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Recovery College Prospectus Promoting hope and wellbeing together 2016 -17 recovery hub THE

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Recovery CollegeProspectus

Promoting hope and wellbeing













Sthe Recovery hub134 – 136 the BroadwayW13 0tLentRance at ReaR on SingapoRe Road

Bookings & AdministrationThe Administrator020 8483 [email protected]

Lead Peer TrainerMargaret Smith020 8483 142707772 [email protected]

Training ManagerAlison Hoble020 8483 1420 07976 613435 [email protected]

hoW the pRogRaMMecan SUppoRt YoUR RecoVeRY JoURneYWe understand that people will want to use the programme in different ways. For some, they may want to just access one-off courses here and there, because they have a particular interest in that topic. For others, they would like a more structured approach to their learning that explicitly supports their personal recovery journey. We offer all students the opportunity to complete an individual Learning plan (iLp), to help to inform their choices. if you are interested in completing an iLp, please contact our administration team on 020 8483 1456.

contents page autumn 2016, Spring & Summer 2017 programme

Understanding Mental health issues and treatment

Understanding Bipolar disorder 6Managing Bipolar disorder 6Understanding psychosis 6Managing psychosis 6Understanding personality disorders 6Understanding Self-injury 7Managing Self-injury 7Understanding dementia 7Understanding depression 7Managing depression 8Understanding autistic Spectrum disorders (aSd) 8the Role of Medication 8an introduction to psychological therapies 8Understanding post-traumatic Stress disorder 8an insight into acquired Brain injury 9carer training programme 9post-psychological treatment Workshops 9Learning about thinking, emotions and Relationships “(LateR)” 9drugs and alcohol 1 10drugs and alcohol 2 10

introduction to Recovery 11planning Recovery 11implementing Recovery 11introduction to Mindfulness 11Mindfulness 11exploring Spirituality 12Learning Relaxation techniques 12getting a good night’s Sleep 12Living with change 12physical and Mental health: the Links 12Building your confidence 13dealing with Loss 13Managing holidays and anniversaries 13developing positive Relationships 13tapping into emotional Wellbeing 13 Memory Strategies For dementia 14Your Wellbeing 14telling Your Story 14Strategies to improve Your Memory. 14goal planning 15is it hot in here or is it Me? 15Making new Friends & potential partners 15

Building Your Life


disclosure of Mental health problems: to tell or not to tell 16

Skills For employment 16Speaking out: an introduction to Being assertive 16personal independence payments (pip) 16community Safety 16

introduction to problem Solving 17

Understanding Universal credit 17

Understanding permitted Work 17

eating Well 17

Why Work is good For Your health 18

developing Life Skills

Let’s Sing! 19

Service User and carer collaboration in Research 19

Recruitment training 19

course development days 20

West London collaborative 20

courses in date order - autumn 2016 21/22

courses in date order - Spring 2017 23/24

courses in date order - Summer2017 25/26

Locations 28/29/30

getting involved


We offer a training programme that draws on the experiences and skills of people who have used mental health services and those who support them.

the college follows an educational model that seeks to give people the tools and skills to become architects of their own recovery or to support someone else with their journey.

the college conveys messages of hope, empowerment, possibility and aspiration. it celebrates diversity and recognises strengths and successes rather than problems.

We offer a wide range of courses. participants gain a better understanding of mental health issues and develop their life skills. courses vary from one-off workshops to ones that run for up to 10 weeks.

courses are ‘co-produced’ and ‘co-delivered’. this means that groups of service users, carers and staff work together to develop courses. they are delivered by a staff member and at least one peer trainer, recognising the expertise of lived experience equally with that derived from professional training.

the college is situated in West ealing. We run courses in hounslow and hammersmith & Fulham as well.

how Learning can Support Recoverythe aim of the programme is to help people map out their recovery journey, explore new possibilities and develop new skills. Users of mental health services often become trapped in a dependency-making system. By attending these courses, people begin to recognise and make use of their talents beyond the mental health system. through this process, people begin to make sense of their experiences and become experts in managing their own lives.

the Role of peer trainersall of our courses are co-facilitated by a person with lived experience of mental health problems, who has been trained to deliver courses on our programme. all of our peer trainers have been involved in course development and have attended courses run by others. to this end, they have an expert knowledge of recovery by virtue of their own experiences within the mental health system and through their involvement with the college.

Meeting the needs of carers, Friends and FamiliesWe welcome carers, friends and families to our courses. carers are welcome to attend courses to support a friend or loved one and can participate fully. there is a specific carers’ training programme that runs every term. More details can be found on page 9.


WeLcoMe to the RecoVeRY coLLege

Meeting the needs of Staffthere is a perception that our courses are only for service users and carers. this is not the case. it is vital that staff are familiar with the principles, philosophy and practice of recovery. attending our courses is an excellent way for staff to increase their knowledge and skills, both professionally and personally. We also invite staff to attend courses with service users they work with. We have heard powerful stories of how working together in a learning environment, staff and patients have seen great benefits in terms of the quality of their relationships and levels of satisfaction in the care that is provided.

how to Book onto a courseif you are interested in booking onto any of our courses, please contact us on 020 8483 1456 or at [email protected]. We will book you onto your chosen course if there are spaces still available. nB We can only take bookings for the current term – no further ahead. this is to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of getting a place. Booking is necessary so we know in advance if there are enough people to run the course and to ensure we have sufficient materials for all participants. course information and booking details can also be found on our website at

if you are a member of staff and would like to ask us about running one of our courses for your colleagues, service users or carers, please contact the college to discuss further.

cancellationsWe appreciate that unexpected things happen in life, but if you are unable to attend the course you’ve booked, please let us know as soon as possible.

Many of our courses now have waiting lists. if you do not turn up without letting us know, someone else wanting to do the course may miss out on the opportunity. please let us know if you are unable to attend a course you have booked. We have included a “MY coURSeS” sheet on page 27 which you may find helpful as a reminder of courses you have booked.

Locations and datesthere are maps and directions to venues at the back of the programme, as well as a list of courses in date order.

course timesWe try to vary the times of our courses to make them as accessible to as many people as possible. if you have any specific requests about course times, do let us know. please note that this programme lists courses for a whole year, ie 3 terms: autumn term 2016 and Spring and Summer terms 2017, therefore you will need to look carefully at the dates under each course listing.


Student Registration FormsStudents complete a registration form which helps us monitor our courses and improve the quality and diversity of our training. We also need to be able to demonstrate whether coming to the college is helping people with their mental wellbeing and recovery. So the form asks some questions about your involvement with services. this information will not be shared with any other parties in accordance with the trust’s confidentiality policy and the data protection act. the form needs to be completed when you first attend a course and only takes five minutes. if you can’t fill it in then, one of our peer trainers will call you to complete the form by phone. please call or email if you have any questions.

