reasons regents reality responses. reasonsregents idea of the divine right of kings gave stability...

Download Reasons Regents Reality Responses. ReasonsRegents Idea of the Divine Right of Kings Gave stability after years of war Religious troubles during the Reformation

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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“Harshness towards individuals who flout the laws and commands of state is for the public good.” - Cardinal Richelieu How does this quote reflect the reasons and the actions of the regents of absolutism?


Reasons Regents Reality Responses ReasonsRegents Idea of the Divine Right of Kings Gave stability after years of war Religious troubles during the Reformation No Magna Carta Cardinal Richelieu With Louis XIII Cardinal Mazarin With Louis XIV Harshness towards individuals who flout the laws and commands of state is for the public good. - Cardinal Richelieu How does this quote reflect the reasons and the actions of the regents of absolutism? How does the symbol of the sun fit the goals of Absolutism? Reality Louis XIV Himself Louis XIV made himself chief minister. Directly controlled everything Converts Versailles into a sprawling estate. The Sun King Jean-Baptiste Colbert = France grew in riches and power using mercantilism See other PowerPoint for pictures of Versailles. Responses: Imitation in Europe A response in France itself was the ultimate response of revolution. There are some clear similarities between Louis XIVs splendor and that of ex-President Yanukovich of Ukraine. Next are some pictures of Yanukovichs home. What similarities do you see?