
Relative Biological Effectiveness PARAG ROY LOK NAYAK HOSPITAL 1

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Page 1: RBE


Relative Biological EffectivenessPARAG ROYLOK NAYAK HOSPITAL

Page 2: RBE


Absorbed dose - measure of the energy absorbed per unit mass of tissue.

But equal doses of different types of radiation do not, however, produce equal biologic effects.

For example, 1 Gy of neutrons produces a greater biologic effect than 1 Gy of x-rays.

The key to the difference lies in the pattern of energy deposition at the microscopic level.

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3Relative Biologic Effectiveness(RBE)

The National Bureau of Standards in 1954 defined RBE as: The RBE of some test radiation(r) compared with x-

rays is defined by the ratio D250/Dr, where D250 and Dr are, respectively, the doses of x-rays and the test radiation required for the equal biologic effects.

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• RBEt=D250/Dt (same biological end-point, therefore it is end-point dependent)

• Reference: 250 kV x-ray


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To achieve 50% survival fraction, 250 kV x-ray needs 2 Gy, but the tested particle needs 0.66 Gy only

RBE = D250/Dt 2 = 2 / 0.66 = 3 RBE at survival fraction of 0.5 for the tested particle is


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6RBE Is End-point Dependent• The survival curve for x-rays

has a large initial shoulder;• For fast neutrons, the initial

shoulder is smaller and the final slope is steeper.

• Because survival curves have different shapes, RBE does not have a unique value but varies with dose, getting larger as the size of the dose is reduced.

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7RBE & Fractionated Doses• RBE for a fractionated regimen With neutrons

is greater than for a single exposure,• Because a fractionated schedule consists of

several small doses and the RBE is large for small doses.

• Neutrons Become progressively more efficient than X-rays as the dose per fraction is reduced and the number of fractions is increased

• The shoulder of the survival curves is re-expressed after each dose fraction; the fact that the shoulder is larger for x-rays than for neutrons results in an enlarged RBE for fractionated treatments.

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8RBE for different cells and tissues The intrinsic radiosensitivity

among the various types of cells differ from each other.

The curves demonstrate the variation of radiosensitivites for x-rays and markedly less variation for neutrons.

X-ray survival curves have large and variable initial shoulder whereas for neutrons ,it is small and less variable

Hence RBE is also different for different cell lines.

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9RBE as a function of LET • As the LET increases from about

2keV/µm for x-rays upto 150 keV/µm for α-particles, the survival curve becomes steeper and the shoulder of the curve becomes progressively smaller.

• Larger shoulder indicates the accumulation and repair of the large amount of sub-lethal radiation damage

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10RBE as a function of LET

Linear Energy Transfer (LET keV/mm))



or c

ell k









Fast Neutrons

Alpha Particles



Co-60gamma rays

As the LET increases, the RBE increases slowly at first, and then more rapidly as the LET increases beyond 10 keV/µm.

Between 10. and 100 keV/µm, RBE increases rapidly with increasing LET and in fact reaches a maximum at about 100 keV/µm. Beyond this value for the LET, the RBE again falls to lower values.

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100 keV/mm

The spatial distribution of ionizing events varies with the type of radiation and can be defined by LET.

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12RBE and OER

Oxygen is a powerful oxidizing agent and therefore acts as a radiosensitizer if it is present at the time of irradiation (within msecs).

Its effects are measured as the oxygen enhancement ratio (O.E.R.) O.E.R. = the ratio of doses needed

to obtain a given level of biological effect under anoxic and oxic conditions.

O.E.R. = D(anox)/D(ox) For low LET radiation the O.E.R. is

2.5-3.0 It is in the higher range at higher

doses For neutrons, O.E.R is about 1.6


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13Factors That Determine RBE

•Radiation quality (LET)•Radiation dose•Number of dose fractions•Dose rate•Biological system or end-point

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14OER as a function of LET• At low LET (x- or y-rays) with

OER between 2.5 and 3, as the LET increases, the OER falls slowly until the LET exceeds about 60 keV/µm, after which the OER falls rapidly and reaches unity by the time the LET has reached about 200keV/µm.

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15OER and RBE as A Function of LET

• The rapid increase in RBE and the rapid fall of OER occur at about the same LET 100keV/µm .

• Two curves are virtually mirror images of each other.

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