Understanding Bipolar disorderthis workshop will help people to gain a better understanding of what it means to have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and the various treatment options available. it will begin to explore people’s personal experiences and ways to stay well.

Date & Times: Tuesday 22 November 2016 1.30 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Tuesday 21 February 2017 1.30 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Tuesday 11 July 2017 1.30 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Managing Bipolar disorder 1&2 (MBd)these workshops follow on from the Understanding Bipolar disorder workshop. We will discuss strategies and techniques people find helpful to manage their symptoms and stay well while living life to the full. it is important that you are able to attend both workshops.

Dates & Times: MBD 1 - Tuesday 29 November 2016 1.30 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

MBD 2 – Monday 5 December 2016 1.30 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

MBD 1 – Tuesday 28 February 2017 1.30 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

MBD 2 – Tuesday 7 March 2017 1.30 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

MBD 1 – Tuesday 18 July 2017 1.30 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

MBD 2 – Tuesday 25 July 2017 1.30 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Understanding psychosis 1: introduction & Medical overview (Up1)

Understanding psychosis 2: psychological perspectives (Up2)these workshops will help people to gain a better understanding of what it means to have psychosis and how it is diagnosed. they will explore the main treatments available and discuss strategies to stay well. they are the first 2 of a series of four workshops and it is important that you are able to attend all four sessions.

Date & Time: UP1 – Wednesday 2 November 2016 10.30 – 1.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

UP2 – Thursday 10 November 2016 10.30 – 1.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Managing psychosis 1&2 (Mp)these two workshops will follow on from the previous sessions about psychosis. We will look further at a wide range of approaches which can help people manage their symptoms, alleviate the impact on their lives and promote a meaningful recovery. it is important that you are able to attend both workshops.

Dates & Times: MP1 - Wednesday 16 November 201610.30 – 1.30 pm the Recovery hub, West EalingMP2 – Wednesday 23 November 201610.30 – 1.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Understanding personality disorderthis workshop will explore what is meant by the term personality disorder and how the condition is diagnosed. it will also look at the treatments available, as well as ways people can help themselves.

Date & Times: Wednesday 14 September 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Wednesday 10 May 2017 1.30 - 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow


Understanding Mental health issues and treatment

“I enjoyed the course, its pace and the mix of people on the course”

“I am on a journey and each course brings me nearer my destination”


Understanding Mental health issues and treatment

Understanding Self-injurythis is a three-part course which provides a broad overview of self-injury and considers the reasons why someone might feel compelled to harm themselves. the workshops are suitable for anyone who would like to know more about the topic. it is important that you are able to attend all three sessions.

Date & Time: Wednesday 28 September 20161.30 – 4 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Tuesday 7 March 201710.30 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Thursday 4 May 201710.30 – 1 pm hounslow arts centre

Managing Self-injury (MSi)these are the second and third workshops following on from the Understanding Self-injury session. here we focus on strategies and techniques to help someone manage their life whilst living with self-injuring behaviour. these workshops are suitable for anyone who would like to know more on this topic.

Dates & Times: MSI 1 - Wednesday October 5 20161.30 – 4 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

MSI 2 – Thursday 13 October 20161.30 – 4pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

MSI 1 – Tuesday 14 March 201710.30 – 1pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

MSI 2 – Tuesday 21 March 201710.30 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

MSI 1 – Thursday 11 May 201710.30 – 1pm hounslow arts centre

MSI 2 – Friday 19 May 201710.30 -1 pm hounslow arts centre

Understanding dementiaa course for anyone who would like to improve their understanding of dementia. the course will provide an overview of the different types of dementia and how they affect people. it will also provide practical advice on ways that we can work together to improve the lives of anyone affected by dementia.

Date & Time: Tuesday 8 November 20161.30 – 3.30 pm Meeting room, cognitive impairment and dementia Services (cidS), West Middlesex University hospital site, twickenham Rd, isleworth, hounslow tW7 6aF

Friday 10 February 20171.30 – 3.30 pm St paul’s training centre hammersmith

Friday 19 May 20171.30 – 3.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Understanding depressionthis session will outline the different types of depression. it will explore the ways it affects us and will consider the wide reaching impact it can have on people’s lives. it will also look at practical steps that people have found useful in managing their experiences.

Date & Time: Tuesday 4 October 201610.30 – 1 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Tuesday 24 January 201710.30 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Wednesday 7 June 20172 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Managing depression (Md)in these follow-on sessions from Understanding depression, we will look at a variety of ways to better manage a depressive episode. this will include identifying triggers and early warning signs, communicating with family, friends and professionals, and being more pro-active in our own care. We will do some short exercises in cognitive Behavioural therapy, mindfulness and relaxation. We will also give a brief overview of using the Wellness Recovery action plan, known as a WRap. it is important you are able to attend both sessions.

Dates & Times: MD1 – Tuesday 11 October 201610.30 – 1 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

MD2 – Tuesday 18 October 201610.30 – 1 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

MD1 – Tuesday 31 January 201710.30 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

MD2 – Tuesday 7 February 201710.30 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

MD1 - Wednesday 14 June 20172 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

MD2 – Wednesday 21 June 20172 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Understanding autistic Spectrumdisorders (aSd)aSd is a condition that affects social interaction, communications, interests and behaviour. it includes asperger’s Syndrome and it is estimated 1 in every 100 people have aSd. this workshop will consider the likely impact of having a diagnosis of aSd, as well as outlining some of the educational and behavioural support programmes that can help people with the condition.

Date & Time: Thursday 25 May 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

the Role of MedicationMedication is important to many and is seen as a significant factor in staying well. Some people struggle with distressing side-effects and want to consider alternative options or to decrease their current medication. this workshop will explore the role that medication has in recovery terms. We cannot discuss in detail any one individual’s circumstances but will signpost on to further support for anyone with specific queries.

Dates & Times: Friday 18 November 20161.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Friday 3 February 201710.30 – 1.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Friday 9 June 20171.30 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

an introduction to psychological therapiesthis course gives an overview of psychological therapies. people can learn about the different ‘talking therapies’ offered, how they can help and which ones are most suited to helping with particular difficulties.

Date & Times:Friday 21 October 2016 10 – 12.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Friday 24 February 2017 10 – 12.30 pm hounslow arts centre

Wednesday 28 June 2017 2 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Understanding post-traumatic Stressdisorderthis workshop will give people a better understanding of post-traumatic Stress disorder (ptSd), and what it means to have the condition. it will consider what traumatic events can trigger ptSd, the symptons, when to seek medical help and the types of treatment available.

