convention Center Tinley Park, IL ** Tinley Park Convention Center Virginia Beach, VA Virginia Beach Convention Center

WEEK 2 : MARCH 27 – 28, 2015

Atlantic City, NJ I Atlantic City Convention Center Charlotte, NC I Charlotte Convention Center Cincinnati, OH Duke Energy Center Eugene, OR** Hult Center Galveston, TX ** Galveston Convention Center Irving, TX I ** Irving Convention Center Jacksonville, FL Prime F. Osborn Convention Center Kansas City, MO Kansas City Convention Center Lakeland, FL ** The Lakeland Center Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis Convention Center Phoenix, AZ ** Phoenix Convention Center Pittsburgh, PA David L. Lawrence Convention Center Rochester, NY Rochester Riverside Convention Center Santa Clara, CA ** Santa Clara Convention Center St. Charles, MO St. Charles Convention Center Tacoma, WA Greater Tacoma Convention Center

MARCH 29-30, 2015 Atlantic City, NJ II* Atlantic City Convention Center Charlotte, NC II** Charlotte Convention Center Miami, FL II* Irving Convention Center

Career Conference 2015...Coming to a city near you.

NEW! Those who register for Career

Conference 2015, without cancelling,

will receive a reduced Seminar 2015

registration fee.

Page 15: Red Jacket - Dorothy Red Jacket February 2015.pdf · Independent Sales Director, San Diego, Calif. Booking From Warm Chatter A sincere smile,

Independent Beauty Consultants and Independent Sales Directors who from Dec. 1, 2014, to Feb. 28, 2015, add two qualified* new personal team members are invited to a special dinner held in their honor. Individuals who become qualified* new Independent Beauty Consultants from Dec. 1, 2014, to Feb. 28, 2015, and who add one new qualified* team member also are invited to attend the dinner. Independent Sales Directors who from July 1, 2014, to Feb. 28, 2015, achieve at least $330,000 or more in estimated unit retail production also are invited to a special dinner held in their honor.


Earn Special Recognition at Career Conference! Movin’ on Up Challenge!

Lets get excited!

Independent Beauty Consultants who from Nov. 30, 2014—Feb. 28, 2015, achieve and maintain a new step on the career path of Star Team Builder, Team Leader, Future Sales Director or Director-in-Qualification will receive a name badge ribbon and onstage recognition.

Class of 2015

Independent Sales Directors who debut from Aug. 1, 2014, through March 1, 2015, will re-ceive a name badge ribbon and onstage recognition.

Celebrating the First Year in My Mary Kay Business Independent Beauty Consultants who submit their Independent Beauty Consult-ant Agreements from March 1, 2014, through Feb. 28, 2015, will receive a name badge ribbon and standing recognition.

I’m a Star! Independent Beauty Consultants who achieve Star Consultant status from

Dec. 16, 2014, to Feb. 28, 2015, will receive a name badge ribbon.

On-Target All-Star Consistency Challenge Independent Beauty Consultants and Independent Sales Directors who achieve three quarters of consistent Star Consultant status from June 16, 2014, through Feb. 28, 2015, will receive a name badge ribbon and standing recognition.

On-Target Seminar 2014 Courts & Double Star Achievement Independent Beauty Consultants who achieve at least one of the following:

At least $26,600 in estimated personal retail production from July 1, 2014,

through Feb. 28, 2015, will receive a name badge ribbon and onstage recognition.

At least 16 new personal team members from July 1, 2014, through

Feb. 28, 2015, will receive a name badge ribbon and onstage recognition. New

team members need not be qualified at this time.

Independent Beauty Consultants who achieve on-target status for the Queens'

Courts of Personal Sales and Sharing from July 1, 2013, through Feb. 28, 2014,

will receive a name badge ribbon, onstage recognition and a special gift.

Red Supper Club

Check Mary Kay Intouch events for a city near you!

Week 1: March 20-21, 2015

Week 2: March 27-28, 2015 & March 29-30, 2015

Note: You MUST be registered for Career Conference 2015 on or before Feb. 28, 2015, in order to attend the Career Conference special dinner you may have qualified for. We cannot accommodate on-site registrants.

NEW! Those who register

for Career Conference 2015, without cancelling,

will receive a reduced Seminar 2015

registration fee!

Dorothy will be attending the

following Career Conferences:

WEEK 1: Chattanooga, TN

March 20 & 21

WEEK 2: Charlotte II, NC March 29 & 30

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Dorothy Boyd National Sales Director 555 Bellemeade Dr SW Marietta, GA 30008 [email protected] cell 404-247-1700 office 678-355-5471

February 5: Registration opens for Week 1 of Career Conference cities.

February 9: Registration opens for Week 2 of Career Conference cities.

See Intouch or a complete listing for a city near you.

NEW!! Those who register for Career Conference 2015, without canceling,

will receive a reduced Seminar 2015 registration fee.

Register online or by mail.

Grand Prize: Exclusive fan experience for YOU and a guest to attend the 50th Annual Academy of Country Music® Awards,

April 17–19, 2015, in Arlington, Texas. Includes round-trip airfare for two, hotel, ground transportation, incidentals for meals and tickets the ACM Party for a Cause®:

50 Years of Music & Memories Festival and the ACM Awards™ show.

PLUS...a $2,500 donation to a charity of your choice!

Weekly Winners: Each week during the contest, the three Independent Beauty Consultants with the most number of entries

received will get a $100 gift card. A total of 12 winners!

Independent Beauty Consultant of the Consumer Grand Prize Winner:

$250 gift card

Runners-Up to the Consultant Grand Prize Winner 1st runner-up: $1,500 gift card and Mary ay products

included in the Queen of Country Look

2nd runner-up: $1,000 gift card and Mary Kay products included in the Queen of Country Look.


Jan. 30-March2, 2015