Date & Time:Thursday 9 February 2017 2 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith


Understanding Mental health issues and treatment


Understanding Mental health issues and treatment

an insight into acquired Brain injuryany form of acquired brain injury or brain damage can cause changes in thinking, memory or behaviour. this workshop is designed to help service users, carers and staff to understand and better manage these changes. there will also be discussion about what can be expected after a brain injury and where you can seek help.

Date & Time:Thursday 27 April 2017 2 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

carer training programmethis is a seven-week programme for carers of people with mental health problems.

the topic sessions are:

• Mental health problems and early warning signs

• Medication and other treatments

• Enhancing communication with loved ones

• Dealing with crises, carers’ rights and navigating the mental health system

• Problems in caring and how to tackle them

• Dual diagnosis

• Promoting your own recovery and well-being

the training has been co-developed and is co-facilitated by carers and staff along with visiting speakers.

Dates & Times:7 Mondays starting 10 October to 28 November 2016, excluding 24 October (half term).6.30 – 9 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

please call for more information. a trainer will contact you to check that this course is right for you.

the Spring term course will run in hammersmith and the Summer term course in hounslow. details will be confirmed nearer the time. contact the college for more information.

post-psychological treatment WorkshopsWhen people are used to having regular psychological therapy over a period of months, for some, it can feel like a significant loss when it comes to an end. this programme of three workshops is designed to help people who have completed a long-term psychological treatment within the last two years. Such treatments included Mentalisation Based treatment (MBt), dialectical Behavioural therapy (dBt), Schema Focussed therapy (SFt) or psychotherapy.

the workshops help people to apply what they have learnt to their day-to-day lives. Building on their improved psychological self-awareness and approaches learnt in therapy, people will learn new techniques and skills. these include: assertiveness training, confidence building, goal setting and managing transitions. participants need to be able to attend all three sessions.

please contact the administrator on 020 8483 1456 to find out about the venue and times.

Learning about thinking, emotions and Relationships (LateR) – Using Skills From a Mixture of psychological therapiesthis is a 10-week course (90 minutes per week). it’s right for you if you:

• Feel that others don’t understand or value you

• Feel that sometimes it’s a struggle to cope with your emotions and you feel overwhelmed

• Have suicidal thoughts, thoughts about self-harming with alcohol or drugs, or struggle with eating or over-eating

• Find that you have problems keeping friends or maintaining family relationships

• Find yourself repeating patterns that are unhelpful

• Think that your problems have become a part of who you are

• Your difficulties have affected you most or all of your adult life

(continued over…)

Understanding Mental health issues and treatment

Using skills taken from Mentalisation-Based therapy (MBt), dialectical Behavioural therapy (dBt), art therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy you will:

• Gain a better understanding of why you have these difficulties

• Learn how to ask for help and get support

• Begin to manage your feelings better

• Develop some strategies to help predict and prepare for future difficulties

• Develop ways to keep yourself safer

• Learn tools to manage these difficulties and change these unhelpful patterns so you can better manage your emotions.

if you want to find out more before you commit to attending, you can come to a question and answer session. these are held one week before training starts at the same venue at the same times as the courses. the Q&a sessions are listed below.

Dates & Times: The Autumn Term Question & Answer session is on:

Autumn Term: Monday 12 September 2016 10.30 – 12.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

the course then runs for 10 Mondays, starting Monday 26 September to Monday 5 December 2016, excluding 24 October (half term) 10.30 – 12.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

The Spring Term Question & Answer session is on:

Spring Term: Monday 9 January 2017 10.30 – 12.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

the course then runs for 10 Mondays, starting Monday 16 January to 27 March 2017, excluding 13 February (half term) 10.30 – 12.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

The Summer Term Question & Answer session is on: Monday 24 April 2017 10.30 – 12.30 pm hounslow arts centre

the course then runs for 10 Mondays, starting 8 May to 17 July 2017 excluding 29 May (half term) 10.30 – 12.30 pm hounslow arts centre

drugs and alcohol 1: do You have a problem?

drugs and alcohol 2: Finding the Motivation to change.this is a 2 part course looking at drugs and alcohol difficulties. the 1st course will help to inform participants who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, whose alcohol/drug use is either a problem or becoming a problem.

the 2nd workshop is for people who want to explore some basic strategies for managing their drug and alcohol use. it will explore the role of motivation in beginning to move towards a healthier lifestyle.

Dates & Times:Drugs & Alcohol 1:Tuesday 13 June 2017 1.30 – 4.00 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Drugs & Alcohol 2Friday 23 June 2017 1.30 – 4.00 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing


“I have been suffering for years now and this will help 100%.”

introduction to Recoverythis half day workshop offers an introduction to the philosophy and practice of recovery. it covers the history of the recovery movement and also seeks to dispel a number of commonly held myths about mental health. the day will provide a foundation for thinking about personal recovery and will act as a basis for further exploration of recovery themes and practice.

Dates & Times: Monday 12 September 2016 10 – 12.30 West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Wednesday 11 January 2017 10 – 12.30 St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Wednesday 10 May 2017 10 – 12.30 the Recovery hub, West ealing

planning Recoverythis course is intended to follow on from the ‘introduction to Recovery’. it provides an overview of the recovery based approach to wellbeing and asks participants to consider how they might plan their recovery journey. it examines different ways of doing this and includes practical exercises to help start the process.

Dates & Times:Monday 12 September 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Wednesday 11 January 2017 1.30 - 4.30 St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Wednesday 10 May 2017 1.30 - 4.30 the Recovery hub, West ealing

implementing Recoverythis session is intended to follow on from ‘planning Recovery’ and will look at barriers to implementing recovery and specific strategies to overcome them. it will also look at ways to capitalise on natural supports in the community and to become less dependent on services.

Dates & Times:Monday 19 September 2016 10 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Wednesday 18 January 2017 10 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Wednesday 17 May 2017 10 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

introduction to MindfulnessLife is hectic and challenging sometimes and it can be hard to make decisions and focus on what’s important. Mindfulness teaches you ways to step back and have a different perspective.

this short session is for people who would like to find out more about this popular topic. We will try some brief mindfulness exercises to see if you would like to explore it further. there will be an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Dates & Times:Wednesday 21 September 2016 12.15 – 2.15 grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Wednesday 11 January 2017 10 – 12 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Wednesday 29 March 2017 10 – 12 pm hounslow arts centre

Mindfulnessthis eight-week course follows on from the introductory session and is best suited to those who have come some way on their recovery journey. the sessions will incorporate meditation, breathing work, self-acceptance and focus on living in the present moment. as well as being able to commit to all eight sessions, participants need to set aside some time to practice during the week.

Dates & Times:8 Wednesdays from 12 October to 7 December 2016 excluding 26 October (half term)2 – 4 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

8 Wednesdays from 18 January to 15 March 2017 excluding 15 February (half term).10 – 12 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing 8 Wednesdays from 3 May to 28 June 2017 excluding 31 May (half term)10 – 12 pm hounslow arts centre

“encouraging and empowering people to take control”

Building Your Life


exploring Spirituality in Recoverythis course provides an opportunity to explore the place of spirituality and religion within wellness and recovery. the course will look at the role of spirituality within recovery journeys and discuss how different belief systems can help some people and possibly conflict with a medical understanding of mental health.

Dates & Times: Thursday 3 November 2016 10.30 – 1 pm hounslow arts centre

Tuesday 27 June 2017 10.30 – 1 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Learning Relaxation techniquesthis five-week course will cover relaxation techniques like visualisation, breathing exercises and progressive muscular relaxation. Sessions will be practical and will cover different methods of relaxation each week, allowing time for discussion as well as practicing.

Date & Time:5 Wednesdays from 1 February to 8 March 2017 excluding 15 February (half term) 2 – 4 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

5 Thursdays from 8 June to Thursday 6 July 2017 2 – 4 pm hounslow arts centre

getting a good night’s Sleepdo you have difficulty getting to sleep at night? do you wake up early?

this workshop will look at the common causes of sleep problems, improve your understanding of sleep in general and explore some practical options that may help.

Date & Time:Thursday 1 December 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Living with change (LWc)Modern life moves at a rapid pace and we need to be able to adapt. change can be daunting and unexpected, or pleasant and welcome. For many of us the challenges in adjusting to change can take its toll. While we cannot necessarily stop these changes, we can try to control how we react. this introductory two-session workshop will explore some of the common responses to change. We will look at strategies to help us take future changes in our stride.

Date & Time:LWC1: Thursday 10 November 20161.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

LWC2: Thursday 24 November 20161.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

LWC1: Wednesday 5 July 20171.30 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

LWC2: Wednesday 12 July 20171.30 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

physical and Mental health: the Linksthe impact of poor physical or mental health on our lives can be significant. in this session we will look at the links between the two and how their interaction can magnify the impact on our lives. We will also look at how to take control of our treatment and consider our role caring for ourselves, as well as examining how services operate and how this can affect our care.

Dates & Times: Thursday 12 January 2017 10 – 4 pm hounslow arts centre

Thursday 27 July 201710 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Building Your Life


“I feel much more positive now that I have a say in my own recovery and I’m not so reliant on the NHS”

Building Your confidencethese sessions will present a range of different confidence building techniques particularly helpful in working through difficult issues in relation to recovery planning. participants will be asked to try out and experiment with some of these techniques and share their findings.

Date & Time: Spring Term 2017 - 3 Tuesdays: Tuesday 17, 24 and 31 January 2017 1.30 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

dealing With Lossthe death of a loved one can be devastating, but grief affects people in different ways. additionally, there are many types of loss, eg job, health, which can also affect us significantly. this three week course considers the feelings that can arise from losing someone or something, the different stages of grief, moving on and where to get help if you are finding it hard to cope.

Dates & Times: 3 Tuesdays from 16 May to 6 June 2017, excluding 30 May (half term).1.30 – 4.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Managing holidays and anniversariesholidays, anniversaries and birthdays can be difficult, bringing up painful emotions for some people especially if your support network feels fragile. this workshop allows space to explore the difficulties and share ideas and strategies to help you manage them and feel better.

Date & Time: Wednesday 22 March 2017 1.30 – 4.30 grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

developing positive Relationshipshave you experienced difficulties in maintaining relationships? do you sometimes struggle to form relationships? Relationships with people, be it our family, our friends or people we are meeting on courses or at work can be very tricky. We can get ‘stuck’ in patterns of unhealthy or difficult relationships. this workshop seeks to explore what is a ‘positive relationship.’ We will then go on to think about what skills we all need to help us develop and maintain good relationships.

Dates & Times: Wednesday 28 September 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Wednesday 29 March 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Wednesday 26 July 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

tapping into emotional Wellbeingduring this course you will be shown a simple but very effective self help tool to manage stress, anxiety, worrisome thoughts and negative emotions whenever they arise. eFt – emotional Freedom technique is based on the same principles as acupuncture, but instead of using needles, we gently tap on the meridian points. the act of tapping while expressing how you feel beings a sense of calm and relief and it also relaxes the mind and body.

eFt can also help if you have sleep problems, low self confidence, difficulty expressing your needs to others, or feel overwhelmed at times. it can work very quickly so even if you only have 5 or 10 minutes, you can start to feel better.

Dates & Times: 5 Thursdays, starting 15 September to 13 October 2016 2 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing course may also run later in year. please call for details

Building Your Life


“It was very informative, particularly having people with lived experience taking part”


Building Your Life

Memory Strategies For dementiaa course for individuals with early stage dementia, as well as family, friends and staff. the course will provide information about memory function and what can affect it. it will provide strategies for coping with memory difficulties, both for the individual and those around them.

Dates & Times: Tuesday 20 September 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Thursday 19 January 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm St paul’s training centre,

hammersmith Tuesday 2 May 2017 1.30 - 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Your Wellbeingthis is a six week course which will cover topics such as goal setting, healthy eating (mood and food), heart health, physical exercise and diabetes awareness. there will also be an opportunity for participants to have a personal lifestyle assessment.

Dates & Times: 6 Wednesdays: January 11, 18, February 1, 8, March 1, 22 2017 2 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

6 Wednesdays: 26 April, 3 May, 7, 14 June, 12, 19 July 2017 10 – 12 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

telling Your Storythe experience of having significant mental health difficulties can mean a complete change in direction that may be difficult to come to terms with.

telling your story is a way of making sense of what has happened and aims to help you to gain a better sense of who you are now. By finding ways to express, accept and celebrate it can help to heal and put things in perspective.

Students will be introduced to a variety of creative approaches as part of the course, but do not need to be ‘good’ at art or writing at all. there will be an optional opportunity to share stories at the end of the course.

the course is aimed at people who have used or continue to use WLMht services.

Dates & Times: 6 Fridays starting 24 February to 31 March 2017 2 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Strategies to improve Your MemoryLots of us struggle with our memories, whether as a result of aging, hormonal changes or mental health problems.this is a general course that will provide information about memory function as well as practical strategies for coping with memory difficulties day to day. the course will also give tips for preserving our ability to remember things as we get older.

Dates & Times: Friday 25 November 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Thursday 16 March 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

“I had such a great experience on my first Recovery College course. No one judges you and everyone is really compassionate”

Building Your Life

goal planninghaving realistic and time related goals to aspire to is a useful way to stay on track, but they also help to relieve the stress of not being able to get things done on time. this course will provide participants with a number of techniques to assist with goal planning, which in turn will help with time and project management to ensure things get done.

Date & Time: Thursday 23 March 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

is it hot in here or is it Me? an insightinto hormonal changesa comment that often induces knowing nods and smiles but in reality, is far from funny. Most women know very little about “the change” or the Menopause and often blame early symptoms such as fatigue, short term memory loss and joint stiffness to stress, age or being unfit. however, with over 300 recorded symptoms there is much to discover! come and find out about potential age onset and early symptoms, hRt versus natural treatments, managing your moods and health and much, much more. nB although men do experience a similar but less far reaching stage, this course will focus primarily on the experience for women.

Dates & Times: Thursdays 13 & 20 July 2017 2 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Making new Friends and potential partnersForming new relationships can be hard sometimes, whether it’s friendship or love you are hoping for. this session will look at the part love and friendship play in our lives, how to be better at knowing what we want and how to put our best self forward, as well as practical tips to help things run smoothly. We will also look at keeping ourselves safe in relationships and maintaining self-respect when things don’t go to plan.

Date & Time: Wednesday 8 February 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith


“Very helpful, will be able to support my service users with this information.”

developing Life Skills


disclosure of Mental health problems:to tell or not to tellthis workshop provides space to think and debate the issues around whether or not to disclose a mental health issue to a prospective or current employer. the afternoon will include the legal position and is important for anyone working or planning to return to work. the session won’t be needed for anyone attending the employment Skills course as the information will be covered as part of the programme.

Date & Time: Tuesday 1 November 2016 1.30 – 4.30 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Skills for employmentthis is a seven-week course for people considering starting or returning to work. it will help you identify your existing skills, as well as helping with practical topics such as cV writing, interview skills and job hunting. You will also have an opportunity to explore issues around what to disclose to prospective employers, as well as learning about your rights and relevant benefits. there will also be opportunities to consider how to build on your strengths as a worker, increase your resilience at work and meet workplace challenges with confidence.

We ask that you are able to commit to attend all seven sessions. You will receive a telephone call from one of the trainers beforehand to make sure this is the right course for you.

Dates & Times: 7 Thursdays starting 26 January to 9 March 201710 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Speaking out:an introduction to Being assertivethis course covers the basics of assertiveness – what it is and the challenges people face being assertive. it will provide people with the tools and skills needed to think and act more assertively, and will help them to develop their own personal style for communicating in a confident and positive way.

Date & Time: 3 Tuesdays starting 4 October to 18 October 2016 2 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

personal independence payments (pip)this workshop will help you to understand the differences between disability living allowance (dLa) and pip, the basic qualifying conditions for pip and how and when you will be transferred from dLa to pip. You will also get some guidance on how to complete the form to include proper consideration of your mental health condition.

Dates & Times: Thursday 20 October 2016 10 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Thursday 30 March 2017 10 – 4 pm hounslow arts centre

Tuesday 4 July 2017 10 – 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

community Safetythis is a course which has been developed in partnership with local police. the workshop will consider personal safety – what to do and what not to do to keep safe. it will also outline practical ways to stay safe at home and when out and about.

Date & Time: Friday 9 December 2016 11 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

“It was interesting talking to people who have been through similar experiences to me.”

introduction to problem Solvingthis session will present a range of different problem solving techniques particularly helpful in recovery planning. participants will be asked to try out and experiment with some of these techniques and share their findings.

Date & Time: Friday 30 September 2016 10 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Understanding Universal credit (Uc)Universal credit (Uc) is the new benefit that is bringing together Job Seekers allowance, eSa (income-based), income Support, child tax credit, Working tax credit and housing Benefit. You may want to claim Uc if you are not working or in work and on a low income once it is introduced locally. this workshop will help you understand how Uc works and prepare you for the change in advance, as it will require you to manage your money differently in some ways.

Dates & Times: Tuesday 13 September 2016 11 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Tuesday 10 January 2017 11 – 4 pm West thames college, isleworth, hounslow

Tuesday 25 April 2017 11 - 4 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Understanding permitted Workdid you know that those who receive health-related out of work benefits (e.g. eSa, incapacity Benefit and Severe disablement allowance) can do a certain amount of paid work without it affecting their benefit entitlement?

these half-day courses for Service Users, Staff and carers is designed to clarify:

- the different levels and types of permitted Work and related earnings

- Rules around permitted Work and the current benefits structure

- expected changes to permitted Work under Universal credit.

Dates & Times: Thursday 6 October 20161.30 – 4.30 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Tuesday 21 March 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Wednesday 24 May 2017 1.30 – 4.30 pm hounslow arts centre

eating Wellthis is a three week course which will cover a range of information about healthy eating. topics covered will include eating well and getting the balance right, looking at the levels of fat, salt and sugar in our diets and investigating food labelling.

Dates & Times:3 Wednesdays starting 5 to 19 October 201611 – 1 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

developing Life Skills


“ I shall take the information I learned today and use it in my everyday life”

Why Work is good For Your healththere are numerous research studies that have proven that work can be a powerful influence on mental health. Many people report positive effects in terms of their mood and general well being once they have taken up a job, whether that be voluntary or part time. having a routine and a sense of purpose can really help with recovery and self esteem.

Dates & Times:Thursday 8 December 2016 10 – 1.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Tuesday 28 March 2017 10 – 1.30 pm St paul’s training centre, hammersmith

Thursday 27 July 2017 10 – 1.30 hounslow arts centre

developing Life Skills

“The course is really useful for carers like me who want to help but sometimes find it hard to understand their loved one’s behaviour and feelings”


Let’s Singhave you ever wondered what it would be like to sing with other people in a relaxed and informal atmosphere? in the Let’s Sing group, everything we do will fall within the natural voice, which is the comfortable place for everybody to sing.

in the Let’s Sing group we will use our minds, bodies and lift our spirits with rhythm and melody. circle singing is one way of using our voice in a group where there is no need for previous experience. We will learn some new ways to use our voice, some new songs and remember some old ones. Within sessions you may wish to bring music which has some meaning for you. Let’s Sing aims to boost confidence, offer a chance to make new friends and combat stress through the power of the voice. there are no aUditionS – just bring your voice and join in!

Research has shown that singing improves our health, both physical and mental. Singing can improve lung capacity by deeper breathing, lift the mood, relieve stress and even boost the immune system. Singing can also provide us with an opportunity to express feelings which may be locked inside, making us feel more relaxed and free.

We will have a break for refreshments and a chat.

Dates & Times: 6 Mondays starting 31 October to 5 December 2016 2 – 3.30 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

Service User and carer collaboration in Researchas one of the largest Mental health trusts in the country, West London is committed to supporting research to better understand and develop improved treatments for mental health problems. to improve the understanding and support of our research programmes, we want to work more collaboratively with service users and carers. We also want their input to influence how clinical information may be used to support developing greater understanding of mental health problems.

the two hour workshops will be co facilitated by the director of Research and development, dr Kevin Murray and a peer trainer. they will discuss how service users and carers can work collaboratively, influence outcomes as participants

in research trials, be involved in audits and also become involved in clinical record oversight committees.

Dates & Times:4 Wednesdays: 14, 21 September, 12 October, 2 November 2016 2 – 4 pm the Recovery hub, West ealing

4 Wednesdays: 18 January, 1 February, 1 and 15 March 2017 2 – 4 pm hounslow arts centre

4 Wednesdays: 10, 24 May, 14, 28 June 2017 2 – 4 pm grove neighbourhood centre, 7 Bradmore park Rd, hammersmith

Recruitment trainingthe purpose of the course is to provide service users, carers and staff with an understanding of best practice when recruiting and selecting new staff. the session is delivered by a member of the recruitment team, with support from the local involvement lead, and a service user or carer with experience of sitting on interview panels.

course participants will learn about:

* how to select applicants for interview

* the processes for setting up and running interview panels

* how to structure and score interview questions

* interview techniques to help select the best candidates

* deciding on the best candidate and the importance of confidentiality

* the role of involvement leads in locating service users and carers

participants will need to be nominated by their local involvement lead in order to attend this course. please register your interest with your local lead or directly with the Recovery college and we will pass on your details to them.

John Viner - Hounslow 0208 483 1580 Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 am Thursday from1 pm

Nicole Rice - Ealing Hammersmith and [email protected] 0207 471 0588

Anna [email protected] 07930 138136

getting involved


course development daysWe are always looking for new courses and regularly hold course development sessions. in order to participate, you must have lived experience, or care for someone with mental health difficulties, preferably in the subject content of the course.

We will, of course, pay you for your input. if you think this might be of interest to you, please contact the Recovery college administrator on 020 8483 1456

West London collaborative

getting involved





12 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 Q&A: Learning About Thinking, Emotions & Relationships (LATER) Hub

10 - 4.30 Understanding & Planning Recovery WTC

13 Tuesday 11 - 4.00 Understanding Universal Credit Hub

14 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Understanding Personality Disorders Grove NC

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 1 Hub

15 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Tapping Into Emotional Wellbeing 1 Hub

19 Monday 10 - 4.00 Implementing Recovery WTC

20 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Memory Strategies For Dementia Hub

21 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 2 Hub

12.15 - 2.15 Introduction to Mindfulness Grove NC

22 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Tapping Into Emotional Wellbeing 2 Hub

26 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 1 Hub

28 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Developing Positive Relationships WTC

1.30 - 4.00 Understanding Self-Injury Grove NC

29 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Tapping Into Emotional Wellbeing 3 Hub


3 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 2 Hub

4 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Understanding Depression WTC

2.00 - 4.00 Speaking Out: An Introduction To Being Assertive 1 WTC

5 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.00 Managing Self-Injury 1 Grove NC

11 - 1.00 Eating Well 1 Hub

6 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Understanding Permitted Work Grove NC

2 - 4.00 Tapping Into Emotional Wellbeing 4 Hub

10 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 3 Hub

11 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Depression 1 WTC

2.00 - 4.00 Speaking Out: An Introduction To Being Assertive 2 WTC

12 Wednesday 11 - 1.00 Eating Well 2 (Fats & Sugars) Hub

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 3 Hub

2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 1 Grove NC

13 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Tapping Into Emotional Wellbeing 5 Hub

1.30 - 4.00 Managing Self Injury 2 Grove NC

17 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 4 Hub

18 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Depression 2 WTC

2.00 - 4.00 Speaking Out: An Introduction To Being Assertive 3 WTC

19 Wednesday 11 - 1.00 Eating Well 3 (Food Labelling) Hub

2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 2 Grove NC

20 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Personal Independence Payments (PIP) Hub

21 Friday 10 - 12.30 An Introduction to Psychological Therapies Hub

24 Monday HALF TERM

25 Tuesday HALF TERM

26 Wednesday HALF TERM

27 Thursday HALF TERM

28 Friday HALF TERM

31 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 5 Hub

2 - 3.30 Let’s Sing! 1 Hub

courses in date order autumn 2016



1 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Disclosure of Mental Health Problems: To Tell or Not To Tell WTC

2 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration In Research Workshop 4 WTC

2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 3 Grove NC

10.30 - 1.30 Understanding Psychosis 1: Introduction & Medical Overview Hub

3 Thursday 10.30 - 1.00 Exploring Spirituality In Recovery HAC

7 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 6 Hub

2 - 3.30 Let’s Sing! 2 Hub

8 Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30 Understanding Dementia CIDS Isleworth

9 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 4 Grove NC

10 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Living With Change 1 WTC

10.30 - 1.30 Understanding Psychosis 2: Psychological Perspectives Hub

14 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 7 Hub

2 - 3.30 Let’s Sing! 3 Hub

16 Wednesday 10.30 - 1.30 Managing Psychosis 1 Hub

2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 5 Grove NC

18 Friday 1.30 - 4.30 The Role Of Medication WTC

21 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 8 Hub

2 - 3.30 Let’s Sing! 4 Hub

22 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Understanding Bipolar Disorder WTC

23 Wednesday 10.30 - 1.30 Managing Psychosis 2 Hub

2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 6 Grove NC

24 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Living with Change 2 WTC

10 - 4.00 Improving Your Job Application Skills Hub

25 Friday 1.30 - 4.30 Strategies to Improve Your Memory Hub

28 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 9 Hub

2 - 3.30 Let’s Sing! 5 Hub

29 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Living With Bipolar Disorder 1 WTC

30 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Mindfulness 7 Grove NC


1 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Getting a Good Night’s Sleep WTC

5 Monday 10.30-12.30 LATER 10 Hub

2 - 3.30 Let’s Sing! 6 Hub

1.30 - 4.00 Living With Bipolar Disorder 2 WTC

6 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Getting The Work/Life Balance Right Hub

7 Wednesday 2 - 4.30 Mindfulness 8 Grove NC

8 Thursday 10 - 1.30 Why Work Is Good For Your Health Hub

9 Friday 11 - 1 pm Community Safety Hub


courses in date order autumn 2016



9 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 Q&A: Learning About Thinking, Emotions & Relationships (LATER) St Paul’s

10 Tuesday 11 - 4.00 Understanding Universal Credit WTC

11 Wednesday 10 - 4.30 Understanding & Planning Recovery St Paul’s

10 - 12.00 Introduction to Mindfulness Hub

2 - 4.00 Your Wellbeing 1 ( How Are You? Quiz & Dry January) Hub

12 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Physical And Mental Health: The Links HAC

16 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 1 St Paul’s

17 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Building Your Confidence 1 St Paul’s

18 Wednesday 10 - 4.30 Implementing Recovery St Paul’s

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 1 Hub

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration In Research Workshop 1 HAC

2 - 4.00 Your Wellbeing 2 (1-2-1 Lifestyle Assessments & Goal Setting) Hub

19 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Memory Strategies in Dementia St Paul’s

23 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 2 St Paul’s

24 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Understanding Depression Hub

1.30 - 4.00 Building Your Confidence 2 St Paul’s

25 Wednesday 10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 2 Hub

26 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 1 Hub

30 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 3 St Paul’s

31 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Depression 1 Hub

1.30 - 4.00 Building Your Confidence 3 St Paul’s


1 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 1 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 3 Hub

2 - 4.00 Your Wellbeing 3 (Healthy Eating: Mood & Food) Hub

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 2 HAC

2 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 2 Hub

3 Friday 10.30 - 1.30 The Role Of Medication H & F

6 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 4 St Paul’s

7 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Depression 2 Hub

8 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Making New Friends & Potential Partners St Paul’s

2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 2 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 4 Hub

2 - 4.00 Your Wellbeing 4 (Heart Health) Hub

9 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 3 Hub

2 - 4.30 Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Grove NC

10 Friday 1.30 - 3.30 Understanding Dementia St Paul’s

13 Monday HALF TERM

14 Tuesday HALF TERM

15 Wednesday HALF TERM

16 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 4 Hub

17 Friday HALF TERM

20 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 5 St Paul’s

21 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Understanding Bipolar Disorder Hub

22 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 3 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 5 Hub

23 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 5 Hub

courses in date order Spring 2017


24 Friday 10 - 12.30 An Introduction To Psychological Therapies HAC

2 - 4.00 Telling Your Story 1 Hub

27 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 6 St Paul’s

28 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Living With Bipolar Disorder 1 Hub


1 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 4 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 6 Hub

2 - 4.00 Your Wellbeing 5 (Diabetes Awareness) Hub

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 3 HAC

2 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 6 Hub

3 Friday 2 - 4.00 Telling Your Story 2 Hub

6 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 7 St Paul’s

7 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Understanding Self-Injury Hub

1.30 - 4.00 Living With Bipolar Disorder 2 Hub

8 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 5 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 7 Hub

9 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Skills For Employment 7 Hub

10 Friday 2 - 4.00 Telling Your Story 3 Hub

13 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 8 St Paul’s

14 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Self-Injury 1 Hub

15 Wednesday 10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 8 Hub

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 4 HAC

16 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Strategies To Improve Your Memory St Paul’s

17 Friday 2 - 4.00 Telling Your Story 4 Hub

20 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 9 St Paul’s

21 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Understanding Permitted Work Hub

10.30 - 1.00 Managing Self Injury 2 Hub

22 Wednesday 2 - 4.00 Your Wellbeing 6 (Physical Activity & Goal Setting) Hub

1.30 - 4.30 Managing Holidays And Anniversaries Grove NC

23 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Goal Planning Hub

24 Friday 2 - 4.00 Telling Your Story 5 Hub

27 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 10 St Paul’s

28 Tuesday 10 - 1.30 Why Work Is Good for Your Health St Paul’s

29 Wednesday 10 - 12.00 Introduction To Mindfulness HAC

1.30 - 4.30 Developing Positive Relationships Hub

30 Thursday 10 - 4.00 Personal Independence Payments (PIP) HAC

31 Friday 2 - 4.00 Telling Your Story 6 Hub



courses in date order Spring 2017





24 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 Q&A: Learning About Thinking, Emotions & Relationships (LATER) HAC

25 Tuesday 11 - 4.00 Understanding Universal Credit St Paul’s

26 Wednesday 10 - 12.00 Your Wellbeing 1 (How Are You? Quiz & Know Your Units) Hub

27 Thursday 2 - 4.30 An Insight Into Acquired Brain Injury Grove NC



2 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Memory Strategies in Dementia Hub

3 Wednesday 10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 1 HAC

10 - 12.00 Your Wellbeing 2 (1-2-1 Assessments & Goal Setting) Hub

4 Thursday 10.30 - 1.00 Understanding Self-Injury HAC

8 Monday 10. 30 - 12.30 LATER 1 HAC

9 Tuesday 1.40 - 4.30 Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Hub

10 Wednesday 10 - 4.30 Understanding & Planning Recovery Hub

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 2 HAC

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration in Research Workshop 1 Grove NC

1.30.- 4.30 Understanding Personality Disorder WTC

11 Thursday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Self-Injury 1 HAC

15 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 2 HAC

16 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Dealing With Loss 1 St Paul’s

17 Wednesday 10 - 4.30 Implementing Recovery Hub

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 3 HAC

19 Friday 10.30 - 1.00 Managing Self Injury 2 HAC

1.30 - 3.30 Understanding Dementia Hub

22 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 3 HAC

23 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30 Dealing With Loss 2 St Paul’s

24 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Understanding Permitted Work HAC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 4 HAC

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration In Research Workshop 2 Grove NC

25 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Understanding Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Grove NC

29 Monday HALF TERM

30 Tuesday HALF TERM

31 Wednesday HALF TERM


1 Thursday HALF TERM

2 Friday HALF TERM

5 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 4 HAC

6 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Dealing With Loss 3 St Paul’s

7 Wednesday 2 - 4.30 Understanding Depression Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 5 HAC

10 - 12.00 Your Wellbeing 3 (Healthy Eating: Mood & Food) Hub

8 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 1 HAC

9 Friday 1.30 - 4.30 The Role Of Medication Hub

12 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 5 HAC

13 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Drugs And Alcohol 1: Do You Have A Problem? Hub

14 Wednesday 2 - 4.30 Managing Depression 1 Grove NC

courses in date order Summer 2017


courses in date order Summer 2017

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 6 HAC

10 - 12.00 Your Wellbeing 4 (Heart Health) Hub

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration In Research Workshop 3 St Paul’s

15 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 2 HAC

19 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 6 HAC

21 Wednesday 2 - 4.30 Managing Depression 2 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 7 HAC

22 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 3 HAC

23 Friday 1.30 - 4.00 Drugs And Alcohol 2: Finding The Motivation To Change Hub

26 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 7 HAC

27 Tuesday 10.30 - 1.00 Exploring Spirituality In Recovery St Paul’s

28 Wednesday 2 - 4.30 An Introduction to Psychological Therapies Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Mindfulness 8 HAC

2 - 4.00 Service User & Carer Collaboration In Research Workshop 4 St Paul’s

29 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 4 HAC


3 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 8 HAC

4 Tuesday 10 - 4.00 Personal Independence Payments (PIP) St Paul’s

5 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Living with Change 1 Grove NC

6 Thursday 2 - 4.00 Learning Relaxation Techniques 5 HAC

10 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 9 HAC

11 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Understanding Bipolar Disorder St Paul’s

12 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Living With Change 2 Grove NC

10 - 12.00 Your Wellbeing 5 (Diabetes Awareness) Hub

13 Thursday 2 - 4.30 ‘Is it Hot In Here, Or Is It Me?’ An Insight Into Hormonal Changes 1 Hub

17 Monday 10.30 - 12.30 LATER 10 HAC

18 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Living With Bipolar Disorder 1 St Paul’s

19 Wednesday 10 - 12.00 Your Wellbeing 6 (Physical Activity & Goal Setting) Hub

20 Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 Getting a Good Night’s Sleep St Paul’s

2 - 4.30 ‘Is it Hot In Here, Or Is It Me?’ An Insight Into Hormonal Changes 2 Hub

25 Tuesday 1.30 - 4.00 Living With Bipolar Disorder 2 St Paul’s

26 Wednesday 1.30 - 4.30 Developing Positive Relationships Grove NC

27 Thursday 10 - 1.30 Why Work Is Good For Your Health HAC

10 - 4.00 Physical And Mental Health: The Links St Paul’s

28 Friday Summer Break




date time course Venue



the RecoVeRY hUB134 – 136 the Broadway, West ealing W13 0tL

despite the address, the entrance to the hub is not on the Uxbridge Rd/Broadway. it is on Singapore Rd,to the rear. Buses, 607, 427, 207, 83, e2, e7, e8 all stop nearby, so look for Flynn’s pub on the corner of Walsingham Rd & Uxbridge Rd. Walk down Walsingham, turn left & hub is first on left through black gate.

parking: only for disabled. pay & display further along on Singapore Rd.


, Hammersm

ith Bridge Road A306

A306 .



een C


e Street







Canberra Rd


LocationSt paUL’SSt paul’s centre, Queen caroline Street, London W6 9pJ

there is no car parking at St paul’s but it is easily accessible by tube and bus, as both stations are just across the road. (there is a pay & display on glenthorne Rd). the church is by the side of the hammersmith a4 flyover & the training centre is at the far end, which is a new, modern addition to the older main building. entry is at ground floor level with a small coffee


, Hammersm

ith Bridge Road A306

A306 .



een C


e Street

Underground: ealing Broadway, walk to Uxbridge Rd (Stops by Marks & Spencer) then buses as above to West ealing.

Bicycles: 3 racks at the Singapore Rd entrance, under the iron staircase.

shop and the training rooms are on the 1st floor, accessible by stairs or lift.

Bicycles: there are racks nearby.

St Pauls Centre


Locationthe gRoVe neighBoURhood centRe7 Bradmore park Road, hammersmith W6 0dt

parking: there are 2 disabled bays just outside the centre but nothing on site. the only car parking is in local streets, with meters costing £2.20 an hour on weekdays.

Buses: 266, 190, 267, 27, 391 all stop on glenthorne Rd which is the nearest stop from acton/chiswick direction with a 2-3 minute walk to the centre. if coming from the opposite direction, ie central London, you will need to get off at King’s St which then means a 7-8 minute walk.

Spring Grove Road












Spring grove houseWeSt thaMeS coLLegeLondon Road, isleworth, Middlesex tW7 4hS

nB. You will also have a photo taken in reception to make a temporary visitor’s pass.

parking: only for staff, disabled students and evening students (entrance on harvard Rd) Local roads have meters but there is free parking on osterley Rd.Buses: 237, 235, 110, 117 and h37 stop directly outside, next to the fire station.

Underground: nearest stations are hounslow east or osterley (both on picadilly line) approx 15 minutes walk from college. hounslow east is close to hounslow bus garage so you could catch one of the buses mentioned above.

Underground: Ravenscourt park is approx. 5 minutes walk away and the hammersmith stations approx. 8 minutes walk away.

Bicycles: there are 3 racks on the roads opposite the centre.



ey R



hoUnSLoW aRtS centRethe tReatY centRe

hounslow arts centre is situated in the treaty centre is in the middle of hounslow Shopping area.parking: Follow signs for hounslow town centre then treaty centre car park. ideally park on level 3B, on the outside section. then use lift to head down to Level 1, hounslow arts centre.Buses: 222 Uxbridge; h32 Southall; 120 northolt; h20 isleworth; 237 Bush/chiswick; 285 Brentford – all these buses stop at the treaty centre. Walk anticlockwise round the treaty centre to douglas Rd & follow this to the high St. head left up

the high St to the treaty centre entrance opposite Barclays Bank & Superdrug.Underground: the closest station is hounslow central. on exit turn left towards the high St & walk down till you reach the treaty centre entrance opposite Barclays Bank & Superdrug.Bicycles: Racks on the high St.


Grove road


bath Road

staines Road

treaty centre










“It’s been time well spent. Thanks.”

“Various tools, handouts were really good as you can take them away with you and continue at home.”

“Helpful, thought provoking and worth it.”

“An incredibly helpful course which provided a range of strategies and guidance.”

“I found this course very helpful. It taught me how to function in the real world.”

“I have gained new insights into the relaxation techniques that help relieve stress and its symptoms. “

“First time for me. Was made to feel comfortable. The facilitators were ace.”

“It felt good to meet other service users and connect.”

“Very helpful, will be able to support my service users with this information.”

“Good to see professionals and service users attending together.”

“I enjoyed hearing the different experiences of everyone. It adds to my knowledge.”

“The tutors gave us the space to share our experiences.”

“I have been suffering for years now and this will help 100%.”

“Hopeful. Felt understood and not talked at rather than talked to.”

“Very informative and pro active.”

“Worth my while. Very well delivered. Great teaching.”

“New way to approach people who Iook after.”

“IT has helped enable me to realise that there is hope for the future.”

“Empowering to have the knowledge to help myself re the future.”

“Very open & honest & went away with new mechanisms that I can implement in my life, particularly when in an emergency.”

“Course today was excellent as always.”

“It was interesting talking to people who have been through similar experiences to me.”

“Makes me think I’m not the only one and suffering from an illness.”

Promoting hope and wellbeing



Recovery collegethe Recovery hub, West London Mental health trust134 – 136 Broadway, West ealing, London W13 0tL.020 8483 [email protected]

entRance at ReaR on SingapoRe Road